--[[ Tube Library 2 ============== Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Joachim Stolberg LGPLv2.1+ See LICENSE.txt for more information tube_api.lua ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local P = minetest.pos_to_string local S = minetest.string_to_pos local M = minetest.get_meta local function Tbl(list) local tbl = {} for _,item in ipairs(list) do tbl[item] = true end return tbl end -- -- API Functions -- -- Tubelib2 Class tubelib2.Tube = {} local Tube = tubelib2.Tube function Tube:new(attr) local o = { allowed_6d_dirs = attr.allowed_6d_dirs or {true, true, true, true, true, true}, max_tube_length = attr.max_tube_length or 1000, primary_node_names = Tbl(attr.primary_node_names or {}), secondary_node_names = Tbl(attr.secondary_node_names or {}), show_infotext = attr.show_infotext or false, } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end -- Register (foreign) tubelib compatible nodes. function Tube:add_secondary_node_names(names) for _,name in ipairs(names) do self.secondary_node_names[name] = true end end -- From node to node via tube -- Used for item transportation via tubes function Tube:get_connected_node_pos(pos, dir) pos, _ = self:get_next_node(pos, dir) pos, dir = self:get_tube_end_pos(pos) pos, _ = self:get_next_node(pos, dir) return pos, dir end -- From tube head to tube head. -- Return pos and dir to the connected/next node. function Tube:get_tube_end_pos(pos) local spos = M(pos):get_string("peer_pos") if spos ~= "" then return S(spos), M(pos):get_int("peer_dir") end local npos, dir, num = self:find_tube_head(pos) self:update_head_tube(pos, npos, dir, num) return npos, dir end -- To be called after a tube node is placed. function Tube:update_tubes_after_place_node(pos, placer, pointed_thing) local preferred_pos, fdir = self:get_player_data(placer, pointed_thing) local dir1, dir2, num_tubes = self:determine_tube_dirs(pos, preferred_pos, fdir) if dir1 == nil then return {} end local tbl = {self:tube_data_to_table(pos, dir1, dir2, num_tubes)} if num_tubes >= 1 then local npos, d1, d2, num = self:add_tube_dir(pos, dir1) if npos then --print("update_tubes_after_place_node: d1, d2, num", d1, d2, num) tbl[#tbl+1] = self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num) end end if num_tubes >= 2 then local npos, d1, d2, num = self:add_tube_dir(pos, dir2) if npos then --print("update_tubes_after_place_node: d1, d2, num", d1, d2, num) tbl[#tbl+1] = self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num) end end return tbl end -- To be called after a tube node is removed. function Tube:update_tubes_after_dig_node(pos, oldnode) local dir1, dir2, num_tubes = self:decode_param2(oldnode.param2) local tbl = {} local npos, d1, d2, num = self:del_tube_dir(pos, dir1) if npos then tbl[#tbl+1] = self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num) end npos, d1, d2, num = self:del_tube_dir(pos, dir2) if npos then tbl[#tbl+1] = self:tube_data_to_table(npos, d1, d2, num) end return tbl end -- To be called from a repair tool in the case of a "WorldEdit" corrupted tube line. function Tube:repair_tubes(pos) local d1, d2 = self:get_tube_dirs(pos) self:set_2_conn_tube(pos) local npos1, dir1, cnt1 = self:repair_tube_line(pos, d1) local npos2, dir2, cnt2 = self:repair_tube_line(pos, d2) self:add_meta_data(npos1, npos2, dir1, dir2, cnt1+cnt2+1) return npos1, npos2, dir1, dir2, cnt1, cnt2 end -- To be called from a repair tool in the case, tube nodes are "unbreakable". function Tube:remove_tube(pos, sound) local dir1, dir2 = self:get_tube_dirs(pos) if dir1 and dir2 then minetest.sound_play({ name=sound},{ gain=1, max_hear_distance=5, loop=false}) local npos1 = self:friendly_primary_node(pos, dir1) local npos2 = self:friendly_primary_node(pos, dir2) minetest.remove_node(pos) if npos1 then self:repair_tubes(npos1) end if npos2 then self:repair_tubes(npos2) end end end