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Netscript Operators
Binary Operators
Binary operators require two operands and produce a result based on their values. In general, binary
operators do not change the value of the operands.
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Operator Name Example/Comments
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= Assignment i = 5 would assign the value 5 to the variable i
\+ Addition 5 + 12 would return 17
\- Subtraction 20 - 8 would return 12
\* Multiplication 4 * 5 would return 20
\/ Division 50 / 10 would return 5
% Modulo 50 % 9 would return 5
&& Logical AND true && false would return false
|| Logical OR true || false would return true
< Less than 4 < 5 would return true
> Greater than 4 > 5 would return false
<= Less than or equal to 5 <= 5 would return true
>= Greater than or equal to 5 >= 4 would return true
== Equality 1 == 1 would return true
!= Inequality 4 != 5 would return true
=== Strict equality 1 === "1" would return false
!== Strict inequality 1 !== "1" would return true
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Unary Operators
Unary operators require only a single operand and produce a result based on their values. Some unary operators will
change the value of their operands. For example::
i = 0;
Running the pre-increment unary operator (++) in the code above changes the value of the variable i.
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Operator Name Example/comments
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! Logical NOT operator !true would return false, and !false would return true. Does not change operand's value
\- Negation Negates a number. Only works for numerics. Does not change operand's value
++ Pre-increment ++i or i++. WARNING: This only pre-increments, even if you put i++. Changes operand's value
-- Pre-decrement --i or i--. WARNING: This only pre-decrements, even if you put i--. Changes operand's value
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