--[[ Tube Library 2 ============== Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Joachim Stolberg LGPLv2.1+ See LICENSE.txt for more information tube_api.lua ]]-- -- Version for compatibility checks, see readme.md/history tubelib2.version = 0.5 -- for lazy programmers local S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local M = minetest.get_meta local Dir2Str = {"north", "east", "south", "west", "down", "up"} function tubelib2.dir_to_string(dir) return Dir2Str[dir] end local function Tbl(list) local tbl = {} for _,item in ipairs(list) do tbl[item] = true end return tbl end -- Tubelib2 Class local Tube = tubelib2.Tube local Turn180Deg = tubelib2.Turn180Deg local Dir6dToVector = tubelib2.Dir6dToVector local function get_pos(pos, dir) return vector.add(pos, Dir6dToVector[dir or 0]) end local function update1(self, pos, dir) local fpos,fdir = self:walk_tube_line(pos, dir) -- Translate pos/dir pointing to the secondary node into -- spos/sdir of the secondary node pointing to the tube. local spos, sdir = get_pos(fpos,fdir), Turn180Deg[fdir] self:del_from_cache(spos, sdir) self:add_to_cache(pos, dir, spos, sdir) self:add_to_cache(spos, sdir, pos, dir) self:update_secondary_node(pos, dir, spos, sdir) self:update_secondary_node(spos, sdir, pos, dir) end local function update2(self, pos1, dir1, pos2, dir2) local fpos1,fdir1 = self:walk_tube_line(pos1, dir1) local fpos2,fdir2 = self:walk_tube_line(pos2, dir2) -- Translate fpos/fdir pointing to the secondary node into -- spos/sdir of the secondary node pointing to the tube. local spos1, sdir1 = get_pos(fpos1,fdir1), Turn180Deg[fdir1] local spos2, sdir2 = get_pos(fpos2,fdir2), Turn180Deg[fdir2] self:del_from_cache(spos1, sdir1) self:del_from_cache(spos2, sdir2) self:add_to_cache(spos1, sdir1, spos2, sdir2) self:add_to_cache(spos2, sdir2, spos1, sdir1) self:update_secondary_node(spos1, sdir1, spos2, sdir2) self:update_secondary_node(spos2, sdir2, spos1, sdir1) end local function update3(self, pos, dir1, dir2) local fpos1,fdir1,cnt1 = self:walk_tube_line(pos, dir1) local fpos2,fdir2,cnt2 = self:walk_tube_line(pos, dir2) -- Translate fpos/fdir pointing to the secondary node into -- spos/sdir of the secondary node pointing to the tube. local spos1, sdir1 = get_pos(fpos1,fdir1), Turn180Deg[fdir1] local spos2, sdir2 = get_pos(fpos2,fdir2), Turn180Deg[fdir2] self:del_from_cache(spos1, sdir1) self:del_from_cache(spos2, sdir2) self:add_to_cache(spos1, sdir1, spos2, sdir2) self:add_to_cache(spos2, sdir2, spos1, sdir1) self:update_secondary_node(spos1, sdir1, spos2, sdir2) self:update_secondary_node(spos2, sdir2, spos1, sdir1) return dir1, dir2, fpos1, fpos2, fdir1, fdir2, cnt1 or 0, cnt2 or 0 end -- -- API Functions -- function Tube:new(attr) local o = { dirs_to_check = attr.dirs_to_check or {1,2,3,4,5,6}, max_tube_length = attr.max_tube_length or 1000, primary_node_names = Tbl(attr.primary_node_names or {}), secondary_node_names = Tbl(attr.secondary_node_names or {}), show_infotext = attr.show_infotext or false, clbk_after_place_tube = attr.after_place_tube, pairingList = {}, -- teleporting nodes connCache = {}, -- connection cache {pos1 = {dir1 = {pos2 = pos2, dir2 = dir2},...} } o.valid_dirs = Tbl(o.dirs_to_check) setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end -- Register (foreign) tubelib compatible nodes. function Tube:add_secondary_node_names(names) for _,name in ipairs(names) do self.secondary_node_names[name] = true end end -- Called for each connected node when the tube connection has been changed. -- func(node, pos, out_dir, peer_pos, peer_in_dir) function Tube:register_on_tube_update(update_secondary_node) self.clbk_update_secondary_node = update_secondary_node end function Tube:get_pos(pos, dir) return vector.add(pos, Dir6dToVector[dir or 0]) end -- To be called after a secondary node is placed. -- dirs is a list with valid dirs, like: {1,2,3,4} function Tube:after_place_node(pos, dirs) -- [s][f]----[n] x -- s..secondary, f..far, n..near, x..node to be placed for _,dir in ipairs(self:update_after_place_node(pos, dirs)) do update1(self, pos, dir) end end -- To be called