--[[ Tubelib Addons 1 ================ Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Joachim Stolberg LGPLv2.1+ See LICENSE.txt for more information harvester.lua Harvester machine to chop wood, leaves and harvest farming crops and flowers. The machine is able to harvest an square area of up to 33x33 blocks (radius = 16). The base node has to be placed in the middle of the harvesting area. The Harvester processes one node every 4 seconds. It requires one item Bio Fuel per 20 nodes. ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local P = minetest.string_to_pos local M = minetest.get_meta local CYCLE_TIME = 4 local MAX_HEIGHT = 18 -- harvesting altitude local MAX_DIAMETER = 33 local BURNING_TIME = 20 -- fuel local STANDBY_TICKS = 4 -- used for blocked state local COUNTDOWN_TICKS = 2 local OFFSET = 5 -- for uneven terrains -- start on top of the base block local function working_start_pos(pos) local working_pos = table.copy(pos) working_pos.y = working_pos.y + MAX_HEIGHT return working_pos end local State = tubelib.NodeStates:new({ node_name_passive = "tubelib_addons1:harvester_base", node_name_defect = "tubelib_addons1:harvester_defect", infotext_name = "Tubelib Harvester", cycle_time = CYCLE_TIME, standby_ticks = STANDBY_TICKS, has_item_meter = true, aging_factor = 15, on_start = function(pos, meta, oldstate) local this = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("this")) this.idx = 0 this.working_pos = working_start_pos(pos) meta:set_string("this", minetest.serialize(this)) end, }) local Radius2Idx = {[4]=1 ,[6]=2, [8]=3, [10]=4, [12]=5, [14]=6, [16]=7} local function gen_working_steps() -- Working steps like a snail shell from inner to outer local t = {} for steps = 1,MAX_DIAMETER,2 do for idx = 1,steps do t[#t+1] = 0 end for idx = 1,steps do t[#t+1] = 1 end steps = steps + 1 for idx = 1,steps do t[#t+1] = 2 end for idx = 1,steps do t[#t+1] = 3 end end return t end local WorkingSteps = gen_working_steps() local function formspec(pos, meta) -- some recalculations local this = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("this")) local endless = this.endless == 1 and "true" or "false" local fuel = this.fuel * 100/BURNING_TIME if State:get_state(meta) ~= tubelib.RUNNING then fuel = 0 end local radius = Radius2Idx[this.radius] or 2 return "size[9,8]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. "dropdown[0,0;1.5;radius;4,6,8,10,12,14,16;"..radius.."]".. "label[1.6,0.2;Area radius]".. "checkbox[0,1;endless;Run endless;"..endless.."]".. "list[context;main;5,0;4,4;]".. "list[context;fuel;1.5,3;1,1;]".. "item_image[1.5,3;1,1;tubelib_addons1:biofuel]".. "image[2.5,3;1,1;default_furnace_fire_bg.png^[lowpart:".. fuel..":default_furnace_fire_fg.png]".. "image_button[3.5,3;1,1;".. State:get_state_button_image(meta) ..";state_button;]".. "list[current_player;main;0.5,4.3;8,4;]".. "listring[context;main]".. "listring[current_player;main]" end State:register_formspec_func(formspec) local function allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, index, stack, player) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then return 0 end local inv = M(pos):get_inventory() if listname == "main" then return stack:get_count() elseif listname == "fuel" and stack:get_name() == "tubelib_addons1:biofuel" then return stack:get_count() end return 0 end local function allow_metadata_inventory_take(pos, listname, index, stack, player) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then return 0 end return stack:get_count() end local function get_next_pos(old_pos, idx) local facedir = WorkingSteps[idx] return vector.add(old_pos, core.facedir_to_dir(facedir)) end -- Remove saplings lying arround local function remove_all_sapling_items(pos) for _, object in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 4)) do local lua_entity = object:get_luaentity() if not object:is_player() and lua_entity and lua_entity.name == "__builtin:item" then object:remove() end end end -- Remove wood/leave nodes and place sapling if necessary -- Return false if inventory is full -- else return true local function remove_or_replace_node(this, pos, inv, node, order) local next_pos = table.copy(pos) next_pos.y = next_pos.y - 1 -- Not enough space in the inventory if not inv:room_for_item("main", ItemStack(node.name)) then return false end local next_node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(next_pos) if next_node then minetest.remove_node(pos) inv:add_item("main", ItemStack(order.drop)) this.num_items = this.num_items + 1 if tubelib_addons1.GroundNodes[next_node.name] ~= nil and order.plant then -- hit the ground? minetest.set_node(pos, {name=order.plant, paramtype2 = "wallmounted", param2=1}) if order.t1 ~= nil then -- We have to simulate "on_place" and start the timer by hand -- because the after_place_node function checks player rights and can't therefore -- be used. minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(math.random(order.t1, order.t2)) end remove_all_sapling_items(pos) end end return true end -- check the fuel level and return false if empty local function check_fuel(pos, this, meta) if this.fuel <= 0 then if tubelib.get_this_item(meta, "fuel", 1) == nil then return false end this.fuel = BURNING_TIME else this.fuel = this.fuel - 1 end return true end local function calc_new_pos(pos, this, meta) this.idx = this.idx + 1 if this.idx >= this.max then if this.endless == 1 then this.idx = 0 this.working_pos = working_start_pos(pos) return true else return false end end this.working_pos = get_next_pos(this.working_pos, this.idx) return true end -- Scan the space below the given position -- Return false if inventory is full -- else return true local function harvest_field(this, meta) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local pos = table.copy(this.working_pos) local start_y_pos = pos.y - 1 local stop_y_pos = pos.y - MAX_HEIGHT - OFFSET if minetest.is_protected(pos, this.owner) then return true end for y_pos = start_y_pos,stop_y_pos,-1 do pos.y = y_pos local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node and node.name ~= "air" then local order = tubelib_addons1.FarmingNodes[node.name] or tubelib_addons1.Flowers[node.name] if order then if not remove_or_replace_node(this, pos, inv, node, order) then return false end else return true -- hit the ground end end end return true end local function not_blocked(pos, this, meta) if State:get_state(meta) == tubelib.BLOCKED then if harvest_field(this, meta) then minetest.after(0, State.start, State, pos, meta) end return false end return true end -- move the "harvesting copter" to the next pos and harvest the field below local function keep_running(pos, elapsed) local meta = M(pos) local this = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("this")) this.num_items = 0 if not_blocked(pos, this, meta) then if check_fuel(pos, this, meta) then if calc_new_pos(pos, this, meta) then if harvest_field(this, meta) then meta:set_string("this", minetest.serialize(this)) meta:set_string("infotext", "Tubelib Harvester "..this.number.. ": running ("..this.idx.."