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309 lines
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import { Page, routing } from "../ui/navigationTracking";
import { Generic_fromJSON, Generic_toJSON, Reviver } from "../../utils/JSONReviver";
export class GangMember {
name: string;
task: string = "Unassigned";
earnedRespect: number = 0;
hack: number = 1;
str: number = 1;
def: number = 1;
dex: number = 1;
agi: number = 1;
cha: number = 1;
hack_exp: number = 0;
str_exp: number = 0;
def_exp: number = 0;
dex_exp: number = 0;
agi_exp: number = 0;
cha_exp: number = 0;
hack_mult: number = 1;
str_mult: number = 1;
def_mult: number = 1;
dex_mult: number = 1;
agi_mult: number = 1;
cha_mult: number = 1;
hack_asc_mult: number = 1;
str_asc_mult: number = 1;
def_asc_mult: number = 1;
dex_asc_mult: number = 1;
agi_asc_mult: number = 1;
cha_asc_mult: number = 1;
upgrades: string[] = []; // Names of upgrades
augmentations: string[] = []; // Names of augmentations only
constructor(name: string = "") {
this.name = name;
// // Same skill calculation formula as Player
// calculateSkill(exp: number, mult: number = 1): number {
// return Math.max(Math.floor(mult * (32 * Math.log(exp + 534.5) - 200)), 1);
// }
// updateSkillLevels(): void {
// this.hack = this.calculateSkill(this.hack_exp, this.hack_mult * this.hack_asc_mult);
// this.str = this.calculateSkill(this.str_exp, this.str_mult * this.str_asc_mult);
// this.def = this.calculateSkill(this.def_exp, this.def_mult * this.def_asc_mult);
// this.dex = this.calculateSkill(this.dex_exp, this.dex_mult * this.dex_asc_mult);
// this.agi = this.calculateSkill(this.agi_exp, this.agi_mult * this.agi_asc_mult);
// this.cha = this.calculateSkill(this.cha_exp, this.cha_mult * this.cha_asc_mult);
// }
// calculatePower(): number {
// return (this.hack + this.str + this.def + this.dex + this.agi + this.cha) / 95;
// }
// assignToTask(taskName: string): boolean {
// if (GangMemberTasks.hasOwnProperty(taskName)) {
// this.task = taskName;
// return true;
// } else {
// this.task = "Unassigned";
// return false;
// }
// }
// unassignFromTask(): string {
// this.task = "Unassigned";
// }
// getTask(): string {
// // Backwards compatibility
// if (this.task instanceof GangMemberTask) {
// this.task = this.task.name;
// }
// if (GangMemberTasks.hasOwnProperty(this.task)) {
// return GangMemberTasks[this.task];
// }
// return GangMemberTasks["Unassigned"];
// }
// // Gains are per cycle
// calculateRespectGain(gang: any): number {
// const task = this.getTask();
// if (task == null || !(task instanceof GangMemberTask) || task.baseRespect === 0) {return 0;}
// let statWeight = (task.hackWeight/100) * this.hack +
// (task.strWeight/100) * this.str +
// (task.defWeight/100) * this.def +
// (task.dexWeight/100) * this.dex +
// (task.agiWeight/100) * this.agi +
// (task.chaWeight/100) * this.cha;
// statWeight -= (4 * task.difficulty);
// if (statWeight <= 0) { return 0; }
// const territoryMult = Math.pow(AllGangs[gang.facName].territory * 100, task.territory.respect) / 100;
// if (isNaN(territoryMult) || territoryMult <= 0) { return 0; }
// const respectMult = gang.getWantedPenalty();
// return 11 * task.baseRespect * statWeight * territoryMult * respectMult;
// }
// calculateWantedLevelGain(gang: any): number {
// const task = this.getTask();
// if (task == null || !(task instanceof GangMemberTask) || task.baseWanted === 0) { return 0; }
// let statWeight = (task.hackWeight / 100) * this.hack +
// (task.strWeight / 100) * this.str +
// (task.defWeight / 100) * this.def +
// (task.dexWeight / 100) * this.dex +
// (task.agiWeight / 100) * this.agi +
// (task.chaWeight / 100) * this.cha;
// statWeight -= (3.5 * task.difficulty);
// if (statWeight <= 0) { return 0; }
// const territoryMult = Math.pow(AllGangs[gang.facName].territory * 100, task.territory.wanted) / 100;
// if (isNaN(territoryMult) || territoryMult <= 0) { return 0; }
