+ This page displays a list of all of your scripts that are currently + running across every machine. It also provides information about each + script's production. The scripts are categorized by the hostname of + the servers on which they are running. +
+ +
+ Total online production of Active scripts:
+ {numeralWrapper.formatMoney(onlineProduction)}
+ / sec
+ Total online production since last Aug installation:
+ {numeralWrapper.formatMoney(props.p.scriptProdSinceLastAug)}
+ (
+ {numeralWrapper.formatMoney(prodRateSinceLastAug)}
+ / sec
+ )
Threads: {props.workerScript.scriptRef.threads}+
Args: {arrayToString(props.workerScript.args)}+
Online Time: {convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(scriptRef.onlineRunningTime * 1e3)}+
Offline Time: {convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(scriptRef.offlineRunningTime * 1e3)}+
Total online production: {numeralWrapper.formatMoney(scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade)}+
{(Array(26).join(" ") + numeralWrapper.formatBigNumber(scriptRef.onlineExpGained) + " hacking exp")}+
Online production rate: {numeralWrapper.formatMoney(onlineMps)} / second+
{(Array(25).join(" ") + numeralWrapper.formatBigNumber(onlineEps) + " hacking exp / second")}+
Total offline production: {numeralWrapper.formatMoney(scriptRef.offlineMoneyMade)}+
{(Array(27).join(" ") + numeralWrapper.formatBigNumber(scriptRef.offlineExpGained) + " hacking exp")}+
Offline production rate: {numeralWrapper.formatMoney(offlineMps)} / second+
{(Array(26).join(" ") + numeralWrapper.formatBigNumber(offlineEps) + " hacking exp / second")}+ +