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synced 2025-03-11 04:42:34 +01:00
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@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ export class ActiveFragment {
cool(): void {
console.log(Math.log(this.numCharge + 1) / (Math.log(50) * 10));
this.numCharge = this.numCharge - Math.log(this.numCharge + 1) / (Math.log(50) * 10);
if (this.numCharge < 0) {
this.numCharge = 0;
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ export interface IStaneksGift {
fragments: ActiveFragment[];
width(): number;
height(): number;
charge(rootX: number, rootY: number, ram: number): number;
charge(fragment: ActiveFragment, threads: number): void;
process(p: IPlayer, n: number): void;
effect(fragment: ActiveFragment): number;
canPlace(x: number, y: number, rotation: number, fragment: Fragment): boolean;
place(x: number, y: number, rotation: number, fragment: Fragment): boolean;
findFragment(rootX: number, rootY: number): ActiveFragment | undefined;
fragmentAt(worldX: number, worldY: number): ActiveFragment | undefined;
deleteAt(worldX: number, worldY: number): boolean;
fragmentAt(rootX: number, rootY: number): ActiveFragment | undefined;
delete(rootX: number, rootY: number): boolean;
clear(): void;
count(fragment: Fragment): number;
inBonus(): boolean;
@ -29,16 +29,11 @@ export class StaneksGift implements IStaneksGift {
return Math.floor(this.baseSize() / 2 + 0.6);
charge(rootX: number, rootY: number, threads: number): number {
const af = this.findFragment(rootX, rootY);
if (af === undefined) return 0;
charge(af: ActiveFragment, threads: number): void {
af.avgCharge = (af.numCharge * af.avgCharge + threads) / (af.numCharge + 1);
Factions["Church of the Machine God"].playerReputation += Math.log(threads) / Math.log(2);
return threads;
inBonus(): boolean {
@ -74,21 +69,21 @@ export class StaneksGift implements IStaneksGift {
return CalculateEffect(fragment.avgCharge, fragment.numCharge, fragment.fragment().power, boost);
canPlace(worldX: number, worldY: number, rotation: number, fragment: Fragment): boolean {
if (worldX < 0 || worldY < 0) return false;
if (worldX + fragment.width(rotation) > this.width()) return false;
if (worldY + fragment.height(rotation) > this.height()) return false;
canPlace(rootX: number, rootY: number, rotation: number, fragment: Fragment): boolean {
if (rootX < 0 || rootY < 0) return false;
if (rootX + fragment.width(rotation) > this.width()) return false;
if (rootY + fragment.height(rotation) > this.height()) return false;
if (this.count(fragment) >= fragment.limit) return false;
const newFrag = new ActiveFragment({ x: worldX, y: worldY, rotation: rotation, fragment: fragment });
const newFrag = new ActiveFragment({ x: rootX, y: rootY, rotation: rotation, fragment: fragment });
for (const aFrag of this.fragments) {
if (aFrag.collide(newFrag)) return false;
return true;
place(worldX: number, worldY: number, rotation: number, fragment: Fragment): boolean {
if (!this.canPlace(worldX, worldY, rotation, fragment)) return false;
this.fragments.push(new ActiveFragment({ x: worldX, y: worldY, rotation: rotation, fragment: fragment }));
place(rootX: number, rootY: number, rotation: number, fragment: Fragment): boolean {
if (!this.canPlace(rootX, rootY, rotation, fragment)) return false;
this.fragments.push(new ActiveFragment({ x: rootX, y: rootY, rotation: rotation, fragment: fragment }));
return true;
@ -114,9 +109,9 @@ export class StaneksGift implements IStaneksGift {
return amt;
deleteAt(worldX: number, worldY: number): boolean {
delete(rootX: number, rootY: number): boolean {
for (let i = 0; i < this.fragments.length; i++) {
if (this.fragments[i].fullAt(worldX, worldY)) {
if (this.fragments[i].x === rootX && this.fragments[i].y === rootY) {
this.fragments.splice(i, 1);
return true;
@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ export function MainBoard(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
function deleteAt(worldX: number, worldY: number): boolean {
return props.gift.deleteAt(worldX, worldY);
const f = props.gift.fragmentAt(worldX, worldY);
if (f === undefined) return false;
return props.gift.delete(f.x, f.y);
function clickAt(worldX: number, worldY: number): void {
@ -336,12 +336,12 @@ export const RamCosts: IMap<any> = {
stanek: {
charge: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekCharge,
fragmentDefinitions: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekFragmentDefinitions,
placedFragments: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekPlacedFragments,
activeFragments: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekPlacedFragments,
clear: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekClear,
canPlace: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekCanPlace,
place: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekPlace,
fragmentAt: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekFragmentAt,
deleteAt: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekDeleteAt,
get: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekFragmentAt,
remove: RamCostConstants.ScriptStanekDeleteAt,
heart: {
@ -70,7 +70,13 @@ import { NetscriptCorporation } from "./NetscriptFunctions/Corporation";
import { NetscriptFormulas } from "./NetscriptFunctions/Formulas";
import { NetscriptStockMarket } from "./NetscriptFunctions/StockMarket";
import { NS as INS, Player as INetscriptPlayer } from "./ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions";
import {
NS as INS,
