Merge pull request #3982 from danielyxie/dev

This commit is contained in:
2022-08-17 09:50:41 -03:00
committed by GitHub
572 changed files with 14765 additions and 16110 deletions

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dist/bitburner.d.ts vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

dist/main.bundle.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/vendor.bundle.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ Furthermore, some BitNodes introduce new content and mechanics. For example ther
BitNode that grants access to the `Singularity API <>`_.
There is another BitNode in which you can manage a gang to earn money and reputation.
.. _gameplay_bitnodes_howtodestroy:
How to destroy a BitNode
Initially, the only way to destroy a BitNode is to join the Daedalus :ref:`Daedalus <gameplay_factions>`.

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Source-Files are a type of persistent upgrade that is more powerful than Augmentations.
Source-Files are received by destroying a BitNode. There are many different BitNodes
Source-Files are received by :ref:`destroying a BitNode <gameplay_bitnodes_howtodestroy>`. There are many different BitNodes
in the game and each BitNode will grant a different Source-File when it is destroyed.
A Source-File can be upgraded by destroying its corresponding BitNode a second or

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@ -370,3 +370,35 @@ The list contains the name of (i.e. the value returned by
| | | aaaaaaaaaaaaa -> 1a91031 |
| | | aaaaaaaaaaaaaa -> 1a91041 |
| Encryption I: Caesar Cipher | | Caesar cipher is one of the simplest encryption technique. It is a type of |
| | | substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some |
| | | fixed number of positions down the alphabet. For example, with a left shift of 3, D |
| | | would be replaced by A, E would become B, and A would become X (because of rotation). |
| | | You are given an array with two elements.The first element is the plaintext, the |
| | | second element is the left shift value. Return the ciphertext as uppercase string. |
| | | Spaces remains the same. |
| Encryption II: Vigenère Cipher | | Vigenère cipher is a type of polyalphabetic substitution. It uses the Vigenère square |
| | | to encrypt and decrypt plaintext with a keyword. |
| | | Vignenère square: |
| | | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
| | | +---------------------------------------------------- |
| | | A | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
| | | B | B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A |
| | | C | C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B |
| | | D | D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C |
| | | E | E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D |
| | | ... |
| | | Y | Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X |
| | | Z | Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y |
| | | For encryption each letter of the plaintext is paired with the corresponding letter of |
| | | a repeating keyword. For example, the plaintext DASHBOARD is encrypted with the |
| | | keyword LINUX: |
| | | Plaintext: DASHBOARD |
| | | Keyword: LINUXLINU |
| | | So, the first letter D is paired with the first letter of the key L. Therefore, row D |
| | | and column L of the Vigenère square are used to get the first cipher letter O. This |
| | | must be repeated for the whole ciphertext. |
| | | You are given an array with two elements. The first element is the plaintext, the |
| | | second element is the keyword. Return the ciphertext as uppercase string. |

