@ -27,128 +27,100 @@ interface IProps {
player: IPlayer;
player: IPlayer;
rerender: () => void;
rerender: () => void;
export function Overview({ corp, player, rerender }: IProps): React.ReactElement {
const profit: number = corp.revenue.minus(corp.expenses).toNumber();
export function Overview(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
// Generic Function for Creating a button
interface ICreateButtonProps {
text: string;
class?: string;
className?: string;
display?: string;
tooltip?: string;
onClick?: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void;
function Button(props: ICreateButtonProps): React.ReactElement {
let className = props.className ? props.className : "std-button";
const hasTooltip = props.tooltip != null;
if (hasTooltip) className += " tooltip";
return (
<a className={className} onClick={props.onClick} style={{ display: props.display ? props.display : "block" }}>
{hasTooltip && <span className={"tooltiptext"}>{props.tooltip}</span>}
function openBribeFactionPopup(): void {
const popupId = "corp-bribe-popup";
createPopup(popupId, BribeFactionPopup, {
player: props.player,
popupId: popupId,
corp: props.corp,
const profit: number = props.corp.revenue.minus(props.corp.expenses).toNumber();
function DividendsStats(): React.ReactElement {
if (props.corp.dividendPercentage <= 0 || profit <= 0) return <></>;
const totalDividends = (props.corp.dividendPercentage / 100) * profit;
const retainedEarnings = profit - totalDividends;
const dividendsPerShare = totalDividends / props.corp.totalShares;
const playerEarnings = props.corp.numShares * dividendsPerShare;
return (
Retained Profits (after dividends): <Money money={retainedEarnings} /> / s<br />
<br />
Dividend Percentage: {numeralWrapper.format(props.corp.dividendPercentage / 100, "0%")}
<br />
Dividends per share: <Money money={dividendsPerShare} /> / s<br />
Your earnings as a shareholder (Pre-Tax): <Money money={playerEarnings} /> / s<br />
Dividend Tax Rate: {props.corp.dividendTaxPercentage}%<br />
Your earnings as a shareholder (Post-Tax):{" "}
<Money money={playerEarnings * (1 - props.corp.dividendTaxPercentage / 100)} /> / s<br />
<br />
function Mult(props: { name: string; mult: number }): React.ReactElement {
if (props.mult <= 1) return <></>;
return (
return (
Total Funds: <Money money={corp.funds.toNumber()} />
{numeralWrapper.format(props.mult, "0.000")}
<br />
Total Revenue: <Money money={corp.revenue.toNumber()} /> / s<br />
Total Expenses: <Money money={corp.expenses.toNumber()} /> / s
<br />
Total Profits: <Money money={profit} /> / s<br />
<DividendsStats corp={corp} profit={profit} />
Publicly Traded: {corp.public ? "Yes" : "No"}
<br />
Owned Stock Shares: {numeralWrapper.format(corp.numShares, "0.000a")}
<br />
Stock Price: {corp.public ? <Money money={corp.sharePrice} /> : "N/A"}
<br />
<br />
<p className="tooltip">
Total Stock Shares: {numeralWrapper.format(corp.totalShares, "0.000a")}
<span className="tooltiptext">
// Returns a string with general information about Corporation
Outstanding Shares: {numeralWrapper.format(corp.issuedShares, "0.000a")}
function BonusTime(): React.ReactElement {
const storedTime = props.corp.storedCycles * CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle;
if (storedTime <= 15000) return <></>;
return (
Bonus time: {convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(storedTime)}
<br />
<br />
<br />
Private Shares: {numeralWrapper.format(corp.totalShares - corp.issuedShares - corp.numShares, "0.000a")}
<br />
<br />
<Mult name="Production Multiplier: " mult={corp.getProductionMultiplier()} />
function BribeButton(): React.ReactElement {
<Mult name="Storage Multiplier: " mult={corp.getStorageMultiplier()} />
const canBribe = props.corp.determineValuation() >= CorporationConstants.BribeThreshold || true;
<Mult name="Advertising Multiplier: " mult={corp.getAdvertisingMultiplier()} />
const bribeFactionsClass = canBribe ? "a-link-button" : "a-link-button-inactive";
<Mult name="Empl. Creativity Multiplier: " mult={corp.getEmployeeCreMultiplier()} />
return (
<Mult name="Empl. Charisma Multiplier: " mult={corp.getEmployeeChaMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Empl. Intelligence Multiplier: " mult={corp.getEmployeeIntMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Empl. Efficiency Multiplier: " mult={corp.getEmployeeEffMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Sales Multiplier: " mult={corp.getSalesMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Scientific Research Multiplier: " mult={corp.getScientificResearchMultiplier()} />
<br />
<BonusTime corp={corp} />
onClick={() => corp.getStarterGuide(player)}
text="Bribe Factions"
text="Getting Started Guide"
"Get a copy of and read 'The Complete Handbook for Creating a Successful Corporation.' " +
? "Use your Corporations power and influence to bribe Faction leaders in exchange for reputation"
"This is a .lit file that guides you through the beginning of setting up a Corporation and " +
: "Your Corporation is not powerful enough to bribe Faction leaders"
"provides some tips/pointers for helping you get started with managing it."
