Rewrote readme to sync it up with the forum post. Updated changelog.

This commit is contained in:
Vanessa Ezekowitz 2012-07-24 19:06:25 -04:00
parent bd11247b0c
commit 9fbd77f769
2 changed files with 153 additions and 79 deletions


@ -4,92 +4,144 @@ VanessaE's Unified Dyes
This is a pretty extensive dyes mod, which has the sole purpose of supplying a
complete set of colors and a few greys, all of which are intended to be used by
other mods as needed to make colored objects. It uses Ironzorg's Flowers mod
as the source of the actual pigments. Flowers can be had from one of the links
below, or as part of neko259's Nature Pack.
as the source of the actual pigments, which can be had from one of the links
In total, this mod provides 89 colors and greys.
Dependencies: flowers
IMPORTANT: This mod is not intended to suggest that you should use the entire
palette. Rather, I was hoping people would just choose maybe the dozen or so
most useful colors to use in their mods. The modding template at the bottom of
this post, while intended to render the entire palette, is still just a
template - please trim out the colors and shades you don't actually need.
Dependencies: Nature Pack OR flowers
Recommends: buckets, junglegrass
License: For the buckets of paint, cc-by-sa 3.0. For everything else, WTFPL.
License: For the buckets of paint, cc-by-sa 3.0. For everything else, GPL.
Install: Unzip the distribution file, rename the resultant
VanessaE-unifieddyes-blahblah folder to just "unifieddyes", and move it into
Minetest's mods folder.
The Palette:
[ ]
[ The complete official palette, showing all 84 colors and 5 greys. ]
In the image above, the "50%" markings on the left next to each shade mean 50%
saturation for all hues in that shade line. Note that the "light" shades don't
have (or need) that variant. For the greys, the percentages shown are of
brightness relative to pure white.
Usage instructions, technical information
Getting Started
Creating a particular color of dye is pretty simple - just harvest coal,
cactus, or the appropriate flowers and start smelting them and crafting the
results together to get the various colors. There are 12 base colors, which
are formed as follows (the degree figure is that color's hue on a standard HSV
color wheel, and is what is used in the textures supplied with this mod):
First thing's first: you're going to need something in which to contain your
dyes - namely, glass bottles. Making them is very simple: Smelt some sand or
desert sand into glass blocks as usual, then put one glass block back into the
furnace to smelt it into a 9-pack of glass bottles.
Red (0°): smelt one rose (yields 2 portions of red dye)
Orange (30°): smelt one tulip (yields 2) or mix red+yellow (yields 2)
Yellow (60°): smelt one yellow dandelion (yields 2)
Lime (90°): mix yellow + green (yields 2)
Green (120°): smelt one cactus or one waterlily (yields 2), or mix
yellow + blue (yields 2)
Aqua (150°): mix green + cyan (yields 2)
Cyan (180°): green + blue (yields 2)
Sky blue (210°): mix cyan + blue (yields 2)
Blue (240°): Smelt one viola (yields 2)
Violet (270°): mix blue + magenta (yields 2) or mix
2 blues + 1 red (yields 3)
Magenta (300°): Mix blue + red (yields 2)
Red-violet (330°): mix magenta + red (yields 2)
[ ]
Now, let's fill them up with some dye base. Take one 9-pack of bottles and
craft it with one piece of jungle grass and one bucket of water. The result
will be nine individual bottles of uncolored dye base and an empty bucket.
[ ]
There are also three shades of grey plus pure black and pure white (figures in
parenthesis indicate the intended brightness of the shade, relative to white):
Next, we need to harvest some materials to make the pigments themselves from.
For this, you need one or more of the following: roses (red), tulips (orange),
dandelions (yellow), cactus or waterlilies (green), violas (blue), coal
("carbon black"), or stone+junglegrass+water (white, "titanium dioxide").
Simply wander around your world and collect whichever of the above you need to
get your colors.
Black (0%): smelt one piece of coal (yields 2)
Dark grey (25%): mix one portion of white paint with two portions of black
dye (yields 3)
Medium grey (50%): mix one white and one black (yields 2)
Light grey (75%): Mix two white and one black (yields 3)
White (100%): See below.
Once that's done, simply smelt a flower, coal, or stone to get the associated
pigment. One flower or lump of coal yields 2 portions of pigment powder,
cactus yields 6, while stone yields 10 (of titanium dioxide).
Now that you have your pigments, take one bottle of the dye base you made above
and craft it with one portion of a pigment to get a usable bottle of dye of
that color.
White Paint
[ ]
To get the white paint mentioned above, first smelt some cobble into smooth
stone as usual. Then, smelt one smooth stone block to get 10 portions of
Titanium Dioxide. Finally, craft one portion of that with a bucket of water
and one piece of jungle grass. Yields one bucket of white paint.
