--[[ TODO: - Proper black/white ownership by respective player. - Proper turn by turn handling; - Proper piece replacement (ie: if piece A eats piece B, piece B is properly replaced without getting a stack under the cursor); - If a pawn reaches row A or row H -> becomes a queen; - If one of kings is defeat -> the game stops; - Actions recording; - Counter per player. --]] realchess = {} function realchess.fs(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local slots = "listcolors[#00000000;#00000000;#00000000;#30434C;#FFF]" local rows = { {'A', 0}, {'B', 1}, {'C', 2}, {'D', 3}, {'E', 4}, {'F', 5}, {'G', 6}, {'H', 7} } local formspec = "" for _, n in pairs(rows) do local letter = n[1] local number = n[2] inv:set_size(letter, 8) formspec = formspec.."list[context;"..letter..";0,"..number..";8,1;false]" end meta:set_string("formspec", "size[8,8.6;]bgcolor[#080808BB;true]background[0,0;8,8;chess_bg.png]button[3.2,7.6;2,2;new;New game]"..formspec..slots) meta:set_string("infotext", "Chess Board") meta:set_string("playerOne", "") meta:set_string("playerTwo", "") meta:set_string("lastMove", "") inv:set_list('A', {"realchess:tower_black 1", "realchess:horse_black 1", "realchess:fool_black 1", "realchess:king_black 1", "realchess:queen_black 1", "realchess:fool_black 1", "realchess:horse_black 1", "realchess:tower_black 1"}) inv:set_list('H', {"realchess:tower_white 1", "realchess:horse_white 1", "realchess:fool_white 1", "realchess:queen_white 1", "realchess:king_white 1", "realchess:fool_white 1", "realchess:horse_white 1", "realchess:tower_white 1"}) inv:set_list("C", {}) inv:set_list("D", {}) inv:set_list("E", {}) inv:set_list("F", {}) local bpawns, wpawns = {}, {} for i = 0, 7 do bpawns[#bpawns+1] = "realchess:pawn_black 1" wpawns[#wpawns+1] = "realchess:pawn_white 1" inv:set_list('B', bpawns) inv:set_list('G', wpawns) end end function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) local inv = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory() local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local pieceFrom = inv:get_stack(from_list, from_index):get_name() local pieceTo = inv:get_stack(to_list, to_index):get_name() local pname = player:get_player_name() --print("Piece From: "..pieceFrom.." | from_list: "..from_list.." | from_index: "..from_index.." | Converted 'from_list':"..string.byte(from_list)) --print("Piece To: "..pieceTo.." | to_list: "..to_list.." | to_index: "..to_index.." | Converted 'to_list':"..string.byte(to_list)) --[[ Bugginess -- Turn by turn if pieceFrom:find("white") and (meta:get_string("lastMove") == "" or meta:get_string("lastMove") == "black") then meta:set_string("lastMove", "white") meta:set_string("playerOne", pname) -- it's shit return 1 elseif pieceFrom:find("white") and meta:get_string("lastMove") == "white" then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "It's not your turn, wait your opponent to play.") return 0 elseif pieceFrom:find("black") and (meta:get_string("lastMove") == "" or meta:get_string("lastMove") == "white") then meta:set_string("lastMove", "black") meta:set_string("playerTwo", pname) -- it's shit return 1 elseif pieceFrom:find("black") and meta:get_string("lastMove") == "black" then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "It's not your turn, wait your opponent to play.") return 0 end -- ]] -- Don't replace pieces of same color if (pieceFrom:find("white") and pieceTo:find("white")) or (pieceFrom:find("black") and pieceTo:find("black")) then return 0 end -- DETERMINISTIC MOVING -- PAWNS if pieceFrom:find("pawn_white") then if from_index == to_index and inv:get_stack(string.char(string.byte(from_list)-1), from_index):get_name() == "" then if string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) - 1 then return 1 elseif from_list == 'G' and string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) - 2 then return 1 end elseif string.byte(from_list) > string.byte(to_list) and (from_index ~= to_index and pieceTo:find("black")) then return 1 end elseif pieceFrom:find("pawn_black") then if from_index == to_index and inv:get_stack(string.char(string.byte(from_list)+1), from_index):get_name() == "" then if string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) + 1 then return 1 elseif from_list == 'B' and string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) + 2 then return 1 end elseif string.byte(from_list) < string.byte(to_list) and (from_index ~= to_index and pieceTo:find("white")) then return 1 end end -- TOWERS if pieceFrom:find("tower") then for i = 1, 7 do if from_index == to_index and (string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) - i or string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) + i) then return 1 elseif string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) and from_index ~= to_index then return 1 end end end -- HORSES local horse_dirs = { {-2, -1}, {-2, 1}, {2, 1}, {2, -1}, -- Moves type 1 {-1, 2}, {-1, -2}, {1, -2}, {1, 2} -- Moves type 2 } if pieceFrom:find("horse") then for _, d in pairs(horse_dirs) do if string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) + d[1] and (to_index == from_index + d[2]) then return 1 end end end -- FOOLS if pieceFrom:find("fool") then for i = 1, 7 do if (to_index == from_index + i or to_index == from_index - i) and (string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) - i or string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) + i) then return 1 end end end -- QUEENS if pieceFrom:find("queen") then for i = 1, 7 do if from_index == to_index and (string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) - i or string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) + i) then return 1 elseif string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) and from_index ~= to_index then return 1 elseif (to_index == from_index + i or to_index == from_index - i) and (string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) - i or string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) + i) then return 1 end end end -- KINGS if pieceFrom:find("king") then if from_index == to_index and (string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) - 1 or string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) + 1) then return 1 elseif string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) and from_index ~= to_index then return 1 elseif (to_index == from_index + 1 or to_index == from_index - 1) and (string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) - 1 or string.byte(to_list) == string.byte(from_list) + 1) then return 1 end end return 0 end function realchess.fields(pos, formname, fields, sender) local pname = sender:get_player_name() local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if fields.quit then return end -- If someone's playing, nobody except the players can reset the game if fields.new and (meta:get_string("playerOne") == pname or meta:get_string("playerTwo") == pname) then realchess.fs(pos) else minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "You can't reset the game unless if you're playing it.") end end function realchess.dig(pos, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local pname = player:get_player_name() -- If someone's playing, the chess can't be dug if meta:get_string("playerOne") ~= "" or meta:get_string("playerTwo") ~= "" then minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "You can't dug the chess, a game has been started.") return false end return true end minetest.register_node("realchess:chessboard", { description = "Chess Board", drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", inventory_image = "chessboard_top.png", wield_image = "chessboard_top.png", tiles = {"chessboard_top.png", "chessboard_top.png", "chessboard_sides.png", "chessboard_sides.png", "chessboard_top.png", "chessboard_top.png"}, groups = {choppy=3, fammable=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), node_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.5}}, can_dig = realchess.dig, on_construct = realchess.fs, on_receive_fields = realchess.fields, allow_metadata_inventory_move = realchess.move }) local pieces = {"pawn", "tower", "horse", "fool", "queen", "king"} local colors = {"black", "white"} for _, p in pairs(pieces) do for _, c in pairs(colors) do minetest.register_craftitem("realchess:"..p.."_"..c, { description = c:gsub("^%l", string.upper).." "..p:gsub("^%l", string.upper), inventory_image = p.."_"..c..".png", stack_max = 1, groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1} }) end end minetest.register_craft({ output = "realchess:chessboard", recipe = { {"dye:black", "dye:white", "dye:black"}, {"stairs:slab_wood", "stairs:slab_wood", "stairs:slab_wood"} } })