This commit is contained in:
IFRFSX 2022-11-25 17:25:48 +08:00
parent 7c8055d914
commit 81423dda1c
16 changed files with 404 additions and 1 deletions

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Hammer converts Cobblestone into Gravel=锤子将鹅卵石转化为砾石
Gravel Sieve=砾石筛
Automatic Gravel Sieve=自动砾石筛
Sieved Gravel=已经筛过的砾石
Compressed Gravel=
Compressed Gravel=压缩砾石

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# textdomain: gravelsieve
Hammer converts Cobblestone into Gravel=錘子將鵝卵石轉化為礫石
Gravel Sieve=礫石篩
Automatic Gravel Sieve=自動礫石篩
Sieved Gravel=已經篩過的礫石
Compressed Gravel=壓縮礫石

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# textdomain: smartline
SmartLine Button/Switch=SmartLine 按钮/开关
switch,button 2s,button 4s,button 8s,button 16s=开关,按钮 2秒按钮 4秒按钮 8秒按钮 16秒
Insert destination block number(s)=插入目标方块编号
SmartLine Button=SmartLine 按钮
connected with block=已经与方块相连
Node numbers to read the states from:=从以下位置读取状态的节点号:
Node number to send the events to:=要将事件发送到的节点号:
Send an event if state is equal or larget than:=如果 state 等于或大于以下值,则发送事件:
SmartLine State Collector=SmartLine 状态采集器
SmartLine Display=SmartLine 显示器
Input the number(s) of the receiving node(s).=输入接收节点的编号。
Separate numbers via blanks, like '0123 0234'.=通过空格分隔数字如“0123 0234”。
Input the player name(s) separated by blanks,=输入以空格分隔的玩家名称,
or leave it blank for all players.=或者为所有玩家留空。
Player Detector Help=玩家检测器帮助
Player Detector=玩家检测器
Receiver node numbers:=接收器节点号:
Player name(s):=玩家名称:
SmartLine Player Detector=SmartLine 玩家检测器
Destination node numbers=目标节点编号
SmartLine Repeater=SmartLine 中继器
not connected=未连接
connected with=连接到
fault (overloaded)=故障(过载)
Run endless=无休止运行
SmartLine Sequencer=SmartLine 序列器
SmartLine Sequencer Help@n @nDefine a sequence of commands to control other machines.@nNumbers(s) are the node numbers, the command shall sent to.@nThe commands 'on'/'off' are used for machines and other nodes.@nOffset is the time to the next line in seconds (1..999).@nIf endless is set, the Sequencer restarts again and again.@nThe command ' ' does nothing, only consuming the offset time.@n=SmartLine 序列器 帮助@n @n定义一系列命令来控制其他机器。@nNumbers(s) 是节点编号,命令将会发送到(这个节点)。@n命令“on”和“off”用于机器和其他节点@n偏移量是到下一行的时间以秒为单位 (1..999)。@n如果设置了 endless无休止序列器会一次又一次地重新启动。@n命令“ ”不执行任何操作,仅消耗偏移时间。@n
SmartLine Signal Tower=SmartLine 信号塔
SmartLine Timer=SmartLine 计时器
SmartLine Timer Help@n@nThe Timer is for a daytime controlled sending of commands@ne.g. to turn street lights on/off. The timer checks the @ntime every few seconds. If the block was just loaded, @nthe timer will check the last 4 hours for commands@nthat still need to be executed.=SmartLine 计时器帮助@n@n计时器用于在白天发送控制命令@n例如打开、关闭路灯。@n计时器会每隔几秒钟检查一次时间。@n如果方块刚刚加载计时器将会@n检查最后四个小时内仍然需要执行的命令。

