diff --git a/src/Myrian/Helpers.ts b/src/Myrian/Helpers.ts
index 4245d7f02..87d4a1cdb 100644
--- a/src/Myrian/Helpers.ts
+++ b/src/Myrian/Helpers.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+import { Reviver } from "../utils/JSONReviver";
 import { Myrian } from "./Myrian";
-export const myrian = new Myrian();
\ No newline at end of file
+export let myrian = new Myrian();
+export function loadMyrian(saveString: string): void {
+  if (saveString) {
+    myrian = JSON.parse(saveString, Reviver);
+  } else {
+    myrian = new Myrian();
+  }
diff --git a/src/Myrian/Myrian.ts b/src/Myrian/Myrian.ts
index d0979e2f5..5d793cd75 100644
--- a/src/Myrian/Myrian.ts
+++ b/src/Myrian/Myrian.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,45 @@
+import { SleeveMyrianWork } from "../PersonObjects/Sleeve/Work/SleeveMyrianWork";
 import { DefaultWorld } from "./World";
+import { constructorsForReviver, Generic_toJSON, Generic_fromJSON, IReviverValue } from "../utils/JSONReviver";
+import { Player } from "@player";
+interface MyrianSleeve {
+  index: number;
+  x: number;
+  y: number;
 export class Myrian {
-    world: string[][];
-    resources: number;
+  world: string[][] = [];
+  resources = 0;
+  sleeves: MyrianSleeve[] = [];
-    constructor() {
-        this.world = DefaultWorld;
-        this.resources = 0;
-        console.log(this);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+  constructor() {
+    this.world = DefaultWorld;
+    this.resources = 0;
+  }
+  joinSleeve(sleeveId: number) {
+    if (this.sleeves.find((m) => m.index === sleeveId)) return;
+    const spawn = this.findSleeveSpawnPoint();
+    Player.sleeves[sleeveId].startWork(new SleeveMyrianWork());
+    this.sleeves.push({ index: sleeveId, x: spawn[0], y: spawn[0] });
+  }
+  findSleeveSpawnPoint(): [number, number] {
+    // Wrong but will do for now
+    return [1, 1];
+  }
+  /** Serialize the current object to a JSON save state. */
+  toJSON(): IReviverValue {
+    return Generic_toJSON("Myrian", this);
+  }
+  /** Initializes a Myrian object from a JSON save state. */
+  static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): Myrian {
+    return Generic_fromJSON(Myrian, value.data);
+  }
+constructorsForReviver.Myrian = Myrian;
diff --git a/src/Myrian/ui/MyrianRoot.tsx b/src/Myrian/ui/MyrianRoot.tsx
index ac23bbd09..a58420682 100644
--- a/src/Myrian/ui/MyrianRoot.tsx
+++ b/src/Myrian/ui/MyrianRoot.tsx
@@ -1,67 +1,71 @@
 import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
 import Container from "@mui/material/Container";
 import { Box } from "@mui/system";
-import { Paper, Typography } from "@mui/material";
-import { useRerender } from "src/ui/React/hooks";
 import { Myrian } from "../Myrian";
-import PersonIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Person';
-import BatteryFullIcon from '@mui/icons-material/BatteryFull';
-import Battery20Icon from '@mui/icons-material/Battery20';
-import FavoriteIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Favorite';
-const width = 30;
-const height = 30;
+import PersonIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Person";
+import BatteryFullIcon from "@mui/icons-material/BatteryFull";
+import Battery20Icon from "@mui/icons-material/Battery20";
+import FavoriteIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Favorite";
 const iterator = (i: number): number[] => {
-    return Array(i).fill(0)
+  return Array(i).fill(0);
 interface ICellProps {
-    tile: string;
+  tile: string;
 const Cell = ({ tile }: ICellProps): React.ReactElement => {
-    const x = 50;
-    const sx = {
-        display: 'block',
-        color: 'white',
-        fontSize: x + 'px',
-    }
-    return <div style={{
-        width: x + 'px', height: x + 'px', margin: '0px', padding: '0px'
-    }}>
-        {tile === '' && <div />}
-        {tile === 'b' && <BatteryFullIcon sx={sx} />}
-        {tile === 'd' && <Battery20Icon sx={sx} />}
-        {tile === 'c' && <FavoriteIcon sx={sx} />}
+  const x = 50;
+  const sx = {
+    display: "block",
+    color: "white",
+    fontSize: x + "px",
+  };
+  return (
+    <div
+      style={{
+        width: x + "px",