/"..this.max..")") State:keep_running(pos, meta, COUNTDOWN_TICKS, this.num_items) else State:blocked(pos, meta) end else State:stop(pos, meta) end else State:fault(pos, meta) end end return State:is_active(meta) end local function on_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, player) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then return end local meta = M(pos) local this = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("this")) local radius = this.radius if fields.radius ~= nil then radius = tonumber(fields.radius) end if radius ~= this.radius then this.radius = radius this.max = (radius*2 + 1) * (radius*2 + 1) meta:set_string("this", minetest.serialize(this)) State:stop(pos, meta) end if fields.endless ~= nil then this.endless = fields.endless == "true" and 1 or 0 end meta:set_string("this", minetest.serialize(this)) State:state_button_event(pos, fields) end minetest.register_node("tubelib_addons1:harvester_base", { description = "Tubelib Harvester Base", tiles = { -- up, down, right, left, back, front 'tubelib_front.png', 'tubelib_front.png', 'tubelib_addons1_harvester.png', }, after_place_node = function(pos, placer) local meta = M(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size('main', 16) inv:set_size('fuel', 1) local number = tubelib.add_node(pos, "tubelib_addons1:harvester_base") local this = { number = number, owner = placer:get_player_name(), working_pos = working_start_pos(pos), fuel = 0, endless = 0, radius = 6, idx = 0, max = (6+1+6) * (6+1+6) } meta:set_string("this", minetest.serialize(this)) State:node_init(pos, number) end, on_dig = function(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) if minetest.is_protected(pos, puncher:get_player_name()) then return end local meta = M(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() if inv:is_empty("main") then minetest.node_dig(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) tubelib.remove_node(pos) end end, after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger) State:after_dig_node(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger) end, on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow, on_receive_fields = on_receive_fields, on_timer = keep_running, allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put, allow_metadata_inventory_take = allow_metadata_inventory_take, drop = "", paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {choppy=2, cracky=2, crumbly=2}, is_ground_content = false, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("tubelib_addons1:harvester_defect", { description = "Tubelib Harvester Base", tiles = { -- up, down, right, left, back, front 'tubelib_front.png', 'tubelib_front.png', 'tubelib_addons1_harvester.png^tubelib_defect.png', }, on_construct = function(pos) local inv = M(pos):get_inventory() inv:set_size('main', 16) inv:set_size('fuel', 1) end, after_place_node = function(pos, placer) local number = tubelib.add_node(pos, "tubelib_addons1:harvester_base") local this = { number = number, owner = placer:get_player_name(), working_pos = working_start_pos(pos), fuel = 0, endless = 0, radius = 6, idx = 0, max = (6+1+6) * (6+1+6) } local meta = M(pos) meta:set_string("this", minetest.serialize(this)) State:node_init(pos, number) State:defect(pos, meta) end, on_dig = function(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) if minetest.is_protected(pos, puncher:get_player_name()) then return end local meta = M(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() if inv:is_empty("main") then minetest.node_dig(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) tubelib.remove_node(pos) end end, on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow, allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put, allow_metadata_inventory_take = allow_metadata_inventory_take, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {choppy=2, cracky=2, crumbly=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, is_ground_content = false, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "tubelib_addons1:harvester_base", recipe = { {"default:steel_ingot", "default:mese_crystal", "default:steel_ingot"}, {"default:steel_ingot", "default:mese_crystal", "tubelib:tubeS"}, {"group:wood", "default:mese_crystal", "group:wood"}, }, }) tubelib.register_node("tubelib_addons1:harvester_base", {"tubelib_addons1:harvester_defect"}, { on_pull_item = function(pos, side) return tubelib.get_item(M(pos), "main") end, on_push_item = function(pos, side, item) return tubelib.put_item(M(pos), "fuel", item) end, on_unpull_item = function(pos, side, item) return tubelib.put_item(M(pos), "main", item) end, on_recv_message = function(pos, topic, payload) if topic == "fuel" then return tubelib.fuelstate(M(pos), "fuel") end local resp = State:on_receive_message(pos, topic, payload) if resp then return resp else return "unsupported" end end, on_node_load = function(pos) State:on_node_load(pos) end, on_node_repair = function(pos) return State:on_node_repair(pos) end, }) -- update to v0.08 minetest.register_lbm({ label = "[tubelib_addons1] Harvester update", name = "tubelib_addons1:update", nodenames = {"tubelib_addons1:harvester_base", "tubelib:harvester_base_active"}, run_at_every_load = false, action = function(pos, node) local meta = M(pos) local this = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("this")) if this then this.working_pos = this.copter_pos or working_start_pos(pos) meta:set_string("this", minetest.serialize(this)) end end })