Tables ------ projectile.registered_projectiles A per-category list of lists, the categories being types of ranged weapons like "bow", "slingshot", etc. Within each category, key-value pairs are listed to link together the entity and item forms of ammo The item's name is the key, the entity's name is the value. projectile.charge_levels A per-player list of lists that keeps track of data regarding ranged weapons that are currently being used. Whenever a weapon charge-up is cancelled, the charge_levels entry for that player will be cleared. When a weapon is being charged up, a table for that weapon's user is created containing the following: { slot = , charge = } Regristration Functions ----------------------- projectile.register_weapon(name, definition) --Register a new ranged weapon --Inherits from minetest.register_tool description = "Description", inventory_image = "image.png", inventory_image_2 = "image_charged.png", inventory_image_3 = "image_charged_full.png", --When creating a weapon that can be charged, you should provide different sprites when charging the weapon --and when the weapon is fully charged. durability = 100, --Defines how many times this weapon can be used before breaking. rw_category = "category", --A projectile weapon may only fire ammo types in the same category. --This mod provides "bow", "flintlock", and "slingshot" --You can use a custom category, as long as you also register custom ammo charge = false, --If true, right clicking will put the weapon in a charging state. --Once charging, right-click again to fire, or left-click to cancel. --If a weapon doesn't charge, right-clicking will always fire. --Defaults to false fire_while_charging = false, --If true, the weapon doesn't need to be fully charged to be fired. --A partially charged shot will still be weaker than a fully charged one, however. --Does nothing if charge is false --Defaults to false charge_time = 1, --The amount of time in seconds to finish charging. --Does nothing if charge is false --Defaults to false. damage = 1, --A damage multiplier applied to fired projectiles speed = 1, --A multiplier to the projectile's initial velocity can_fire = function(weapon, user) --Use this to create extra conditions for when a weapon can be fired. --Can't be used to negate the need for ammo. --Defaults to always return true. on_cancel = function(weapon, user) --This function is called whenever a charge is cut short, either by left-clicking, switching the selected hotbar index, or leaving the game. --Has no return value. on_fire = function(wep, user) --This function is called just before the projectile is created. --Has no return value. after_fire = function(weapon, user) --This function is called just after the projectile is created. --Has no return value. projectile.register_projectile(name, usable_by, ammo, definition) --Register a new projectile entity and an associated ammo item. --Note that this function will NOT register a new item for you. Use one of minetest's normal item registration functions instead. --Inherits from minetest.register_entity. --usable_by: This should match the rw_category of the weapon that you want to use this ammo. --ammo: The name of the item that is consumed to create this projectile. image = "image.png", --A shortcut for initial_properties.texture. You can ignore this if you define a mesh for the projectile. damage = 5, --The base damage that this projectile deals. speed = 15, --The base initial velocity of this projectile, in meters/nodes per second. count = 1, --The amount of projectiles that is created per shot. --Meant for shotgun-like effects. --defaults to 1 spread = 0, --The radius, in degrees, that projectiles can spread away from the player's look direction. --Defaults to 0 collide_self = true, --As long as its true, a player can shoot their own projectiles. --If false, two projectiles owned by the same player will phase through each other. --Defaults to true. _on_step = function(self, dtime, moveresult) --Use this function to give your projectile an on_step callback. --If you try to use the regular on_step, it will be overwritten. on_impact = function(self, collisions) --This function is called when a node or object is struck. --Has no return value. --collisions is a table taken from on_step's moveresult, which contains the following: { type = string, -- "node" or "object", axis = string, -- "x", "y" or "z" node_pos = vector, -- if type is "node" object = ObjectRef, -- if type is "object" old_velocity = vector, new_velocity = vector, } Misc Functions -------------- projectile.shoot(wep, user, level) --Shoot out a projectile at the user's position. --Afterwards, deplete the ammo used and add wear to the weapon used. --level: The charge level at the time of firing. function projectile.in_same_party(projectile, target) --If the parties mod is enabled, this checks if the projectile's owner is in the same party as the target. --Always returns false if the parties mod is not present. projectile.autorotate_arrow(self) --Meant to be given to an arrow projectile's _on_step method, when that arrow uses a mesh. --This causes the arrow to spin as it travels. --Spin speed is dependent on velocity. projectile.needs_gunpowder(wep, user) --Meant to be given to a flintlock's can_fire function. --Searches the user's main inventory for tnt:gunpowder. --If none is found, return false to prevent firing. --If some is found, consume it and return true. --If the player is already charging, skip this check and automatically return true. No need to take two gunpowder. projectile.return_gunpowder(wep, user) --Meant to be used with a flintlock's on_cancel function. --projectile.needs_gunpowder takes gunpowder right before a charge is started. --This means that gunpowder needs to be added back to the inventory if the charge is cancelled. --If no space is left in the inventory for the gunpowder, drop it on the ground instead.