2022-10-21 11:16:00 -04:00
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## Singularity interface
Singularity API
2023-02-11 13:18:50 -05:00
2022-10-21 11:16:00 -04:00
export interface Singularity
## Remarks
This API requires Source-File 4 to use. The RAM cost of all these functions is multiplied by 16/4/1 based on Source-File 4 levels.
## Methods
| Method | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [applyToCompany(companyName, field) ](./bitburner.singularity.applytocompany.md ) | Apply for a job at a company. |
2024-07-15 04:30:30 +07:00
| [b1tflum3(nextBN, callbackScript, bitNodeOptions) ](./bitburner.singularity.b1tflum3.md ) | b1t\_flum3 into a different BN. |
2022-10-21 11:16:00 -04:00
| [checkFactionInvitations() ](./bitburner.singularity.checkfactioninvitations.md ) | List all current faction invitations. |
| [commitCrime(crime, focus) ](./bitburner.singularity.commitcrime.md ) | Commit a crime. |
| [connect(hostname) ](./bitburner.singularity.connect.md ) | Connect to a server. |
| [createProgram(program, focus) ](./bitburner.singularity.createprogram.md ) | Create a program. |
2024-07-15 04:30:30 +07:00
| [destroyW0r1dD43m0n(nextBN, callbackScript, bitNodeOptions) ](./bitburner.singularity.destroyw0r1dd43m0n.md ) | Destroy the w0r1d\_d43m0n and move on to the next BN. |
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| [donateToFaction(faction, amount) ](./bitburner.singularity.donatetofaction.md ) | Donate to a faction. |
| [exportGame() ](./bitburner.singularity.exportgame.md ) | Backup game save. |
| [exportGameBonus() ](./bitburner.singularity.exportgamebonus.md ) | Returns Backup save bonus availability. |
| [getAugmentationBasePrice(augName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationbaseprice.md ) | Get base price of an augmentation. |
2023-08-05 22:04:36 -06:00
| [getAugmentationFactions(augName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationfactions.md ) | Get a list of faction(s) that have a specific Augmentation. |
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| [getAugmentationPrereq(augName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationprereq.md ) | Get the pre-requisite of an augmentation. |
| [getAugmentationPrice(augName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationprice.md ) | Get price of an augmentation. |
| [getAugmentationRepReq(augName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationrepreq.md ) | Get reputation requirement of an augmentation. |
| [getAugmentationsFromFaction(faction) ](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationsfromfaction.md ) | Get a list of augmentation available from a faction. |
| [getAugmentationStats(name) ](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationstats.md ) | Get the stats of an augmentation. |
| [getCompanyFavor(companyName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getcompanyfavor.md ) | Get company favor. |
| [getCompanyFavorGain(companyName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getcompanyfavorgain.md ) | Get company favor gain. |
2023-04-07 07:49:11 -04:00
| [getCompanyPositionInfo(companyName, positionName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getcompanypositioninfo.md ) | Get Requirements for Company Position. |
| [getCompanyPositions(companyName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getcompanypositions.md ) | Get List of Company Positions. |
2022-10-21 11:16:00 -04:00
| [getCompanyRep(companyName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getcompanyrep.md ) | Get company reputation. |
| [getCrimeChance(crime) ](./bitburner.singularity.getcrimechance.md ) | Get chance to successfully commit a crime. |
| [getCrimeStats(crime) ](./bitburner.singularity.getcrimestats.md ) | Get stats related to a crime. |
| [getCurrentServer() ](./bitburner.singularity.getcurrentserver.md ) | Get the current server. |
