mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 20:55:44 +01:00
[IPvGO] Performance enhancement: async move option lookup (#1028)
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ import { AugmentationName } from "@enums";
* @returns a promise that will resolve with a move (or pass) from the designated AI opponent.
export async function getMove(boardState: BoardState, player: PlayerColor, opponent: opponents, rngOverride?: number) {
await sleep(200);
await sleep(300);
const rng = new WHRNG(rngOverride || Player.totalPlaytime);
const smart = isSmart(opponent, rng.random());
const moves = await getMoveOptions(boardState, player, rng.random(), smart);
const moves = getMoveOptions(boardState, player, rng.random(), smart);
const priorityMove = getFactionMove(moves, opponent, rng.random());
const priorityMove = await getFactionMove(moves, opponent, rng.random());
if (priorityMove) {
return {
type: playTypes.move,
@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ export async function getMove(boardState: BoardState, player: PlayerColor, oppon
// If no priority move is chosen, pick one of the reasonable moves
const moveOptions = [
(await moves.growth())?.point,
(await moves.surround())?.point,
(await moves.defend())?.point,
(await moves.expansion())?.point,
(await moves.pattern())?.point,
(await moves.eyeMove())?.point,
(await moves.eyeBlock())?.point,
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function handleNoMoveFound(boardState: BoardState, player: playerColors) {
* Given a group of move options, chooses one based on the given opponent's personality (if any fit their priorities)
function getFactionMove(moves: MoveOptions, faction: opponents, rng: number): PointState | null {
async function getFactionMove(moves: MoveOptions, faction: opponents, rng: number): Promise<PointState | null> {
if (faction === opponents.Netburners) {
return getNetburnersPriorityMove(moves, rng);
@ -160,15 +160,15 @@ function isSmart(faction: opponents, rng: number) {
* Netburners mostly just put random points around the board, but occasionally have a smart move
function getNetburnersPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): PointState | null {
async function getNetburnersPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): Promise<PointState | null> {
if (rng < 0.2) {
return getIlluminatiPriorityMove(moves, rng);
} else if (rng < 0.4 && moves.expansion) {
return moves.expansion.point;
} else if (rng < 0.6 && moves.growth) {
return moves.growth.point;
} else if (rng < 0.4 && (await moves.expansion())) {
return (await moves.expansion())?.point ?? null;
} else if (rng < 0.6 && (await moves.growth())) {
return (await moves.growth())?.point ?? null;
} else if (rng < 0.75) {
return moves.random;
return (await moves.random())?.point ?? null;
return null;
@ -177,18 +177,17 @@ function getNetburnersPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): PointState
* Slum snakes prioritize defending their pieces and building chains that snake around as much of the bord as possible.
function getSlumSnakesPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): PointState | null {
if (moves.defendCapture) {
console.debug("defend capture: defend move chosen");
return moves.defendCapture.point;
async function getSlumSnakesPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): Promise<PointState | null> {
if (await moves.defendCapture()) {
return (await moves.defendCapture())?.point ?? null;
if (rng < 0.2) {
return getIlluminatiPriorityMove(moves, rng);
} else if (rng < 0.6 && moves.growth) {
return moves.growth.point;
} else if (rng < 0.6 && (await moves.growth())) {
return (await moves.growth())?.point ?? null;
} else if (rng < 0.65) {
return moves.random;
return (await moves.random())?.point ?? null;
return null;
@ -197,33 +196,35 @@ function getSlumSnakesPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): PointState
* Black hand just wants to smOrk. They always capture or smother the opponent if possible.
function getBlackHandPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): PointState | null {
if (moves.capture) {
async function getBlackHandPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): Promise<PointState | null> {
if (await moves.capture()) {
console.debug("capture: capture move chosen");
return moves.capture.point;
return (await moves.capture())?.point ?? null;
if (moves.surround && moves.surround.point && (moves.surround?.newLibertyCount ?? 999) <= 1) {
const surround = await moves.surround();
if (surround && surround.point && (surround.newLibertyCount ?? 999) <= 1) {
console.debug("surround move chosen");
return moves.surround.point;
return surround.point;
if (moves.defendCapture) {
if (await moves.defendCapture()) {
console.debug("defend capture: defend move chosen");
return moves.defendCapture.point;
return (await moves.defendCapture())?.point ?? null;
if (moves.surround && moves.surround.point && (moves.surround?.newLibertyCount ?? 999) <= 2) {
if (surround && surround.point && (surround?.newLibertyCount ?? 999) <= 2) {
console.debug("surround move chosen");
return moves.surround.point;
return surround.point;
if (rng < 0.3) {
return getIlluminatiPriorityMove(moves, rng);
} else if (rng < 0.75 && moves.surround) {
return moves.surround.point;
} else if (rng < 0.75 && surround) {
return surround.point;
} else if (rng < 0.8) {
return moves.random;
return (await moves.random())?.point ?? null;
return null;
@ -232,25 +233,26 @@ function getBlackHandPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): PointState |
* Tetrads really like to be up close and personal, cutting and circling their opponent
function getTetradPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number) {
if (moves.capture) {
async function getTetradPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): Promise<PointState | null> {
if (await moves.capture()) {
console.debug("capture: capture move chosen");
return moves.capture.point;
return (await moves.capture())?.point ?? null;
if (moves.defendCapture) {
if (await moves.defendCapture()) {
console.debug("defend capture: defend move chosen");
return moves.defendCapture.point;
return (await moves.defendCapture())?.point ?? null;
if (moves.pattern) {
if (await moves.pattern()) {
console.debug("pattern match move chosen");
return moves.pattern;
return (await moves.pattern())?.point ?? null;
if (moves.surround && moves.surround.point && (moves.surround?.newLibertyCount ?? 9) <= 1) {
const surround = await moves.surround();
if (surround && surround.point && (surround?.newLibertyCount ?? 9) <= 1) {
console.debug("surround move chosen");
return moves.surround.point;
return surround.point;
if (rng < 0.4) {
@ -263,9 +265,9 @@ function getTetradPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number) {
* Daedalus almost always picks the Illuminati move, but very occasionally gets distracted.
function getDaedalusPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): PointState | null {
async function getDaedalusPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): Promise<PointState | null> {
if (rng < 0.9) {
return getIlluminatiPriorityMove(moves, rng);
return await getIlluminatiPriorityMove(moves, rng);
return null;
@ -279,53 +281,56 @@ function getDaedalusPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): PointState |
* Then, blocking the opponent's attempts to create eyes
* Finally, will match any of the predefined local patterns indicating a strong move.
function getIlluminatiPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): PointState | null {
if (moves.capture) {
async function getIlluminatiPriorityMove(moves: MoveOptions, rng: number): Promise<PointState | null> {
if (await moves.capture()) {
console.debug("capture: capture move chosen");
return moves.capture.point;
return (await moves.capture())?.point ?? null;
if (moves.defendCapture) {
if (await moves.defendCapture()) {
console.debug("defend capture: defend move chosen");
return moves.defendCapture.point;
return (await moves.defendCapture())?.point ?? null;
if (moves.eyeMove) {
if (await moves.eyeMove()) {
console.debug("Create eye move chosen");
return moves.eyeMove.point;
return (await moves.eyeMove())?.point ?? null;
if (moves.surround && moves.surround.point && (moves.surround?.newLibertyCount ?? 9) <= 1) {
const surround = await moves.surround();
if (surround && surround.point && (surround?.newLibertyCount ?? 9) <= 1) {
console.debug("surround move chosen");
return moves.surround.point;
return surround.point;
if (moves.eyeBlock) {
if (await moves.eyeBlock()) {
console.debug("Block eye move chosen");
return moves.eyeBlock.point;
return (await moves.eyeBlock())?.point ?? null;
if (moves.corner) {
if (await moves.corner()) {
console.debug("Corner move chosen");
return moves.corner;
return (await moves.corner())?.point ?? null;