Player as INetscriptPlayer,
Gang as IGang,
Bladeburner as IBladeburner,
Stanek as IStanek,
} from "./ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions";
import { NetscriptSingularity } from "./NetscriptFunctions/Singularity";
import { toNative } from "./NetscriptFunctions/toNative";
@ -82,6 +88,9 @@ import { Flags } from "./NetscriptFunctions/Flags";
interface NS extends INS {
[key: string]: any;
gang: IGang;
bladeburner: IBladeburner;
stanek: IStanek;
export function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript: WorkerScript): NS {
@ -7,25 +7,20 @@ import { getRamCost } from "../Netscript/RamCostGenerator";
import { staneksGift } from "../CotMG/Helper";
import { Fragments, FragmentById } from "../CotMG/Fragment";
export interface INetscriptStanek {
width(): number;
height(): number;
charge(rootX: number, rootY: number): any;
fragmentDefinitions(): any;
placedFragments(): any;
clear(): void;
canPlace(worldX: number, worldY: number, rotation: number, fragmentId: number): boolean;
place(worldX: number, worldY: number, rotation: number, fragmentId: number): boolean;
findFragment(rootX: any, rootY: any): any;
fragmentAt(worldX: number, worldY: number): any;
deleteAt(worldX: number, worldY: number): boolean;
import {
Stanek as IStanek,
Fragment as IFragment,
ActiveFragment as IActiveFragment,
} from "../ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions";
import { AugmentationNames } from "../Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames";
export function NetscriptStanek(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript, helper: INetscriptHelper): IStanek {
function checkStanekAPIAccess(func: string): void {
if (!player.hasAugmentation(AugmentationNames.StaneksGift1, true)) {
helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(func, "Requires Stanek's Gift installed.");
export function NetscriptStanek(
player: IPlayer,
workerScript: WorkerScript,
helper: INetscriptHelper,
): INetscriptStanek {
return {
width: function (): number {
return staneksGift.width();
@ -33,9 +28,12 @@ export function NetscriptStanek(
height: function (): number {
return staneksGift.height();
charge: function (rootX: any, rootY: any): any {
charge: function (arootX: any, arootY: any): Promise<void> {
const rootX = helper.number("stanek.charge", "rootX", arootX);
const rootY = helper.number("stanek.charge", "rootY", arootY);
helper.updateDynamicRam("charge", getRamCost("stanek", "charge"));
const fragment = staneksGift.findFragment(rootX, rootY);
if (!fragment) throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("stanek.charge", `No fragment with root (${rootX}, ${rootY}).`);
const time = staneksGift.inBonus() ? 200 : 1000;
@ -43,65 +41,69 @@ export function NetscriptStanek(
if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {
return Promise.reject(workerScript);
const ram = workerScript.scriptRef.ramUsage * workerScript.scriptRef.threads;
const charge = staneksGift.charge(rootX, rootY, workerScript.scriptRef.threads);
const charge = staneksGift.charge(fragment, workerScript.scriptRef.threads);
workerScript.log("stanek.charge", `Charged fragment for ${charge} charge.`);
return Promise.resolve(charge);
return Promise.resolve();
fragmentDefinitions: function () {
fragmentDefinitions: function (): IFragment[] {
helper.updateDynamicRam("fragmentDefinitions", getRamCost("stanek", "fragmentDefinitions"));
workerScript.log("stanek.fragmentDefinitions", `Returned ${Fragments.length} fragments`);
return Fragments.map((f) => f.copy());
placedFragments: function () {
helper.updateDynamicRam("placedFragments", getRamCost("stanek", "placedFragments"));
workerScript.log("stanek.placedFragments", `Returned ${staneksGift.fragments.length} fragments`);
activeFragments: function (): IActiveFragment[] {
helper.updateDynamicRam("activeFragments", getRamCost("stanek", "activeFragments"));
workerScript.log("stanek.activeFragments", `Returned ${staneksGift.fragments.length} fragments`);
return staneksGift.fragments.map((af) => {
return { ...af.copy(), ...af.fragment().copy() };
clear: function () {
clear: function (): void {
helper.updateDynamicRam("clear", getRamCost("stanek", "clear"));
workerScript.log("stanek.clear", `Cleared Stanek's Gift.`);
canPlace: function (worldX: any, worldY: any, rotation: any, fragmentId: any): any {
canPlace: function (arootX: any, arootY: any, arotation: any, afragmentId: any): boolean {
const rootX = helper.number("stanek.canPlace", "rootX", arootX);
const rootY = helper.number("stanek.canPlace", "rootY", arootY);
const rotation = helper.number("stanek.canPlace", "rotation", arotation);
const fragmentId = helper.number("stanek.canPlace", "fragmentId", afragmentId);
helper.updateDynamicRam("canPlace", getRamCost("stanek", "canPlace"));
const fragment = FragmentById(fragmentId);
if (!fragment) throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("stanek.canPlace", `Invalid fragment id: ${fragmentId}`);
const can = staneksGift.canPlace(worldX, worldY, rotation, fragment);
const can = staneksGift.canPlace(rootX, rootY, rotation, fragment);
return can;
place: function (worldX: any, worldY: any, rotation: any, fragmentId: any): any {
place: function (arootX: any, arootY: any, arotation: any, afragmentId: any): boolean {
const rootX = helper.number("stanek.place", "rootX", arootX);
const rootY = helper.number("stanek.place", "rootY", arootY);
const rotation = helper.number("stanek.place", "rotation", arotation);
const fragmentId = helper.number("stanek.place", "fragmentId", afragmentId);
