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import {
} from "./Directory";
/** Filepath Rules:
* 1. File extension cannot contain a "/"
* 2. Last character before the extension cannot be a "/" as this would be a blank filename
* 3. Must not contain a leading "/"
* 4. Directory names cannot be 0-length (no "//")
* 5. The characters *, ?, [, and ] cannot exist in the filepath*/
type BasicFilePath = string & { __type: "FilePath" };
/** A file path that is also an absolute path. Additional absolute rules:
* 1. Specific directory names "." and ".." are disallowed
* Absoluteness is typechecked with isAbsolutePath in DirectoryPath.ts */
export type FilePath = BasicFilePath & AbsolutePath;
// Capturing group named file which captures the entire filename part of a file path.
const filenameRegexString = `(?<file>${oneValidCharacter}+\\.${oneValidCharacter}+)$`;
/** Regex made of the two above regex parts to test for a whole valid filepath. */
const basicFilePathRegex = new RegExp(directoryRegexString + filenameRegexString) as RegExp & {
exec: (path: string) => null | { groups: { directory: BasicDirectory; file: FilePath } };
/** Simple validation function with no modification. Can be combined with isAbsolutePath to get a real FilePath */
export function isFilePath(path: string): path is BasicFilePath {
return basicFilePathRegex.test(path);
export function asFilePath<T extends string>(input: T): T & FilePath {
if (isFilePath(input) && isAbsolutePath(input)) return input;
throw new Error(`${input} failed to validate as a FilePath.`);
export function getFilenameOnly<T extends BasicFilePath>(path: T): T & FilePath {
const start = path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1;
return path.substring(start) as T & FilePath;
/** Validate while also capturing and returning directory and file parts */
function getFileParts(path: string): { directory: BasicDirectory; file: FilePath } | null {
const result = basicFilePathRegex.exec(path) as null | { groups: { directory: BasicDirectory; file: FilePath } };
return result ? result.groups : null;
/** Sanitizes a player input and resolves a relative file path to an absolute one.
* @param path The player-provided path string. Can include relative directories.
* @param base The absolute base for resolving a relative path. */
export function resolveFilePath(path: string, base = "" as FilePath | Directory): FilePath | null {
if (isAbsolutePath(path)) {
if (path.startsWith("/")) path = path.substring(1);
// Because we modified the string since checking absoluteness, we have to assert that it's still absolute here.
return isFilePath(path) ? (path as FilePath) : null;
// Turn base into a DirectoryName in case it was not
base = getBaseDirectory(base);
const pathParts = getFileParts(path);
if (!pathParts) return null;
const directory = resolveValidatedDirectory(pathParts.directory, base);
// Have to specifically check null here instead of truthiness, because empty string is a valid DirectoryPath
return directory === null ? null : combinePath(directory, pathParts.file);
/** Remove the file part from an absolute path (FilePath or DirectoryPath - no modification is done for a DirectoryPath) */
function getBaseDirectory(path: FilePath | Directory): Directory {
return path.replace(/[^\/\*]+\.[^\/\*]+$/, "") as Directory;
/** Combine an absolute DirectoryPath and FilePath to create a new FilePath */
export function combinePath<T extends FilePath>(directory: Directory, file: T): T {
// Preserves the specific file type because the filepart is preserved.
return (directory + file) as T;
export function removeDirectoryFromPath(directory: Directory, path: FilePath): FilePath | null {
if (!path.startsWith(directory)) return null;
return path.substring(directory.length) as FilePath;