| [investorShares](./bitburner.corporationinfo.investorshares.md) | | number | Amount of shares owned by private investors. Not available for public sale or CEO buyback. |
| [issuedShares](./bitburner.corporationinfo.issuedshares.md) | | number | Amount of shares owned by public traders. Available for CEO buyback. |
| [nextState](./bitburner.corporationinfo.nextstate.md) | | [CorpStateName](./bitburner.corpstatename.md) | <p>The next state to be processed.</p><p>I.e. when the state is PURCHASE, it means purchasing will occur during the next state transition.</p><p>Possible states are START, PURCHASE, PRODUCTION, EXPORT, SALE.</p> |
| [prevState](./bitburner.corporationinfo.prevstate.md) | | [CorpStateName](./bitburner.corpstatename.md) | <p>The last state that got processed.</p><p>I.e. when that state is PURCHASE, it means purchasing just happened.</p><p>Possible states are START, PURCHASE, PRODUCTION, EXPORT, SALE.</p> |