
253 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Helper functions for determine whether Limit and Stop orders should
* be executed (and executing them)
import {
} from "./BuyingAndSelling";
import { IOrderBook } from "./IOrderBook";
import { IStockMarket } from "./IStockMarket";
import { Order } from "./Order";
import { Stock } from "./Stock";
import { OrderTypes } from "./data/OrderTypes";
import { PositionTypes } from "./data/PositionTypes";
import { numeralWrapper } from "../ui/numeralFormat";
import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../../utils/DialogBox";
interface IProcessOrderRefs {
rerenderFn: () => void;
stockMarket: IStockMarket;
* Search for all orders of a specific type and execute them if appropriate
* @param {Stock} stock - Stock for which orders should be processed
* @param {OrderTypes} orderType - Type of order to check (Limit/Stop buy/sell)
* @param {PositionTypes} posType - Long or short
* @param {IProcessOrderRefs} refs - References to objects/functions that are required for this function
export function processOrders(stock: Stock, orderType: OrderTypes, posType: PositionTypes, refs: IProcessOrderRefs): void {
let orderBook = refs.stockMarket["Orders"];
if (orderBook == null) {
const orders: IOrderBook = {};
for (const name in refs.stockMarket) {
const stock = refs.stockMarket[name];
if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) { continue; }
orders[stock.symbol] = [];
refs.stockMarket["Orders"] = orders;
return; // Newly created, so no orders to process
let stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol];
if (stockOrders == null || !(stockOrders.constructor === Array)) {
console.error(`Invalid Order book for ${stock.symbol} in processOrders()`);
stockOrders = [];
for (const order of stockOrders) {
if (order.type === orderType && order.pos === posType) {
switch (order.type) {
case OrderTypes.LimitBuy:
if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price <= order.price) {
executeOrder/*66*/(order, refs.stockMarket, refs.rerenderFn);
} else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price >= order.price) {
executeOrder/*66*/(order, refs.stockMarket, refs.rerenderFn);
case OrderTypes.LimitSell:
if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price >= order.price) {
executeOrder/*66*/(order, refs.stockMarket, refs.rerenderFn);
} else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price <= order.price) {
executeOrder/*66*/(order, refs.stockMarket, refs.rerenderFn);
case OrderTypes.StopBuy:
if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price >= order.price) {
executeOrder/*66*/(order, refs.stockMarket, refs.rerenderFn);
} else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price <= order.price) {
executeOrder/*66*/(order, refs.stockMarket, refs.rerenderFn);
case OrderTypes.StopSell:
if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price <= order.price) {
executeOrder/*66*/(order, refs.stockMarket, refs.rerenderFn);
} else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price >= order.price) {
executeOrder/*66*/(order, refs.stockMarket, refs.rerenderFn);
console.warn(`Invalid order type: ${order.type}`);
* Execute a Stop or Limit Order.
* @param {Order} order - Order being executed
* @param {IStockMarket} stockMarket - Reference to StockMarket object
function executeOrder(order: Order, stockMarket: IStockMarket, rerenderFn: () => void) {
const stock = order.stock;
const orderBook = stockMarket["Orders"];
const stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol];
const isLimit = (order.type === OrderTypes.LimitBuy || order.type === OrderTypes.LimitSell);
let limitShares = 0;
// When orders are executed, the buying and selling functions shouldn't
// emit popup dialog boxes. This options object configures the functions for that
const opts = {
rerenderFn: rerenderFn,
suppressDialog: true
let res = true;
let isBuy = false;
console.log("Executing the following order:");
switch (order.type) {
case OrderTypes.LimitBuy: {
isBuy = true;
// We only execute limit orders until the price fails to match the order condition
const isLong = (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long);
const firstShares = Math.min(order.shares, stock.shareTxUntilMovement);
// First transaction to trigger movement
if (isLong ? buyStock(stock, firstShares, null, opts) : shortStock(stock, firstShares, null, opts)) {
limitShares = firstShares;
} else {
let remainingShares = order.shares - firstShares;
let remainingIterations = Math.ceil(remainingShares / stock.shareTxForMovement);
for (let i = 0; i < remainingIterations; ++i) {
if (isLong && stock.price > order.price) {
} else if (!isLong && stock.price < order.price) {
const shares = Math.min(remainingShares, stock.shareTxForMovement);
if (isLong ? buyStock(stock, shares, null, opts) : shortStock(stock, shares, null, opts)) {
limitShares += shares;
remainingShares -= shares;
} else {
case OrderTypes.StopBuy: {
isBuy = true;
if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long) {
res = buyStock(stock, order.shares, null, opts) && res;
} else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short) {
res = shortStock(stock, order.shares, null, opts) && res;
case OrderTypes.LimitSell: {
// We only execute limit orders until the price fails to match the order condition
const isLong = (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long);
const firstShares = Math.min(order.shares, stock.shareTxUntilMovement);
// First transaction to trigger movement
if (isLong ? sellStock(stock, firstShares, null, opts) : sellShort(stock, firstShares, null, opts)) {
limitShares = firstShares;
} else {
let remainingShares = order.shares - firstShares;
let remainingIterations = Math.ceil(remainingShares / stock.shareTxForMovement);
for (let i = 0; i < remainingIterations; ++i) {
if (isLong && stock.price < order.price) {
} else if (!isLong && stock.price > order.price) {
const shares = Math.min(remainingShares, stock.shareTxForMovement);
if (isLong ? sellStock(stock, shares, null, opts) : sellShort(stock, shares, null, opts)) {
limitShares += shares;
remainingShares -= shares;
} else {
case OrderTypes.StopSell: {
if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long) {
res = sellStock(stock, order.shares, null, opts) && res;
} else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short) {
res = sellShort(stock, order.shares, null, opts) && res;
console.warn(`Invalid order type: ${order.type}`);
// Position type, for logging/message purposes
const pos = order.pos === PositionTypes.Long ? "Long" : "Short";
if (res) {
if (isLimit) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) {
if (order == stockOrders[i]) {
for (let i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) {
if (order == stockOrders[i]) {
if (isLimit) {
// Limit orders might only transact a certain # of shares, so we have the adjust the order qty.
stockOrders[i].shares -= limitShares;
if (stockOrders[i].shares <= 0) {
stockOrders.splice(i, 1);
dialogBoxCreate(`${order.type} for ${order.stock.symbol} @ ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(order.price)} (${pos}) was filled ` +
`(${Math.round(limitShares)} shares`);
} else {
dialogBoxCreate(`${order.type} for ${order.stock.symbol} @ ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(order.price)} (${pos}) was partially filled ` +
`(${Math.round(limitShares)} shares transacted, ${stockOrders[i].shares} shares remaining`);
} else {
// Stop orders will transact everything, so they can be removed completely
stockOrders.splice(i, 1);
dialogBoxCreate(`${order.type} for ${order.stock.symbol} @ ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(order.price)} (${pos}) was filled ` +
`(${Math.round(order.shares)} shares transacted)`);
console.error("Could not find the following Order in Order Book: ");
} else {
if (isBuy) {
dialogBoxCreate(`Failed to execute ${order.type} for ${order.stock.symbol} @ ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(order.price)} (${pos}). ` +
`This is most likely because you do not have enough money or the order would exceed the stock's maximum number of shares`);
} else {
dialogBoxCreate(`Failed to execute ${order.type} for ${order.stock.symbol} @ ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(order.price)} (${pos}). ` +
`This is most likely a bug, please report to game developer with details.`);