2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
import * as acorn from "../utils/acorn";
* @license
* JavaScript Interpreter
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Interpreting JavaScript in JavaScript.
* @author fraser@google.com (Neil Fraser)
'use strict';
* Create a new interpreter.
* @param {string|!Object} code Raw JavaScript text or AST.
* @param {Function=} opt_initFunc Optional initialization function. Used to
* define APIs. When called it is passed the interpreter object and the
* global scope object.
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
* @param {Number} Bitburner-specific number used for determining exception line numbers
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
* @constructor
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
var Interpreter = function(code, opt_initFunc, lineOffset=0) {
this.sourceCode = code;
this.sourceCodeLineOffset = lineOffset;
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
if (typeof code === 'string') {
code = acorn.parse(code, Interpreter.PARSE_OPTIONS);
this.ast = code;
this.initFunc_ = opt_initFunc;
this.paused_ = false;
this.polyfills_ = [];
// Unique identifier for native functions. Used in serialization.
this.functionCounter_ = 0;
// Map node types to our step function names; a property lookup is faster
// than string concatenation with "step" prefix.
this.stepFunctions_ = Object.create(null);
var stepMatch = /^step([A-Z]\w*)$/;
var m;
for (var methodName in this) {
if ((typeof this[methodName] === 'function') &&
(m = methodName.match(stepMatch))) {
this.stepFunctions_[m[1]] = this[methodName].bind(this);
// Create and initialize the global scope.
this.global = this.createScope(this.ast, null);
// Run the polyfills.
this.ast = acorn.parse(this.polyfills_.join('\n'), Interpreter.PARSE_OPTIONS);
this.polyfills_ = undefined; // Allow polyfill strings to garbage collect.
this.stripLocations_(this.ast, undefined, undefined);
var state = new Interpreter.State(this.ast, this.global);
state.done = false;
this.stateStack = [state];
this.value = undefined;
// Point at the main program.
this.ast = code;
var state = new Interpreter.State(this.ast, this.global);
state.done = false;
this.stateStack.length = 0;
this.stateStack[0] = state;
// Get a handle on Acorn's node_t object. It's tricky to access.
this.nodeConstructor = state.node.constructor;
// Preserve publicly properties from being pruned/renamed by JS compilers.
// Add others as needed.
this['stateStack'] = this.stateStack;
* @const {!Object} Configuration used for all Acorn parsing.
Interpreter.PARSE_OPTIONS = {
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
ecmaVersion: 5,
locations: true
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
* Property descriptor of readonly properties.
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: false
* Property descriptor of non-enumerable properties.
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
writable: true
* Property descriptor of readonly, non-enumerable properties.
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
writable: false
* Property descriptor of variables.
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
writable: true
* Unique symbol for indicating that a step has encountered an error, has
* added it to the stack, and will be thrown within the user's program.
* When STEP_ERROR is thrown in the JS-Interpreter, the error can be ignored.
Interpreter.STEP_ERROR = {};
* Unique symbol for indicating that a reference is a variable on the scope,
* not an object property.
Interpreter.SCOPE_REFERENCE = {};
* Unique symbol for indicating, when used as the value of the value
* parameter in calls to setProperty and friends, that the value
* should be taken from the property descriptor instead.
Interpreter.VALUE_IN_DESCRIPTOR = {};
* For cycle detection in array to string and error conversion;
* see spec bug github.com/tc39/ecma262/issues/289
* Since this is for atomic actions only, it can be a class property.
Interpreter.toStringCycles_ = [];
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
* Determine error/exception line number in Bitburner source code
* @param {Object} AST Node that causes Error/Exception
Interpreter.prototype.getErrorLineNumber = function(node) {
var code = this.sourceCode;
if (node == null || node.start == null) {return NaN;}
try {
code = code.substring(0, node.start);
return (code.match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1 - this.sourceCodeLineOffset;
} catch(e) {
return NaN;
* Generate the appropriate line number error message for Bitburner
* @param {Number} lineNumber
Interpreter.prototype.getErrorLineNumberMessage = function(lineNumber) {
if (isNaN(lineNumber)) {
return " (Unknown line number)";
} else if (lineNumber <= 0) {
return " (Error occurred in an imported function)";
} else {
return " (Line Number " + lineNumber + ". This line number is probably incorrect " +
"if your script is importing any functions. This is being worked on)";
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
* Add more code to the interpreter.
* @param {string|!Object} code Raw JavaScript text or AST.
Interpreter.prototype.appendCode = function(code) {
var state = this.stateStack[0];
if (!state || state.node['type'] !== 'Program') {
throw Error('Expecting original AST to start with a Program node.');
if (typeof code === 'string') {
code = acorn.parse(code, Interpreter.PARSE_OPTIONS);
if (!code || code['type'] !== 'Program') {
throw Error('Expecting new AST to start with a Program node.');
this.populateScope_(code, state.scope);
// Append the new program to the old one.
for (var i = 0, node; (node = code['body'][i]); i++) {
state.done = false;
* Execute one step of the interpreter.
* @return {boolean} True if a step was executed, false if no more instructions.
Interpreter.prototype.step = function() {
var stack = this.stateStack;
var state = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (!state) {
return false;
var node = state.node, type = node['type'];
if (type === 'Program' && state.done) {
return false;
} else if (this.paused_) {
return true;
try {
var nextState = this.stepFunctions_[type](stack, state, node);
} catch (e) {
// Eat any step errors. They have been thrown on the stack.
if (e !== Interpreter.STEP_ERROR) {
// Uh oh. This is a real error in the JS-Interpreter. Rethrow.
throw e;
if (nextState) {
if (!node['end']) {
// This is polyfill code. Keep executing until we arrive at user code.
return this.step();
return true;
* Execute the interpreter to program completion. Vulnerable to infinite loops.
* @return {boolean} True if a execution is asynchronously blocked,
* false if no more instructions.
Interpreter.prototype.run = function() {
while (!this.paused_ && this.step()) {}
return this.paused_;
* Initialize the global scope with buitin properties and functions.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initGlobalScope = function(scope) {
// Initialize uneditable global properties.
this.setProperty(scope, 'NaN', NaN,
this.setProperty(scope, 'Infinity', Infinity,
this.setProperty(scope, 'undefined', undefined,
this.setProperty(scope, 'window', scope,
this.setProperty(scope, 'this', scope,
this.setProperty(scope, 'self', scope); // Editable.
// Create the objects which will become Object.prototype and
// Function.prototype, which are needed to bootstrap everything else.
this.OBJECT_PROTO = new Interpreter.Object(null);
this.FUNCTION_PROTO = new Interpreter.Object(this.OBJECT_PROTO);
// Initialize global objects.
// Unable to set scope's parent prior (OBJECT did not exist).
// Note that in a browser this would be 'Window', whereas in Node.js it would
// be 'Object'. This interpreter is closer to Node in that it has no DOM.
scope.proto = this.OBJECT_PROTO;
this.setProperty(scope, 'constructor', this.OBJECT,
// Initialize global functions.
var thisInterpreter = this;
var func = this.createNativeFunction(
function(x) {throw EvalError("Can't happen");}, false);
func.eval = true;
this.setProperty(scope, 'eval', func);
this.setProperty(scope, 'parseInt',
this.createNativeFunction(parseInt, false));
this.setProperty(scope, 'parseFloat',
this.createNativeFunction(parseFloat, false));
this.setProperty(scope, 'isNaN',
this.createNativeFunction(isNaN, false));
this.setProperty(scope, 'isFinite',
this.createNativeFunction(isFinite, false));
var strFunctions = [
[escape, 'escape'], [unescape, 'unescape'],
[decodeURI, 'decodeURI'], [decodeURIComponent, 'decodeURIComponent'],
[encodeURI, 'encodeURI'], [encodeURIComponent, 'encodeURIComponent']
for (var i = 0; i < strFunctions.length; i++) {
var wrapper = (function(nativeFunc) {
return function(str) {
try {
return nativeFunc(str);
} catch (e) {
// decodeURI('%xy') will throw an error. Catch and rethrow.
thisInterpreter.throwException(thisInterpreter.URI_ERROR, e.message);
this.setProperty(scope, strFunctions[i][1],
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
// Preserve publicly properties from being pruned/renamed by JS compilers.
// Add others as needed.
this['OBJECT'] = this.OBJECT; this['OBJECT_PROTO'] = this.OBJECT_PROTO;
this['ARRAY'] = this.ARRAY; this['ARRAY_PROTO'] = this.ARRAY_PROTO;
this['REGEXP'] = this.REGEXP; this['REGEXP_PROTO'] = this.REGEXP_PROTO;
this['DATE'] = this.DATE; this['DATE_PROTO'] = this.DATE_PROTO;
// The following properties are obsolete. Do not use.
this['UNDEFINED'] = undefined; this['NULL'] = null; this['NAN'] = NaN;
this['TRUE'] = true; this['FALSE'] = false; this['STRING_EMPTY'] = '';
this['NUMBER_ZERO'] = 0; this['NUMBER_ONE'] = 1;
// Run any user-provided initialization.
if (this.initFunc_) {
this.initFunc_(this, scope);
* Initialize the Function class.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initFunction = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var wrapper;
var identifierRegexp = /^[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*$/;
// Function constructor.
wrapper = function(var_args) {
if (thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as new Function().
var newFunc = this;
} else {
// Called as Function().
var newFunc =
if (arguments.length) {
var code = String(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
} else {
var code = '';
var argsStr = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, -1).join(',').trim();
if (argsStr) {
var args = argsStr.split(/\s*,\s*/);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var name = args[i];
if (!identifierRegexp.test(name)) {
'Invalid function argument: ' + name);
argsStr = args.join(', ');
// Interestingly, the scope for constructed functions is the global scope,
// even if they were constructed in some other scope.
newFunc.parentScope = thisInterpreter.global;
// Acorn needs to parse code in the context of a function or else 'return'
// statements will be syntax errors.
try {
var ast = acorn.parse('(function(' + argsStr + ') {' + code + '})',
} catch (e) {
// Acorn threw a SyntaxError. Rethrow as a trappable error.
'Invalid code: ' + e.message);
if (ast['body'].length !== 1) {
// Function('a', 'return a + 6;}; {alert(1);');
'Invalid code in function body.');
newFunc.node = ast['body'][0]['expression'];
thisInterpreter.setProperty(newFunc, 'length', newFunc.node['length'],
return newFunc;
wrapper.id = this.functionCounter_++;
this.FUNCTION = this.createObjectProto(this.FUNCTION_PROTO);
this.setProperty(scope, 'Function', this.FUNCTION);
// Manually setup type and prototype because createObj doesn't recognize
// this object as a function (this.FUNCTION did not exist).
this.setProperty(this.FUNCTION, 'prototype', this.FUNCTION_PROTO);
this.FUNCTION.nativeFunc = wrapper;
// Configure Function.prototype.
this.setProperty(this.FUNCTION_PROTO, 'constructor', this.FUNCTION,
this.FUNCTION_PROTO.nativeFunc = function() {};
this.FUNCTION_PROTO.nativeFunc.id = this.functionCounter_++;
this.setProperty(this.FUNCTION_PROTO, 'length', 0,
var boxThis = function(value) {
// In non-strict mode 'this' must be an object.
if ((!value || !value.isObject) && !thisInterpreter.getScope().strict) {
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
// 'Undefined' and 'null' are changed to global object.
value = thisInterpreter.global;
} else {
// Primitives must be boxed in non-strict mode.
var box = thisInterpreter.createObjectProto(
box.data = value;
value = box;
return value;
wrapper = function(thisArg, args) {
var state =
thisInterpreter.stateStack[thisInterpreter.stateStack.length - 1];
// Rewrite the current 'CallExpression' to apply a different function.
state.func_ = this;
// Assign the 'this' object.
state.funcThis_ = boxThis(thisArg);
// Bind any provided arguments.
state.arguments_ = [];
if (args !== null && args !== undefined) {
if (args.isObject) {
state.arguments_ = thisInterpreter.arrayPseudoToNative(args);
} else {
'CreateListFromArrayLike called on non-object');
state.doneExec_ = false;
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.FUNCTION, 'apply', wrapper);
wrapper = function(thisArg /*, var_args */) {
var state =
thisInterpreter.stateStack[thisInterpreter.stateStack.length - 1];
// Rewrite the current 'CallExpression' to call a different function.
state.func_ = this;
// Assign the 'this' object.
state.funcThis_ = boxThis(thisArg);
// Bind any provided arguments.
state.arguments_ = [];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
state.doneExec_ = false;
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.FUNCTION, 'call', wrapper);
// Polyfill copied from:
// developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_objects/Function/bind
"Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'bind',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function(oThis) {",
"if (typeof this !== 'function') {",
"throw TypeError('What is trying to be bound is not callable');",
"var aArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),",
"fToBind = this,",
"fNOP = function() {},",
"fBound = function() {",
"return fToBind.apply(this instanceof fNOP",
"? this",
": oThis,",
"if (this.prototype) {",
"fNOP.prototype = this.prototype;",
"fBound.prototype = new fNOP();",
"return fBound;",
// Function has no parent to inherit from, so it needs its own mandatory
// toString and valueOf functions.
wrapper = function() {
return this.toString();
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.FUNCTION, 'toString', wrapper);
this.setProperty(this.FUNCTION, 'toString',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
wrapper = function() {
return this.valueOf();
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.FUNCTION, 'valueOf', wrapper);
this.setProperty(this.FUNCTION, 'valueOf',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
* Initialize the Object class.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initObject = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var wrapper;
// Object constructor.
wrapper = function(value) {
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
// Create a new object.
if (thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as new Object().
return this;
} else {
// Called as Object().
return thisInterpreter.createObjectProto(thisInterpreter.OBJECT_PROTO);
if (!value.isObject) {
// Wrap the value as an object.
var box = thisInterpreter.createObjectProto(
box.data = value;
return box;
// Return the provided object.
return value;
this.OBJECT = this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, true);
// Throw away the created prototype and use the root prototype.