| [getCurrentWork() ](./bitburner.singularity.getcurrentwork.md ) | Get the current work the player is doing. |
| [getDarkwebProgramCost(programName) ](./bitburner.singularity.getdarkwebprogramcost.md ) | Check the price of an exploit on the dark web |
| [getDarkwebPrograms() ](./bitburner.singularity.getdarkwebprograms.md ) | Get a list of programs offered on the dark web. |
2024-03-29 00:16:54 -05:00
| [getFactionEnemies(faction) ](./bitburner.singularity.getfactionenemies.md ) | Get a list of enemies of a faction. |
2022-10-21 11:16:00 -04:00
| [getFactionFavor(faction) ](./bitburner.singularity.getfactionfavor.md ) | Get faction favor. |
| [getFactionFavorGain(faction) ](./bitburner.singularity.getfactionfavorgain.md ) | Get faction favor gain. |
2023-12-16 01:27:22 -08:00
| [getFactionInviteRequirements(faction) ](./bitburner.singularity.getfactioninviterequirements.md ) | List conditions for being invited to a faction. |
2022-10-21 11:16:00 -04:00
| [getFactionRep(faction) ](./bitburner.singularity.getfactionrep.md ) | Get faction reputation. |
2024-06-25 10:43:36 +07:00
| [getFactionWorkTypes(faction) ](./bitburner.singularity.getfactionworktypes.md ) | Get the work types of a faction. |
2022-10-21 11:16:00 -04:00
| [getOwnedAugmentations(purchased) ](./bitburner.singularity.getownedaugmentations.md ) | Get a list of owned augmentation. |
| [getOwnedSourceFiles() ](./bitburner.singularity.getownedsourcefiles.md ) | Get a list of acquired Source-Files. |
| [getUpgradeHomeCoresCost() ](./bitburner.singularity.getupgradehomecorescost.md ) | Get the price of upgrading home cores. |
| [getUpgradeHomeRamCost() ](./bitburner.singularity.getupgradehomeramcost.md ) | Get the price of upgrading home RAM. |
| [goToLocation(locationName) ](./bitburner.singularity.gotolocation.md ) | Go to a location. |
| [gymWorkout(gymName, stat, focus) ](./bitburner.singularity.gymworkout.md ) | Workout at the gym. |
| [hospitalize() ](./bitburner.singularity.hospitalize.md ) | Hospitalize the player. |
| [installAugmentations(cbScript) ](./bitburner.singularity.installaugmentations.md ) | Install your purchased augmentations. |
| [installBackdoor() ](./bitburner.singularity.installbackdoor.md ) | Run the backdoor command in the terminal. |
| [isBusy() ](./bitburner.singularity.isbusy.md ) | Check if the player is busy. |
| [isFocused() ](./bitburner.singularity.isfocused.md ) | Check if the player is focused. |
| [joinFaction(faction) ](./bitburner.singularity.joinfaction.md ) | Join a faction. |
| [manualHack() ](./bitburner.singularity.manualhack.md ) | Run the hack command in the terminal. |
| [purchaseAugmentation(faction, augmentation) ](./bitburner.singularity.purchaseaugmentation.md ) | Purchase an augmentation |
| [purchaseProgram(programName) ](./bitburner.singularity.purchaseprogram.md ) | Purchase a program from the dark web. |
| [purchaseTor() ](./bitburner.singularity.purchasetor.md ) | Purchase the TOR router. |
| [quitJob(companyName) ](./bitburner.singularity.quitjob.md ) | Quit jobs by company. |
| [setFocus(focus) ](./bitburner.singularity.setfocus.md ) | Set the players focus. |
| [softReset(cbScript) ](./bitburner.singularity.softreset.md ) | Soft reset the game. |
| [stopAction() ](./bitburner.singularity.stopaction.md ) | Stop the current action. |
| [travelToCity(city) ](./bitburner.singularity.traveltocity.md ) | Travel to another city. |
| [universityCourse(universityName, courseName, focus) ](./bitburner.singularity.universitycourse.md ) | Take university class. |
| [upgradeHomeCores() ](./bitburner.singularity.upgradehomecores.md ) | Upgrade home computer cores. |
| [upgradeHomeRam() ](./bitburner.singularity.upgradehomeram.md ) | Upgrade home computer RAM. |
| [workForCompany(companyName, focus) ](./bitburner.singularity.workforcompany.md ) | Work for a company. |
| [workForFaction(faction, workType, focus) ](./bitburner.singularity.workforfaction.md ) | Work for a faction. |