View File

@ -3,6 +3,82 @@
v2.0.0 - 2022-07-19 Work rework
API break rewards
* Everyone is awarded 10 NFG.
* All work in progress program is auto completed.
* All work in progress crafting is auto completed without adding entropy.
Work (Create program / Work for faction / Studying / etc ...)
* Working has been rebuilt from the grounds up. The motivation for that change is that all
different types of work all required different cached variables on the main Player object.
This caused a lot of bugs and crashes. It's been reworked in such a way as to prevent bugs
and make it nearly trivial to add new kinds of work. However, since this caused a few API break
I've decided to mark this version following semver protocols and call it 2.0.0
* Crime can be unfocused and auto loops, no more spam clicking.
* All work type give their reward immediately. No need to stop work to bank rewards like reputation.
* Faction and Company work no longer have a time limit.
* Company work no longer reduces rep gain by half for quitting early.
* Company faction require 400k rep to join (from 200k)
* Backdooring company server reduces faction requirement to 300k.
* All work generally no longer keep track of cumulative gains like exp and reputation since it's applied instantly.
* getPlayer returns way less fields but does return the new 'currentWork' field, some fields are moved around.
API breaks
* workForCompany argument 'companyName' is now not-optional
* commitCrime now has 'focus' optional parameter
* using getScriptIncome to get total income has been separated to getTotalScriptIncome.
* using getScriptExpGain to get total income has been separated to getTotalScriptExpGain.
* scp has it's 2 last argument reversed, the signature is now (files, destination, optional_source)
* ns.connect and other singularity function are no longer available at the top level.
They were already hidden from documentation but now they're gone.
* and stock.sell were renamed to stock.buyStock and stock.sellStock because 'buy' and 'sell'
are very common tokens.
* corporation.bribe no longer allows to give shares as bribe.
* Add singularity.getCurrentWork
* Add singularity.getAugmentationBasePrice
* Add sleeve.getSleeveAugmentationPrice
* Add sleeve.getSleeveAugmentationRepReq
* Fix infiltration.getInfiltrationLocations
* Singularity.goToLocation support for non-city-specific locations (@Ansopedian)
* All corporation functions are synchronous. Job assignment only works on the following cycle. (@stalefishies)
* Add batch functionality to NS spendHashes API (@undeemiss)
* Fix #3661 Add missing memory property to Sleeve API (@borisflagell)
* FIX#3732 Cannot assign two sleeve on "Take on contracts" regardless of contract type. (@borisflagell)
* Dividend fixes and exposing dividends info via scripts (@stalefishies)
* Add big number format support in some Corporation's modal (@borisflagell)
* Fix #3261 Industry overview number formatting (@nickofolas)
* The main player object was also plagues with a million fields all called '*_mult'. Representing the different multipliers
* These have been refactored in a field called 'mults'.
* #3596 Enhanced terminal command parsing (@RevanProdigalKnight)
* Fix #3366 Sleeve UI would sometimes displays the wrong stat while working out. (@borisflagell)
* Two new encryption themed contracts - caesar and vigenere (@Markus-D-M)
* Fixes #3132 several Sleeve can no longer works concurrently in the same company (@borisflagell)
* FIX #3514 Clear recently killed tab on BN end event (@Daniel-Barbera)
* HammingCodes description and implementation fixes (@s2ks)
* FIX #3794 Sleeve were getting less shocked when hospitalized (was positive, should have detrimental) (@borisflagell)
* Fix #3803 Servers can no longer have duplicate IPs (@crimsonhawk47)
* Fix #3854 ctrl+c does not clear terminal input (@evil-tim)
* Nerf noodle bar, obviously.
v1.6.3 - 2022-04-01 Few stanek fixes

View File

@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ documentation_title = '{0} Documentation'.format(project)
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = '1.6'
version = '2.0'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '1.6.4'
release = '2.0.0'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ secrets that you've been searching for.
Tools & Resources <toolsandresources>
Changelog <changelog>
v1.0.0 script migration guide <v1.0.0_migration.rst>
v2.0.0 script migration guide <v2.0.0_migration.rst>
404 <404.rst>
Donate <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
v2.0.0 Migration Guide
In v2.0.0 a few more API have been broken.
Working has been rebuilt from the grounds up. The motivation for that change is that all
different types of work all required different cached variables on the main Player object.
This caused a lot of bugs and crashes. It's been reworked in such a way as to prevent bugs
and make it nearly trivial to add new kinds of work.
All work type give their reward immediately. No need to stop work to bank rewards like reputation.
Faction and Company work no longer have a time limit.
Company work no longer reduces rep gain by half for quitting early.
Company faction require 400k rep to join (from 200k)
Backdooring company server reduces faction requirement to 300k.
All types of work generally no longer keep track of cumulative gains like exp and reputation since it's applied instantly.
crime now loops, meaning after finishing one shoplift you start the next one with no input. While the signature
has not changed its behavior has. It also has a new 'focus' parameters.
The following work-related fields are not longer included:
* workChaExpGained
* currentWorkFactionName
* workDexExpGained
* workHackExpGained
* createProgramReqLvl
* workStrExpGained
* companyName
* crimeType
* workRepGained
* workChaExpGainRate
* workType
* workStrExpGainRate
* isWorking
* workRepGainRate
* workDefExpGained
* currentWorkFactionDescription
* workHackExpGainRate
* workAgiExpGainRate
* workDexExpGainRate
* workMoneyGained
* workMoneyLossRate
* workMoneyGainRate
* createProgramName
* workDefExpGainRate
* workAgiExpGained
* className
The reason for that is that these fields are all, in one way or another, included in the new work field 'currentWork'.
Some of these values are also irrelevant.
Take a look at the new singularity.getCurrentWork function.
All fields ending in _mult have been moved to the 'mults' struct.
For example: getPlayer().hacking_skill_mult => getPlayer().mults.hacking_skill
skills have been moved to the skills struct
For example: getPlayer().hacking => getPlayer().skills.hacking
exp have been moved to the exp struct
For example: getPlayer().hacking_exp => getPlayer().exp.hacking
hp have been moved to the hp struct
For example: getPlayer().max_hp => getPlayer().hp.max or hp.current
hasWseAccount, hasTixApiAccess, has4SData, has4SDataTixApi have been removed and replaced with similar stock functions
The argument 'companyName' is now not-optional.
getScriptIncome & getScriptExpGain
Those 2 functions used to have a call where no arguments would return the total for all scripts. This caused weird signature.
If you want to get the total income/exp for all scripts used the new getTotalScriptIncome / getTotalScriptExpGain instead.
scp has it's 2 last argument reversed, the signature is now scp(files, destination, optional_source)
A while ago top level singularity function were deprecated in favor of the singularity namespace.
This means calls like 'ns.connect' need to be changed to 'ns.singularity.connect', stock.sell, stock.short
These functions were renamed to stock.buyStock, stock.sellStock, and stock.buyShort because 'buy', 'sell', and 'short'
are very common tokens that would trick the ram calculation.
The ability to give shares as bribe has been removed. The signature is now bribe(faction, money)