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT, 'prototype', this.OBJECT_PROTO);
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT_PROTO, 'constructor', this.OBJECT,
this.setProperty(scope, 'Object', this.OBJECT);
* Checks if the provided value is null or undefined.
* If so, then throw an error in the call stack.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} value Value to check.
var throwIfNullUndefined = function(value) {
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
"Cannot convert '" + value + "' to object");
// Static methods on Object.
wrapper = function(obj) {
var props = obj.isObject ? obj.properties : obj;
return thisInterpreter.arrayNativeToPseudo(
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT, 'getOwnPropertyNames',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
wrapper = function(obj) {
if (obj.isObject) {
obj = obj.properties;
return thisInterpreter.arrayNativeToPseudo(Object.keys(obj));
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT, 'keys',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
wrapper = function(proto) {
// Support for the second argument is the responsibility of a polyfill.
if (proto === null) {
return thisInterpreter.createObjectProto(null);
if (proto === undefined || !proto.isObject) {
'Object prototype may only be an Object or null');
return thisInterpreter.createObjectProto(proto);
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT, 'create',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
// Add a polyfill to handle create's second argument.
"(function() {",
"var create_ = Object.create;",
"Object.create = function(proto, props) {",
"var obj = create_(proto);",
"props && Object.defineProperties(obj, props);",
"return obj;",
wrapper = function(obj, prop, descriptor) {
prop = String(prop);
if (!obj || !obj.isObject) {
'Object.defineProperty called on non-object');
if (!descriptor || !descriptor.isObject) {
'Property description must be an object');
if (!obj.properties[prop] && obj.preventExtensions) {
"Can't define property '" + prop + "', object is not extensible");
// The polyfill guarantees no inheritance and no getter functions.
// Therefore the descriptor properties map is the native object needed.
thisInterpreter.setProperty(obj, prop, Interpreter.VALUE_IN_DESCRIPTOR,
return obj;
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT, 'defineProperty',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
// Flatten the descriptor to remove any inheritance or getter functions.
"(function() {",
"var defineProperty_ = Object.defineProperty;",
"Object.defineProperty = function(obj, prop, d1) {",
"var d2 = {};",
"if ('configurable' in d1) d2.configurable = d1.configurable;",
"if ('enumerable' in d1) d2.enumerable = d1.enumerable;",
"if ('writable' in d1) d2.writable = d1.writable;",
"if ('value' in d1) d2.value = d1.value;",
"if ('get' in d1) d2.get = d1.get;",
"if ('set' in d1) d2.set = d1.set;",
"return defineProperty_(obj, prop, d2);",
"Object.defineProperty(Object, 'defineProperties',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function(obj, props) {",
"var keys = Object.keys(props);",
"for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {",
"Object.defineProperty(obj, keys[i], props[keys[i]]);",
"return obj;",
wrapper = function(obj, prop) {
if (!obj || !obj.isObject) {
'Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor called on non-object');
prop = String(prop);
if (!(prop in obj.properties)) {
return undefined;
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj.properties, prop);
var getter = obj.getter[prop];
var setter = obj.setter[prop];
if (getter || setter) {
descriptor.get = getter;
descriptor.set = setter;
delete descriptor.value;
delete descriptor.writable;
// Preserve value, but remove it for the nativeToPseudo call.
var value = descriptor.value;
var hasValue = 'value' in descriptor;
delete descriptor.value;
var pseudoDescriptor = thisInterpreter.nativeToPseudo(descriptor);
if (hasValue) {
thisInterpreter.setProperty(pseudoDescriptor, 'value', value);
return pseudoDescriptor;
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
wrapper = function(obj) {
return thisInterpreter.getPrototype(obj);
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT, 'getPrototypeOf',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
wrapper = function(obj) {
return Boolean(obj) && !obj.preventExtensions;
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT, 'isExtensible',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
wrapper = function(obj) {
if (obj && obj.isObject) {
obj.preventExtensions = true;
return obj;
this.setProperty(this.OBJECT, 'preventExtensions',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
// Instance methods on Object.
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.OBJECT, 'toString',
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.OBJECT, 'toLocaleString',
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.OBJECT, 'valueOf',
wrapper = function(prop) {
if (!this.isObject) {
return this.hasOwnProperty(prop);
return String(prop) in this.properties;
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.OBJECT, 'hasOwnProperty', wrapper);
wrapper = function(prop) {
if (!this.isObject) {
return this.propertyIsEnumerable(prop);
return Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(this.properties, prop);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.OBJECT, 'propertyIsEnumerable', wrapper);
wrapper = function(obj) {
while (true) {
// Note, circular loops shouldn't be possible.
obj = thisInterpreter.getPrototype(obj);
if (!obj) {
// No parent; reached the top.
return false;
if (obj === this) {
return true;
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.OBJECT, 'isPrototypeOf', wrapper);
* Initialize the Array class.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initArray = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var wrapper;
// Array constructor.
wrapper = function(var_args) {
if (thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as new Array().
var newArray = this;
} else {
// Called as Array().
var newArray =
var first = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof first === 'number') {
if (isNaN(Interpreter.legalArrayLength(first))) {
'Invalid array length');
newArray.properties.length = first;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
newArray.properties[i] = arguments[i];
newArray.properties.length = i;
return newArray;
this.ARRAY = this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, true);
this.ARRAY_PROTO = this.ARRAY.properties['prototype'];
this.setProperty(scope, 'Array', this.ARRAY);
// Static methods on Array.
wrapper = function(obj) {
return obj && obj.class === 'Array';
this.setProperty(this.ARRAY, 'isArray',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
// Instance methods on Array.
wrapper = function() {
return Array.prototype.pop.call(this.properties);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'pop', wrapper);
wrapper = function(var_args) {
return Array.prototype.push.apply(this.properties, arguments);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'push', wrapper);
wrapper = function() {
return Array.prototype.shift.call(this.properties);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'shift', wrapper);
wrapper = function(var_args) {
return Array.prototype.unshift.apply(this.properties, arguments);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'unshift', wrapper);
wrapper = function() {
return this;
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'reverse', wrapper);
wrapper = function(index, howmany /*, var_args*/) {
var list = Array.prototype.splice.apply(this.properties, arguments);
return thisInterpreter.arrayNativeToPseudo(list);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'splice', wrapper);
wrapper = function(opt_begin, opt_end) {
var list = Array.prototype.slice.call(this.properties, opt_begin, opt_end);
return thisInterpreter.arrayNativeToPseudo(list);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'slice', wrapper);
wrapper = function(opt_separator) {
return Array.prototype.join.call(this.properties, opt_separator);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'join', wrapper);
wrapper = function(var_args) {
var list = [];
var length = 0;
// Start by copying the current array.
var iLength = thisInterpreter.getProperty(this, 'length');
for (var i = 0; i < iLength; i++) {
if (thisInterpreter.hasProperty(this, i)) {
var element = thisInterpreter.getProperty(this, i);
list[length] = element;
// Loop through all arguments and copy them in.
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var value = arguments[i];
if (thisInterpreter.isa(value, thisInterpreter.ARRAY)) {
var jLength = thisInterpreter.getProperty(value, 'length');
for (var j = 0; j < jLength; j++) {
if (thisInterpreter.hasProperty(value, j)) {
list[length] = thisInterpreter.getProperty(value, j);
} else {
list[length] = value;
return thisInterpreter.arrayNativeToPseudo(list);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'concat', wrapper);
wrapper = function(searchElement, opt_fromIndex) {
return Array.prototype.indexOf.apply(this.properties, arguments);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'indexOf', wrapper);
wrapper = function(searchElement, opt_fromIndex) {
return Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.apply(this.properties, arguments);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'lastIndexOf', wrapper);
wrapper = function() {
return this;
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.ARRAY, 'sort', wrapper);
// Polyfill copied from:
// developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/every
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'every',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function(callbackfn, thisArg) {",
"if (!this || typeof callbackfn !== 'function') throw TypeError();",
"var T, k;",
"var O = Object(this);",
"var len = O.length >>> 0;",
"if (arguments.length > 1) T = thisArg;",
"k = 0;",
"while (k < len) {",
"if (k in O && !callbackfn.call(T, O[k], k, O)) return false;",
"return true;",
// Polyfill copied from:
// developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'filter',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function(fun/*, thisArg*/) {",
"if (this === void 0 || this === null || typeof fun !== 'function') throw TypeError();",
"var t = Object(this);",
"var len = t.length >>> 0;",
"var res = [];",
"var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0;",
"for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {",
"if (i in t) {",
"var val = t[i];",
"if (fun.call(thisArg, val, i, t)) res.push(val);",
"return res;",
2018-07-24 13:29:38 -05:00
// Polyfill copied from:
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.find
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/find
"if (!Array.prototype.find) {",
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', {",
"value: function(predicate) {",
"if (this == null) {",
"throw new TypeError('\"this\" is null or not defined');",
"var o = Object(this);",
"var len = o.length >>> 0;",
"if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {",
"throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function');",
"var thisArg = arguments[1];",
"var k = 0;",
"while (k < len) {",
"var kValue = o[k];",
"if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) {",
"return kValue;",
"return undefined;",
"configurable: true,",
"writable: true",
// Poly fill copied from:
// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.findIndex
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/findIndex
"if (!Array.prototype.findIndex) {",
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'findIndex', {",
"value: function(predicate) {",
"if (this == null) {",
"throw new TypeError('\"this\" is null or not defined');",
"var o = Object(this);",
"var len = o.length >>> 0;",
"if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {",
"throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function');",
"var thisArg = arguments[1];",
"var k = 0;",
"while (k < len) {",
"var kValue = o[k];",
"if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) {",
"return k;",
"return -1;",
"configurable: true,",
"writable: true",
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
// Polyfill copied from:
// developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/forEach
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'forEach',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function(callback, thisArg) {",
"if (!this || typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError();",
"var T, k;",
"var O = Object(this);",
"var len = O.length >>> 0;",
"if (arguments.length > 1) T = thisArg;",
"k = 0;",
"while (k < len) {",
"if (k in O) callback.call(T, O[k], k, O);",
2018-07-24 13:29:38 -05:00
// Polyfill copied from:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/includes#Polyfill
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'includes', {",
"value: function(searchElement, fromIndex) {",
"if (this == null) {",
"throw new TypeError('\"this\" is null or not defined');",
"// 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).",
"var o = Object(this);",
"// 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, \"length\")).",
"var len = o.length >>> 0;",
"// 3. If len is 0, return false.",
"if (len === 0) {",
"return false;",
"// 4. Let n be ? ToInteger(fromIndex).",
"// (If fromIndex is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)",
"var n = fromIndex | 0;",
"// 5. If n ≥ 0, then",
"// a. Let k be n.",
"// 6. Else n < 0,",
"// a. Let k be len + n.",
"// b. If k < 0, let k be 0.",
"var k = Math.max(n >= 0 ? n : len - Math.abs(n), 0);",
"function sameValueZero(x, y) {",
"return x === y || (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number' && isNaN(x) && isNaN(y));",
"// 7. Repeat, while k < len",
"while (k < len) {",
"// a. Let elementK be the result of ? Get(O, ! ToString(k)).",
"// b. If SameValueZero(searchElement, elementK) is true, return true.",
"if (sameValueZero(o[k], searchElement)) {",
"return true;",
"// c. Increase k by 1. ",
"// 8. Return false",
"return false;",
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
// Polyfill copied from:
// developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'map',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function(callback, thisArg) {",
"if (!this || typeof callback !== 'function') new TypeError;",
"var T, A, k;",
"var O = Object(this);",
"var len = O.length >>> 0;",
"if (arguments.length > 1) T = thisArg;",
"A = new Array(len);",
"k = 0;",
"while (k < len) {",
"if (k in O) A[k] = callback.call(T, O[k], k, O);",
"return A;",
// Polyfill copied from:
// developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/Reduce
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'reduce',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function(callback /*, initialValue*/) {",
"if (!this || typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError();",
"var t = Object(this), len = t.length >>> 0, k = 0, value;",
"if (arguments.length === 2) {",
"value = arguments[1];",
"} else {",
"while (k < len && !(k in t)) k++;",
"if (k >= len) {",
"throw TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value');",
"value = t[k++];",
"for (; k < len; k++) {",
"if (k in t) value = callback(value, t[k], k, t);",
"return value;",
// Polyfill copied from:
// developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/ReduceRight
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'reduceRight',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function(callback /*, initialValue*/) {",
"if (null === this || 'undefined' === typeof this || 'function' !== typeof callback) throw TypeError();",
"var t = Object(this), len = t.length >>> 0, k = len - 1, value;",
"if (arguments.length >= 2) {",
"value = arguments[1];",
"} else {",
"while (k >= 0 && !(k in t)) k--;",
"if (k < 0) {",
"throw TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value');",
"value = t[k--];",
"for (; k >= 0; k--) {",
"if (k in t) value = callback(value, t[k], k, t);",
"return value;",
// Polyfill copied from:
// developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/some
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'some',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function(fun/*, thisArg*/) {",
"if (!this || typeof fun !== 'function') throw TypeError();",
"var t = Object(this);",
"var len = t.length >>> 0;",
"var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0;",
"for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {",
"if (i in t && fun.call(thisArg, t[i], i, t)) {",
"return true;",
"return false;",
"(function() {",
"var sort_ = Array.prototype.sort;",
"Array.prototype.sort = function(opt_comp) {",
// Fast native sort.