When all is said and done, the above ingredients and process can be repeated
for all 7 of these "root" colors, resulting in...
[ ]
Darker/lighter shades
The 7 "root" color pigments along with their sources and resultant dyes: Red,
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, White, and Black.
The 17 Color standard set:
All colors are fashioned using mixtures of the 'root' colors created above.
[ ]
[ The 12 "full" colors and the five grey shades. ]
These 17 colors and greys can be formed using these recipes:
* Red (0°): smelt one rose (yields 2 portions of red dye)
* Orange (30°): smelt one tulip (yields 2) or mix red+yellow (yields 2)
* Yellow (60°): smelt one yellow dandelion (yields 2)
* Lime (90°): mix yellow + green (yields 2)
* Green (120°): smelt one cactus or one waterlily (yields 2),
or mix yellow + blue (yields 2)
* Aqua (150°): mix green + cyan (yields 2)
* Cyan (180°): green + blue (yields 2)
* Sky blue (210°): mix cyan + blue (yields 2)
* Blue (240°): Smelt one viola (yields 2)
* Violet (270°): mix blue + magenta (yields 2)
or mix 2 blues + 1 red (yields 3)
* Magenta (300°): Mix blue + red (yields 2)
* Red-violet (330°): mix magenta + red (yields 2)
* Black (7.5%): smelt one piece of coal (yields 2) -- Note that this dye is
only used with other dyes, not with the paints.
* Dark grey (25%): mix one portion of white paint with two portions of
carbon black powder (not the above black dye) (yields 3)
* Medium grey (50%): mix one white and one carbon black (yields 2)
* Light grey (75%): Mix two white and one carbon black (yields 3)
* White (95%): Craft one piece of jungle grass with one bucket of
water and one portion of titanium dioxide (yields 1).
The degree figures are the colors' hues on a standard HSV color wheel, and are
what I used in the textures supplied with this mod. For the greys, the figures
in parenthesis indicate the intended brightness of the shade, relative to
white. Note that black and white don't go all the way to the bottom/top of the
scale, as doing so may crush some details in textures made in those shades (see
below, regarding semi-automatic texture generation).
Darker/Lighter colors
To obtain a dark (33% relative to the 'full' version) version of a given color,
use two portions of black dye along with the base color, which yields three
portions of the final color.
To obtain a dark (33%) version of a given color, use two portions of black dye
along with the base color, which yields three portions of the final color.
To obtain a medium-brightness (66%) version of a given color, mix the desired
base color from the list above with one portion of black dye (for example,
medium lime = lime + black). All such mixtures yield two portions of the final
To obtain the light (150%) version of a color, mix one portion of the
desired base color with one portion of white paint, which yields two portions of
the final color.
To obtain a light (150% over full) version of a given color, mix one portion of
the base color with one portion of white paint. Yields 2 portions of the final
Low-saturation colors
Except for the "light" colors and the greys, all colors are available in a
reduced-saturation version To get the low saturation (50%) version of one of
the base colors, mix one or more of white, black, or a shade of grey with the
desired base color:
To get the low saturation (50%) version of one of the base colors, mix one or
more of white, black, or a shade of grey with the desired base color:
Dark, low saturation: dark grey paint + color (yields 2), or two blacks + 1
white + color (yields 4). For example, dark, low-saturation red = red + dark
@ -99,10 +151,11 @@ Medium brightness, low saturation: medium grey paint + color (yields 2), or
black + white + color (yields 3). For example, medium, low-saturation green =
green + medium grey, or green + black + white.
Bright, low saturation: light grey + color (yields 2), or 1 black + 2 whites +
Full, low saturation: light grey + color (yields 2), or 1 black + 2 whites +
color (yields 4). For example, bright, low-saturation blue = blue + light
grey, or blue + black + 2 white.
There is no low-saturation version of the "light" colors.
RGB values
@ -111,21 +164,33 @@ All RGB values and filenames for all colors and shades of grey are represented
in the file "colors.txt" (which is generated with the bash script
""), included in the distribution directory.
Misc. Notes
If you need to use /give commands, the node names are of the following format:
If you need to use /give commands, the item names are of the following format:
unifieddyes:{nothing or "medium_" or "dark_"}{color}{nothing or "_s50"}.
unifieddyes:{"light_" or nothing or "medium_" or "dark_"}{color}{nothing or
For example, low saturation dark yellow would be "unifieddyes:dark_yellow_s50",
while bright, full-saturation red would simply be "unifieddyes:red".
For example, low saturation dark yellow is "unifieddyes:dark_yellow_s50", while
bright, full-saturation red is simply "unifieddyes:red". For the greys, the
names are unifieddyes:white_paint, unifieddyes:lightgrey_paint,
unifieddyes:grey_paint, unifieddyes:darkgrey_paint, or unifieddyes:black.