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [agility\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [agility](./
## AugmentationStats.agility\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.agility property
Multiplier to agility skill
agility_mult?: number;
agility?: number;

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [agility\_exp\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [agility\_exp](./
## AugmentationStats.agility\_exp\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.agility\_exp property
Multiplier to agility experience gain rate
agility_exp_mult?: number;
agility_exp?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [bladeburner\_analysis\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [bladeburner\_analysis](./
## AugmentationStats.bladeburner\_analysis\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.bladeburner\_analysis property
Multiplier to effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis
bladeburner_analysis_mult?: number;
bladeburner_analysis?: number;

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [bladeburner\_max\_stamina\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [bladeburner\_max\_stamina](./
## AugmentationStats.bladeburner\_max\_stamina\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.bladeburner\_max\_stamina property
Multiplier to Bladeburner max stamina
bladeburner_max_stamina_mult?: number;
bladeburner_max_stamina?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [bladeburner\_stamina\_gain\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [bladeburner\_stamina\_gain](./
## AugmentationStats.bladeburner\_stamina\_gain\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.bladeburner\_stamina\_gain property
Multiplier to Bladeburner stamina gain rate
bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult?: number;
bladeburner_stamina_gain?: number;

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [bladeburner\_success\_chance\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [bladeburner\_success\_chance](./
## AugmentationStats.bladeburner\_success\_chance\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.bladeburner\_success\_chance property
Multiplier to success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations
bladeburner_success_chance_mult?: number;
bladeburner_success_chance?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [charisma\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [charisma](./
## AugmentationStats.charisma\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.charisma property
Multiplier to charisma skill
charisma_mult?: number;
charisma?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [charisma\_exp\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [charisma\_exp](./
## AugmentationStats.charisma\_exp\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.charisma\_exp property
Multiplier to charisma experience gain rate
charisma_exp_mult?: number;
charisma_exp?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [company\_rep\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [company\_rep](./
##\_rep\_mult property
##\_rep property
Multiplier to amount of reputation gained when working
company_rep_mult?: number;
company_rep?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [crime\_money\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [crime\_money](./
## AugmentationStats.crime\_money\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.crime\_money property
Multiplier to amount of money gained from crimes
crime_money_mult?: number;
crime_money?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [crime\_success\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [crime\_success](./
## AugmentationStats.crime\_success\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.crime\_success property
Multiplier to crime success rate
crime_success_mult?: number;
crime_success?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [defense\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [defense](./
## AugmentationStats.defense\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.defense property
Multiplier to defense skill
defense_mult?: number;
defense?: number;

