--[[ Tube Library 2 ============== Copyright (C) 2018 Joachim Stolberg LGPLv2.1+ See LICENSE.txt for more information internal1.lua First level functions behind the API ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local P = minetest.string_to_pos local M = minetest.get_meta local Tube = tubelib2.Tube local Turn180Deg = tubelib2.Turn180Deg local Dir6dToVector = tubelib2.Dir6dToVector local tValidNum = {[0] = true, true, true} -- 0..2 are valid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- node get/test functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check if node at given position is a tube node -- If dir == nil then node_pos = pos -- Function returns the new pos or nil function Tube:primary_node(pos, dir) local npos, node = self:get_node(pos, dir) if self.primary_node_names[node.name] then return npos, node end end -- Check if node at given position is a secondary node -- If dir == nil then node_pos = pos -- Function returns the new pos or nil function Tube:secondary_node(pos, dir) local npos, node = self:get_node(pos, dir) if self.secondary_node_names[node.name] then return npos end end -- Used to determine the node side to the tube connection. -- Function returns the first found dir value -- to a primary node. -- Only used by convert.set_pairing() function Tube:get_primary_dir(pos) -- Check all valid positions for dir = 1,6 do if self:primary_node(pos, dir) then return dir end end end -- Return the new pos behind pos/dir and the dir our of the node. function Tube:get_pos(pos, dir) return vector.add(pos, Dir6dToVector[dir or 0]), Turn180Deg[dir] end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- get/del/add meta data functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Tube:del_meta(pos, dir) local npos, node = self:get_node(pos, dir) if self.primary_node_names[node.name] then local meta = M(npos) local peer_pos = meta:get_string("peer_pos") local peer_dir = meta:get_int("peer_dir") meta:from_table(nil) if peer_pos ~= "" then return P(peer_pos), peer_dir end end return self:repair_tube_line(pos, dir) end function Tube:get_meta(pos, dir) local npos = vector.add(pos, Dir6dToVector[dir or 0]) local meta = M(npos) local peer_pos = meta:get_string("peer_pos") local peer_dir = meta:get_int("peer_dir") if peer_pos ~= "" then return P(peer_pos), peer_dir end return self:repair_tube_line(pos, dir) end -- Like get_meta(), but repair data if necessary function Tube:repair_meta(pos, dir) local npos = vector.add(pos, Dir6dToVector[dir or 0]) local meta = M(npos) local peer_pos = meta:get_string("peer_pos") local peer_dir = meta:get_int("peer_dir") if peer_pos ~= "" then return P(peer_pos), peer_dir end peer_pos, peer_dir = self:repair_tube_line(pos, dir) self:add_meta(npos, peer_pos, peer_dir) return peer_pos, peer_dir end function Tube:get_oldmeta(pos, dir, oldmetadata) if oldmetadata.fields and oldmetadata.fields.peer_pos then return P(oldmetadata.fields.peer_pos), tonumber(oldmetadata.fields.peer_dir) end return self:repair_tube_line(pos, dir) end -- Add meta data from the other tube head node function Tube:add_meta(pos, peer_pos, peer_dir) local _, node = self:get_node(pos) if self.primary_node_names[node.name] then if self.show_infotext then M(pos):set_string("infotext", S(peer_pos)) end M(pos):set_string("peer_pos", S(peer_pos)) M(pos):set_int("peer_dir", peer_dir) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Further helper functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do a correction of param2, delete meta data of all 2-conn-tubes, -- and return peer_pos, peer_dir, and number of tube nodes. function Tube:repair_tube_line(pos, dir) local get_next_tube = function(self, pos, dir) local npos, dir1, dir2, num = self:determine_next_node(pos, dir) if dir1 then M(npos):from_table(nil) if Turn180Deg[dir] == dir1 then return npos, dir2, num else return npos, dir1, num end end return self:get_next_teleport_node(pos, dir) end -- do a correction of "number of neighbours" for all nodes in between local repair_tube = function(self, pos, dir) local _, node = self:primary_node(pos, dir) if node then node.param2 = (2 * 32) + (node.param2 % 32) minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end end local cnt = 0 if not dir then return pos, dir, cnt end while cnt <= self.max_tube_length do local new_pos, new_dir, num = get_next_tube(self, pos, dir) if not new_dir then break end if cnt > 0 and num ~= 2 then repair_tube(self, pos, dir) end pos, dir = new_pos, new_dir cnt = cnt + 1 end return pos, dir, cnt end -- fpos,fdir points to the secondary node to be updated. -- npos,ndir are used to calculate the connection data to be stored. function Tube:update_secondary_node(fpos,fdir, npos,ndir) -- [s]<-[n]----[f]->[s] print("update_secondary_node", S(fpos), fdir) local fpos2, node = self:get_node(fpos, fdir) if self.secondary_node_names[node.name] and self.clbk_update_secondary_node then local npos2 = self:get_pos(npos, ndir) if vector.equals(npos2, fpos2) then -- last tube removed? npos2,ndir = nil,nil -- used to delete the data base end self.clbk_update_secondary_node(node, fpos2, Turn180Deg[fdir], npos2, ndir) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pairing functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pairing helper function function Tube:store_teleport_data(pos, peer_pos) local meta = M(pos) meta:set_string("tele_pos", S(peer_pos)) meta:set_string("channel", nil) meta:set_string("formspec", nil) meta:set_string("infotext", "Connected with "..S(peer_pos)) return meta:get_int("tube_dir") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- update-after/get-dir functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Tube:update_after_place_node(pos, dirs) -- Check all valid positions local lRes= {} dirs = dirs or self.dirs_to_check for _,dir in ipairs(dirs) do local npos, d1, d2, num = self:add_tube_dir(pos, dir) if npos and self.valid_dirs[d1] and self.valid_dirs[d2] and tValidNum[num]then self.clbk_after_place_tube(self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num)) lRes[#lRes+1] = dir end end return lRes end function Tube:update_after_dig_node(pos, dirs) -- Check all valid positions local lRes= {} dirs = dirs or self.dirs_to_check for _,dir in ipairs(dirs) do local npos, d1, d2, num = self:del_tube_dir(pos, dir) if npos and self.valid_dirs[d1] and self.valid_dirs[d2] and tValidNum[num]then self.clbk_after_place_tube(self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num)) lRes[#lRes+1] = dir end end return lRes end function Tube:update_after_place_tube(pos, placer, pointed_thing) local preferred_pos, fdir = self:get_player_data(placer, pointed_thing) local dir1, dir2, num_tubes = self:determine_tube_dirs(pos, preferred_pos, fdir) if dir1 == nil then return false end if self.valid_dirs[dir1] and self.valid_dirs[dir2] and tValidNum[num_tubes]then self.clbk_after_place_tube(self:tube_data_to_table(pos, dir1, dir2, num_tubes)) end if num_tubes >= 1 then local npos, d1, d2, num = self:add_tube_dir(pos, dir1) if npos and self.valid_dirs[d1] and self.valid_dirs[d2] and tValidNum[num]then self.clbk_after_place_tube(self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num)) end end if num_tubes >= 2 then local npos, d1, d2, num = self:add_tube_dir(pos, dir2) if npos and self.valid_dirs[d1] and self.valid_dirs[d2] and tValidNum[num]then self.clbk_after_place_tube(self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num)) end end return true, dir1, dir2, num_tubes end function Tube:update_after_dig_tube(pos, param2) local dir1, dir2, num_tubes = self:decode_param2(pos, param2) local lRes = {} local npos, d1, d2, num = self:del_tube_dir(pos, dir1) if npos and self.valid_dirs[d1] and self.valid_dirs[d2] and tValidNum[num]then self.clbk_after_place_tube(self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num)) lRes[#lRes+1] = dir1 end npos, d1, d2, num = self:del_tube_dir(pos, dir2) if npos and self.valid_dirs[d1] and self.valid_dirs[d2] and tValidNum[num]then self.clbk_after_place_tube(self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num)) lRes[#lRes+1] = dir2 end return lRes end function Tube:update_secondary_nodes_after_dig_tube(pos) local d1, d2 = self:determine_dir1_dir2_and_num_conn(pos) if d1 then self:update_secondary_node(pos,d1, pos,d1) end if d2 then self:update_secondary_node(pos,d2, pos,d2) end end