// if (task.baseWanted < 0) {
// return 0.4 * task.baseWanted * statWeight * territoryMult;
// } else {
// const calc = 7 * task.baseWanted / (Math.pow(3 * statWeight * territoryMult, 0.8));
// // Put an arbitrary cap on this to prevent wanted level from rising too fast if the
// // denominator is very small. Might want to rethink formula later
// return Math.min(100, calc);
// }
// }
// calculateMoneyGain(gang: any): number {
// const task = this.getTask();
// if (task == null || !(task instanceof GangMemberTask) || task.baseMoney === 0) {return 0;}
// let statWeight = (task.hackWeight/100) * this.hack +
// (task.strWeight/100) * this.str +
// (task.defWeight/100) * this.def +
// (task.dexWeight/100) * this.dex +
// (task.agiWeight/100) * this.agi +
// (task.chaWeight/100) * this.cha;
// statWeight -= (3.2 * task.difficulty);
// if (statWeight <= 0) { return 0; }
// const territoryMult = Math.pow(AllGangs[gang.facName].territory * 100, task.territory.money) / 100;
// if (isNaN(territoryMult) || territoryMult <= 0) { return 0; }
// const respectMult = gang.getWantedPenalty();
// return 5 * task.baseMoney * statWeight * territoryMult * respectMult;
// }
// gainExperience(numCycles: number = 1): void {
// const task = this.getTask();
// if (task == null || !(task instanceof GangMemberTask) || task === GangMemberTasks["Unassigned"]) {return;}
// const difficultyMult = Math.pow(task.difficulty, 0.9);
// const difficultyPerCycles = difficultyMult * numCycles;
// const weightDivisor = 1500;
// this.hack_exp += (task.hackWeight / weightDivisor) * difficultyPerCycles;
// this.str_exp += (task.strWeight / weightDivisor) * difficultyPerCycles;
// this.def_exp += (task.defWeight / weightDivisor) * difficultyPerCycles;
// this.dex_exp += (task.dexWeight / weightDivisor) * difficultyPerCycles;
// this.agi_exp += (task.agiWeight / weightDivisor) * difficultyPerCycles;
// this.cha_exp += (task.chaWeight / weightDivisor) * difficultyPerCycles;
// }
// recordEarnedRespect(numCycles: number = 1, gang: any): void {
// this.earnedRespect += (this.calculateRespectGain(gang) * numCycles);
// }
// ascend(): any {
// const res = this.getAscensionResults();
// const hackAscMult = res.hack;
// const strAscMult = res.str;
// const defAscMult = res.def;
// const dexAscMult = res.dex;
// const agiAscMult = res.agi;
// const chaAscMult = res.cha;
// this.hack_asc_mult += hackAscMult;
// this.str_asc_mult += strAscMult;
// this.def_asc_mult += defAscMult;
// this.dex_asc_mult += dexAscMult;
// this.agi_asc_mult += agiAscMult;
// this.cha_asc_mult += chaAscMult;
// // Remove upgrades. Then re-calculate multipliers and stats
// this.upgrades.length = 0;
// this.hack_mult = 1;
// this.str_mult = 1;
// this.def_mult = 1;
// this.dex_mult = 1;
// this.agi_mult = 1;
// this.cha_mult = 1;
// for (let i = 0; i < this.augmentations.length; ++i) {
// let aug = GangMemberUpgrades[this.augmentations[i]];
// aug.apply(this);
// }
// // Clear exp and recalculate stats
// this.hack_exp = 0;
// this.str_exp = 0;
// this.def_exp = 0;
// this.dex_exp = 0;
// this.agi_exp = 0;
// this.cha_exp = 0;
// this.updateSkillLevels();
// const respectToDeduct = this.earnedRespect;
// this.earnedRespect = 0;
// return {
// respect: respectToDeduct,
// hack: hackAscMult,
// str: strAscMult,
// def: defAscMult,
// dex: dexAscMult,
// agi: agiAscMult,
// cha: chaAscMult,
// };
// }
// getAscensionEfficiency(): any {
// function formula(mult) {
// return 1/(1+Math.log(mult)/Math.log(20));
// }
// return {
// hack: formula(this.hack_asc_mult),
// str: formula(this.str_asc_mult),
// def: formula(this.def_asc_mult),
// dex: formula(this.dex_asc_mult),
// agi: formula(this.agi_asc_mult),
// cha: formula(this.cha_asc_mult),
// };
// }
// // Returns the multipliers that would be gained from ascension
// getAscensionResults(): any {
// /**
// * Calculate ascension bonus to stat multipliers.