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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [defense\_exp\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [defense\_exp](./
## AugmentationStats.defense\_exp\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.defense\_exp property
Multiplier to defense experience gain rate
defense_exp_mult?: number;
defense_exp?: number;

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [dexterity\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [dexterity](./
## AugmentationStats.dexterity\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.dexterity property
Multiplier to dexterity skill
dexterity_mult?: number;
dexterity?: number;

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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [dexterity\_exp](./
## AugmentationStats.dexterity\_exp\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.dexterity\_exp property
Multiplier to dexterity experience gain rate
dexterity_exp_mult?: number;
dexterity_exp?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [faction\_rep\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [faction\_rep](./
## AugmentationStats.faction\_rep\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.faction\_rep property
Multiplier to amount of reputation gained when working
faction_rep_mult?: number;
faction_rep?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking](./
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacking property
Multiplier to hacking skill
hacking_mult?: number;
hacking?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking\_chance](./
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_chance\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_chance property
Multiplier to chance of successfully performing a hack
hacking_chance_mult?: number;
hacking_chance?: number;

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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking\_exp](./
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_exp\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_exp property
Multiplier to hacking experience gain rate
hacking_exp_mult?: number;
hacking_exp?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking\_grow\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking\_grow](./
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_grow\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_grow property
Multiplier to amount of money injected into servers using grow
hacking_grow_mult?: number;
hacking_grow?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking\_money\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking\_money](./
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_money\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_money property
Multiplier to amount of money the player gains from hacking
hacking_money_mult?: number;
hacking_money?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking\_speed\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacking\_speed](./
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_speed\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacking\_speed property
Multiplier to hacking speed
hacking_speed_mult?: number;
hacking_speed?: number;

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_core\_cost\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_core\_cost](./
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_core\_cost\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_core\_cost property
Multiplier to cost of core for a Hacknet Node
hacknet_node_core_cost_mult?: number;
hacknet_node_core_cost?: number;

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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_level\_cost\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_level\_cost](./
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_level\_cost\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_level\_cost property
Multiplier to cost of leveling up a Hacknet Node
hacknet_node_level_cost_mult?: number;
hacknet_node_level_cost?: number;

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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_money\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_money](./
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_money\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_money property
Multiplier to amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes
hacknet_node_money_mult?: number;
hacknet_node_money?: number;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_purchase\_cost\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_purchase\_cost](./
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_purchase\_cost\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_purchase\_cost property
Multiplier to cost of purchasing a Hacknet Node
hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult?: number;
hacknet_node_purchase_cost?: number;

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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_ram\_cost\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [hacknet\_node\_ram\_cost](./
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_ram\_cost\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.hacknet\_node\_ram\_cost property
Multiplier to cost of ram for a Hacknet Node
hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult?: number;
hacknet_node_ram_cost?: number;