+        height: x + "px",
+        margin: "0px",
+        padding: "0px",
+      }}
+    >
+      {tile === "" && <div />}
+      {tile === "b" && <BatteryFullIcon sx={sx} />}
+      {tile === "d" && <Battery20Icon sx={sx} />}
+      {tile === "c" && <FavoriteIcon sx={sx} />}
+      {tile === "s" && <PersonIcon sx={sx} />}
+  );
 interface IProps {
-    myrian: Myrian;
+  myrian: Myrian;
 export function MyrianRoot({ myrian }: IProps): React.ReactElement {
-    const [render, setRerender] = useState(false);
-    const rerender = () => setRerender((old) => !old);
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const intervalID = setInterval(rerender, 200);
-        return () => clearInterval(intervalID);
-    }, []);
+  const [, setRerender] = useState(false);
+  const rerender = () => setRerender((old) => !old);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const intervalID = setInterval(rerender, 200);
+    return () => clearInterval(intervalID);
+  }, []);
-    return (
-        <Container maxWidth="lg" disableGutters sx={{ mx: 0 }}>
-            <Box sx={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', m: 0, p: 0 }}>
-                {iterator(myrian.world.length).map((_, j) =>
-                    <Box sx={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row' }}>
-                        {iterator(myrian.world[j].length).map((_, i) =>
-                            <Cell key={i + '' + j + '' + myrian.world[j][i]} tile={myrian.world[j][i]} />)
-                        }
-                    </Box>)
-                }
-            </Box>
-        </Container>
-    );
+  const sleeves = Object.fromEntries(myrian.sleeves.map((s) => [`${s.x}_${s.y}`, s]));
+  return (
+    <Container maxWidth="lg" disableGutters sx={{ mx: 0 }}>
+      <Box sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", m: 0, p: 0 }}>
+        {iterator(myrian.world.length).map((_, j) => (
+          <Box key={myrian.world[j].join("") + j} sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row" }}>
+            {iterator(myrian.world[j].length).map((_, i) => (
+              <Cell key={i + "" + j + "" + myrian.world[j][i]} tile={sleeves[`${i}_${j}`] ? "s" : myrian.world[j][i]} />
+            ))}
+          </Box>
+        ))}
+      </Box>
+    </Container>
+  );
diff --git a/src/Netscript/RamCostGenerator.ts b/src/Netscript/RamCostGenerator.ts
index 6af9751eb..f021c7ca3 100644
--- a/src/Netscript/RamCostGenerator.ts
+++ b/src/Netscript/RamCostGenerator.ts
@@ -326,15 +326,15 @@ const stanek = {
 } as const;
 const myr = {
-  ianInteract: 5.9,
+  ianUse: 5.9,
   ianMove: 3.4,
   ianGetTask: 1.1,
   ianCancelTask: 1.2,
   ianEnter: 0.2,
   ianLeave: 0.2,
-  ianBuild: 4.1,
+  ianDeploy: 4.1,
   ianApplyPowerup: 10.9,
 // UI API
 const ui = {
diff --git a/src/NetscriptFunctions/Myrian.ts b/src/NetscriptFunctions/Myrian.ts
index 465efdeb2..8334fa286 100644
--- a/src/NetscriptFunctions/Myrian.ts
+++ b/src/NetscriptFunctions/Myrian.ts
@@ -1,41 +1,51 @@
 import { Myr as IMyrian } from "@nsdefs";
 import { InternalAPI } from "src/Netscript/APIWrapper";
 import { helpers } from "../Netscript/NetscriptHelpers";
 import { Player as player } from "../Player";
-import { SleeveMyrianWork } from "../PersonObjects/Sleeve/Work/SleeveMyrianWork";
+import { myrian } from "../Myrian/Helpers";
 export function NetscriptMyrian(): InternalAPI<IMyrian> {
-    return {
-        ianInteract:
-            (ctx) =>
-                (sleeveId, x, y) => { throw new Error("Unimplemented"); },
-        ianMove:
-            (ctx) =>
-                (sleeveId, x, y) => { throw new Error("Unimplemented"); },
-        ianGetTask:
-            (ctx) =>
-                (sleeveId) => { throw new Error("Unimplemented"); },
-        ianCancelTask:
-            (ctx) =>
-                (sleeveId) => { throw new Error("Unimplemented"); },
-        ianEnter:
-            (ctx) =>
-                (sleeveId?) => {
-                    const id = sleeveId === undefined ? undefined : helpers.number(ctx, "sleeveId", sleeveId);
-                    if (id === undefined) return false; // skip player handling for now.
