0;x--)h="0"+h;return k>-1&&(h=h.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,"$1"+m.delimiters.thousands)),0===c.indexOf(".")&&(h=""),l=h+v+(q?q:""),n?l=(n&&w?"(":"")+l+(n&&w?")":""):j>=0?l=0===j?(w?"-":"+")+l:l+(w?"-":"+"):w&&(l="-"+l),l},stringToNumber:function(a){var b,c,d,e=f[h.currentLocale],g=a,i={thousand:3,million:6,billion:9,trillion:12};if(h.zeroFormat&&a===h.zeroFormat)c=0;else if(h.nullFormat&&a===h.nullFormat||!a.replace(/[^0-9]+/g,"").length)c=null;else{c=1,"."!==e.delimiters.decimal&&(a=a.replace(/\./g,"").replace(e.delimiters.decimal,"."));for(b in i)if(d=new RegExp("[^a-zA-Z]"+e.abbreviations[b]+"(?:\\)|(\\"+e.currency.symbol+")?(?:\\))?)?$"),g.match(d)){c*=Math.pow(10,i[b]);break}c*=(a.split("-").length+Math.min(a.split("(").length-1,a.split(")").length-1))%2?1:-1,a=a.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,""),c*=Number(a)}return c},isNaN:function(a){return"number"==typeof a&&isNaN(a)},includes:function(a,b){return-1!==a.indexOf(b)},insert:function(a,b,c){return a.slice(0,c)+b+a.slice(c)},reduce:function(a,b){if(null===this)throw new TypeError("Array.prototype.reduce called on null or undefined");if("function"!=typeof b)throw new TypeError(b+" is not a function");var c,d=Object(a),e=d.length>>>0,f=0;if(3===arguments.length)c=arguments[2];else{for(;e>f&&!(f in d);)f++;if(f>=e)throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");c=d[f++]}for(;e>f;f++)f in d&&(c=b(c,d[f],f,d));return c},multiplier:function(a){var b=a.toString().split(".");return b.length<2?1:Math.pow(10,b[1].length)},correctionFactor:function(){var a=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);return a.reduce(function(a,b){var d=c.multiplier(b);return a>d?a:d},1)},toFixed:function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h,i=a.toString().split("."),j=b-(d||0);return e=2===i.length?Math.min(Math.max(i[1].length,j),b):j,g=Math.pow(10,e),h=(c(a+"e+"+e)/g).toFixed(e),d>b-e&&(f=new RegExp("\\.?0{1,"+(d-(b-e))+"}$"),h=h.replace(f,"")),h}},b.options=h,b.formats=e,b.locales=f,b.locale=function(a){return a&&(h.currentLocale=a.toLowerCase()),h.currentLocale},b.localeData=function(a){if(!a)return f[h.currentLocale];if(a=a.toLowerCase(),!f[a])throw new Error("Unknown locale : "+a);return f[a]},b.reset=function(){for(var a in g)h[a]=g[a]},b.zeroFormat=function(a){h.zeroFormat="string"==typeof a?a:null},b.nullFormat=function(a){h.nullFormat="string"==typeof a?a:null},b.defaultFormat=function(a){h.defaultFormat="string"==typeof a?a:"0.0"},b.register=function(a,b,c){if(b=b.toLowerCase(),this[a+"s"][b])throw new TypeError(b+" "+a+" already registered.");return this[a+"s"][b]=c,c},b.validate=function(a,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if("string"!=typeof a&&(a+="",console.warn&&console.warn("Numeral.js: Value is not string. It has been co-erced to: ",a)),a=a.trim(),a.match(/^\d+$/))return!0;if(""===a)return!1;try{j=b.localeData(c)}catch(l){j=b.localeData(b.locale())}return f=j.currency.symbol,h=j.abbreviations,d=j.delimiters.decimal,e="."===j.delimiters.thousands?"\\.":j.delimiters.thousands,k=a.match(/^[^\d]+/),null!==k&&(a=a.substr(1),k[0]!==f)?!1:(k=a.match(/[^\d]+$/),null!==k&&(a=a.slice(0,-1),k[0]!==h.thousand&&k[0]!==h.million&&k[0]!==h.billion&&k[0]!==h.trillion)?!1:(i=new RegExp(e+"{2}"),a.match(/[^\d.,]/g)?!1:(g=a.split(d),g.length>2?!1:g.length<2?!!g[0].match(/^\d+.*\d$/)&&!g[0].match(i):1===g[0].length?!!g[0].match(/^\d+$/)&&!g[0].match(i)&&!!g[1].match(/^\d+$/):!!g[0].match(/^\d+.*\d$/)&&!g[0].match(i)&&!!g[1].match(/^\d+$/))))},b.fn=a.prototype={clone:function(){return b(this)},format:function(a,c){var d,f,g,i=this._value,j=a||h.defaultFormat;if(c=c||Math.round,0===i&&null!==h.zeroFormat)f=h.zeroFormat;else if(null===i&&null!==h.nullFormat)f=h.nullFormat;else{for(d in e)if(j.match(e[d].regexps.format)){g=e[d].format;break}g=g||b._.numberToFormat,f=g(i,j,c)}return f},value:function(){return this._value},input:function(){return this._input},set:function(a){return this._value=Number(a),this},add:function(a){function b(a,b,c,e){return a+Math.round(d*b)}var d=c.correctionFactor.call(null,this._value,a);return this._value=c.reduce([this._value,a],b,0)/d,this},subtract:function(a){function b(a,b,c,e){return a-Math.round(d*b)}var d=c.correctionFactor.call(null,this._value,a);return this._value=c.reduce([a],b,Math.round(this._value*d))/d,this},multiply:function(a){function b(a,b,d,e){var f=c.correctionFactor(a,b);return Math.round(a*f)*Math.round(b*f)/Math.round(f*f)}return this._value=c.reduce([this._value,a],b,1),this},divide:function(a){function b(a,b,d,e){var f=c.correctionFactor(a,b);return Math.round(a*f)/Math.round(b*f)}return this._value=c.reduce([this._value,a],b),this},difference:function(a){return Math.abs(b(this._value).subtract(a).value())}},b.register("locale","en",{delimiters:{thousands:",",decimal:"."},abbreviations:{thousand:"k",million:"m",billion:"b",trillion:"t"},ordinal:function(a){var b=a%10;return 1===~~(a%100/10)?"th":1===b?"st":2===b?"nd":3===b?"rd":"th"},currency:{symbol:"$"}}),function(){b.register("format","bps",{regexps:{format:/(BPS)/,unformat:/(BPS)/},format:function(a,c,d){var e,f=b._.includes(c," BPS")?" ":"";return a=1e4*a,c=c.replace(/\s?BPS/,""),e=b._.numberToFormat(a,c,d),b._.includes(e,")")?(e=e.split(""),e.splice(-1,0,f+"BPS"),e=e.join("")):e=e+f+"BPS",e},unformat:function(a){return+(1e-4*b._.stringToNumber(a)).toFixed(15)}})}(),function(){var a={base:1e3,suffixes:["B","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB"]},c={base:1024,suffixes:["B","KiB","MiB","GiB","TiB","PiB","EiB","ZiB","YiB"]},d=a.suffixes.concat(c.suffixes.filter(function(b){return a.suffixes.indexOf(b)<0})),e=d.join("|");e="("+e.replace("B","B(?!PS)")+")",b.register("format","bytes",{regexps:{format:/([0\s]i?b)/,unformat:new RegExp(e)},format:function(d,e,f){var g,h,i,j,k=b._.includes(e,"ib")?c:a,l=b._.includes(e," b")||b._.includes(e," ib")?" ":"";for(e=e.replace(/\s?i?b/,""),h=0;h<=k.suffixes.length;h++)if(i=Math.pow(k.base,h),j=Math.pow(k.base,h+1),null===d||0===d||d>=i&&j>d){l+=k.suffixes[h],i>0&&(d/=i);break}return g=b._.numberToFormat(d,e,f),g+l},unformat:function(d){var e,f,g=b._.stringToNumber(d);if(g){for(e=a.suffixes.length-1;e>=0;e--){if(b._.includes(d,a.suffixes[e])){f=Math.pow(a.base,e);break}if(b._.includes(d,c.suffixes[e])){f=Math.pow(c.base,e);break}}g*=f||1}return g}})}(),function(){b.register("format","currency",{regexps:{format:/(\$)/},format:function(a,c,d){var e,f,g,h=b.locales[b.options.currentLocale],i={before:c.match(/^([\+|\-|\(|\s|\$]*)/)[0],after:c.match(/([\+|\-|\)|\s|\$]*)$/)[0]};for(c=c.replace(/\s?\$\s?/,""),e=b._.numberToFormat(a,c,d),a>=0?(i.before=i.before.replace(/[\-\(]/,""),i.after=i.after.replace(/[\-\)]/,"")):0>a&&!b._.includes(i.before,"-")&&!b._.includes(i.before,"(")&&(i.before="-"+i.before),g=0;g
" +
- "This is the first BitNode that you play through. It has no special " +
- "modifications or mechanics.
" +
- "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 1, or if you already have " +
- "this Source-File it will upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File " +
- "lets the player start with 32GB of RAM on his/her home computer when entering a " +
- "new BitNode, and also increases all of the player's multipliers by:
" +
- "Level 1: 16%
" +
- "Level 2: 24%
" +
- "Level 3: 28%");
- BitNodes["BitNode2"] = new BitNode(2, "Rise of the Underworld", "From the shadows, they rose", //Gangs
- "From the shadows, they rose.
Organized crime groups quickly filled the void of power " +
- "left behind from the collapse of Western government in the 2050's. As society and civlization broke down, " +
- "people quickly succumbed to the innate human impulse of evil and savagery. The organized crime " +
- "factions quickly rose to the top of the modern world.
" +
- "In this BitNode:
The maximum amount of money available on a server is significantly decreased
" +
- "The amount of money gained from crimes and Infiltration is tripled
" +
- "Certain Factions (Slum Snakes, Tetrads, The Syndicate, The Dark Army, Speakers for the Dead, " +
- "NiteSec, The Black Hand) give the player the ability to form and manage their own gangs. These gangs " +
- "will earn the player money and reputation with the corresponding Faction
" +
- "Every Augmentation in the game will be available through the Factions listed above
" +
- "For every Faction NOT listed above, reputation gains are halved
" +
- "You will no longer gain passive reputation with Factions
" +
- "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 2, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
- "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File increases the player's crime success rate, " +
- "crime money, and charisma multipliers by:
" +
- "Level 1: 20%
" +
- "Level 2: 30%
" +
- "Level 3: 35%");
- BitNodes["BitNode3"] = new BitNode(3, "Corporatocracy", "The Price of Civilization",
- "Our greatest illusion is that a healthy society can revolve around a " +
- "single-minded pursuit of wealth.
" +
- "Sometime in the early 21st century economic and political globalization turned " +
- "the world into a corporatocracy, and it never looked back. Now, the privileged " +
- "elite will happily bankrupt their own countrymen, decimate their own community, " +
- "and evict their neighbors from houses in their desperate bid to increase their wealth.
" +
- "In this BitNode you can create and manage your own corporation. Running a successful corporation " +
- "has the potential of generating massive profits. All other forms of income are reduced by 75%. Furthermore:
" +
- "The price and reputation cost of all Augmentations is tripled
" +
- "The starting and maximum amount of money on servers is reduced by 75%
" +
- "Server growth rate is reduced by 80%
" +
- "You will start out with $150b so that you can start your corporation
" +
- "You now only need 75 reputation with a faction in order to donate to it, rather than 150
" +
- "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 3, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
- "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File lets you create corporations on other BitNodes (although " +
- "some BitNodes will disable this mechanic). This Source-File also increases your charisma and company salary multipliers by:
" +
- "Level 1: 8%
" +
- "Level 2: 12%
" +
- "Level 3: 14%");
- BitNodes["BitNode4"] = new BitNode(4, "The Singularity", "The Man and the Machine", "The Singularity has arrived. The human race is gone, replaced " +
- "by artificially superintelligent beings that are more machine than man.
" +
- "In this BitNode, progressing is significantly harder. Experience gain rates " +
- "for all stats are reduced. Most methods of earning money will now give significantly less.
" +
- "In this BitNode you will gain access to a new set of Netscript Functions known as Singularity Functions. " +
- "These functions allow you to control most aspects of the game through scripts, including working for factions/companies, " +
- "purchasing/installing Augmentations, and creating programs.
" +
- "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 4, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
- "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File lets you access and use the Singularity " +
- "Functions in other BitNodes. Each level of this Source-File will open up more Singularity Functions " +
- "that you can use.");
- BitNodes["BitNode5"] = new BitNode(5, "Artificial Intelligence", "Posthuman", "They said it couldn't be done. They said the human brain, " +
- "along with its consciousness and intelligence, couldn't be replicated. They said the complexity " +
- "of the brain results from unpredictable, nonlinear interactions that couldn't be modeled " +
- "by 1's and 0's. They were wrong.
" +
- "In this BitNode:
" +
- "The base security level of servers is doubled
" +
- "The starting money on servers is halved, but the maximum money remains the same
" +
- "Most methods of earning money now give significantly less
" +
- "Infiltration gives 50% more reputation and money
" +
- "Corporations have 50% lower valuations and are therefore less profitable
" +
- "Augmentations are more expensive
" +
- "Hacking experience gain rates are reduced
" +
- "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 5, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
- "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File grants you a special new stat called Intelligence. " +
- "Intelligence is unique because it is permanent and persistent (it never gets reset back to 1). However " +
- "gaining Intelligence experience is much slower than other stats, and it is also hidden (you won't know " +
- "when you gain experience and how much). Higher Intelligence levels will boost your production for many actions " +
- "in the game.
" +
- "In addition, this Source-File will unlock the getBitNodeMultipliers() Netscript function, " +
- "and will also raise all of your hacking-related multipliers by:
" +
- "Level 1: 4%
" +
- "Level 2: 6%
" +
- "Level 3: 7%");
- BitNodes["BitNode6"] = new BitNode(6, "Bladeburners", "Like Tears in Rain",
- "In the middle of the 21st century, OmniTek Incorporated began designing and manufacturing advanced synthetic " +
- "androids, or Synthoids for short. They achieved a major technological breakthrough in the sixth generation " +
- "of their Synthoid design, called MK-VI, by developing a hyperintelligent AI. Many argue that this was " +
- "the first sentient AI ever created. This resulted in Synthoid models that were stronger, faster, and more intelligent " +
- "than the humans that had created them.
" +
- "In this BitNode you will be able to access the Bladeburner Division at the NSA, which provides a new mechanic " +
- "for progression. Furthermore:
" +
- "Hacking and Hacknet Nodes will be significantly less profitable
" +
- "Your hacking level is reduced by 50%
" +
- "Hacking experience gain from scripts is reduced by 80%
" +
- "Corporations have 80% lower valuations and are therefore less profitable
" +
- "Working for companies is 50% less profitable
" +
- "Crimes and Infiltration are 75% less profitable
" +
- "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 6, or if you already have this Source-File it will upgrade " +
- "its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File allows you to access the NSA's Bladeburner Division in other " +
- "BitNodes. In addition, this Source-File will raise the experience gain rate of all your combat stats by:
" +
- "Level 1: 8%
" +
- "Level 2: 12%
" +
- "Level 3: 14%");
- BitNodes["BitNode7"] = new BitNode(7, "Hacktocracy", "COMING SOON"); //Healthy Hacknet balancing mechanic
- BitNodes["BitNode8"] = new BitNode(8, "Ghost of Wall Street", "Money never sleeps",
- "You are trying to make a name for yourself as an up-and-coming hedge fund manager on Wall Street.
" +
- "In this BitNode:
" +
- "You start with $100 million
" +
- "The only way to earn money is by trading on the stock market
" +
- "You start with a WSE membership and access to the TIX API
" +
- "You are able to short stocks and place different types of orders (limit/stop)
" +
- "You can immediately donate to factions to gain reputation
" +
- "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 8, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
- "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File grants the following benefits:
" +
- "Level 1: Permanent access to WSE and TIX API
" +
- "Level 2: Ability to short stocks in other BitNodes
" +
- "Level 3: Ability to use limit/stop orders in other BitNodes
" +
- "This Source-File also increases your hacking growth multipliers by: " +
- "
Level 1: 8%
Level 2: 12%
Level 3: 14%");
- BitNodes["BitNode9"] = new BitNode(9, "Do Androids Dream?", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode10"] = new BitNode(10, "MegaCorp", "COMING SOON"); //Not sure yet
- BitNodes["BitNode11"] = new BitNode(11, "The Big Crash", "Okay. Sell it all.",
- "The 2050s was defined by the massive amounts of violent civil unrest and anarchic rebellion that rose all around the world. It was this period " +
- "of disorder that eventually lead to the governmental reformation of many global superpowers, most notably " +
- "the USA and China. But just as the world was slowly beginning to recover from these dark times, financial catastrophe hit.
" +
- "In many countries, the high cost of trying to deal with the civil disorder bankrupted the governments. In all of this chaos and confusion, hackers " +
- "were able to steal billions of dollars from the world's largest electronic banks, prompting an international banking crisis as " +
- "governments were unable to bail out insolvent banks. Now, the world is slowly crumbling in the middle of the biggest economic crisis of all time.
" +
- "In this BitNode:
" +
- "The starting and maximum amount of money available on servers is significantly decreased
" +
- "The growth rate of servers is halved
" +
- "Weakening a server is twice as effective
" +
- "Company wages are decreased by 50%
" +
- "Corporation valuations are 99% lower and are therefore significantly less profitable
" +
- "Hacknet Node production is significantly decreased
" +
- "Crime and Infiltration are more lucrative
" +
- "Augmentations are twice as expensive
" +
- "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 11, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
- "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File makes it so that company favor increases BOTH " +
- "the player's salary and reputation gain rate at that company by 1% per favor (rather than just the reputation gain). " +
- "This Source-File also increases the player's company salary and reputation gain multipliers by:
" +
- "Level 1: 24%
" +
- "Level 2: 36%
" +
- "Level 3: 42%");
- //Books: Frontera, Shiner
- BitNodes["BitNode12"] = new BitNode(12, "fOS", "COMING SOON"); //Unlocks the new game mode and the rest of the BitNodes
- BitNodes["BitNode13"] = new BitNode(13, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode14"] = new BitNode(14, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode15"] = new BitNode(15, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode16"] = new BitNode(16, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode17"] = new BitNode(17, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode18"] = new BitNode(18, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode19"] = new BitNode(19, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode20"] = new BitNode(20, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode21"] = new BitNode(21, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode22"] = new BitNode(22, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode23"] = new BitNode(23, "", "COMING SOON");
- BitNodes["BitNode24"] = new BitNode(24, "", "COMING SOON");
-let BitNodeMultipliers = {
- HackingLevelMultiplier: 1,
- ServerMaxMoney: 1,
- ServerStartingMoney: 1,
- ServerGrowthRate: 1,
- ServerWeakenRate: 1,
- ServerStartingSecurity: 1,
- ManualHackMoney: 1,
- ScriptHackMoney: 1,
- CompanyWorkMoney: 1,
- CrimeMoney: 1,
- HacknetNodeMoney: 1,
- CompanyWorkExpGain: 1,
- ClassGymExpGain: 1,
- FactionWorkExpGain: 1,
- HackExpGain: 1,
- CrimeExpGain: 1,
- FactionWorkRepGain: 1,
- FactionPassiveRepGain: 1,
- RepToDonateToFaction: 1,
- AugmentationRepCost: 1,
- AugmentationMoneyCost: 1,
- InfiltrationMoney: 1,
- InfiltrationRep: 1,
- CorporationValuation: 1,
-function initBitNodeMultipliers() {
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Player"].bitNodeN == null) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Player"].bitNodeN = 1;
- }
- for (var mult in BitNodeMultipliers) {
- if (BitNodeMultipliers.hasOwnProperty(mult)) {
- BitNodeMultipliers[mult] = 1;
- }
- }
- switch (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Player"].bitNodeN) {
- case 1: //Source Genesis (every multiplier is 1)
- break;
- case 2: //Rise of the Underworld
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.4;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 3;
- BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 3;
- BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkRepGain = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.FactionPassiveRepGain = 0;
- break;
- case 3: //Corporatocracy
- BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationRepCost = 3;
- BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 3;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.25;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.25;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerGrowthRate = 0.20;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.25;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.25;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.25;
- BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.25;
- break;
- case 4: //The Singularity
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.15;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.75;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.1;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.05;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkExpGain = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ClassGymExpGain = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkExpGain = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = 0.4;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeExpGain = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkRepGain = 0.75;
- break;
- case 5: //Artificial intelligence
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingSecurity = 2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.15;
- BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep = 1.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 1.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0.5;
- break;
- case 6: //Bladeburner
- BitNodeMultipliers.HackingLevelMultiplier = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingSecurity = 1.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.25;
- BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 0.25;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0.2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.FactionPassiveRepGain = 0;
- BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = 0.2;
- break;
- case 8: //Ghost of Wall Street
- BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ManualHackMoney = 0;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0;
- BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0;
- BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 0;
- BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction = 0;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0;
- break;
- case 11: //The Big Crash
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.1;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.1;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerGrowthRate = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.ServerWeakenRate = 2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 3;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.1;
- BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 2;
- BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 2.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep = 2.5;
- BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0.01;
- break;
- default:
- console.log("WARNING: Player.bitNodeN invalid");
- break;
- }
-/***/ }),
-/* 16 */
- !*** ./utils/IPAddress.js ***!
- \****************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createRandomIp", function() { return createRandomIp; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "ipExists", function() { return ipExists; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "isValidIPAddress", function() { return isValidIPAddress; });
-/* harmony import */ var _src_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../src/Server.js */ 10);
-/* Functions to deal with manipulating IP addresses*/
-//Generate a random IP address
-//Will not return an IP address that already exists in the AllServers array
-function createRandomIp() {
- var ip = createRandomByte(99) +'.' +
- createRandomByte(9) +'.' +
- createRandomByte(9) +'.' +
- createRandomByte(9);
- //If the Ip already exists, recurse to create a new one
- if (ipExists(ip)) {
- return createRandomIp();
- }
- return ip;
-//Returns true if the IP already exists in one of the game's servers
-function ipExists(ip) {
- for (var property in _src_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["AllServers"]) {
- if (_src_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["AllServers"].hasOwnProperty(property)) {
- if (property == ip) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-function createRandomByte(n=9) {
- return Math.round(Math.random()*n);
-function isValidIPAddress(ipaddress) {
- if (/^(25[0-6]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-6]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-6]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-6]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/.test(ipaddress))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-/***/ }),
-/* 17 */
- !*** ./src/SpecialServerIps.js ***!
- \*********************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "SpecialServerNames", function() { return SpecialServerNames; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "SpecialServerIps", function() { return SpecialServerIps; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "SpecialServerIpsMap", function() { return SpecialServerIpsMap; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "loadSpecialServerIps", function() { return loadSpecialServerIps; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "prestigeSpecialServerIps", function() { return prestigeSpecialServerIps; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "initSpecialServerIps", function() { return initSpecialServerIps; });
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver.js */ 8);
-/* Holds IP of Special Servers */
-let SpecialServerNames = {
- FulcrumSecretTechnologies: "Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server",
- CyberSecServer: "CyberSec Server",
- NiteSecServer: "NiteSec Server",
- TheBlackHandServer: "The Black Hand Server",
- BitRunnersServer: "BitRunners Server",
- TheDarkArmyServer: "The Dark Army Server",
- DaedalusServer: "Daedalus Server",
- WorldDaemon: "w0r1d_d43m0n",
-function SpecialServerIpsMap() {}
-SpecialServerIpsMap.prototype.addIp = function(name, ip) {
- this[name] = ip;
-SpecialServerIpsMap.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Generic_toJSON"])("SpecialServerIpsMap", this);
-SpecialServerIpsMap.fromJSON = function(value) {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Generic_fromJSON"])(SpecialServerIpsMap, value.data);
-_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Reviver"].constructors.SpecialServerIpsMap = SpecialServerIpsMap;
-let SpecialServerIps = new SpecialServerIpsMap();
-function prestigeSpecialServerIps() {
- for (var member in SpecialServerIps) {
- delete SpecialServerIps[member];
- }
- SpecialServerIps = null;
- SpecialServerIps = new SpecialServerIpsMap();
-function loadSpecialServerIps(saveString) {
- SpecialServerIps = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Reviver"]);
-function initSpecialServerIps() {
- SpecialServerIps = new SpecialServerIpsMap();
-/***/ }),
-/* 18 */
- !*** ./src/Augmentations.js ***!
- \******************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "AugmentationNames", function() { return AugmentationNames; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Augmentations", function() { return Augmentations; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "PlayerOwnedAugmentation", function() { return PlayerOwnedAugmentation; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "installAugmentations", function() { return installAugmentations; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "initAugmentations", function() { return initAugmentations; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "applyAugmentation", function() { return applyAugmentation; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "augmentationExists", function() { return augmentationExists; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Augmentation", function() { return Augmentation; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "displayAugmentationsContent", function() { return displayAugmentationsContent; });
-/* harmony import */ var _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode.js */ 15);
-/* harmony import */ var _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants.js */ 3);
-/* harmony import */ var _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine.js */ 5);
-/* harmony import */ var _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction.js */ 11);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptFunctions.js */ 29);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker.js */ 20);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _Prestige_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Prestige.js */ 57);
-/* harmony import */ var _SaveObject_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SaveObject.js */ 46);
-/* harmony import */ var _Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Script.js */ 28);
-/* harmony import */ var _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server.js */ 10);
-/* harmony import */ var _SourceFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SourceFile.js */ 42);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox.js */ 6);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/HelperFunctions.js */ 1);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver.js */ 8);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js */ 2);
-function Augmentation(params) {
- if (params.name == null || params.info == null || params.moneyCost == null || params.repCost == null) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERROR Creating Augmentations. This is a bug please contact game dev");
- return;
- }
- this.name = params.name;
- this.info = params.info;
- this.owned = false;
- this.prereqs = params.prereqs ? params.prereqs : [];
- //Price and reputation base requirements (can change based on faction multipliers)
- this.baseRepRequirement = params.repCost * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].AugmentationRepMultiplier * _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].AugmentationRepCost;
- this.baseCost = params.moneyCost * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].AugmentationCostMultiplier * _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].AugmentationMoneyCost;
- //Level - Only applicable for some augmentations
- // NeuroFlux Governor
- this.level = 0;
-//Takes in an array of faction names and adds this augmentation to all of those factions
-Augmentation.prototype.addToFactions = function(factionList) {
- for (var i = 0; i < factionList.length; ++i) {
- var faction = _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"][factionList[i]];
- if (faction == null) {
- throw new Error("In Augmentation.addToFactions(), could not find faction with this name:" + factionList[i]);
- continue;
- }
- faction.augmentations.push(this.name);
- }
-Augmentation.prototype.addToAllFactions = function() {
- for (var fac in _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"]) {
- if (_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"].hasOwnProperty(fac)) {
- var facObj = _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"][fac];
- if (facObj == null) {
- console.log("ERROR: Invalid faction object");
- continue;
- }
- facObj.augmentations.push(this.name);
- }
- }
-Augmentation.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_toJSON"])("Augmentation", this);
-Augmentation.fromJSON = function(value) {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Augmentation, value.data);
-_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Reviver"].constructors.Augmentation = Augmentation;
-let Augmentations = {}
-function AddToAugmentations(aug) {
- var name = aug.name;
- Augmentations[name] = aug;
-let AugmentationNames = {
- Targeting1: "Augmented Targeting I",
- Targeting2: "Augmented Targeting II",
- Targeting3: "Augmented Targeting III",
- SyntheticHeart: "Synthetic Heart",
- SynfibrilMuscle: "Synfibril Muscle",
- CombatRib1: "Combat Rib I",
- CombatRib2: "Combat Rib II",
- CombatRib3: "Combat Rib III",
- NanofiberWeave: "Nanofiber Weave",
- SubdermalArmor: "NEMEAN Subdermal Weave",
- WiredReflexes: "Wired Reflexes",
- GrapheneBoneLacings: "Graphene Bone Lacings",
- BionicSpine: "Bionic Spine",
- GrapheneBionicSpine: "Graphene Bionic Spine Upgrade",
- BionicLegs: "Bionic Legs",
- GrapheneBionicLegs: "Graphene Bionic Legs Upgrade",
- SpeechProcessor: "Speech Processor Implant",
- TITN41Injection: "TITN-41 Gene-Modification Injection",
- EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant: "Enhanced Social Interaction Implant",
- BitWire: "BitWire",
- ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork: "Artificial Bio-neural Network Implant",
- ArtificialSynapticPotentiation: "Artificial Synaptic Potentiation",
- EnhancedMyelinSheathing: "Enhanced Myelin Sheathing",
- SynapticEnhancement: "Synaptic Enhancement Implant",
- NeuralRetentionEnhancement: "Neural-Retention Enhancement",
- DataJack: "DataJack",
- ENM: "Embedded Netburner Module",
- ENMCore: "Embedded Netburner Module Core Implant",
- ENMCoreV2: "Embedded Netburner Module Core V2 Upgrade",
- ENMCoreV3: "Embedded Netburner Module Core V3 Upgrade",
- ENMAnalyzeEngine: "Embedded Netburner Module Analyze Engine",
- ENMDMA: "Embedded Netburner Module Direct Memory Access Upgrade",
- Neuralstimulator: "Neuralstimulator",
- NeuralAccelerator: "Neural Accelerator",
- CranialSignalProcessorsG1: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen I",
- CranialSignalProcessorsG2: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen II",
- CranialSignalProcessorsG3: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen III",
- CranialSignalProcessorsG4: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen IV",
- CranialSignalProcessorsG5: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen V",
- NeuronalDensification: "Neuronal Densification",
- NuoptimalInjectorImplant: "Nuoptimal Nootropic Injector Implant",
- SpeechEnhancement: "Speech Enhancement",
- FocusWire: "FocusWire",
- PCDNI: "PC Direct-Neural Interface",
- PCDNIOptimizer: "PC Direct-Neural Interface Optimization Submodule",
- PCDNINeuralNetwork: "PC Direct-Neural Interface NeuroNet Injector",
- ADRPheromone1: "ADR-V1 Pheromone Gene",
- ADRPheromone2: "ADR-V2 Pheromone Gene",
- HacknetNodeCPUUpload: "Hacknet Node CPU Architecture Neural-Upload",
- HacknetNodeCacheUpload: "Hacknet Node Cache Architecture Neural-Upload",
- HacknetNodeNICUpload: "Hacknet Node NIC Architecture Neural-Upload",
- HacknetNodeKernelDNI: "Hacknet Node Kernel Direct-Neural Interface",
- HacknetNodeCoreDNI: "Hacknet Node Core Direct-Neural Interface",
- NeuroFluxGovernor: "NeuroFlux Governor",
- Neurotrainer1: "Neurotrainer I",
- Neurotrainer2: "Neurotrainer II",
- Neurotrainer3: "Neurotrainer III",
- Hypersight: "HyperSight Corneal Implant",
- LuminCloaking1: "LuminCloaking-V1 Skin Implant",
- LuminCloaking2: "LuminCloaking-V2 Skin Implant",
- HemoRecirculator: "HemoRecirculator",
- SmartSonar: "SmartSonar Implant",
- PowerRecirculator: "Power Recirculation Core",
- QLink: "QLink",
- TheRedPill: "The Red Pill",
- SPTN97: "SPTN-97 Gene Modification",
- HiveMind: "ECorp HVMind Implant",
- CordiARCReactor: "CordiARC Fusion Reactor",
- SmartJaw: "SmartJaw",
- Neotra: "Neotra",
- Xanipher: "Xanipher",
- nextSENS: "nextSENS Gene Modification",
- OmniTekInfoLoad: "OmniTek InfoLoad",
- PhotosyntheticCells: "Photosynthetic Cells",
- Neurolink: "BitRunners Neurolink",
- TheBlackHand: "The Black Hand",
- CRTX42AA: "CRTX42-AA Gene Modification",
- Neuregen: "Neuregen Gene Modification",
- CashRoot: "CashRoot Starter Kit",
- NutriGen: "NutriGen Implant",
- INFRARet: "INFRARET Enhancement",
- DermaForce: "DermaForce Particle Barrier",
- GrapheneBrachiBlades: "Graphene BranchiBlades Upgrade",
- GrapheneBionicArms: "Graphene Bionic Arms Upgrade",
- BrachiBlades: "BrachiBlades",
- BionicArms: "Bionic Arms",
- SNA: "Social Negotiation Assistant (S.N.A)",
- EsperEyewear: "EsperTech Bladeburner Eyewear",
- EMS4Recombination: "EMS-4 Recombination",
- OrionShoulder: "ORION-MKIV Shoulder",
- HyperionV1: "Hyperion Plasma Cannon V1",
- HyperionV2: "Hyperion Plasma Cannon V2",
- GolemSerum: "GOLEM Serum",
- VangelisVirus: "Vangelis Virus",
- VangelisVirus3: "Vangelis Virus 3.0",
- BladeRunner: "Blade's Runners",
- BladeArmor: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor",
- BladeArmorPowerCells: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: Power Cells Upgrade",
- BladeArmorEnergyShielding: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: Energy Shielding Upgrade",
- BladeArmorUnibeam: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: Unibeam Upgrade",
- BladeArmorOmnibeam: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: Omnibeam Upgrade",
- BladeArmorIPU: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: IPU Upgrade",
- //Wasteland Augs
- //PepBoy: "P.E.P-Boy", Plasma Energy Projection System
- //PepBoyForceField Generates plasma force fields
- //PepBoyBlasts Generate high density plasma concussive blasts
- //PepBoyDataStorage STore more data on pep boy,
-function initAugmentations() {
- for (var name in _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"]) {
- if (_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"].hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"][name].augmentations = [];
- }
- }
- //Reset Augmentations
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["clearObject"])(Augmentations);
- //Combat stat augmentations
- var HemoRecirculator = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.HemoRecirculator, moneyCost: 9e6, repCost:4e3,
- info:"A heart implant that greatly increases the body's ability to effectively use and pump " +
- "blood.
This augmentation increases all of the player's combat stats by 8%."
- });
- HemoRecirculator.addToFactions(["Tetrads", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HemoRecirculator)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HemoRecirculator];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(HemoRecirculator);
- var Targeting1 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Targeting1, moneyCost:3e6, repCost:2e3,
- info:"This cranial implant is embedded within the player's inner ear structure and optic nerves. It regulates and enhances the user's " +
- "balance and hand-eye coordination. It is also capable of augmenting reality by projecting digital information " +
- "directly onto the retina. These enhancements allow the player to better lock-on and keep track of enemies.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's dexterity by 10%."
- });
- Targeting1.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Ishima",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Targeting1)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Targeting1];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Targeting1);
- var Targeting2 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Targeting2, moneyCost:8.5e6, repCost:3.5e3,
- info:"This is an upgrade of the Augmented Targeting I cranial implant, which is capable of augmenting reality " +
- "and enhances the user's balance and hand-eye coordination.
This upgrade increases the player's dexterity " +
- "by an additional 20%.",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.Targeting1]
- });
- Targeting2.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Ishima",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Targeting2)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Targeting2];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Targeting2);
- var Targeting3 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Targeting3, moneyCost:23e6, repCost:11e3,
- info:"This is an upgrade of the Augmented Targeting II cranial implant, which is capable of augmenting reality " +
- "and enhances the user's balance and hand-eye coordination.
This upgrade increases the player's dexterity " +
- "by an additional 30%.",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.Targeting2]
- });
- Targeting3.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "OmniTek Incorporated",
- "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries", "The Covenant"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Targeting3)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Targeting3];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Targeting3);
- var SyntheticHeart = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SyntheticHeart, moneyCost:575e6, repCost:300e3,
- info:"This advanced artificial heart, created from plasteel and graphene, is capable of pumping more blood " +
- "at much higher efficiencies than a normal human heart.
This augmentation increases the player's agility " +
- "and strength by 50%"
- });
- SyntheticHeart.addToFactions(["KuaiGong International", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Speakers for the Dead",
- "NWO", "The Covenant", "Daedalus", "Illuminati"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SyntheticHeart)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SyntheticHeart];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SyntheticHeart);
- var SynfibrilMuscle = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle, repCost:175e3, moneyCost:225e6,
- info:"The myofibrils in human muscles are injected with special chemicals that react with the proteins inside " +
- "the myofibrils, altering their underlying structure. The end result is muscles that are stronger and more elastic. " +
- "Scientists have named these artificially enhanced units 'synfibrils'.
This augmentation increases the player's " +
- "strength and defense by 30%."
- });
- SynfibrilMuscle.addToFactions(["KuaiGong International", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Speakers for the Dead",
- "NWO", "The Covenant", "Daedalus", "Illuminati", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SynfibrilMuscle)
- var CombatRib1 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CombatRib1, repCost:3e3, moneyCost:4750000,
- info:"The human body's ribs are replaced with artificial ribs that automatically and continuously release cognitive " +
- "and performance-enhancing drugs into the bloodstream, improving the user's abilities in combat.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's strength and defense by 10%."
- });
- CombatRib1.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Ishima",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CombatRib1)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CombatRib1];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CombatRib1);
- var CombatRib2 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CombatRib2, repCost:7.5e3, moneyCost:13e6,
- info:"This is an upgrade to the Combat Rib I augmentation, and is capable of releasing even more potent combat-enhancing " +
- "drugs into the bloodstream.
This upgrade increases the player's strength and defense by an additional 14%.",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.CombatRib1]
- });
- CombatRib2.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Ishima",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CombatRib2)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CombatRib2];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CombatRib2);
- var CombatRib3 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CombatRib3, repCost:14e3, moneyCost:24e6,
- info:"This is an upgrade to the Combat Rib II augmentation, and is capable of releasing even more potent combat-enhancing " +
- "drugs into the bloodstream
. This upgrade increases the player's strength and defense by an additional 18%.",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.CombatRib2],
- });
- CombatRib3.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "OmniTek Incorporated",
- "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries", "The Covenant"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CombatRib3)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CombatRib3];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CombatRib3);
- var NanofiberWeave = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.NanofiberWeave, repCost:15e3, moneyCost:25e6,
- info:"Synthetic nanofibers are woven into the skin's extracellular matrix using electrospinning. " +
- "This improves the skin's ability to regenerate itself and protect the body from external stresses and forces.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's strength and defense by 20%."
- });
- NanofiberWeave.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "The Syndicate", "The Dark Army", "Speakers for the Dead",
- "Blade Industries", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "OmniTek Incorporated"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NanofiberWeave)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NanofiberWeave];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(NanofiberWeave);
- var SubdermalArmor = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SubdermalArmor, repCost:350e3, moneyCost:650e6,
- info:"The NEMEAN Subdermal Weave is a thin, light-weight, graphene plating that houses a dilatant fluid. " +
- "The material is implanted underneath the skin, and is the most advanced form of defensive enhancement " +
- "that has ever been created. The dilatant fluid, despite being thin and light, is extremely effective " +
- "at stopping piercing blows and reducing blunt trauma. The properties of graphene allow the plating to " +
- "mitigate damage from any fire-related or electrical traumas.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's defense by 120%."
- });
- SubdermalArmor.addToFactions(["The Syndicate", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Illuminati", "Daedalus",
- "The Covenant"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SubdermalArmor)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SubdermalArmor];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SubdermalArmor);
- var WiredReflexes = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.WiredReflexes, repCost:500, moneyCost:500e3,
- info:"Synthetic nerve-enhancements are injected into all major parts of the somatic nervous system, " +
- "supercharging the body's ability to send signals through neurons. This results in increased reflex speed.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's agility and dexterity by 5%."
- });
- WiredReflexes.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "Slum Snakes", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Aevum", "Ishima",
- "The Syndicate", "The Dark Army", "Speakers for the Dead"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.WiredReflexes)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.WiredReflexes];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(WiredReflexes);
- var GrapheneBoneLacings = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBoneLacings, repCost:450e3, moneyCost:850e6,
- info:"A graphene-based material is grafted and fused into the user's bones, significantly increasing " +
- "their density and tensile strength.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's strength and defense by 70%."