const hasMoves = [moves.eyeMove, moves.eyeBlock, moves.growth, moves.defend, moves.surround].filter((m) => m).length;
const hasMoves = [await moves.eyeMove(), await moves.eyeBlock(), await moves.growth(), moves.defend, surround].filter(
(m) => m,
const usePattern = rng > 0.25 || !hasMoves;
if (moves.pattern && usePattern) {
if ((await moves.pattern()) && usePattern) {
console.debug("pattern match move chosen");
return moves.pattern;
return (await moves.pattern())?.point ?? null;
if (rng > 0.4 && moves.jump) {
if (rng > 0.4 && (await moves.jump())) {
console.debug("Jump move chosen");
return moves.jump.point;
return (await moves.jump())?.point ?? null;
if (rng < 0.6 && moves.surround && moves.surround.point && (moves.surround?.newLibertyCount ?? 9) <= 2) {
if (rng < 0.6 && surround && surround.point && (surround?.newLibertyCount ?? 9) <= 2) {
console.debug("surround move chosen");
return moves.surround.point;
return surround.point;
return null;
@ -667,7 +672,6 @@ function getEyeCreationMoves(
availableSpaces.find((availablePoint) => availablePoint.x === point.x && availablePoint.y === point.y),
.filter((point: PointState) => {
console.warn("eye check ", point.x, point.y);
const neighbors = findNeighbors(boardState, point.x, point.y);
const neighborhood = [neighbors.north, neighbors.east, neighbors.south, neighbors.west];
return (
@ -721,12 +725,12 @@ function getEyeBlockingMove(boardState: BoardState, player: PlayerColor, availab
* Gets a group of reasonable moves based on the current board state, to be passed to the factions' AI to decide on
async function getMoveOptions(
function getMoveOptions(
boardState: BoardState,
player: PlayerColor,
rng: number,
smart = true,
): Promise<MoveOptions> {
): { [s in keyof MoveOptions]: () => Promise<Move | null> } {
const availableSpaces = findDisputedTerritory(boardState, player, smart);
const contestedPoints = getDisputedTerritoryMoves(boardState, player, availableSpaces);
const expansionMoves = getExpansionMoveArray(boardState, player, availableSpaces);
@ -735,61 +739,73 @@ async function getMoveOptions(
// needlessly extend the game, unless they actually can change the score
const endGameAvailable = !contestedPoints.length && boardState.passCount;
const growthMove = endGameAvailable ? null : await getGrowthMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces, rng);
await sleep(80);
const expansionMove = await getExpansionMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces, rng, expansionMoves);
await sleep(80);
const jumpMove = await getJumpMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces, rng, expansionMoves);
await sleep(80);
const defendMove = await getDefendMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces);
await sleep(80);
const surroundMove = await getSurroundMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces, smart);
await sleep(80);
const eyeMove = endGameAvailable ? null : getEyeCreationMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces);
await sleep(80);
const eyeBlock = endGameAvailable ? null : getEyeBlockingMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces);
await sleep(80);
const cornerMove = getCornerMove(boardState);
const pattern = endGameAvailable
? null
: await findAnyMatchedPatterns(boardState, player, availableSpaces, smart, rng);
// Only offer a random move if there are some contested spaces on the board.
// (Random move should not be picked if the AI would otherwise pass turn.)
const random = contestedPoints.length ? availableSpaces[floor(rng * availableSpaces.length)] : null;
const captureMove = surroundMove && surroundMove?.newLibertyCount === 0 ? surroundMove : null;
const defendCaptureMove =
defendMove && defendMove.oldLibertyCount == 1 && defendMove?.newLibertyCount > 1 ? defendMove : null;
console.debug("capture: ", captureMove?.point?.x, captureMove?.point?.y);
console.debug("defendCapture: ", defendCaptureMove?.point?.x, defendCaptureMove?.point?.y);
console.debug("eyeMove: ", eyeMove?.point?.x, eyeMove?.point?.y);
console.debug("eyeBlock: ", eyeBlock?.point?.x, eyeBlock?.point?.y);
console.debug("pattern: ", pattern?.x, pattern?.y);
console.debug("surround: ", surroundMove?.point?.x, surroundMove?.point?.y);
console.debug("defend: ", defendMove?.point?.x, defendMove?.point?.y);
console.debug("Growth: ", growthMove?.point?.x, growthMove?.point?.y);
console.debug("Expansion: ", expansionMove?.point?.x, expansionMove?.point?.y);
console.debug("Jump: ", jumpMove?.point?.x, jumpMove?.point?.y);
console.debug("Corner: ", cornerMove?.x, cornerMove?.y);
console.debug("Random: ", random?.x, random?.y);
return {
capture: captureMove,
defendCapture: defendCaptureMove,
eyeMove: eyeMove,
eyeBlock: eyeBlock,
pattern: pattern,
growth: growthMove,
expansion: expansionMove,
jump: jumpMove,
defend: defendMove,
surround: surroundMove,
corner: cornerMove,