-                    // handle sleeve entering the myrian.
-                    player.sleeves[id].startWork(new SleeveMyrianWork());
-                    return true;
-                },
-        ianLeave:
-            (ctx) =>
-                (sleeveId?) => { throw new Error("Unimplemented"); },
-        ianBuild:
-            (ctx) =>
-                (sleeveId, buildingId, x, y) => { throw new Error("Unimplemented"); },
-        ianApplyPowerup:
-            (ctx) =>
-                (sleeveId, stat) => { throw new Error("Unimplemented"); },
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+  return {
+    ianUse: (ctx) => (_sleeveId, _x, _y) => {
+      throw new Error("Unimplemented");
+    },
+    ianMove: (ctx) => async (_sleeveId, _x, _y) => {
+      const id = helpers.number(ctx, "sleeveId", _sleeveId);
+      const x = helpers.number(ctx, "x", _x);
+      const y = helpers.number(ctx, "y", _y);
+      if (!player.sleeves[id]) throw new Error(`No sleeve with index ${id}`);
+      const myrSleeve = myrian.sleeves.find((s) => s.index === id);
+      if (!myrSleeve) return Promise.resolve();
+      const dist = Math.abs(myrSleeve.x - x) + Math.abs(myrSleeve.y - y);
+      if (dist > 1) return Promise.resolve();
+      return helpers.netscriptDelay(ctx, 1000).then(function () {
+        myrSleeve.x = x;
+        myrSleeve.y = y;
+        return Promise.resolve();
+      });
+    },
+    ianGetTask: (ctx) => (_sleeveId) => {
+      throw new Error("Unimplemented");
+    },
+    ianCancelTask: (ctx) => (_sleeveId) => {
+      throw new Error("Unimplemented");
+    },
+    ianEnter: (ctx) => (sleeveId?) => {
+      const id = sleeveId === undefined ? undefined : helpers.number(ctx, "sleeveId", sleeveId);
+      if (id === undefined) return false; // skip player handling for now.
+      // handle sleeve entering the myrian.