"if (typeof opt_comp !== 'function') {",
"return sort_.call(this);",
// Slow bubble sort.
"for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {",
"var changes = 0;",
"for (var j = 0; j < this.length - i - 1; j++) {",
"if (opt_comp(this[j], this[j + 1]) > 0) {",
"var swap = this[j];",
"this[j] = this[j + 1];",
"this[j + 1] = swap;",
"if (!changes) break;",
"return this;",
"Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'toLocaleString',",
"{configurable: true, writable: true, value:",
"function() {",
"var out = [];",
"for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {",
"out[i] = (this[i] === null || this[i] === undefined) ? '' : this[i].toLocaleString();",
"return out.join(',');",
* Initialize the String class.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initString = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var wrapper;
// String constructor.
wrapper = function(value) {
value = String(value);
if (thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as new String().
this.data = value;
return this;
} else {
// Called as String().
return value;
this.STRING = this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, true);
this.setProperty(scope, 'String', this.STRING);
// Static methods on String.
this.setProperty(this.STRING, 'fromCharCode',
this.createNativeFunction(String.fromCharCode, false),
// Instance methods on String.
// Methods with exclusively primitive arguments.
var functions = ['charAt', 'charCodeAt', 'concat', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf',
'slice', 'substr', 'substring', 'toLocaleLowerCase', 'toLocaleUpperCase',
'toLowerCase', 'toUpperCase', 'trim'];
for (var i = 0; i < functions.length; i++) {
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.STRING, functions[i],
wrapper = function(compareString, locales, options) {
locales = locales ? thisInterpreter.pseudoToNative(locales) : undefined;
options = options ? thisInterpreter.pseudoToNative(options) : undefined;
return String(this).localeCompare(compareString, locales, options);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.STRING, 'localeCompare', wrapper);
wrapper = function(separator, limit) {
if (thisInterpreter.isa(separator, thisInterpreter.REGEXP)) {
separator = separator.data;
var jsList = String(this).split(separator, limit);
return thisInterpreter.arrayNativeToPseudo(jsList);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.STRING, 'split', wrapper);
wrapper = function(regexp) {
if (thisInterpreter.isa(regexp, thisInterpreter.REGEXP)) {
regexp = regexp.data;
var m = String(this).match(regexp);
return m && thisInterpreter.arrayNativeToPseudo(m);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.STRING, 'match', wrapper);
wrapper = function(regexp) {
if (thisInterpreter.isa(regexp, thisInterpreter.REGEXP)) {
regexp = regexp.data;
return String(this).search(regexp);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.STRING, 'search', wrapper);
wrapper = function(substr, newSubstr) {
// Support for function replacements is the responsibility of a polyfill.
if (thisInterpreter.isa(substr, thisInterpreter.REGEXP)) {
substr = substr.data;
return String(this).replace(substr, newSubstr);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.STRING, 'replace', wrapper);
// Add a polyfill to handle replace's second argument being a function.
"(function() {",
"var replace_ = String.prototype.replace;",
"String.prototype.replace = function(substr, newSubstr) {",
"if (typeof newSubstr !== 'function') {",
// string.replace(string|regexp, string)
"return replace_.call(this, substr, newSubstr);",
"var str = this;",
"if (substr instanceof RegExp) {", // string.replace(regexp, function)
"var subs = [];",
"var m = substr.exec(str);",
"while (m) {",
"m.push(m.index, str);",
"var inject = newSubstr.apply(null, m);",
"subs.push([m.index, m[0].length, inject]);",
"m = substr.global ? substr.exec(str) : null;",
"for (var i = subs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {",
"str = str.substring(0, subs[i][0]) + subs[i][2] + " +
"str.substring(subs[i][0] + subs[i][1]);",
"} else {", // string.replace(string, function)
"var i = str.indexOf(substr);",
"if (i !== -1) {",
"var inject = newSubstr(str.substr(i, substr.length), i, str);",
"str = str.substring(0, i) + inject + " +
"str.substring(i + substr.length);",
"return str;",
2018-07-24 13:29:38 -05:00
// Polyfill copied from:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/endsWith
"if (!String.prototype.endsWith) {",
"String.prototype.endsWith = function(search, this_len) {",
"if (this_len === undefined || this_len > this.length) {",
"this_len = this.length;",
"return this.substring(this_len - search.length, this_len) === search;",
//Polyfill copied from:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/includes
"if (!String.prototype.includes) {",
"String.prototype.includes = function(search, start) {",
"'use strict';",
"if (typeof start !== 'number') {",
"start = 0;",
" ",
"if (start + search.length > this.length) {",
"return false;",
"} else {",
"return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1;",
// Polyfill copied from:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/startsWith
"if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {",
"String.prototype.startsWith = function(search, pos) {",
"return this.substr(!pos || pos < 0 ? 0 : +pos, search.length) === search;",
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
* Initialize the Boolean class.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initBoolean = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var wrapper;
// Boolean constructor.
wrapper = function(value) {
value = Boolean(value);
if (thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as new Boolean().
this.data = value;
return this;
} else {
// Called as Boolean().
return value;
this.BOOLEAN = this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, true);
this.setProperty(scope, 'Boolean', this.BOOLEAN);
* Initialize the Number class.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initNumber = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var wrapper;
// Number constructor.
wrapper = function(value) {
value = Number(value);
if (thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as new Number().
this.data = value;
return this;
} else {
// Called as Number().
return value;
this.NUMBER = this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, true);
this.setProperty(scope, 'Number', this.NUMBER);
var numConsts = ['MAX_VALUE', 'MIN_VALUE', 'NaN', 'NEGATIVE_INFINITY',
for (var i = 0; i < numConsts.length; i++) {
this.setProperty(this.NUMBER, numConsts[i], Number[numConsts[i]],
// Instance methods on Number.
wrapper = function(fractionDigits) {
try {
return Number(this).toExponential(fractionDigits);
} catch (e) {
// Throws if fractionDigits isn't within 0-20.
thisInterpreter.throwException(thisInterpreter.ERROR, e.message);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.NUMBER, 'toExponential', wrapper);
wrapper = function(digits) {
try {
return Number(this).toFixed(digits);
} catch (e) {
// Throws if digits isn't within 0-20.
thisInterpreter.throwException(thisInterpreter.ERROR, e.message);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.NUMBER, 'toFixed', wrapper);
wrapper = function(precision) {
try {
return Number(this).toPrecision(precision);
} catch (e) {
// Throws if precision isn't within range (depends on implementation).
thisInterpreter.throwException(thisInterpreter.ERROR, e.message);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.NUMBER, 'toPrecision', wrapper);
wrapper = function(radix) {
try {
return Number(this).toString(radix);
} catch (e) {
// Throws if radix isn't within 2-36.
thisInterpreter.throwException(thisInterpreter.ERROR, e.message);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.NUMBER, 'toString', wrapper);
wrapper = function(locales, options) {
locales = locales ? thisInterpreter.pseudoToNative(locales) : undefined;
options = options ? thisInterpreter.pseudoToNative(options) : undefined;
return Number(this).toLocaleString(locales, options);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.NUMBER, 'toLocaleString', wrapper);
* Initialize the Date class.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initDate = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var wrapper;
// Date constructor.
wrapper = function(value, var_args) {
if (!thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as Date().
// Calling Date() as a function returns a string, no arguments are heeded.
return Date();
// Called as new Date().
var args = [null].concat(Array.from(arguments));
this.data = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Date, args));
return this;
this.DATE = this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, true);
this.DATE_PROTO = this.DATE.properties['prototype'];
this.setProperty(scope, 'Date', this.DATE);
// Static methods on Date.
this.setProperty(this.DATE, 'now', this.createNativeFunction(Date.now, false),
this.setProperty(this.DATE, 'parse',
this.createNativeFunction(Date.parse, false),
this.setProperty(this.DATE, 'UTC', this.createNativeFunction(Date.UTC, false),
// Instance methods on Date.
var functions = ['getDate', 'getDay', 'getFullYear', 'getHours',
'getMilliseconds', 'getMinutes', 'getMonth', 'getSeconds', 'getTime',
'getTimezoneOffset', 'getUTCDate', 'getUTCDay', 'getUTCFullYear',
'getUTCHours', 'getUTCMilliseconds', 'getUTCMinutes', 'getUTCMonth',
'getUTCSeconds', 'getYear',
'setDate', 'setFullYear', 'setHours', 'setMilliseconds',
'setMinutes', 'setMonth', 'setSeconds', 'setTime', 'setUTCDate',
'setUTCFullYear', 'setUTCHours', 'setUTCMilliseconds', 'setUTCMinutes',
'setUTCMonth', 'setUTCSeconds', 'setYear',
'toDateString', 'toISOString', 'toJSON', 'toGMTString',
'toLocaleDateString', 'toLocaleString', 'toLocaleTimeString',
'toTimeString', 'toUTCString'];
for (var i = 0; i < functions.length; i++) {
wrapper = (function(nativeFunc) {
return function(var_args) {
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
args[i] = thisInterpreter.pseudoToNative(arguments[i]);
return this.data[nativeFunc].apply(this.data, args);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.DATE, functions[i], wrapper);
* Initialize Regular Expression object.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initRegExp = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var wrapper;
// RegExp constructor.
wrapper = function(pattern, flags) {
if (thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as new RegExp().
var rgx = this;
} else {
// Called as RegExp().