{corp.public ? (
<PublicButtons corp={corp} player={player} rerender={rerender} />
) : (
<PrivateButtons corp={corp} player={player} rerender={rerender} />
<BribeButton corp={corp} player={player} />
<br />
<Upgrades corp={corp} player={player} rerender={rerender} />
interface IPrivateButtonsProps {
corp: ICorporation;
player: IPlayer;
rerender: () => void;
// Render the buttons for when your Corporation is still private
function PrivateButtons({ corp, player, rerender }: IPrivateButtonsProps): React.ReactElement {
function openFindInvestorsPopup(): void {
function openFindInvestorsPopup(): void {
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-find-investors-popup";
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-find-investors-popup";
createPopup(popupId, FindInvestorsPopup, {
createPopup(popupId, FindInvestorsPopup, {
rerender: props.rerender,
player: props.player,
popupId: popupId,
corp: props.corp,
corp: corp,
function openGoPublicPopup(): void {
function openGoPublicPopup(): void {
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-go-public-popup";
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-go-public-popup";
createPopup(popupId, GoPublicPopup, {
createPopup(popupId, GoPublicPopup, {
rerender: props.rerender,
player: props.player,
popupId: popupId,
corp: props.corp,
corp: corp,
// Render the buttons for when your Corporation is still private
const fundingAvailable = corp.fundingRound < 4;
function PrivateButtons(): React.ReactElement {
const fundingAvailable = props.corp.fundingRound < 4;
const findInvestorsClassName = fundingAvailable ? "std-button" : "a-link-button-inactive";
const findInvestorsClassName = fundingAvailable ? "std-button" : "a-link-button-inactive";
const findInvestorsTooltip = fundingAvailable
const findInvestorsTooltip = fundingAvailable
? "Search for private investors who will give you startup funding in exchangefor equity (stock shares) in your company"
? "Search for private investors who will give you startup funding in exchangefor equity (stock shares) in your company"
@ -179,46 +151,45 @@ export function Overview(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
function openSellSharesPopup(): void {
interface IUpgradeProps {
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-sell-shares-popup";
corp: ICorporation;
createPopup(popupId, SellSharesPopup, {
player: IPlayer;
corp: props.corp,
rerender: () => void;
player: props.player,
popupId: popupId,
// Render the UI for Corporation upgrades
rerender: props.rerender,
function Upgrades({ corp, player, rerender }: IUpgradeProps): React.ReactElement {
// Don't show upgrades
if (corp.divisions.length <= 0) {
return <h1>Unlock upgrades after creating your first division</h1>;
function openBuybackSharesPopup(): void {
return (
const popupId = "corp-buyback-shares-popup";
<div className={"cmpy-mgmt-upgrade-container"}>
createPopup(popupId, BuybackSharesPopup, {
<h1 className={"cmpy-mgmt-upgrade-header"}> Unlocks </h1>
rerender: props.rerender,
player: props.player,
.filter((upgrade: CorporationUnlockUpgrade) => corp.unlockUpgrades[upgrade[0]] === 0)
popupId: popupId,
.map((upgrade: CorporationUnlockUpgrade) => (
corp: props.corp,
<UnlockUpgrade rerender={rerender} player={player} corp={corp} upgradeData={upgrade} key={upgrade[0]} />
<h1 className={"cmpy-mgmt-upgrade-header"}> Upgrades </h1>
.map((level: number, i: number) => CorporationUpgrades[i])
.map((upgrade: CorporationUpgrade) => (
<LevelableUpgrade rerender={rerender} player={player} corp={corp} upgrade={upgrade} key={upgrade[0]} />
function openIssueNewSharesPopup(): void {
interface IPublicButtonsProps {
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-issue-new-shares-popup";
corp: ICorporation;
createPopup(popupId, IssueNewSharesPopup, {
player: IPlayer;
popupId: popupId,
rerender: () => void;
corp: props.corp,
function openIssueDividendsPopup(): void {