+      if (!player.sleeves[id]) throw new Error(`No sleeve with index ${id}`);
+      myrian.joinSleeve(id);
+      return true;
+    },
+    ianLeave: (ctx) => (_sleeveId?) => {
+      throw new Error("Unimplemented");
+    },
+    ianDeploy: (ctx) => (_sleeveId, _deploymentId, _x, _y) => {
+      throw new Error("Unimplemented");
+    },
+    ianApplyPowerup: (ctx) => (_sleeveId, _stat) => {
+      throw new Error("Unimplemented");
+    },
+  };
diff --git a/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/Work/SleeveMyrianWork.ts b/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/Work/SleeveMyrianWork.ts
index c061ceebc..48e35c29a 100644
--- a/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/Work/SleeveMyrianWork.ts
+++ b/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/Work/SleeveMyrianWork.ts
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
 import { Generic_fromJSON, Generic_toJSON, IReviverValue, constructorsForReviver } from "../../../utils/JSONReviver";
 import { Sleeve } from "../Sleeve";
-import { Work, WorkType } from "./Work";
-import { calculateIntelligenceBonus } from "../../formulas/intelligence";
+import { SleeveWork, SleeveWorkClass, SleeveWorkType } from "./Work";
-export const isSleeveMyrianWork = (w: Work | null): w is SleeveMyrianWork =>
-    w !== null && w.type === WorkType.MYRIAN;
+export const isSleeveMyrianWork = (w: SleeveWork | null): w is SleeveMyrianWork =>
+  w !== null && w.type === SleeveWorkType.MYRIAN;
-export class SleeveMyrianWork extends Work {
-    type: WorkType.MYRIAN = WorkType.MYRIAN;
+export class SleeveMyrianWork extends SleeveWorkClass {
+  type: SleeveWorkType.MYRIAN = SleeveWorkType.MYRIAN;
-    process(sleeve: Sleeve, cycles: number) { }
+  process(sleeve: Sleeve, cycles: number) {}
-    APICopy() {
-        return { type: WorkType.MYRIAN as "MYRIAN" };
-    }
+  APICopy() {
+    return { type: SleeveWorkType.MYRIAN as "MYRIAN" };
+  }
-    /** Serialize the current object to a JSON save state. */
-    toJSON(): IReviverValue {
-        return Generic_toJSON("SleeveRecoveryWork", this);
-    }
+  /** Serialize the current object to a JSON save state. */
+  toJSON(): IReviverValue {
+    return Generic_toJSON("SleeveRecoveryWork", this);
+  }
-    /** Initializes a RecoveryWork object from a JSON save state. */
-    static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): SleeveMyrianWork {
-        return Generic_fromJSON(SleeveMyrianWork, value.data);
-    }
+  /** Initializes a RecoveryWork object from a JSON save state. */
+  static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): SleeveMyrianWork {
+    return Generic_fromJSON(SleeveMyrianWork, value.data);
+  }
 constructorsForReviver.SleeveMyrianWork = SleeveMyrianWork;
diff --git a/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/ui/SleeveElem.tsx b/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/ui/SleeveElem.tsx
index a8a3c0787..918fd6e18 100644
--- a/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/ui/SleeveElem.tsx
+++ b/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/ui/SleeveElem.tsx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ function getWorkDescription(sleeve: Sleeve, progress: number): string {
         "This sleeve is currently attempting to infiltrate synthoid communities to generate additional contracts and operations.\nThis activity is less efficient the more sleeves are assigned to it.\n\n" +
         `Progress: ${formatPercent(progress)}`
-    case WorkType.MYRIAN:
-      return "This sleeve is currently in The Myrian."
+    case SleeveWorkType.MYRIAN:
+      return "This sleeve is currently in The Myrian.";
diff --git a/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/ui/TaskSelector.tsx b/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/ui/TaskSelector.tsx
index 67c61ec86..14054525f 100644
--- a/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/ui/TaskSelector.tsx
+++ b/src/PersonObjects/Sleeve/ui/TaskSelector.tsx
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ const tasks: {
   ["In The Myrian"]: (): ITaskDetails => {
     return { first: ["------"], second: () => ["------"] };
-  }
+  },
 const canDo: {
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ const canDo: {
   "Perform Bladeburner Actions": () => !!Player.bladeburner,
   "Shock Recovery": (sleeve: Sleeve) => sleeve.shock > 0,
   Synchronize: (sleeve: Sleeve) => sleeve.sync < 100,
-  ["In The Myrian"]: (sleeve: Sleeve) => true,
+  ["In The Myrian"]: () => true,