var rgx = thisInterpreter.createObjectProto(thisInterpreter.REGEXP_PROTO);
pattern = pattern ? pattern.toString() : '';
flags = flags ? flags.toString() : '';
thisInterpreter.populateRegExp(rgx, new RegExp(pattern, flags));
return rgx;
this.REGEXP = this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, true);
this.REGEXP_PROTO = this.REGEXP.properties['prototype'];
this.setProperty(scope, 'RegExp', this.REGEXP);
this.setProperty(this.REGEXP.properties['prototype'], 'global', undefined,
this.setProperty(this.REGEXP.properties['prototype'], 'ignoreCase', undefined,
this.setProperty(this.REGEXP.properties['prototype'], 'multiline', undefined,
this.setProperty(this.REGEXP.properties['prototype'], 'source', '(?:)',
wrapper = function(str) {
return this.data.test(str);
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.REGEXP, 'test', wrapper);
wrapper = function(str) {
str = str.toString();
// Get lastIndex from wrapped regex, since this is settable.
this.data.lastIndex =
Number(thisInterpreter.getProperty(this, 'lastIndex'));
var match = this.data.exec(str);
thisInterpreter.setProperty(this, 'lastIndex', this.data.lastIndex);
if (match) {
var result =
for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) {
thisInterpreter.setProperty(result, i, match[i]);
// match has additional properties.
thisInterpreter.setProperty(result, 'index', match.index);
thisInterpreter.setProperty(result, 'input', match.input);
return result;
return null;
this.setNativeFunctionPrototype(this.REGEXP, 'exec', wrapper);
* Initialize the Error class.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initError = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
// Error constructor.
this.ERROR = this.createNativeFunction(function(opt_message) {
if (thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as new Error().
var newError = this;
} else {
// Called as Error().
var newError = thisInterpreter.createObject(thisInterpreter.ERROR);
if (opt_message) {
thisInterpreter.setProperty(newError, 'message', String(opt_message),
return newError;
}, true);
this.setProperty(scope, 'Error', this.ERROR);
this.setProperty(this.ERROR.properties['prototype'], 'message', '',
this.setProperty(this.ERROR.properties['prototype'], 'name', 'Error',
var createErrorSubclass = function(name) {
var constructor = thisInterpreter.createNativeFunction(
function(opt_message) {
if (thisInterpreter.calledWithNew()) {
// Called as new XyzError().
var newError = this;
} else {
// Called as XyzError().
var newError = thisInterpreter.createObject(constructor);
if (opt_message) {
thisInterpreter.setProperty(newError, 'message',
String(opt_message), Interpreter.NONENUMERABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
return newError;
}, true);
thisInterpreter.setProperty(constructor, 'prototype',
thisInterpreter.setProperty(constructor.properties['prototype'], 'name',
thisInterpreter.setProperty(scope, name, constructor);
return constructor;
this.EVAL_ERROR = createErrorSubclass('EvalError');
this.RANGE_ERROR = createErrorSubclass('RangeError');
this.REFERENCE_ERROR = createErrorSubclass('ReferenceError');
this.SYNTAX_ERROR = createErrorSubclass('SyntaxError');
this.TYPE_ERROR = createErrorSubclass('TypeError');
this.URI_ERROR = createErrorSubclass('URIError');
* Initialize Math object.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initMath = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var myMath = this.createObjectProto(this.OBJECT_PROTO);
this.setProperty(scope, 'Math', myMath);
var mathConsts = ['E', 'LN2', 'LN10', 'LOG2E', 'LOG10E', 'PI',
'SQRT1_2', 'SQRT2'];
for (var i = 0; i < mathConsts.length; i++) {
this.setProperty(myMath, mathConsts[i], Math[mathConsts[i]],
var numFunctions = ['abs', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'ceil', 'cos',
'exp', 'floor', 'log', 'max', 'min', 'pow', 'random',
'round', 'sin', 'sqrt', 'tan'];
for (var i = 0; i < numFunctions.length; i++) {
this.setProperty(myMath, numFunctions[i],
this.createNativeFunction(Math[numFunctions[i]], false),
* Initialize JSON object.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Global scope.
Interpreter.prototype.initJSON = function(scope) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var myJSON = thisInterpreter.createObjectProto(this.OBJECT_PROTO);
this.setProperty(scope, 'JSON', myJSON);
var wrapper = function(text) {
try {
var nativeObj = JSON.parse(text.toString());
} catch (e) {
thisInterpreter.throwException(thisInterpreter.SYNTAX_ERROR, e.message);
return thisInterpreter.nativeToPseudo(nativeObj);
this.setProperty(myJSON, 'parse', this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false));
wrapper = function(value) {
var nativeObj = thisInterpreter.pseudoToNative(value);
try {
var str = JSON.stringify(nativeObj);
} catch (e) {
thisInterpreter.throwException(thisInterpreter.TYPE_ERROR, e.message);
return str;
this.setProperty(myJSON, 'stringify',
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false));
* Is an object of a certain class?
* @param {Interpreter.Value} child Object to check.
* @param {Interpreter.Object} constructor Constructor of object.
* @return {boolean} True if object is the class or inherits from it.
* False otherwise.
Interpreter.prototype.isa = function(child, constructor) {
if (child === null || child === undefined || !constructor) {
return false;
var proto = constructor.properties['prototype'];
if (child === proto) {
return true;
// The first step up the prototype chain is harder since the child might be
// a primitive value. Subsequent steps can just follow the .proto property.
child = this.getPrototype(child);
while (child) {
if (child === proto) {
return true;
child = child.proto;
return false;
* Is a value a legal integer for an array length?
* @param {Interpreter.Value} x Value to check.
* @return {number} Zero, or a positive integer if the value can be
* converted to such. NaN otherwise.
Interpreter.legalArrayLength = function(x) {
var n = x >>> 0;
// Array length must be between 0 and 2^32-1 (inclusive).
return (n === Number(x)) ? n : NaN;
* Is a value a legal integer for an array index?
* @param {Interpreter.Value} x Value to check.
* @return {number} Zero, or a positive integer if the value can be
* converted to such. NaN otherwise.
Interpreter.legalArrayIndex = function(x) {
var n = x >>> 0;
// Array index cannot be 2^32-1, otherwise length would be 2^32.
// 0xffffffff is 2^32-1.
return (String(n) === String(x) && n !== 0xffffffff) ? n : NaN;
* Typedef for JS values.
* @typedef {!Interpreter.Object|boolean|number|string|undefined|null}
* Class for an object.
* @param {Interpreter.Object} proto Prototype object or null.
* @constructor
Interpreter.Object = function(proto) {
this.getter = Object.create(null);
this.setter = Object.create(null);
this.properties = Object.create(null);
this.proto = proto;
/** @type {Interpreter.Object} */
Interpreter.Object.prototype.proto = null;
/** @type {boolean} */
Interpreter.Object.prototype.isObject = true;
/** @type {string} */
Interpreter.Object.prototype.class = 'Object';
/** @type {Date|RegExp|boolean|number|string|undefined|null} */
Interpreter.Object.prototype.data = null;
* Convert this object into a string.
* @return {string} String value.
* @override
Interpreter.Object.prototype.toString = function() {
if (this.class === 'Array') {
// Array
var cycles = Interpreter.toStringCycles_;
try {
var strs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.properties.length; i++) {
var value = this.properties[i];
strs[i] = (value && value.isObject && cycles.indexOf(value) !== -1) ?
'...' : value;
} finally {
return strs.join(',');
if (this.class === 'Error') {
var cycles = Interpreter.toStringCycles_;
if (cycles.indexOf(this) !== -1) {
return '[object Error]';
var name, message;
// Bug: Does not support getters and setters for name or message.
var obj = this;
do {
if ('name' in obj.properties) {
name = obj.properties['name'];
} while ((obj = obj.proto));
var obj = this;
do {
if ('message' in obj.properties) {
message = obj.properties['message'];
} while ((obj = obj.proto));
try {
name = name && name.toString();
message = message && message.toString();
} finally {
return message ? name + ': ' + message : String(name);
// RegExp, Date, and boxed primitives.
if (this.data !== null) {
return String(this.data);
return '[object ' + this.class + ']';
* Return the object's value.
* @return {Interpreter.Value} Value.
* @override
Interpreter.Object.prototype.valueOf = function() {
if (this.data === undefined || this.data === null ||
this.data instanceof RegExp) {
return this; // An Object.
if (this.data instanceof Date) {
return this.data.valueOf(); // Milliseconds.
return /** @type {(boolean|number|string)} */ (this.data); // Boxed primitive.
* Create a new data object based on a constructor's prototype.
* @param {Interpreter.Object} constructor Parent constructor function,
* or null if scope object.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object} New data object.
Interpreter.prototype.createObject = function(constructor) {
return this.createObjectProto(constructor &&
* Create a new data object based on a prototype.
* @param {Interpreter.Object} proto Prototype object.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object} New data object.
Interpreter.prototype.createObjectProto = function(proto) {
if (typeof proto !== 'object') {
throw Error('Non object prototype');
var obj = new Interpreter.Object(proto);
// Functions have prototype objects.
if (this.isa(obj, this.FUNCTION)) {
this.setProperty(obj, 'prototype',
this.createObjectProto(this.OBJECT_PROTO || null));
obj.class = 'Function';
// Arrays have length.
if (this.isa(obj, this.ARRAY)) {
this.setProperty(obj, 'length', 0,
{configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: true});
obj.class = 'Array';
if (this.isa(obj, this.ERROR)) {
obj.class = 'Error';
return obj;
* Initialize a pseudo regular expression object based on a native regular
* expression object.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} pseudoRegexp The existing object to set.
* @param {!RegExp} nativeRegexp The native regular expression.
Interpreter.prototype.populateRegExp = function(pseudoRegexp, nativeRegexp) {
pseudoRegexp.data = nativeRegexp;
// lastIndex is settable, all others are read-only attributes
this.setProperty(pseudoRegexp, 'lastIndex', nativeRegexp.lastIndex,
this.setProperty(pseudoRegexp, 'source', nativeRegexp.source,
this.setProperty(pseudoRegexp, 'global', nativeRegexp.global,
this.setProperty(pseudoRegexp, 'ignoreCase', nativeRegexp.ignoreCase,
this.setProperty(pseudoRegexp, 'multiline', nativeRegexp.multiline,
* Create a new function.
* @param {!Object} node AST node defining the function.
* @param {!Object} scope Parent scope.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object} New function.
Interpreter.prototype.createFunction = function(node, scope) {
var func = this.createObjectProto(this.FUNCTION_PROTO);
func.parentScope = scope;
func.node = node;
this.setProperty(func, 'length', func.node['params'].length,
return func;
* Create a new native function.
* @param {!Function} nativeFunc JavaScript function.
* @param {boolean=} opt_constructor If true, the function's
* prototype will have its constructor property set to the function.
* If false, the function cannot be called as a constructor (e.g. escape).
* Defaults to undefined.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object} New function.
Interpreter.prototype.createNativeFunction =
function(nativeFunc, opt_constructor) {
var func = this.createObjectProto(this.FUNCTION_PROTO);
func.nativeFunc = nativeFunc;
nativeFunc.id = this.functionCounter_++;
this.setProperty(func, 'length', nativeFunc.length,
if (opt_constructor) {
this.setProperty(func.properties['prototype'], 'constructor', func,
} else if (opt_constructor === false) {
func.illegalConstructor = true;
this.setProperty(func, 'prototype', undefined);
return func;
* Create a new native asynchronous function.
* @param {!Function} asyncFunc JavaScript function.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object} New function.
Interpreter.prototype.createAsyncFunction = function(asyncFunc) {
var func = this.createObjectProto(this.FUNCTION_PROTO);
func.asyncFunc = asyncFunc;
asyncFunc.id = this.functionCounter_++;
this.setProperty(func, 'length', asyncFunc.length,
return func;
* Converts from a native JS object or value to a JS interpreter object.
* Can handle JSON-style values, does NOT handle cycles.
* @param {*} nativeObj The native JS object to be converted.
* @return {Interpreter.Value} The equivalent JS interpreter object.