View File

@ -16,34 +16,34 @@ export interface AugmentationStats
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [agility\_exp\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to agility experience gain rate |
| [agility\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to agility skill |
| [bladeburner\_analysis\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis |
| [bladeburner\_max\_stamina\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to Bladeburner max stamina |
| [bladeburner\_stamina\_gain\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to Bladeburner stamina gain rate |
| [bladeburner\_success\_chance\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations |
| [charisma\_exp\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to charisma experience gain rate |
| [charisma\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to charisma skill |
| [company\_rep\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of reputation gained when working |
| [crime\_money\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money gained from crimes |
| [crime\_success\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to crime success rate |
| [defense\_exp\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to defense experience gain rate |
| [defense\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to defense skill |
| [dexterity\_exp\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to dexterity experience gain rate |
| [dexterity\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to dexterity skill |
| [faction\_rep\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of reputation gained when working |
| [hacking\_chance\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to chance of successfully performing a hack |
| [hacking\_exp\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to hacking experience gain rate |
| [hacking\_grow\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money injected into servers using grow |
| [hacking\_money\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money the player gains from hacking |
| [hacking\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to hacking skill |
| [hacking\_speed\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to hacking speed |
| [hacknet\_node\_core\_cost\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to cost of core for a Hacknet Node |
| [hacknet\_node\_level\_cost\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to cost of leveling up a Hacknet Node |
| [hacknet\_node\_money\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes |
| [hacknet\_node\_purchase\_cost\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to cost of purchasing a Hacknet Node |
| [hacknet\_node\_ram\_cost\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to cost of ram for a Hacknet Node |
| [strength\_exp\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to strength experience gain rate |
| [strength\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to strength skill |
| [work\_money\_mult?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money gained from working |
| [agility\_exp?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to agility experience gain rate |
| [agility?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to agility skill |
| [bladeburner\_analysis?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis |
| [bladeburner\_max\_stamina?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to Bladeburner max stamina |
| [bladeburner\_stamina\_gain?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to Bladeburner stamina gain rate |
| [bladeburner\_success\_chance?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations |
| [charisma\_exp?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to charisma experience gain rate |
| [charisma?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to charisma skill |
| [company\_rep?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of reputation gained when working |
| [crime\_money?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money gained from crimes |
| [crime\_success?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to crime success rate |
| [defense\_exp?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to defense experience gain rate |
| [defense?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to defense skill |
| [dexterity\_exp?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to dexterity experience gain rate |
| [dexterity?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to dexterity skill |
| [faction\_rep?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of reputation gained when working |
| [hacking\_chance?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to chance of successfully performing a hack |
| [hacking\_exp?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to hacking experience gain rate |
| [hacking\_grow?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money injected into servers using grow |
| [hacking\_money?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money the player gains from hacking |
| [hacking\_speed?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to hacking speed |
| [hacking?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to hacking skill |
| [hacknet\_node\_core\_cost?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to cost of core for a Hacknet Node |
| [hacknet\_node\_level\_cost?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to cost of leveling up a Hacknet Node |
| [hacknet\_node\_money?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes |
| [hacknet\_node\_purchase\_cost?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to cost of purchasing a Hacknet Node |
| [hacknet\_node\_ram\_cost?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to cost of ram for a Hacknet Node |
| [strength\_exp?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to strength experience gain rate |
| [strength?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to strength skill |
| [work\_money?](./ | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Multiplier to amount of money gained from working |

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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [strength\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [strength](./
## AugmentationStats.strength\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.strength property
Multiplier to strength skill
strength_mult?: number;
strength?: number;

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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [strength\_exp\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [strength\_exp](./
## AugmentationStats.strength\_exp\_mult property
## AugmentationStats.strength\_exp property
Multiplier to strength experience gain rate
strength_exp_mult?: number;
strength_exp?: number;

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [work\_money\_mult](./
[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [AugmentationStats](./ &gt; [work\_money](./
##\_money\_mult property
##\_money property
Multiplier to amount of money gained from working
work_money_mult?: number;
work_money?: number;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
flags(schema: [string, string | number | boolean | string[]][]): any;
flags(schema: [string, string | number | boolean | string[]][]): { [key: string]: ScriptArg };
## Parameters
@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ flags(schema: [string, string | number | boolean | string[]][]): any;
{ \[key: string\]: [ScriptArg](./ }

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [agilityExp](./
## CharacterInfo.agilityExp property
total agility exp
agilityExp: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [bitnode](./
## CharacterInfo.bitnode property
Current BitNode number
bitnode: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [charismaExp](./
## CharacterInfo.charismaExp property
total charisma exp
charismaExp: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [city](./
## property
Name of city you are currently in
city: string;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [defenseExp](./
## CharacterInfo.defenseExp property
total defense exp
defenseExp: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [dexterityExp](./
## CharacterInfo.dexterityExp property
total dexterity exp
dexterityExp: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [factions](./
## CharacterInfo.factions property
Array of factions you are currently a member of
factions: string[];

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [hackingExp](./
## CharacterInfo.hackingExp property
total hacking exp
hackingExp: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [hp](./
## CharacterInfo.hp property
Current health points
hp: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [jobs](./
## property
Array of all jobs
jobs: string[];

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [jobTitles](./
## CharacterInfo.jobTitles property
Array of job positions for all companies you are employed at. Same order as 'jobs'
jobTitles: string[];

