mirror of
synced 2024-12-30 01:47:33 +01:00
fix b1tflum3 and destroyW0r1dD43m0n singularity functions to check for
sf4, also refactored the file slightly for consistency to make sure the sf4 check is the first thing every function does
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
return {
getOwnedAugmentations: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_purchased: unknown = false): string[] {
const purchased = _ctx.helper.boolean(_purchased);
const purchased = _ctx.helper.boolean(_purchased);
const res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < player.augmentations.length; ++i) {
@ -111,52 +111,52 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
getAugmentationsFromFaction: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_facName: unknown): string[] {
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const faction = getFaction(_ctx, facName);
return getFactionAugmentationsFiltered(player, faction);
getAugmentationCost: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_augName: unknown): [number, number] {
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const aug = getAugmentation(_ctx, augName);
return [aug.baseRepRequirement, aug.baseCost];
getAugmentationPrereq: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_augName: unknown): string[] {
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const aug = getAugmentation(_ctx, augName);
return aug.prereqs.slice();
getAugmentationPrice: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_augName: unknown): number {
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const aug = getAugmentation(_ctx, augName);
return aug.baseCost;
getAugmentationRepReq: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_augName: unknown): number {
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const aug = getAugmentation(_ctx, augName);
return aug.baseRepRequirement;
getAugmentationStats: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_augName: unknown): AugmentationStats {
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const aug = getAugmentation(_ctx, augName);
return Object.assign({}, aug.mults);
purchaseAugmentation: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_facName: unknown, _augName: unknown): boolean {
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const augName = _ctx.helper.string("augName", _augName);
const fac = getFaction(_ctx, facName);
const aug = getAugmentation(_ctx, augName);
@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
softReset: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_cbScript: unknown = ""): void {
const cbScript = _ctx.helper.string("cbScript", _cbScript);
const cbScript = _ctx.helper.string("cbScript", _cbScript);
workerScript.log("softReset", () => "Soft resetting. This will cause this script to be killed");
setTimeout(() => {
@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
installAugmentations: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_cbScript: unknown = ""): boolean {
const cbScript = _ctx.helper.string("cbScript", _cbScript);
const cbScript = _ctx.helper.string("cbScript", _cbScript);
if (player.queuedAugmentations.length === 0) {
workerScript.log("installAugmentations", () => "You do not have any Augmentations to be installed.");
@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
goToLocation: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_locationName: unknown): boolean {
const locationName = _ctx.helper.string("locationName", _locationName);
const locationName = _ctx.helper.string("locationName", _locationName);
const location = Object.values(Locations).find((l) => l.name === locationName);
if (!location) {
workerScript.log("goToLocation", () => `No location named ${locationName}`);
@ -258,10 +258,10 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
universityCourse: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_universityName: unknown, _className: unknown, _focus: unknown = true): boolean {
const universityName = _ctx.helper.string("universityName", _universityName);
const className = _ctx.helper.string("className", _className);
const focus = _ctx.helper.boolean(_focus);
const wasFocusing = player.focus;
if (player.isWorking) {
const txt = player.singularityStopWork();
@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
gymWorkout: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_gymName: unknown, _stat: unknown, _focus: unknown = true): boolean {
const gymName = _ctx.helper.string("gymName", _gymName);
const stat = _ctx.helper.string("stat", _stat);
const focus = _ctx.helper.boolean(_focus);
const wasFocusing = player.focus;
if (player.isWorking) {
const txt = player.singularityStopWork();
@ -464,8 +464,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
travelToCity: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_cityName: unknown): boolean {
const cityName = _ctx.helper.city("cityName", _cityName);
const cityName = _ctx.helper.city("cityName", _cityName);
switch (cityName) {
case CityName.Aevum:
@ -522,8 +522,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
purchaseProgram: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_programName: unknown): boolean {
const programName = _ctx.helper.string("programName", _programName).toLowerCase();
const programName = _ctx.helper.string("programName", _programName).toLowerCase();
if (!player.hasTorRouter()) {
workerScript.log("purchaseProgram", () => "You do not have the TOR router.");
@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
connect: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_hostname: unknown): boolean {
const hostname = _ctx.helper.string("hostname", _hostname);
const hostname = _ctx.helper.string("hostname", _hostname);
if (!hostname) {
throw _ctx.helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(`Invalid hostname: '${hostname}'`);
@ -664,8 +664,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
setFocus: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_focus: unknown): boolean {
const focus = _ctx.helper.boolean(_focus);
const focus = _ctx.helper.boolean(_focus);
if (!player.isWorking) {
throw _ctx.helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("Not currently working");
@ -864,9 +864,9 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
workForCompany: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_companyName: unknown, _focus: unknown = true): boolean {