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-issue-dividends-popup";
createPopup(popupId, IssueDividendsPopup, {
popupId: popupId,
corp: props.corp,
// Render the buttons for when your Corporation has gone public
// Render the buttons for when your Corporation has gone public
function PublicButtons(): React.ReactElement {
function PublicButtons({ corp, player, rerender }: IPublicButtonsProps): React.ReactElement {
const corp = props.corp;
const sellSharesOnCd = corp.shareSaleCooldown > 0;
const sellSharesOnCd = corp.shareSaleCooldown > 0;
const sellSharesClass = sellSharesOnCd ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "std-button";
const sellSharesClass = sellSharesOnCd ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "std-button";
const sellSharesTooltip = sellSharesOnCd
const sellSharesTooltip = sellSharesOnCd
@ -233,6 +204,42 @@ export function Overview(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
? "Cannot issue new shares for " + corp.convertCooldownToString(corp.issueNewSharesCooldown)
? "Cannot issue new shares for " + corp.convertCooldownToString(corp.issueNewSharesCooldown)
: "Issue new equity shares to raise capital.";
: "Issue new equity shares to raise capital.";
function openSellSharesPopup(): void {
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-sell-shares-popup";
createPopup(popupId, SellSharesPopup, {
corp: corp,
function openBuybackSharesPopup(): void {
const popupId = "corp-buyback-shares-popup";
createPopup(popupId, BuybackSharesPopup, {
corp: corp,
function openIssueNewSharesPopup(): void {
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-issue-new-shares-popup";
createPopup(popupId, IssueNewSharesPopup, {
corp: corp,
function openIssueDividendsPopup(): void {
const popupId = "cmpy-mgmt-issue-dividends-popup";
createPopup(popupId, IssueDividendsPopup, {
corp: corp,
return (
return (
@ -269,100 +276,111 @@ export function Overview(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
// Render the UI for Corporation upgrades
// Generic Function for Creating a button
function Upgrades(): React.ReactElement {
interface ICreateButtonProps {
// Don't show upgrades
text: string;
if (props.corp.divisions.length <= 0) {
className?: string;
return <h1>Unlock upgrades after creating your first division</h1>;
display?: string;
tooltip?: string;
onClick?: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void;
function Button({ className = "std-button", text, display, tooltip, onClick }: ICreateButtonProps): React.ReactElement {
const hasTooltip = tooltip != null;
if (hasTooltip) className += " tooltip";
return (
return (
<div className={"cmpy-mgmt-upgrade-container"}>
<button className={className} onClick={onClick} style={{ display: display ? display : "block" }}>
<h1 className={"cmpy-mgmt-upgrade-header"}> Unlocks </h1>
{hasTooltip && <span className={"tooltiptext"}>{tooltip}</span>}
.filter((upgrade: CorporationUnlockUpgrade) => props.corp.unlockUpgrades[upgrade[0]] === 0)
.map((upgrade: CorporationUnlockUpgrade) => (
<h1 className={"cmpy-mgmt-upgrade-header"}> Upgrades </h1>
.map((level: number, i: number) => CorporationUpgrades[i])
.map((upgrade: CorporationUpgrade) => (
interface IBribeButtonProps {
player: IPlayer;
corp: ICorporation;
function BribeButton({ player, corp }: IBribeButtonProps): React.ReactElement {
function openBribeFactionPopup(): void {
const popupId = "corp-bribe-popup";
createPopup(popupId, BribeFactionPopup, {
corp: corp,
const canBribe = corp.determineValuation() >= CorporationConstants.BribeThreshold || true;
const bribeFactionsClass = canBribe ? "a-link-button" : "a-link-button-inactive";
return (
return (
Total Funds: <Money money={props.corp.funds.toNumber()} />
<br />
Total Revenue: <Money money={props.corp.revenue.toNumber()} /> / s<br />
Total Expenses: <Money money={props.corp.expenses.toNumber()} /> / s
<br />