// * This is based on the current number of multipliers from Non-Augmentation upgrades
// * + Ascension Bonus = N% of current bonus from Augmentations
// */
// let hack = 1;
// let str = 1;
// let def = 1;
// let dex = 1;
// let agi = 1;
// let cha = 1;
// for (let i = 0; i < this.upgrades.length; ++i) {
// const upg = GangMemberUpgrades[this.upgrades[i]];
// if (upg.mults.hack != null) { hack *= upg.mults.hack; }
// if (upg.mults.str != null) { str *= upg.mults.str; }
// if (upg.mults.def != null) { def *= upg.mults.def; }
// if (upg.mults.dex != null) { dex *= upg.mults.dex; }
// if (upg.mults.agi != null) { agi *= upg.mults.agi; }
// if (upg.mults.cha != null) { cha *= upg.mults.cha; }
// }
// // Subtract 1 because we're only interested in the actual "bonus" part
// const eff = this.getAscensionEfficiency();
// return {
// hack: (Math.max(0, hack - 1) * AscensionMultiplierRatio * eff.hack),
// str: (Math.max(0, str - 1) * AscensionMultiplierRatio * eff.str),
// def: (Math.max(0, def - 1) * AscensionMultiplierRatio * eff.def),
// dex: (Math.max(0, dex - 1) * AscensionMultiplierRatio * eff.dex),
// agi: (Math.max(0, agi - 1) * AscensionMultiplierRatio * eff.agi),
// cha: (Math.max(0, cha - 1) * AscensionMultiplierRatio * eff.cha),
// }
// }
// buyUpgrade(upg: any, player: any, gang: any): boolean {
// if (typeof upg === 'string') {
// upg = GangMemberUpgrades[upg];
// }
// if (!(upg instanceof GangMemberUpgrade)) {
// return false;
// }
// // Prevent purchasing of already-owned upgrades
// if (this.augmentations.includes(upg.name) || this.upgrades.includes(upg.name)) {
// return false;
// }
// if (player.money.lt(upg.getCost(gang))) { return false; }
// player.loseMoney(upg.getCost(gang));
// if (upg.type === "g") {
// this.augmentations.push(upg.name);
// } else {
// this.upgrades.push(upg.name);
// }
// upg.apply(this);
// if (routing.isOn(Page.Gang) && UIElems.gangMemberUpgradeBoxOpened) {
// var initFilterValue = UIElems.gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter.value.toString();
// gang.createGangMemberUpgradeBox(player, initFilterValue);
// }
// return true;
// }
* Serialize the current object to a JSON save state.
toJSON(): any {
return Generic_toJSON("GangMember", this);
* Initiatizes a GangMember object from a JSON save state.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
static fromJSON(value: any): GangMember {
return Generic_fromJSON(GangMember, value.data);
Reviver.constructors.GangMember = GangMember;