- });
- GrapheneBoneLacings.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "The Covenant"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBoneLacings)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBoneLacings];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBoneLacings);
- var BionicSpine = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BionicSpine, repCost:18e3, moneyCost:25e6,
- info:"An artificial spine created from plasteel and carbon fibers that completely replaces the organic spine. " +
- "Not only is the Bionic Spine physically stronger than a human spine, but it is also capable of digitally " +
- "stimulating and regulating the neural signals that are sent and received by the spinal cord. This results in " +
- "greatly improved senses and reaction speeds.
" +
- "This augmentation increases all of the player's combat stats by 15%."
- });
- BionicSpine.addToFactions(["Speakers for the Dead", "The Syndicate", "KuaiGong International",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BionicSpine)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BionicSpine];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(BionicSpine);
- var GrapheneBionicSpine = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicSpine, repCost:650e3, moneyCost:1200e6,
- info:"An upgrade to the Bionic Spine augmentation. It fuses the implant with an advanced graphene " +
- "material to make it much stronger and lighter.
" +
- "This augmentation increases all of the player's combat stats by 60%.",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BionicSpine],
- });
- GrapheneBionicSpine.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "ECorp"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicSpine)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicSpine];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBionicSpine);
- var BionicLegs = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BionicLegs, repCost:60e3, moneyCost:75e6,
- info:"Cybernetic legs created from plasteel and carbon fibers that completely replace the user's organic legs.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's agility by 60%."
- });
- BionicLegs.addToFactions(["Speakers for the Dead", "The Syndicate", "KuaiGong International",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BionicLegs)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BionicLegs];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(BionicLegs);
- var GrapheneBionicLegs = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicLegs, repCost:300e3, moneyCost:900e6,
- info:"An upgrade to the Bionic Legs augmentation. It fuses the implant with an advanced graphene " +
- "material to make it much stronger and lighter.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's agility by an additional 150%.",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BionicLegs],
- });
- GrapheneBionicLegs.addToFactions(["MegaCorp", "ECorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicLegs)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicLegs];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBionicLegs);
- //Labor stat augmentations
- var SpeechProcessor = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SpeechProcessor, repCost:3e3, moneyCost:10e6,
- info:"A cochlear implant with an embedded computer that analyzes incoming speech. " +
- "The embedded computer processes characteristics of incoming speech, such as tone " +
- "and inflection, to pick up on subtle cues and aid in social interactions.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's charisma by 20%."
- });
- SpeechProcessor.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum",
- "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Silhouette"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SpeechProcessor)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SpeechProcessor];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SpeechProcessor);
- let TITN41Injection = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.TITN41Injection, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:38e6,
- info:"TITN is a series of viruses that targets and alters the sequences of human DNA in genes that " +
- "control personality. The TITN-41 strain alters these genes so that the subject becomes more " +
- "outgoing and socialable.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's charisma and charisma experience gain rate by 15%"
- });
- TITN41Injection.addToFactions(["Silhouette"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.TITN41Injection)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.TITN41Injection];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(TITN41Injection);
- var EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant, repCost:150e3, moneyCost:275e6,
- info:"A cranial implant that greatly assists in the user's ability to analyze social situations " +
- "and interactions. The system uses a wide variety of factors such as facial expression, body " +
- "language, and the voice's tone/inflection to determine the best course of action during social" +
- "situations. The implant also uses deep learning software to continuously learn new behavior" +
- "patterns and how to best respond.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's charisma and charisma experience gain rate by 60%."
- });
- EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant.addToFactions(["Bachman & Associates", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant);
- //Hacking augmentations
- var BitWire = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BitWire, repCost:1500, moneyCost:2e6,
- info: "A small brain implant embedded in the cerebrum. This regulates and improves the brain's computing " +
- "capabilities.
This augmentation increases the player's hacking skill by 5%"
- });
- BitWire.addToFactions(["CyberSec", "NiteSec"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BitWire)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BitWire];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(BitWire);
- var ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork, repCost:110e3, moneyCost:600e6,
- info:"A network consisting of millions of nanoprocessors is embedded into the brain. " +
- "The network is meant to mimick the way a biological brain solves a problem, which each " +
- "nanoprocessor acting similar to the way a neuron would in a neural network. However, these " +
- "nanoprocessors are programmed to perform computations much faster than organic neurons, " +
- "allowing its user to solve much more complex problems at a much faster rate.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player's gains from hacking by 15%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 12%"
- });
- ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork);
- var ArtificialSynapticPotentiation = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ArtificialSynapticPotentiation, repCost:2500, moneyCost:16e6,
- info:"The body is injected with a chemical that artificially induces synaptic potentiation, " +
- "otherwise known as the strengthening of synapses. This results in a enhanced cognitive abilities.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking chance by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 5%"
- });
- ArtificialSynapticPotentiation.addToFactions(["The Black Hand", "NiteSec"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ArtificialSynapticPotentiation)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ArtificialSynapticPotentiation];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ArtificialSynapticPotentiation);
- var EnhancedMyelinSheathing = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing, repCost:40e3, moneyCost:275e6,
- info:"Electrical signals are used to induce a new, artificial form of myelinogensis in the human body. " +
- "This process results in the proliferation of new, synthetic myelin sheaths in the nervous " +
- "system. These myelin sheaths can propogate neuro-signals much faster than their organic " +
- "counterparts, leading to greater processing speeds and better brain function.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 8%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 10%"
- });
- EnhancedMyelinSheathing.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "BitRunners", "The Black Hand"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(EnhancedMyelinSheathing);
- var SynapticEnhancement = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SynapticEnhancement, repCost:800, moneyCost:1.5e6,
- info:"A small cranial implant that continuously uses weak electric signals to stimulate the brain and " +
- "induce stronger synaptic activity. This improves the user's cognitive abilities.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's hacking speed by 3%."
- });
- SynapticEnhancement.addToFactions(["CyberSec"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SynapticEnhancement)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SynapticEnhancement];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SynapticEnhancement);
- var NeuralRetentionEnhancement = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.NeuralRetentionEnhancement, repCost:8e3, moneyCost:50e6,
- info:"Chemical injections are used to permanently alter and strengthen the brain's neuronal " +
- "circuits, strengthening its ability to retain information.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 25%."
- });
- NeuralRetentionEnhancement.addToFactions(["NiteSec"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NeuralRetentionEnhancement)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NeuralRetentionEnhancement];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(NeuralRetentionEnhancement);
- var DataJack = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.DataJack, repCost:45e3, moneyCost:90e6,
- info:"A brain implant that provides an interface for direct, wireless communication between a computer's main " +
- "memory and the mind. This implant allows the user to not only access a computer's memory, but also alter " +
- "and delete it.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 25%"
- });
- DataJack.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "The Black Hand", "NiteSec", "Chongqing", "New Tokyo"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.DataJack)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.DataJack];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(DataJack);
- var ENM = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ENM, repCost:6e3, moneyCost:50e6,
- info:"A thin device embedded inside the arm containing a wireless module capable of connecting " +
- "to nearby networks. Once connected, the Netburner Module is capable of capturing and " +
- "processing all of the traffic on that network. By itself, the Embedded Netburner Module does " +
- "not do much, but a variety of very powerful upgrades can be installed that allow you to fully " +
- "control the traffic on a network.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's hacking skill by 8%"
- });
- ENM.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "The Black Hand", "NiteSec", "ECorp", "MegaCorp",
- "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENM)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENM];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ENM);
- var ENMCore = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ENMCore, repCost:100e3, moneyCost:500e6,
- info:"The Core library is an implant that upgrades the firmware of the Embedded Netburner Module. " +
- "This upgrade allows the Embedded Netburner Module to generate its own data on a network.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 3%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 7%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 7%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENM]
- });
- ENMCore.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "The Black Hand", "ECorp", "MegaCorp",
- "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMCore)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMCore];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ENMCore);
- var ENMCoreV2 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2, repCost:400e3, moneyCost:900e6,
- info:"The Core V2 library is an implant that upgrades the firmware of the Embedded Netburner Module. " +
- "This upgraded firmware allows the Embedded Netburner Module to control the information on " +
- "a network by re-routing traffic, spoofing IP addresses, or altering the data inside network " +
- "packets.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 5%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 30%
" +
- "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 15%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 8%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENMCore]
- });
- ENMCoreV2.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO",
- "Blade Industries", "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ENMCoreV2);
- var ENMCoreV3 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV3, repCost:700e3, moneyCost:1500e6,
- info:"The Core V3 library is an implant that upgrades the firmware of the Embedded Netburner Module. " +
- "This upgraded firmware allows the Embedded Netburner Module to seamlessly inject code into " +
- "any device on a network.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 5%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 40%
" +
- "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 25%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2],
- });
- ENMCoreV3.addToFactions(["ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO",
- "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "Illuminati"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV3)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV3];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ENMCoreV3);
- var ENMAnalyzeEngine = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine, repCost:250e3, moneyCost:1200e6,
- info:"Installs the Analyze Engine for the Embedded Netburner Module, which is a CPU cluster " +
- "that vastly outperforms the Netburner Module's native single-core processor.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's hacking speed by 10%.",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENM],
- });
- ENMAnalyzeEngine.addToFactions(["ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO",
- "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "Illuminati"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ENMAnalyzeEngine);
- var ENMDMA = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ENMDMA, repCost:400e3, moneyCost:1400e6,
- info:"This implant installs a Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller into the " +
- "Embedded Netburner Module. This allows the Module to send and receive data " +
- "directly to and from the main memory of devices on a network.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 40%
" +
- "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 20%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENM],
- });
- ENMDMA.addToFactions(["ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO",
- "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "Illuminati"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMDMA)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMDMA];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ENMDMA);
- var Neuralstimulator = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Neuralstimulator, repCost:20e3, moneyCost:600e6,
- info:"A cranial implant that intelligently stimulates certain areas of the brain " +
- "in order to improve cognitive functions
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" +
- "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 12%"
- });
- Neuralstimulator.addToFactions(["The Black Hand", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum",
- "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Bachman & Associates", "Clarke Incorporated",
- "Four Sigma"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neuralstimulator)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neuralstimulator];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Neuralstimulator);
- var NeuralAccelerator = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.NeuralAccelerator, repCost:80e3, moneyCost:350e6,
- info:"A microprocessor that accelerates the processing " +
- "speed of biological neural networks. This is a cranial implant that is embedded inside the brain.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 15%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 20%"
- });
- NeuralAccelerator.addToFactions(["BitRunners"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NeuralAccelerator)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NeuralAccelerator];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(NeuralAccelerator);
- var CranialSignalProcessorsG1 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1, repCost:4e3, moneyCost:14e6,
- info:"The first generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " +
- "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " +
- "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " +
- "so that the brain doesn't have to.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 1%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 5%"
- });
- CranialSignalProcessorsG1.addToFactions(["CyberSec"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG1);
- var CranialSignalProcessorsG2 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2, repCost:7500, moneyCost:25e6,
- info:"The second generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " +
- "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " +
- "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " +
- "so that the brain doesn't have to.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" +
- "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 7%"
- });
- CranialSignalProcessorsG2.addToFactions(["NiteSec"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG2);
- var CranialSignalProcessorsG3 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3, repCost:20e3, moneyCost:110e6,
- info:"The third generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " +
- "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " +
- "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " +
- "so that the brain doesn't have to.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 15%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 9%"
- });
- CranialSignalProcessorsG3.addToFactions(["NiteSec", "The Black Hand"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG3);
- var CranialSignalProcessorsG4 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG4, repCost:50e3, moneyCost:220e6,
- info:"The fourth generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " +
- "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " +
- "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " +
- "so that the brain doesn't have to.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 20%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player can inject into servers using grow() by 25%"
- });
- CranialSignalProcessorsG4.addToFactions(["The Black Hand"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG4)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG4];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG4);
- var CranialSignalProcessorsG5 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5, repCost:100e3, moneyCost:450e6,
- info:"The fifth generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " +
- "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " +
- "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " +
- "so that the brain doesn't have to.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 30%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 25%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player can inject into servers using grow() by 75%"
- });
- CranialSignalProcessorsG5.addToFactions(["BitRunners"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG5);
- var NeuronalDensification = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification, repCost:75e3, moneyCost:275e6,
- info:"The brain is surgically re-engineered to have increased neuronal density " +
- "by decreasing the neuron gap junction. Then, the body is genetically modified " +
- "to enhance the production and capabilities of its neural stem cells.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 15%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 10%
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%"
- });
- NeuronalDensification.addToFactions(["Clarke Incorporated"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(NeuronalDensification);
- //Work Augmentations
- var NuoptimalInjectorImplant = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.NuoptimalInjectorImplant, repCost:2e3, moneyCost:4e6,
- info:"This torso implant automatically injects nootropic supplements into " +
- "the bloodstream to improve memory, increase focus, and provide other " +
- "cognitive enhancements.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the amount of reputation the player gains " +
- "when working for a company by 20%."
- });
- NuoptimalInjectorImplant.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "Volhaven", "New Tokyo", "Chongqing", "Ishima",
- "Clarke Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "Bachman & Associates"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NuoptimalInjectorImplant)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NuoptimalInjectorImplant];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(NuoptimalInjectorImplant);
- var SpeechEnhancement = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SpeechEnhancement, repCost:1e3, moneyCost:2.5e6,
- info:"An advanced neural implant that improves your speaking abilities, making " +
- "you more convincing and likable in conversations and overall improving your " +
- "social interactions.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's charisma by 10%
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 10%"
- });
- SpeechEnhancement.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "Speakers for the Dead", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International",
- "Clarke Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "Bachman & Associates"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SpeechEnhancement)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SpeechEnhancement];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SpeechEnhancement);
- var FocusWire = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.FocusWire, repCost:30e3, moneyCost:180e6,
- info:"A cranial implant that stops procrastination by blocking specific neural pathways " +
- "in the brain.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases all experience gains by 5%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from working by 20%
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 10%"
- });
- FocusWire.addToFactions(["Bachman & Associates", "Clarke Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.FocusWire)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.FocusWire];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(FocusWire)
- var PCDNI = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.PCDNI, repCost:150e3, moneyCost:750e6,
- info:"Installs a Direct-Neural Interface jack into your arm that is compatible with most " +
- "computers. Connecting to a computer through this jack allows you to interface with " +
- "it using the brain's electrochemical signals.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 30%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 8%"
- });
- PCDNI.addToFactions(["Four Sigma", "OmniTek Incorporated", "ECorp", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PCDNI)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PCDNI];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(PCDNI);
- var PCDNIOptimizer = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer, repCost:200e3, moneyCost:900e6,
- info:"This is a submodule upgrade to the PC Direct-Neural Interface augmentation. It " +
- "improves the performance of the interface and gives the user more control options " +
- "to the connected computer.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 75%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.PCDNI],
- });
- PCDNIOptimizer.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "ECorp", "Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(PCDNIOptimizer);
- var PCDNINeuralNetwork = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.PCDNINeuralNetwork, repCost:600e3, moneyCost:1500e6,
- info:"This is an additional installation that upgrades the functionality of the " +
- "PC Direct-Neural Interface augmentation. When connected to a computer, " +
- "The NeuroNet Injector upgrade allows the user to use his/her own brain's " +
- "processing power to aid the computer in computational tasks.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 100%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 5%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.PCDNI],
- });
- PCDNINeuralNetwork.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PCDNINeuralNetwork)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PCDNINeuralNetwork];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(PCDNINeuralNetwork);
- var ADRPheromone1 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone1, repCost:1500, moneyCost:3.5e6,
- info:"The body is genetically re-engineered so that it produces the ADR-V1 pheromone, " +
- "an artificial pheromone discovered by scientists. The ADR-V1 pheromone, when excreted, " +
- "triggers feelings of admiration and approval in other people.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 10%
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains for a faction by 10%"
- });
- ADRPheromone1.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "The Syndicate", "NWO", "MegaCorp", "Four Sigma"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone1)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone1];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ADRPheromone1);
- var ADRPheromone2 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone2, repCost:25e3, moneyCost:110e6,
- info:"The body is genetically re-engineered so that it produces the ADR-V2 pheromone, " +
- "which is similar to but more potent than ADR-V1. This pheromone, when excreted, " +
- "triggers feelings of admiration, approval, and respect in others.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains for a faction and company by 20%."
- });
- ADRPheromone2.addToFactions(["Silhouette", "Four Sigma", "Bachman & Associates", "Clarke Incorporated"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone2)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone2];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(ADRPheromone2);
- //HacknetNode Augmentations
- var HacknetNodeCPUUpload = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCPUUpload, repCost:1500, moneyCost:2.2e6,
- info:"Uploads the architecture and design details of a Hacknet Node's CPU into " +
- "the brain. This allows the user to engineer custom hardware and software " +
- "for the Hacknet Node that provides better performance.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 15%
" +
- "Decreases the cost of purchasing a Hacknet Node by 15%"
- });
- HacknetNodeCPUUpload.addToFactions(["Netburners"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCPUUpload)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCPUUpload];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeCPUUpload);
- var HacknetNodeCacheUpload = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCacheUpload, repCost:1e3, moneyCost:1.1e6,
- info:"Uploads the architecture and design details of a Hacknet Node's main-memory cache " +
- "into the brain. This allows the user to engineer custom cache hardware for the " +
- "Hacknet Node that offers better performance.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 10%
" +
- "Decreases the cost of leveling up a Hacknet Node by 15%"
- });
- HacknetNodeCacheUpload.addToFactions(["Netburners"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCacheUpload)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCacheUpload];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeCacheUpload);
- var HacknetNodeNICUpload = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeNICUpload, repCost:750, moneyCost:900e3,
- info:"Uploads the architecture and design details of a Hacknet Node's Network Interface Card (NIC) " +
- "into the brain. This allows the user to engineer a custom NIC for the Hacknet Node that " +
- "offers better performance.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 10%
" +
- "Decreases the cost of purchasing a Hacknet Node by 10%"
- });
- HacknetNodeNICUpload.addToFactions(["Netburners"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeNICUpload)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeNICUpload];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeNICUpload);
- var HacknetNodeKernelDNI = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeKernelDNI, repCost:3e3, moneyCost:8e6,
- info:"Installs a Direct-Neural Interface jack into the arm that is capable of connecting to a " +
- "Hacknet Node. This lets the user access and manipulate the Node's kernel using the mind's " +
- "electrochemical signals.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 25%."
- });
- HacknetNodeKernelDNI.addToFactions(["Netburners"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeKernelDNI)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeKernelDNI];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeKernelDNI);
- var HacknetNodeCoreDNI = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCoreDNI, repCost:5e3, moneyCost:12e6,
- info:"Installs a Direct-Neural Interface jack into the arm that is capable of connecting " +
- "to a Hacknet Node. This lets the user access and manipulate the Node's processing logic using " +
- "the mind's electrochemical signals.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 45%."
- });
- HacknetNodeCoreDNI.addToFactions(["Netburners"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCoreDNI)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCoreDNI];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeCoreDNI);
- //Misc/Hybrid augmentations
- var NeuroFluxGovernor = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor, repCost:500, moneyCost: 750e3,
- info:"A device that is embedded in the back of the neck. The NeuroFlux Governor " +
- "monitors and regulates nervous impulses coming to and from the spinal column, " +
- "essentially 'governing' the body. By doing so, it improves the functionality of the " +
- "body's nervous system.
" +
- "This is a special augmentation because it can be leveled up infinitely. Each level of this augmentation " +
- "increases ALL of the player's multipliers by 1%"
- });
- var nextLevel = Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["getNextNeurofluxLevel"])();
- NeuroFluxGovernor.level = nextLevel - 1;
- mult = Math.pow(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].NeuroFluxGovernorLevelMult, NeuroFluxGovernor.level);
- NeuroFluxGovernor.baseRepRequirement = 500 * mult * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].AugmentationRepMultiplier * _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].AugmentationRepCost;
- NeuroFluxGovernor.baseCost = 750e3 * mult * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].AugmentationCostMultiplier * _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].AugmentationMoneyCost;
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor];
- }
- NeuroFluxGovernor.addToAllFactions();
- AddToAugmentations(NeuroFluxGovernor);
- var Neurotrainer1 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer1, repCost:400, moneyCost:800e3,
- info:"A decentralized cranial implant that improves the brain's ability to learn. It is " +
- "installed by releasing millions of nanobots into the human brain, each of which " +
- "attaches to a different neural pathway to enhance the brain's ability to retain " +
- "and retrieve information.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 10%"
- });
- Neurotrainer1.addToFactions(["CyberSec"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer1)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer1];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Neurotrainer1);
- var Neurotrainer2 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer2, repCost:4e3, moneyCost:9e6,
- info:"A decentralized cranial implant that improves the brain's ability to learn. This " +
- "is a more powerful version of the Neurotrainer I augmentation, but it does not " +
- "require Neurotrainer I to be installed as a prerequisite.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 15%"
- });
- Neurotrainer2.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "NiteSec"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer2)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer2];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Neurotrainer2);
- var Neurotrainer3 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer3, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:26e6,
- info:"A decentralized cranial implant that improves the brain's ability to learn. This " +
- "is a more powerful version of the Neurotrainer I and Neurotrainer II augmentation, " +
- "but it does not require either of them to be installed as a prerequisite.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 20%"
- });
- Neurotrainer3.addToFactions(["NWO", "Four Sigma"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer3)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer3];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Neurotrainer3);
- var Hypersight = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Hypersight, repCost:60e3, moneyCost:550e6,
- info:"A bionic eye implant that grants sight capabilities far beyond those of a natural human. " +
- "Embedded circuitry within the implant provides the ability to detect heat and movement " +
- "through solid objects such as wells, thus providing 'x-ray vision'-like capabilities.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's dexterity by 40%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 10%"
- });
- Hypersight.addToFactions(["Blade Industries", "KuaiGong International"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Hypersight)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Hypersight];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Hypersight);
- var LuminCloaking1 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking1, repCost:600, moneyCost:1e6,
- info:"A skin implant that reinforces the skin with highly-advanced synthetic cells. These " +
- "cells, when powered, have a negative refractive index. As a result, they bend light " +
- "around the skin, making the user much harder to see from the naked eye.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's agility by 5%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 10%"
- });
- LuminCloaking1.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes", "Tetrads"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking1)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking1];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(LuminCloaking1);
- var LuminCloaking2 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking2, repCost:2e3, moneyCost:6e6,
- info:"This is a more advanced version of the LuminCloaking-V2 augmentation. This skin implant " +
- "reinforces the skin with highly-advanced synthetic cells. These " +
- "cells, when powered, are capable of not only bending light but also of bending heat, " +
- "making the user more resilient as well as stealthy.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's agility by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's defense by 10%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 25%"
- });
- LuminCloaking2.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes", "Tetrads"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking2)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking2];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(LuminCloaking2);
- var SmartSonar = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SmartSonar, repCost:9e3, moneyCost:15e6,
- info:"A cochlear implant that helps the player detect and locate enemies " +
- "using sound propagation.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's dexterity by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's dexterity experience gain rate by 15%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 25%"
- });
- SmartSonar.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SmartSonar)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SmartSonar];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SmartSonar);
- var PowerRecirculator = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.PowerRecirculator, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:36e6,
- info:"The body's nerves are attached with polypyrrole nanocircuits that " +
- "are capable of capturing wasted energy (in the form of heat) " +
- "and converting it back into usable power.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases all of the player's stats by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 10%"
- });
- PowerRecirculator.addToFactions(["Tetrads", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "NWO"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PowerRecirculator)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PowerRecirculator];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(PowerRecirculator);
- //Unique AUGS (Each Faction gets one unique augmentation)
- //Factions that already have unique augs up to this point:
- // Slum Snakes, CyberSec, Netburners, Fulcrum Secret Technologies,
- // Silhouette
- //Illuminati
- var QLink = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.QLink, repCost:750e3, moneyCost:1300e6,
- info:"A brain implant that wirelessly connects you to the Illuminati's " +
- "quantum supercomputer, allowing you to access and use its incredible " +
- "computing power.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 30%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 100%"
- });
- QLink.addToFactions(["Illuminati"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.QLink)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.QLink];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(QLink);
- //Daedalus
- var RedPill = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.TheRedPill, repCost:1e6, moneyCost:0,
- info:"It's time to leave the cave"
- });
- RedPill.addToFactions(["Daedalus"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.TheRedPill)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.TheRedPill];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(RedPill);
- //Covenant
- var SPTN97 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SPTN97, repCost:500e3, moneyCost:975e6,
- info:"The SPTN-97 gene is injected into the genome. The SPTN-97 gene is an " +
- "artificially-synthesized gene that was developed by DARPA to create " +
- "super-soldiers through genetic modification. The gene was outlawed in " +
- "2056.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases all of the player's combat stats by 75%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 15%"
- });
- SPTN97.addToFactions(["The Covenant"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SPTN97)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SPTN97];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SPTN97);
- //ECorp
- var HiveMind = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.HiveMind, repCost:600e3, moneyCost:1100e6,
- info:"A brain implant developed by ECorp. They do not reveal what " +
- "exactly the implant does, but they promise that it will greatly " +
- "enhance your abilities."
- });
- HiveMind.addToFactions(["ECorp"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HiveMind)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HiveMind];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(HiveMind);
- //MegaCorp
- var CordiARCReactor = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CordiARCReactor, repCost:450e3, moneyCost:1000e6,
- info:"The thoracic cavity is equipped with a small chamber designed " +
- "to hold and sustain hydrogen plasma. The plasma is used to generate " +
- "fusion power through nuclear fusion, providing limitless amount of clean " +
- "energy for the body.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases all of the player's combat stats by 35%
" +
- "Increases all of the player's combat stat experience gain rate by 35%"
- });
- CordiARCReactor.addToFactions(["MegaCorp"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CordiARCReactor)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CordiARCReactor];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CordiARCReactor);
- //BachmanAndAssociates
- var SmartJaw = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SmartJaw, repCost:150e3, moneyCost:550e6,
- info:"A bionic jaw that contains advanced hardware and software " +
- "capable of psychoanalyzing and profiling the personality of " +
- "others using optical imaging software.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's charisma by 50%.
" +
- "Increases the player's charisma experience gain rate by 50%
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains for a company by 25%
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains for a faction by 25%"
- });
- SmartJaw.addToFactions(["Bachman & Associates"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SmartJaw)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SmartJaw];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SmartJaw);
- //BladeIndustries
- var Neotra = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Neotra, repCost:225e3, moneyCost:575e6,
- info:"A highly-advanced techno-organic drug that is injected into the skeletal " +
- "and integumentary system. The drug permanently modifies the DNA of the " +
- "body's skin and bone cells, granting them the ability to repair " +
- "and restructure themselves.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's strength and defense by 55%"
- });
- Neotra.addToFactions(["Blade Industries"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neotra)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neotra];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Neotra);
- //NWO
- var Xanipher = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Xanipher, repCost:350e3, moneyCost:850e6,
- info:"A concoction of advanced nanobots that is orally ingested into the " +
- "body. These nanobots induce physiological change and significantly " +
- "improve the body's functionining in all aspects.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases all of the player's stats by 20%
" +
- "Increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 15%"
- });
- Xanipher.addToFactions(["NWO"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Xanipher)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Xanipher];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Xanipher);
- //ClarkeIncorporated
- var nextSENS = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.nextSENS, repCost:175e3, moneyCost:385e6,
- info:"The body is genetically re-engineered to maintain a state " +
- "of negligible senescence, preventing the body from " +
- "deteriorating with age.
" +
- "This augmentation increases all of the player's stats by 20%"
- });
- nextSENS.addToFactions(["Clarke Incorporated"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.nextSENS)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.nextSENS];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(nextSENS);
- //OmniTekIncorporated
- var OmniTekInfoLoad = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.OmniTekInfoLoad, repCost:250e3, moneyCost:575e6,
- info:"OmniTek's data and information repository is uploaded " +
- "into your brain, enhancing your programming and " +
- "hacking abilities.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 20%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 25%"
- });
- OmniTekInfoLoad.addToFactions(["OmniTek Incorporated"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.OmniTekInfoLoad)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.OmniTekInfoLoad];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(OmniTekInfoLoad);
- //FourSigma
- //TODO Later when Intelligence is added in . Some aug that greatly increases int
- //KuaiGongInternational
- var PhotosyntheticCells = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.PhotosyntheticCells, repCost:225e3, moneyCost:550e6,
- info:"Chloroplasts are added to epidermal stem cells and are applied " +
- "to the body using a skin graft. The result is photosynthetic " +
- "skin cells, allowing users to generate their own energy " +
- "and nutrition using solar power.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's strength, defense, and agility by 40%"
- });
- PhotosyntheticCells.addToFactions(["KuaiGong International"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PhotosyntheticCells)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PhotosyntheticCells];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(PhotosyntheticCells);
- //BitRunners
- var Neurolink = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Neurolink, repCost:350e3, moneyCost:875e6,
- info:"A brain implant that provides a high-bandwidth, direct neural link between your " +
- "mind and BitRunners' data servers, which reportedly contain " +
- "the largest database of hacking tools and information in the world.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 15%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 20%
" +
- "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 5%
" +
- "Lets the player start with the FTPCrack.exe and relaySMTP.exe programs after a reset"
- });
- Neurolink.addToFactions(["BitRunners"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neurolink)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neurolink];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Neurolink);
- //BlackHand
- var TheBlackHand = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.TheBlackHand, repCost:40e3, moneyCost:110e6,
- info:"A highly advanced bionic hand. This prosthetic not only " +
- "enhances strength and dexterity but it is also embedded " +
- "with hardware and firmware that lets the user connect to, access and hack " +
- "devices and machines just by touching them.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's strength and dexterity by 15%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 10%"
- });
- TheBlackHand.addToFactions(["The Black Hand"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.TheBlackHand)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.TheBlackHand];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(TheBlackHand);
- //NiteSec
- var CRTX42AA = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CRTX42AA, repCost:18e3, moneyCost:45e6,
- info:"The CRTX42-AA gene is injected into the genome. " +
- "The CRTX42-AA is an artificially-synthesized gene that targets the visual and prefrontal " +
- "cortex and improves cognitive abilities.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Improves the player's hacking skill by 8%
" +
- "Improves the player's hacking experience gain rate by 15%"
- });
- CRTX42AA.addToFactions(["NiteSec"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CRTX42AA)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CRTX42AA];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CRTX42AA);
- //Chongqing
- var Neuregen = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.Neuregen, repCost:15e3, moneyCost:75e6,
- info:"A drug that genetically modifies the neurons in the brain. " +
- "The result is that these neurons never die and continuously " +
- "regenerate and strengthen themselves.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 40%"
- });
- Neuregen.addToFactions(["Chongqing"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neuregen)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neuregen];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(Neuregen);
- //Sector12
- var CashRoot = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.CashRoot, repCost:5e3, moneyCost:25e6,
- info:"A collection of digital assets saved on a small chip. The chip is implanted " +
- "into your wrist. A small jack in the chip allows you to connect it to a computer " +
- "and upload the assets.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Lets the player start with $1,000,000 after a reset
" +
- "Lets the player start with the BruteSSH.exe program after a reset"
- });
- CashRoot.addToFactions(["Sector-12"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CashRoot)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CashRoot];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(CashRoot);
- //NewTokyo
- var NutriGen = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.NutriGen, repCost:2500, moneyCost:500e3,
- info:"A thermo-powered artificial nutrition generator. Endogenously " +
- "synthesizes glucose, amino acids, and vitamins and redistributes them " +
- "across the body. The device is powered by the body's naturally wasted " +
- "energy in the form of heat.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's experience gain rate for all combat stats by 20%"
- });
- NutriGen.addToFactions(["New Tokyo"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NutriGen)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NutriGen];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(NutriGen);
- //Aevum
- //TODO Later Something that lets you learn advanced math...this increases int
- //and profits as a trader/from trading
- //Ishima
- var INFRARet = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.INFRARet, repCost:3e3, moneyCost:6e6,
- info:"A retina implant consisting of a tiny chip that sits behind the " +
- "retina. This implant lets people visually detect infrared radiation.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's crime success rate by 25%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's dexterity by 10%"
- });
- INFRARet.addToFactions(["Ishima"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.INFRARet)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.INFRARet];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(INFRARet);
- //Volhaven
- var DermaForce = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.DermaForce, repCost:6e3, moneyCost:10e6,
- info:"A synthetic skin is grafted onto the body. The skin consists of " +
- "millions of nanobots capable of projecting high-density muon beams, " +
- "creating an energy barrier around the user.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's defense by 40%"
- });
- DermaForce.addToFactions(["Volhaven"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.DermaForce)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.DermaForce];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(DermaForce);
- //SpeakersForTheDead
- var GrapheneBrachiBlades = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBrachiBlades, repCost:90e3, moneyCost:500e6,
- info:"An upgrade to the BrachiBlades augmentation. It infuses " +
- "the retractable blades with an advanced graphene material " +
- "to make them much stronger and lighter.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's strength and defense by 40%
" +
- "Increases the player's crime success rate by 10%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 30%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades],
- });
- GrapheneBrachiBlades.addToFactions(["Speakers for the Dead"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBrachiBlades)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBrachiBlades];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBrachiBlades);
- //DarkArmy
- var GrapheneBionicArms = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms, repCost:200e3, moneyCost:750e6,
- info:"An upgrade to the Bionic Arms augmentation. It infuses the " +
- "prosthetic arms with an advanced graphene material " +
- "to make them much stronger and lighter.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's strength and dexterity by 85%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BionicArms],
- });
- GrapheneBionicArms.addToFactions(["The Dark Army"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBionicArms);
- //TheSyndicate
- var BrachiBlades = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades, repCost:5e3, moneyCost:18e6,
- info:"A set of retractable plasteel blades are implanted in the arm, underneath the skin. " +
- "
This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's strength and defense by 15%
" +
- "Increases the player's crime success rate by 10%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 15%"
- });
- BrachiBlades.addToFactions(["The Syndicate"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(BrachiBlades);
- //Tetrads
- var BionicArms = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BionicArms, repCost:25e3, moneyCost:55e6,
- info:"Cybernetic arms created from plasteel and carbon fibers that completely replace " +
- "the user's organic arms.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the user's strength and dexterity by 30%"
- });
- BionicArms.addToFactions(["Tetrads"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BionicArms)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BionicArms];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(BionicArms);
- //TianDiHui
- var SNA = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.SNA, repCost:2500, moneyCost:6e6,
- info:"A cranial implant that affects the user's personality, making them better " +
- "at negotiation in social situations.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player earns at a company by 10%
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a " +
- "company or faction by 15%"
- });
- SNA.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui"]);
- if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SNA)) {
- delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SNA];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(SNA);
- //For BitNode-2, add all Augmentations to crime/evil factions.
- //Do this before adding special Augmentations that become available in later BitNodes
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bitNodeN === 2) {
- console.log("Adding all augmentations to crime factions for Bit node 2");
- _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"]["Slum Snakes"].addAllAugmentations();
- _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"]["Tetrads"].addAllAugmentations();
- _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"]["The Syndicate"].addAllAugmentations();
- _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"]["The Dark Army"].addAllAugmentations();
- _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"]["Speakers for the Dead"].addAllAugmentations();
- _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"]["NiteSec"].addAllAugmentations();
- _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Factions"]["The Black Hand"].addAllAugmentations();
- }
- //Special Bladeburner Augmentations
- var BladeburnersFactionName = "Bladeburners";
- if (Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["factionExists"])(BladeburnersFactionName)) {
- var EsperEyewear = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.EsperEyewear, repCost:400, moneyCost:30e6,
- info:"Ballistic-grade protective and retractable eyewear that was designed specially " +
- "for Bladeburner units. This " +
- "is implanted by installing a mechanical frame in the skull's orbit. " +
- "This frame interfaces with the brain and allows the user to " +
- "automatically extrude and extract the eyewear. The eyewear protects " +
- "against debris, shrapnel, laser, flash, and gas. It is also " +
- "embedded with a data processing chip that can be programmed to display an " +
- "AR HUD and assist the user in field missions.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 3%
" +
- "Increases the player's dexterity by 3%"
- });
- EsperEyewear.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(EsperEyewear);
- var EMS4Recombination = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.EMS4Recombination, repCost: 800, moneyCost:50e6,
- info:"A DNA recombination of the EMS-4 Gene. This genetic engineering " +
- "technique was originally used on Bladeburners during the Synthoid uprising " +
- "to induce wakefulness and concentration, suppress fear, reduce empathy, and " +
- "improve reflexes and memory-recall among other things.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's sucess chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 3%
" +
- "Increases the player's effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 1%"
- });
- EMS4Recombination.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(EMS4Recombination);
- var OrionShoulder = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.OrionShoulder, repCost:2e3, moneyCost:100e6,
- info:"A bionic shoulder augmentation for the right shoulder. Using cybernetics, " +
- "the ORION-MKIV shoulder enhances the strength and dexterity " +
- "of the user's right arm. It also provides protection due to its " +
- "crystallized graphene plating.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's defense by 5%.
" +
- "Increases the player's strength and dexterity by 3%
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 4%"
- });
- OrionShoulder.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(OrionShoulder);
- var HyperionV1 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.HyperionV1, repCost: 4e3, moneyCost:500e6,
- info:"A pair of mini plasma cannons embedded into the hands. The Hyperion is capable " +
- "of rapidly firing bolts of high-density plasma. The weapon is meant to " +
- "be used against augmented enemies as the ionized " +
- "nature of the plasma disrupts the electrical systems of Augmentations. However, " +
- "it can also be effective against non-augmented enemies due to its high temperature " +
- "and concussive force.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 5%"
- });
- HyperionV1.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(HyperionV1);
- var HyperionV2 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.HyperionV2, repCost:8e3, moneyCost:1e9,
- info:"A pair of mini plasma cannons embedded into the hands. This augmentation " +
- "is more advanced and powerful than the original V1 model. This V2 model is " +
- "more power-efficiency, more accurate, and can fire plasma bolts at a much " +
- "higher velocity than the V1 model.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 7%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.HyperionV1]
- });
- HyperionV2.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(HyperionV2);
- var GolemSerum = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.GolemSerum, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:2e9,
- info:"A serum that permanently enhances many aspects of a human's capabilities, " +
- "including strength, speed, immune system performance, and mitochondrial efficiency. The " +
- "serum was originally developed by the Chinese military in an attempt to " +
- "create super soldiers.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases all of the player's combat stats by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 5%
- });
- GolemSerum.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(GolemSerum);
- var VangelisVirus = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus, repCost:6e3, moneyCost:500e6,
- info:"A synthetic symbiotic virus that is injected into the human brain tissue. The Vangelis virus " +
- "heightens the senses and focus of its host, and also enhances its intuition.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 4%
" +
- "Increases the player's dexterity experience gain rate by 5%"
- });
- VangelisVirus.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(VangelisVirus);
- var VangelisVirus3 = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus3, repCost:12e3, moneyCost:2e9,
- info:"An improved version of Vangelis, a synthetic symbiotic virus that is " +
- "injected into the human brain tissue. On top of the benefits of the original " +
- "virus, this also grants an accelerated healing factor and enhanced " +
- "agility/reflexes.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis by 15%
" +
- "Increases the player's defense and dexterity experience gain rate by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 5%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus]
- });
- VangelisVirus3.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(VangelisVirus3);
- var INTERLINKED = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.INTERLINKED, repCost:8e3, moneyCost:1e9,
- info:"The DNA is genetically modified to enhance the human's body " +
- "extracellular matrix (ECM). This improves the ECM's ability to " +
- "structurally support the body and grants heightened strength and " +
- "durability.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's experience gain rate for all combat stats by 4%
" +
- "Increases the player's Bladeburner max stamina by 10%"
- });
- INTERLINKED.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(INTERLINKED);
- var BladeRunner = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BladeRunner, repCost:8e3, moneyCost:1.5e9,
- info:"A cybernetic foot augmentation that was specially created for Bladeburners " +
- "during the Synthoid Uprising. The organic musculature of the human foot " +
- "is enhanced with flexible carbon nanotube matrices that are controlled by " +
- "intelligent servo-motors.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's agility by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's Bladeburner max stamina by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 5%
- });
- BladeRunner.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(BladeRunner);
- var BladeArmor = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmor, repCost:4e3, moneyCost:250e6,
- info:"A powered exoskeleton suit (exosuit) designed as armor for Bladeburner units. This " +
- "exoskeleton is incredibly adaptable and can protect the wearer from blunt, piercing, " +
- "concussive, thermal, chemical, and electric trauma. It also enhances the user's " +
- "strength and agility.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases all of the player's combat stats by 2%
" +
- "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 2%
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 3%",
- });
- BladeArmor.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(BladeArmor);
- var BladeArmorPowerCells = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorPowerCells, repCost:6e3, moneyCost:500e6,
- info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor with Ion Power Cells, which are capable of " +
- "more efficiently storing and using power.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 5%" +
- "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 2%
" +
- "Increases the player's Bladeburner max stamina by 5%
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmor]
- });
- BladeArmorPowerCells.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(BladeArmorPowerCells);
- var BladeArmorEnergyShielding = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorEnergyShielding, repCost:7e3, moneyCost:1e9,
- info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor with a plasma energy propulsion system " +
- "that is capable of projecting an energy shielding force field.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's defense by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 6%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmor]
- });
- BladeArmorEnergyShielding.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(BladeArmorEnergyShielding);
- var BladeArmorUnibeam = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorUnibeam, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:3e9,
- info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor with a concentrated deuterium-fluoride laser " +
- "weapon. It's precision an accuracy makes it useful for quickly neutralizing " +
- "threats while keeping casualties to a minimum.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 8%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmor]
- });
- BladeArmorUnibeam.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(BladeArmorUnibeam);
- var BladeArmorOmnibeam = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorOmnibeam, repCost:20e3, moneyCost:5e9,
- info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor Unibeam augmentation to use " +
- "multiple-fiber system. The upgraded weapon uses multiple fiber laser " +
- "modules that combine together to form a single, more powerful beam of up to " +
- "2000MW.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 10%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmorUnibeam]
- });
- BladeArmorOmnibeam.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(BladeArmorOmnibeam);
- var BladeArmorIPU = new Augmentation({
- name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorIPU, repCost: 5e3, moneyCost:200e6,
- info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor with an AI Information Processing " +
- "Unit that was specially designed to analyze Synthoid related data and " +
- "information.
