Remove comments that describe nonexistent augs

This commit is contained in:
2022-04-26 23:41:58 -05:00
parent 9c805dabb8
commit 7fab3d8b30

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@ -114,17 +114,6 @@ export enum AugmentationNames {
StaneksGift2 = "Stanek's Gift - Awakening",
StaneksGift3 = "Stanek's Gift - Serenity",
MightOfAres = "Might of Ares", // slash
WisdomOfAthena = "Wisdom of Athena", // bracket
TrickeryOfHermes = "Trickery of Hermes", // cheatcode
BeautyOfAphrodite = "Beauty of Aphrodite", // bribe
ChaosOfDionysus = "Chaos of Dionysus", // reverse
FloodOfPoseidon = "Flood of Poseidon", // hex
HuntOfArtemis = "Hunt of Artemis", // mine
KnowledgeOfApollo = "Knowledge of Apollo", // wire
// Infiltrators MiniGames
MightOfAres = "SoA - Might of Ares", // slash
WisdomOfAthena = "SoA - Wisdom of Athena", // bracket
@ -135,10 +124,4 @@ export enum AugmentationNames {
HuntOfArtemis = "SoA - Hunt of Artemis", // mine
KnowledgeOfApollo = "SoA - Knowledge of Apollo", // wire
WKSharmonizer = "SoA - phyzical WKS harmonizer",
//Wasteland Augs
//PepBoy: "P.E.P-Boy", Plasma Energy Projection System
//PepBoyForceField Generates plasma force fields
//PepBoyBlasts Generate high density plasma concussive blasts
//PepBoyDataStorage STore more data on pep boy,