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [maxHp](./
## CharacterInfo.maxHp property
Maximum health points
maxHp: number;

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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./
## CharacterInfo interface
export interface CharacterInfo
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [agilityExp](./ | number | total agility exp |
| [bitnode](./ | number | Current BitNode number |
| [charismaExp](./ | number | total charisma exp |
| [city](./ | string | Name of city you are currently in |
| [defenseExp](./ | number | total defense exp |
| [dexterityExp](./ | number | total dexterity exp |
| [factions](./ | string\[\] | Array of factions you are currently a member of |
| [hackingExp](./ | number | total hacking exp |
| [hp](./ | number | Current health points |
| [jobs](./ | string\[\] | Array of all jobs |
| [jobTitles](./ | string\[\] | Array of job positions for all companies you are employed at. Same order as 'jobs' |
| [maxHp](./ | number | Maximum health points |
| [mult](./ | [CharacterMult](./ | Object with many of the player's multipliers from Augmentations/Source Files |
| [strengthExp](./ | number | total strength exp |
| [timeWorked](./ | number | Timed worked in ms |
| [tor](./ | boolean | Boolean indicating whether or not you have a tor router |
| [workAgiExpGain](./ | number | Agi experience earned so far from work |
| [workChaExpGain](./ | number | Cha experience earned so far from work |
| [workDefExpGain](./ | number | Def experience earned so far from work |
| [workDexExpGain](./ | number | Dex experience earned so far from work |
| [workHackExpGain](./ | number | Hacking experience earned so far from work |
| [workMoneyGain](./ | number | Money earned so far from work, if applicable |
| [workRepGain](./ | number | Reputation earned so far from work, if applicable |
| [workStrExpGain](./ | number | Str experience earned so far from work |

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [mult](./
## CharacterInfo.mult property
Object with many of the player's multipliers from Augmentations/Source Files
mult: CharacterMult;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [strengthExp](./
## CharacterInfo.strengthExp property
total strength exp
strengthExp: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [timeWorked](./
## CharacterInfo.timeWorked property
Timed worked in ms
timeWorked: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [tor](./
## CharacterInfo.tor property
Boolean indicating whether or not you have a tor router
tor: boolean;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [workAgiExpGain](./
## CharacterInfo.workAgiExpGain property
Agi experience earned so far from work
workAgiExpGain: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [workChaExpGain](./
## CharacterInfo.workChaExpGain property
Cha experience earned so far from work
workChaExpGain: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [workDefExpGain](./
## CharacterInfo.workDefExpGain property
Def experience earned so far from work
workDefExpGain: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [workDexExpGain](./
## CharacterInfo.workDexExpGain property
Dex experience earned so far from work
workDexExpGain: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [workHackExpGain](./
## CharacterInfo.workHackExpGain property
Hacking experience earned so far from work
workHackExpGain: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [workMoneyGain](./
## CharacterInfo.workMoneyGain property
Money earned so far from work, if applicable
workMoneyGain: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [workRepGain](./
## CharacterInfo.workRepGain property
Reputation earned so far from work, if applicable
workRepGain: number;

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CharacterInfo](./ &gt; [workStrExpGain](./
## CharacterInfo.workStrExpGain property
Str experience earned so far from work
workStrExpGain: number;

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Get the input data.
getData(filename: string, host?: string): any;
getData(filename: string, host?: string): CodingContractData;
## Parameters
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ getData(filename: string, host?: string): any;
The specified contracts data, data type depends on contract type.;

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CodingContractData](./
## CodingContractData type
Coding contract data will differ depending on coding contract.
type CodingContractData = any;

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Bribe a faction
bribe(factionName: string, amountCash: number, amountShares: number): boolean;
bribe(factionName: string, amountCash: number): boolean;
## Parameters
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ bribe(factionName: string, amountCash: number, amountShares: number): boolean;
| --- | --- | --- |
| factionName | string | Faction name |
| amountCash | number | Amount of money to bribe |
| amountShares | number | Amount of shares to bribe |

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [Corporation](./ &gt; [getIndustryTypes](./
## Corporation.getIndustryTypes() method
Get list of industry types
getIndustryTypes(): string[];
industry names