 function getABC(sleeve: Sleeve): [string, string, string] {
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ function getABC(sleeve: Sleeve): [string, string, string] {
       return ["Shock Recovery", "------", "------"];
     case SleeveWorkType.SYNCHRO:
       return ["Synchronize", "------", "------"];
-    case WorkType.MYRIAN:
+    case SleeveWorkType.MYRIAN:
       return ["In The Myrian", "------", "------"];
diff --git a/src/SaveObject.ts b/src/SaveObject.ts
index a83317238..a3a5458c4 100644
--- a/src/SaveObject.ts
+++ b/src/SaveObject.ts
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import { Corporation } from "./Corporation/Corporation";
 import { Terminal } from "./Terminal";
 import { getRecordValues } from "./Types/Record";
 import { ExportMaterial } from "./Corporation/Actions";
+import { loadMyrian, myrian } from "./Myrian/Helpers";
 /* SaveObject.js
  *  Defines the object used to save/load games
@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ class BitburnerSaveObject {
   AllGangsSave = "";
   LastExportBonus = "0";
   StaneksGiftSave = "";
+  myrianSave = "";
   getSaveString(forceExcludeRunningScripts = false): string {
     this.PlayerSave = JSON.stringify(Player);
@@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ class BitburnerSaveObject {
     this.VersionSave = JSON.stringify(CONSTANTS.VersionNumber);
     this.LastExportBonus = JSON.stringify(ExportBonus.LastExportBonus);
     this.StaneksGiftSave = JSON.stringify(staneksGift);
+    this.myrianSave = JSON.stringify(myrian);
     if (Player.gang) this.AllGangsSave = JSON.stringify(AllGangs);
@@ -716,6 +719,12 @@ function loadGame(saveString: string): boolean {
+  if (Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "myrianSave")) {
+    loadMyrian(saveObj.myrianSave);
+  } else {
+    console.warn(`Could not load Staneks Gift from save`);
+    loadMyrian("");
+  }
   if (Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "StaneksGiftSave")) {
   } else {
@@ -811,9 +820,9 @@ function createNewUpdateText() {
     () =>
         "New update!\n" +
-        "Please report any bugs/issues through the GitHub repository " +
-        "or the Bitburner subreddit (reddit.com/r/bitburner).\n\n" +
-        CONSTANTS.LatestUpdate,
+          "Please report any bugs/issues through the GitHub repository " +
+          "or the Bitburner subreddit (reddit.com/r/bitburner).\n\n" +
+          CONSTANTS.LatestUpdate,
diff --git a/src/ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts b/src/ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts
index d54585189..85044aa56 100644
--- a/src/ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts
+++ b/src/ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts
@@ -2719,90 +2719,82 @@ export interface Hacknet {
 export interface Myr {
-  * Interact with an object in The Myrian.
-  * @remarks
-  f
-  *
-  * The effect is different depending on the object.
-  * Interacting with an enemy will attack it.
-  * With a resource node will mine it.
-  * With a power up will collect it.
-  * With a rock will try to break it.
-  *
-  * @returns Amount of milliseconds the operation will take.
-  */
-  ianInteract(sleeveId: number, x: number, y: number): number;
+   * Interact with an object in The Myrian.
+   * @remarks
+   *
+   * The effect is different depending on the object.
+   * Interacting with an enemy will attack it.
+   * With a resource node will mine it.
+   * With a power up will collect it.
+   * With a rock will try to break it.
+   *
+   * @returns Amount of milliseconds the operation will take.
+   */
+  ianUse(sleeveId: number, x: number, y: number): number;
-  * Move a sleeve in the Myrian.
-  * @remarks
-  f
-  *
-  * The target tile must be 1 tile away from the sleeves current tile.
-  *
-  * @returns Amount of milliseconds the operation will take.
-  */
-  ianMove(sleeveId: number, x: number, y: number): number;
+   * Move a sleeve in the Myrian.
+   * @remarks
+   *
+   * The target tile must be 1 tile away from the sleeves current tile.
+   *
+   * @returns Amount of milliseconds the operation will take.
+   */
+  ianMove(sleeveId: number, x: number, y: number): Promise<void>;
-  * Get that sleeves current task in the Myrian.
-  * @remarks
-  f
-  *
-  *
-  * @returns The task currently being performed.
-  */
+   * Get that sleeves current task in the Myrian.
+   * @remarks
+   *
+   *
+   * @returns The task currently being performed.
+   */
   ianGetTask(sleeveId): any;
-  * Cancel a sleeves current Myrian task.