" +
- "This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis by 15%
" +
- "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 2%",
- prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmor]
- });
- BladeArmorIPU.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]);
- resetAugmentation(BladeArmorIPU);
- }
- //Update costs based on how many have been purchased
- var mult = Math.pow(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].MultipleAugMultiplier, _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].queuedAugmentations.length);
- for (var name in Augmentations) {
- if (Augmentations.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- Augmentations[name].baseCost *= mult;
- }
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].reapplyAllAugmentations();
-//Resets an Augmentation during (re-initizliation)
-function resetAugmentation(newAugObject) {
- if (!(newAugObject instanceof Augmentation)) {
- throw new Error("Invalid argument 'newAugObject' passed into resetAugmentation");
- }
- var name = newAugObject.name;
- if (augmentationExists(name)) {
- delete Augmentations[name];
- }
- AddToAugmentations(newAugObject);
-function applyAugmentation(aug, reapply=false) {
- Augmentations[aug.name].owned = true;
- switch(aug.name) {
- //Combat stat augmentations
- case AugmentationNames.Targeting1:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.10;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Targeting2:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.20;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Targeting3:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.30;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SyntheticHeart: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.5;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.5;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle: //Medium-high level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.3;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.3;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CombatRib1:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CombatRib2:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.14;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.14;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CombatRib3:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.18;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.18;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.NanofiberWeave: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SubdermalArmor: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 2.2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.WiredReflexes: //Low level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBoneLacings: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.7;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.7;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BionicSpine: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.15;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicSpine: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.6;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.6;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.6;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.6;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BionicLegs: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.6;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicLegs: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 2.5;
- break;
- //Labor stats augmentations
- case AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant: //Med-high level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_mult *= 1.6;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.6;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.TITN41Injection:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SpeechProcessor: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- //Hacking augmentations
- case AugmentationNames.BitWire:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.12;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ArtificialSynapticPotentiation: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.08;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SynapticEnhancement: //Low Level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.NeuralRetentionEnhancement: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.25;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.DataJack: //Med low level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.25;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ENM: //Medium level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.08;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ENMCore: //Medium level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.03;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.07;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.07;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2: //Medium high level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.3;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.08;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV3: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.4;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.25;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ENMDMA: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.4;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Neuralstimulator: //Medium Level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.12;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.NeuralAccelerator:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.07;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.09;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG4:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_grow_mult *= 1.25;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.3;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.25;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_grow_mult *= 1.75;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03;
- break;
- //Work augmentations
- case AugmentationNames.NuoptimalInjectorImplant: //Low medium level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SpeechEnhancement: //Low level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.FocusWire: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].work_money_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.PCDNI: //Med level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.3;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.08;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.75;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.PCDNINeuralNetwork: //High level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone1:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone2:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- //Hacknet Node Augmentations
- case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCPUUpload:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult *= 0.85;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCacheUpload:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.10;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_level_cost_mult *= 0.85;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeNICUpload:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult *= 0.9;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeKernelDNI:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.25;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCoreDNI:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.45;
- break;
- //Misc augmentations
- case AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_grow_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_money_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_success_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.01;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult *= 0.99;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult *= 0.99;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_core_cost_mult *= 0.99;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacknet_node_level_cost_mult *= 0.99;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].work_money_mult *= 1.01;
- if (!reapply) {
- Augmentations[aug.name].level = aug.level;
- for (var i = 0; i < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations.length; ++i) {
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations[i].name == AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations[i].level = aug.level;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer1: //Low Level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer2: //Medium level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer3: //High Level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Hypersight: //Medium high level
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.4;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking1:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_money_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking2:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_money_mult *= 1.25;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.HemoRecirculator:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.08;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.08;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.08;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.08;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SmartSonar:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_money_mult *= 1.25;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.PowerRecirculator:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- //Unique augmentations (for factions)
- case AugmentationNames.QLink:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.3;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.TheRedPill:
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SPTN97:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.75;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.75;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.75;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.75;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.15;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.HiveMind:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_grow_mult *= 3;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CordiARCReactor:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.35;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.35;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.35;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.35;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.35;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.35;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.35;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.35;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SmartJaw:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_mult *= 1.5;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.5;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.25;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.25;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Neotra:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.55;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.55;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Xanipher:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.nextSENS:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].charisma_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.OmniTekInfoLoad:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.25;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.PhotosyntheticCells:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.4;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.4;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.4;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Neurolink:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.TheBlackHand:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CRTX42AA:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_mult *= 1.08;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.Neuregen:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.4;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.CashRoot:
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.NutriGen:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.2;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.INFRARet:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_success_mult *= 1.25;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_money_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.DermaForce:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.4;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBrachiBlades:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.4;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.4;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_success_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_money_mult *= 1.3;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.85;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.85;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_success_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].crime_money_mult *= 1.15;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BionicArms:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.3;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.3;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.SNA:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].work_money_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].company_rep_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.15;
- break;
- //Bladeburner augmentations
- case AugmentationNames.EsperEyewear:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.03;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.03;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.EMS4Recombination:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.03;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_analysis_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.01;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.OrionShoulder:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.03;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.03;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.04;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.HyperionV1:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.HyperionV2:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.07;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.GolemSerum:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_analysis_mult *= 1.1;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.04;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus3:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_analysis_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.INTERLINKED:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.04;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.04;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.04;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.04;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_max_stamina_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BladeRunner:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_max_stamina_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BladeArmor:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].strength_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].dexterity_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].agility_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.03;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorPowerCells:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.02;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_max_stamina_mult *= 1.05;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorEnergyShielding:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].defense_mult *= 1.05;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.06;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorUnibeam:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.08;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorOmnibeam:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.1;
- break;
- case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorIPU:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_analysis_mult *= 1.15;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.02;
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("ERROR: No such augmentation!");
- return;
- }
- if (aug.name == AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) {
- for (var i = 0; i < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations.length; ++i) {
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations[i].name == AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) {
- //Already have this aug, just upgrade the level
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!reapply) {
- var ownedAug = new PlayerOwnedAugmentation(aug.name);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations.push(ownedAug);
- }
-function PlayerOwnedAugmentation(name) {
- this.name = name;
- this.level = 1;
-function installAugmentations(cbScript=null) {
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].queuedAugmentations.length == 0) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You have not purchased any Augmentations to install!");
- return false;
- }
- var augmentationList = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) {
- var aug = Augmentations[_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].queuedAugmentations[i].name];
- if (aug == null) {
- console.log("ERROR. Invalid augmentation");
- continue;
- }
- applyAugmentation(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].queuedAugmentations[i]);
- augmentationList += (aug.name + "
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].queuedAugmentations = [];
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You slowly drift to sleep as scientists put you under in order " +
- "to install the following Augmentations:
" + augmentationList +
- "
You wake up in your home...you feel different...");
- Object(_Prestige_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["prestigeAugmentation"])();
- //Run a script after prestiging
- if (cbScript && Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["isString"])(cbScript)) {
- var home = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].getHomeComputer();
- for (var i = 0; i < home.scripts.length; ++i) {
- if (home.scripts[i].filename === cbScript) {
- var script = home.scripts[i];
- var ramUsage = script.ramUsage;
- var ramAvailable = home.maxRam - home.ramUsed;
- if (ramUsage > ramAvailable) {
- return; //Not enough RAM
- }
- var runningScriptObj = new _Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["RunningScript"](script, []); //No args
- runningScriptObj.threads = 1; //Only 1 thread
- home.runningScripts.push(runningScriptObj);
- Object(_NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["addWorkerScript"])(runningScriptObj, home);
- }
- }
- }
-function augmentationExists(name) {
- return Augmentations.hasOwnProperty(name);
-//Used for testing balance
-function giveAllAugmentations() {
- for (var name in Augmentations) {
- var aug = Augmentations[name];
- if (aug == null) {continue;}
- var ownedAug = new PlayerOwnedAugmentation(name);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations.push(ownedAug);
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].reapplyAllAugmentations();
-function displayAugmentationsContent() {
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent);
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("h1", {
- innerText:"Purchased Augmentations",
- }));
- //Bladeburner text, once mechanic is unlocked
- var bladeburnerText = "\n";
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].bitNodeN === 6 || _NetscriptFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["hasBladeburnerSF"]) {
- bladeburnerText = "Bladeburner Progress\n\n";
- }
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("pre", {
- width:"70%", whiteSpace:"pre-wrap", display:"block",
- innerText:"Below is a list of all Augmentations you have purchased but not yet installed. Click the button below to install them.\n" +
- "WARNING: Installing your Augmentations resets most of your progress, including:\n\n" +
- "Stats/Skill levels and Experience\n" +
- "Money\n" +
- "Scripts on every computer but your home computer\n" +
- "Purchased servers\n" +
- "Hacknet Nodes\n" +
- "Faction/Company reputation\n" +
- "Stocks\n" +
- bladeburnerText +
- "Installing Augmentations lets you start over with the perks and benefits granted by all " +
- "of the Augmentations you have ever installed. Also, you will keep any scripts and RAM/Core upgrades " +
- "on your home computer (but you will lose all programs besides NUKE.exe)."
- }));
- //Install Augmentations button
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("a", {
- class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Install Augmentations",
- tooltip:"'I never asked for this'",
- clickListener:()=>{
- installAugmentations();
- return false;
- }
- }));
- //Backup button
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("a", {
- class:"a-link-button flashing-button", innerText:"Backup Save (Export)",
- tooltip:"It's always a good idea to backup/export your save!",
- clickListener:()=>{
- _SaveObject_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["saveObject"].exportGame();
- return false;
- }
- }));
- //Purchased/queued augmentations list
- var queuedAugmentationsList = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("ul", {class:"augmentations-list"});
- for (var i = 0; i < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) {
- var augName = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].queuedAugmentations[i].name;
- var aug = Augmentations[augName];
- var displayName = augName;
- if (augName === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) {
- displayName += " - Level " + (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].queuedAugmentations[i].level);
- }
- var accordion = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createAccordionElement"])({hdrText:displayName, panelText:aug.info});
- queuedAugmentationsList.appendChild(accordion[0]);
- }
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(queuedAugmentationsList);
- //Installed augmentations list
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("h1", {
- innerText:"Installed Augmentations", marginTop:"8px",
- }));
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("p", {
- width:"70%", whiteSpace:"pre-wrap",
- innerText:"List of all Augmentations (including Source Files) that have been " +
- "installed. You have gained the effects of these Augmentations."
- }));
- var augmentationsList = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("ul", {class:"augmentations-list"});
- //Expand/Collapse All buttons
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("a", {
- class:"a-link-button", fontSize:"14px", innerText:"Expand All", display:"inline-block",
- clickListener:()=>{
- var allHeaders = augmentationsList.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header");
- for (var i = 0; i < allHeaders.length; ++i) {
- if (!allHeaders[i].classList.contains("active")) {allHeaders[i].click();}
- }
- }
- }));
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("a", {
- class:"a-link-button", fontSize:"14px", innerText:"Collapse All", display:"inline-block",
- clickListener:()=>{
- var allHeaders = augmentationsList.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header");
- for (var i = 0; i < allHeaders.length; ++i) {
- if (allHeaders[i].classList.contains("active")) {allHeaders[i].click();}
- }
- }
- }));
- //Sort Buttons
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("a", {
- class:"a-link-button", fontSize:"14px", innerText:"Sort in Order",
- tooltip:"Sorts the Augmentations alphabetically and Source Files in numerical order (1, 2, 3,...)",
- clickListener:()=>{
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(augmentationsList);
- //Create a copy of Player's Source Files and augs array and sort them
- var sourceFiles = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].sourceFiles.slice();
- var augs = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations.slice();
- sourceFiles.sort((sf1, sf2)=>{
- return sf1.n - sf2.n;
- });
- augs.sort((aug1, aug2)=>{
- return aug1.name <= aug2.name ? -1 : 1;
- });
- displaySourceFiles(augmentationsList, sourceFiles);
- displayAugmentations(augmentationsList, augs);
- }
- }));
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createElement"])("a", {
- class:"a-link-button", fontSize:"14px", innerText:"Sort by Acquirement Time",
- tooltip:"Sorts the Augmentations and Source Files based on when you acquired them (same as default)",
- clickListener:()=>{
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(augmentationsList);
- displaySourceFiles(augmentationsList, _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].sourceFiles);
- displayAugmentations(augmentationsList, _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations);
- }
- }));
- //Source Files - Temporary...Will probably put in a separate pane Later
- displaySourceFiles(augmentationsList, _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].sourceFiles);
- displayAugmentations(augmentationsList, _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Player"].augmentations);
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(augmentationsList);
-//Creates the accordion elements to display Augmentations
-// @listElement - List DOM element to append accordion elements to
-// @augs - Array of Augmentation objects
-function displayAugmentations(listElement, augs) {
- for (var i = 0; i < augs.length; ++i) {
- var augName = augs[i].name;
- var aug = Augmentations[augName];
- var displayName = augName;
- if (augName === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) {
- displayName += " - Level " + (augs[i].level);
- }
- var accordion = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createAccordionElement"])({hdrText:displayName, panelText:aug.info});
- listElement.appendChild(accordion[0]);
- }
-//Creates the accordion elements to display Source Files
-// @listElement - List DOM element to append accordion elements to
-// @sourceFiles - Array of Source File objects
-function displaySourceFiles(listElement, sourceFiles) {
- for (var i = 0; i < sourceFiles.length; ++i) {
- var srcFileKey = "SourceFile" + sourceFiles[i].n;
- var sourceFileObject = _SourceFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["SourceFiles"][srcFileKey];
- if (sourceFileObject == null) {
- console.log("ERROR: Invalid source file number: " + sourceFiles[i].n);
- continue;
- }
- var accordion = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createAccordionElement"])({
- hdrText:sourceFileObject.name + "
" + "Level " + (sourceFiles[i].lvl) + " / 3",
- panelText:sourceFileObject.info
- });
- listElement.appendChild(accordion[0]);
- }
-/***/ }),
-/* 19 */
- !*** ./src/Crimes.js ***!
- \***********************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitShopliftCrime", function() { return commitShopliftCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitRobStoreCrime", function() { return commitRobStoreCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitMugCrime", function() { return commitMugCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitLarcenyCrime", function() { return commitLarcenyCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitDealDrugsCrime", function() { return commitDealDrugsCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitBondForgeryCrime", function() { return commitBondForgeryCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitTraffickArmsCrime", function() { return commitTraffickArmsCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitHomicideCrime", function() { return commitHomicideCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitGrandTheftAutoCrime", function() { return commitGrandTheftAutoCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitKidnapCrime", function() { return commitKidnapCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitAssassinationCrime", function() { return commitAssassinationCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "commitHeistCrime", function() { return commitHeistCrime; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeSuccess", function() { return determineCrimeSuccess; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceShoplift", function() { return determineCrimeChanceShoplift; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceRobStore", function() { return determineCrimeChanceRobStore; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceMug", function() { return determineCrimeChanceMug; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceLarceny", function() { return determineCrimeChanceLarceny; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceDealDrugs", function() { return determineCrimeChanceDealDrugs; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceBondForgery", function() { return determineCrimeChanceBondForgery; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceTraffickArms", function() { return determineCrimeChanceTraffickArms; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceHomicide", function() { return determineCrimeChanceHomicide; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceGrandTheftAuto", function() { return determineCrimeChanceGrandTheftAuto; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceKidnap", function() { return determineCrimeChanceKidnap; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceAssassination", function() { return determineCrimeChanceAssassination; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "determineCrimeChanceHeist", function() { return determineCrimeChanceHeist; });
-/* harmony import */ var _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants.js */ 3);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox.js */ 6);
-/* Crimes.js */
-function commitShopliftCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeShoplift;
- var time = 2000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(0, 0, 0, 2/div, 2/div, 0, 15000/div, time, singParams); //$7500/s, 1 exp/s
- return time;
-function commitRobStoreCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeRobStore;
- var time = 60000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(30/div, 0, 0, 45/div, 45/div, 0, 400000/div, time, singParams); //$6666,6/2, 0.5exp/s, 0.75exp/s
- return time;
-function commitMugCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeMug;
- var time = 4000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(0, 3/div, 3/div, 3/div, 3/div, 0, 36000/div, time, singParams); //$9000/s, .66 exp/s
- return time;
-function commitLarcenyCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeLarceny;
- var time = 90000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(45/div, 0, 0, 60/div, 60/div, 0, 800000/div, time, singParams) // $8888.88/s, .5 exp/s, .66 exp/s
- return time;
-function commitDealDrugsCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeDrugs;
- var time = 10000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(0, 0, 0, 5/div, 5/div, 10/div, 120000/div, time, singParams); //$12000/s, .5 exp/s, 1 exp/s
- return time;
-function commitBondForgeryCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeBondForgery;
- var time = 300000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(100/div, 0, 0, 150/div, 0, 15/div, 4500000/div, time, singParams); //$15000/s, 0.33 hack exp/s, .5 dex exp/s, .05 cha exp
- return time;
-function commitTraffickArmsCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeTraffickArms;
- var time = 40000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(0, 20/div, 20/div, 20/div, 20/div, 40/div, 600000/div, time, singParams); //$15000/s, .5 combat exp/s, 1 cha exp/s
- return time;
-function commitHomicideCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeHomicide;
- var time = 3000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(0, 2/div, 2/div, 2/div, 2/div, 0, 45000/div, time, singParams); //$15000/s, 0.66 combat exp/s
- return time;
-function commitGrandTheftAutoCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeGrandTheftAuto;
- var time = 80000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(0, 20/div, 20/div, 20/div, 80/div, 40/div, 1600000/div, time, singParams); //$20000/s, .25 exp/s, 1 exp/s, .5 exp/s
- return time;
-function commitKidnapCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeKidnap;
- var time = 120000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(0, 80/div, 80/div, 80/div, 80/div, 80/div, 3600000/div, time, singParams); //$30000/s. .66 exp/s
- return time;
-function commitAssassinationCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeAssassination;
- var time = 300000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(0, 300/div, 300/div, 300/div, 300/div, 0, 12000000/div, time, singParams); //$40000/s, 1 exp/s
- return time;
-function commitHeistCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
- if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crimeType = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeHeist;
- var time = 600000;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].startCrime(450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 120000000/div, time, singParams); //$200000/s, .75exp/s
- return time;
-function determineCrimeSuccess(crime, moneyGained) {
- var chance = 0;
- switch (crime) {
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeShoplift:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceShoplift();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeRobStore:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceRobStore();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeMug:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceMug();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeLarceny:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceLarceny();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeDrugs:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceDealDrugs();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeBondForgery:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceBondForgery();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeTraffickArms:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceTraffickArms();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeHomicide:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceHomicide();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeGrandTheftAuto:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceGrandTheftAuto();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeKidnap:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceKidnap();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeAssassination:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceAssassination();
- break;
- case _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeHeist:
- chance = determineCrimeChanceHeist();
- break;
- default:
- console.log(crime);
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERR: Unrecognized crime type. This is probably a bug please contact the developer");
- return;
- }
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- //Success
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].gainMoney(moneyGained);
- return true;
- } else {
- //Failure
- return false;
- }
-let intWgt = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].IntelligenceCrimeWeight;
-let maxLvl = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].MaxSkillLevel;
-function determineCrimeChanceShoplift() {
- var chance = (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl) * 20;
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceRobStore() {
- var chance = (0.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].hacking_skill / maxLvl +
- 2 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- 1 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl) * 5;
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceMug() {
- var chance = (1.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].strength / maxLvl +
- 0.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].defense / maxLvl +
- 1.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- 0.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl) * 5;
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceLarceny() {
- var chance = (0.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].hacking_skill / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl) * 3;
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceDealDrugs() {
- var chance = (3*_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].charisma / maxLvl +
- 2*_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl);
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceBondForgery() {
- var chance = (0.1*_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].hacking_skill / maxLvl +
- 2.5*_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- 2*intWgt*_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl);
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceTraffickArms() {
- var chance = (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].charisma / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].strength / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].defense / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl) / 2;
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceHomicide() {
- var chance = (2 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].strength / maxLvl +
- 2 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].defense / maxLvl +
- 0.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- 0.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl);
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceGrandTheftAuto() {
- var chance = (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].hacking_skill / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].strength / maxLvl +
- 4 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- 2 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- 2 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].charisma / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl) / 8;
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceKidnap() {
- var chance = (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].charisma / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].strength / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl) / 5;
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceAssassination() {
- var chance = (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].strength / maxLvl +
- 2 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl) / 8;
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-function determineCrimeChanceHeist() {
- var chance = (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].hacking_skill / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].strength / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].defense / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].dexterity / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].agility / maxLvl +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].charisma / maxLvl +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].intelligence / maxLvl) / 18;
- chance *= _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].crime_success_mult;
- return Math.min(chance, 1);
-/***/ }),
-/* 20 */
- !*** ./src/NetscriptWorker.js ***!
- \********************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "WorkerScript", function() { return WorkerScript; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "workerScripts", function() { return workerScripts; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "NetscriptPorts", function() { return NetscriptPorts; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "runScriptsLoop", function() { return runScriptsLoop; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "killWorkerScript", function() { return killWorkerScript; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "addWorkerScript", function() { return addWorkerScript; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "updateOnlineScriptTimes", function() { return updateOnlineScriptTimes; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "prestigeWorkerScripts", function() { return prestigeWorkerScripts; });
-/* harmony import */ var _ActiveScriptsUI_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ActiveScriptsUI.js */ 43);
-/* harmony import */ var _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants.js */ 3);
-/* harmony import */ var _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine.js */ 5);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEnvironment_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEnvironment.js */ 66);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEvaluator.js */ 7);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptPort_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptPort.js */ 45);
-/* harmony import */ var _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server.js */ 10);
-/* harmony import */ var _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings.js */ 24);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/acorn.js */ 35);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox.js */ 6);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/HelperFunctions.js */ 1);
-function WorkerScript(runningScriptObj) {
- this.name = runningScriptObj.filename;
- this.running = false;
- this.serverIp = null;
- this.code = runningScriptObj.scriptRef.code;
- this.env = new _NetscriptEnvironment_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Environment"](this);
- this.env.set("args", runningScriptObj.args.slice());
- this.output = "";
- this.ramUsage = 0;
- this.scriptRef = runningScriptObj;
- this.errorMessage = "";
- this.args = runningScriptObj.args.slice();
- this.delay = null;
- this.fnWorker = null; //Workerscript for a function call
- this.checkingRam = false;
- this.loadedFns = {}; //Stores names of fns that are "loaded" by this script, thus using RAM
- this.disableLogs = {}; //Stores names of fns that should have logs disabled
-//Returns the server on which the workerScript is running
-WorkerScript.prototype.getServer = function() {
- return _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["AllServers"][this.serverIp];
-//Array containing all scripts that are running across all servers, to easily run them all
-let workerScripts = [];
-var NetscriptPorts = [];
-for (var i = 0; i < _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts; ++i) {
- NetscriptPorts.push(new _NetscriptPort_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["NetscriptPort"]());
-function prestigeWorkerScripts() {
- for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; ++i) {
- Object(_ActiveScriptsUI_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["deleteActiveScriptsItem"])(workerScripts[i]);
- workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag = true;
- }
- workerScripts.length = 0;
-//Loop through workerScripts and run every script that is not currently running
-function runScriptsLoop() {
- //Delete any scripts that finished or have been killed. Loop backwards bc removing
- //items fucks up the indexing
- for (var i = workerScripts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (workerScripts[i].running == false && workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag == true) {
- //Delete script from the runningScripts array on its host serverIp
- var ip = workerScripts[i].serverIp;
- var name = workerScripts[i].name;
- //Free RAM
- _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["AllServers"][ip].ramUsed -= workerScripts[i].ramUsage;
- //Delete script from Active Scripts
- Object(_ActiveScriptsUI_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["deleteActiveScriptsItem"])(workerScripts[i]);
- for (var j = 0; j < _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["AllServers"][ip].runningScripts.length; j++) {
- if (_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["AllServers"][ip].runningScripts[j].filename == name &&
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["compareArrays"])(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["AllServers"][ip].runningScripts[j].args, workerScripts[i].args)) {
- _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["AllServers"][ip].runningScripts.splice(j, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- //Delete script from workerScripts
- workerScripts.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- //Run any scripts that haven't been started
- for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; i++) {
- //If it isn't running, start the script
- if (workerScripts[i].running == false && workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag == false) {
- try {
- var ast = Object(_utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["parse"])(workerScripts[i].code, {sourceType:"module"});
- //console.log(ast);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log("Error parsing script: " + workerScripts[i].name);
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Syntax ERROR in " + workerScripts[i].name + ":
" + e);
- workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag = true;
- continue;
- }
- workerScripts[i].running = true;
- var p = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["evaluate"])(ast, workerScripts[i]);
- //Once the code finishes (either resolved or rejected, doesnt matter), set its
- //running status to false
- p.then(function(w) {
- console.log("Stopping script " + w.name + " because it finished running naturally");
- w.running = false;
- w.env.stopFlag = true;
- w.scriptRef.log("Script finished running");
- }).catch(function(w) {
- if (w instanceof Error) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Script runtime unknown error. This is a bug please contact game developer");
- console.log("ERROR: Evaluating workerscript returns an Error. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN: " + w.toString());
- return;
- } else if (w.constructor === Array && w.length === 2 && w[0] === "RETURNSTATEMENT") {
- //Script ends with a return statement
- console.log("Script returning with value: " + w[1]);
- //TODO maybe do something with this in the future
- return;
- } else if (w instanceof WorkerScript) {
- if (Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["isScriptErrorMessage"])(w.errorMessage)) {
- var errorTextArray = w.errorMessage.split("|");
- if (errorTextArray.length != 4) {
- console.log("ERROR: Something wrong with Error text in evaluator...");
- console.log("Error text: " + errorText);
- return;
- }
- var serverIp = errorTextArray[1];
- var scriptName = errorTextArray[2];
- var errorMsg = errorTextArray[3];
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Script runtime error:
Server Ip: " + serverIp +
- "
Script name: " + scriptName +
- "
Args:" + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["printArray"])(w.args) + "
" + errorMsg);
- w.scriptRef.log("Script crashed with runtime error");
- } else {
- w.scriptRef.log("Script killed");
- }
- w.running = false;
- w.env.stopFlag = true;
- } else if (Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["isScriptErrorMessage"])(w)) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Script runtime unknown error. This is a bug please contact game developer");
- console.log("ERROR: Evaluating workerscript returns only error message rather than WorkerScript object. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN: " + w.toString());
- return;
- } else {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("An unknown script died for an unknown reason. This is a bug please contact game dev");
- }
- });
- }
- }
- setTimeout(runScriptsLoop, 6000);
-//Queues a script to be killed by settings its stop flag to true. Then, the code will reject
-//all of its promises recursively, and when it does so it will no longer be running.
-//The runScriptsLoop() will then delete the script from worker scripts
-function killWorkerScript(runningScriptObj, serverIp) {
- for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; i++) {
- if (workerScripts[i].name == runningScriptObj.filename && workerScripts[i].serverIp == serverIp &&
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["compareArrays"])(workerScripts[i].args, runningScriptObj.args)) {
- workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag = true;
- Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["killNetscriptDelay"])(workerScripts[i]);
- //Recursively kill all functions
- var curr = workerScripts[i];
- while (curr.fnWorker) {
- curr.fnWorker.env.stopFlag = true;
- Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["killNetscriptDelay"])(curr.fnWorker);
- curr = curr.fnWorker;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-//Queues a script to be run
-function addWorkerScript(runningScriptObj, server) {
- var filename = runningScriptObj.filename;
- //Update server's ram usage
- var threads = 1;
- if (runningScriptObj.threads && !isNaN(runningScriptObj.threads)) {
- threads = runningScriptObj.threads;
- } else {
- runningScriptObj.threads = 1;
- }
- var ramUsage = runningScriptObj.scriptRef.ramUsage * threads
- * Math.pow(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].MultithreadingRAMCost, threads-1);
- var ramAvailable = server.maxRam - server.ramUsed;
- if (ramUsage > ramAvailable) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Not enough RAM to run script " + runningScriptObj.filename + " with args " +
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["printArray"])(runningScriptObj.args) + ". This likely occurred because you re-loaded " +
- "the game and the script's RAM usage increased (either because of an update to the game or " +
- "your changes to the script.)");
- return;
- }
- server.ramUsed += ramUsage;
- //Create the WorkerScript
- var s = new WorkerScript(runningScriptObj);
- s.serverIp = server.ip;
- s.ramUsage = ramUsage;
- //Add the WorkerScript to the Active Scripts list
- Object(_ActiveScriptsUI_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["addActiveScriptsItem"])(s);
- //Add the WorkerScript
- workerScripts.push(s);
- return;
-//Updates the online running time stat of all running scripts
-function updateOnlineScriptTimes(numCycles = 1) {
- var time = (numCycles * _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"]._idleSpeed) / 1000; //seconds
- for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; ++i) {
- workerScripts[i].scriptRef.onlineRunningTime += time;
- }
-/***/ }),
-/* 21 */
- !*** ./src/StockMarket.js ***!