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [Corporation](./ &gt; [getMaterialNames](./
## Corporation.getMaterialNames() method
Get list of materials
getMaterialNames(): string[];
material names

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [Corporation](./ &gt; [getResearchNames](./
## Corporation.getResearchNames() method
Get list of research names
getResearchNames(): string[];
research names

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [Corporation](./ &gt; [getUnlockables](./
## Corporation.getUnlockables() method
Get list of one-time unlockable upgrades
getUnlockables(): string[];
unlockable upgrades names

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [Corporation](./ &gt; [getUpgradeNames](./
## Corporation.getUpgradeNames() method
Get list of upgrade names
getUpgradeNames(): string[];
upgrade names

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@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ Issue dividends
issueDividends(percent: number): void;
issueDividends(rate: number): void;
## Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| percent | number | Percent of profit to issue as dividends. |
| rate | number | Fraction of profit to issue as dividends. |

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export interface Corporation extends WarehouseAPI, OfficeAPI
| Method | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [acceptInvestmentOffer()](./ | Accept investment based on you companies current valuation |
| [bribe(factionName, amountCash, amountShares)](./ | Bribe a faction |
| [bribe(factionName, amountCash)](./ | Bribe a faction |
| [buyBackShares(amount)](./ | Buyback Shares |
| [createCorporation(corporationName, selfFund)](./ | Create a Corporation |
| [expandCity(divisionName, cityName)](./ | Expand to a new city |
@ -28,13 +28,18 @@ export interface Corporation extends WarehouseAPI, OfficeAPI
| [getDivision(divisionName)](./ | Get division data |
| [getExpandCityCost()](./ | Gets the cost to expand into a new city |
| [getExpandIndustryCost(industryName)](./ | Gets the cost to expand into a new industry |
| [getIndustryTypes()](./ | Get list of industry types |
| [getInvestmentOffer()](./ | Get an offer for investment based on you companies current valuation |
| [getMaterialNames()](./ | Get list of materials |
| [getResearchNames()](./ | Get list of research names |
| [getUnlockables()](./ | Get list of one-time unlockable upgrades |
| [getUnlockUpgradeCost(upgradeName)](./ | Gets the cost to unlock a one time unlockable upgrade |
| [getUpgradeLevel(upgradeName)](./ | Get the level of a levelable upgrade |
| [getUpgradeLevelCost(upgradeName)](./ | Gets the cost to unlock the next level of a levelable upgrade |
| [getUpgradeNames()](./ | Get list of upgrade names |
| [goPublic(numShares)](./ | Go public |
| [hasUnlockUpgrade(upgradeName)](./ | Check if you have a one time unlockable upgrade |
| [issueDividends(percent)](./ | Issue dividends |
| [issueDividends(rate)](./ | Issue dividends |
| [levelUpgrade(upgradeName)](./ | Level an upgrade. |
| [sellShares(amount)](./ | Sell Shares |
| [unlockUpgrade(upgradeName)](./ | Unlock an upgrade |

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CorporationInfo](./ &gt; [dividendEarnings](./
## CorporationInfo.dividendEarnings property
Your earnings as a shareholder per second this cycle
dividendEarnings: number;

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CorporationInfo](./ &gt; [dividendRate](./
## CorporationInfo.dividendRate property
Fraction of profits issued as dividends
dividendRate: number;

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [CorporationInfo](./ &gt; [dividendTax](./
## CorporationInfo.dividendTax property
Tax applied on your earnings as a shareholder
dividendTax: number;

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@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ interface CorporationInfo
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [dividendEarnings](./ | number | Your earnings as a shareholder per second this cycle |
| [dividendRate](./ | number | Fraction of profits issued as dividends |
| [dividendTax](./ | number | Tax applied on your earnings as a shareholder |
| [divisions](./ | [Division](./<!-- -->\[\] | Array of all divisions |
| [expenses](./ | number | Expenses per second this cycle |
| [funds](./ | number | Funds available |

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Employee in an office
interface Employee
export interface Employee
## Properties