helper.updateDynamicRam("place", getRamCost("stanek", "place"));
const fragment = FragmentById(fragmentId);
if (!fragment) throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("stanek.place", `Invalid fragment id: ${fragmentId}`);
return staneksGift.place(worldX, worldY, rotation, fragment);
return staneksGift.place(rootX, rootY, rotation, fragment);
findFragment: function (rootX: any, rootY: any): any {
helper.updateDynamicRam("findFragment", getRamCost("stanek", "findFragment"));
get: function (arootX: any, arootY: any): IActiveFragment | undefined {
const rootX = helper.number("stanek.get", "rootX", arootX);
const rootY = helper.number("stanek.get", "rootY", arootY);
helper.updateDynamicRam("get", getRamCost("stanek", "get"));
const fragment = staneksGift.findFragment(rootX, rootY);
if (fragment !== undefined) return fragment.copy();
return undefined;
fragmentAt: function (worldX: any, worldY: any): any {
helper.updateDynamicRam("fragmentAt", getRamCost("stanek", "fragmentAt"));
const fragment = staneksGift.fragmentAt(worldX, worldY);
if (fragment !== undefined) return fragment.copy();
return undefined;
deleteAt: function (worldX: any, worldY: any): any {
helper.updateDynamicRam("deleteAt", getRamCost("stanek", "deleteAt"));
return staneksGift.deleteAt(worldX, worldY);
remove: function (arootX: any, arootY: any): boolean {
const rootX = helper.number("stanek.remove", "rootX", arootX);
const rootY = helper.number("stanek.remove", "rootY", arootY);
helper.updateDynamicRam("remove", getRamCost("stanek", "remove"));
return staneksGift.delete(rootX, rootY);
@ -3360,20 +3360,123 @@ export interface Formulas {
hacknetServers: HacknetServersFormulas;
export interface Fragment {
id: number;
shape: boolean[][];
type: number;
power: number;
limit: number;
export interface ActiveFragment {
id: number;
avgCharge: number;
numCharge: number;
rotation: number;
x: number;
y: number;
* Stanek's Gift API.
* @public
interface Stanek {
* @ramCost cost: 0.5 GB
* @param {number} rootX Root X against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @param {number} rootY Root Y against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @param {number} rotation A number from 0 to 3, the mount of 90 degree turn to take.
* @param {number} fragmentId ID of the fragment to place.
* @returns {boolean} true if the fragment can be placed at that position. false otherwise.
* Stanek's Gift width.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: 0.4 GB
* @returns The width of the gift.
width(): number;
* Stanek's Gift height.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: 0.4 GB
* @returns The height of the gift.
height(): number;
* Charge a fragment, increasing it's power.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: 0.4 GB
* @param rootX - rootX Root X against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @param rootY - rootY Root Y against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @returns Promise that lasts until the charge action is over.
charge(rootX: number, rootY: number): Promise<void>;
* List possible fragments.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: cost: 0 GB
* @returns List of possible fragments.
fragmentDefinitions(): Fragment[];
* List of fragments in Stanek's Gift.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: cost: 5 GB
* @returns List of active fragments placed on Stanek's Gift.
activeFragments(): ActiveFragment[];
* Clear the board of all fragments.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: cost: 0 GB
clear(): void;
* Check if fragment can be placed at specified location.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: cost: 0.5 GB
* @param rootX - rootX Root X against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @param rootY - rootY Root Y against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @param rotation - rotation A number from 0 to 3, the mount of 90 degree turn to take.
* @param fragmentId - fragmentId ID of the fragment to place.
* @returns true if the fragment can be placed at that position. false otherwise.
canPlace(rootX: number, rootY: number, rotation: number, fragmentId: number): boolean;
* Place fragment on Stanek's Gift.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: cost: 5 GB
* @param rootX - X against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @param rootY - Y against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @param rotation - A number from 0 to 3, the mount of 90 degree turn to take.
* @param fragmentId - ID of the fragment to place.
* @returns true if the fragment can be placed at that position. false otherwise.
place(rootX: number, rootY: number, rotation: number, fragmentId: number): boolean;
* Get placed fragment at location.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: cost: 5 GB
* @param rootX - X against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @param rootY - Y against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @returns The fragment at [rootX, rootY], if any.
get(rootX: number, rootY: number): ActiveFragment | undefined;
* Remove fragment at location.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: cost: 0.15 GB
* @param rootX - X against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @param rootY - Y against which to align the top left of the fragment.
* @returns The fragment at [rootX, rootY], if any.
remove(rootX: number, rootY: number): boolean;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user