See the texture filenames in the textures/ folder for further hints - all of
the item names follow the same format as the filenames, save for having a colon
(:) instead of the first underscore (_).
Mods should use the replacements= parameter in their crafting recipes, to
return the empty bottles and buckets after they've been used. Something like
this should do in the case of a bottle of dye:
replacements = { { 'unifieddyes:some_color_here', 'unifieddyes:empty_bottle' },
Empty bottles can be crafted back into 9-pack sets, which can then be recycled
into glass blocks by smelting them.
Semi-automatic generation of nodes, crafting recipes, and textures
@ -148,45 +213,49 @@ just add whatever code you need to the end of the init.lua to define additional
functions, items, crafts, and smelting recipes, etc., as needed by your mod,
and start coding and testing like usual.
The template is configured by default to return the empty glass bottles
whenever a dye is used.
This template is not supplied as part of the unifieddyes mod, rather you need
fetch it separately from here:
Download Template:
...or browse the code:
Download Template:
...or browse the code:
The texture generator script
Obviously, in order for this mod or the above template to be useful, you'll
need textures. If you plan to support the entire range of colors offered by
Unified Dyes, there is a BASH script included with that template named, which will, with an appropriately- colored and
appropriately-named source texture, and possibly an overlay texture, generate a
complete set of colored and greyscale textures.
Unified Dyes, there is a BASH script included with this mod as well with the
above template named, which will, with an appropriately- colored
and appropriately-named source texture, and possibly an overlay texture,
generate a complete set of colored and greyscale textures.
The script requires bc (the calculator program) to handle some basic math
regarding the hue adjustments, and Imagemagick's "convert" program handles all
of the actual conversions.
First thing's first though - you need source textures. Using your favorite image
editor, create a single version of your desired texture. Draw it in the
First thing's first though - you need source textures. Using your favorite
image editor, create a single version of your desired texture. Draw it in the
brightest, deepest shade of RED you can muster without losing any detail, and
save it out. Ideally, you will want the average color of the texture, when
taking into account all bright and dark areas, to be as close as possible to
the hex value #FF0000 (0 degrees, 100% saturation, pure red) without losing any
appreciable #detail.
Save this source texture out with a filename of whatever_base.png, where
"whatever" is the one-word name of your mod - for example, mymod_base.png.
Save this source texture out as a PNG image, with a filename of
"whatever_base.png", where "whatever" is the one-word name of your mod - for
example, mymod_base.png.
If you want to add an image on top of the colored blocks, such as a frame,
which you want to be the same color throughout all of the textures, create it
now. It should consist only of those parts of the textures that you want to
leave unchanged, with transparency everywhere else. Save it out using any
filename you want.
leave unchanged, with some level of alpha transparency everywhere else,
depending on how much of the image needs to remain unchanged. Save it out as a
PNG image, using any filename you want, for example myoverlay.png.
Now, run the script (make it executable first, if necessary).
Now, use chmod to make the script executable, if necessary, and run it.
If you don't need the overlay, you just need to supply one command line
argument: the base name of your mod. The script will use that parameter as the
@ -197,15 +266,12 @@ basis of its texture filenames. For example:
The script will then look for mymod_base.png and copy and convert it into
things like mymod_red.png, mymod_dark_blue.png, and so on.
If you want to use an overlay also, run the script with the base name as the
first parameter, and the complete filename of your overlay as the second. For
If you want to use an overlay also, skip the above step and run the script with
the base name as the first parameter, and the complete filename of your overlay
as the second instead. For example:
./ mymod myoverlay.png
The program will exit immediately if the image(s) you've supplied are invalid,
missing, etc.
Otherwise, the program will iterate through all of the hues and shades that are
supported by unifieddyes (though this is done manually, not by reading anything
from the mod), compositing your overlay image in after the recolor step, if
@ -226,6 +292,9 @@ this mode, so it's a good idea to make the overlay some fairly saturated shade
of red. Along with that, the base image should be some neutral color; any
color is fine as long as the result is what you wanted.
The program attempts to verify that the files you've asked it to use will
actually work, and will exit immediately if the any are invalid, missing, etc.
Use your favorite image browser or file manager to review the results in
generated-textures/, and if they're right, copy them over to the textures/
folder in your mod.

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
2012-07-24: Added some extra steps to the dye-making process, added
recommendation that empty bottles be given back to the player on use. Dyes
are still easy to make, they just require a more realistic (and this, harder)
process now.
2012-07-16 (a bit later): fixed a minor error in generation of medium grey.
2012-07-16: Added a new set of colors, "light" (brightness of 150% versus the