Total Profits: <Money money={profit} /> / s<br />
<DividendsStats />
Publicly Traded: {props.corp.public ? "Yes" : "No"}
<br />
Owned Stock Shares: {numeralWrapper.format(props.corp.numShares, "0.000a")}
<br />
Stock Price: {props.corp.public ? <Money money={props.corp.sharePrice} /> : "N/A"}
<br />
<p className="tooltip">
Total Stock Shares: {numeralWrapper.format(props.corp.totalShares, "0.000a")}
<span className="tooltiptext">
Outstanding Shares: {numeralWrapper.format(props.corp.issuedShares, "0.000a")}
<br />
Private Shares:{" "}
{numeralWrapper.format(props.corp.totalShares - props.corp.issuedShares - props.corp.numShares, "0.000a")}
<br />
<br />
<Mult name="Production Multiplier: " mult={props.corp.getProductionMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Storage Multiplier: " mult={props.corp.getStorageMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Advertising Multiplier: " mult={props.corp.getAdvertisingMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Empl. Creativity Multiplier: " mult={props.corp.getEmployeeCreMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Empl. Charisma Multiplier: " mult={props.corp.getEmployeeChaMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Empl. Intelligence Multiplier: " mult={props.corp.getEmployeeIntMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Empl. Efficiency Multiplier: " mult={props.corp.getEmployeeEffMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Sales Multiplier: " mult={props.corp.getSalesMultiplier()} />
<Mult name="Scientific Research Multiplier: " mult={props.corp.getScientificResearchMultiplier()} />
<br />
<BonusTime />
onClick={() => props.corp.getStarterGuide(props.player)}
text="Getting Started Guide"
text="Bribe Factions"
"Get a copy of and read 'The Complete Handbook for Creating a Successful Corporation.' " +
"This is a .lit file that guides you through the beginning of setting up a Corporation and " +
? "Use your Corporations power and influence to bribe Faction leaders in exchange for reputation"
"provides some tips/pointers for helping you get started with managing it."
: "Your Corporation is not powerful enough to bribe Faction leaders"
{props.corp.public ? <PublicButtons /> : <PrivateButtons />}
<BribeButton />
<br />
interface IDividendsStatsProps {
<Upgrades />
corp: ICorporation;
profit: number;
function DividendsStats({ corp, profit }: IDividendsStatsProps): React.ReactElement {
if (corp.dividendPercentage <= 0 || profit <= 0) return <></>;
const totalDividends = (corp.dividendPercentage / 100) * profit;
const retainedEarnings = profit - totalDividends;
const dividendsPerShare = totalDividends / corp.totalShares;
const playerEarnings = corp.numShares * dividendsPerShare;
return (
Retained Profits (after dividends): <Money money={retainedEarnings} /> / s
<br />
<br />
Dividend Percentage: {numeralWrapper.format(corp.dividendPercentage / 100, "0%")}
<br />
Dividends per share: <Money money={dividendsPerShare} /> / s<br />
Your earnings as a shareholder (Pre-Tax): <Money money={playerEarnings} /> / s<br />
Dividend Tax Rate: {corp.dividendTaxPercentage}%<br />
Your earnings as a shareholder (Post-Tax):{" "}
<Money money={playerEarnings * (1 - corp.dividendTaxPercentage / 100)} /> / s<br />
<br />
interface IMultProps {
name: string;
mult: number;
function Mult({ name, mult }: IMultProps): React.ReactElement {
if (mult <= 1) return <></>;
return (
{numeralWrapper.format(mult, "0.000")}
<br />
interface IBonusTimeProps {
corp: ICorporation;
// Returns a string with general information about Corporation
function BonusTime({ corp }: IBonusTimeProps): React.ReactElement {
const storedTime = corp.storedCycles * CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle;
if (storedTime <= 15000) return <></>;
return (
Bonus time: {convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(storedTime)}
<br />
<br />