-  * @remarks
-  f
-  *
-  * @returns true if a task was cancelled.
-  */
+   * Cancel a sleeves current Myrian task.
+   * @remarks
+   *
+   * @returns true if a task was cancelled.
+   */
   ianCancelTask(sleeveId): boolean;
-  * Makes the player or a sleeve enter The Myrian.
-  * @remarks
-  f
-  *
-  * @returns true if the person is now in The Myrian.
-  */
+   * Makes the player or a sleeve enter The Myrian.
+   * @remarks
+   *
+   * @returns true if the person is now in The Myrian.
+   */
   ianEnter(sleeveId?: number): boolean;
-  * Makes the player or a sleeve leave The Myrian.
-  * @remarks
-  f
-  *
-  * Sleeves must be 1 tile away from the core.
-  * 
-  * @returns true if the person is now in the simulated world.
-  */
+   * Makes the player or a sleeve leave The Myrian.
+   * @remarks
+   *
+   * Sleeves must be 1 tile away from the core.
+   *
+   * @returns true if the person is now in the simulated world.
+   */
   ianLeave(sleeveId?: number): boolean;
-  * Build an entity in The Myrian.
-  * @remarks
-  f
-  *
-  * Sleeves must be 1 tile away from the target tile and the player must have enough resources to build the entity.
-  * 
-  * @returns The amount of milliseconds needed to complete the operation.  or -1 if failed.
-  */
-  ianBuild(sleeveId: number, buildingId: number, x: number, y: number): number;
+   * Deploy an entity in The Myrian.
+   * @remarks
+   *
+   * Sleeves must be 1 tile away from the target tile and the player must have enough resources to build the entity.
+   *
+   * @returns The amount of milliseconds needed to complete the operation.  or -1 if failed.
+   */
+  ianDeploy(sleeveId: number, deploymentId: number, x: number, y: number): number;
-  * Apply a Myrian powerup to a sleeve.
-  * @remarks
-  f
-  *
-  * Must have at least 1 powerup to apply.
-  * 
-  * @returns True if the powerup was applied.
-  */
+   * Apply a Myrian powerup to a sleeve.
+   * @remarks
+   *
+   * Must have at least 1 powerup to apply.
+   *
+   * @returns True if the powerup was applied.
+   */
   ianApplyPowerup(sleeveId: number, stat: string): boolean;
diff --git a/src/Sidebar/ui/SidebarRoot.tsx b/src/Sidebar/ui/SidebarRoot.tsx
index e08a7040d..d0f87781c 100644
--- a/src/Sidebar/ui/SidebarRoot.tsx
+++ b/src/Sidebar/ui/SidebarRoot.tsx
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import EmojiEventsIcon from "@mui/icons-material/EmojiEvents"; // Achievements
 import AccountBoxIcon from "@mui/icons-material/AccountBox";
 import PublicIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Public";
 import LiveHelpIcon from "@mui/icons-material/LiveHelp";
+import BrokenImageIcon from "@mui/icons-material/BrokenImage";
 import { Router } from "../../ui/GameRoot";
 import { Page, isSimplePage } from "../../ui/Router";
@@ -350,6 +351,7 @@ export function SidebarRoot(props: { page: Page }): React.ReactElement {
             canBladeburner && { key_: Page.Bladeburner, icon: FormatBoldIcon },
             canCorporation && { key_: Page.Corporation, icon: BusinessIcon },
             canGang && { key_: Page.Gang, icon: SportsMmaIcon },
+            { key_: Page.Myrian, icon: BrokenImageIcon },
         <Divider />
diff --git a/src/ui/GameRoot.tsx b/src/ui/GameRoot.tsx
index 5a8f8583d..3e6df273f 100644
--- a/src/ui/GameRoot.tsx
+++ b/src/ui/GameRoot.tsx
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ export let Router: IRouter = {
-function determineStartPage(): Page {
+function determineStartPage() {
   return Page.Myrian; // WRONG
   if (RecoveryMode) return Page.Recovery;
   if (Player.currentWork !== null) return Page.Work;