- \****************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "StockMarket", function() { return StockMarket; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "StockSymbols", function() { return StockSymbols; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "SymbolToStockMap", function() { return SymbolToStockMap; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "initStockSymbols", function() { return initStockSymbols; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "initStockMarket", function() { return initStockMarket; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "initSymbolToStockMap", function() { return initSymbolToStockMap; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "stockMarketCycle", function() { return stockMarketCycle; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "buyStock", function() { return buyStock; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "sellStock", function() { return sellStock; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "shortStock", function() { return shortStock; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "sellShort", function() { return sellShort; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "updateStockPrices", function() { return updateStockPrices; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "displayStockMarketContent", function() { return displayStockMarketContent; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "updateStockTicker", function() { return updateStockTicker; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "updateStockPlayerPosition", function() { return updateStockPlayerPosition; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "loadStockMarket", function() { return loadStockMarket; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "setStockMarketContentCreated", function() { return setStockMarketContentCreated; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "placeOrder", function() { return placeOrder; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "cancelOrder", function() { return cancelOrder; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Order", function() { return Order; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "OrderTypes", function() { return OrderTypes; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "PositionTypes", function() { return PositionTypes; });
-/* harmony import */ var _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants.js */ 3);
-/* harmony import */ var _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine.js */ 5);
-/* harmony import */ var _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Location.js */ 4);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptFunctions.js */ 29);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker.js */ 20);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox.js */ 6);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/HelperFunctions.js */ 1);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver.js */ 8);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/numeral.min.js */ 13);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js */ 2);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_YesNoBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/YesNoBox.js */ 12);
-/* StockMarket.js */
-function Stock(name, symbol, mv, b, otlkMag, initPrice=10000) {
- this.symbol = symbol;
- this.name = name;
- this.price = initPrice;
- this.playerShares = 0;
- this.playerAvgPx = 0;
- this.playerShortShares = 0;
- this.playerAvgShortPx = 0;
- this.mv = mv;
- this.b = b;
- this.otlkMag = otlkMag;
- this.posTxtEl = null;
-Stock.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_toJSON"])("Stock", this);
-Stock.fromJSON = function(value) {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Stock, value.data);
-_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"].constructors.Stock = Stock;
-var OrderTypes = {
- LimitBuy: "Limit Buy Order",
- LimitSell: "Limit Sell Order",
- StopBuy: "Stop Buy Order",
- StopSell: "Stop Sell Order"
-var PositionTypes = {
- Long: "L",
- Short: "S"
-function placeOrder(stock, shares, price, type, position, workerScript=null) {
- var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["WorkerScript"]);
- var order = new Order(stock, shares, price, type, position);
- if (isNaN(shares) || isNaN(price)) {
- if (tixApi) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid numeric value provided for either 'shares' or 'price' argument");
- } else {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERROR: Invalid numeric value provided for either 'shares' or 'price' argument");
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (StockMarket["Orders"] == null) {
- var orders = {};
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;}
- orders[stock.symbol] = [];
- }
- }
- StockMarket["Orders"] = orders;
- }
- StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol].push(order);
- //Process to see if it should be executed immediately
- processOrders(order.stock, order.type, order.pos);
- updateStockOrderList(order.stock);
- return true;
-//Returns true if successfully cancels an order, false otherwise
-function cancelOrder(params, workerScript=null) {
- var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["WorkerScript"]);
- if (StockMarket["Orders"] == null) {return false;}
- if (params.order && params.order instanceof Order) {
- var order = params.order;
- //An 'Order' object is passed in
- var stockOrders = StockMarket["Orders"][order.stock.symbol];
- for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) {
- if (order == stockOrders[i]) {
- stockOrders.splice(i, 1);
- updateStockOrderList(order.stock);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- } else if (params.stock && params.shares && params.price && params.type &&
- params.pos && params.stock instanceof Stock) {
- //Order properties are passed in. Need to look for the order
- var stockOrders = StockMarket["Orders"][params.stock.symbol];
- var orderTxt = params.stock.symbol + " - " + params.shares + " @ " +
- _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(params.price).format('$0.000a');
- for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) {
- var order = stockOrders[i];
- if (params.shares === order.shares &&
- params.price === order.price &&
- params.type === order.type &&
- params.pos === order.pos) {
- stockOrders.splice(i, 1);
- updateStockOrderList(order.stock);
- if (tixApi) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Successfully cancelled order: " + orderTxt);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- if (tixApi) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Failed to cancel order: " + orderTxt);
- }
- return false;
- }
- return false;
-function executeOrder(order) {
- var stock = order.stock;
- var orderBook = StockMarket["Orders"];
- var stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol];
- var res = true;
- console.log("Executing the following order:");
- console.log(order);
- switch (order.type) {
- case OrderTypes.LimitBuy:
- case OrderTypes.StopBuy:
- if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long) {
- res = buyStock(order.stock, order.shares) && res;
- } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short) {
- res = shortStock(order.stock, order.shares) && res;
- }
- break;
- case OrderTypes.LimitSell:
- case OrderTypes.StopSell:
- if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long) {
- res = sellStock(order.stock, order.shares) && res;
- } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short) {
- res = sellShort(order.stock, order.shares) && res;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (res) {
- //Remove order from order book
- for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) {
- if (order == stockOrders[i]) {
- stockOrders.splice(i, 1);
- updateStockOrderList(order.stock);
- return;
- }
- }
- console.log("ERROR: Could not find the following Order in Order Book: ");
- console.log(order);
- } else {
- console.log("Order failed to execute");
- }
-function Order(stock, shares, price, type, position) {
- this.stock = stock;
- this.shares = shares;
- this.price = price;
- this.type = type;
- this.pos = position;
-Order.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_toJSON"])("Order", this);
-Order.fromJSON = function(value) {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Order, value.data);
-_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"].constructors.Order = Order;
-let StockMarket = {} //Full name to stock object
-let StockSymbols = {} //Full name to symbol
-let SymbolToStockMap = {}; //Symbol to Stock object
-function loadStockMarket(saveString) {
- if (saveString === "") {
- StockMarket = {};
- } else {
- StockMarket = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"]);
- }
-function initStockSymbols() {
- //Stocks for companies at which you can work
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumECorp] = "ECP";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12MegaCorp] = "MGCP";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12BladeIndustries] = "BLD";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumClarkeIncorporated] = "CLRK";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated] = "OMTK";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12FourSigma] = "FSIG";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational] = "KGI";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumFulcrumTechnologies] = "FLCM";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].IshimaStormTechnologies] = "STM";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].NewTokyoDefComm] = "DCOMM";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenHeliosLabs] = "HLS";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].NewTokyoVitaLife] = "VITA";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12IcarusMicrosystems] = "ICRS";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12UniversalEnergy] = "UNV";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumAeroCorp] = "AERO";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenOmniaCybersystems] = "OMN";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems] = "SLRS";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals] = "GPH";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].IshimaNovaMedical] = "NVMD";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumWatchdogSecurity] = "WDS";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenLexoCorp] = "LXO";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumRhoConstruction] = "RHOC";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12AlphaEnterprises] = "APHE";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenSysCoreSecurities] = "SYSC";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenCompuTek] = "CTK";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumNetLinkTechnologies] = "NTLK";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].IshimaOmegaSoftware] = "OMGA";
- StockSymbols[_Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12FoodNStuff] = "FNS";
- //Stocks for other companies
- StockSymbols["Sigma Cosmetics"] = "SGC";
- StockSymbols["Joes Guns"] = "JGN";
- StockSymbols["Catalyst Ventures"] = "CTYS";
- StockSymbols["Microdyne Technologies"] = "MDYN";
- StockSymbols["Titan Laboratories"] = "TITN";
-function initStockMarket() {
- for (var stk in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(stk)) {
- delete StockMarket[stk];
- }
- }
- var ecorp = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumECorp;
- var ecorpStk = new Stock(ecorp, StockSymbols[ecorp], 0.45, true, 19, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(20000, 25000));
- StockMarket[ecorp] = ecorpStk;
- var megacorp = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12MegaCorp;
- var megacorpStk = new Stock(megacorp, StockSymbols[megacorp], 0.45, true, 19, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(25000, 33000));
- StockMarket[megacorp] = megacorpStk;
- var blade = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12BladeIndustries;
- var bladeStk = new Stock(blade, StockSymbols[blade], 0.75, true, 13, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(15000, 22000));
- StockMarket[blade] = bladeStk;
- var clarke = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumClarkeIncorporated;
- var clarkeStk = new Stock(clarke, StockSymbols[clarke], 0.7, true, 12, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(15000, 20000));
- StockMarket[clarke] = clarkeStk;
- var omnitek = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated;
- var omnitekStk = new Stock(omnitek, StockSymbols[omnitek], 0.65, true, 12, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(35000, 40000));
- StockMarket[omnitek] = omnitekStk;
- var foursigma = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12FourSigma;
- var foursigmaStk = new Stock(foursigma, StockSymbols[foursigma], 1.05, true, 17, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(60000, 70000));
- StockMarket[foursigma] = foursigmaStk;
- var kuaigong = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational;
- var kuaigongStk = new Stock(kuaigong, StockSymbols[kuaigong], 0.8, true, 10, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(20000, 24000));
- StockMarket[kuaigong] = kuaigongStk;
- var fulcrum = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumFulcrumTechnologies;
- var fulcrumStk = new Stock(fulcrum, StockSymbols[fulcrum], 1.25, true, 16, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(30000, 35000));
- StockMarket[fulcrum] = fulcrumStk;
- var storm = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].IshimaStormTechnologies;
- var stormStk = new Stock(storm, StockSymbols[storm], 0.85, true, 7, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(21000, 24000));
- StockMarket[storm] = stormStk;
- var defcomm = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].NewTokyoDefComm;
- var defcommStk = new Stock(defcomm, StockSymbols[defcomm], 0.65, true, 10, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(10000, 15000));
- StockMarket[defcomm] = defcommStk;
- var helios = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenHeliosLabs;
- var heliosStk = new Stock(helios, StockSymbols[helios], 0.6, true, 9, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(12000, 16000));
- StockMarket[helios] = heliosStk;
- var vitalife = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].NewTokyoVitaLife;
- var vitalifeStk = new Stock(vitalife, StockSymbols[vitalife], 0.75, true, 7, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(10000, 12000));
- StockMarket[vitalife] = vitalifeStk;
- var icarus = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12IcarusMicrosystems;
- var icarusStk = new Stock(icarus, StockSymbols[icarus], 0.65, true, 7.5, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(16000, 20000));
- StockMarket[icarus] = icarusStk;
- var universalenergy = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12UniversalEnergy;
- var universalenergyStk = new Stock(universalenergy, StockSymbols[universalenergy], 0.55, true, 10, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(20000, 25000));
- StockMarket[universalenergy] = universalenergyStk;
- var aerocorp = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumAeroCorp;
- var aerocorpStk = new Stock(aerocorp, StockSymbols[aerocorp], 0.6, true, 6, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(10000, 15000));
- StockMarket[aerocorp] = aerocorpStk;
- var omnia = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenOmniaCybersystems;
- var omniaStk = new Stock(omnia, StockSymbols[omnia], 0.7, true, 4.5, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(9000, 12000));
- StockMarket[omnia] = omniaStk;
- var solaris = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems;
- var solarisStk = new Stock(solaris, StockSymbols[solaris], 0.75, true, 8.5, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(18000, 24000));
- StockMarket[solaris] = solarisStk;
- var globalpharm = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals;
- var globalpharmStk = new Stock(globalpharm, StockSymbols[globalpharm], 0.6, true, 10.5, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(18000, 24000));
- StockMarket[globalpharm] = globalpharmStk;
- var nova = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].IshimaNovaMedical;
- var novaStk = new Stock(nova, StockSymbols[nova], 0.75, true, 5, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(18000, 24000));
- StockMarket[nova] = novaStk;
- var watchdog = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumWatchdogSecurity;
- var watchdogStk = new Stock(watchdog, StockSymbols[watchdog], 2.5, true, 1.5, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(5000, 7500));
- StockMarket[watchdog] = watchdogStk;
- var lexocorp = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenLexoCorp;
- var lexocorpStk = new Stock(lexocorp, StockSymbols[lexocorp], 1.25, true, 6, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(5000, 7500));
- StockMarket[lexocorp] = lexocorpStk;
- var rho = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumRhoConstruction;
- var rhoStk = new Stock(rho, StockSymbols[rho], 0.6, true, 1, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(3000, 6000));
- StockMarket[rho] = rhoStk;
- var alpha = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12AlphaEnterprises;
- var alphaStk = new Stock(alpha, StockSymbols[alpha], 1.9, true, 10, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(5000, 7500));
- StockMarket[alpha] = alphaStk;
- var syscore = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenSysCoreSecurities;
- var syscoreStk = new Stock(syscore, StockSymbols[syscore], 1.6, true, 3, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(4000, 7000))
- StockMarket[syscore] = syscoreStk;
- var computek = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].VolhavenCompuTek;
- var computekStk = new Stock(computek, StockSymbols[computek], 0.9, true, 4, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(2000, 5000));
- StockMarket[computek] = computekStk;
- var netlink = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].AevumNetLinkTechnologies;
- var netlinkStk = new Stock(netlink, StockSymbols[netlink], 4.2, true, 1, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(2000, 4000));
- StockMarket[netlink] = netlinkStk;
- var omega = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].IshimaOmegaSoftware;
- var omegaStk = new Stock(omega, StockSymbols[omega], 1, true, 0.5, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(3000, 6000));
- StockMarket[omega] = omegaStk;
- var fns = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Locations"].Sector12FoodNStuff;
- var fnsStk = new Stock(fns, StockSymbols[fns], 0.75, false, 1, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(1000, 4000));
- StockMarket[fns] = fnsStk;
- var sigmacosm = "Sigma Cosmetics";
- var sigmacosmStk = new Stock(sigmacosm, StockSymbols[sigmacosm], 2.8, true, 0, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(2000, 3000));
- StockMarket[sigmacosm] = sigmacosmStk;
- var joesguns = "Joes Guns";
- var joesgunsStk = new Stock(joesguns, StockSymbols[joesguns], 3.8, true, 1, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(500, 1000));
- StockMarket[joesguns] = joesgunsStk;
- var catalyst = "Catalyst Ventures";
- var catalystStk = new Stock(catalyst, StockSymbols[catalyst], 1.45, true, 13.5, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(500, 1000));
- StockMarket[catalyst] = catalystStk;
- var microdyne = "Microdyne Technologies";
- var microdyneStk = new Stock(microdyne, StockSymbols[microdyne], 0.75, true, 8, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(20000, 25000));
- StockMarket[microdyne] = microdyneStk;
- var titanlabs = "Titan Laboratories";
- var titanlabsStk = new Stock(titanlabs, StockSymbols[titanlabs], 0.6, true, 11, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["getRandomInt"])(15000, 20000));
- StockMarket[titanlabs] = titanlabsStk;
- var orders = {};
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;}
- orders[stock.symbol] = [];
- }
- }
- StockMarket["Orders"] = orders;
-function initSymbolToStockMap() {
- for (var name in StockSymbols) {
- if (StockSymbols.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- if (stock == null) {
- console.log("ERROR finding stock");
- continue;
- }
- var symbol = StockSymbols[name];
- SymbolToStockMap[symbol] = stock;
- }
- }
-function stockMarketCycle() {
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- var thresh = 0.6;
- if (stock.b) {thresh = 0.4;}
- if (Math.random() < thresh) {
- stock.b = !stock.b;
- }
- }
- }
-//Returns true if successful, false otherwise
-function buyStock(stock, shares) {
- if (stock == null || shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Failed to buy stock. This may be a bug, contact developer");
- return false;
- }
- shares = Math.round(shares);
- if (shares == 0) {return false;}
- var totalPrice = stock.price * shares;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].money.lt(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission)) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You do not have enough money to purchase this. You need $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission, 2).toString() + ".");
- return false;
- }
- var origTotal = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].loseMoney(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission);
- var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice;
- stock.playerShares += shares;
- stock.playerAvgPx = newTotal / stock.playerShares;
- updateStockPlayerPosition(stock);
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Bought " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. You also paid $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission, 2) + " in commission fees.");
- return true;
-//Returns true if successful and false otherwise
-function sellStock(stock, shares) {
- if (shares == 0) {return false;}
- if (stock == null || shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Failed to sell stock. This may be a bug, contact developer");
- return false;
- }
- shares = Math.round(shares);
- if (shares > stock.playerShares) {shares = stock.playerShares;}
- if (shares === 0) {return false;}
- var gains = stock.price * shares - _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].gainMoney(gains);
- stock.playerShares -= shares;
- if (stock.playerShares == 0) {
- stock.playerAvgPx = 0;
- }
- updateStockPlayerPosition(stock);
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Sold " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
- "a total of $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(gains, 2));
- return true;
-//Returns true if successful and false otherwise
-function shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
- var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["WorkerScript"]);
- if (stock == null || isNaN(shares) || shares < 0) {
- if (tixApi) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: shortStock() failed because of invalid arguments.");
- } else {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Failed to initiate a short position in a stock. This is probably " +
- "due to an invalid quantity. Otherwise, this may be a bug, so contact developer");
- }
- return false;
- }
- shares = Math.round(shares);
- if (shares === 0) {return false;}
- var totalPrice = stock.price * shares;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].money.lt(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission)) {
- if (tixApi) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: shortStock() failed because you do not have " +
- "money to purchase this short position. You need " +
- _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission).format('($0.000a)'));
- } else {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You do not have enough money to purchase this short position. You need $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission, 2) + ".");
- }
- return false;
- }
- var origTotal = stock.playerShortShares * stock.playerAvgShortPx;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].loseMoney(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission);
- var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice;
- stock.playerShortShares += shares;
- stock.playerAvgShortPx = newTotal / stock.playerShortShares;
- updateStockPlayerPosition(stock);
- if (tixApi) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.shortStock == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Bought a short position of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
- _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(stock.price).format('($0.000a)') + " per share. Paid " +
- _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission).format('($0.000a)') + " in commission fees.");
- }
- } else {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Bought a short position of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. You also paid $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission, 2) + " in commission fees.");
- }
- return true;
-//Returns true if successful and false otherwise
-function sellShort(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
- var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["WorkerScript"]);
- if (stock == null || isNaN(shares) || shares < 0) {
- if (tixApi) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: sellShort() failed because of invalid arguments.");
- } else {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Failed to sell a short position in a stock. This is probably " +
- "due to an invalid quantity. Otherwise, this may be a bug, so contact developer");
- }
- return false;
- }
- shares = Math.round(shares);
- if (shares > stock.playerShortShares) {shares = stock.playerShortShares;}
- if (shares === 0) {return false;}
- var origCost = shares * stock.playerAvgShortPx;
- var profit = ((stock.playerAvgShortPx - stock.price) * shares) - _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission;
- if (isNaN(profit)) {profit = 0;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].gainMoney(origCost + profit);
- if (tixApi) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += profit;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].scriptProdSinceLastAug += profit;
- }
- stock.playerShortShares -= shares;
- if (stock.playerShortShares === 0) {
- stock.playerAvgShortPx = 0;
- }
- updateStockPlayerPosition(stock);
- if (tixApi) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sellShort == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sold your short position of " + shares + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
- _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(stock.price).format('($0.000a)') + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
- "a total of " + _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(origCost + profit).format('($0.000a)'));
- }
- } else {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Sold your short position of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
- "a total of $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(origCost + profit, 2));
- }
- return true;
-function updateStockPrices() {
- var v = Math.random();
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;}
- var av = (v * stock.mv) / 100;
- if (isNaN(av)) {av = .02;}
- var chc = 50;
- if (stock.b) {
- chc = (chc + stock.otlkMag)/100;
- if (isNaN(chc)) {chc = 0.5;}
- } else {
- chc = (chc - stock.otlkMag)/100;
- if (isNaN(chc)) {chc = 0.5;}
- }
- var c = Math.random();
- if (c < chc) {
- stock.price *= (1 + av);
- processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Short);
- processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.LimitSell, PositionTypes.Long);
- processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.StopBuy, PositionTypes.Long);
- processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.StopSell, PositionTypes.Short);
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) {
- updateStockTicker(stock, true);
- }
- } else {
- stock.price /= (1 + av);
- processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long);
- processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.LimitSell, PositionTypes.Short);
- processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.StopBuy, PositionTypes.Short);
- processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.StopSell, PositionTypes.Long);
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) {
- updateStockTicker(stock, false);
- }
- }
- var otlkMagChange = stock.otlkMag * av;
- if (stock.otlkMag <= 0.1) {
- otlkMagChange = 1;
- }
- if (c < 0.5) {
- stock.otlkMag += otlkMagChange;
- } else {
- stock.otlkMag -= otlkMagChange;
- }
- if (stock.otlkMag < 0) {
- stock.otlkMag *= -1;
- stock.b = !stock.b;
- }
- }
- }
-//Checks and triggers any orders for the specified stock
-function processOrders(stock, orderType, posType) {
- var orderBook = StockMarket["Orders"];
- if (orderBook == null) {
- var orders = {};
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;}
- orders[stock.symbol] = [];
- }
- }
- StockMarket["Orders"] = orders;
- return; //Newly created, so no orders to process
- }
- var stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol];
- if (stockOrders == null || !(stockOrders.constructor === Array)) {
- console.log("ERROR: Invalid Order book for " + stock.symbol + " in processOrders()");
- stockOrders = [];
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) {
- var order = stockOrders[i];
- if (order.type === orderType && order.pos === posType) {
- switch(order.type) {
- case OrderTypes.LimitBuy:
- if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price <= order.price) {
- executeOrder/*66*/(order);
- } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price >= order.price) {
- executeOrder/*66*/(order);
- }
- break;
- case OrderTypes.LimitSell:
- if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price >= order.price) {
- executeOrder/*66*/(order);
- } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price <= order.price) {
- executeOrder/*66*/(order);
- }
- break;
- case OrderTypes.StopBuy:
- if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price >= order.price) {
- executeOrder/*66*/(order);
- } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price <= order.price) {
- executeOrder/*66*/(order);
- }
- break;
- case OrderTypes.StopSell:
- if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price <= order.price) {
- executeOrder/*66*/(order);
- } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price >= order.price) {
- executeOrder/*66*/(order);
- }
- break;
- default:
- console.log("Invalid order type: " + order.type);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-function setStockMarketContentCreated(b) {
- stockMarketContentCreated = b;
-var stockMarketContentCreated = false;
-var stockMarketPortfolioMode = false;
-var COMM = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission;
-function displayStockMarketContent() {
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasWseAccount == null) {_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasWseAccount = false;}
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess == null) {_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess = false;}
- //Purchase WSE Account button
- var wseAccountButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-buy-account");
- wseAccountButton.innerText = "Buy WSE Account - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].WSEAccountCost, 2).toString();
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasWseAccount && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].money.gte(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].WSEAccountCost)) {
- wseAccountButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button");
- } else {
- wseAccountButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive");
- }
- wseAccountButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasWseAccount = true;
- initStockMarket();
- initSymbolToStockMap();
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].loseMoney(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].WSEAccountCost);
- displayStockMarketContent();
- return false;
- });
- //Purchase TIX API Access account
- var tixApiAccessButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-buy-tix-api");
- tixApiAccessButton.innerText = "Buy Trade Information eXchange (TIX) API Access - $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].TIXAPICost, 2).toString();
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].money.gte(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].TIXAPICost)) {
- tixApiAccessButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button");
- } else {
- tixApiAccessButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive");
- }
- tixApiAccessButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess = true;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].loseMoney(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].TIXAPICost);
- displayStockMarketContent();
- return false;
- });
- var stockList = document.getElementById("stock-market-list");
- if (stockList == null) {return;}
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasWseAccount) {
- stockMarketContentCreated = false;
- while (stockList.firstChild) {
- stockList.removeChild(stockList.firstChild);
- }
- return;
- }
- //Create stock market content if you have an account
- if (!stockMarketContentCreated && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasWseAccount) {
- console.log("Creating Stock Market UI");
- document.getElementById("stock-market-commission").innerHTML =
- "Commission Fees: Every transaction you make has a $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission, 2) + " commission fee.
" +
- "WARNING: When you reset after installing Augmentations, the Stock Market is reset. " +
- "This means all your positions are lost, so make sure to sell your stocks before installing " +
- "Augmentations!";
- var investopediaButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-investopedia");
- investopediaButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var txt = "When making a transaction on the stock market, there are two " +
- "types of positions: Long and Short. A Long position is the typical " +
- "scenario where you buy a stock and earn a profit if the price of that " +
- "stock increases. Meanwhile, a Short position is the exact opposite. " +
- "In a Short position you purchase shares of a stock and earn a profit " +
- "if the price of that stock decreases. This is also called 'shorting' a stock.
" +
- "NOTE: Shorting stocks is not available immediately, and must be unlocked later on in the game.
" +
- "There are three different types of orders you can make to buy or sell " +
- "stocks on the exchange: Market Order, Limit Order, and Stop Order. " +
- "Note that Limit Orders and Stop Orders are not available immediately, and must be unlocked " +
- "later on in the game.
" +
- "When you place a Market Order to buy or sell a stock, the order executes " +
- "immediately at whatever the current price of the stock is. For example " +
- "if you choose to short a stock with 5000 shares using a Market Order, " +
- "you immediately purchase those 5000 shares in a Short position at whatever " +
- "the current market price is for that stock.
" +
- "A Limit Order is an order that only executes under certain conditions. " +
- "A Limit Order is used to buy or sell a stock at a specified price or better. " +
- "For example, lets say you purchased a Long position of 100 shares of some stock " +
- "at a price of $10 per share. You can place a Limit Order to sell those 100 shares " +
- "at $50 or better. The Limit Order will execute when the price of the stock reaches a " +
- "value of $50 or higher.
" +
- "A Stop Order is the opposite of a Limit Order. It is used to buy or sell a stock " +
- "at a specified price (before the price gets 'worse'). For example, lets say you purchased " +
- "a Short position of 100 shares of some stock at a price of $100 per share. " +
- "The current price of the stock is $80 (a profit of $20 per share). You can place a " +
- "Stop Order to sell the Short position if the stock's price reaches $90 or higher. " +
- "This can be used to lock in your profits and limit any losses.
" +
- "Here is a summary of how each order works and when they execute:
" +
- "In a LONG Position:
" +
- "A Limit Order to buy will execute if the stock's price <= order's price
" +
- "A Limit Order to sell will execute if the stock's price >= order's price
" +
- "A Stop Order to buy will execute if the stock's price >= order's price
" +
- "A Stop Order to sell will execute if the stock's price <= order's price
" +
- "In a SHORT Position:
" +
- "A Limit Order to buy will execute if the stock's price >= order's price
" +
- "A Limit Order to sell will execute if the stock's price <= order's price
" +
- "A Stop Order to buy will execute if the stock's price <= order's price
" +
- "A Stop Order to sell will execute if the stock's price >= order's price.";
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt);
- return false;
- });
- //Switch to Portfolio Mode Button
- var modeBtn = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-mode");
- if (modeBtn) {
- modeBtn.innerHTML = "Switch to 'Portfolio' Mode" +
- "Displays only the stocks for which you have shares or orders";
- modeBtn.addEventListener("click", switchToPortfolioMode);
- }
- //Expand/Collapse tickers buttons
- var expandBtn = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-expand-tickers"),
- collapseBtn = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-collapse-tickers"),
- stockList = document.getElementById("stock-market-list");
- if (expandBtn) {
- expandBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- var tickerHdrs = stockList.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header");
- for (var i = 0; i < tickerHdrs.length; ++i) {
- if (!tickerHdrs[i].classList.contains("active")) {
- tickerHdrs[i].click();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (collapseBtn) {
- collapseBtn.addEventListener("click",()=>{
- var tickerHdrs = stockList.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header");
- for (var i = 0; i < tickerHdrs.length; ++i) {
- if (tickerHdrs[i].classList.contains("active")) {
- tickerHdrs[i].click();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} //orders property is an array
- createStockTicker(stock);
- }
- }
- setStockTickerClickHandlers(); //Clicking headers opens/closes panels
- stockMarketContentCreated = true;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].hasWseAccount) {
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- updateStockTicker(stock, null);
- updateStockOrderList(stock);
- }
- }
- }
-//Displays only stocks you have position/order in
-function switchToPortfolioMode() {
- stockMarketPortfolioMode = true;
- var stockList = document.getElementById("stock-market-list");
- if (stockList == null) {return;}
- var modeBtn = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-mode");
- if (modeBtn) {
- modeBtn.innerHTML = "Switch to 'All stocks' Mode" +
- "Displays all stocks on the WSE";
- modeBtn.addEventListener("click", switchToDisplayAllMode);
- }
- while(stockList.firstChild) {stockList.removeChild(stockList.firstChild);}
- //Get Order book (create it if it hasn't been created)
- var orderBook = StockMarket["Orders"];
- if (orderBook == null) {
- var orders = {};
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;}
- orders[stock.symbol] = [];
- }
- }
- StockMarket["Orders"] = orders;
- }
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} //orders property is an array
- var stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol];
- if (stock.playerShares === 0 && stock.playerShortShares === 0 &&
- stockOrders.length === 0) {continue;}
- createStockTicker(stock);
- }
- }
- setStockTickerClickHandlers();
-//Displays all stocks
-function switchToDisplayAllMode() {
- stockMarketPortfolioMode = false;
- var stockList = document.getElementById("stock-market-list");
- if (stockList == null) {return;}
- var modeBtn = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-mode");
- if (modeBtn) {
- modeBtn.innerHTML = "Switch to 'Portfolio' Mode" +
- "Displays only the stocks for which you have shares or orders";
- modeBtn.addEventListener("click", switchToPortfolioMode);
- }
- while(stockList.firstChild) {stockList.removeChild(stockList.firstChild);}
- for (var name in StockMarket) {
- if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- var stock = StockMarket[name];
- if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} //orders property is an array
- createStockTicker(stock);
- }
- }
- setStockTickerClickHandlers();
-function createStockTicker(stock) {
- if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {
- console.log("Invalid stock in createStockSticker()");
- return;
- }
- var tickerId = "stock-market-ticker-" + stock.symbol;
- var li = document.createElement("li"), hdr = document.createElement("button");
- hdr.classList.add("accordion-header");
- hdr.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-hdr");
- hdr.innerHTML = stock.name + " - " + stock.symbol + " - $" + stock.price;
- //Div for entire panel
- var stockDiv = document.createElement("div");
- stockDiv.classList.add("accordion-panel");
- stockDiv.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-panel");
- /* Create panel DOM */
- var qtyInput = document.createElement("input"),
- longShortSelect = document.createElement("select"),
- orderTypeSelect = document.createElement("select"),
- buyButton = document.createElement("span"),
- sellButton = document.createElement("span"),
- buyMaxButton = document.createElement("span"),
- sellAllButton = document.createElement("span"),
- positionTxt = document.createElement("p"),
- orderList = document.createElement("ul");
- qtyInput.classList.add("stock-market-input");
- qtyInput.placeholder = "Quantity (Shares)";
- qtyInput.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-qty-input");
- qtyInput.setAttribute("onkeydown", "return ( event.ctrlKey || event.altKey " +
- " || (47Long Position: " +
- "Shares in the long position will increase " +
- "in value if the price of the corresponding stock increases
" +
- "
Shares: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.playerShares, 0) +
- "
Average Price: " + _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(stock.playerAvgPx).format('$0.000a') +
- " (Total Cost: " + _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(totalCost).format('$0.000a') + ")" +
- "
Profit: " + _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(gains).format('$0.000a') +
- " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(percentageGains*100, 2) + "%)
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Player"].bitNodeN === 8 || (_NetscriptFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["hasWallStreetSF"] && _NetscriptFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["wallStreetSFLvl"] >= 2)) {
- stock.posTxtEl.innerHTML +=
- "Short Position: " +
- "Shares in short position will increase " +
- "in value if the price of the corresponding stock decreases
" +
- "
Shares: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.playerShortShares, 0) +
- "
Average Price: " + _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(stock.playerAvgShortPx).format('$0.000a') +
- " (Total Cost: " + _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(shortTotalCost).format('$0.000a') + ")" +
- "
Profit: " + _utils_numeral_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(shortGains).format('$0.000a') +
- " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shortPercentageGains*100, 2) + "%)" +
- "Orders:
- }
-function updateStockOrderList(stock) {
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage !== _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) {return;}
- var tickerId = "stock-market-ticker-" + stock.symbol;
- var orderList = document.getElementById(tickerId + "-order-list");
- if (orderList == null) {
- if (!stockMarketPortfolioMode) {console.log("ERROR: Could not find order list for " + stock.symbol);}
- return;
- }
- var orderBook = StockMarket["Orders"];
- if (orderBook == null) {
- console.log("ERROR: Could not find order book in stock market");
- return;
- }
- var stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol];
- if (stockOrders == null) {
- console.log("ERROR: Could not find orders for: " + stock.symbol);
- return;
- }
- if (stockMarketPortfolioMode) {
- if (stock.playerShares === 0 && stock.playerShortShares === 0 &&
- StockMarket["Orders"] && StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol] &&
- StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol].length === 0) {
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["removeElementById"])(tickerId + "-hdr");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["removeElementById"])(tickerId + "-panel");
- return;
- } else {
- //If the ticker hasn't been created, create it (handles updating)
- //If it has been created, continue normally
- if (document.getElementById(tickerId + "-hdr") == null) {
- createStockTicker(stock);
- setStockTickerClickHandlers();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- //Remove everything from list
- while (orderList.firstChild) {
- orderList.removeChild(orderList.firstChild);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) {
- (function() {
- var order = stockOrders[i];
- var li = document.createElement("li");
- li.style.padding = "4px";
- var posText = (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long ? "Long Position" : "Short Position");
- li.style.color = "white";
- li.innerText = order.type + " - " + posText + " - " +
- order.shares + " @ $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(order.price, 2);
- var cancelButton = document.createElement("span");
- cancelButton.classList.add("stock-market-order-cancel-btn");
- cancelButton.classList.add("a-link-button");
- cancelButton.innerHTML = "Cancel Order";
- cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- cancelOrder({order: order}, null);
- return false;
- });
- li.appendChild(cancelButton);
- orderList.appendChild(li);
- }());
- }
-/***/ }),
-/* 22 */
- !*** ./src/Terminal.js ***!
- \*************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "postNetburnerText", function() { return postNetburnerText; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "post", function() { return post; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Terminal", function() { return Terminal; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "KEY", function() { return KEY; });
-/* harmony import */ var _Alias_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Alias.js */ 30);
-/* harmony import */ var _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants.js */ 3);
-/* harmony import */ var _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CreateProgram.js */ 14);
-/* harmony import */ var _DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./DarkWeb.js */ 33);
-/* harmony import */ var _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine.js */ 5);
-/* harmony import */ var _Fconf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Fconf.js */ 34);
-/* harmony import */ var _HelpText_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./HelpText.js */ 68);
-/* harmony import */ var _InteractiveTutorial_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./InteractiveTutorial.js */ 25);
-/* harmony import */ var _Literature_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Literature.js */ 53);
-/* harmony import */ var _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Message.js */ 27);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEvaluator.js */ 7);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker.js */ 20);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _RedPill_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./RedPill.js */ 44);
-/* harmony import */ var _Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Script.js */ 28);
-/* harmony import */ var _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server.js */ 10);
-/* harmony import */ var _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings.js */ 24);
-/* harmony import */ var _SpecialServerIps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SpecialServerIps.js */ 17);
-/* harmony import */ var _TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./TextFile.js */ 41);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js */ 2);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/HelperFunctions.js */ 1);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_LogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/LogBox.js */ 51);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_YesNoBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/YesNoBox.js */ 12);
-/* harmony import */ var jszip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__ = __webpack_require__(/*! jszip */ 114);
-/* harmony import */ var jszip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(jszip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__);
-/* harmony import */ var file_saver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__ = __webpack_require__(/*! file-saver */ 113);
-/* harmony import */ var file_saver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(file_saver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__);
-/* Write text to terminal */
-//If replace is true then spaces are replaced with " "
-function post(input) {
- $("#terminal-input").before(' ');
- updateTerminalScroll();
-//Same thing as post but the td cells have ids so they can be animated for the hack progress bar
-function hackProgressBarPost(input) {
- $("#terminal-input").before('' + input + ' ');
- updateTerminalScroll();
-function hackProgressPost(input) {
- $("#terminal-input").before('' + input + ' ');
- updateTerminalScroll();
-//Scroll to the bottom of the terminal's 'text area'
-function updateTerminalScroll() {
- var element = document.getElementById("terminal-container");
- element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight;
-function postNetburnerText() {
- post("Bitburner v" + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].Version);
-//Key Codes
-var KEY = {
- TAB: 9,
- ENTER: 13,
- CTRL: 17,
- UPARROW: 38,
- A: 65,
- B: 66,
- C: 67,
- D: 68,
- E: 69,
- F: 70,
- H: 72,
- K: 75,
- L: 76,
- M: 77,
- N: 78,
- P: 80,
- U: 85,
- W: 87,
-//Defines key commands in terminal
-$(document).keydown(function(event) {
- //Terminal
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].Page.Terminal) {
- var terminalInput = document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box");
- if (terminalInput != null && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey) {terminalInput.focus();}
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.ENTER) {
- event.preventDefault(); //Prevent newline from being entered in Script Editor
- var command = $('input[class=terminal-input]').val();
- if (command.length > 0) {
- post("[" + _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Player"].getCurrentServer().hostname + " ~]> " + command);
- Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); //Clear input first
- Terminal.executeCommand(command);
- }
- }
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.C && event.ctrlKey) {
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"]._actionInProgress) {
- //Cancel action
- post("Cancelling...");
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"]._actionInProgress = false;
- Terminal.finishAction(true);
- } else if (_Fconf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["FconfSettings"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS) {
- //Dont prevent default so it still copies
- Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); //Clear Terminal
- }
- }
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.L && event.ctrlKey) {
- event.preventDefault();
- Terminal.executeCommand("clear"); //Clear screen
- }
- //Ctrl p same as up arrow
- //Ctrl n same as down arrow
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.UPARROW ||
- (_Fconf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["FconfSettings"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS && event.keyCode === KEY.P && event.ctrlKey)) {
- if (_Fconf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["FconfSettings"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS) {event.preventDefault();}
- //Cycle through past commands
- if (terminalInput == null) {return;}
- var i = Terminal.commandHistoryIndex;
- var len = Terminal.commandHistory.length;
- if (len == 0) {return;}
- if (i < 0 || i > len) {
- Terminal.commandHistoryIndex = len;
- }
- if (i != 0) {
- --Terminal.commandHistoryIndex;
- }
- var prevCommand = Terminal.commandHistory[Terminal.commandHistoryIndex];
- terminalInput.value = prevCommand;
- setTimeout(function(){terminalInput.selectionStart = terminalInput.selectionEnd = 10000; }, 0);
- }
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.DOWNARROW ||
- (_Fconf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["FconfSettings"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS && event.keyCode === KEY.M && event.ctrlKey)) {
- if (_Fconf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["FconfSettings"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS) {event.preventDefault();}
- //Cycle through past commands
- if (terminalInput == null) {return;}
- var i = Terminal.commandHistoryIndex;
- var len = Terminal.commandHistory.length;
- if (len == 0) {return;}
- if (i < 0 || i > len) {
- Terminal.commandHistoryIndex = len;
- }
- //Latest command, put nothing
- if (i == len || i == len-1) {
- Terminal.commandHistoryIndex = len;
- terminalInput.value = "";
- } else {
- ++Terminal.commandHistoryIndex;
- var prevCommand = Terminal.commandHistory[Terminal.commandHistoryIndex];
- terminalInput.value = prevCommand;
- }
- }
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.TAB) {
- //Autocomplete
- if (terminalInput == null) {return;}
- var input = terminalInput.value;
- if (input == "") {return;}
- input = input.trim();
- input = input.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
- var commandArray = input.split(" ");
- var index = commandArray.length - 2;
- if (index < -1) {index = 0;}
- var allPos = determineAllPossibilitiesForTabCompletion(input, index);
- if (allPos.length == 0) {return;}
- var arg = "";
- var command = "";
- if (commandArray.length == 0) {return;}
- if (commandArray.length == 1) {command = commandArray[0];}
- else if (commandArray.length == 2) {
- command = commandArray[0];
- arg = commandArray[1];
- } else if (commandArray.length == 3) {
- command = commandArray[0] + " " + commandArray[1];
- arg = commandArray[2];
- } else {
- arg = commandArray.pop();
- command = commandArray.join(" ");
- }
- tabCompletion(command, arg, allPos);
- }
- //Extra Bash Emulation Hotkeys, must be enabled through .fconf
- if (_Fconf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["FconfSettings"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS) {
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.A && event.ctrlKey) {
- event.preventDefault();
- Terminal.moveTextCursor("home");
- }
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.E && event.ctrlKey) {
- event.preventDefault();
- Terminal.moveTextCursor("end");
- }
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.B && event.ctrlKey) {
- event.preventDefault();
- Terminal.moveTextCursor("prevchar");
- }
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.B && event.altKey) {
- event.preventDefault();
- Terminal.moveTextCursor("prevword");
- }
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.F && event.ctrlKey) {
- event.preventDefault();
- Terminal.moveTextCursor("nextchar");
- }
- if (event.keyCode === KEY.F && event.altKey) {
- event.preventDefault();
- Terminal.moveTextCursor("nextword");
- }
- if ((event.keyCode === KEY.H || event.keyCode === KEY.D) && event.ctrlKey) {
- Terminal.modifyInput("backspace");
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- //alt + d deletes word after cursor
- //^w deletes word before cursor
- //^k clears line after cursor
- //^u clears line before cursor
- }
- }
-//Keep terminal in focus
-let terminalCtrlPressed = false;
-$(document).ready(function() {
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].Page.Terminal) {
- $('.terminal-input').focus();
- }
-$(document).keydown(function(e) {
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].Page.Terminal) {
- if (e.which == 17) {
- terminalCtrlPressed = true;
- } else if (terminalCtrlPressed == true) {
- //Don't focus
- } else {
- var inputTextBox = document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box");
- if (inputTextBox != null) {
- inputTextBox.focus();
- }
- terminalCtrlPressed = false;
- }
- }
-$(document).keyup(function(e) {
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].Page.Terminal) {
- if (e.which == 17) {
- terminalCtrlPressed = false;
- }
- }
-//Implements a tab completion feature for terminal
-// command - Command (first arg only)
-// arg - Incomplete argument string that the function will try to complete, or will display
-// a series of possible options for
-// allPossibilities - Array of strings containing all possibilities that the
-// string can complete to
-// index - index of argument that is being "tab completed". By default is 0, the first argument
-function tabCompletion(command, arg, allPossibilities, index=0) {
- if (!(allPossibilities.constructor === Array)) {return;}
- if (!Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["containsAllStrings"])(allPossibilities)) {return;}
- if (!command.startsWith("./")) {
- command = command.toLowerCase();
- }
- //Remove all options in allPossibilities that do not match the current string
- //that we are attempting to autocomplete
- if (arg == "") {
- for (var i = allPossibilities.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (!allPossibilities[i].toLowerCase().startsWith(command.toLowerCase())) {
- allPossibilities.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (var i = allPossibilities.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (!allPossibilities[i].toLowerCase().startsWith(arg.toLowerCase())) {
- allPossibilities.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- var val = "";
- if (allPossibilities.length == 0) {
- return;
- } else if (allPossibilities.length == 1) {
- if (arg == "") {
- //Autocomplete command
- val = allPossibilities[0] + " ";
- } else {
- val = command + " " + allPossibilities[0];
- }
- document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").value = val;
- document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").focus();
- } else {
- var longestStartSubstr = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["longestCommonStart"])(allPossibilities);
- //If the longest common starting substring of remaining possibilities is the same
- //as whatevers already in terminal, just list all possible options. Otherwise,
- //change the input in the terminal to the longest common starting substr
- var allOptionsStr = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < allPossibilities.length; ++i) {
- allOptionsStr += allPossibilities[i];
- allOptionsStr += " ";
- }
- if (arg == "") {
- if (longestStartSubstr == command) {
- post("> " + command);
- post(allOptionsStr);
- } else {
- document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").value = longestStartSubstr;
- document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").focus();
- }
- } else {
- if (longestStartSubstr == arg) {
- //List all possible options
- post("> " + command + " " + arg);
- post(allOptionsStr);
- } else {
- document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").value = command + " " + longestStartSubstr;
- document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").focus();
- }
- }
- }
-function determineAllPossibilitiesForTabCompletion(input, index=0) {
- var allPos = [];
- allPos = allPos.concat(Object.keys(_Alias_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["GlobalAliases"]));
- var currServ = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Player"].getCurrentServer();
- input = input.toLowerCase();
- //If the command starts with './' and the index == -1, then the user
- //has input ./partialexecutablename so autocomplete the script or program
- //Put './' in front of each script/executable
- if (input.startsWith("./") && index == -1) {
- //All programs and scripts
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push("./" + currServ.scripts[i].filename);
- }
- //Programs are on home computer
- var homeComputer = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Player"].getHomeComputer();
- for(var i = 0; i < homeComputer.programs.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push("./" + homeComputer.programs[i]);
- }
- return allPos;
- }
- //Autocomplete the command
- if (index == -1) {
- return ["alias", "analyze", "cat", "check", "clear", "cls", "connect", "download", "free",
- "hack", "help", "home", "hostname", "ifconfig", "kill", "killall",
- "ls", "lscpu", "mem", "nano", "ps", "rm", "run", "scan", "scan-analyze",
- "scp", "sudov", "tail", "theme", "top"].concat(Object.keys(_Alias_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Aliases"])).concat(Object.keys(_Alias_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["GlobalAliases"]));
- }
- if (input.startsWith ("buy ")) {
- return [_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Programs"].BruteSSHProgram, _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Programs"].FTPCrackProgram, _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Programs"].RelaySMTPProgram,
- _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Programs"].HTTPWormProgram, _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Programs"].SQLInjectProgram, _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Programs"].DeepscanV1,
- _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Programs"].DeepscanV2].concat(Object.keys(_Alias_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["GlobalAliases"]));
- }
- if (input.startsWith("scp ") && index == 1) {
- for (var iphostname in _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["AllServers"]) {
- if (_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["AllServers"].hasOwnProperty(iphostname)) {
- allPos.push(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["AllServers"][iphostname].ip);
- allPos.push(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["AllServers"][iphostname].hostname);
- }
- }
- }
- if (input.startsWith("scp ") && index == 0) {
- //All Scripts and lit files
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) {
- if (!(currServ.messages[i] instanceof _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Message"])) {
- allPos.push(currServ.messages[i]);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn);
- }
- }
- if (input.startsWith("connect ") || input.startsWith("telnet ")) {
- //All network connections
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.serversOnNetwork.length; ++i) {
- var serv = _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["AllServers"][currServ.serversOnNetwork[i]];
- if (serv == null) {continue;}
- allPos.push(serv.ip); //IP
- allPos.push(serv.hostname); //Hostname
- }
- return allPos;
- }
- if (input.startsWith("kill ") || input.startsWith("tail ") ||
- input.startsWith("mem ") || input.startsWith("check ")) {
- //All Scripts
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename);
- }
- return allPos;
- }
- if (input.startsWith("nano ")) {
- //Scripts and text files and .fconf
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn);
- }
- allPos.push(".fconf");
- return allPos;
- }
- if (input.startsWith("rm ")) {
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.programs.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.programs[i]);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) {
- if (!(currServ.messages[i] instanceof _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Message"]) && Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["isString"])(currServ.messages[i]) &&
- currServ.messages[i].endsWith(".lit")) {
- allPos.push(currServ.messages[i]);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn);
- }
- return allPos;
- }
- if (input.startsWith("run ")) {
- //All programs and scripts
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename);
- }
- //Programs are on home computer
- var homeComputer = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Player"].getHomeComputer();
- for(var i = 0; i < homeComputer.programs.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(homeComputer.programs[i]);
- }
- return allPos;
- }
- if (input.startsWith("cat ")) {
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) {
- if (currServ.messages[i] instanceof _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Message"]) {
- allPos.push(currServ.messages[i].filename);
- } else {
- allPos.push(currServ.messages[i]);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn);
- }
- return allPos;
- }
- if (input.startsWith("download ")) {
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) {
- allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename);
- }
- }
- return allPos;
-let Terminal = {
- //Flags to determine whether the player is currently running a hack or an analyze
- hackFlag: false,
- analyzeFlag: false,
- commandHistory: [],
- commandHistoryIndex: 0,
- resetTerminalInput: function() {
- document.getElementById("terminal-input-td").innerHTML =
- "' + input + '
" +
- "Do you want to travel to the BitNode Nexus? This allows you to reset the current BitNode " +
- "and select a new one.");
- break;
- default:
- post("Invalid executable. Cannot be run");
- return;
- }
- },
- runScript: function(scriptName) {
- var server = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Player"].getCurrentServer();
- var numThreads = 1;
- var args = [];
- var results = scriptName.split(" ");
- if (results.length <= 0) {
- post("This is a bug. Please contact developer");
- }
- scriptName = results[0];
- if (results.length > 1) {
- if (results.length >= 3 && results[1] == "-t") {
- numThreads = Math.round(Number(results[2]));
- if (isNaN(numThreads) || numThreads < 1) {
- post("Invalid number of threads specified. Number of threads must be greater than 0");
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 3; i < results.length; ++i) {
- var arg = results[i];
- //Forced string
- if ((arg.startsWith("'") && arg.endsWith("'")) ||
- (arg.startsWith('"') && arg.endsWith('"'))) {
- args.push(arg.slice(1, -1));
- continue;
- }
- //Number
- var tempNum = Number(arg);
- if (!isNaN(tempNum)) {
- args.push(tempNum);
- continue;
- }
- //Otherwise string
- args.push(arg);
- }
- } else {
- for (var i = 1; i < results.length; ++i) {
- var arg = results[i];
- //Forced string
- if ((arg.startsWith("'") && arg.endsWith("'")) ||
- (arg.startsWith('"') && arg.endsWith('"'))) {
- args.push(arg.slice(1, -1));
- continue;
- }
- //Number
- var tempNum = Number(arg);
- if (!isNaN(tempNum)) {
- args.push(tempNum);
- continue;
- }
- //Otherwise string
- args.push(arg);
- }
- }
- }
- //Check if this script is already running
- if (Object(_Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["findRunningScript"])(scriptName, args, server) != null) {
- post("ERROR: This script is already running. Cannot run multiple instances");
- return;
- }
- //Check if the script exists and if it does run it
- for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; i++) {
- if (server.scripts[i].filename == scriptName) {
- //Check for admin rights and that there is enough RAM availble to run
- var script = server.scripts[i];
- var ramUsage = script.ramUsage * numThreads * Math.pow(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].MultithreadingRAMCost, numThreads-1);
- var ramAvailable = server.maxRam - server.ramUsed;
- if (server.hasAdminRights == false) {
- post("Need root access to run script");
- return;
- } else if (ramUsage > ramAvailable){
- post("This machine does not have enough RAM to run this script with " +
- numThreads + " threads. Script requires " + ramUsage + "GB of RAM");
- return;
- } else {
- //Able to run script
- post("Running script with " + numThreads + " thread(s) and args: " + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["printArray"])(args) + ".");
- post("May take a few seconds to start up the process...");
- var runningScriptObj = new _Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["RunningScript"](script, args);
- runningScriptObj.threads = numThreads;
- server.runningScripts.push(runningScriptObj);
- Object(_NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["addWorkerScript"])(runningScriptObj, server);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- post("ERROR: No such script");
- }
-/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ 38)))
-/***/ }),
-/* 23 */
- !*** ./utils/decimal.js ***!