Interpreter.prototype.nativeToPseudo = function(nativeObj) {
if ((typeof nativeObj !== 'object' && typeof nativeObj !== 'function') ||
nativeObj === null) {
return nativeObj;
if (nativeObj instanceof RegExp) {
var pseudoRegexp = this.createObjectProto(this.REGEXP_PROTO);
this.populateRegExp(pseudoRegexp, nativeObj);
return pseudoRegexp;
if (nativeObj instanceof Date) {
var pseudoDate = this.createObjectProto(this.DATE_PROTO);
pseudoDate.data = nativeObj;
return pseudoDate;
if (nativeObj instanceof Function) {
var interpreter = this;
var wrapper = function() {
return interpreter.nativeToPseudo(
.map(function(i) {
return interpreter.pseudoToNative(i);
return this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, undefined);
var pseudoObj;
if (Array.isArray(nativeObj)) { // Array.
pseudoObj = this.createObjectProto(this.ARRAY_PROTO);
for (var i = 0; i < nativeObj.length; i++) {
if (i in nativeObj) {
this.setProperty(pseudoObj, i, this.nativeToPseudo(nativeObj[i]));
} else { // Object.
pseudoObj = this.createObjectProto(this.OBJECT_PROTO);
for (var key in nativeObj) {
this.setProperty(pseudoObj, key, this.nativeToPseudo(nativeObj[key]));
return pseudoObj;
* Converts from a JS interpreter object to native JS object.
* Can handle JSON-style values, plus cycles.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} pseudoObj The JS interpreter object to be
* converted.
* @param {Object=} opt_cycles Cycle detection (used in recursive calls).
* @return {*} The equivalent native JS object or value.
Interpreter.prototype.pseudoToNative = function(pseudoObj, opt_cycles) {
if ((typeof pseudoObj !== 'object' && typeof pseudoObj !== 'function') ||
pseudoObj === null) {
return pseudoObj;
if (this.isa(pseudoObj, this.REGEXP)) { // Regular expression.
return pseudoObj.data;
if (this.isa(pseudoObj, this.DATE)) { // Date.
return pseudoObj.data;
var cycles = opt_cycles || {
pseudo: [],
native: []
var i = cycles.pseudo.indexOf(pseudoObj);
if (i !== -1) {
return cycles.native[i];
var nativeObj;
if (this.isa(pseudoObj, this.ARRAY)) { // Array.
nativeObj = [];
var length = this.getProperty(pseudoObj, 'length');
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (this.hasProperty(pseudoObj, i)) {
nativeObj[i] =
this.pseudoToNative(this.getProperty(pseudoObj, i), cycles);
} else { // Object.
nativeObj = {};
var val;
for (var key in pseudoObj.properties) {
val = pseudoObj.properties[key];
nativeObj[key] = this.pseudoToNative(val, cycles);
return nativeObj;
* Converts from a native JS array to a JS interpreter array.
* Does handle non-numeric properties (like str.match's index prop).
* Does NOT recurse into the array's contents.
* @param {!Array} nativeArray The JS array to be converted.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object} The equivalent JS interpreter array.
Interpreter.prototype.arrayNativeToPseudo = function(nativeArray) {
var pseudoArray = this.createObjectProto(this.ARRAY_PROTO);
var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nativeArray);
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
this.setProperty(pseudoArray, props[i], nativeArray[props[i]]);
return pseudoArray;
* Converts from a JS interpreter array to native JS array.
* Does handle non-numeric properties (like str.match's index prop).
* Does NOT recurse into the array's contents.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} pseudoArray The JS interpreter array,
* or JS interpreter object pretending to be an array.
* @return {!Array} The equivalent native JS array.
Interpreter.prototype.arrayPseudoToNative = function(pseudoArray) {
var nativeArray = [];
for (var key in pseudoArray.properties) {
nativeArray[key] = this.getProperty(pseudoArray, key);
// pseudoArray might be an object pretending to be an array. In this case
// it's possible that length is non-existent, invalid, or smaller than the
// largest defined numeric property. Set length explicitly here.
nativeArray.length = Interpreter.legalArrayLength(
this.getProperty(pseudoArray, 'length')) || 0;
return nativeArray;
* Look up the prototype for this value.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} value Data object.
* @return {Interpreter.Object} Prototype object, null if none.
Interpreter.prototype.getPrototype = function(value) {
switch (typeof value) {
case 'number':
return this.NUMBER.properties['prototype'];
case 'boolean':
return this.BOOLEAN.properties['prototype'];
case 'string':
return this.STRING.properties['prototype'];
if (value) {
return value.proto;
return null;
* Fetch a property value from a data object.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} obj Data object.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} name Name of property.
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
* @param {Acorn AST Node} node Node that triggered this function. Used by Bitburner for getting error line numbers
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
* @return {Interpreter.Value} Property value (may be undefined).
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
Interpreter.prototype.getProperty = function(obj, name, node) {
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
name = String(name);
if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
let lineNum;
if (node != null && node.loc != null && node.loc.start != null) {
lineNum = node.loc.start.line;
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
"Cannot read property '" + name + "' of " + obj, lineNum);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
if (name === 'length') {
// Special cases for magic length property.
if (this.isa(obj, this.STRING)) {
return String(obj).length;
} else if (name.charCodeAt(0) < 0x40) {
// Might have numbers in there?
// Special cases for string array indexing
if (this.isa(obj, this.STRING)) {
var n = Interpreter.legalArrayIndex(name);
if (!isNaN(n) && n < String(obj).length) {
return String(obj)[n];
do {
if (obj.properties && name in obj.properties) {
var getter = obj.getter[name];
if (getter) {
// Flag this function as being a getter and thus needing immediate
// execution (rather than being the value of the property).
getter.isGetter = true;
return getter;
return obj.properties[name];
} while ((obj = this.getPrototype(obj)));
return undefined;
* Does the named property exist on a data object.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} obj Data object.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} name Name of property.
* @return {boolean} True if property exists.
Interpreter.prototype.hasProperty = function(obj, name) {
if (!obj.isObject) {
throw TypeError('Primitive data type has no properties');
name = String(name);
if (name === 'length' && this.isa(obj, this.STRING)) {
return true;
if (this.isa(obj, this.STRING)) {
var n = Interpreter.legalArrayIndex(name);
if (!isNaN(n) && n < String(obj).length) {
return true;
do {
if (obj.properties && name in obj.properties) {
return true;
} while ((obj = this.getPrototype(obj)));
return false;
* Set a property value on a data object.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} obj Data object.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} name Name of property.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} value New property value.
* Use Interpreter.VALUE_IN_DESCRIPTOR if value is handled by
* descriptor instead.
* @param {Object=} opt_descriptor Optional descriptor object.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object|undefined} Returns a setter function if one
* needs to be called, otherwise undefined.
Interpreter.prototype.setProperty = function(obj, name, value, opt_descriptor) {
name = String(name);
if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
"Cannot set property '" + name + "' of " + obj);
if (opt_descriptor && ('get' in opt_descriptor || 'set' in opt_descriptor) &&
('value' in opt_descriptor || 'writable' in opt_descriptor)) {
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, 'Invalid property descriptor. ' +
'Cannot both specify accessors and a value or writable attribute');
var strict = !this.stateStack || this.getScope().strict;
if (!obj.isObject) {
if (strict) {
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, "Can't create property '" + name +
"' on '" + obj + "'");
if (this.isa(obj, this.STRING)) {
var n = Interpreter.legalArrayIndex(name);
if (name === 'length' || (!isNaN(n) && n < String(obj).length)) {
// Can't set length or letters on String objects.
if (strict) {
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, "Cannot assign to read only " +
"property '" + name + "' of String '" + obj.data + "'");
if (obj.class === 'Array') {
// Arrays have a magic length variable that is bound to the elements.
var length = obj.properties.length;
var i;
if (name === 'length') {
// Delete elements if length is smaller.
if (opt_descriptor) {
if (!('value' in opt_descriptor)) {
value = opt_descriptor.value;
value = Interpreter.legalArrayLength(value);
if (isNaN(value)) {
this.throwException(this.RANGE_ERROR, 'Invalid array length');
if (value < length) {
for (i in obj.properties) {
i = Interpreter.legalArrayIndex(i);
if (!isNaN(i) && value <= i) {
delete obj.properties[i];
} else if (!isNaN(i = Interpreter.legalArrayIndex(name))) {
// Increase length if this index is larger.
obj.properties.length = Math.max(length, i + 1);
if (obj.preventExtensions && !(name in obj.properties)) {
if (strict) {
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, "Can't add property '" + name +
"', object is not extensible");
if (opt_descriptor) {
// Define the property.
if ('get' in opt_descriptor) {
if (opt_descriptor.get) {
obj.getter[name] = opt_descriptor.get;
} else {
delete obj.getter[name];
if ('set' in opt_descriptor) {
if (opt_descriptor.set) {
obj.setter[name] = opt_descriptor.set;
} else {
delete obj.setter[name];
var descriptor = {};
if ('configurable' in opt_descriptor) {
descriptor.configurable = opt_descriptor.configurable;
if ('enumerable' in opt_descriptor) {
descriptor.enumerable = opt_descriptor.enumerable;
if ('writable' in opt_descriptor) {
descriptor.writable = opt_descriptor.writable;
delete obj.getter[name];
delete obj.setter[name];
if ('value' in opt_descriptor) {
descriptor.value = opt_descriptor.value;
delete obj.getter[name];
delete obj.setter[name];
} else if (value !== Interpreter.VALUE_IN_DESCRIPTOR) {
descriptor.value = value;
delete obj.getter[name];
delete obj.setter[name];
try {
Object.defineProperty(obj.properties, name, descriptor);
} catch (e) {
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, 'Cannot redefine property: ' + name);
} else {
// Set the property.
if (value === Interpreter.VALUE_IN_DESCRIPTOR) {
throw ReferenceError('Value not specified.');
// Determine the parent (possibly self) where the property is defined.
var defObj = obj;
while (!(name in defObj.properties)) {
defObj = this.getPrototype(defObj);
if (!defObj) {
// This is a new property.
defObj = obj;
if (defObj.setter && defObj.setter[name]) {
return defObj.setter[name];
if (defObj.getter && defObj.getter[name]) {
if (strict) {
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, "Cannot set property '" + name +
"' of object '" + obj + "' which only has a getter");
} else {
// No setter, simple assignment.
try {
obj.properties[name] = value;
} catch (e) {
if (strict) {
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, "Cannot assign to read only " +
"property '" + name + "' of object '" + obj + "'");
* Convenience method for adding a native function as a non-enumerable property
* onto an object's prototype.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} obj Data object.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} name Name of property.
* @param {!Function} wrapper Function object.
Interpreter.prototype.setNativeFunctionPrototype =
function(obj, name, wrapper) {
this.setProperty(obj.properties['prototype'], name,
this.createNativeFunction(wrapper, false),
* Returns the current scope from the stateStack.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object} Current scope dictionary.
Interpreter.prototype.getScope = function() {
var scope = this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1].scope;
if (!scope) {
throw Error('No scope found.');
return scope;
* Create a new scope dictionary.
* @param {!Object} node AST node defining the scope container
* (e.g. a function).
* @param {Interpreter.Object} parentScope Scope to link to.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object} New scope.
Interpreter.prototype.createScope = function(node, parentScope) {
var scope = this.createObjectProto(null);
scope.parentScope = parentScope;
if (!parentScope) {
this.populateScope_(node, scope);
// Determine if this scope starts with 'use strict'.
scope.strict = false;
if (parentScope && parentScope.strict) {
scope.strict = true;
} else {
var firstNode = node['body'] && node['body'][0];
if (firstNode && firstNode.expression &&
firstNode.expression['type'] === 'Literal' &&
firstNode.expression.value === 'use strict') {
scope.strict = true;
return scope;
* Create a new special scope dictionary. Similar to createScope(), but
* doesn't assume that the scope is for a function body.
* This is used for 'catch' clauses and 'with' statements.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} parentScope Scope to link to.
* @param {Interpreter.Object=} opt_scope Optional object to transform into
* scope.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object} New scope.
Interpreter.prototype.createSpecialScope = function(parentScope, opt_scope) {
if (!parentScope) {
throw Error('parentScope required');
var scope = opt_scope || this.createObjectProto(null);
scope.parentScope = parentScope;
scope.strict = parentScope.strict;
return scope;
* Retrieves a value from the scope chain.
* @param {string} name Name of variable.
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
* @param {Acorn AST Node} node Node that triggered this function. Used by Bitburner for getting error line number
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
* @return {Interpreter.Value} Any value.
* May be flagged as being a getter and thus needing immediate execution
* (rather than being the value of the property).
