--[[ ICTA Controller =============== Part of the SmartLine mod Copyright (C) 2018 Joachim Stolberg LGPLv2.1+ See LICENSE.txt for more information command.lua: Register all controller commands ]]-- local sl = smartline function sl.operand(s) if s == "is" then return "== " else return "~= " end end function sl.fmt_number(num) local mtch = num:match('^(%d+).*') if mtch and num ~= mtch then return mtch.."..." end return num end -- '#' is used as placeholder for rule numbers and has to be escaped function smartline.escape(s) s = tostring(s) return s:gsub("#", '"..string.char(35).."') end smartline.icta_register_condition("initial", { title = "initial", formspec = { { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Condition is true only after\ncontroller start.", }, }, -- Return two chunks of executable Lua code for the controller, according: -- return , code = function(data, environ) return 'env.ticks', '== 1' end, button = function(data, environ) return "Initial after start" end, }) smartline.icta_register_condition("true", { title = "true", formspec = { { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Condition is always true.", }, }, code = function(data, environ) return '"true"', '== "true"' end, button = function(data, environ) return "true" end, }) smartline.icta_register_condition("condition", { title = "condition", formspec = { { type = "textlist", name = "condition", label = "condition row number", choices = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8", default = "", }, { type = "textlist", name = "operand", label = "condition", choices = "was true, was not true", default = "was true", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Used to execute two or several\nactions based on one condition.", }, }, code = function(data, environ) local idx = data.condition:byte(-1) - 0x30 local expected_result = "== false" if data.operand == "was true" then expected_result = "== true" end return "env.condition["..idx.."]", expected_result end, button = function(data, environ) return "cond("..data.condition:sub(-1,-1)..","..data.operand..")" end, }) smartline.icta_register_condition("input", { title = "inputs", formspec = { { type = "digits", name = "number", label = "node number", default = "", }, { type = "textlist", name = "operand", choices = "is,is not", default = "is", }, { type = "textlist", name = "value", choices = "on,off,false", default = "on", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "An input is only available,\nif a nodes sends on/off\ncommands to the controller.", }, }, button = function(data, environ) -- default button label return 'inp('..sl.fmt_number(data.number)..','..data.operand.." "..data.value..')' end, code = function(data, environ) return 'env.input["'..data.number..'"]', sl.operand(data.operand)..'"'..data.value..'"' end, }) smartline.icta_register_condition("state", { title = "node state request", formspec = { { type = "digits", name = "number", label = "node number", default = "", }, { type = "textlist", name = "operand", label = "", choices = "is,is not", default = "is", }, { type = "textlist", name = "value", label = "", choices = "stopped,running,standby,blocked,fault", default = "stopped", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Read the state from a node.\nWorks for Pusher, Harvester, Quarry,\n".. "and other similar nodes.", }, }, button = function(data, environ) -- default button label return 'sts('..sl.fmt_number(data.number)..","..data.operand..' '..data.value..')' end, code = function(data, environ) return 'tubelib.send_request("'..data.number..'", "state", "")', sl.operand(data.operand)..'"'..data.value..'"' end, }) smartline.icta_register_condition("fuel", { title = "fuel state request", formspec = { { type = "digits", name = "number", label = "node number", default = "", }, { type = "textlist", name = "operand", label = "", choices = "is,is not", default = "is", }, { type = "textlist", name = "value", label = "", choices = "full,loaded,empty", default = "full" }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Read the fuel state from a node.\nWorks for Harvester, Quarry,\n".. "and other fuel consuming nodes.", }, }, button = function(data, environ) return 'fuel('..sl.fmt_number(data.number)..","..data.operand..' '..data.value..')' end, code = function(data, environ) return 'tubelib.send_request("'..data.number..'", "fuel", "")', sl.operand(data.operand)..'"'..data.value..'"' end, }) smartline.icta_register_condition("signaltower", { title = "Signal Tower state request", formspec = { { type = "digits", name = "number", label = "Signal Tower number", default = "", }, { type = "textlist", name = "operand", choices = "is,is not", default = "is", }, { type = "textlist", name = "value", choices = "off,green,amber,red", default = "off", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Read the color state\nfrom a Signal Tower.", }, }, button = function(data, environ) -- default button label return 'tower('..sl.fmt_number(data.number)..","..data.operand..' '..data.value..')' end, code = function(data, environ) return 'tubelib.send_request("'..data.number..'", "state", "")', sl.operand(data.operand)..'"'