- \**************************/
-/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
-var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/*! decimal.js v7.2.3 https://github.com/MikeMcl/decimal.js/LICENCE */
-;(function (globalScope) {
- 'use strict';
- /*
- * decimal.js v7.2.3
- * An arbitrary-precision Decimal type for JavaScript.
- * https://github.com/MikeMcl/decimal.js
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Michael Mclaughlin
" +
- "This tutorial will show you the basics of the game. " +
- "You may skip the tutorial at any time.");
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "inline-block";
- next.addEventListener("click", function() {
- iTutorialNextStep();
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage:
- iTutorialSetText("Let's start by heading to the Stats page. Click the 'Stats' tab on " +
- "the main navigation menu (left-hand side of the screen)");
- //No next button
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "none";
- //Flash Character tab
- document.getElementById("stats-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button");
- //Initialize everything necessary to open the "Character" page
- var charaterMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("stats-menu-link");
- charaterMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadCharacterContent();
- iTutorialNextStep(); //Opening the character page will go to the next step
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("stats-menu-link");
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage:
- iTutorialSetText("The Stats page shows a lot of important information about your progress, " +
- "such as your skills, money, and bonuses/multipliers. ")
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "inline-block";
- next.addEventListener("click", function() {
- iTutorialNextStep();
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage:
- iTutorialSetText("Let's head to your computer's terminal by clicking the 'Terminal' tab on the " +
- "main navigation menu.");
- //No next button
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button");
- //Initialize everything necessary to open the 'Terminal' Page
- var terminalMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link");
- terminalMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent();
- iTutorialNextStep();
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("terminal-menu-link");
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro:
- iTutorialSetText("The Terminal is used to interface with your home computer as well as " +
- "all of the other machines around the world.");
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "inline-block";
- next.addEventListener("click", function() {
- iTutorialNextStep();
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp:
- iTutorialSetText("Let's try it out. Start by entering the 'help' command into the Terminal " +
- "(Don't forget to press Enter after typing the command)");
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "none";
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs:
- iTutorialSetText("The 'help' command displays a list of all available Terminal commands, how to use them, " +
- "and a description of what they do.
Let's try another command. Enter the 'ls' command");
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan:
- iTutorialSetText("'ls' is a basic command that shows all of the contents (programs/scripts) " +
- "on the computer. Right now, it shows that you have a program called 'NUKE.exe' on your computer. " +
- "We'll get to what this does later.
Using your home computer's terminal, you can connect " +
- "to other machines throughout the world. Let's do that now by first entering " +
- "the 'scan' command. ");
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze1:
- iTutorialSetText("The 'scan' command shows all available network connections. In other words, " +
- "it displays a list of all servers that can be connected to from your " +
- "current machine. A server is identified by either its IP or its hostname.
" +
- "That's great and all, but there's so many servers. Which one should you go to? " +
- "The 'scan-analyze' command gives some more detailed information about servers on the " +
- "network. Try it now");
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze2:
- iTutorialSetText("You just ran 'scan-analyze' with a depth of one. This command shows more detailed " +
- "information about each server that you can connect to (servers that are a distance of " +
- "one node away).
It is also possible to run 'scan-analyze' with " +
- "a higher depth. Let's try a depth of two with the following command: 'scan-analyze 2'.")
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect:
- iTutorialSetText("Now you can see information about all servers that are up to two nodes away, as well " +
- "as figure out how to navigate to those servers through the network. You can only connect to " +
- "a server that is one node away. To connect to a machine, use the 'connect [ip/hostname]' command. You can type in " +
- "the ip or the hostname, but dont use both.
" +
- "From the results of the 'scan-analyze' command, we can see that the 'foodnstuff' server is " +
- "only one node away. Let's connect so it now using: 'connect foodnstuff'");
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze:
- iTutorialSetText("You are now connected to another machine! What can you do now? You can hack it!
In the year 2077, currency has " +
- "become digital and decentralized. People and corporations store their money " +
- "on servers and computers. Using your hacking abilities, you can hack servers " +
- "to steal money and gain experience.
" +
- "Before you try to hack a server, you should run diagnostics using the 'analyze' command");
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke:
- iTutorialSetText("When the 'analyze' command finishes running it will show useful information " +
- "about hacking the server.
For this server, the required hacking skill is only 1, " +
- "which means you can hack it right now. However, in order to hack a server " +
- "you must first gain root access. The 'NUKE.exe' program that we saw earlier on your " +
- "home computer is a virus that will grant you root access to a machine if there are enough " +
- "open ports.
The 'analyze' results shows that there do not need to be any open ports " +
- "on this machine for the NUKE virus to work, so go ahead and run the virus using the " +
- "'run NUKE.exe' command.");
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack:
- iTutorialSetText("You now have root access! You can hack the server using the 'hack' command. " +
- "Try doing that now.");
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHackingMechanics:
- iTutorialSetText("You are now attempting to hack the server. Note that performing a hack takes time and " +
- "only has a certain percentage chance " +
- "of success. This time and success chance is determined by a variety of factors, including " +
- "your hacking skill and the server's security level.
" +
- "If your attempt to hack the server is successful, you will steal a certain percentage " +
- "of the server's total money. This percentage is affected by your hacking skill and " +
- "the server's security level.
The amount of money on a server is not limitless. So, if " +
- "you constantly hack a server and deplete its money, then you will encounter " +
- "diminishing returns in your hacking.");
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "inline-block";
- next.addEventListener("click", function() {
- iTutorialNextStep();
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript:
- iTutorialSetText("Hacking is the core mechanic of the game and is necessary for progressing. However, " +
- "you don't want to be hacking manually the entire time. You can automate your hacking " +
- "by writing scripts!
To create a new script or edit an existing one, you can use the 'nano' " +
- "command. Scripts must end with the '.script' extension. Let's make a script now by " +
- "entering 'nano foodnstuff.script' after the hack command finishes running (Sidenote: Pressing ctrl + c" +
- " will end a command like hack early)");
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "none";
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript:
- iTutorialSetText("This is the script editor. You can use it to program your scripts. Scripts are " +
- "written in the Netscript language, a programming language created for " +
- "this game. There are details about the Netscript language in the documentation, which " +
- "can be accessed in the 'Tutorial' tab on the main navigation menu. I highly suggest you check " +
- "it out after this tutorial. For now, just copy " +
- "and paste the following code into the script editor:
" +
- "while(true) {
" +
- " hack('foodnstuff');
" +
- "}
" +
- "For anyone with basic programming experience, this code should be straightforward. " +
- "This script will continuously hack the 'foodnstuff' server.
" +
- "To save and close the script editor, press the button in the bottom left, or press ctrl + b.");
- //next step triggered in saveAndCloseScriptEditor() (Script.js)
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree:
- iTutorialSetText("Now we'll run the script. Scripts require a certain amount of RAM to run, and can be " +
- "run on any machine which you have root access to. Different servers have different " +
- "amounts of RAM. You can also purchase more RAM for your home server.
To check how much " +
- "RAM is available on this machine, enter the 'free' command.");
- //next step triggered by terminal commmand
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript:
- iTutorialSetText("We have 16GB of free RAM on this machine, which is enough to run our " +
- "script. Let's run our script using 'run foodnstuff.script'.");
- //next step triggered by terminal commmand
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage:
- iTutorialSetText("Your script is now running! The script might take a few seconds to 'fully start up'. " +
- "Your scripts will continuously run in the background and will automatically stop if " +
- "the code ever completes (the 'foodnstuff.script' will never complete because it " +
- "runs an infinite loop).
These scripts can passively earn you income and hacking experience. " +
- "Your scripts will also earn money and experience while you are offline, although at a " +
- "much slower rate.
" +
- "Let's check out some statistics for our running scripts by clicking the " +
- "'Active Scripts' link in the main navigation menu.");
- document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button");
- var activeScriptsMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link");
- activeScriptsMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadActiveScriptsContent();
- iTutorialNextStep();
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("active-scripts-menu-link");
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage:
- iTutorialSetText("This page displays stats/information about all of your scripts that are " +
- "running across every existing server. You can use this to gauge how well " +
- "your scripts are doing. Let's go back to the Terminal now using the 'Terminal'" +
- "link.");
- document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button");
- //Initialize everything necessary to open the 'Terminal' Page
- var terminalMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("terminal-menu-link");
- terminalMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent();
- iTutorialNextStep();
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("terminal-menu-link");
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal:
- iTutorialSetText("One last thing about scripts, each active script contains logs that detail " +
- "what it's doing. We can check these logs using the 'tail' command. Do that " +
- "now for the script we just ran by typing 'tail foodnstuff.script'");
- //next step triggered by terminal command
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript:
- iTutorialSetText("The log for this script won't show much right now (it might show nothing at all) because it " +
- "just started running...but check back again in a few minutes!
" +
- "This pretty much covers the basics of hacking. To learn more about writing " +
- "scripts using the Netscript language, select the 'Tutorial' link in the " +
- "main navigation menu to look at the documentation. For now, let's move on " +
- "to something else!");
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "inline-block";
- next.addEventListener("click", function() {
- iTutorialNextStep();
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage:
- iTutorialSetText("Hacking is not the only way to earn money. One other way to passively " +
- "earn money is by purchasing and upgrading Hacknet Nodes. Let's go to " +
- "the 'Hacknet Nodes' page through the main navigation menu now.");
- document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button");
- var hacknetNodesButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("hacknet-nodes-menu-link");
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "none";
- hacknetNodesButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadHacknetNodesContent();
- iTutorialNextStep();
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("hacknet-nodes-menu-link");
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction:
- iTutorialSetText("From this page you can purchase new Hacknet Nodes and upgrade your " +
- "existing ones. Let's purchase a new one now.");
- //Next step triggered by purchaseHacknet() (HacknetNode.js)
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage:
- iTutorialSetText("You just purchased a Hacknet Node! This Hacknet Node will passively " +
- "earn you money over time, both online and offline. When you get enough " +
- " money, you can upgrade " +
- "your newly-purchased Hacknet Node below.
" +
- "Let's go to the 'City' page through the main navigation menu.");
- document.getElementById("city-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button");
- var worldButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("city-menu-link");
- worldButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadWorldContent();
- iTutorialNextStep();
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("city-menu-link");
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription:
- iTutorialSetText("This page lists all of the different locations you can currently " +
- "travel to. Each location has something that you can do. " +
- "There's a lot of content out in the world, make sure " +
- "you explore and discover!
" +
- "Lastly, click on the 'Tutorial' link in the main navigation menu.");
- document.getElementById("tutorial-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button");
- var tutorialButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("tutorial-menu-link");
- tutorialButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadTutorialContent();
- iTutorialNextStep();
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("tutorial-menu-link");
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TutorialPageInfo:
- iTutorialSetText("This page contains a lot of different documentation about the game's " +
- "content and mechanics. I know it's a lot, but I highly suggest you read " +
- "(or at least skim) through this before you start playing. That's the end of the tutorial. " +
- "Hope you enjoy the game!");
- var next = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next");
- next.style.display = "inline-block";
- next.innerHTML = "Finish Tutorial";
- var backButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-back");
- backButton.style.display = "none";
- next.addEventListener("click", function() {
- iTutorialNextStep();
- return false;
- });
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.End:
- iTutorialEnd();
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid tutorial step");
- }
-//Go to the next step and evaluate it
-function iTutorialNextStep() {
- switch(currITutorialStep) {
- case iTutorialSteps.Start:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage:
- document.getElementById("stats-menu-link").removeAttribute("class");
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage:
- document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").removeAttribute("class");
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze1;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze1:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze2;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze2:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalHackingMechanics;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHackingMechanics:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage:
- document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link").removeAttribute("class");
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage:
- document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").removeAttribute("class");
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage:
- document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-menu-link").removeAttribute("class");
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage:
- document.getElementById("city-menu-link").removeAttribute("class");
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription:
- document.getElementById("tutorial-menu-link").removeAttribute("class");
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TutorialPageInfo;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TutorialPageInfo:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.End;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.End:
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid tutorial step");
- }
-//Go to previous step and evaluate
-function iTutorialPrevStep() {
- switch(currITutorialStep) {
- case iTutorialSteps.Start:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.Start;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.Start;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHackingMechanics:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.TutorialPageInfo:
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription;
- iTutorialEvaluateStep();
- break;
- case iTutorialSteps.End:
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Invalid tutorial step");
- }
-function iTutorialEnd() {
- //Re-enable auto save
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].Counters.autoSaveCounter = 300;
- console.log("Ending interactive tutorial");
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].init();
- currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.End;
- iTutorialIsRunning = false;
- document.getElementById("interactive-tutorial-container").style.display = "none";
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["dialogBoxCreate"])("If you are new to the game, the following links may be useful for you!
" +
- "Getting Started Guide" +
- "Wiki
" +
- "The Beginner's Guide to Hacking was added to your home computer! It contains some tips/pointers for starting out with the game. " +
- "To read it, go to Terminal and enter
cat hackers-starting-handbook.lit");
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].getHomeComputer().messages.push("hackers-starting-handbook.lit");
-function iTutorialSetText(txt) {
- var textBox = document.getElementById("interactive-tutorial-text");
- if (textBox == null) {throw new Error("Could not find text box"); return;}
- textBox.innerHTML = txt;
- textBox.parentElement.scrollTop = 0; // this resets scroll position
-/***/ }),
-/* 26 */
- !*** ./src/FactionInfo.js ***!
- \****************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "FactionInfo", function() { return FactionInfo; });
-//Contains the "information" property for all the Factions, which is just a description
-//of each faction
-let FactionInfo = {
- //Endgame
- IlluminatiInfo: "Humanity never changes. No matter how civilized society becomes, it will eventually fall back " +
- "into chaos. And from this chaos, we are the Invisible hand that guides them to order. ",
- DaedalusInfo: "Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks to emperors. Today we kneel only to truth.",
- CovenantInfo: "Surrender yourself. Give up your empty individuality to become part of something great, something eternal. " +
- "Become a slave. Submit your mind, body, and soul. Only then can you set yourself free.
" +
- "Only then can you discover immortality.",
- //Megacorporations, each forms its own faction
- ECorpInfo: "ECorp's mission is simple: to connect the world of today with the technology of tomorrow. " +
- "With our wide range of Internet-related software and commercial hardware, ECorp makes the world's " +
- "information universally accessible.",
- MegaCorpInfo: "MegaCorp does things that others don't. We imagine. We create. We invent. We build things that " +
- "others have never even dreamed of. Our work fills the world's needs for food, water, power, and " +
- "transporation on an unprecendented scale, in ways that no other company can.
" +
- "In our labs and factories and on the ground with customers, MegaCorp is ushering in a new era for the world.",
- BachmanAndAssociatesInfo: "Where Law and Business meet - thats where we are.
" +
- "Legal Insight - Business Instinct - Experience Innovation",
- BladeIndustriesInfo: "Augmentation is salvation",
- NWOInfo: "The human being does not truly desire freedom. It wants " +
- "to be observed, understood, and judged. It wants to be given purpose and " +
- "direction in its life. That is why humans created God. " +
- "And that is why humans created civilization - " +
- "not because of willingness, " +
- "but because of a need to be incorporated into higher orders of structure and meaning.",
- ClarkeIncorporatedInfo: "Unlocking the power of the genome",
- OmniTekIncorporatedInfo: "Simply put, our mission is to design and build robots that make a difference",
- FourSigmaInfo: "The scientific method is the best way to approach investing. Big strategies backed up with big data. Driven by " +
- "deep learning and innovative ideas. And improved by iteration. That's Four Sigma.",
- KuaiGongInternationalInfo: "Dream big. Work hard. Make history.",
- //Other Corporations
- FulcrumSecretTechnologiesInfo: "The human organism has an innate desire to worship. " +
- "That is why they created gods. If there were no gods, " +
- "it would be necessary to create them. And now we can.",
- //Hacker groups
- BitRunnersInfo: "Our entire lives are controlled by bits. All of our actions, our thoughts, our personal information. "+
- "It's all transformed into bits, stored in bits, communicated through bits. It’s impossible for any person " +
- "to move, to live, to operate at any level without the use of bits. " +
- "And when a person moves, lives, and operates, they leave behind their bits, mere traces of seemingly " +
- "meaningless fragments of information. But these bits can be reconstructed. Transformed. Used.
" +
- "Those who run the bits, run the world",
- BlackHandInfo: "The world, so afraid of strong government, now has no government. Only power - Digital power. Financial power. " +
- "Technological power. " +
- "And those at the top rule with an invisible hand. They built a society where the rich get richer, " +
- "and everyone else suffers.
" +
- "So much pain. So many lives. Their darkness must end.",
- NiteSecInfo:
-" __..__
" +
-" _.nITESECNIt.
" +
" +
" +
" +
" +
" +
" +
-" : .+^^`, : `NITESECNIT
" +
-" ) /), `-,-=,NITESECNI
" +
-" / ^ ,-;|NITESECN;
" +
-" / _.' '-';NITESECN
" +
-" ( , ,-''`^NITE'
" +
-" )` :`. .'
" +
-" )-- ; `- /
" +
-" \' _.-' :
" +
-" ( _.-' \. \
" +
-" \------. \ \
" +
-" \. \ \
" +
-" \ _.nIt
" +
-" \ _.nITESECNi
" +
" +
-" NITE^' ___ \
" +
-" / .gP''''Tp. \
" +
-" : d' . `b \
" +
-" ; d' o `b ;
" +
-" / d; `b|
" +
-" /, $; @ `:
" +
-" /' $$ ;
" +
-" .' $$b o |
" +
-" .' d$$$; :
" +
-" / .d$$$$; , ;
" +
-" d .dNITESEC $ |
" +
-" :bp.__.gNITESEC$$ :$ ;
" +
- //City factions, essentially governments
- ChongqingInfo: "Serve the people",
- Sector12Info: "The City of the Future",
- HongKongInfo: "Asia's World City",
- AevumInfo: "The Silicon City",
- IshimaInfo: "The East Asian Order of the Future",
- VolhavenInfo: "Benefit, Honour, and Glory",
- //Criminal Organizations/Gangs
- SpeakersForTheDeadInfo: "It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.",
- DarkArmyInfo: "The World doesn't care about right or wrong. It's all about power.",
- TheSyndicateInfo: "Honor holds you back",
- SilhouetteInfo: "Corporations have filled the void of power left behind by the collapse of Western government. The issue is they've become so big " +
- "that you don't know who they're working for. And if you're employed at one of these corporations, you don't even know who you're working " +
- "for.\n\n" +
- "That's terror. Terror, fear, and corruption. All born into the system, all propagated by the system.",
- TetradsInfo: "Following the Mandate of Heaven and Carrying out the Way",
- SlumSnakesInfo: "Slum Snakes rule!",
- //Earlygame factions - factions the player will prestige with early on that don't
- //belong in other categories
- NetburnersInfo: "~~//*>H4CK|\|3T 8URN3R5**>?>\\~~",
- TianDiHuiInfo: "Obey Heaven and Work Righteousness",
- CyberSecInfo: "The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, " +
- "the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had. And as the world becomes increasingly " +
- "dominated by the internet, society approaches the brink of total chaos. " +
- "We serve only to protect society, to protect humanity, to protect the world from its imminent collapse.",
- //Special Factions
- BladeburnersInfo: "It's too bad they won't live. But then again, who does?
" +
- "Note that for this faction, reputation can only be gained through Bladeburner actions. Completing " +
- "Bladeburner contracts/operations will increase your reputation.",
-/***/ }),
-/* 27 */
- !*** ./src/Message.js ***!
- \************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Messages", function() { return Messages; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "checkForMessagesToSend", function() { return checkForMessagesToSend; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "sendMessage", function() { return sendMessage; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "showMessage", function() { return showMessage; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "loadMessages", function() { return loadMessages; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "initMessages", function() { return initMessages; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Message", function() { return Message; });
-/* harmony import */ var _Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Augmentations.js */ 18);
-/* harmony import */ var _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CreateProgram.js */ 14);
-/* harmony import */ var _Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Missions.js */ 32);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _RedPill_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./RedPill.js */ 44);
-/* harmony import */ var _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server.js */ 10);
-/* harmony import */ var _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings.js */ 24);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox.js */ 6);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver.js */ 8);
-/* Message.js */
-function Message(filename="", msg="") {
- this.filename = filename;
- this.msg = msg;
- this.recvd = false;
-Message.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_toJSON"])("Message", this);
-Message.fromJSON = function(value) {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Message, value.data);
-_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"].constructors.Message = Message;
-//Sends message to player, including a pop up
-function sendMessage(msg, forced=false) {
- console.log("sending message: " + msg.filename);
- msg.recvd = true;
- if (forced || !_Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Settings"].SuppressMessages) {
- showMessage(msg);
- }
- addMessageToServer(msg, "home");
-function showMessage(msg) {
- var txt = "Message received from unknown sender:
" +
- "" + msg.msg + "
" +
- "This message was saved as " + msg.filename + " onto your home computer.";
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt);
-//Adds a message to a server
-function addMessageToServer(msg, serverHostname) {
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["GetServerByHostname"])(serverHostname);
- if (server == null) {
- console.log("WARNING: Did not locate " + serverHostname);
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < server.messages.length; ++i) {
- if (server.messages[i].filename === msg.filename) {
- return; //Already exists
- }
- }
- server.messages.push(msg);
-//Checks if any of the 'timed' messages should be sent
-function checkForMessagesToSend() {
- var jumper0 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper0];
- var jumper1 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper1];
- var jumper2 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper2];
- var jumper3 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper3];
- var jumper4 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper4];
- var cybersecTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.CyberSecTest];
- var nitesecTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.NiteSecTest];
- var bitrunnersTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.BitRunnersTest];
- var redpill = Messages[MessageFilenames.RedPill];
- var redpillOwned = false;
- if (_Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Augmentations"][_Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["AugmentationNames"].TheRedPill].owned) {
- redpillOwned = true;
- }
- if (redpill && redpillOwned && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].sourceFiles.length === 0 && !_RedPill_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["redPillFlag"] && !_Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["inMission"]) {
- if (!_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["dialogBoxOpened"]) {
- sendMessage(redpill, true);
- }
- } else if (redpill && redpillOwned) {
- //If player has already destroyed a BitNode, message is not forced
- if (!_RedPill_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["redPillFlag"] && !_Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["inMission"] && !_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["dialogBoxOpened"]) {
- sendMessage(redpill);
- }
- } else if (jumper0 && !jumper0.recvd && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill >= 25) {
- sendMessage(jumper0);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Programs"].Flight);
- } else if (jumper1 && !jumper1.recvd && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill >= 40) {
- sendMessage(jumper1);
- } else if (cybersecTest && !cybersecTest.recvd && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill >= 50) {
- sendMessage(cybersecTest);
- } else if (jumper2 && !jumper2.recvd && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill >= 175) {
- sendMessage(jumper2);
- } else if (nitesecTest && !nitesecTest.recvd && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill >= 200) {
- sendMessage(nitesecTest);
- } else if (jumper3 && !jumper3.recvd && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill >= 350) {
- sendMessage(jumper3);
- } else if (jumper4 && !jumper4.recvd && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill >= 490) {
- sendMessage(jumper4);
- } else if (bitrunnersTest && !bitrunnersTest.recvd && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill >= 500) {
- sendMessage(bitrunnersTest);
- }
-function AddToAllMessages(msg) {
- Messages[msg.filename] = msg;
-let Messages = {}
-function loadMessages(saveString) {
- Messages = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"]);
-let MessageFilenames = {
- Jumper0: "j0.msg",
- Jumper1: "j1.msg",
- Jumper2: "j2.msg",
- Jumper3: "j3.msg",
- Jumper4: "j4.msg",
- CyberSecTest: "csec-test.msg",
- NiteSecTest: "nitesec-test.msg",
- BitRunnersTest: "19dfj3l1nd.msg",
- RedPill: "icarus.msg",
-function initMessages() {
- //Reset
- Messages = {};
- //jump3R Messages
- AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper0,
- "I know you can sense it. I know you're searching for it. " +
- "It's why you spend night after " +
- "night at your computer.
It's real, I've seen it. And I can " +
- "help you find it. But not right now. You're not ready yet.
" +
- "Use this program to track your progress
" +
- "The fl1ght.exe program was added to your home computer
" +
- "-jump3R"));
- AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper1,
- "Soon you will be contacted by a hacking group known as CyberSec. " +
- "They can help you with your search.
" +
- "You should join them, garner their favor, and " +
- "exploit them for their Augmentations. But do not trust them. " +
- "They are not what they seem. No one is.
" +
- "-jump3R"));
- AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper2,
- "Do not try to save the world. There is no world to save. If " +
- "you want to find the truth, worry only about yourself. Ethics and " +
- "morals will get you killed.
Watch out for a hacking group known as NiteSec." +
- "
- AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper3,
- "You must learn to walk before you can run. And you must " +
- "run before you can fly. Look for the black hand.
" +
- "I.I.I.I
- AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper4,
- "To find what you are searching for, you must understand the bits. " +
- "The bits are all around us. The runners will help you.
" +
- "-jump3R"));
- //Messages from hacking factions
- AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.CyberSecTest,
- "We've been watching you. Your skills are very impressive. But you're wasting " +
- "your talents. If you join us, you can put your skills to good use and change " +
- "the world for the better. If you join us, we can unlock your full potential.
" +
- "But first, you must pass our test. Find and hack our server using the Terminal.
" +
- "-CyberSec"));
- AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.NiteSecTest,
- "People say that the corrupted governments and corporations rule the world. " +
- "Yes, maybe they do. But do you know who everyone really fears? People " +
- "like us. Because they can't hide from us. Because they can't fight shadows " +
- "and ideas with bullets.
" +
- "Join us, and people will fear you, too.
" +
- "Find and hack our hidden server using the Terminal. Then, we will contact you again." +
- "
- AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.BitRunnersTest,
- "We know what you are doing. We know what drives you. We know " +
- "what you are looking for.
" +
- "We can help you find the answers.
" +
- "run4theh111z"));
- AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.RedPill,
- "@)(#V%*N)@(#*)*C)@#%*)*V)@#(*%V@)(#VN%*)@#(*%
" +
- ")@B(*#%)@)M#B*%V)____FIND___#$@)#%(B*)@#(*%B)
" +
- "@_#(%_@#M(BDSPOMB__THE-CAVE_#)$(*@#$)@#BNBEGB
" +
- "DFLSMFVMV)#@($*)@#*$MV)@#(*$V)M#(*$)M@(#*VM$)"));
-/***/ }),
-/* 28 */
- !*** ./src/Script.js ***!
- \***********************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "updateScriptEditorContent", function() { return updateScriptEditorContent; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "loadAllRunningScripts", function() { return loadAllRunningScripts; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "findRunningScript", function() { return findRunningScript; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "RunningScript", function() { return RunningScript; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Script", function() { return Script; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "AllServersMap", function() { return AllServersMap; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "scriptEditorInit", function() { return scriptEditorInit; });
-/* harmony import */ var _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants.js */ 3);
-/* harmony import */ var _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine.js */ 5);
-/* harmony import */ var _Fconf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Fconf.js */ 34);
-/* harmony import */ var _InteractiveTutorial_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./InteractiveTutorial.js */ 25);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEvaluator.js */ 7);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptFunctions.js */ 29);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker.js */ 20);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server.js */ 10);
-/* harmony import */ var _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings.js */ 24);
-/* harmony import */ var _Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Terminal.js */ 22);
-/* harmony import */ var _TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./TextFile.js */ 41);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/acorn.js */ 35);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox.js */ 6);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver.js */ 8);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/HelperFunctions.js */ 1);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js */ 2);
-var ace = __webpack_require__(/*! brace */ 181);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/mode/javascript */ 180);
-__webpack_require__(/*! ../netscript */ 179);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/chaos */ 178);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/chrome */ 177);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/monokai */ 176);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/solarized_dark */ 175);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/solarized_light */ 174);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/terminal */ 173);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/twilight */ 172);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/xcode */ 171);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/keybinding/vim */ 170);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/keybinding/emacs */ 169);
-__webpack_require__(/*! brace/ext/language_tools */ 168);
-var keybindings = {
- ace: null,
- vim: "ace/keyboard/vim",
- emacs: "ace/keyboard/emacs",
-var scriptEditorRamCheck = null, scriptEditorRamText = null;
-function scriptEditorInit() {
- //Create buttons at the bottom of script editor
- var wrapper = document.getElementById("script-editor-buttons-wrapper");
- if (wrapper == null) {
- console.log("Error finding 'script-editor-buttons-wrapper'");
- return;
- }
- var closeButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["createElement"])("a", {
- class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block",
- innerText:"Save & Close (Ctrl + b)",
- clickListener:()=>{
- saveAndCloseScriptEditor();
- return false;
- }
- });
- scriptEditorRamText = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["createElement"])("p", {
- display:"inline-block", margin:"10px", id:"script-editor-status-text"
- });
- var checkboxLabel = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["createElement"])("label", {
- for:"script-editor-ram-check", margin:"4px", marginTop: "8px",
- innerText:"Dynamic RAM Usage Checker", color:"white",
- tooltip:"Enable/Disable the dynamic RAM Usage display. You may " +
- "want to disable it for very long scripts because there may be " +
- "performance issues"
- });
- scriptEditorRamCheck = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["createElement"])("input", {
- type:"checkbox", name:"script-editor-ram-check", id:"script-editor-ram-check",
- margin:"4px", marginTop: "8px",
- });
- scriptEditorRamCheck.checked = true;
- var documentationButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["createElement"])("a", {
- display:"inline-block", class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Netscript Documentation",
- href:"https://bitburner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html",
- target:"_blank"
- });
- wrapper.appendChild(closeButton);
- wrapper.appendChild(scriptEditorRamText);
- wrapper.appendChild(scriptEditorRamCheck);
- wrapper.appendChild(checkboxLabel);
- wrapper.appendChild(documentationButton);
- //Initialize ACE Script editor
- var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor');
- editor.getSession().setMode('ace/mode/netscript');
- editor.setTheme('ace/theme/monokai');
- document.getElementById('javascript-editor').style.fontSize='16px';
- editor.setOption("showPrintMargin", false);
- /* Script editor options */
- //Theme
- var themeDropdown = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-theme");
- if (_Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Settings"].EditorTheme) {
- var initialIndex = 2;
- for (var i = 0; i < themeDropdown.options.length; ++i) {
- if (themeDropdown.options[i].value === _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Settings"].EditorTheme) {
- initialIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- themeDropdown.selectedIndex = initialIndex;
- } else {
- themeDropdown.selectedIndex = 2;
- }
- themeDropdown.onchange = function() {
- var val = themeDropdown.value;
- _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Settings"].EditorTheme = val;
- var themePath = "ace/theme/" + val.toLowerCase();
- editor.setTheme(themePath);
- };
- themeDropdown.onchange();
- //Keybinding
- var keybindingDropdown = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-keybinding");
- if (_Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Settings"].EditorKeybinding) {
- var initialIndex = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < keybindingDropdown.options.length; ++i) {
- if (keybindingDropdown.options[i].value === _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Settings"].EditorKeybinding) {
- initialIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- keybindingDropdown.selectedIndex = initialIndex;
- } else {
- keybindingDropdown.selectedIndex = 0;
- }
- keybindingDropdown.onchange = function() {
- var val = keybindingDropdown.value;
- _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Settings"].EditorKeybinding = val;
- editor.setKeyboardHandler(keybindings[val.toLowerCase()]);
- };
- keybindingDropdown.onchange();
- //Highlight Active line
- var highlightActiveChkBox = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-highlightactiveline");
- highlightActiveChkBox.onchange = function() {
- editor.setHighlightActiveLine(highlightActiveChkBox.checked);
- };
- //Show Invisibles
- var showInvisiblesChkBox = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-showinvisibles");
- showInvisiblesChkBox.onchange = function() {
- editor.setShowInvisibles(showInvisiblesChkBox.checked);
- };
- //Use Soft Tab
- var softTabChkBox = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-usesofttab");
- softTabChkBox.onchange = function() {
- editor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(softTabChkBox.checked);
- };
- //Jshint Maxerr
- var maxerr = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-maxerr");
- var maxerrLabel = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-maxerror-value-label");
- maxerrLabel.innerHTML = maxerr.value;
- maxerr.onchange = function() {
- editor.getSession().$worker.send("changeOptions", [{maxerr:maxerr.value}]);
- maxerrLabel.innerHTML = maxerr.value;
- }
- //Configure some of the VIM keybindings
- ace.config.loadModule('ace/keyboard/vim', function(module) {
- var VimApi = module.CodeMirror.Vim;
- VimApi.defineEx('write', 'w', function(cm, input) {
- saveAndCloseScriptEditor();
- });
- VimApi.defineEx('quit', 'q', function(cm, input) {
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent();
- });
- VimApi.defineEx('xwritequit', 'x', function(cm, input) {
- saveAndCloseScriptEditor();
- });
- VimApi.defineEx('wqwritequit', 'wq', function(cm, input) {
- saveAndCloseScriptEditor();
- });
- });
- //Function autocompleter
- editor.setOption("enableBasicAutocompletion", true);
- var autocompleter = {
- getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) {
- if (prefix.length === 0) {callback(null, []); return;}
- var words = [];
- var fns = Object(_NetscriptFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["NetscriptFunctions"])(null);
- for (var name in fns) {
- if (fns.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- words.push({
- name: name,
- value: name,
- });
- }
- }
- callback(null, words);
- },
- }
- editor.completers = [autocompleter];
-//Updates RAM usage in script
-function updateScriptEditorContent() {
- var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value;
- if (scriptEditorRamCheck == null || !scriptEditorRamCheck.checked || !filename.endsWith(".script")) {
- scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "N/A";
- return;
- }
- var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor');
- var code = editor.getValue();
- var codeCopy = code.repeat(1);
- var ramUsage = calculateRamUsage(codeCopy);
- if (ramUsage !== -1) {
- scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "RAM: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["formatNumber"])(ramUsage, 2).toString() + "GB";
- } else {
- scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "RAM: Syntax Error";
- }
-//Define key commands in script editor (ctrl o to save + close, etc.)
-$(document).keydown(function(e) {
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.ScriptEditor) {
- //Ctrl + b
- if (e.keyCode == 66 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
- e.preventDefault();
- saveAndCloseScriptEditor();
- }
- }
-function saveAndCloseScriptEditor() {
- var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value;
- var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor');
- var code = editor.getValue();
- if (_InteractiveTutorial_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["iTutorialIsRunning"] && _InteractiveTutorial_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["currITutorialStep"] == _InteractiveTutorial_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["iTutorialSteps"].TerminalTypeScript) {
- if (filename != "foodnstuff.script") {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Leave the script name as 'foodnstuff'!");
- return;
- }
- code = code.replace(/\s/g, "");
- if (code.indexOf("while(true){hack('foodnstuff');}") == -1) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Please copy and paste the code from the tutorial!");
- return;
- }
- Object(_InteractiveTutorial_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["iTutorialNextStep"])();
- }
- if (filename == "") {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You must specify a filename!");
- return;
- }
- if (checkValidFilename(filename) == false) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Script filename can contain only alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores");
- return;
- }
- var s = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Player"].getCurrentServer();
- if (filename === ".fconf") {
- try {
- Object(_Fconf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parseFconfSettings"])(code);
- } catch(e) {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Invalid .fconf file");
- return;
- }
- } else if (filename.endsWith(".script")) {
- //If the current script already exists on the server, overwrite it
- for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; i++) {
- if (filename == s.scripts[i].filename) {
- s.scripts[i].saveScript();
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent();
- return;
- }
- }
- //If the current script does NOT exist, create a new one
- var script = new Script();
- script.saveScript();
- s.scripts.push(script);
- } else if (filename.endsWith(".txt")) {
- for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) {
- if (s.textFiles[i].fn === filename) {
- s.textFiles[i].write(code);
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent();
- return;
- }
- }
- var textFile = new _TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["TextFile"](filename, code);
- s.textFiles.push(textFile);
- } else {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Invalid filename. Must be either a script (.script) or " +
- " or text file (.txt)")
- return;
- }
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent();
-//Checks that the string contains only valid characters for a filename, which are alphanumeric,
-// underscores, hyphens, and dots
-function checkValidFilename(filename) {
- var regex = /^[.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/;
- if (filename.match(regex)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-function Script() {
- this.filename = "";
- this.code = "";
- this.ramUsage = 0;
- this.server = ""; //IP of server this script is on
-//Get the script data from the Script Editor and save it to the object
-Script.prototype.saveScript = function() {
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.ScriptEditor) {
- //Update code and filename
- var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor');
- var code = editor.getValue();
- this.code = code.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
- var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value;
- this.filename = filename;
- //Server
- this.server = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Player"].currentServer;
- //Calculate/update ram usage, execution time, etc.