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
Interpreter.prototype.getValueFromScope = function(name, node) {
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
var scope = this.getScope();
while (scope && scope !== this.global) {
if (name in scope.properties) {
return scope.properties[name];
scope = scope.parentScope;
// The root scope is also an object which has inherited properties and
// could also have getters.
if (scope === this.global && this.hasProperty(scope, name)) {
return this.getProperty(scope, name);
// Typeof operator is unique: it can safely look at non-defined variables.
var prevNode = this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1].node;
if (prevNode['type'] === 'UnaryExpression' &&
prevNode['operator'] === 'typeof') {
return undefined;
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
var lineNum;
if (node != null && node.loc != null && node.loc.start != null) {
lineNum = node.loc.start.line;
this.throwException(this.REFERENCE_ERROR, name + ' is not defined', lineNum);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
* Sets a value to the current scope.
* @param {string} name Name of variable.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} value Value.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object|undefined} Returns a setter function if one
* needs to be called, otherwise undefined.
Interpreter.prototype.setValueToScope = function(name, value) {
var scope = this.getScope();
var strict = scope.strict;
while (scope && scope !== this.global) {
if (name in scope.properties) {
scope.properties[name] = value;
return undefined;
scope = scope.parentScope;
// The root scope is also an object which has readonly properties and
// could also have setters.
if (scope === this.global && (!strict || this.hasProperty(scope, name))) {
return this.setProperty(scope, name, value);
this.throwException(this.REFERENCE_ERROR, name + ' is not defined');
* Create a new scope for the given node.
* @param {!Object} node AST node (program or function).
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Scope dictionary to populate.
* @private
Interpreter.prototype.populateScope_ = function(node, scope) {
if (node['type'] === 'VariableDeclaration') {
for (var i = 0; i < node['declarations'].length; i++) {
this.setProperty(scope, node['declarations'][i]['id']['name'],
undefined, Interpreter.VARIABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
} else if (node['type'] === 'FunctionDeclaration') {
this.setProperty(scope, node['id']['name'],
this.createFunction(node, scope), Interpreter.VARIABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
return; // Do not recurse into function.
} else if (node['type'] === 'FunctionExpression') {
return; // Do not recurse into function.
} else if (node['type'] === 'ExpressionStatement') {
return; // Expressions can't contain variable/function declarations.
var nodeClass = node['constructor'];
for (var name in node) {
var prop = node[name];
if (prop && typeof prop === 'object') {
if (Array.isArray(prop)) {
for (var i = 0; i < prop.length; i++) {
if (prop[i] && prop[i].constructor === nodeClass) {
this.populateScope_(prop[i], scope);
} else {
if (prop.constructor === nodeClass) {
this.populateScope_(prop, scope);
* Remove start and end values from AST, or set start and end values to a
* constant value. Used to remove highlighting from polyfills and to set
* highlighting in an eval to cover the entire eval expression.
* @param {!Object} node AST node.
* @param {number=} start Starting character of all nodes, or undefined.
* @param {number=} end Ending character of all nodes, or undefined.
* @private
Interpreter.prototype.stripLocations_ = function(node, start, end) {
if (start) {
node['start'] = start;
} else {
delete node['start'];
if (end) {
node['end'] = end;
} else {
delete node['end'];
for (var name in node) {
if (node.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var prop = node[name];
if (prop && typeof prop === 'object') {
this.stripLocations_(prop, start, end);
* Is the current state directly being called with as a construction with 'new'.
* @return {boolean} True if 'new foo()', false if 'foo()'.
Interpreter.prototype.calledWithNew = function() {
return this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1].isConstructor;
* Gets a value from the scope chain or from an object property.
* @param {!Array} ref Name of variable or object/propname tuple.
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
* @param {Acorn AST Node} node Node that triggered this function. Used by Bitburner for getting error line number
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
* @return {Interpreter.Value} Any value.
* May be flagged as being a getter and thus needing immediate execution
* (rather than being the value of the property).
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
Interpreter.prototype.getValue = function(ref, node) {
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
if (ref[0] === Interpreter.SCOPE_REFERENCE) {
// A null/varname variable lookup.
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
return this.getValueFromScope(ref[1], node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
} else {
// An obj/prop components tuple (foo.bar).
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
return this.getProperty(ref[0], ref[1], node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
* Sets a value to the scope chain or to an object property.
* @param {!Array} ref Name of variable or object/propname tuple.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} value Value.
* @return {!Interpreter.Object|undefined} Returns a setter function if one
* needs to be called, otherwise undefined.
Interpreter.prototype.setValue = function(ref, value) {
if (ref[0] === Interpreter.SCOPE_REFERENCE) {
// A null/varname variable lookup.
return this.setValueToScope(ref[1], value);
} else {
// An obj/prop components tuple (foo.bar).
return this.setProperty(ref[0], ref[1], value);
* Completion Value Types.
* @enum {number}
Interpreter.Completion = {
* Throw an exception in the interpreter that can be handled by an
* interpreter try/catch statement. If unhandled, a real exception will
* be thrown. Can be called with either an error class and a message, or
* with an actual object to be thrown.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} errorClass Type of error (if message is
* provided) or the value to throw (if no message).
* @param {string=} opt_message Message being thrown.
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
Interpreter.prototype.throwException = function(errorClass, opt_message, lineNumber) {
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
if (opt_message === undefined) {
var error = errorClass; // This is a value to throw, not an error class.
} else {
var error = this.createObject(errorClass);
this.setProperty(error, 'message', opt_message,
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
var lineNumErrorMsg;
if (lineNumber != null) {
lineNumErrorMsg = this.getErrorLineNumberMessage(lineNumber);
this.unwind(Interpreter.Completion.THROW, error, undefined, lineNumErrorMsg);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
// Abort anything related to the current step.
throw Interpreter.STEP_ERROR;
* Unwind the stack to the innermost relevant enclosing TryStatement,
* For/ForIn/WhileStatement or Call/NewExpression. If this results in
* the stack being completely unwound the thread will be terminated
* and the appropriate error being thrown.
* @param {Interpreter.Completion} type Completion type.
* @param {Interpreter.Value=} value Value computed, returned or thrown.
* @param {string=} label Target label for break or return.
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
Interpreter.prototype.unwind = function(type, value, label, lineNumberMsg="") {
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
if (type === Interpreter.Completion.NORMAL) {
throw TypeError('Should not unwind for NORMAL completions');
for (var stack = this.stateStack; stack.length > 0; stack.pop()) {
var state = stack[stack.length - 1];
switch (state.node['type']) {
case 'TryStatement':
state.cv = {type: type, value: value, label: label};
case 'CallExpression':
case 'NewExpression':
if (type === Interpreter.Completion.RETURN) {
state.value = value;
} else if (type !== Interpreter.Completion.THROW) {
throw Error('Unsynatctic break/continue not rejected by Acorn');
if (type === Interpreter.Completion.BREAK) {
if (label ? (state.labels && state.labels.indexOf(label) !== -1) :
(state.isLoop || state.isSwitch)) {
} else if (type === Interpreter.Completion.CONTINUE) {
if (label ? (state.labels && state.labels.indexOf(label) !== -1) :
state.isLoop) {
// Unhandled completion. Throw a real error.
var realError;
if (this.isa(value, this.ERROR)) {
var errorTable = {
'EvalError': EvalError,
'RangeError': RangeError,
'ReferenceError': ReferenceError,
'SyntaxError': SyntaxError,
'TypeError': TypeError,
'URIError': URIError
var name = this.getProperty(value, 'name').toString();
var message = this.getProperty(value, 'message').valueOf();
var type = errorTable[name] || Error;
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
realError = type(message + lineNumberMsg);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
} else {
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
realError = String(value) + lineNumberMsg;
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
throw realError;
* Create a call to a getter function.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} func Function to execute.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object|!Array} left
* Name of variable or object/propname tuple.
* @private
Interpreter.prototype.createGetter_ = function(func, left) {
// Normally 'this' will be specified as the object component (o.x).
// Sometimes 'this' is explicitly provided (o).
var funcThis = Array.isArray(left) ? left[0] : left;
var node = new this.nodeConstructor();
node['type'] = 'CallExpression';
var state = new Interpreter.State(node,
this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1].scope);
state.doneCallee_ = true;
state.funcThis_ = funcThis;
state.func_ = func;
state.doneArgs_ = true;
state.arguments_ = [];
return state;
* Create a call to a setter function.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} func Function to execute.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object|!Array} left
* Name of variable or object/propname tuple.
* @param {Interpreter.Value} value Value to set.
* @private
Interpreter.prototype.createSetter_ = function(func, left, value) {
// Normally 'this' will be specified as the object component (o.x).
// Sometimes 'this' is implicitly the global object (x).
var funcThis = Array.isArray(left) ? left[0] : this.global;
var node = new this.nodeConstructor();
node['type'] = 'CallExpression';
var state = new Interpreter.State(node,
this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1].scope);
state.doneCallee_ = true;
state.funcThis_ = funcThis;
state.func_ = func;
state.doneArgs_ = true;
state.arguments_ = [value];
return state;
* Class for a state.
* @param {!Object} node AST node for the state.
* @param {!Interpreter.Object} scope Scope object for the state.
* @constructor
Interpreter.State = function(node, scope) {
this.node = node;
this.scope = scope;
// Functions to handle each node type.
Interpreter.prototype['stepArrayExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var elements = node['elements'];
var n = state.n_ || 0;
if (!state.array_) {
state.array_ = this.createObjectProto(this.ARRAY_PROTO);
state.array_.properties.length = elements.length;
} else {
this.setProperty(state.array_, n, state.value);
while (n < elements.length) {
// Skip missing elements - they're not defined, not undefined.
if (elements[n]) {
state.n_ = n;
return new Interpreter.State(elements[n], state.scope);
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.array_;
Interpreter.prototype['stepAssignmentExpression'] =
function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.doneLeft_) {
state.doneLeft_ = true;
var nextState = new Interpreter.State(node['left'], state.scope);
nextState.components = true;
return nextState;
if (!state.doneRight_) {
if (!state.leftReference_) {
state.leftReference_ = state.value;
if (state.doneGetter_) {
state.leftValue_ = state.value;
if (!state.doneGetter_ && node['operator'] !== '=') {
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
var leftValue = this.getValue(state.leftReference_, node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
state.leftValue_ = leftValue;
if (leftValue && typeof leftValue === 'object' && leftValue.isGetter) {
// Clear the getter flag and call the getter function.
leftValue.isGetter = false;
state.doneGetter_ = true;
var func = /** @type {!Interpreter.Object} */ (leftValue);
return this.createGetter_(func, state.leftReference_);
state.doneRight_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['right'], state.scope);
if (state.doneSetter_) {
// Return if setter function.
// Setter method on property has completed.
// Ignore its return value, and use the original set value instead.