random: random,
const moveOptions: { [s in keyof MoveOptions]: Move | null | undefined } = {
capture: undefined,
defendCapture: undefined,
eyeMove: undefined,
eyeBlock: undefined,
pattern: undefined,
growth: undefined,
expansion: undefined,
jump: undefined,
defend: undefined,
surround: undefined,
corner: undefined,
random: undefined,
const moveOptionGetters: { [s in keyof MoveOptions]: () => Promise<Move | null> } = {
capture: async () => {
const surroundMove = await retrieveMoveOption("surround");
return surroundMove && surroundMove?.newLibertyCount === 0 ? surroundMove : null;
defendCapture: async () => {
const defendMove = await retrieveMoveOption("defend");
return defendMove &&
defendMove.oldLibertyCount == 1 &&
defendMove?.newLibertyCount &&
defendMove?.newLibertyCount > 1
? defendMove
: null;
eyeMove: async () => (endGameAvailable ? null : getEyeCreationMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces) ?? null),
eyeBlock: async () => (endGameAvailable ? null : getEyeBlockingMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces) ?? null),
pattern: async () => {
const point = endGameAvailable
? null
: await findAnyMatchedPatterns(boardState, player, availableSpaces, smart, rng);
return point ? { point } : null;
growth: async () =>
endGameAvailable ? null : (await getGrowthMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces, rng)) ?? null,
expansion: async () => (await getExpansionMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces, rng, expansionMoves)) ?? null,
jump: async () => (await getJumpMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces, rng, expansionMoves)) ?? null,
defend: async () => (await getDefendMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces)) ?? null,
surround: async () => (await getSurroundMove(boardState, player, availableSpaces, smart)) ?? null,
corner: async () => {
const point = getCornerMove(boardState);
return point ? { point } : null;
random: async () => {
// Only offer a random move if there are some contested spaces on the board.
// (Random move should not be picked if the AI would otherwise pass turn.)
const point = contestedPoints.length ? availableSpaces[floor(rng * availableSpaces.length)] : null;
return point ? { point } : null;
async function retrieveMoveOption(id: keyof typeof moveOptions): Promise<Move | null> {
await sleep(100);
if (moveOptions[id] !== undefined) {
return moveOptions[id] ?? null;
const move = (await moveOptionGetters[id]()) ?? null;
moveOptions[id] = move;
return move;
return moveOptionGetters;
@ -110,24 +110,25 @@ export type PlayerColor = playerColors.white | playerColors.black | playerColors
export type Board = (PointState | null)[][];
export type MoveOptions = {
capture: Move | null;
defendCapture: Move | null;
eyeMove: EyeMove | null;
eyeBlock: EyeMove | null;
pattern: PointState | null;
growth: Move | null;
expansion: Move | null;
jump: Move | null;
defend: Move | null;
surround: Move | null;
corner: PointState | null;
random: PointState | null;
capture: () => Promise<Move | null>;
defendCapture: () => Promise<Move | null>;
eyeMove: () => Promise<Move | null>;
eyeBlock: () => Promise<Move | null>;
pattern: () => Promise<Move | null>;
growth: () => Promise<Move | null>;
expansion: () => Promise<Move | null>;
jump: () => Promise<Move | null>;
defend: () => Promise<Move | null>;
surround: () => Promise<Move | null>;
corner: () => Promise<Move | null>;
random: () => Promise<Move | null>;
export type Move = {
point: PointState;
oldLibertyCount: number | null;
newLibertyCount: number | null;
oldLibertyCount?: number | null;
newLibertyCount?: number | null;
createsLife?: boolean;
export type EyeMove = {
@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ export async function makePlayerMove(logger: (s: string) => void, x: number, y:
logger(`Go move played: ${x}, ${y}`);
const playerUpdatedBoard = getStateCopy(result);
return getAIMove(logger, playerUpdatedBoard);
const response = getAIMove(logger, playerUpdatedBoard);
await sleep(300);
return response;
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ async function getAIMove(logger: (s: string) => void, boardState: BoardState, su
logger(`Opponent played move: ${result.x}, ${result.y}`);
await sleep(200);
await sleep(400);
resolve({ ...result, success });
return aiMoveResult;
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ export function NetscriptGo(): InternalAPI<Go> {
passTurn: (ctx: NetscriptContext) => async (): Promise<Play> => {
if (Player.go.boardState.previousPlayer === playerColors.black) {
helpers.log(ctx, () => `It is not your turn; you cannot pass.`);
helpers.log(ctx, () => `Do you have multiple scripts running, or did you forget to await makeMove() ?`);
return Promise.resolve(invalidMoveResponse);
return handlePassTurn(logger(ctx));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user