-- HV Electric Furnace -- This is a faster version of the stone furnace which runs on EUs -- In addition to this it can be upgraded with microcontrollers and batteries -- This new version uses the batteries to lower the power consumption of the machine -- Also in addition this furnace can be attached to the pipe system from the pipeworks mod. minetest.register_craft({ output = 'technic_hv_extend:hv_electric_furnace', recipe = { {'technic:carbon_plate', 'technic:mv_electric_furnace', 'technic:composite_plate'}, {'pipeworks:tube_1', 'technic:hv_transformer', 'pipeworks:tube_1'}, {'technic:stainless_steel_ingot', 'technic:hv_cable', 'technic:stainless_steel_ingot'}, } }) technic.register_electric_furnace({tier="HV", upgrade=1, tube=1, demand={4000, 2500, 1500}, speed=12, modname="technic_hv_extend"})