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.setterValue_;
var value = state.leftValue_;
var rightValue = state.value;
switch (node['operator']) {
case '=': value = rightValue; break;
case '+=': value += rightValue; break;
case '-=': value -= rightValue; break;
case '*=': value *= rightValue; break;
case '/=': value /= rightValue; break;
case '%=': value %= rightValue; break;
case '<<=': value <<= rightValue; break;
case '>>=': value >>= rightValue; break;
case '>>>=': value >>>= rightValue; break;
case '&=': value &= rightValue; break;
case '^=': value ^= rightValue; break;
case '|=': value |= rightValue; break;
throw SyntaxError('Unknown assignment expression: ' + node['operator']);
var setter = this.setValue(state.leftReference_, value);
if (setter) {
state.doneSetter_ = true;
state.setterValue_ = value;
return this.createSetter_(setter, state.leftReference_, value);
// Return if no setter function.
stack[stack.length - 1].value = value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepBinaryExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.doneLeft_) {
state.doneLeft_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['left'], state.scope);
if (!state.doneRight_) {
state.doneRight_ = true;
state.leftValue_ = state.value;
return new Interpreter.State(node['right'], state.scope);
var leftValue = state.leftValue_;
var rightValue = state.value;
var value;
switch (node['operator']) {
case '==': value = leftValue == rightValue; break;
case '!=': value = leftValue != rightValue; break;
case '===': value = leftValue === rightValue; break;
case '!==': value = leftValue !== rightValue; break;
case '>': value = leftValue > rightValue; break;
case '>=': value = leftValue >= rightValue; break;
case '<': value = leftValue < rightValue; break;
case '<=': value = leftValue <= rightValue; break;
case '+': value = leftValue + rightValue; break;
case '-': value = leftValue - rightValue; break;
case '*': value = leftValue * rightValue; break;
case '/': value = leftValue / rightValue; break;
case '%': value = leftValue % rightValue; break;
case '&': value = leftValue & rightValue; break;
case '|': value = leftValue | rightValue; break;
case '^': value = leftValue ^ rightValue; break;
case '<<': value = leftValue << rightValue; break;
case '>>': value = leftValue >> rightValue; break;
case '>>>': value = leftValue >>> rightValue; break;
case 'in':
if (!rightValue || !rightValue.isObject) {
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
let lineNum = this.getErrorLineNumber(node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
"'in' expects an object, not '" + rightValue + "'", lineNum);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
value = this.hasProperty(rightValue, leftValue);
case 'instanceof':
if (!this.isa(rightValue, this.FUNCTION)) {
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
let lineNum = this.getErrorLineNumber(node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
'Right-hand side of instanceof is not an object', lineNum);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
value = leftValue.isObject ? this.isa(leftValue, rightValue) : false;
throw SyntaxError('Unknown binary operator: ' + node['operator']);
stack[stack.length - 1].value = value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepBlockStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var n = state.n_ || 0;
var expression = node['body'][n];
if (expression) {
state.n_ = n + 1;
return new Interpreter.State(expression, state.scope);
Interpreter.prototype['stepBreakStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var label = node['label'] && node['label']['name'];
this.unwind(Interpreter.Completion.BREAK, undefined, label);
Interpreter.prototype['stepCallExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.doneCallee_) {
state.doneCallee_ = 1;
// Components needed to determine value of 'this'.
var nextState = new Interpreter.State(node['callee'], state.scope);
nextState.components = true;
return nextState;
if (state.doneCallee_ === 1) {
// Determine value of the function.
state.doneCallee_ = 2;
var func = state.value;
if (Array.isArray(func)) {
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
state.func_ = this.getValue(func, node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
if (func[0] === Interpreter.SCOPE_REFERENCE) {
// (Globally or locally) named function. Is it named 'eval'?
state.directEval_ = (func[1] === 'eval');
} else {
// Method function, 'this' is object (ignored if invoked as 'new').
state.funcThis_ = func[0];
func = state.func_;
if (func && typeof func === 'object' && func.isGetter) {
// Clear the getter flag and call the getter function.
func.isGetter = false;
state.doneCallee_ = 1;
return this.createGetter_(/** @type {!Interpreter.Object} */ (func),
} else {
// Already evaluated function: (function(){...})();
state.func_ = func;
state.arguments_ = [];
state.n_ = 0;
var func = state.func_;
if (!state.doneArgs_) {
if (state.n_ !== 0) {
if (node['arguments'][state.n_]) {
return new Interpreter.State(node['arguments'][state.n_++], state.scope);
// Determine value of 'this' in function.
if (node['type'] === 'NewExpression') {
if (func.illegalConstructor) {
// Illegal: new escape();
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
let lineNum = this.getErrorLineNumber(node);
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, func + ' is not a constructor', lineNum);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
// Constructor, 'this' is new object.
var proto = func.properties['prototype'];
if (typeof proto !== 'object' || proto === null) {
// Non-object prototypes default to Object.prototype.
proto = this.OBJECT_PROTO;
state.funcThis_ = this.createObjectProto(proto);
state.isConstructor = true;
} else if (state.funcThis_ === undefined) {
// Global function, 'this' is global object (or 'undefined' if strict).
state.funcThis_ = state.scope.strict ? undefined : this.global;
state.doneArgs_ = true;
if (!state.doneExec_) {
state.doneExec_ = true;
if (!func || !func.isObject) {
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
let lineNum = this.getErrorLineNumber(node);
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, func + ' is not a function', lineNum);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
var funcNode = func.node;
if (funcNode) {
var scope = this.createScope(funcNode['body'], func.parentScope);
// Add all arguments.
for (var i = 0; i < funcNode['params'].length; i++) {
var paramName = funcNode['params'][i]['name'];
var paramValue = state.arguments_.length > i ? state.arguments_[i] :
this.setProperty(scope, paramName, paramValue);
// Build arguments variable.
var argsList = this.createObjectProto(this.ARRAY_PROTO);
for (var i = 0; i < state.arguments_.length; i++) {
this.setProperty(argsList, i, state.arguments_[i]);
this.setProperty(scope, 'arguments', argsList);
// Add the function's name (var x = function foo(){};)
var name = funcNode['id'] && funcNode['id']['name'];
if (name) {
this.setProperty(scope, name, func);
this.setProperty(scope, 'this', state.funcThis_,
state.value = undefined; // Default value if no explicit return.
return new Interpreter.State(funcNode['body'], scope);
} else if (func.eval) {
var code = state.arguments_[0];
if (typeof code !== 'string') {
// JS does not parse String objects:
// eval(new String('1 + 1')) -> '1 + 1'
state.value = code;
} else {
try {
var ast = acorn.parse(code.toString(), Interpreter.PARSE_OPTIONS);
} catch (e) {
// Acorn threw a SyntaxError. Rethrow as a trappable error.
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
let lineNum = this.getErrorLineNumber(node);
this.throwException(this.SYNTAX_ERROR, 'Invalid code: ' + e.message, lineNum);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
var evalNode = new this.nodeConstructor();
evalNode['type'] = 'EvalProgram_';
evalNode['body'] = ast['body'];
this.stripLocations_(evalNode, node['start'], node['end']);
// Create new scope and update it with definitions in eval().
var scope = state.directEval_ ? state.scope : this.global;
if (scope.strict) {
// Strict mode get its own scope in eval.
scope = this.createScope(ast, scope);
} else {
// Non-strict mode pollutes the current scope.
this.populateScope_(ast, scope);
this.value = undefined; // Default value if no code.
return new Interpreter.State(evalNode, scope);
} else if (func.nativeFunc) {
state.value = func.nativeFunc.apply(state.funcThis_, state.arguments_);
} else if (func.asyncFunc) {
var thisInterpreter = this;
var callback = function(value) {
state.value = value;
thisInterpreter.paused_ = false;
var argsWithCallback = state.arguments_.concat(callback);
this.paused_ = true;
func.asyncFunc.apply(state.funcThis_, argsWithCallback);
} else {
/* A child of a function is a function but is not callable. For example:
var F = function() {};
F.prototype = escape;
var f = new F();
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
let lineNum = this.getErrorLineNumber(node);
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, func.class + ' is not a function', lineNum);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
} else {
// Execution complete. Put the return value on the stack.
if (state.isConstructor && typeof state.value !== 'object') {
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.funcThis_;
} else {
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepCatchClause'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.done_) {
state.done_ = true;
// Create an empty scope.
var scope = this.createSpecialScope(state.scope);
// Add the argument.
this.setProperty(scope, node['param']['name'], state.throwValue);
// Execute catch clause.
return new Interpreter.State(node['body'], scope);
} else {
Interpreter.prototype['stepConditionalExpression'] =
function(stack, state, node) {
var mode = state.mode_ || 0;
if (mode === 0) {
state.mode_ = 1;
return new Interpreter.State(node['test'], state.scope);
if (mode === 1) {
state.mode_ = 2;
var value = Boolean(state.value);
if (value && node['consequent']) {
// Execute 'if' block.
return new Interpreter.State(node['consequent'], state.scope);
} else if (!value && node['alternate']) {
// Execute 'else' block.
return new Interpreter.State(node['alternate'], state.scope);
// eval('1;if(false){2}') -> undefined
this.value = undefined;
if (node['type'] === 'ConditionalExpression') {
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepContinueStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var label = node['label'] && node['label']['name'];
this.unwind(Interpreter.Completion.CONTINUE, undefined, label);
Interpreter.prototype['stepDebuggerStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
// Do nothing. May be overridden by developers.
Interpreter.prototype['stepDoWhileStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (node['type'] === 'DoWhileStatement' && state.test_ === undefined) {
// First iteration of do/while executes without checking test.
state.value = true;
state.test_ = true;
if (!state.test_) {
state.test_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['test'], state.scope);
if (!state.value) { // Done, exit loop.
} else if (node['body']) { // Execute the body.
state.test_ = false;
state.isLoop = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['body'], state.scope);
Interpreter.prototype['stepEmptyStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
Interpreter.prototype['stepEvalProgram_'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var n = state.n_ || 0;
var expression = node['body'][n];
if (expression) {
state.n_ = n + 1;
return new Interpreter.State(expression, state.scope);
stack[stack.length - 1].value = this.value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepExpressionStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.done_) {
state.done_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['expression'], state.scope);
// Save this value to interpreter.value for use as a return value if
// this code is inside an eval function.
this.value = state.value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepForInStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
// First, initialize a variable if exists. Only do so once, ever.
if (!state.doneInit_) {
state.doneInit_ = true;
if (node['left']['declarations'] &&
node['left']['declarations'][0]['init']) {
if (state.scope.strict) {
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
let lineNum = this.getErrorLineNumber(node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
2018-07-25 14:53:54 -05:00
'for-in loop variable declaration may not have an initializer.', lineNum);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
// Variable initialization: for (var x = 4 in y)
return new Interpreter.State(node['left'], state.scope);
// Second, look up the object. Only do so once, ever.
if (!state.doneObject_) {
state.doneObject_ = true;
if (!state.variable_) {
state.variable_ = state.value;
return new Interpreter.State(node['right'], state.scope);
if (!state.isLoop) {
// First iteration.
state.isLoop = true;
state.object_ = state.value;
state.visited_ = Object.create(null);
// Third, find the property name for this iteration.
if (state.name_ === undefined) {
gotPropName: while (true) {
if (state.object_ && state.object_.isObject) {
if (!state.props_) {
state.props_ = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(state.object_.properties);
while (true) {
var prop = state.props_.shift();
if (prop === undefined) {
break; // Reached end of this object's properties.
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(state.object_.properties,
prop)) {
continue; // Property has been deleted in the loop.
if (state.visited_[prop]) {
continue; // Already seen this property on a child.
state.visited_[prop] = true;
if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(
state.object_.properties, prop)) {
continue; // Skip non-enumerable property.
state.name_ = prop;
break gotPropName;
} else if (state.object_ !== null && state.object_ !== undefined) {
// Primitive value (other than null or undefined).
if (!state.props_) {
state.props_ = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(state.object_);
while (true) {
var prop = state.props_.shift();
if (prop === undefined) {
break; // Reached end of this value's properties.
state.visited_[prop] = true;
if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(
state.object_, prop)) {
continue; // Skip non-enumerable property.
state.name_ = prop;
break gotPropName;
state.object_ = this.getPrototype(state.object_);
state.props_ = null;
if (state.object_ === null) {
// Done, exit loop.
// Fourth, find the variable
if (!state.doneVariable_) {
state.doneVariable_ = true;
var left = node['left'];
if (left['type'] === 'VariableDeclaration') {
// Inline variable declaration: for (var x in y)
state.variable_ =
[Interpreter.SCOPE_REFERENCE, left['declarations'][0]['id']['name']];
} else {
// Arbitrary left side: for (foo().bar in y)
state.variable_ = null;
var nextState = new Interpreter.State(left, state.scope);
nextState.components = true;
return nextState;
if (!state.variable_) {
state.variable_ = state.value;
// Fifth, set the variable.
if (!state.doneSetter_) {
state.doneSetter_ = true;
var value = state.name_;
var setter = this.setValue(state.variable_, value);
if (setter) {
return this.createSetter_(setter, state.variable_, value);
// Next step will be step three.
state.name_ = undefined;
// Reevaluate the variable since it could be a setter on the global object.
state.doneVariable_ = false;
state.doneSetter_ = false;
// Sixth and finally, execute the body if there was one. this.
if (node['body']) {
return new Interpreter.State(node['body'], state.scope);
Interpreter.prototype['stepForStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var mode = state.mode_ || 0;
if (mode === 0) {
state.mode_ = 1;
if (node['init']) {
return new Interpreter.State(node['init'], state.scope);
} else if (mode === 1) {
state.mode_ = 2;
if (node['test']) {
return new Interpreter.State(node['test'], state.scope);
} else if (mode === 2) {
state.mode_ = 3;
if (node['test'] && !state.value) {
// Done, exit loop.