- this.updateRamUsage();
- }
-//Updates how much RAM the script uses when it is running.
-Script.prototype.updateRamUsage = function() {
- var codeCopy = this.code.repeat(1);
- var res = calculateRamUsage(codeCopy);
- if (res !== -1) {
- this.ramUsage = res;
- }
-function calculateRamUsage(codeCopy) {
- //Create a temporary/mock WorkerScript and an AST from the code
- var currServ = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Player"].getCurrentServer();
- var workerScript = new _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["WorkerScript"]({
- filename:"foo",
- scriptRef: {code:""},
- args:[]
- });
- workerScript.checkingRam = true; //Netscript functions will return RAM usage
- workerScript.serverIp = currServ.ip;
- try {
- var ast = Object(_utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["parse"])(codeCopy, {sourceType:"module"});
- } catch(e) {
- return -1;
- }
- //Search through AST, scanning for any 'Identifier' nodes for functions, or While/For/If nodes
- var queue = [], ramUsage = 1.4;
- var whileUsed = false, forUsed = false, ifUsed = false;
- queue.push(ast);
- while (queue.length != 0) {
- var exp = queue.shift();
- switch (exp.type) {
- case "ImportDeclaration":
- //Gets an array of all imported functions as AST expressions
- //and pushes them on the queue.
- var res = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["evaluateImport"])(exp, workerScript, true);
- for (var i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) {
- queue.push(res[i]);
- }
- break;
- case "BlockStatement":
- case "Program":
- for (var i = 0; i < exp.body.length; ++i) {
- if (exp.body[i] instanceof _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Node"]) {
- queue.push(exp.body[i]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "WhileStatement":
- if (!whileUsed) {
- ramUsage += _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptWhileRamCost;
- whileUsed = true;
- }
- break;
- case "ForStatement":
- if (!forUsed) {
- ramUsage += _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptForRamCost;
- forUsed = true;
- }
- break;
- case "IfStatement":
- if (!ifUsed) {
- ramUsage += _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptIfRamCost;
- ifUsed = true;
- }
- break;
- case "Identifier":
- if (exp.name in workerScript.env.vars) {
- var func = workerScript.env.get(exp.name);
- if (typeof func === "function") {
- try {
- var res = func.apply(null, []);
- if (typeof res === "number") {
- ramUsage += res;
- }
- } catch(e) {
- console.log("ERROR applying function: " + e);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- for (var prop in exp) {
- if (exp.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- if (exp[prop] instanceof _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Node"]) {
- queue.push(exp[prop]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //Special case: hacknetnodes array
- if (codeCopy.includes("hacknetnodes")) {
- ramUsage += _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptHacknetNodesRamCost;
- }
- return ramUsage;
-Script.prototype.download = function() {
- var filename = this.filename + ".js";
- var file = new Blob([this.code], {type: 'text/plain'});
- if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {// IE10+
- window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, filename);
- } else { // Others
- var a = document.createElement("a"),
- url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
- a.href = url;
- a.download = filename;
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- a.click();
- setTimeout(function() {
- document.body.removeChild(a);
- window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
- }, 0);
- }
-Script.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_toJSON"])("Script", this);
-Script.fromJSON = function(value) {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Script, value.data);
-_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Reviver"].constructors.Script = Script;
-//Called when the game is loaded. Loads all running scripts (from all servers)
-//into worker scripts so that they will start running
-function loadAllRunningScripts() {
- var count = 0;
- var total = 0;
- for (var property in _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"]) {
- if (_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"].hasOwnProperty(property)) {
- var server = _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"][property];
- //Reset each server's RAM usage to 0
- server.ramUsed = 0;
- for (var j = 0; j < server.runningScripts.length; ++j) {
- count++;
- Object(_NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["addWorkerScript"])(server.runningScripts[j], server);
- //Offline production
- total += scriptCalculateOfflineProduction(server.runningScripts[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- return total;
- console.log("Loaded " + count.toString() + " running scripts");
-function scriptCalculateOfflineProduction(runningScriptObj) {
- //The Player object stores the last update time from when we were online
- var thisUpdate = new Date().getTime();
- var lastUpdate = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Player"].lastUpdate;
- var timePassed = (thisUpdate - lastUpdate) / 1000; //Seconds
- console.log("Offline for " + timePassed + " seconds");
- //Calculate the "confidence" rating of the script's true production. This is based
- //entirely off of time. We will arbitrarily say that if a script has been running for
- //4 hours (14400 sec) then we are completely confident in its ability
- var confidence = (runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime) / 14400;
- if (confidence >= 1) {confidence = 1;}
- //Data map: [MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
- //Grow
- for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) {
- if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
- if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] == null) {continue;}
- var serv = _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"][ip];
- if (serv == null) {continue;}
- var timesGrown = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed);
- console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " called grow() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesGrown + " times while offline");
- runningScriptObj.log("Called grow() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesGrown + " times while offline");
- var growth = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["processSingleServerGrowth"])(serv, timesGrown * 450);
- runningScriptObj.log(serv.hostname + " grown by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["formatNumber"])(growth * 100 - 100, 6) + "% from grow() calls made while offline");
- }
- }
- var totalOfflineProduction = 0;
- for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) {
- if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
- if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] == null) {continue;}
- var serv = _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"][ip];
- if (serv == null) {continue;}
- var production = 0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed;
- production *= confidence;
- if (production > serv.moneyAvailable) {
- production = serv.moneyAvailable;
- }
- totalOfflineProduction += production;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Player"].gainMoney(production);
- console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " generated $" + production + " while offline by hacking " + serv.hostname);
- runningScriptObj.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " generated $" + production + " while offline by hacking " + serv.hostname);
- serv.moneyAvailable -= production;
- if (serv.moneyAvailable < 0) {serv.moneyAvailable = 0;}
- if (isNaN(serv.moneyAvailable)) {serv.moneyAvailable = 0;}
- }
- }
- //Offline EXP gain
- //A script's offline production will always be at most half of its online production.
- var expGain = 0.5 * (runningScriptObj.onlineExpGained / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime) * timePassed;
- expGain *= confidence;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Player"].gainHackingExp(expGain);
- //Update script stats
- runningScriptObj.offlineMoneyMade += totalOfflineProduction;
- runningScriptObj.offlineRunningTime += timePassed;
- runningScriptObj.offlineExpGained += expGain;
- //Fortify a server's security based on how many times it was hacked
- for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) {
- if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
- if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] == null) {continue;}
- var serv = _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"][ip];
- if (serv == null) {continue;}
- var timesHacked = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed);
- console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " hacked " + serv.hostname + " " + timesHacked + " times while offline");
- runningScriptObj.log("Hacked " + serv.hostname + " " + timesHacked + " times while offline");
- serv.fortify(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].ServerFortifyAmount * timesHacked);
- }
- }
- //Weaken
- for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) {
- if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
- if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] == null) {continue;}
- var serv = _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"][ip];
- if (serv == null) {continue;}
- var timesWeakened = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed);
- console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " called weaken() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesWeakened + " times while offline");
- runningScriptObj.log("Called weaken() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesWeakened + " times while offline");
- serv.weaken(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].ServerWeakenAmount * timesWeakened);
- }
- }
- return totalOfflineProduction;
-//Returns a RunningScript object matching the filename and arguments on the
-//designated server, and false otherwise
-function findRunningScript(filename, args, server) {
- for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) {
- if (server.runningScripts[i].filename == filename &&
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["compareArrays"])(server.runningScripts[i].args, args)) {
- return server.runningScripts[i];
- }
- }
- return null;
-function RunningScript(script, args) {
- if (script == null || script == undefined) {return;}
- this.filename = script.filename;
- this.args = args;
- this.scriptRef = script;
- this.server = script.server; //IP Address only
- this.logs = []; //Script logging. Array of strings, with each element being a log entry
- this.logUpd = false;
- //Stats to display on the Scripts menu, and used to determine offline progress
- this.offlineRunningTime = 0.01; //Seconds
- this.offlineMoneyMade = 0;
- this.offlineExpGained = 0;
- this.onlineRunningTime = 0.01; //Seconds
- this.onlineMoneyMade = 0;
- this.onlineExpGained = 0;
- this.threads = 1;
- //[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
- this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0], true);
-RunningScript.prototype.log = function(txt) {
- if (this.logs.length > _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Settings"].MaxLogCapacity) {
- //Delete first element and add new log entry to the end.
- //TODO Eventually it might be better to replace this with circular array
- //to improve performance
- this.logs.shift();
- }
- this.logs.push(txt);
- this.logUpd = true;
-RunningScript.prototype.displayLog = function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.logs.length; ++i) {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["post"])(this.logs[i]);
- }
-RunningScript.prototype.clearLog = function() {
- this.logs.length = 0;
-//Update the moneyStolen and numTimesHack maps when hacking
-RunningScript.prototype.recordHack = function(serverIp, moneyGained, n=1) {
- if (this.dataMap == null) {
- //[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
- this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0], true);
- }
- this.dataMap[serverIp][0] += moneyGained;
- this.dataMap[serverIp][1] += n;
-//Update the grow map when calling grow()
-RunningScript.prototype.recordGrow = function(serverIp, n=1) {
- if (this.dataMap == null) {
- //[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
- this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0], true);
- }
- this.dataMap[serverIp][2] += n;
-//Update the weaken map when calling weaken() {
-RunningScript.prototype.recordWeaken = function(serverIp, n=1) {
- if (this.dataMap == null) {
- //[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
- this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0], true);
- }
- this.dataMap[serverIp][3] += n;
-RunningScript.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_toJSON"])("RunningScript", this);
-RunningScript.fromJSON = function(value) {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_fromJSON"])(RunningScript, value.data);
-_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Reviver"].constructors.RunningScript = RunningScript;
-//Creates an object that creates a map/dictionary with the IP of each existing server as
-//a key. Initializes every key with a specified value that can either by a number or an array
-function AllServersMap(arr=false, filterOwned=false) {
- for (var ip in _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"]) {
- if (_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"].hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
- if (filterOwned && (_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"][ip].purchasedByPlayer || _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["AllServers"][ip].hostname === "home")) {
- continue;
- }
- if (arr) {
- this[ip] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- } else {
- this[ip] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
-AllServersMap.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_toJSON"])("AllServersMap", this);
-AllServersMap.fromJSON = function(value) {
- return Object(_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_fromJSON"])(AllServersMap, value.data);
-_utils_JSONReviver_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Reviver"].constructors.AllServersMap = AllServersMap;
-/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ 38)))
-/***/ }),
-/* 29 */
- !*** ./src/NetscriptFunctions.js ***!
- \***********************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "NetscriptFunctions", function() { return NetscriptFunctions; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "initSingularitySFFlags", function() { return initSingularitySFFlags; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "hasSingularitySF", function() { return hasSingularitySF; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "hasBn11SF", function() { return hasBn11SF; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "hasWallStreetSF", function() { return hasWallStreetSF; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "wallStreetSFLvl", function() { return wallStreetSFLvl; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "hasCorporationSF", function() { return hasCorporationSF; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "hasAISF", function() { return hasAISF; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "hasBladeburnerSF", function() { return hasBladeburnerSF; });
-/* harmony import */ var _ActiveScriptsUI_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ActiveScriptsUI.js */ 43);
-/* harmony import */ var _Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Augmentations.js */ 18);
-/* harmony import */ var _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode.js */ 15);
-/* harmony import */ var _Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Crimes.js */ 19);
-/* harmony import */ var _Company_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Company.js */ 9);
-/* harmony import */ var _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants.js */ 3);
-/* harmony import */ var _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CreateProgram.js */ 14);
-/* harmony import */ var _DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./DarkWeb.js */ 33);
-/* harmony import */ var _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine.js */ 5);
-/* harmony import */ var _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction.js */ 11);
-/* harmony import */ var _HacknetNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./HacknetNode.js */ 39);
-/* harmony import */ var _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Location.js */ 4);
-/* harmony import */ var _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Message.js */ 27);
-/* harmony import */ var _Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Missions.js */ 32);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Script.js */ 28);
-/* harmony import */ var _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server.js */ 10);
-/* harmony import */ var _Settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings.js */ 24);
-/* harmony import */ var _SpecialServerIps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SpecialServerIps.js */ 17);
-/* harmony import */ var _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./StockMarket.js */ 21);
-/* harmony import */ var _Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Terminal.js */ 22);
-/* harmony import */ var _TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./TextFile.js */ 41);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker.js */ 20);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEvaluator.js */ 7);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEnvironment_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEnvironment.js */ 66);
-/* harmony import */ var _NetscriptPort_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptPort.js */ 45);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/decimal.js */ 23);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox.js */ 6);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/HelperFunctions.js */ 1);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_IPAddress_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/IPAddress.js */ 16);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js */ 2);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_YesNoBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/YesNoBox.js */ 12);
-var sprintf = __webpack_require__(/*! sprintf-js */ 108).sprintf,
- vsprintf = __webpack_require__(/*! sprintf-js */ 108).vsprintf
-var hasCorporationSF=false, //Source-File 3
- hasSingularitySF=false, //Source-File 4
- hasAISF=false, //Source-File 5
- hasBladeburnerSF=false, //Source-File 6
- hasWallStreetSF=false, //Source-File 8
- hasBn11SF=false; //Source-File 11
-var singularitySFLvl=1, wallStreetSFLvl=1;
-//Used to check and set flags for every Source File, despite the name of the function
-function initSingularitySFFlags() {
- for (var i = 0; i < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].sourceFiles.length; ++i) {
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].sourceFiles[i].n === 3) {
- hasCorporationSF = true;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].sourceFiles[i].n === 4) {
- hasSingularitySF = true;
- singularitySFLvl = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].sourceFiles[i].lvl;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].sourceFiles[i].n === 5) {
- hasAISF = true;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].sourceFiles[i].n === 6) {
- hasBladeburnerSF = true;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].sourceFiles[i].n === 8) {
- hasWallStreetSF = true;
- wallStreetSFLvl = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].sourceFiles[i].lvl;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].sourceFiles[i].n === 11) {
- hasBn11SF = true;
- }
- }
-function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) {
- return {
- Math : Math,
- Date : Date,
- Number : Number,
- hacknetnodes : _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacknetNodes,
- sprintf : sprintf,
- vsprintf: vsprintf,
- scan : function(ip=workerScript.serverIp, hostnames=true){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.scan) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.scan = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptScanRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, 'Invalid IP or hostname passed into scan() command');
- }
- var out = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < server.serversOnNetwork.length; i++) {
- var entry;
- if (hostnames) {
- entry = server.getServerOnNetwork(i).hostname;
- } else {
- entry = server.getServerOnNetwork(i).ip;
- }
- if (entry == null) {
- continue;
- }
- out.push(entry);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scan == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log('scan() returned ' + server.serversOnNetwork.length + ' connections for ' + server.hostname);
- }
- return out;
- },
- hack : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.hack) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.hack = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptHackRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Hack() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads;
- if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {threads = 1;}
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("hack() error. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip + ". Stopping...");
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "hack() error. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip + ". Stopping...");
- }
- //Calculate the hacking time
- var hackingTime = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateHackingTime"])(server); //This is in seconds
- //No root access or skill level too low
- if (server.hasAdminRights == false) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access");
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access");
- }
- if (server.requiredHackingSkill > _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user's hacking skill is not high enough");
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user's hacking skill is not high enough");
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.hack == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to hack " + ip + " in " + hackingTime.toFixed(3) + " seconds (t=" + threads + ")");
- }
- return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["netscriptDelay"])(hackingTime* 1000, workerScript).then(function() {
- if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);}
- var hackChance = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateHackingChance"])(server);
- var rand = Math.random();
- var expGainedOnSuccess = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateExpGain"])(server) * threads;
- var expGainedOnFailure = (expGainedOnSuccess / 4);
- if (rand < hackChance) { //Success!
- var moneyGained = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculatePercentMoneyHacked"])(server);
- moneyGained = Math.floor(server.moneyAvailable * moneyGained) * threads;
- //Over-the-top safety checks
- if (moneyGained <= 0) {
- moneyGained = 0;
- expGainedOnSuccess = expGainedOnFailure;
- }
- if (moneyGained > server.moneyAvailable) {moneyGained = server.moneyAvailable;}
- server.moneyAvailable -= moneyGained;
- if (server.moneyAvailable < 0) {server.moneyAvailable = 0;}
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainMoney(moneyGained);
- workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += moneyGained;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].scriptProdSinceLastAug += moneyGained;
- workerScript.scriptRef.recordHack(server.ip, moneyGained, threads);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainHackingExp(expGainedOnSuccess);
- workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGainedOnSuccess;
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.hack == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Script SUCCESSFULLY hacked " + server.hostname + " for $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(moneyGained, 2) + " and " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(expGainedOnSuccess, 4) + " exp (t=" + threads + ")");
- }
- server.fortify(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ServerFortifyAmount * threads);
- return Promise.resolve(moneyGained);
- } else {
- //Player only gains 25% exp for failure?
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainHackingExp(expGainedOnFailure);
- workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGainedOnFailure;
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.hack == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Script FAILED to hack " + server.hostname + ". Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(expGainedOnFailure, 4) + " exp (t=" + threads + ")");
- }
- return Promise.resolve(0);
- }
- });
- },
- sleep : function(time){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;}
- if (time === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "sleep() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sleep == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sleeping for " + time + " milliseconds");
- }
- return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["netscriptDelay"])(time, workerScript).then(function() {
- return Promise.resolve(true);
- });
- },
- grow : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.grow) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.grow = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGrowRamCost;
- }
- }
- var threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads;
- if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {threads = 1;}
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "grow() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot grow(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot grow(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- //No root access or skill level too low
- if (server.hasAdminRights == false) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot grow this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access");
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot grow this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access");
- }
- var growTime = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateGrowTime"])(server);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.grow == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executing grow() on server " + server.hostname + " in " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(growTime/1000, 3) + " seconds (t=" + threads + ")");
- }
- return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["netscriptDelay"])(growTime, workerScript).then(function() {
- if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);}
- server.moneyAvailable += (1 * threads); //It can be grown even if it has no money
- var growthPercentage = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["processSingleServerGrowth"])(server, 450 * threads);
- workerScript.scriptRef.recordGrow(server.ip, threads);
- var expGain = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateExpGain"])(server) * threads;
- if (growthPercentage == 1) {
- expGain = 0;
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.grow == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Available money on " + server.hostname + " grown by " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(growthPercentage*100 - 100, 6) + "%. Gained " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(expGain, 4) + " hacking exp (t=" + threads +")");
- }
- workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGain;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainHackingExp(expGain);
- return Promise.resolve(growthPercentage);
- });
- },
- weaken : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.weaken) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.weaken = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptWeakenRamCost;
- }
- }
- var threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads;
- if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {threads = 1;}
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "weaken() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot weaken(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot weaken(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- //No root access or skill level too low
- if (server.hasAdminRights == false) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot weaken this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access");
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot weaken this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access");
- }
- var weakenTime = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateWeakenTime"])(server);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.weaken == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executing weaken() on server " + server.hostname + " in " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(weakenTime/1000, 3) + " seconds (t=" + threads + ")");
- }
- return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["netscriptDelay"])(weakenTime, workerScript).then(function() {
- if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);}
- server.weaken(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ServerWeakenAmount * threads);
- workerScript.scriptRef.recordWeaken(server.ip, threads);
- var expGain = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateExpGain"])(server) * threads;
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.weaken == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Server security level on " + server.hostname + " weakened to " + server.hackDifficulty +
- ". Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(expGain, 4) + " hacking exp (t=" + threads + ")");
- }
- workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGain;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainHackingExp(expGain);
- return Promise.resolve(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ServerWeakenAmount * threads);
- });
- },
- print : function(args){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;}
- if (args === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "print() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(args.toString());
- },
- tprint : function(args) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;}
- if (args === undefined || args == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "tprint() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var x = args.toString();
- if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["isHTML"])(x)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].takeDamage(1);
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You suddenly feel a sharp shooting pain through your body as an angry voice in your head exclaims:
" +
" +
- "(You lost 1 HP)");
- return;
- }
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["post"])(workerScript.scriptRef.filename + ": " + args.toString());
- },
- clearLog : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;}
- workerScript.scriptRef.clearLog();
- },
- disableLog : function(fn) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;}
- workerScript.disableLogs[fn] = true;
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Disabled logging for " + fn);
- },
- enableLog : function(fn) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;}
- delete workerScript.disableLogs[fn];
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Enabled logging for " + fn);
- },
- nuke : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.nuke) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.nuke = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call nuke(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot call nuke(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].NukeProgram)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You do not have the NUKE.exe virus!");
- }
- if (server.openPortCount < server.numOpenPortsRequired) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Not enough ports opened to use NUKE.exe virus");
- }
- if (server.hasAdminRights) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.nuke == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Already have root access to " + server.hostname);
- }
- } else {
- server.hasAdminRights = true;
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.nuke == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed NUKE.exe virus on " + server.hostname + " to gain root access");
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- brutessh : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.brutessh) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.brutessh = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call brutessh(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot call brutessh(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].BruteSSHProgram)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You do not have the BruteSSH.exe program!");
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You do not have the BruteSSH.exe program!");
- }
- if (!server.sshPortOpen) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.brutessh == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed BruteSSH.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open SSH port (22)");
- }
- server.sshPortOpen = true;
- ++server.openPortCount;
- } else {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.brutessh == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("SSH Port (22) already opened on " + server.hostname);
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- ftpcrack : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.ftpcrack) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.ftpcrack = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call ftpcrack(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot call ftpcrack(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].FTPCrackProgram)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You do not have the FTPCrack.exe program!");
- }
- if (!server.ftpPortOpen) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.ftpcrack == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed FTPCrack.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open FTP port (21)");
- }
- server.ftpPortOpen = true;
- ++server.openPortCount;
- } else {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.ftpcrack == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("FTP Port (21) already opened on " + server.hostname);
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- relaysmtp : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.relaysmtp) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.relaysmtp = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call relaysmtp(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot call relaysmtp(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].RelaySMTPProgram)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You do not have the relaySMTP.exe program!");
- }
- if (!server.smtpPortOpen) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.relaysmtp == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed relaySMTP.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open SMTP port (25)");
- }
- server.smtpPortOpen = true;
- ++server.openPortCount;
- } else {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.relaysmtp == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("SMTP Port (25) already opened on " + server.hostname);
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- httpworm : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.httpworm) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.httpworm = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call httpworm(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot call httpworm(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].HTTPWormProgram)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You do not have the HTTPWorm.exe program!");
- }
- if (!server.httpPortOpen) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.httpworm == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed HTTPWorm.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open HTTP port (80)");
- }
- server.httpPortOpen = true;
- ++server.openPortCount;
- } else {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.httpworm == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("HTTP Port (80) already opened on " + server.hostname);
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- sqlinject : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.sqlinject) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.sqlinject = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call sqlinject(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot call sqlinject(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].SQLInjectProgram)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You do not have the SQLInject.exe program!");
- }
- if (!server.sqlPortOpen) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sqlinject == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed SQLInject.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open SQL port (1433)");
- }
- server.sqlPortOpen = true;
- ++server.openPortCount;
- } else {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sqlinject == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("SQL Port (1433) already opened on " + server.hostname);
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- run : function(scriptname,threads = 1){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.run) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.run = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptRunRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (scriptname === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "run() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: run(scriptname, [numThreads], [arg1], [arg2]...)");
- }
- if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument for thread count passed into run(). Must be numeric and greater than 0");
- }
- var argsForNewScript = [];
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
- argsForNewScript.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- var scriptServer = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(workerScript.serverIp);
- if (scriptServer == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev");
- }
- return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["runScriptFromScript"])(scriptServer, scriptname, argsForNewScript, workerScript, threads);
- },
- exec : function(scriptname,ip,threads = 1) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.exec) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.exec = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptExecRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (scriptname === undefined || ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "exec() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: exec(scriptname, server, [numThreads], [arg1], [arg2]...)");
- }
- if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument for thread count passed into exec(). Must be numeric and greater than 0");
- }
- var argsForNewScript = [];
- for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
- argsForNewScript.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid hostname/ip passed into exec() command: " + ip);
- }
- return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["runScriptFromScript"])(server, scriptname, argsForNewScript, workerScript, threads);
- },
- spawn : function(scriptname, threads) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.spawn) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.spawn = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSpawnRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (scriptname == null || threads == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid scriptname or numThreads argument passed to spawn()");
- }
- setTimeout(()=>{
- NetscriptFunctions(workerScript).run.apply(this, arguments);
- }, 20000);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.spawn == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("spawn() will execute " + scriptname + " in 20 seconds");
- }
- NetscriptFunctions(workerScript).exit();
- },
- kill : function(filename,ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.kill) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.kill = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptKillRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (filename === undefined || ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "kill() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: kill(scriptname, server, [arg1], [arg2]...)");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("kill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "kill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- var argsForKillTarget = [];
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
- argsForKillTarget.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- var runningScriptObj = Object(_Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["findRunningScript"])(filename, argsForKillTarget, server);
- if (runningScriptObj == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("kill() failed. No such script "+ filename + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__["printArray"])(argsForKillTarget));
- return false;
- }
- var res = Object(_NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["killWorkerScript"])(runningScriptObj, server.ip);
- if (res) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.kill == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Killing " + filename + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__["printArray"])(argsForKillTarget) + ". May take up to a few minutes for the scripts to die...");
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.kill == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("kill() failed. No such script "+ filename + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__["printArray"])(argsForKillTarget));
- }
- return false;
- }
- },
- killall : function(ip=workerScript.serverIp){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.killall) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.killall = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptKillRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "killall() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("killall() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "killall() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- var scriptsRunning = (server.runningScripts.length > 0);
- for (var i = server.runningScripts.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
- Object(_NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["killWorkerScript"])(server.runningScripts[i], server.ip);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.killall == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("killall(): Killing all scripts on " + server.hostname + ". May take a few minutes for the scripts to die");
- }
- return scriptsRunning;
- },
- exit : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.exit) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.exit = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptKillRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(workerScript.serverIp);
- if (server == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in exit(). This is a bug please contact game dev");
- }
- if (Object(_NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["killWorkerScript"])(workerScript.scriptRef, server.ip)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Exiting...");
- } else {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Exit failed(). This is a bug please contact game developer");
- }
- },
- scp : function(scriptname, ip1, ip2) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.scp) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.scp = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptScpRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (arguments.length !== 2 && arguments.length !== 3) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments");
- }
- if (scriptname && scriptname.constructor === Array) {
- //Recursively call scp on all elements of array
- var res = false;
- scriptname.forEach(function(script) {
- if (NetscriptFunctions(workerScript).scp(script, ip1, ip2)) {
- res = true;
- };
- });
- return res;
- }
- if (!scriptname.endsWith(".lit") && !scriptname.endsWith(".script") &&
- !scriptname.endsWith("txt")) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error: scp() does not work with this file type. It only works for .script, .lit, and .txt files");
- }
- var destServer, currServ;
- if (arguments.length === 3) { //scriptname, source, destination
- if (scriptname === undefined || ip1 === undefined || ip2 === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments");
- }
- destServer = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip2);
- if (destServer == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error: Invalid hostname/ip passed into scp() command: " + ip);
- }
- currServ = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip1);
- if (currServ == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Could not find server ip for this script. This is a bug please contact game developer");
- }
- } else if (arguments.length === 2) { //scriptname, destination
- if (scriptname === undefined || ip1 === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments");
- }
- destServer = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip1);
- if (destServer == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error: Invalid hostname/ip passed into scp() command: " + ip);
- }
- currServ = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(workerScript.serverIp);
- if (currServ == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Could not find server ip for this script. This is a bug please contact game developer");
- }
- }
- //Scp for lit files
- if (scriptname.endsWith(".lit")) {
- var found = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) {
- if (!(currServ.messages[i] instanceof _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Message"]) && currServ.messages[i] == scriptname) {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " does not exist. scp() failed");
- return false;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < destServer.messages.length; ++i) {
- if (destServer.messages[i] === scriptname) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname);
- }
- return true; //Already exists
- }
- }
- destServer.messages.push(scriptname);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname);
- }
- return true;
- }
- //Scp for text files
- if (scriptname.endsWith(".txt")) {
- var found = false, txtFile;
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) {
- if (currServ.textFiles[i].fn === scriptname) {
- found = true;
- txtFile = currServ.textFiles[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " does not exist. scp() failed");
- return false;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < destServer.textFiles.length; ++i) {
- if (destServer.textFiles[i].fn === scriptname) {
- //Overwrite
- destServer.textFiles[i].text = txtFile.text;
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- var newFile = new _TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["TextFile"](txtFile.fn, txtFile.text);
- destServer.textFiles.push(newFile);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname);
- }
- return true;
- }
- //Scp for script files
- var sourceScript = null;
- for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) {
- if (scriptname == currServ.scripts[i].filename) {
- sourceScript = currServ.scripts[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (sourceScript == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " does not exist. scp() failed");
- return false;
- }
- //Overwrite script if it already exists
- for (var i = 0; i < destServer.scripts.length; ++i) {
- if (scriptname == destServer.scripts[i].filename) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("WARNING: " + scriptname + " already exists on " + destServer.hostname + " and it will be overwritten.");
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " overwritten on " + destServer.hostname);
- }
- var oldScript = destServer.scripts[i];
- oldScript.code = sourceScript.code;
- oldScript.ramUsage = sourceScript.ramUsage;
- return true;
- }
- }
- //Create new script if it does not already exist
- var newScript = new _Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["Script"]();
- newScript.filename = scriptname;
- newScript.code = sourceScript.code;
- newScript.ramUsage = sourceScript.ramUsage;
- newScript.server = destServer.ip;
- destServer.scripts.push(newScript);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname);
- }
- return true;
- },
- ls : function(ip, grep) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.ls) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.ls = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptScanRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ls() failed because of invalid arguments. Usage: ls(ip/hostname, [grep filter])");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ls() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ls() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- //Get the grep filter, if one exists
- var filter = false;
- if (arguments.length >= 2) {
- filter = grep.toString();
- }
- var allFiles = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < server.programs.length; i++) {
- if (filter) {
- if (server.programs[i].includes(filter)) {
- allFiles.push(server.programs[i]);
- }
- } else {
- allFiles.push(server.programs[i]);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; i++) {
- if (filter) {
- if (server.scripts[i].filename.includes(filter)) {
- allFiles.push(server.scripts[i].filename);
- }
- } else {
- allFiles.push(server.scripts[i].filename);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < server.messages.length; i++) {
- if (filter) {
- if (server.messages[i] instanceof _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Message"]) {
- if (server.messages[i].filename.includes(filter)) {
- allFiles.push(server.messages[i].filename);
- }
- } else if (server.messages[i].includes(filter)) {
- allFiles.push(server.messages[i]);
- }
- } else {
- if (server.messages[i] instanceof _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Message"]) {
- allFiles.push(server.messages[i].filename);
- } else {
- allFiles.push(server.messages[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < server.textFiles.length; i++) {
- if (filter) {
- if (server.textFiles[i].fn.includes(filter)) {
- allFiles.push(server.textFiles[i].fn);
- }
- } else {
- allFiles.push(server.textFiles[i].fn);
- }
- }
- //Sort the files alphabetically then print each
- allFiles.sort();
- return allFiles;
- },
- hasRootAccess : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.hasRootAccess) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.hasRootAccess = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptHasRootAccessRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (ip===undefined){
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "hasRootAccess() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null){
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("hasRootAccess() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "hasRootAccess() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- return server.hasAdminRights;
- },
- getIp : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getIp) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getIp = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetHostnameRamCost;
- }
- }
- var scriptServer = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(workerScript.serverIp);
- if (scriptServer == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev");
- }
- return scriptServer.ip;
- },
- getHostname : function(){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getHostname) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getHostname = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetHostnameRamCost;
- }
- }
- var scriptServer = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(workerScript.serverIp);
- if (scriptServer == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev");
- }
- return scriptServer.hostname;
- },
- getHackingLevel : function(){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getHackingLevel) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getHackingLevel = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetHackingLevelRamCost;
- }
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].updateSkillLevels();
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getHackingLevel == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getHackingLevel() returned " + _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill);
- }
- return _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill;
- },
- getHackingMultipliers : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getHackingMultipliers) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getHackingMultipliers = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost;
- }
- }
- return {
- chance: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_chance_mult,
- speed: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_speed_mult,
- money: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_money_mult,
- growth: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_grow_mult,
- };
- },
- getBitNodeMultipliers: function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getBitNodeMultipliers) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getBitNodeMultipliers = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!hasAISF) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getBitNodeMultipliers(). It requires Source-File 5 to run.");
- }
- return _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["BitNodeMultipliers"];
- },
- getServerMoneyAvailable : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getServerMoneyAvailable) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getServerMoneyAvailable = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMoneyAvailable() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getServerMoneyAvailable() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (server.hostname == "home") {
- //Return player's money
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMoneyAvailable == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMoneyAvailable('home') returned player's money: $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.toNumber(), 2));
- }
- return _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.toNumber();
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMoneyAvailable == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMoneyAvailable() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.moneyAvailable, 2) + " for " + server.hostname);
- }
- return server.moneyAvailable;
- },
- getServerSecurityLevel : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getServerSecurityLevel) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getServerSecurityLevel = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getServerSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerSecurityLevel == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerSecurityLevel() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.hackDifficulty, 3) + " for " + server.hostname);
- }
- return server.hackDifficulty;
- },
- getServerBaseSecurityLevel : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getServerBaseSecurityLevel) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getServerBaseSecurityLevel = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerBaseSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getServerBaseSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerBaseSecurityLevel == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerBaseSecurityLevel() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.baseDifficulty, 3) + " for " + server.hostname);
- }
- return server.baseDifficulty;
- },
- getServerMinSecurityLevel : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getServerMinSecurityLevel) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getServerMinSecurityLevel = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMinSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getServerMinSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMinSecurityLevel == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMinSecurityLevel() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.minDifficulty, 3) + " for " + server.hostname);
- }
- return server.minDifficulty;
- },
- getServerRequiredHackingLevel : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getServerRequiredHackingLevel) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getServerRequiredHackingLevel = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRequiredHackingLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getServerRequiredHackingLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerRequiredHackingLevel == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRequiredHackingLevel returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.requiredHackingSkill, 0) + " for " + server.hostname);
- }
- return server.requiredHackingSkill;
- },
- getServerMaxMoney : function(ip){
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getServerMaxMoney) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getServerMaxMoney = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMaxMoney() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getServerMaxMoney() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMaxMoney == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMaxMoney() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.moneyMax, 0) + " for " + server.hostname);
- }
- return server.moneyMax;
- },
- getServerGrowth : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getServerGrowth) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getServerGrowth = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerGrowth() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getServerGrowth() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerGrowth == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerGrowth() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.serverGrowth, 0) + " for " + server.hostname);
- }
- return server.serverGrowth;
- },
- getServerNumPortsRequired : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getServerNumPortsRequired) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getServerNumPortsRequired = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerNumPortsRequired() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getServerNumPortsRequired() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerNumPortsRequired == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerNumPortsRequired() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.numOpenPortsRequired, 0) + " for " + server.hostname);
- }
- return server.numOpenPortsRequired;
- },
- getServerRam : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getServerRam) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getServerRam = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getServerRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerRam == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRam() returned [" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.maxRam, 2) + "GB, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(server.ramUsed, 2) + "GB]");
- }
- return [server.maxRam, server.ramUsed];
- },
- serverExists : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.serverExists) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.serverExists = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- return (Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip) !== null);
- },
- fileExists : function(filename,ip=workerScript.serverIp) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.fileExists) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.fileExists = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptFileExistsRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (filename === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "fileExists() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: fileExists(scriptname, [server])");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("fileExists() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "fileExists() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) {
- if (filename == server.scripts[i].filename) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < server.programs.length; ++i) {
- if (filename.toLowerCase() == server.programs[i].toLowerCase()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < server.messages.length; ++i) {
- if (!(server.messages[i] instanceof _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Message"]) &&
- filename.toLowerCase() === server.messages[i]) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- var txtFile = Object(_TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getTextFile"])(filename, server);
- if (txtFile != null) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- isRunning : function(filename,ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.isRunning) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.isRunning = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptIsRunningRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (filename === undefined || ip === undefined) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "isRunning() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: isRunning(scriptname, server, [arg1], [arg2]...)");
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("isRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "isRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- var argsForTargetScript = [];
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
- argsForTargetScript.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- return (Object(_Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["findRunningScript"])(filename, argsForTargetScript, server) != null);
- },
- getNextHacknetNodeCost : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getNextHacknetNodeCost) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getNextHacknetNodeCost = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPurchaseHacknetRamCost;
- }
- }
- return Object(_HacknetNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["getCostOfNextHacknetNode"])();
- },
- purchaseHacknetNode : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseHacknetNode) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseHacknetNode = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPurchaseHacknetRamCost;
- }
- }
- return Object(_HacknetNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["purchaseHacknet"])();
- },
- getStockPrice : function(symbol) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getStockPrice) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getStockPrice = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetStockRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockPrice()");
- }
- var stock = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["SymbolToStockMap"][symbol];
- if (stock == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into getStockPrice()");
- }
- return parseFloat(stock.price.toFixed(3));
- },
- getStockPosition : function(symbol) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getStockPosition) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getStockPosition = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetStockRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockPosition()");
- }
- var stock = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["SymbolToStockMap"][symbol];
- if (stock == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into getStockPrice()");
- }
- return [stock.playerShares, stock.playerAvgPx, stock.playerShortShares, stock.playerAvgShortPx];
- },
- buyStock : function(symbol, shares) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.buyStock) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.buyStock = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use buyStock()");
- }
- var stock = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["SymbolToStockMap"][symbol];
- if (stock == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into buyStock()");
- }
- if (shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Invalid 'shares' argument passed to buyStock()");
- return 0;
- }
- shares = Math.round(shares);
- if (shares === 0) {return 0;}
- var totalPrice = stock.price * shares;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.lt(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " +
- symbol + ". Need $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission, 2).toString());
- return 0;
- }
- var origTotal = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(totalPrice + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission);
- var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice;
- stock.playerShares += shares;
- stock.playerAvgPx = newTotal / stock.playerShares;
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) {
- Object(_StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["updateStockPlayerPosition"])(stock);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.buyStock == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Bought " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share");
- }
- return stock.price;
- },
- sellStock : function(symbol, shares) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.sellStock) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.sellStock = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use sellStock()");
- }
- var stock = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["SymbolToStockMap"][symbol];
- if (stock == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into sellStock()");
- }
- if (shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Invalid 'shares' argument passed to sellStock()");
- return 0;
- }
- shares = Math.round(shares);
- if (shares > stock.playerShares) {shares = stock.playerShares;}
- if (shares === 0) {return 0;}
- var gains = stock.price * shares - _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainMoney(gains);
- //Calculate net profit and add to script stats
- var netProfit = ((stock.price - stock.playerAvgPx) * shares) - _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].StockMarketCommission;
- if (isNaN(netProfit)) {netProfit = 0;}
- workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += netProfit;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].scriptProdSinceLastAug += netProfit;
- stock.playerShares -= shares;
- if (stock.playerShares == 0) {
- stock.playerAvgPx = 0;
- }
- if (_engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) {
- Object(_StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["updateStockPlayerPosition"])(stock);
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sellStock == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sold " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. Gained " +
- "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(gains, 2));
- }
- return stock.price;
- },
- shortStock(symbol, shares) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.shortStock) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.shortStock = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use shortStock()");
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 8) {
- if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use shortStock(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Level 2 of Source-File 8");
- }
- }
- var stock = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["SymbolToStockMap"][symbol];
- if (stock == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into shortStock()");
- }
- var res = Object(_StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["shortStock"])(stock, shares, workerScript);
- return res ? stock.price : 0;
- },
- sellShort(symbol, shares) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.sellShort) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.sellShort = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use sellShort()");
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 8) {
- if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use sellShort(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Level 2 of Source-File 8");
- }
- }
- var stock = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["SymbolToStockMap"][symbol];
- if (stock == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into sellShort()");
- }
- var res = Object(_StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["sellShort"])(stock, shares, workerScript);
- return res ? stock.price : 0;
- },
- placeOrder(symbol, shares, price, type, pos) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.placeOrder) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.placeOrder = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use placeOrder()");
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 8) {
- if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use placeOrder(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or have Level 3 of Source-File 8");
- }
- }
- var stock = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["SymbolToStockMap"][symbol];
- if (stock == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into placeOrder()");
- }
- var orderType, orderPos;
- type = type.toLowerCase();
- if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("buy")) {
- orderType = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["OrderTypes"].LimitBuy;
- } else if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("sell")) {
- orderType = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["OrderTypes"].LimitSell;
- } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("buy")) {
- orderType = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["OrderTypes"].StopBuy;
- } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("sell")) {
- orderType = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["OrderTypes"].StopSell;
- } else {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Order Type passed into placeOrder()");
- }
- pos = pos.toLowerCase();
- if (pos.includes("l")) {
- orderPos = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["PositionTypes"].Long;
- } else if (pos.includes('s')) {
- orderPos = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["PositionTypes"].Short;
- } else {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Position Type passed into placeOrder()");
- }
- return Object(_StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["placeOrder"])(stock, shares, price, orderType, orderPos, workerScript);
- },
- cancelOrder(symbol, shares, price, type, pos) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.cancelOrder) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.cancelOrder = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hasTixApiAccess) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use cancelOrder()");
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 8) {
- if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use cancelOrder(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or have Level 3 of Source-File 8");
- }
- }
- var stock = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["SymbolToStockMap"][symbol];
- if (stock == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into cancelOrder()");
- }
- if (isNaN(shares) || isNaN(price)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid shares or price argument passed into cancelOrder(). Must be numeric");
- }
- var orderType, orderPos;
- type = type.toLowerCase();
- if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("buy")) {
- orderType = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["OrderTypes"].LimitBuy;
- } else if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("sell")) {
- orderType = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["OrderTypes"].LimitSell;
- } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("buy")) {
- orderType = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["OrderTypes"].StopBuy;
- } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("sell")) {
- orderType = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["OrderTypes"].StopSell;
- } else {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Order Type passed into placeOrder()");
- }
- pos = pos.toLowerCase();
- if (pos.includes("l")) {
- orderPos = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["PositionTypes"].Long;
- } else if (pos.includes('s')) {
- orderPos = _StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["PositionTypes"].Short;