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# textdomain: smartline
SmartLine Button/Switch=SmartLine 按鈕/開關
switch,button 2s,button 4s,button 8s,button 16s=開關,按鈕 2秒按鈕 4秒按鈕 8秒按鈕 16秒
Insert destination block number(s)=插入目標方塊編號
SmartLine Button=SmartLine 按鈕
connected with block=已經與方塊相連
Node numbers to read the states from:=從以下位置讀取狀態的節點號:
Node number to send the events to:=要將事件發送到的節點號:
Send an event if state is equal or larget than:=如果 state 等於或大於以下值,則發送事件:
SmartLine State Collector=SmartLine 狀態採集器
SmartLine Display=SmartLine 顯示器
Input the number(s) of the receiving node(s).=輸入接收節點的編號。
Separate numbers via blanks, like '0123 0234'.=通過空格分隔數字如“0123 0234”。
Input the player name(s) separated by blanks,=輸入以空格分隔的玩家名稱,
or leave it blank for all players.=或者為所有玩家留空。
Player Detector Help=玩家檢測器幫助
Player Detector=玩家檢測器
Receiver node numbers:=接收器節點號:
Player name(s):=玩家名稱:
SmartLine Player Detector=SmartLine 玩家檢測器
Destination node numbers=目標節點編號
SmartLine Repeater=SmartLine 中繼器
not connected=未連接
connected with=連接到
fault (overloaded)=故障(過載)
Run endless=無休止運行
SmartLine Sequencer=SmartLine 序列器
SmartLine Sequencer Help@n @nDefine a sequence of commands to control other machines.@nNumbers(s) are the node numbers, the command shall sent to.@nThe commands 'on'/'off' are used for machines and other nodes.@nOffset is the time to the next line in seconds (1..999).@nIf endless is set, the Sequencer restarts again and again.@nThe command ' ' does nothing, only consuming the offset time.@n=SmartLine 序列器 幫助@n @n定義一系列命令來控制其他機器。@nNumbers(s) 是節點編號,命令將會發送到(這個節點)。@n命令“on”和“off”用於機器和其他節點@n偏移量是到下一行的時間以秒為單位 (1..999)。@n如果設置了 endless無休止序列器會一次又一次地重新啟動。@n命令“ ”不執行任何操作,僅消耗偏移時間。@n
SmartLine Signal Tower=SmartLine 信號塔
SmartLine Timer=SmartLine 計時器
SmartLine Timer Help@n@nThe Timer is for a daytime controlled sending of commands@ne.g. to turn street lights on/off. The timer checks the @ntime every few seconds. If the block was just loaded, @nthe timer will check the last 4 hours for commands@nthat still need to be executed.=SmartLine 計時器幫助@n@n計時器用於在白天發送控制命令@n例如打開、關閉路燈。@n計時器會每隔幾秒鐘檢查一次時間。@n如果方塊剛剛加載計時器將會@n檢查最後四個小時內仍然需要執行的命令。

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# textdomain: techpack_stairway
TechPack Grating=TechPack 栅栏
TechPack Handrail 1=TechPack 扶手1
TechPack Handrail 2=TechPack 扶手2
TechPack Handrail 3=TechPack 扶手3
TechPack Handrail 4=TechPack 扶手4
TechPack Bridge 1=TechPack 桥梁1
TechPack Bridge 2=TechPack 桥梁2
TechPack Bridge 3=TechPack 桥梁3
TechPack Bridge 4=TechPack 桥梁4
TechPack Stairway=TechPack 楼梯
TechPack Ladder 1=TechPack 梯子1
TechPack Ladder 2=TechPack 梯子2
TechPack Ladder 3=TechPack 梯子3
TechPack Ladder 4=TechPack 梯子4
TechPack Lattice=TechPack 方格
TechPack Lattice Slope=TechPack 斜坡

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# textdomain: techpack_stairway
TechPack Grating=TechPack 柵欄
TechPack Handrail 1=TechPack 扶手1
TechPack Handrail 2=TechPack 扶手2
TechPack Handrail 3=TechPack 扶手3
TechPack Handrail 4=TechPack 扶手4
TechPack Bridge 1=TechPack 橋樑1
TechPack Bridge 2=TechPack 橋樑2
TechPack Bridge 3=TechPack 橋樑3
TechPack Bridge 4=TechPack 橋樑4
TechPack Stairway=TechPack 樓梯
TechPack Ladder 1=TechPack 梯子1
TechPack Ladder 2=TechPack 梯子2
TechPack Ladder 3=TechPack 梯子3
TechPack Ladder 4=TechPack 梯子4
TechPack Lattice=TechPack 方格
TechPack Lattice Slope=TechPack 斜坡

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# textdomain: techpack_warehouse
Warehouse Box Copper=铜仓库箱
Warehouse Box Gold=金仓库箱
Warehouse Box Steel=铁仓库箱
Pass-through storage for unconfigured items (turn on/off)=未配置项目的直通存储(打开/关闭)
Filter: To configure the 8 storages=过滤器配置8个存储
Storage: All items will be stored here=存储:所有物品都将存放在这里
Input: Put items will be moved to the storage, if configured=输入:如果已配置,放置项目将被移动到存储