let companyName = _ctx.helper.string("companyName", _companyName);
const focus = _ctx.helper.boolean(_focus);
// Sanitize input
if (companyName == null) {
@ -920,9 +920,9 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
applyToCompany: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_companyName: unknown, _field: unknown): boolean {
const companyName = _ctx.helper.string("companyName", _companyName);
const field = _ctx.helper.string("field", _field);
getCompany(_ctx, companyName);
player.location = companyName as LocationName;
@ -992,22 +992,22 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
getCompanyRep: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_companyName: unknown): number {
const companyName = _ctx.helper.string("companyName", _companyName);
const companyName = _ctx.helper.string("companyName", _companyName);
const company = getCompany(_ctx, companyName);
return company.playerReputation;
getCompanyFavor: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_companyName: unknown): number {
const companyName = _ctx.helper.string("companyName", _companyName);
const companyName = _ctx.helper.string("companyName", _companyName);
const company = getCompany(_ctx, companyName);
return company.favor;
getCompanyFavorGain: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_companyName: unknown): number {
const companyName = _ctx.helper.string("companyName", _companyName);
const companyName = _ctx.helper.string("companyName", _companyName);
const company = getCompany(_ctx, companyName);
return company.getFavorGain();
@ -1019,8 +1019,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
joinFaction: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_facName: unknown): boolean {
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
getFaction(_ctx, facName);
if (!player.factionInvitations.includes(facName)) {
@ -1043,10 +1043,10 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
workForFaction: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_facName: unknown, _type: unknown, _focus: unknown = true): boolean {
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const type = _ctx.helper.string("type", _type);
const focus = _ctx.helper.boolean(_focus);
getFaction(_ctx, facName);
// if the player is in a gang and the target faction is any of the gang faction, fail
@ -1132,30 +1132,30 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
getFactionRep: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_facName: unknown): number {
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const faction = getFaction(_ctx, facName);
return faction.playerReputation;
getFactionFavor: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_facName: unknown): number {
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const faction = getFaction(_ctx, facName);
return faction.favor;
getFactionFavorGain: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_facName: unknown): number {
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const faction = getFaction(_ctx, facName);
return faction.getFavorGain();
donateToFaction: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_facName: unknown, _amt: unknown): boolean {
const facName = _ctx.helper.string("facName", _facName);
const amt = _ctx.helper.number("amt", _amt);
const faction = getFaction(_ctx, facName);
if (!player.factions.includes(faction.name)) {
workerScript.log("donateToFaction", () => `You can't donate to '${facName}' because you aren't a member`);
@ -1202,9 +1202,9 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
createProgram: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_programName: unknown, _focus: unknown = true): boolean {
const programName = _ctx.helper.string("programName", _programName).toLowerCase();
const focus = _ctx.helper.boolean(_focus);
const wasFocusing = player.focus;
if (player.isWorking) {
@ -1251,8 +1251,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
commitCrime: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_crimeRoughName: unknown): number {
const crimeRoughName = _ctx.helper.string("crimeRoughName", _crimeRoughName);
const crimeRoughName = _ctx.helper.string("crimeRoughName", _crimeRoughName);
if (player.isWorking) {
const txt = player.singularityStopWork();
@ -1272,8 +1272,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
getCrimeChance: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_crimeRoughName: unknown): number {
const crimeRoughName = _ctx.helper.string("crimeRoughName", _crimeRoughName);
const crimeRoughName = _ctx.helper.string("crimeRoughName", _crimeRoughName);
const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase());
if (crime == null) {
@ -1284,8 +1284,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
getCrimeStats: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_crimeRoughName: unknown): CrimeStats {
const crimeRoughName = _ctx.helper.string("crimeRoughName", _crimeRoughName);
const crimeRoughName = _ctx.helper.string("crimeRoughName", _crimeRoughName);
const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase());
if (crime == null) {
@ -1307,8 +1307,8 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
getDarkwebProgramCost: (_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
function (_programName: unknown): number {
const programName = _ctx.helper.string("programName", _programName).toLowerCase();
const programName = _ctx.helper.string("programName", _programName).toLowerCase();
// If we don't have Tor, log it and return -1
if (!player.hasTorRouter()) {
@ -1340,6 +1340,7 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
(_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
(_nextBN: unknown, _callbackScript: unknown = ""): void => {
const nextBN = _ctx.helper.number("nextBN", _nextBN);
const callbackScript = _ctx.helper.string("callbackScript", _callbackScript);
enterBitNode(Router, true, player.bitNodeN, nextBN);
@ -1351,6 +1352,7 @@ export function NetscriptSingularity(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript
(_ctx: NetscriptContext) =>
(_nextBN: unknown, _callbackScript: unknown = ""): void => {
const nextBN = _ctx.helper.number("nextBN", _nextBN);
const callbackScript = _ctx.helper.string("callbackScript", _callbackScript);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user