} else { // Execute the body.
state.isLoop = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['body'], state.scope);
} else if (mode === 3) {
state.mode_ = 1;
if (node['update']) {
return new Interpreter.State(node['update'], state.scope);
Interpreter.prototype['stepFunctionDeclaration'] =
function(stack, state, node) {
// This was found and handled when the scope was populated.
Interpreter.prototype['stepFunctionExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
stack[stack.length - 1].value = this.createFunction(node, state.scope);
Interpreter.prototype['stepIdentifier'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (state.components) {
stack[stack.length - 1].value = [Interpreter.SCOPE_REFERENCE, node['name']];
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
var value = this.getValueFromScope(node['name'], node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
// An identifier could be a getter if it's a property on the global object.
if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.isGetter) {
// Clear the getter flag and call the getter function.
value.isGetter = false;
var scope = state.scope;
while (!this.hasProperty(scope, node['name'])) {
scope = scope.parentScope;
var func = /** @type {!Interpreter.Object} */ (value);
return this.createGetter_(func, this.global);
stack[stack.length - 1].value = value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepIfStatement'] =
Interpreter.prototype['stepLabeledStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
// No need to hit this node again on the way back up the stack.
// Note that a statement might have multiple labels.
var labels = state.labels || [];
var nextState = new Interpreter.State(node['body'], state.scope);
nextState.labels = labels;
return nextState;
Interpreter.prototype['stepLiteral'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var value = node['value'];
if (value instanceof RegExp) {
var pseudoRegexp = this.createObjectProto(this.REGEXP_PROTO);
this.populateRegExp(pseudoRegexp, value);
value = pseudoRegexp;
stack[stack.length - 1].value = value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepLogicalExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (node['operator'] !== '&&' && node['operator'] !== '||') {
throw SyntaxError('Unknown logical operator: ' + node['operator']);
if (!state.doneLeft_) {
state.doneLeft_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['left'], state.scope);
if (!state.doneRight_) {
if ((node['operator'] === '&&' && !state.value) ||
(node['operator'] === '||' && state.value)) {
// Shortcut evaluation.
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.value;
} else {
state.doneRight_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['right'], state.scope);
} else {
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepMemberExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.doneObject_) {
state.doneObject_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['object'], state.scope);
var propName;
if (!node['computed']) {
state.object_ = state.value;
// obj.foo -- Just access 'foo' directly.
propName = node['property']['name'];
} else if (!state.doneProperty_) {
state.object_ = state.value;
// obj[foo] -- Compute value of 'foo'.
state.doneProperty_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['property'], state.scope);
} else {
propName = state.value;
if (state.components) {
stack[stack.length - 1].value = [state.object_, propName];
} else {
var value = this.getProperty(state.object_, propName);
if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.isGetter) {
// Clear the getter flag and call the getter function.
value.isGetter = false;
var func = /** @type {!Interpreter.Object} */ (value);
return this.createGetter_(func, state.object_);
stack[stack.length - 1].value = value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepNewExpression'] =
Interpreter.prototype['stepObjectExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var n = state.n_ || 0;
var property = node['properties'][n];
if (!state.object_) {
// First execution.
state.object_ = this.createObjectProto(this.OBJECT_PROTO);
state.properties_ = Object.create(null);
} else {
// Determine property name.
var key = property['key'];
if (key['type'] === 'Identifier') {
var propName = key['name'];
} else if (key['type'] === 'Literal') {
var propName = key['value'];
} else {
throw SyntaxError('Unknown object structure: ' + key['type']);
// Set the property computed in the previous execution.
if (!state.properties_[propName]) {
// Create temp object to collect value, getter, and/or setter.
state.properties_[propName] = {};
state.properties_[propName][property['kind']] = state.value;
state.n_ = ++n;
property = node['properties'][n];
if (property) {
return new Interpreter.State(property['value'], state.scope);
for (var key in state.properties_) {
var kinds = state.properties_[key];
if ('get' in kinds || 'set' in kinds) {
// Set a property with a getter or setter.
var descriptor = {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: kinds['get'],
set: kinds['set']
this.setProperty(state.object_, key, null, descriptor);
} else {
// Set a normal property with a value.
this.setProperty(state.object_, key, kinds['init']);
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.object_;
Interpreter.prototype['stepProgram'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var expression = node['body'].shift();
if (expression) {
state.done = false;
return new Interpreter.State(expression, state.scope);
state.done = true;
// Don't pop the stateStack.
// Leave the root scope on the tree in case the program is appended to.
Interpreter.prototype['stepReturnStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (node['argument'] && !state.done_) {
state.done_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['argument'], state.scope);
this.unwind(Interpreter.Completion.RETURN, state.value, undefined);
Interpreter.prototype['stepSequenceExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var n = state.n_ || 0;
var expression = node['expressions'][n];
if (expression) {
state.n_ = n + 1;
return new Interpreter.State(expression, state.scope);
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepSwitchStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.test_) {
state.test_ = 1;
return new Interpreter.State(node['discriminant'], state.scope);
if (state.test_ === 1) {
state.test_ = 2;
// Preserve switch value between case tests.
state.switchValue_ = state.value;
state.defaultCase_ = -1;
while (true) {
var index = state.index_ || 0;
var switchCase = node['cases'][index];
if (!state.matched_ && switchCase && !switchCase['test']) {
// Test on the default case is null.
// Bypass (but store) the default case, and get back to it later.
state.defaultCase_ = index;
state.index_ = index + 1;
if (!switchCase && !state.matched_ && state.defaultCase_ !== -1) {
// Ran through all cases, no match. Jump to the default.
state.matched_ = true;
state.index_ = state.defaultCase_;
if (switchCase) {
if (!state.matched_ && !state.tested_ && switchCase['test']) {
state.tested_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(switchCase['test'], state.scope);
if (state.matched_ || state.value === state.switchValue_) {
state.matched_ = true;
var n = state.n_ || 0;
if (switchCase['consequent'][n]) {
state.isSwitch = true;
state.n_ = n + 1;
return new Interpreter.State(switchCase['consequent'][n],
// Move on to next case.
state.tested_ = false;
state.n_ = 0;
state.index_ = index + 1;
} else {
Interpreter.prototype['stepThisExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
stack[stack.length - 1].value = this.getValueFromScope('this', node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
Interpreter.prototype['stepThrowStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.done_) {
state.done_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['argument'], state.scope);
} else {
Interpreter.prototype['stepTryStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.doneBlock_) {
state.doneBlock_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['block'], state.scope);
if (state.cv && state.cv.type === Interpreter.Completion.THROW &&
!state.doneHandler_ && node['handler']) {
state.doneHandler_ = true;
var nextState = new Interpreter.State(node['handler'], state.scope);
nextState.throwValue = state.cv.value;
state.cv = undefined; // This error has been handled, don't rethrow.
return nextState;
if (!state.doneFinalizer_ && node['finalizer']) {
state.doneFinalizer_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['finalizer'], state.scope);
if (state.cv) {
// There was no catch handler, or the catch/finally threw an error.
// Throw the error up to a higher try.
this.unwind(state.cv.type, state.cv.value, state.cv.label);
Interpreter.prototype['stepUnaryExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.done_) {
state.done_ = true;
var nextState = new Interpreter.State(node['argument'], state.scope);
nextState.components = node['operator'] === 'delete';
return nextState;
var value = state.value;
if (node['operator'] === '-') {
value = -value;
} else if (node['operator'] === '+') {
value = +value;
} else if (node['operator'] === '!') {
value = !value;
} else if (node['operator'] === '~') {
value = ~value;
} else if (node['operator'] === 'delete') {
var result = true;
// If value is not an array, then it is a primitive, or some other value.
// If so, skip the delete and return true.
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
var obj = value[0];
if (obj === Interpreter.SCOPE_REFERENCE) {
// 'delete foo;' is the same as 'delete window.foo'.
obj = state.scope;
var name = String(value[1]);
try {
delete obj.properties[name];
} catch (e) {
if (state.scope.strict) {
this.throwException(this.TYPE_ERROR, "Cannot delete property '" +
name + "' of '" + obj + "'");
} else {
result = false;
value = result;
} else if (node['operator'] === 'typeof') {
value = (value && value.class === 'Function') ? 'function' : typeof value;
} else if (node['operator'] === 'void') {
value = undefined;
} else {
throw SyntaxError('Unknown unary operator: ' + node['operator']);
stack[stack.length - 1].value = value;
Interpreter.prototype['stepUpdateExpression'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.doneLeft_) {
state.doneLeft_ = true;
var nextState = new Interpreter.State(node['argument'], state.scope);
nextState.components = true;
return nextState;
if (!state.leftSide_) {
state.leftSide_ = state.value;
if (state.doneGetter_) {
state.leftValue_ = state.value;
if (!state.doneGetter_) {
2018-07-27 19:00:57 -05:00
var leftValue = this.getValue(state.leftSide_, node);
2018-07-10 23:41:26 -05:00
state.leftValue_ = leftValue;
if (leftValue && typeof leftValue === 'object' && leftValue.isGetter) {
// Clear the getter flag and call the getter function.
leftValue.isGetter = false;
state.doneGetter_ = true;
var func = /** @type {!Interpreter.Object} */ (leftValue);
return this.createGetter_(func, state.leftSide_);
if (state.doneSetter_) {
// Return if setter function.
// Setter method on property has completed.
// Ignore its return value, and use the original set value instead.
stack[stack.length - 1].value = state.setterValue_;
var leftValue = Number(state.leftValue_);
var changeValue;
if (node['operator'] === '++') {
changeValue = leftValue + 1;
} else if (node['operator'] === '--') {
changeValue = leftValue - 1;
} else {
throw SyntaxError('Unknown update expression: ' + node['operator']);
var returnValue = node['prefix'] ? changeValue : leftValue;
var setter = this.setValue(state.leftSide_, changeValue);
if (setter) {
state.doneSetter_ = true;
state.setterValue_ = returnValue;
return this.createSetter_(setter, state.leftSide_, changeValue);
// Return if no setter function.
stack[stack.length - 1].value = returnValue;
Interpreter.prototype['stepVariableDeclaration'] = function(stack, state, node) {
var declarations = node['declarations'];
var n = state.n_ || 0;
var declarationNode = declarations[n];
if (state.init_ && declarationNode) {
// This setValue call never needs to deal with calling a setter function.
// Note that this is setting the init value, not defining the variable.
// Variable definition is done when scope is populated.
this.setValueToScope(declarationNode['id']['name'], state.value);
state.init_ = false;
declarationNode = declarations[++n];
while (declarationNode) {
// Skip any declarations that are not initialized. They have already
// been defined as undefined in populateScope_.
if (declarationNode['init']) {
state.n_ = n;
state.init_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(declarationNode['init'], state.scope);
declarationNode = declarations[++n];
Interpreter.prototype['stepWithStatement'] = function(stack, state, node) {
if (!state.doneObject_) {
state.doneObject_ = true;
return new Interpreter.State(node['object'], state.scope);
} else if (!state.doneBody_) {
state.doneBody_ = true;
var scope = this.createSpecialScope(state.scope, state.value);
return new Interpreter.State(node['body'], scope);
} else {
Interpreter.prototype['stepWhileStatement'] =
// Preserve top-level API functions from being pruned/renamed by JS compilers.
// Add others as needed.
// The global object ('window' in a browser, 'global' in node.js) is 'this'.
//this['Interpreter'] = Interpreter;
Interpreter.prototype['step'] = Interpreter.prototype.step;
Interpreter.prototype['run'] = Interpreter.prototype.run;
Interpreter.prototype['appendCode'] = Interpreter.prototype.appendCode;
Interpreter.prototype['createObject'] = Interpreter.prototype.createObject;
Interpreter.prototype['createObjectProto'] =
Interpreter.prototype['createAsyncFunction'] =
Interpreter.prototype['createNativeFunction'] =
Interpreter.prototype['getProperty'] = Interpreter.prototype.getProperty;
Interpreter.prototype['setProperty'] = Interpreter.prototype.setProperty;
Interpreter.prototype['nativeToPseudo'] = Interpreter.prototype.nativeToPseudo;
Interpreter.prototype['pseudoToNative'] = Interpreter.prototype.pseudoToNative;
// Obsolete. Do not use.
Interpreter.prototype['createPrimitive'] = function(x) {return x;};
export {Interpreter};