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# textdomain: techpack_warehouse
Warehouse Box Copper=銅倉庫箱
Warehouse Box Gold=金倉庫箱
Warehouse Box Steel=鐵倉庫箱
Pass-through storage for unconfigured items (turn on/off)=未配置項目的直通存儲(打開/關閉)
Filter: To configure the 8 storages=過濾器配置8個存儲
Storage: All items will be stored here=存儲:所有物品都將存放在這裡
Input: Put items will be moved to the storage, if configured=輸入:如果已配置,放置項目將被移動到存儲

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# textdomain: tubelib
Basalt Stone=玄武岩石材
Basalt Stone Brick=玄武岩砖
Basalt Stone Block=玄武岩方块
Tubelib Black Hole=Tubelib 黑洞
items disappeared=物品消失了
Tubelib Button/Switch=Tubelib 按钮/开关
switch,button 2s,button 4s,button 8s,button 16s=开关,按钮 2秒按钮 4秒按钮8秒按钮16秒
Insert destination node number(s)=插入目标节点号
Tubelib Button=Tubelib 按钮
connected with block=已经与方块连接
Corrupted Tubelib Node=已经损坏的 Tubelib 节点
Tubelib Distributor=Tubelib 分配器
List of your Forceload Blocks=你的 Forceload 方块列表
Tubelib Forceload Block=Tubelib Forceload 方块
Punch the block to make the area visible.=在方块上打孔以使该区域可见。
Area already loaded or max. number of Forceload Blocks reached!=区域已经加载或达到最大值。已达到 Forceload 方块的数量!
Tubelib WLAN Chip=Tubelib 无线局域网芯片
Tubelib Lamp=Tubelib 灯
Tubelib Pusher=Tubelib 推送器
[Tubelib] Node repaired=[Tubelib] 节点已经修复
[Tubelib] state=Tubelib 状态
Tubelib Repair Kit=Tubelib 维修套件
Tubelib End Wrench (use @= read status, place @= destroy)=Tubelib 端部扳手 (使用 @= 读取状态,放置 @= 销毁)
Tubelib Tube=Tubelib 管道

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# textdomain: tubelib
Basalt Stone=玄武岩石材
Basalt Stone Brick=玄武岩磚
Basalt Stone Block=玄武岩方塊
Tubelib Black Hole=Tubelib 黑洞
items disappeared=物品消失了
Tubelib Button/Switch=Tubelib 按鈕/開關
switch,button 2s,button 4s,button 8s,button 16s=開關,按鈕 2秒按鈕 4秒按鈕8秒按鈕16秒
Insert destination node number(s)=插入目標節點號
Tubelib Button=Tubelib 按鈕
connected with block=已經與方塊連接
Corrupted Tubelib Node=已經損壞的 Tubelib 節點
Tubelib Distributor=Tubelib 分配器
List of your Forceload Blocks=你的 Forceload 方塊列表
Tubelib Forceload Block=Tubelib Forceload 方塊
Punch the block to make the area visible.=在方塊上打孔以使該區域可見。
Area already loaded or max. number of Forceload Blocks reached!=區域已經加載或達到最大值。已達到 Forceload 方塊的數量!
Tubelib WLAN Chip=Tubelib 無線局域網芯片
Tubelib Lamp=Tubelib 燈
Tubelib Pusher=Tubelib 推送器
[Tubelib] Node repaired=[Tubelib] 節點已經修復
[Tubelib] state=Tubelib 狀態
Tubelib Repair Kit=Tubelib 維修套件
Tubelib End Wrench (use @= read status, place @= destroy)=Tubelib 端部扳手 (使用 @= 讀取狀態,放置 @= 銷燬)
Tubelib Tube=Tubelib 管道