after a tube/primary node is placed. -- Returns false, if placing is not allowed function Tube:after_place_tube(pos, placer, pointed_thing) -- [s1][f1]----[n1] x [n2]-----[f2][s2] -- s..secondary, f..far, n..near, x..node to be placed local res,dir1,dir2 = self:update_after_place_tube(pos, placer, pointed_thing) if res then -- node placed? update2(self, pos, dir1, pos, dir2) end return res end function Tube:after_dig_node(pos, dirs) -- [s][f]----[n] x -- s..secondary, f..far, n..near, x..node to be removed for _,dir in ipairs(self:update_after_dig_node(pos, dirs)) do update1(self, pos, dir) end end -- To be called after a tube/primary node is removed. function Tube:after_dig_tube(pos, oldnode) -- [s1][f1]----[n1] x [n2]-----[f2][s2] -- s..secondary, f..far, n..near, x..node to be removed -- update tubes local dir1, dir2 = self:update_after_dig_tube(pos, oldnode.param2) if dir1 then update1(self, pos, dir1) end if dir2 then update1(self, pos, dir2) end -- Update secondary nodes, if right beside dir1, dir2 = self:decode_param2(pos, oldnode.param2) local npos1,ndir1 = get_pos(pos, dir1),Turn180Deg[dir1] local npos2,ndir2 = get_pos(pos, dir2),Turn180Deg[dir2] self:del_from_cache(npos1,ndir1) self:update_secondary_node(npos1,ndir1) self:update_secondary_node(npos2,ndir2) end -- From source node to destination node via tubes. -- pos is the source node position, dir the output dir -- The returned pos is the destination position, dir -- is the direction into the destination node. function Tube:get_connected_node_pos(pos, dir) local key = S(pos) if self.connCache[key] and self.connCache[key][dir] then local item = self.connCache[key][dir] return item.pos2, Turn180Deg[item.dir2] end local fpos,fdir = self:walk_tube_line(pos, dir) local spos = get_pos(fpos,fdir) self:add_to_cache(pos, dir, spos, Turn180Deg[fdir]) self:add_to_cache(spos, Turn180Deg[fdir], pos, dir) return spos, fdir end -- To be called from a repair tool in the case of a "WorldEdit" or with -- legacy nodes corrupted tube line. function Tube:tool_repair_tube(pos) local _, node = self:primary_node(pos) if node then local dir1, dir2 = self:decode_param2(pos, node.param2) return update3(self, pos, dir1, dir2) end end -- To be called from a repair tool in the case, tube nodes are "unbreakable". function Tube:tool_remove_tube(pos, sound) local _,node = self:get_node(pos) if self.primary_node_names[node.name] then minetest.sound_play({name=sound},{ pos=pos, gain=1, max_hear_distance=5, loop=false}) minetest.remove_node(pos) self:after_dig_tube(pos, node) return true end return false end function Tube:prepare_pairing(pos, tube_dir, sFormspec) local meta = M(pos) if meta:get_int("tube_dir") ~= 0 then -- already prepared? -- update tube_dir only meta:set_int("tube_dir", tube_dir) else meta:set_int("tube_dir", tube_dir) meta:set_string("channel", nil) meta:set_string("infotext", "Unconnected") meta:set_string("formspec", sFormspec) end end function Tube:pairing(pos, channel) if self.pairingList[channel] and pos ~= self.pairingList[channel] then -- store peer position on both nodes local peer_pos = self.pairingList[channel] local tube_dir1 = self:store_teleport_data(pos, peer_pos) local tube_dir2 = self:store_teleport_data(peer_pos, pos) update2(self, pos, tube_dir1, peer_pos, tube_dir2) self.pairingList[channel] = nil return true else self.pairingList[channel] = pos local meta = M(pos) meta:set_string("channel", channel) meta:set_string("infotext", "Unconnected ("..channel..")") return false end end function Tube:stop_pairing(pos, oldmetadata, sFormspec) -- unpair peer node if oldmetadata and oldmetadata.fields then if oldmetadata.fields.tele_pos then local tele_pos = minetest.string_to_pos(oldmetadata.fields.tele_pos) local peer_meta = M(tele_pos) if peer_meta then self:after_place_node(tele_pos, {peer_meta:get_int("tube_dir")}) peer_meta:set_string("channel", nil) peer_meta:set_string("tele_pos", nil) peer_meta:set_string("formspec", sFormspec) peer_meta:set_string("infotext", "Unconnected") end elseif oldmetadata.fields.channel then self.pairingList[oldmetadata.fields.channel] = nil end end end