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [GangOtherInfo](./ &gt; ["Slum Snakes"](./
## GangOtherInfo."Slum Snakes" property
"Slum Snakes": GangOtherInfoObject;

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [GangOtherInfo](./ &gt; ["Speakers for the Dead"](./
## GangOtherInfo."Speakers for the Dead" property
"Speakers for the Dead": GangOtherInfoObject;

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [GangOtherInfo](./ &gt; ["The Black Hand"](./
## GangOtherInfo."The Black Hand" property
"The Black Hand": GangOtherInfoObject;

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [GangOtherInfo](./ &gt; ["The Dark Army"](./
## GangOtherInfo."The Dark Army" property
"The Dark Army": GangOtherInfoObject;

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [GangOtherInfo](./ &gt; ["The Syndicate"](./
## GangOtherInfo."The Syndicate" property
"The Syndicate": GangOtherInfoObject;

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@ -10,16 +10,3 @@
export interface GangOtherInfo
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ["Slum Snakes"](./ | [GangOtherInfoObject](./ | |
| ["Speakers for the Dead"](./ | [GangOtherInfoObject](./ | |
| ["The Black Hand"](./ | [GangOtherInfoObject](./ | |
| ["The Dark Army"](./ | [GangOtherInfoObject](./ | |
| ["The Syndicate"](./ | [GangOtherInfoObject](./ | |
| [NiteSec](./ | [GangOtherInfoObject](./ | |
| [Tetrads](./ | [GangOtherInfoObject](./ | |

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [GangOtherInfo](./ &gt; [NiteSec](./
## GangOtherInfo.NiteSec property
NiteSec: GangOtherInfoObject;

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [GangOtherInfo](./ &gt; [Tetrads](./
## GangOtherInfo.Tetrads property
Tetrads: GangOtherInfoObject;

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Get the cost of a hash upgrade.
hashCost(upgName: string): number;
hashCost(upgName: string, count?: number): number;
## Parameters
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ hashCost(upgName: string): number;
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| upgName | string | Name of the upgrade of Hacknet Node. |
| count | number | Number of upgrades to buy at once. Defaults to 1 if not specified. |

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@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ Not all these functions are immediately available.
| [getStudyMult()](./ | Get the multiplier to study. |
| [getTrainingMult()](./ | Get the multiplier to training. |
| [hashCapacity()](./ | Get the maximum number of hashes you can store. |
| [hashCost(upgName)](./ | Get the cost of a hash upgrade. |
| [hashCost(upgName, count)](./ | Get the cost of a hash upgrade. |
| [maxNumNodes()](./ | Get the maximum number of hacknet nodes. |
| [numHashes()](./ | Get the total number of hashes stored. |
| [numNodes()](./ | Get the number of hacknet nodes you own. |
| [purchaseNode()](./ | Purchase a new hacknet node. |
| [spendHashes(upgName, upgTarget)](./ | Purchase a hash upgrade. |
| [spendHashes(upgName, upgTarget, count)](./ | Purchase a hash upgrade. |
| [upgradeCache(index, n)](./ | Upgrade the cache of a hacknet node. |
| [upgradeCore(index, n)](./ | Upgrade the core of a hacknet node. |
| [upgradeLevel(index, n)](./ | Upgrade the level of a hacknet node. |

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Purchase a hash upgrade.
spendHashes(upgName: string, upgTarget?: string): boolean;
spendHashes(upgName: string, upgTarget?: string, count?: number): boolean;
## Parameters
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ spendHashes(upgName: string, upgTarget?: string): boolean;
| --- | --- | --- |
| upgName | string | Name of the upgrade of Hacknet Node. |
| upgTarget | string | Object to which upgrade applies. Required for certain upgrades. |
| count | number | Number of upgrades to buy at once. Defaults to 1 if not specified. For compatability reasons, upgTarget must be specified, even if it is not used, in order to specify count. |

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [HP](./ &gt; [current](./
## HP.current property
current: number;

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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [HP](./ &gt; [max](./
## HP.max property
max: number;

markdown/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [HP](./
## HP interface
export interface HP
## Properties
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [current](./ | number | |
| [max](./ | number | |

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [bitburner](./ &gt; [ILocation](./ &gt; [city](./
## property
city: string;

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