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# textdomain: tubelib_addons1
Tubelib Autocrafter=Tubelib 自动合成器
Tubelib Protected Chest=Tubelib 保护箱
connected with=已连接到
Tubelib Detector=Tubelib 探测器
Insert destination node number(s)=插入目标节点号
Tubelib Detector @1=Tubelib 探测器 @1
Tubelib Detector @1: connected=Tubelib 探测器 @1已连接
Tubelib Fermenter=Tubelib 发酵罐
Fermenter will not fit there=发酵罐不适合那里
Tubelib Fermenter defect=Tubelib 发酵罐缺陷
Tubelib Fermenter Top=Tubelib 发酵罐顶部
Bio Gas=沼气
Tubelib Funnel=Tubelib 漏斗
Tubelib Grinder=Tubelib 研磨机
Area radius=面积半径
Altitude =海拔高度
Tubelib Harvester=Tubelib 收割机
: running (=:运行中(
Tubelib Harvester Base=Tubelib 收割机底座
Run endless=无休止运行
Liquid Sampler=液体采样仪
Fast Pusher=快速推进器
Start level=启动级别
Digging depth=挖掘深度
Tubelib Quarry=Tubelib 采石场
[Tubelib Quarry] Area is protected!=[Tubelib 采石场] 区域已被保护!
Tubelib Reformer=Tubelib 重整器
Reformer will not fit there=转化炉不适合那里
Tubelib Reformer defect=Tubelib 重整器缺陷
Tubelib Reformer Top=Tubelib 顶部
Bio Fuel=生物燃料

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# textdomain: tubelib_addons1
Tubelib Autocrafter=Tubelib 自動合成器
Tubelib Protected Chest=Tubelib 保護箱
connected with=已連接到
Tubelib Detector=Tubelib 探測器
Insert destination node number(s)=插入目標節點號
Tubelib Detector @1=Tubelib 探測器 @1
Tubelib Detector @1: connected=Tubelib 探測器 @1已連接
Tubelib Fermenter=Tubelib 發酵罐
Fermenter will not fit there=發酵罐不適合那裡
Tubelib Fermenter defect=Tubelib 發酵罐缺陷
Tubelib Fermenter Top=Tubelib 發酵罐頂部
Bio Gas=沼氣
Tubelib Funnel=Tubelib 漏斗
Tubelib Grinder=Tubelib 研磨機
Area radius=面積半徑
Altitude =海拔高度
Tubelib Harvester=Tubelib 收割機
: running (=:運行中(
Tubelib Harvester Base=Tubelib 收割機底座
Run endless=無休止運行
Liquid Sampler=液體採樣儀
Fast Pusher=快速推進器
Start level=啟動級別
Digging depth=挖掘深度
Tubelib Quarry=Tubelib 採石場
[Tubelib Quarry] Area is protected!=[Tubelib 採石場] 區域已被保護!
Tubelib Reformer=Tubelib 重整器
Reformer will not fit there=轉化爐不適合那裡
Tubelib Reformer defect=Tubelib 重整器缺陷
Tubelib Reformer Top=Tubelib 頂部
Bio Fuel=生物燃料

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# textdomain: tubelib_addons2
Door block numbers:=门挡块编号:
Access code (4 digits):=访问密码4 位):
Enter access code=输入访问密码
Tubelib Access Lock=Tubelib 门禁锁
Tubelib Access Lock, Enter access code=Tubelib 门禁锁,输入访问密码
Tubelib Ceiling Lamp=Tubelib 吸顶灯
Tubelib Color Lamp=Tubelib 彩色灯
Tubelib Door Block=Tubelib 门挡块
Select texture=选择材质
Tubelib Gate Block=Tubelib 门座
Tubelib Industrial Lamp=Tubelib 工业灯
Tubelib Invisible Lamp=Tubelib 隐形灯
Tubelib Logic Not=Tubelib 逻辑非门
Tubelib Mesecons Converter=Tubelib Mesecons 转换器
: fault (overloaded)=:故障(过载)
Destination node numbers=目标节点编号
: not connected=:未连接
: connected with=:已连接到
[Tubelib Programmer] programmer reset=[Tubelib 编程器] 编程器重置
[Tubelib Programmer] number=[Tubelib Programmer] 编号
[Tubelib Programmer] Unknown node on=[Tubelib 编程器]未知节点
[Tubelib Programmer] foreign or unknown node!=[Tubelib 编程器]外来或未知节点!
[Tubelib Programmer] node programmed!=[Tubelib 编程器]节点已编程
[Tubelib Programmer] Error: programmer not supported!=[Tubelib 编程器]错误:编程器不支持!
Tubelib Programmer=Tubelib 编程器
Tubelib Repeater=Tubelib 中继器
Run endless=无休止运行
Sequencer Help=序列器 帮助
Define a sequence of commands@nto control other machines.=定义序列命令@n来控制其他机器
Numbers(s) are the node numbers,@nthe command shall sent to.=数字是节点号,@n命令应该发送到这里
The commands 'on'/'off' are used@n for machines and other nodes.=命令 'on'/'off'@n用于机器和其他节点。
Offset is the time to the@nnext line in seconds (1..999).=偏移量是到下一行的时间,@n以秒为单位。
If endless is set, the Sequencer@nrestarts again and again.=如果设置了无休止,@n序列器会一遍又一遍地重新启动。
The command ' ' does nothing,@nonly consuming the offset time.=命令 ' '什么都不做,只消耗偏移量时间。
Tubelib Sequencer=Tubelib 序列器
Tubelib Street Lamp=Tubelib 路灯
Tubelib Timer=Tubelib 计时器