- } else {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Position Type passed into placeOrder()");
- }
- var params = {
- stock: stock,
- shares: shares,
- price: price,
- type: orderType,
- pos: orderPos
- };
- return Object(_StockMarket_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["cancelOrder"])(params, workerScript);
- },
- purchaseServer : function(hostname, ram) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseServer) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseServer = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var hostnameStr = String(hostname);
- hostnameStr = hostnameStr.replace(/\s+/g, '');
- if (hostnameStr == "") {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Passed empty string for hostname argument of purchaseServer()");
- return "";
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].purchasedServers.length >= _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].PurchasedServerLimit) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: You have reached the maximum limit of " + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].PurchasedServerLimit +
- " servers. You cannot purchase any more.");
- return "";
- }
- ram = Math.round(ram);
- if (isNaN(ram) || !Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__["powerOfTwo"])(ram)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Invalid ram argument passed to purchaseServer(). Must be numeric and a power of 2");
- return "";
- }
- var cost = ram * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.lt(cost)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Not enough money to purchase server. Need $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(cost, 2));
- return "";
- }
- var newServ = new _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["Server"](Object(_utils_IPAddress_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__["createRandomIp"])(), hostnameStr, "", false, true, true, ram);
- Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["AddToAllServers"])(newServ);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].purchasedServers.push(newServ.ip);
- var homeComputer = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer();
- homeComputer.serversOnNetwork.push(newServ.ip);
- newServ.serversOnNetwork.push(homeComputer.ip);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(cost);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseServer == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Purchased new server with hostname " + newServ.hostname + " for $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["formatNumber"])(cost, 2));
- }
- return newServ.hostname;
- },
- deleteServer : function(hostname) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.deleteServer) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.deleteServer = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var hostnameStr = String(hostname);
- hostnameStr = hostnameStr.replace(/\s\s+/g, '');
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["GetServerByHostname"])(hostnameStr);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Could not find server with hostname " + hostnameStr + ". deleteServer() failed");
- return false;
- }
- if (!server.purchasedByPlayer || server.hostname == "home") {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Server " + server.hostname + " is not a purchased server. " +
- "Cannot be deleted. deleteServer failed");
- return false;
- }
- var ip = server.ip;
- //A server cannot delete itself
- if (ip == workerScript.serverIp) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Cannot call deleteServer() on self. Function failed");
- return false;
- }
- //Delete all scripts running on server
- if (server.runningScripts.length > 0) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Cannot delete server " + server.hostname + " because it still has scripts running.");
- return false;
- }
- //Delete from player's purchasedServers array
- var found = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].purchasedServers.length; ++i) {
- if (ip == _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].purchasedServers[i]) {
- found = true;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].purchasedServers.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Could not identify server " + server.hostname +
- "as a purchased server. This is likely a bug please contact game dev");
- return false;
- }
- //Delete from all servers
- delete _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["AllServers"][ip];
- //Delete from home computer
- found = false;
- var homeComputer = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer();
- for (var i = 0; i < homeComputer.serversOnNetwork.length; ++i) {
- if (ip == homeComputer.serversOnNetwork[i]) {
- homeComputer.serversOnNetwork.splice(i, 1);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.deleteServer == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Deleted server " + hostnameStr);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- //Wasn't found on home computer
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Error: Could not find server " + server.hostname +
- "as a purchased server. This is likely a bug please contact game dev");
- return false;
- },
- getPurchasedServers : function(hostname=true) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getPurchasedServers) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getPurchasedServers = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost;
- }
- }
- var res = [];
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].purchasedServers.forEach(function(ip) {
- if (hostname) {
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: Could not find server in getPurchasedServers(). This is a bug please report to game dev");
- }
- res.push(server.hostname);
- } else {
- res.push(ip);
- }
- });
- return res;
- },
- write : function(port, data="", mode="a") {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.write) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.write = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!isNaN(port)) { //Write to port
- //Port 1-10
- port = Math.round(port);
- if (port < 1 || port > _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: Trying to write to invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid.");
- }
- var port = _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["NetscriptPorts"][port-1];
- if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["NetscriptPort"])) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer");
- }
- return port.write(data);
- } else if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["isString"])(port)) { //Write to text file
- var fn = port;
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(workerScript.serverIp);
- if (server == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in write(). This is a bug please contact game dev");
- }
- var txtFile = Object(_TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getTextFile"])(fn, server);
- if (txtFile == null) {
- txtFile = Object(_TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["createTextFile"])(fn, data, server);
- return true;
- }
- if (mode === "w") {
- txtFile.write(data);
- } else {
- txtFile.append(data);
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for write: " + port);
- }
- },
- read : function(port) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.read) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.read = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!isNaN(port)) { //Read from port
- //Port 1-10
- port = Math.round(port);
- if (port < 1 || port > _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: Trying to read from invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid.");
- }
- var port = _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["NetscriptPorts"][port-1];
- if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["NetscriptPort"])) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer");
- }
- return port.read();
- } else if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["isString"])(port)) { //Read from text file
- var fn = port;
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(workerScript.serverIp);
- if (server == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in read(). This is a bug please contact game dev");
- }
- var txtFile = Object(_TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getTextFile"])(fn, server);
- if (txtFile !== null) {
- return txtFile.text;
- } else {
- return "";
- }
- } else {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for read(): " + port);
- }
- },
- peek : function(port) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.peek) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.peek = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (isNaN(port)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: peek() called with invalid argument. Must be a port number between 1 and " + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts);
- }
- port = Math.round(port);
- if (port < 1 || port > _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: peek() called with invalid argument. Must be a port number between 1 and " + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts);
- }
- var port = _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["NetscriptPorts"][port-1];
- if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["NetscriptPort"])) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer");
- }
- return port.peek();
- },
- clear : function(port) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.clear) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.clear = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (!isNaN(port)) { //Clear port
- port = Math.round(port);
- if (port < 1 || port > _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: Trying to clear invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid");
- }
- var port = _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["NetscriptPorts"][port-1];
- if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["NetscriptPort"])) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer");
- }
- return port.clear();
- } else if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["isString"])(port)) { //Clear text file
- var fn = port;
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(workerScript.serverIp);
- if (server == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in clear(). This is a bug please contact game dev");
- }
- var txtFile = Object(_TextFile_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getTextFile"])(fn, server);
- if (txtFile != null) {
- txtFile.write("");
- }
- } else {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for clear(): " + port);
- }
- return 0;
- },
- getPortHandle : function(port) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getPortHandle) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getPortHandle = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost * 10;
- }
- }
- if (isNaN(port)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: Invalid argument passed into getPortHandle(). Must be an integer between 1 and " + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts);
- }
- port = Math.round(port);
- if (port < 1 || port > _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: getPortHandle() called with invalid port number: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid");
- }
- var port = _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["NetscriptPorts"][port-1];
- if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["NetscriptPort"])) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "ERR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer");
- }
- return port;
- },
- rm : function(fn) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.rm) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.rm = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost;
- }
- }
- var s = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(workerScript.serverIp);
- if (s == null) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in clear(). This is a bug please contact game dev");
- }
- if (fn.includes(".exe")) {
- for (var i = 0; i < s.programs.length; ++i) {
- if (s.programs[i] === fn) {
- s.programs.splice(i, 1);
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else if (fn.endsWith(".script")) {
- for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; ++i) {
- if (s.scripts[i].filename === fn) {
- //Check that the script isnt currently running
- for (var j = 0; j < s.runningScripts.length; ++j) {
- if (s.runningScripts[j].filename === fn) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot delete a script that is currently running!");
- return false;
- }
- }
- s.scripts.splice(i, 1);
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else if (fn.endsWith(".lit")) {
- for (var i = 0; i < s.messages.length; ++i) {
- var f = s.messages[i];
- if (!(f instanceof _Message_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Message"]) && Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["isString"])(f) && f === fn) {
- s.messages.splice(i, 1);
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else if (fn.endsWith(".txt")) {
- for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) {
- if (s.textFiles[i].fn === fn) {
- s.textFiles.splice(i, 1);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- scriptRunning : function(scriptname, ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.scriptRunning) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.scriptRunning = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptArbScriptRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("scriptRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "scriptRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) {
- if (server.runningScripts[i].filename == scriptname) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- scriptKill : function(scriptname, ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.scriptKill) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.scriptKill = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptArbScriptRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("scriptKill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "scriptKill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- var suc = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) {
- if (server.runningScripts[i].filename == scriptname) {
- Object(_NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["killWorkerScript"])(server.runningScripts[i], server.ip);
- suc = true;
- }
- }
- return suc;
- },
- getScriptRam : function (scriptname, ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getScriptRam) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getScriptRam = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetScriptRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getScriptRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) {
- if (server.scripts[i].filename == scriptname) {
- return server.scripts[i].ramUsage;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- },
- getHackTime : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getHackTime) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getHackTime = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getHackTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getHackTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateHackingTime"])(server); //Returns seconds
- },
- getGrowTime : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getGrowTime) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getGrowTime = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getGrowTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getGrowTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateGrowTime"])(server) / 1000; //Returns seconds
- },
- getWeakenTime : function(ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getWeakenTime) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getWeakenTime = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost;
- }
- }
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getWeakenTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getWeakenTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip);
- }
- return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["scriptCalculateWeakenTime"])(server) / 1000; //Returns seconds
- },
- getScriptIncome : function(scriptname, ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getScriptIncome) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getScriptIncome = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetScriptRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- //Get total script income
- var res = [];
- res.push(Object(_ActiveScriptsUI_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["updateActiveScriptsItems"])());
- res.push(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].scriptProdSinceLastAug / (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].playtimeSinceLastAug/1000));
- return res;
- } else {
- //Get income for a particular script
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptIncome() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getScriptIncome() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip);
- }
- var argsForScript = [];
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
- argsForScript.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- var runningScriptObj = Object(_Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["findRunningScript"])(scriptname, argsForScript, server);
- if (runningScriptObj == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptIncome() failed. No such script "+ scriptname + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__["printArray"])(argsForScript));
- return -1;
- }
- return runningScriptObj.onlineMoneyMade / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime;
- }
- },
- getScriptExpGain : function(scriptname, ip) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getScriptExpGain) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getScriptExpGain = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetScriptRamCost;
- }
- }
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- var total = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["workerScripts"].length; ++i) {
- total += (_NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["workerScripts"][i].scriptRef.onlineExpGained / _NetscriptWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["workerScripts"][i].scriptRef.onlineRunningTime);
- }
- return total;
- } else {
- //Get income for a particular script
- var server = Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["getServer"])(ip);
- if (server == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptExpGain() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip);
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "getScriptExpGain() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip);
- }
- var argsForScript = [];
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
- argsForScript.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- var runningScriptObj = Object(_Script_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["findRunningScript"])(scriptname, argsForScript, server);
- if (runningScriptObj == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptExpGain() failed. No such script "+ scriptname + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__["printArray"])(argsForScript));
- return -1;
- }
- return runningScriptObj.onlineExpGained / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime;
- }
- },
- getTimeSinceLastAug : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getTimeSinceLastAug) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getTimeSinceLastAug = true;
- return _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost;
- }
- }
- return _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].playtimeSinceLastAug;
- },
- prompt : function(txt) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;}
- if (_utils_YesNoBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__["yesNoBoxOpen"]) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: confirm() failed because a pop-up dialog box is already open");
- return false;
- }
- if (!Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["isString"])(txt)) {txt = String(txt);}
- var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__["yesNoBoxGetYesButton"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__["yesNoBoxGetNoButton"])();
- yesBtn.innerHTML = "Yes";
- noBtn.innerHTML = "No";
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- yesBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- Object(_utils_YesNoBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__["yesNoBoxClose"])();
- resolve(true);
- });
- noBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- Object(_utils_YesNoBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__["yesNoBoxClose"])();
- resolve(false);
- });
- Object(_utils_YesNoBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__["yesNoBoxCreate"])(txt);
- });
- },
- /* Singularity Functions */
- universityCourse : function(universityName, className) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.universityCourse) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.universityCourse = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run universityCourse(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (_Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["inMission"]) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: universityCourse() failed because you are in the middle of a mission.");
- return;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].isWorking) {
- var txt = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].singularityStopWork();
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.universityCourse == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt);
- }
- }
- var costMult, expMult;
- switch(universityName.toLowerCase()) {
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].AevumSummitUniversity.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city != _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Aevum) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot study at Summit University because you are not in Aevum. universityCourse() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].AevumSummitUniversity;
- costMult = 4;
- expMult = 3;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12RothmanUniversity.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city != _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot study at Rothman University because you are not in Sector-12. universityCourse() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12RothmanUniversity;
- costMult = 3;
- expMult = 2;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city != _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Volhaven) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot study at ZB Institute of Technology because you are not in Volhaven. universityCourse() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology;
- costMult = 5;
- expMult = 4;
- break;
- default:
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid university name: " + universityName + ". universityCourse() failed");
- return false;
- }
- var task;
- switch(className.toLowerCase()) {
- case "Study Computer Science".toLowerCase():
- task = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassStudyComputerScience;
- break;
- case "Data Structures".toLowerCase():
- task = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassDataStructures;
- break;
- case "Networks".toLowerCase():
- task = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassNetworks;
- break;
- case "Algorithms".toLowerCase():
- task = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassAlgorithms;
- break;
- case "Management".toLowerCase():
- task = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassManagement;
- break;
- case "Leadership".toLowerCase():
- task = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassLeadership;
- break;
- default:
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid class name: " + className + ". universityCourse() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startClass(costMult, expMult, task);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.universityCourse == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started " + task + " at " + universityName);
- }
- return true;
- },
- gymWorkout : function(gymName, stat) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.gymWorkout) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.gymWorkout = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run gymWorkout(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (_Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["inMission"]) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: gymWorkout() failed because you are in the middle of a mission.");
- return;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].isWorking) {
- var txt = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].singularityStopWork();
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.gymWorkout == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt);
- }
- }
- var costMult, expMult;
- switch(gymName.toLowerCase()) {
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].AevumCrushFitnessGym.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city != _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Aevum) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Crush Fitness because you are not in Aevum. gymWorkout() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].AevumCrushFitnessGym;
- costMult = 2;
- expMult = 1.5;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].AevumSnapFitnessGym.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city != _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Aevum) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Snap Fitness because you are not in Aevum. gymWorkout() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].AevumSnapFitnessGym;
- costMult = 6;
- expMult = 4;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12IronGym.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city != _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Iron Gym because you are not in Sector-12. gymWorkout() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12IronGym;
- costMult = 1;
- expMult = 1;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12PowerhouseGym.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city != _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Powerhouse Gym because you are not in Sector-12. gymWorkout() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12PowerhouseGym;
- costMult = 10;
- expMult = 7.5;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym:
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city != _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Volhaven) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Millenium Fitness Gym because you are not in Volhaven. gymWorkout() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym;
- costMult = 3;
- expMult = 2.5;
- break;
- default:
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid gym name: " + gymName + ". gymWorkout() failed");
- return false;
- }
- switch(stat.toLowerCase()) {
- case "strength".toLowerCase():
- case "str".toLowerCase():
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassGymStrength);
- break;
- case "defense".toLowerCase():
- case "def".toLowerCase():
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassGymDefense);
- break;
- case "dexterity".toLowerCase():
- case "dex".toLowerCase():
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassGymDexterity);
- break;
- case "agility".toLowerCase():
- case "agi".toLowerCase():
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ClassGymAgility);
- break;
- default:
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid stat: " + stat + ". gymWorkout() failed");
- return false;
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.gymWorkout == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started training " + stat + " at " + gymName);
- }
- return true;
- },
- travelToCity(cityname) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.travelToCity) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.travelToCity = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 2;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run travelToCity(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- switch(cityname) {
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Aevum:
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Chongqing:
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12:
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].NewTokyo:
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Ishima:
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Volhaven:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(200000);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city = cityname;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.travelToCity == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Traveled to " + cityname);
- }
- return true;
- default:
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid city name passed into travelToCity().");
- return false;
- }
- },
- purchaseTor() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseTor) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseTor = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run purchaseTor(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (_SpecialServerIps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["SpecialServerIps"]["Darkweb Server"] != null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You already have a TOR router! purchaseTor() failed");
- return false;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.lt(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].TorRouterCost)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot afford to purchase a Tor router. purchaseTor() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].TorRouterCost);
- var darkweb = new _Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["Server"](Object(_utils_IPAddress_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__["createRandomIp"])(), "darkweb", "", false, false, false, 1);
- Object(_Server_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["AddToAllServers"])(darkweb);
- _SpecialServerIps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["SpecialServerIps"].addIp("Darkweb Server", darkweb.ip);
- document.getElementById("location-purchase-tor").setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive");
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().serversOnNetwork.push(darkweb.ip);
- darkweb.serversOnNetwork.push(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().ip);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseTor == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased a Tor router!");
- }
- return true;
- },
- purchaseProgram(programName) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseProgram) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseProgram = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run purchaseProgram(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (_SpecialServerIps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["SpecialServerIps"]["Darkweb Server"] == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You do not have TOR router. purchaseProgram() failed.");
- return false;
- }
- switch(programName.toLowerCase()) {
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].BruteSSHProgram.toLowerCase():
- var price = Object(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["parseDarkwebItemPrice"])(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["DarkWebItems"].BruteSSHProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].BruteSSHProgram);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseProgram == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased the BruteSSH.exe program. The new program can be found on your home computer.");
- }
- } else {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + programName);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].FTPCrackProgram.toLowerCase():
- var price = Object(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["parseDarkwebItemPrice"])(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["DarkWebItems"].FTPCrackProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].FTPCrackProgram);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseProgram == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased the FTPCrack.exe program. The new program can be found on your home computer.");
- }
- } else {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + programName);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].RelaySMTPProgram.toLowerCase():
- var price = Object(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["parseDarkwebItemPrice"])(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["DarkWebItems"].RelaySMTPProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].RelaySMTPProgram);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseProgram == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased the relaySMTP.exe program. The new program can be found on your home computer.");
- }
- } else {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + programName);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].HTTPWormProgram.toLowerCase():
- var price = Object(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["parseDarkwebItemPrice"])(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["DarkWebItems"].HTTPWormProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].HTTPWormProgram);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseProgram == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased the HTTPWorm.exe program. The new program can be found on your home computer.");
- }
- } else {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + programName);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].SQLInjectProgram.toLowerCase():
- var price = Object(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["parseDarkwebItemPrice"])(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["DarkWebItems"].SQLInjectProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].SQLInjectProgram);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseProgram == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased the SQLInject.exe program. The new program can be found on your home computer.");
- }
- } else {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + programName);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].DeepscanV1.toLowerCase():
- var price = Object(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["parseDarkwebItemPrice"])(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["DarkWebItems"].DeepScanV1Program);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].DeepscanV1);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseProgram == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased the DeepscanV1.exe program. The new program can be found on your home computer.");
- }
- } else {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + programName);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].DeepscanV2.toLowerCase():
- var price = Object(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["parseDarkwebItemPrice"])(_DarkWeb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["DarkWebItems"].DeepScanV2Program);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].DeepscanV2);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseProgram == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased the DeepscanV2.exe program. The new program can be found on your home computer.");
- }
- } else {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + programName);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- default:
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid program passed into purchaseProgram().");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- getStats : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getStats) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getStats = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 4;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getStats(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
- return {};
- }
- }
- return {
- hacking: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill,
- strength: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].strength,
- defense: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].defense,
- dexterity: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].dexterity,
- agility: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].agility,
- charisma: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].charisma,
- intelligence: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].intelligence
- }
- },
- getCharacterInformation : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getCharacterInformation) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getCharacterInformation = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 4;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getCharacterInformation(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
- return {};
- }
- }
- var companyPositionTitle = "";
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].companyPosition instanceof _Company_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["CompanyPosition"]) {
- companyPositionTitle = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].companyPosition.positionName;
- }
- return {
- bitnode: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN,
- company: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].companyName,
- jobTitle: companyPositionTitle,
- city: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city,
- factions: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].factions.slice(),
- tor: _SpecialServerIps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["SpecialServerIps"].hasOwnProperty("Darkweb Server"),
- timeWorked: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].timeWorked,
- workHackExpGain: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].workHackExpGained,
- workStrExpGain: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].workStrExpGained,
- workDefExpGain: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].workDefExpGained,
- workDexExpGain: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].workDexExpGained,
- workAgiExpGain: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].workAgiExpGained,
- workChaExpGain: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].workChaExpGained,
- workRepGain: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].workRepGained,
- workMoneyGain: _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].workMoneyGained,
- };
- },
- isBusy : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.isBusy) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.isBusy = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 4;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run isBusy(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
- return;
- }
- }
- return _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].isWorking;
- },
- stopAction : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.stopAction) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.stopAction = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 2;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run stopAction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].isWorking) {
- var txt = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].singularityStopWork();
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.stopAction == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- upgradeHomeRam : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.upgradeHomeRam) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.upgradeHomeRam = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run upgradeHomeRam(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- //Calculate how many times ram has been upgraded (doubled)
- var currentRam = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().maxRam;
- var numUpgrades = Math.log2(currentRam);
- //Calculate cost
- //Have cost increase by some percentage each time RAM has been upgraded
- var cost = currentRam * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHome;
- var mult = Math.pow(1.55, numUpgrades);
- cost = cost * mult;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].money.lt(cost)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: upgradeHomeRam() failed because you don't have enough money");
- return false;
- }
- var homeComputer = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer();
- homeComputer.maxRam *= 2;
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].loseMoney(cost);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.upgradeHomeRam == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Purchased additional RAM for home computer! It now has " + homeComputer.maxRam + "GB of RAM.");
- }
- return true;
- },
- getUpgradeHomeRamCost : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getUpgradeHomeRamCost) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getUpgradeHomeRamCost = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 2;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getUpgradeHomeRamCost(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- //Calculate how many times ram has been upgraded (doubled)
- var currentRam = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].getHomeComputer().maxRam;
- var numUpgrades = Math.log2(currentRam);
- //Calculate cost
- //Have cost increase by some percentage each time RAM has been upgraded
- var cost = currentRam * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHome;
- var mult = Math.pow(1.55, numUpgrades);
- return cost * mult;
- },
- workForCompany : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.workForCompany) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.workForCompany = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run workForCompany(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (_Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["inMission"]) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForCompany() failed because you are in the middle of a mission.");
- return;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].companyPosition == "" || !(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].companyPosition instanceof _Company_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["CompanyPosition"])) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForCompany() failed because you do not have a job");
- return false;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].isWorking) {
- var txt = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].singularityStopWork();
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.workForCompany == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt);
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].companyPosition.isPartTimeJob()) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startWorkPartTime();
- } else {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startWork();
- }
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.workForCompany == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Began working at " + _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].companyName + " as a " + _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].companyPosition.positionName);
- }
- return true;
- },
- applyToCompany : function(companyName, field) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.applyToCompany) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.applyToCompany = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run applyToCompany(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (!Object(_Company_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["companyExists"])(companyName)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: applyToCompany() failed because specified company " + companyName + " does not exist.");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = companyName;
- var res;
- switch (field.toLowerCase()) {
- case "software":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForSoftwareJob(true);
- break;
- case "software consultant":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForSoftwareConsultantJob(true);
- break;
- case "it":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForItJob(true);
- break;
- case "security engineer":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForSecurityEngineerJob(true);
- break;
- case "network engineer":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForNetworkEngineerJob(true);
- break;
- case "business":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForBusinessJob(true);
- break;
- case "business consultant":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForBusinessConsultantJob(true);
- break;
- case "security":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForSecurityJob(true);
- break;
- case "agent":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForAgentJob(true);
- break;
- case "employee":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForEmployeeJob(true);
- break;
- case "part-time employee":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForPartTimeEmployeeJob(true);
- break;
- case "waiter":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForWaiterJob(true);
- break;
- case "part-time waiter":
- res = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].applyForPartTimeWaiterJob(true);
- break;
- default:
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid job passed into applyToCompany: " + field + ". applyToCompany() failed");
- return false;
- }
- //The Player object's applyForJob function can return string with special error messages
- if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["isString"])(res)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(res);
- return false;
- }
- if (res) {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.applyToCompany == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You were offered a new job at " + companyName + " as a " + _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].companyPosition.positionName);
- }
- } else {
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.applyToCompany == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("You failed to get a new job/promotion at " + companyName + " in the " + field + " field.");
- }
- }
- return res;
- },
- getCompanyRep : function(companyName) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getCompanyRep) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getCompanyRep = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 4;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getCompanyRep(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- var company = _Company_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Companies"][companyName];
- if (company == null || !(company instanceof _Company_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Company"])) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid companyName passed into getCompanyRep(): " + companyName);
- return -1;
- }
- return company.playerReputation;
- },
- getCompanyFavor : function(companyName) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getCompanyFavor) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getCompanyFavor = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 4;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getCompanyFavor(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- var company = _Company_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Companies"][companyName];
- if (company == null || !(company instanceof _Company_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Company"])) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid companyName passed into getCompanyFavor(): " + companyName);
- return -1;
- }
- return company.favor;
- },
- checkFactionInvitations : function() {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.checkFactionInvitations) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.checkFactionInvitations = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run checkFactionInvitations(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- //Make a copy of Player.factionInvitations
- return _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].factionInvitations.slice();
- },
- joinFaction : function(name) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.joinFaction) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.joinFaction = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run joinFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (!Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["factionExists"])(name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in joinFaction() does not exist.");
- return false;
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].factionInvitations.includes(name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot join " + name + " Faction because you have not been invited. joinFaction() failed");
- return false;
- }
- var index = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].factionInvitations.indexOf(name);
- if (index === -1) {
- //Redundant and should never happen...
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot join " + name + " Faction because you have not been invited. joinFaction() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].factionInvitations.splice(index, 1);
- var fac = _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Factions"][name];
- Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["joinFaction"])(fac);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain);
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.joinFaction == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Joined the " + name + " faction.");
- }
- return true;
- },
- workForFaction : function(name, type) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.workForFaction) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.workForFaction = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run workForFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (_Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["inMission"]) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForFaction() failed because you are in the middle of a mission.");
- return;
- }
- if (!Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["factionExists"])(name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in workForFaction() does not exist.");
- return false;
- }
- if (!_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].factions.includes(name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForFaction() failed because you are not a member of " + name);
- return false;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].isWorking) {
- var txt = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].singularityStopWork();
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.workForFaction == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt);
- }
- }
- var fac = _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Factions"][name];
- //Arrays listing factions that allow each time of work
- var hackAvailable = ["Illuminati", "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "ECorp", "MegaCorp",
- "Bachman & Associates", "Blade Industries", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International",
- "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "BitRunners", "The Black Hand",
- "NiteSec", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum",
- "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Speakers for the Dead", "The Dark Army",
- "The Syndicate", "Silhouette", "Netburners", "Tian Di Hui", "CyberSec"];
- var fdWkAvailable = ["Illuminati", "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "ECorp", "MegaCorp",
- "Bachman & Associates", "Blade Industries", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International",
- "The Black Hand", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum",
- "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Speakers for the Dead", "The Dark Army",
- "The Syndicate", "Silhouette", "Tetrads", "Slum Snakes"];
- var scWkAvailable = ["ECorp", "MegaCorp",
- "Bachman & Associates", "Blade Industries", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated",
- "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International",
- "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum",
- "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Speakers for the Dead",
- "The Syndicate", "Tetrads", "Slum Snakes", "Tian Di Hui"];
- switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
- case "hacking":
- case "hacking contracts":
- case "hackingcontracts":
- if (!hackAvailable.includes(fac.name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot carry out hacking contracts for " + fac.name + ". workForFaction() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startFactionHackWork(fac);
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started carrying out hacking contracts for " + fac.name);
- return true;
- case "field":
- case "fieldwork":
- case "field work":
- if (!fdWkAvailable.includes(fac.name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot carry out field missions for " + fac.name + ". workForFaction() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startFactionFieldWork(fac);
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started carrying out field missions for " + fac.name);
- return true;
- case "security":
- case "securitywork":
- case "security work":
- if (!scWkAvailable.includes(fac.name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot serve as security detail for " + fac.name + ". workForFaction() failed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startFactionSecurityWork(fac);
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started serving as security details for " + fac.name);
- return true;
- default:
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid work type passed into workForFaction(): " + type);
- }
- return true;
- },
- getFactionRep : function(name) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getFactionRep) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getFactionRep = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 4;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getFactionRep(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (!Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["factionExists"])(name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in getFactionRep() does not exist.");
- return -1;
- }
- return _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Factions"][name].playerReputation;
- },
- getFactionFavor : function(name) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getFactionFavor) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getFactionFavor = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 4;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getFactionFavor(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (!Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["factionExists"])(name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in getFactionFavor() does not exist.");
- return -1;
- }
- return _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Factions"][name].favor;
- },
- createProgram : function(name) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.createProgram) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.createProgram = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run createProgram(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (_Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["inMission"]) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because you are in the middle of a mission.");
- return;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].isWorking) {
- var txt = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].singularityStopWork();
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.createProgram == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt);
- }
- }
- switch(name.toLowerCase()) {
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].NukeProgram.toLowerCase():
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].NukeProgram, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes, 1);
- break;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].BruteSSHProgram.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill < 50) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create BruteSSH (level 50 req)");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].BruteSSHProgram, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes * 2, 50);
- break;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].FTPCrackProgram.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill < 100) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create FTPCrack (level 100 req)");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].FTPCrackProgram, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPerHalfHour, 100);
- break;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].RelaySMTPProgram.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill < 250) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create relaySMTP (level 250 req)");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].RelaySMTPProgram, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPer2Hours, 250);
- break;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].HTTPWormProgram.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill < 500) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create HTTPWorm (level 500 req)");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].HTTPWormProgram, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPer4Hours, 500);
- break;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].SQLInjectProgram.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill < 750) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create SQLInject (level 750 req)");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].SQLInjectProgram, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPer8Hours, 750);
- break;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].DeepscanV1.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill < 75) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create DeepscanV1 (level 75 req)");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].DeepscanV1, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPerQuarterHour, 75);
- break;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].DeepscanV2.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill < 400) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create DeepscanV2 (level 400 req)");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].DeepscanV2, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPer2Hours, 400);
- break;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].ServerProfiler.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill < 75) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create ServerProfiler (level 75 req)");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].ServerProfiler, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPerHalfHour, 75);
- break;
- case _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].AutoLink.toLowerCase():
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].hacking_skill < 25) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create AutoLink (level 25 req)");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].startCreateProgramWork(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["Programs"].AutoLink, _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].MillisecondsPerQuarterHour, 25);
- break;
- default:
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because the specified program does not exist: " + name);
- return false;
- }
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Began creating program: " + name);
- return true;
- },
- commitCrime : function(crime) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.commitCrime) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.commitCrime = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run commitCrime(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run.");
- return;
- }
- }
- if (_Missions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["inMission"]) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: commitCrime() failed because you are in the middle of a mission.");
- return;
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].isWorking) {
- var txt = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].singularityStopWork();
- if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.commitCrime == null) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt);
- }
- }
- //Set Location to slums
- switch(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].city) {
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Aevum:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].AevumSlums;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Chongqing:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].ChongqingSlums;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Sector12Slums;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].NewTokyo:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].NewTokyoSlums;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Ishima:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].IshimaSlums;
- break;
- case _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].Volhaven:
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].location = _Location_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["Locations"].VolhavenSlums;
- break;
- default:
- console.log("Invalid Player.city value");
- }
- crime = crime.toLowerCase();
- if (crime.includes("shoplift")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to shoplift...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitShopliftCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("rob") && crime.includes("store")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to rob a store...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitRobStoreCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("mug")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to mug someone...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitMugCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("larceny")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to commit larceny...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitLarcenyCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("drugs")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to deal drugs...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitDealDrugsCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("bond") && crime.includes("forge")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to forge corporate bonds...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitBondForgeryCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("traffick") && crime.includes("arms")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to traffick illegal arms...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitTraffickArmsCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("homicide")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to commit homicide...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitHomicideCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("grand") && crime.includes("auto")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to commit grand theft auto...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitGrandTheftAutoCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("kidnap")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to kidnap and ransom a high-profile target...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitKidnapCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else if (crime.includes("assassinate")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to assassinate a high-profile target...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitAssassinationCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript})
- } else if (crime.includes("heist")) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to pull off a heist...");
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["commitHeistCrime"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
- } else {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid crime passed into commitCrime(): " + crime);
- }
- },
- getCrimeChance : function(crime) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getCrimeChance) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getCrimeChance = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getCrimeChance(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run.");
- return;
- }
- }
- crime = crime.toLowerCase();
- if (crime.includes("shoplift")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceShoplift"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("rob") && crime.includes("store")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceRobStore"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("mug")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceMug"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("larceny")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceLarceny"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("drugs")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceDealDrugs"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("bond") && crime.includes("forge")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceBondForgery"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("traffick") && crime.includes("arms")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceTraffickArms"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("homicide")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceHomicide"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("grand") && crime.includes("auto")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceGrandTheftAuto"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("kidnap")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceKidnap"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("assassinate")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceAssassination"])();
- } else if (crime.includes("heist")) {
- return Object(_Crimes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["determineCrimeChanceHeist"])();
- } else {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Invalid crime passed into getCrimeChance(): " + crime);
- }
- },
- getOwnedAugmentations : function(purchased=false) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getOwnedAugmentations) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getOwnedAugmentations = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getOwnedAugmentations(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run.");
- return [];
- }
- }
- var res = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].augmentations.length; ++i) {
- res.push(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].augmentations[i].name);
- }
- if (purchased) {
- for (var i = 0; i < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) {
- res.push(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].queuedAugmentations[i].name);
- }
- }
- return res;
- },
- getAugmentationsFromFaction : function(facname) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getAugmentationsFromFaction) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getAugmentationsFromFaction = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getAugmentationsFromFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run.");
- return [];
- }
- }
- if (!Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["factionExists"])(facname)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: getAugmentationsFromFaction() failed. Invalid faction name passed in (this is case-sensitive): " + facname);
- return [];
- }
- var fac = _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Factions"][facname];
- var res = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < fac.augmentations.length; ++i) {
- res.push(fac.augmentations[i]);
- }
- return res;
- },
- getAugmentationCost : function(name) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.getAugmentationCost) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.getAugmentationCost = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getAugmentationCost(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (!Object(_Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["augmentationExists"])(name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: getAugmentationCost() failed. Invalid Augmentation name passed in (note: this is case-sensitive): " + name);
- return [-1, -1];
- }
- var aug = _Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Augmentations"][name];
- return [aug.baseRepRequirement, aug.baseCost];
- },
- purchaseAugmentation : function(faction, name) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseAugmentation) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.purchaseAugmentation = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run purchaseAugmentation(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- var fac = _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Factions"][faction];
- if (fac == null || !(fac instanceof _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Faction"])) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because of invalid faction name: " + faction);
- return false;
- }
- if (!fac.augmentations.includes(name)) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because the faction " + faction + " does not contain the " + name + " augmentation");
- return false;
- }
- var aug = _Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Augmentations"][name];
- if (aug == null || !(aug instanceof _Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Augmentation"])) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because of invalid augmentation name: " + name);
- return false;
- }
- var isNeuroflux = false;
- if (aug.name === _Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["AugmentationNames"].NeuroFluxGovernor) {
- isNeuroflux = true;
- }
- if (!isNeuroflux) {
- for (var j = 0; j < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++j) {
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].queuedAugmentations[j].name === aug.name) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because you already have " + name);
- return false;
- }
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].augmentations.length; ++j) {
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].augmentations[j].name === aug.name) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because you already have " + name);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (fac.playerReputation < aug.baseRepRequirement) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because you do not have enough reputation with " + fac.name);
- return false;
- }
- var res = Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["purchaseAugmentation"])(aug, fac, true);
- workerScript.scriptRef.log(res);
- if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["isString"])(res) && res.startsWith("You purchased")) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- },
- installAugmentations : function(cbScript) {
- if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
- if (workerScript.loadedFns.installAugmentations) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- workerScript.loadedFns.installAugmentations = true;
- var ramCost = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;}
- return ramCost;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].bitNodeN != 4) {
- if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) {
- throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["makeRuntimeRejectMsg"])(workerScript, "Cannot run installAugmentations(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].queuedAugmentations.length === 0) {
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: installAugmentations() failed because you do not have any Augmentations to be installed");
- return false;
- }
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Player"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["CONSTANTS"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain);
- workerScript.scriptRef.log("Installing Augmentations. This will cause this script to be killed");
- Object(_Augmentations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["installAugmentations"])(cbScript);
- return true;
- }
- }
-/***/ }),
-/* 30 */
- !*** ./src/Alias.js ***!
