IPVGO: Remove opponent from react state (#1222)

This commit is contained in:
Michael Ficocelli
2024-04-24 16:10:01 -04:00
committed by GitHub
parent f4fcb5cde1
commit 0f23c95737

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@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ export function GoGameboardWrapper({ showInstructions }: GoGameboardWrapperProps
// Destructure boardState to allow useMemo to trigger correctly
const traditional = Settings.GoTraditionalStyle;
const [showPriorMove, setShowPriorMove] = useState(false);
const [opponent, setOpponent] = useState<GoOpponent>(boardState.ai);
const [scoreOpen, setScoreOpen] = useState(false);
const [searchOpen, setSearchOpen] = useState(false);
const [waitingOnAI, setWaitingOnAI] = useState(false);
@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ export function GoGameboardWrapper({ showInstructions }: GoGameboardWrapperProps
// Lock the board when it isn't the player's turn
const gameOver = boardState.previousPlayer === null;
const notYourTurn = boardState.previousPlayer === GoColor.black && opponent !== GoOpponent.none;
const notYourTurn = boardState.previousPlayer === GoColor.black && Go.currentGame.ai !== GoOpponent.none;
if (notYourTurn) {
SnackbarEvents.emit(`It is not your turn to play.`, ToastVariant.WARNING, 2000);
@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ export function GoGameboardWrapper({ showInstructions }: GoGameboardWrapperProps
const didUpdateBoard = makeMove(boardState, x, y, currentPlayer);
if (didUpdateBoard) {
opponent !== GoOpponent.none && takeAiTurn(boardState);
Go.currentGame.ai !== GoOpponent.none && takeAiTurn(boardState);
@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ export function GoGameboardWrapper({ showInstructions }: GoGameboardWrapperProps
setTimeout(() => {
opponent !== GoOpponent.none && takeAiTurn(boardState);
Go.currentGame.ai !== GoOpponent.none && takeAiTurn(boardState);
}, 100);
@ -139,10 +138,9 @@ export function GoGameboardWrapper({ showInstructions }: GoGameboardWrapperProps
function resetState(newBoardSize = boardSize, newOpponent = opponent) {
function resetState(newBoardSize = boardSize, newOpponent = Go.currentGame.ai) {
if (boardState.previousPlayer !== null && boardState.previousBoards.length) {
resetWinstreak(boardState.ai, false);
@ -173,7 +171,8 @@ export function GoGameboardWrapper({ showInstructions }: GoGameboardWrapperProps
const endGameAvailable = boardState.previousPlayer === GoColor.white && boardState.passCount;
const noLegalMoves =
boardState.previousPlayer === GoColor.white && !getAllValidMoves(boardState, GoColor.black).length;
const disablePassButton = opponent !== GoOpponent.none && boardState.previousPlayer === GoColor.black && waitingOnAI;
const disablePassButton =
Go.currentGame.ai !== GoOpponent.none && boardState.previousPlayer === GoColor.black && waitingOnAI;
const scoreBoxText = boardState.previousBoards.length
? `Score: Black: ${score[GoColor.black].sum} White: ${score[GoColor.white].sum}`
@ -206,7 +205,7 @@ export function GoGameboardWrapper({ showInstructions }: GoGameboardWrapperProps
onClose={() => setScoreOpen(false)}
newSubnet={() => newSubnet()}
<div className={classes.boardFrame}>
{traditional ? (
@ -219,8 +218,12 @@ export function GoGameboardWrapper({ showInstructions }: GoGameboardWrapperProps
<Box className={`${classes.inlineFlexBox} ${classes.opponentTitle}`}>
<br />
<Typography variant={"h6"} className={classes.opponentLabel}>
{opponent !== GoOpponent.none ? "Subnet owner: " : ""}{" "}
{opponent === GoOpponent.w0r1d_d43m0n ? <CorruptableText content={opponent} spoiler={false} /> : opponent}
{Go.currentGame.ai !== GoOpponent.none ? "Subnet owner: " : ""}{" "}
{Go.currentGame.ai === GoOpponent.w0r1d_d43m0n ? (
<CorruptableText content={Go.currentGame.ai} spoiler={false} />
) : (
<br />