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# textdomain: tubelib_addons2
Door block numbers:=門擋塊編號:
Access code (4 digits):=訪問密碼4 位):
Enter access code=輸入訪問密碼
Tubelib Access Lock=Tubelib 門禁鎖
Tubelib Access Lock, Enter access code=Tubelib 門禁鎖,輸入訪問密碼
Tubelib Ceiling Lamp=Tubelib 吸頂燈
Tubelib Color Lamp=Tubelib 彩色燈
Tubelib Door Block=Tubelib 門擋塊
Select texture=選擇材質
Tubelib Gate Block=Tubelib 門座
Tubelib Industrial Lamp=Tubelib 工業燈
Tubelib Invisible Lamp=Tubelib 隱形燈
Tubelib Logic Not=Tubelib 邏輯非門
Tubelib Mesecons Converter=Tubelib Mesecons 轉換器
: fault (overloaded)=:故障(過載)
Destination node numbers=目標節點編號
: not connected=:未連接
: connected with=:已連接到
[Tubelib Programmer] programmer reset=[Tubelib 編程器] 編程器重置
[Tubelib Programmer] number=[Tubelib Programmer] 編號
[Tubelib Programmer] Unknown node on=[Tubelib 編程器]未知節點
[Tubelib Programmer] foreign or unknown node!=[Tubelib 編程器]外來或未知節點!
[Tubelib Programmer] node programmed!=[Tubelib 編程器]節點已編程
[Tubelib Programmer] Error: programmer not supported!=[Tubelib 編程器]錯誤:編程器不支持!
Tubelib Programmer=Tubelib 編程器
Tubelib Repeater=Tubelib 中繼器
Run endless=無休止運行
Sequencer Help=序列器 幫助
Define a sequence of commands@nto control other machines.=定義序列命令@n來控制其他機器
Numbers(s) are the node numbers,@nthe command shall sent to.=數字是節點號,@n命令應該發送到這裡
The commands 'on'/'off' are used@n for machines and other nodes.=命令 'on'/'off'@n用於機器和其他節點。
Offset is the time to the@nnext line in seconds (1..999).=偏移量是到下一行的時間,@n以秒為單位。
If endless is set, the Sequencer@nrestarts again and again.=如果設置了無休止,@n序列器會一遍又一遍地重新啟動。
The command ' ' does nothing,@nonly consuming the offset time.=命令 ' '什麼都不做,只消耗偏移量時間。
Tubelib Sequencer=Tubelib 序列器
Tubelib Street Lamp=Tubelib 路燈
Tubelib Timer=Tubelib 計時器

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# textdomain: tubelib_addons3
HighPerf Chest=高性能箱子
connected with=已连接到
TA Chest Cart=TA 储物车
HighPerf Distributor=高性能配送器
HighPerf Funnel=高性能漏斗
HighPerf Pusher=高性能推送器
HighPerf Pushing Chest=高性能推进箱
Enter channel string=输入频道字符串
Tubelib Teleporter=Tubelib 传送器

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# textdomain: tubelib_addons3
HighPerf Chest=高性能箱子
connected with=已連接到
TA Chest Cart=TA 儲物車
HighPerf Distributor=高性能配送器
HighPerf Funnel=高性能漏斗
HighPerf Pusher=高性能推送器
HighPerf Pushing Chest=高性能推進箱
Enter channel string=輸入頻道字符串
Tubelib Teleporter=Tubelib 傳送器