..data.value..'"' end, }) smartline.icta_register_action("signaltower", { title = "Signal Tower command", formspec = { { type = "numbers", name = "number", label = "Signal Tower number", default = "", }, { type = "textlist", name = "value", label = "lamp color", choices = "off,green,amber,red", default = "red", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Turn on/off a Signal Tower lamp.", }, }, button = function(data, environ) return 'tower('..sl.fmt_number(data.number)..","..data.value..')' end, code = function(data, environ) local s = 'tubelib.send_message("%s", "%s", nil, "%s", nil)' return string.format(s, data.number, environ.owner, data.value) end, }) smartline.icta_register_action("switch", { title = "turn node on/off", formspec = { { type = "numbers", name = "number", label = "node number(s)", default = "", }, { type = "textlist", name = "value", label = "state", choices = "on,off", default = "on", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Used for pushers, lamps, machines, gates,...", }, }, button = function(data, environ) return 'turn('..sl.fmt_number(data.number)..","..data.value..')' end, code = function(data, environ) local s = 'tubelib.send_message("%s", "%s", nil, "%s", nil)' return string.format(s, data.number, environ.owner, data.value) end, }) smartline.icta_register_action("display", { title = "Display: overwrite one line", formspec = { { type = "numbers", name = "number", label = "Display number", default = "", }, { type = "textlist", name = "row", label = "Display line", choices = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9", default = "1", }, { type = "ascii", name = "text", label = "text", default = "", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Use a '*' character as reference\nto any condition result", }, }, code = function(data, environ) local s1 = string.format('local text = string.gsub("%s", "*", tostring(env.result[#]))', smartline.escape(data.text)) local s2 = string.format('local payload = {row = %s, str = text}', data.row) local s3 = string.format('tubelib.send_message("%s", "%s", nil, "row", payload)', data.number, environ.owner) return s1.."\n\t"..s2.."\n\t"..s3 end, button = function(data, environ) return "lcd("..sl.fmt_number(data.number)..","..data.row..',"'..data.text..'")' end, }) smartline.icta_register_action("cleardisplay", { title = "Display: Clear screen", formspec = { { type = "numbers", name = "number", label = "Display number", default = "", }, }, code = function(data, environ) return 'tubelib.send_message("'..data.number..'", "'..environ.owner..'", nil, "clear", nil)' end, button = function(data, environ) return "clear lcd("..sl.fmt_number(data.number)..")" end, }) smartline.icta_register_action("chat", { title = "chat send", formspec = { { type = "ascii", name = "text", label = "message", default = "", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "The chat message is send to the\nController owner, only.", }, }, code = function(data, environ) return 'minetest.chat_send_player("'..environ.owner..'", "[SmartLine Controller] '..data.text..'")' end, button = function(data, environ) return 'chat("'..data.text:sub(1,12)..'")' end, }) function smartline.icta_door_toggle(pos, owner, state) pos = minetest.string_to_pos("("..pos..")") if pos then local door = doors.get(pos) if door then local player = { get_player_name = function() return owner end, is_player = function() return true end, } if state == "open" then door:open(player) elseif state == "close" then door:close(player) end end end end smartline.icta_register_action("door", { title = "doors open/close", formspec = { { type = "digits", name = "pos", label = "door position like: 123,7,-1200", default = "", }, { type = "textlist", name = "door_state", label = "door state", choices = "open,close", default = "open", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "For standard doors like the Steel Doors.\n".. "Use the Tubelib Programmer to\neasily determine a door position.", }, }, code = function(data, environ) return 'smartline.icta_door_toggle("'..data.pos..'", "'..environ.owner..'", "'..data.door_state..'")' end, button = function(data, environ) return 'door("'..data.pos..'",'..data.door_state..")" end, }) function smartline.icta_player_detect(number, name) local state = tubelib.send_request(number, "name", nil) if (name == "*" and state ~= "") or string.find(name, state) then return state end return nil end smartline.icta_register_condition("playerdetector", { title = "Player Detector name request", formspec = { { type = "digits", name = "number", label = "Player Detector number", default = "", }, { type = "ascii", name = "name", label = "player name(s) or * for all", default = "", }, { type = "label", name = "lbl", label = "Read and check the name\nfrom a Player Detector.\n Use a '*' character for all player names.", }, }, code = function(data, environ) return 'smartline.icta_player_detect("'..data.number..'", "'..data.name..'")', "~= nil" end, button = function(data, environ) return "detector("..sl.fmt_number(data.number)..","..data.name:sub(1,8)..")" end, })