- \**********************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Aliases", function() { return Aliases; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "GlobalAliases", function() { return GlobalAliases; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "printAliases", function() { return printAliases; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "parseAliasDeclaration", function() { return parseAliasDeclaration; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "removeAlias", function() { return removeAlias; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "substituteAliases", function() { return substituteAliases; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "loadAliases", function() { return loadAliases; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "loadGlobalAliases", function() { return loadGlobalAliases; });
-/* harmony import */ var _Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Terminal.js */ 22);
-let Aliases = {};
-let GlobalAliases = {};
-function loadAliases(saveString) {
- if (saveString === "") {
- Aliases = {};
- } else {
- Aliases = JSON.parse(saveString);
- }
-function loadGlobalAliases(saveString) {
- if (saveString === "") {
- GlobalAliases = {};
- } else {
- GlobalAliases = JSON.parse(saveString);
- }
-//Print all aliases to terminal
-function printAliases() {
- for (var name in Aliases) {
- if (Aliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["post"])("alias " + name + "=" + Aliases[name]);
- }
- }
- for (var name in GlobalAliases) {
- if (GlobalAliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["post"])("global alias " + name + "=" + GlobalAliases[name]);
- }
- }
-//True if successful, false otherwise
-function parseAliasDeclaration(dec,global=false) {
- var re = /^([_|\w|!|%|,|@]+)="(.+)"$/;
- var matches = dec.match(re);
- if (matches == null || matches.length != 3) {return false;}
- if (global){
- addGlobalAlias(matches[1],matches[2]);
- } else {
- addAlias(matches[1], matches[2]);
- }
- return true;
-function addAlias(name, value) {
- if (name in GlobalAliases){
- delete GlobalAliases[name];
- }
- Aliases[name] = value;
-function addGlobalAlias(name, value) {
- if (name in Aliases){
- delete Aliases[name];
- }
- GlobalAliases[name] = value;
-function getAlias(name) {
- if (Aliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- return Aliases[name];
- }
- return null;
-function getGlobalAlias(name) {
- if (GlobalAliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- return GlobalAliases[name];
- }
- return null;
-function removeAlias(name) {
- if (Aliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- delete Aliases[name];
- return true;
- }
- if (GlobalAliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- delete GlobalAliases[name];
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-//Returns the original string with any aliases substituted in
-//Aliases only applied to "whole words", one level deep
-function substituteAliases(origCommand) {
- var commandArray = origCommand.split(" ");
- if (commandArray.length>0){
- var alias = getAlias(commandArray[0]);
- if (alias != null) {
- commandArray[0] = alias;
- } else {
- var alias = getGlobalAlias(commandArray[0]);
- if (alias != null) {
- commandArray[0] = alias;
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < commandArray.length; ++i) {
- var alias = getGlobalAlias(commandArray[i]);
- if (alias != null) {
- commandArray[i] = alias;
- }
- }
- }
- return commandArray.join(" ");
-/***/ }),
-/* 31 */
- !*** ./node_modules/jszip/lib/utils.js ***!
- \*****************************************/
-/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-var support = __webpack_require__(/*! ./support */ 50);
-var base64 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base64 */ 99);
-var nodejsUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! ./nodejsUtils */ 63);
-var setImmediate = __webpack_require__(/*! core-js/library/fn/set-immediate */ 153);
-var external = __webpack_require__(/*! ./external */ 58);
- * Convert a string that pass as a "binary string": it should represent a byte
- * array but may have > 255 char codes. Be sure to take only the first byte
- * and returns the byte array.
- * @param {String} str the string to transform.
- * @return {Array|Uint8Array} the string in a binary format.
- */
-function string2binary(str) {
- var result = null;
- if (support.uint8array) {
- result = new Uint8Array(str.length);
- } else {
- result = new Array(str.length);
- }
- return stringToArrayLike(str, result);
- * Create a new blob with the given content and the given type.
- * @param {String|ArrayBuffer} part the content to put in the blob. DO NOT use
- * an Uint8Array because the stock browser of android 4 won't accept it (it
- * will be silently converted to a string, "[object Uint8Array]").
- *
- * Use only ONE part to build the blob to avoid a memory leak in IE11 / Edge:
- * when a large amount of Array is used to create the Blob, the amount of
- * memory consumed is nearly 100 times the original data amount.
- *
- * @param {String} type the mime type of the blob.
- * @return {Blob} the created blob.
- */
-exports.newBlob = function(part, type) {
- exports.checkSupport("blob");
- try {
- // Blob constructor
- return new Blob([part], {
- type: type
- });
- }
- catch (e) {
- try {
- // deprecated, browser only, old way
- var Builder = self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder;
- var builder = new Builder();
- builder.append(part);
- return builder.getBlob(type);
- }
- catch (e) {
- // well, fuck ?!
- throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.");
- }
- }
- * The identity function.
- * @param {Object} input the input.
- * @return {Object} the same input.
- */
-function identity(input) {
- return input;
- * Fill in an array with a string.
- * @param {String} str the string to use.
- * @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to fill in (will be mutated).
- * @return {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} the updated array.
- */
-function stringToArrayLike(str, array) {
- for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
- array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
- }
- return array;
- * An helper for the function arrayLikeToString.
- * This contains static informations and functions that
- * can be optimized by the browser JIT compiler.
- */
-var arrayToStringHelper = {
- /**
- * Transform an array of int into a string, chunk by chunk.
- * See the performances notes on arrayLikeToString.
- * @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to transform.
- * @param {String} type the type of the array.
- * @param {Integer} chunk the chunk size.
- * @return {String} the resulting string.
- * @throws Error if the chunk is too big for the stack.
- */
- stringifyByChunk: function(array, type, chunk) {
- var result = [], k = 0, len = array.length;
- // shortcut
- if (len <= chunk) {
- return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);
- }
- while (k < len) {
- if (type === "array" || type === "nodebuffer") {
- result.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.slice(k, Math.min(k + chunk, len))));
- }
- else {
- result.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.subarray(k, Math.min(k + chunk, len))));
- }
- k += chunk;
- }
- return result.join("");
- },
- /**
- * Call String.fromCharCode on every item in the array.
- * This is the naive implementation, which generate A LOT of intermediate string.
- * This should be used when everything else fail.
- * @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to transform.
- * @return {String} the result.
- */
- stringifyByChar: function(array){
- var resultStr = "";
- for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
- resultStr += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
- }
- return resultStr;
- },
- applyCanBeUsed : {
- /**
- * true if the browser accepts to use String.fromCharCode on Uint8Array
- */
- uint8array : (function () {
- try {
- return support.uint8array && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)).length === 1;
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- })(),
- /**
- * true if the browser accepts to use String.fromCharCode on nodejs Buffer.
- */
- nodebuffer : (function () {
- try {
- return support.nodebuffer && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, nodejsUtils.allocBuffer(1)).length === 1;
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- })()
- }
- * Transform an array-like object to a string.
- * @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to transform.
- * @return {String} the result.
- */
-function arrayLikeToString(array) {
- // Performances notes :
- // --------------------
- // String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array) is the fastest, see
- // see http://jsperf.com/converting-a-uint8array-to-a-string/2
- // but the stack is limited (and we can get huge arrays !).
- //
- // result += String.fromCharCode(array[i]); generate too many strings !
- //
- // This code is inspired by http://jsperf.com/arraybuffer-to-string-apply-performance/2
- // TODO : we now have workers that split the work. Do we still need that ?
- var chunk = 65536,
- type = exports.getTypeOf(array),
- canUseApply = true;
- if (type === "uint8array") {
- canUseApply = arrayToStringHelper.applyCanBeUsed.uint8array;
- } else if (type === "nodebuffer") {
- canUseApply = arrayToStringHelper.applyCanBeUsed.nodebuffer;
- }
- if (canUseApply) {
- while (chunk > 1) {
- try {
- return arrayToStringHelper.stringifyByChunk(array, type, chunk);
- } catch (e) {
- chunk = Math.floor(chunk / 2);
- }
- }
- }
- // no apply or chunk error : slow and painful algorithm
- // default browser on android 4.*
- return arrayToStringHelper.stringifyByChar(array);
-exports.applyFromCharCode = arrayLikeToString;
- * Copy the data from an array-like to an other array-like.
- * @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} arrayFrom the origin array.
- * @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} arrayTo the destination array which will be mutated.
- * @return {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} the updated destination array.
- */
-function arrayLikeToArrayLike(arrayFrom, arrayTo) {
- for (var i = 0; i < arrayFrom.length; i++) {
- arrayTo[i] = arrayFrom[i];
- }
- return arrayTo;
-// a matrix containing functions to transform everything into everything.
-var transform = {};
-// string to ?
-transform["string"] = {
- "string": identity,
- "array": function(input) {
- return stringToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
- },
- "arraybuffer": function(input) {
- return transform["string"]["uint8array"](input).buffer;
- },
- "uint8array": function(input) {
- return stringToArrayLike(input, new Uint8Array(input.length));
- },
- "nodebuffer": function(input) {
- return stringToArrayLike(input, nodejsUtils.allocBuffer(input.length));
- }
-// array to ?
-transform["array"] = {
- "string": arrayLikeToString,
- "array": identity,
- "arraybuffer": function(input) {
- return (new Uint8Array(input)).buffer;
- },
- "uint8array": function(input) {
- return new Uint8Array(input);
- },
- "nodebuffer": function(input) {
- return nodejsUtils.newBufferFrom(input);
- }
-// arraybuffer to ?
-transform["arraybuffer"] = {
- "string": function(input) {
- return arrayLikeToString(new Uint8Array(input));
- },
- "array": function(input) {
- return arrayLikeToArrayLike(new Uint8Array(input), new Array(input.byteLength));
- },
- "arraybuffer": identity,
- "uint8array": function(input) {
- return new Uint8Array(input);
- },
- "nodebuffer": function(input) {
- return nodejsUtils.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(input));
- }
-// uint8array to ?
-transform["uint8array"] = {
- "string": arrayLikeToString,
- "array": function(input) {
- return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
- },
- "arraybuffer": function(input) {
- return input.buffer;
- },
- "uint8array": identity,
- "nodebuffer": function(input) {
- return nodejsUtils.newBufferFrom(input);
- }
-// nodebuffer to ?
-transform["nodebuffer"] = {
- "string": arrayLikeToString,
- "array": function(input) {
- return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
- },
- "arraybuffer": function(input) {
- return transform["nodebuffer"]["uint8array"](input).buffer;
- },
- "uint8array": function(input) {
- return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Uint8Array(input.length));
- },
- "nodebuffer": identity
- * Transform an input into any type.
- * The supported output type are : string, array, uint8array, arraybuffer, nodebuffer.
- * If no output type is specified, the unmodified input will be returned.
- * @param {String} outputType the output type.
- * @param {String|Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} input the input to convert.
- * @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested output type.
- */
-exports.transformTo = function(outputType, input) {
- if (!input) {
- // undefined, null, etc
- // an empty string won't harm.
- input = "";
- }
- if (!outputType) {
- return input;
- }
- exports.checkSupport(outputType);
- var inputType = exports.getTypeOf(input);
- var result = transform[inputType][outputType](input);
- return result;
- * Return the type of the input.
- * The type will be in a format valid for JSZip.utils.transformTo : string, array, uint8array, arraybuffer.
- * @param {Object} input the input to identify.
- * @return {String} the (lowercase) type of the input.
- */
-exports.getTypeOf = function(input) {
- if (typeof input === "string") {
- return "string";
- }
- if (Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === "[object Array]") {
- return "array";
- }
- if (support.nodebuffer && nodejsUtils.isBuffer(input)) {
- return "nodebuffer";
- }
- if (support.uint8array && input instanceof Uint8Array) {
- return "uint8array";
- }
- if (support.arraybuffer && input instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
- return "arraybuffer";
- }
- * Throw an exception if the type is not supported.
- * @param {String} type the type to check.
- * @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested type.
- */
-exports.checkSupport = function(type) {
- var supported = support[type.toLowerCase()];
- if (!supported) {
- throw new Error(type + " is not supported by this platform");
- }
-exports.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535;
-exports.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1; // well, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" is parsed as -1
- * Prettify a string read as binary.
- * @param {string} str the string to prettify.
- * @return {string} a pretty string.
- */
-exports.pretty = function(str) {
- var res = '',
- code, i;
- for (i = 0; i < (str || "").length; i++) {
- code = str.charCodeAt(i);
- res += '\\x' + (code < 16 ? "0" : "") + code.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- }
- return res;
- * Defer the call of a function.
- * @param {Function} callback the function to call asynchronously.
- * @param {Array} args the arguments to give to the callback.
- */
-exports.delay = function(callback, args, self) {
- setImmediate(function () {
- callback.apply(self || null, args || []);
- });
- * Extends a prototype with an other, without calling a constructor with
- * side effects. Inspired by nodejs' `utils.inherits`
- * @param {Function} ctor the constructor to augment
- * @param {Function} superCtor the parent constructor to use
- */
-exports.inherits = function (ctor, superCtor) {
- var Obj = function() {};
- Obj.prototype = superCtor.prototype;
- ctor.prototype = new Obj();
- * Merge the objects passed as parameters into a new one.
- * @private
- * @param {...Object} var_args All objects to merge.
- * @return {Object} a new object with the data of the others.
- */
-exports.extend = function() {
- var result = {}, i, attr;
- for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { // arguments is not enumerable in some browsers
- for (attr in arguments[i]) {
- if (arguments[i].hasOwnProperty(attr) && typeof result[attr] === "undefined") {
- result[attr] = arguments[i][attr];
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- * Transform arbitrary content into a Promise.
- * @param {String} name a name for the content being processed.
- * @param {Object} inputData the content to process.
- * @param {Boolean} isBinary true if the content is not an unicode string
- * @param {Boolean} isOptimizedBinaryString true if the string content only has one byte per character.
- * @param {Boolean} isBase64 true if the string content is encoded with base64.
- * @return {Promise} a promise in a format usable by JSZip.
- */
-exports.prepareContent = function(name, inputData, isBinary, isOptimizedBinaryString, isBase64) {
- // if inputData is already a promise, this flatten it.
- var promise = external.Promise.resolve(inputData).then(function(data) {
- var isBlob = support.blob && (data instanceof Blob || ['[object File]', '[object Blob]'].indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(data)) !== -1);
- if (isBlob && typeof FileReader !== "undefined") {
- return new external.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- resolve(e.target.result);
- };
- reader.onerror = function(e) {
- reject(e.target.error);
- };
- reader.readAsArrayBuffer(data);
- });
- } else {
- return data;
- }
- });
- return promise.then(function(data) {
- var dataType = exports.getTypeOf(data);
- if (!dataType) {
- return external.Promise.reject(
- new Error("Can't read the data of '" + name + "'. Is it " +
- "in a supported JavaScript type (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer, etc) ?")
- );
- }
- // special case : it's way easier to work with Uint8Array than with ArrayBuffer
- if (dataType === "arraybuffer") {
- data = exports.transformTo("uint8array", data);
- } else if (dataType === "string") {
- if (isBase64) {
- data = base64.decode(data);
- }
- else if (isBinary) {
- // optimizedBinaryString === true means that the file has already been filtered with a 0xFF mask
- if (isOptimizedBinaryString !== true) {
- // this is a string, not in a base64 format.
- // Be sure that this is a correct "binary string"
- data = string2binary(data);
- }
- }
- }
- return data;
- });
-/***/ }),
-/* 32 */
- !*** ./src/Missions.js ***!
- \*************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "HackingMission", function() { return HackingMission; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "inMission", function() { return inMission; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "setInMission", function() { return setInMission; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "currMission", function() { return currMission; });
-/* harmony import */ var _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants.js */ 3);
-/* harmony import */ var _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine.js */ 5);
-/* harmony import */ var _Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction.js */ 11);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox.js */ 6);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/HelperFunctions.js */ 1);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js */ 2);
-/* harmony import */ var jsplumb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! jsplumb */ 182);
-/* harmony import */ var jsplumb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(jsplumb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__);
-let inMission = false; //Flag to denote whether a mission is running
-let currMission = null;
-function setInMission(bool, mission) {
- inMission = bool;
- if (bool) {
- currMission = mission;
- } else {
- currMission = null;
- }
-//Keyboard shortcuts
-$(document).keydown(function(e) {
- if (inMission && currMission && currMission.selectedNode.length != 0) {
- switch (e.keyCode) {
- case 65: //a for Attack
- currMission.actionButtons[0].click();
- break;
- case 83: //s for Scan
- currMission.actionButtons[1].click();
- break;
- case 87: //w for Weaken
- currMission.actionButtons[2].click();
- break;
- case 70: //f for Fortify
- currMission.actionButtons[3].click();
- break;
- case 82: //r for Overflow
- currMission.actionButtons[4].click();
- break;
- case 68: //d for Detach connection
- currMission.actionButtons[5].click();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-let NodeTypes = {
- Core: "CPU Core Node", //All actions available
- Firewall: "Firewall Node", //No actions available
- Database: "Database Node", //No actions available
- Spam: "Spam Node", //No actions Available
- Transfer: "Transfer Node", //Can Weaken, Scan, Fortify and Overflow
- Shield: "Shield Node" //Can Fortify
-let NodeActions = {
- Attack: "Attacking", //Damaged based on attack stat + hacking level + opp def
- Scan: "Scanning", //-Def for target, affected by attack and hacking level
- Weaken: "Weakening", //-Attack for target, affected by attack and hacking level
- Fortify: "Fortifying", //+Defense for Node, affected by hacking level
- Overflow: "Overflowing", //+Attack but -Defense for Node, affected by hacking level
-function Node(type, stats) {
- this.type = type;
- this.atk = stats.atk ? stats.atk : 0;
- this.def = stats.def ? stats.def : 0;
- this.hp = stats.hp ? stats.hp : 0;
- this.maxhp = this.hp;
- this.plyrCtrl = false;
- this.enmyCtrl = false;
- this.pos = [0, 0]; //x, y
- this.el = null; //Holds the Node's DOM element
- this.action = null;
- this.targetedCount = 0; //Count of how many connections this node is the target of
- //Holds the JsPlumb Connection object for this Node,
- //where this Node is the Source (since each Node
- //can only have 1 outgoing Connection)
- this.conn = null;
-Node.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y) {
- this.pos = [x, y];
-Node.prototype.setControlledByPlayer = function() {
- this.plyrCtrl = true;
- this.enmyCtrl = false;
- if (this.el) {
- this.el.classList.remove("hack-mission-enemy-node");
- this.el.classList.add("hack-mission-player-node");
- }
-Node.prototype.setControlledByEnemy = function() {
- this.plyrCtrl = false;
- this.enmyCtrl = true;
- if (this.el) {
- this.el.classList.remove("hack-mission-player-node");
- this.el.classList.add("hack-mission-enemy-node");
- }
-//Sets this node to be the active node
-Node.prototype.select = function(actionButtons) {
- if (this.enmyCtrl) {return;}
- this.el.classList.add("hack-mission-player-node-active");
- //Make all buttons inactive
- for (var i = 0; i < actionButtons.length; ++i) {
- actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- }
- switch(this.type) {
- case NodeTypes.Core:
- //All buttons active
- for (var i = 0; i < actionButtons.length; ++i) {
- actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
- actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button");
- }
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Transfer:
- actionButtons[1].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
- actionButtons[1].classList.add("a-link-button");
- actionButtons[2].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
- actionButtons[2].classList.add("a-link-button");
- actionButtons[3].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
- actionButtons[3].classList.add("a-link-button");
- actionButtons[4].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
- actionButtons[4].classList.add("a-link-button");
- actionButtons[5].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
- actionButtons[5].classList.add("a-link-button");
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Shield:
- case NodeTypes.Firewall:
- actionButtons[3].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
- actionButtons[3].classList.add("a-link-button");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-Node.prototype.deselect = function(actionButtons) {
- this.el.classList.remove("hack-mission-player-node-active");
- for (var i = 0; i < actionButtons.length; ++i) {
- actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- }
-Node.prototype.untarget = function() {
- if (this.targetedCount === 0) {
- console.log("WARN: Node " + this.el.id + " is being 'untargeted' when it has no target count");
- return;
- }
- --this.targetedCount;
-//Hacking mission instance
-//Takes in the reputation of the Faction for which the mission is
-//being conducted
-function HackingMission(rep, fac) {
- this.faction = fac;
- this.started = false;
- this.time = 180000; //5 minutes to start, milliseconds
- this.playerCores = [];
- this.playerNodes = []; //Non-core nodes
- this.playerAtk = 0;
- this.playerDef = 0;
- this.enemyCores = [];
- this.enemyDatabases = [];
- this.enemyNodes = []; //Non-core nodes
- this.enemyAtk = 0;
- this.enemyDef = 0;
- this.miscNodes = [];
- this.selectedNode = []; //Which of the player's nodes are currently selected
- this.actionButtons = []; //DOM buttons for actions
- this.availablePositions = [];
- for (var r = 0; r < 8; ++r) {
- for (var c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {
- this.availablePositions.push([r, c]);
- }
- }
- this.map = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- this.map.push([null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]);
- }
- this.jsplumbinstance = null;
- this.difficulty = rep / _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].HackingMissionRepToDiffConversion + 1;
- console.log("difficulty: " + this.difficulty);
- this.reward = 250 + (rep / _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].HackingMissionRepToRewardConversion);
-HackingMission.prototype.init = function() {
- //Create Header DOM
- this.createPageDom();
- //Create player starting nodes
- var home = _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].getHomeComputer()
- for (var i = 0; i < home.cpuCores; ++i) {
- var stats = {
- atk: (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill / 7.5) + 30,
- def: (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill / 20),
- hp: (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill / 4),
- };
- this.playerCores.push(new Node(NodeTypes.Core, stats));
- this.playerCores[i].setControlledByPlayer();
- this.setNodePosition(this.playerCores[i], i, 0);
- this.removeAvailablePosition(i, 0);
- }
- //Randomly generate enemy nodes (CPU and Firewall) based on difficulty
- var numNodes = Math.min(8, Math.max(1, Math.round(this.difficulty / 4)));
- var numFirewalls = Math.min(20,
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(Math.round(this.difficulty/3), Math.round(this.difficulty/3) + 1));
- var numDatabases = Math.min(10, Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(1, Math.round(this.difficulty / 3) + 1));
- var totalNodes = numNodes + numFirewalls + numDatabases;
- var xlimit = 7 - Math.floor(totalNodes / 8);
- var randMult = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["addOffset"])(0.8 + (this.difficulty / 5), 10);
- for (var i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i) {
- var stats = {
- atk: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(80, 86),
- def: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(5, 10),
- hp: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(210, 230)
- }
- this.enemyCores.push(new Node(NodeTypes.Core, stats));
- this.enemyCores[i].setControlledByEnemy();
- this.setNodeRandomPosition(this.enemyCores[i], xlimit);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < numFirewalls; ++i) {
- var stats = {
- atk: 0,
- def: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(10, 20),
- hp: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(275, 300)
- }
- this.enemyNodes.push(new Node(NodeTypes.Firewall, stats));
- this.enemyNodes[i].setControlledByEnemy();
- this.setNodeRandomPosition(this.enemyNodes[i], xlimit);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < numDatabases; ++i) {
- var stats = {
- atk: 0,
- def: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(30, 55),
- hp: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(210, 275)
- }
- var node = new Node(NodeTypes.Database, stats);
- node.setControlledByEnemy();
- this.setNodeRandomPosition(node, xlimit);
- this.enemyDatabases.push(node);
- }
- this.calculateDefenses();
- this.calculateAttacks();
- this.createMap();
-HackingMission.prototype.createPageDom = function() {
- var container = document.getElementById("mission-container");
- var favorMult = 1 + (this.faction.favor / 100);
- var gain = this.reward * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].faction_rep_mult * favorMult;
- var headerText = document.createElement("p");
- headerText.innerHTML = "You are about to start a hacking mission! You will gain " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(gain, 3) + " faction reputation with " + this.faction.name +
- " if you win. For more information " +
- "about how hacking missions work, click one of the guide links " +
- "below (one opens up an in-game guide and the other opens up " +
- "the guide from the wiki). Click the 'Start' button to begin.";
- headerText.style.display = "block";
- headerText.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
- headerText.style.width = "80%";
- var inGameGuideBtn = document.createElement("a");
- inGameGuideBtn.innerText = "How to Play";
- inGameGuideBtn.classList.add("a-link-button");
- inGameGuideBtn.style.display = "inline-block";
- inGameGuideBtn.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
- inGameGuideBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])(_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].HackingMissionHowToPlay);
- return false;
- });
- var wikiGuideBtn = document.createElement("a");
- wikiGuideBtn.innerText = "Wiki Guide";
- wikiGuideBtn.classList.add("a-link-button");
- wikiGuideBtn.style.display = "inline-block";
- wikiGuideBtn.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
- wikiGuideBtn.target = "_blank";
- //TODO Add link to wiki page wikiGuideBtn.href =
- //Start button will get replaced with forfeit when game is started
- var startBtn = document.createElement("a");
- startBtn.innerHTML = "Start";
- startBtn.setAttribute("id", "hack-mission-start-btn");
- startBtn.classList.add("a-link-button");
- startBtn.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
- startBtn.style.display = "inline-block";
- startBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- this.start();
- return false;
- });
- var forfeitMission = document.createElement("a");
- forfeitMission.innerHTML = "Forfeit Mission (Exit)";
- forfeitMission.classList.add("a-link-button");
- forfeitMission.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
- forfeitMission.style.display = "inline-block";
- forfeitMission.addEventListener("click", ()=> {
- this.finishMission(false);
- return false;
- });
- var timer = document.createElement("p");
- timer.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-timer");
- timer.style.display = "inline-block";
- timer.style.margin = "6px";
- //Create Action Buttons (Attack/Scan/Weaken/ etc...)
- var actionsContainer = document.createElement("span");
- actionsContainer.style.display = "block";
- actionsContainer.classList.add("hack-mission-action-buttons-container");
- for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
- this.actionButtons.push(document.createElement("a"));
- this.actionButtons[i].style.display = "inline-block";
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); //Disabled at start
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("tooltip"); //Disabled at start
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
- actionsContainer.appendChild(this.actionButtons[i]);
- }
- this.actionButtons[0].innerText = "Attack(a)";
- var atkTooltip = document.createElement("span");
- atkTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
- atkTooltip.innerText = "Lowers the targeted node's HP. The effectiveness of this depends on " +
- "this node's Attack level, your hacking level, and the opponent's defense level.";
- this.actionButtons[0].appendChild(atkTooltip);
- this.actionButtons[1].innerText = "Scan(s)";
- var scanTooltip = document.createElement("span");
- scanTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
- scanTooltip.innerText = "Lowers the targeted node's defense. The effectiveness of this depends on " +
- "this node's Attack level, your hacking level, and the opponent's defense level.";
- this.actionButtons[1].appendChild(scanTooltip);
- this.actionButtons[2].innerText = "Weaken(w)";
- var WeakenTooltip = document.createElement("span");
- WeakenTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
- WeakenTooltip.innerText = "Lowers the targeted node's attack. The effectiveness of this depends on " +
- "this node's Attack level, your hacking level, and the opponent's defense level.";
- this.actionButtons[2].appendChild(WeakenTooltip);
- this.actionButtons[3].innerText = "Fortify(f)";
- var fortifyTooltip = document.createElement("span");
- fortifyTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
- fortifyTooltip.innerText = "Raises this node's Defense level. The effectiveness of this depends on " +
- "your hacking level";
- this.actionButtons[3].appendChild(fortifyTooltip);
- this.actionButtons[4].innerText = "Overflow(r)";
- var overflowTooltip = document.createElement("span");
- overflowTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
- overflowTooltip.innerText = "Raises this node's Attack level but lowers its Defense level. The effectiveness " +
- "of this depends on your hacking level.";
- this.actionButtons[4].appendChild(overflowTooltip);
- this.actionButtons[5].innerText = "Drop Connection(d)";
- var dropconnTooltip = document.createElement("span");
- dropconnTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
- dropconnTooltip.innerText = "Removes this Node's current connection to some target Node, if it has one. This can " +
- "also be done by simply clicking the white connection line.";
- this.actionButtons[5].appendChild(dropconnTooltip);
- //Player/enemy defense displays will be in action container
- var playerStats = document.createElement("p");
- var enemyStats = document.createElement("p");
- playerStats.style.display = "inline-block";
- enemyStats.style.display = "inline-block";
- playerStats.style.color = "#00ccff";
- enemyStats.style.color = "red";
- playerStats.style.margin = "4px";
- enemyStats.style.margin = "4px";
- playerStats.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-player-stats");
- enemyStats.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-enemy-stats");
- actionsContainer.appendChild(playerStats);
- actionsContainer.appendChild(enemyStats);
- //Set Action Button event listeners
- this.actionButtons[0].addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
- console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node");
- return;
- }
- if (this.selectedNode[0].type !== NodeTypes.Core) {return;}
- this.setActionButtonsActive(this.selectedNode[0].type);
- this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Attack, false); //Set attack button inactive
- this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){
- node.action = NodeActions.Attack;
- });
- });
- this.actionButtons[1].addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
- console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node");
- return;
- }
- var nodeType = this.selectedNode[0].type; //In a multiselect, every Node will have the same type
- if (nodeType !== NodeTypes.Core && nodeType !== NodeTypes.Transfer) {return;}
- this.setActionButtonsActive(nodeType);
- this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Scan, false); //Set scan button inactive
- this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){
- node.action = NodeActions.Scan;
- });
- });
- this.actionButtons[2].addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
- console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node");
- return;
- }
- var nodeType = this.selectedNode[0].type; //In a multiselect, every Node will have the same type
- if (nodeType !== NodeTypes.Core && nodeType !== NodeTypes.Transfer) {return;}
- this.setActionButtonsActive(nodeType);
- this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Weaken, false); //Set Weaken button inactive
- this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){
- node.action = NodeActions.Weaken;
- });
- });
- this.actionButtons[3].addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
- console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node");
- return;
- }
- this.setActionButtonsActive(this.selectedNode[0].type);
- this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Fortify, false); //Set Fortify button inactive
- this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){
- node.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
- });
- });
- this.actionButtons[4].addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
- console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node");
- return;
- }
- var nodeType = this.selectedNode[0].type;
- if (nodeType !== NodeTypes.Core && nodeType !== NodeTypes.Transfer) {return;}
- this.setActionButtonsActive(nodeType);
- this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Overflow, false); //Set Overflow button inactive
- this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){
- node.action = NodeActions.Overflow;
- });
- });
- this.actionButtons[5].addEventListener("click", ()=>{
- if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
- console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node");
- return;
- }
- this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){
- if (node.conn) {
- var endpoints = node.conn.endpoints;
- endpoints[0].detachFrom(endpoints[1]);
- }
- node.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
- });
- // if (this.selectedNode.conn) {
- // var endpoints = this.selectedNode.conn.endpoints;
- // endpoints[0].detachFrom(endpoints[1]);
- // }
- })
- var timeDisplay = document.createElement("p");
- container.appendChild(headerText);
- container.appendChild(inGameGuideBtn);
- container.appendChild(wikiGuideBtn);
- container.appendChild(startBtn);
- container.appendChild(forfeitMission);
- container.appendChild(timer);
- container.appendChild(actionsContainer);
- container.appendChild(timeDisplay);
-HackingMission.prototype.setActionButtonsInactive = function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.actionButtons.length; ++i) {
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- }
-HackingMission.prototype.setActionButtonsActive = function(nodeType=null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.actionButtons.length; ++i) {
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button");
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
- }
- //For Transfer, FireWall and Shield Nodes, certain buttons should always be disabled
- //0 = Attack, 1 = Scan, 2 = Weaken, 3 = Fortify, 4 = overflow, 5 = Drop conn
- if (nodeType) {
- switch (nodeType) {
- case NodeTypes.Firewall:
- case NodeTypes.Shield:
- this.actionButtons[0].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- this.actionButtons[0].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- this.actionButtons[1].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- this.actionButtons[1].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- this.actionButtons[2].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- this.actionButtons[2].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- this.actionButtons[4].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- this.actionButtons[4].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- this.actionButtons[5].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- this.actionButtons[5].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Transfer:
- this.actionButtons[0].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- this.actionButtons[0].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-//True for active, false for inactive
-HackingMission.prototype.setActionButton = function(i, active=true) {
- if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["isString"])(i)) {
- switch (i) {
- case NodeActions.Attack:
- i = 0;
- break;
- case NodeActions.Scan:
- i = 1;
- break;
- case NodeActions.Weaken:
- i = 2;
- break;
- case NodeActions.Fortify:
- i = 3;
- break;
- case NodeActions.Overflow:
- default:
- i = 4;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (active) {
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button");
- } else {
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button");
- this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
- }
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateAttacks = function() {
- var total = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) {
- total += this.playerCores[i].atk;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.playerNodes.length; ++i) {
- total += this.playerNodes[i].atk;
- }
- this.playerAtk = total;
- document.getElementById("hacking-mission-player-stats").innerHTML =
- "Player Attack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(this.playerAtk, 1) + "
" +
- "Player Defense: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(this.playerDef, 1);
- total = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyCores.length; ++i) {
- total += this.enemyCores[i].atk;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyDatabases.length; ++i) {
- total += this.enemyDatabases[i].atk;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyNodes.length; ++i) {
- total += this.enemyNodes[i].atk;
- }
- this.enemyAtk = total;
- document.getElementById("hacking-mission-enemy-stats").innerHTML =
- "Enemy Attack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(this.enemyAtk, 1) + "
" +
- "Enemy Defense: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(this.enemyDef, 1);
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateDefenses = function() {
- var total = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) {
- total += this.playerCores[i].def;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.playerNodes.length; ++i) {
- total += this.playerNodes[i].def;
- }
- this.playerDef = total;
- document.getElementById("hacking-mission-player-stats").innerHTML =
- "Player Attack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(this.playerAtk, 1) + "
" +
- "Player Defense: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(this.playerDef, 1);
- total = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyCores.length; ++i) {
- total += this.enemyCores[i].def;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyDatabases.length; ++i) {
- total += this.enemyDatabases[i].def;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyNodes.length; ++i) {
- total += this.enemyNodes[i].def;
- }
- this.enemyDef = total;
- document.getElementById("hacking-mission-enemy-stats").innerHTML =
- "Enemy Attack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(this.enemyAtk, 1) + "
" +
- "Enemy Defense: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(this.enemyDef, 1);
-HackingMission.prototype.removeAvailablePosition = function(x, y) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.availablePositions.length; ++i) {
- if (this.availablePositions[i][0] === x &&
- this.availablePositions[i][1] === y) {
- this.availablePositions.splice(i, 1);
- return;
- }
- }
- console.log("WARNING: removeAvailablePosition() did not remove " + x + ", " + y);
-HackingMission.prototype.setNodePosition = function(nodeObj, x, y) {
- if (!(nodeObj instanceof Node)) {
- console.log("WARNING: Non-Node object passed into setNodePOsition");
- return;
- }
- if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
- console.log("ERR: Invalid values passed as x and y for setNodePosition");
- console.log(x);
- console.log(y);
- return;
- }
- nodeObj.pos = [x, y];
- this.map[x][y] = nodeObj;
-HackingMission.prototype.setNodeRandomPosition = function(nodeObj, xlimit=0) {
- var i = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(0, this.availablePositions.length - 1);
- if (this.availablePositions[i][1] < xlimit) {
- //Recurse if not within limit
- return this.setNodeRandomPosition(nodeObj, xlimit);
- }
- var pos = this.availablePositions.splice(i, 1);
- pos = pos[0];
- this.setNodePosition(nodeObj, pos[0], pos[1]);
-HackingMission.prototype.createMap = function() {
- //Use a grid
- var map = document.createElement("div");
- map.classList.add("hack-mission-grid");
- map.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-map");
- document.getElementById("mission-container").appendChild(map);
- //Create random Nodes for every space in the map that
- //hasn't been filled yet. The stats of each Node will be based on
- //the player/enemy attack
- var averageAttack = (this.playerAtk + this.enemyAtk) / 2;
- for (var x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
- for (var y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
- if (!(this.map[x][y] instanceof Node)) {
- var node, type = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(0, 2);
- var randMult = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["addOffset"])(0.85 + (this.difficulty / 2), 15);
- switch (type) {
- case 0: //Spam
- var stats = {
- atk: 0,
- def: averageAttack * 1.1 + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(15, 45),
- hp: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(200, 225)
- }
- node = new Node(NodeTypes.Spam, stats);
- break;
- case 1: //Transfer
- var stats = {
- atk: 0,
- def: averageAttack * 1.1 + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(15, 45),
- hp: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(250, 275)
- }
- node = new Node(NodeTypes.Transfer, stats);
- break;
- case 2: //Shield
- default:
- var stats = {
- atk: 0,
- def: averageAttack * 1.1 + Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(30, 70),
- hp: randMult * Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(300, 320)
- }
- node = new Node(NodeTypes.Shield, stats);
- break;
- }
- this.setNodePosition(node, x, y);
- this.removeAvailablePosition(x, y);
- this.miscNodes.push(node);
- }
- }
- }
- //Create DOM elements in order
- for (var r = 0; r < 8; ++r) {
- for (var c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {
- this.createNodeDomElement(this.map[r][c]);
- }
- }
- //Configure all Player CPUS
- for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) {
- console.log("Configuring Player Node: " + this.playerCores[i].el.id);
- this.configurePlayerNodeElement(this.playerCores[i].el);
- }
-HackingMission.prototype.createNodeDomElement = function(nodeObj) {
- var nodeDiv = document.createElement("a"), txtEl = document.createElement('p');
- nodeObj.el = nodeDiv;
- //Set the node element's id based on its coordinates
- var id = "hacking-mission-node-" + nodeObj.pos[0] + "-" + nodeObj.pos[1];
- nodeDiv.setAttribute("id", id);
- txtEl.setAttribute("id", id + "-txt");
- //Set node classes for owner
- nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-node");
- if (nodeObj.plyrCtrl) {
- nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-player-node");
- } else if (nodeObj.enmyCtrl) {
- nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-enemy-node");
- }
- //Set node classes based on type
- var txt;
- switch (nodeObj.type) {
- case NodeTypes.Core:
- txt = "CPU Core
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-cpu-node");
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Firewall:
- txt = "Firewall
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-firewall-node");
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Database:
- txt = "Database
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-database-node");
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Spam:
- txt = "Spam
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-spam-node");
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Transfer:
- txt = "Transfer
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-transfer-node");
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Shield:
- default:
- txt = "Shield
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-shield-node");
- break;
- }
- txt += "
Atk: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.atk, 1) +
- "
Def: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.def, 1);
- txtEl.innerHTML = txt;
- nodeDiv.appendChild(txtEl);
- document.getElementById("hacking-mission-map").appendChild(nodeDiv);
-HackingMission.prototype.updateNodeDomElement = function(nodeObj) {
- if (nodeObj.el == null) {
- console.log("ERR: Calling updateNodeDomElement on a Node without an element");
- return;
- }
- var id = "hacking-mission-node-" + nodeObj.pos[0] + "-" + nodeObj.pos[1];
- var nodeDiv = document.getElementById(id), txtEl = document.getElementById(id + "-txt");
- //Set node classes based on type
- var txt;
- switch (nodeObj.type) {
- case NodeTypes.Core:
- txt = "CPU Core
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Firewall:
- txt = "Firewall
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Database:
- txt = "Database
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Spam:
- txt = "Spam
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Transfer:
- txt = "Transfer
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Shield:
- default:
- txt = "Shield
" + "HP: " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1);
- break;
- }
- txt += "
Atk: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.atk, 1) +
- "
Def: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.def, 1);
- if (nodeObj.action) {
- txt += "
" + nodeObj.action;
- }
- txtEl.innerHTML = txt;
-//Gets a Node DOM element's corresponding Node object using its
-//element id. Function accepts either the DOM element object or the ID as
-//an argument
-HackingMission.prototype.getNodeFromElement = function(el) {
- var id;
- if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["isString"])(el)) {
- id = el;
- } else {
- id = el.id;
- }
- id = id.replace("hacking-mission-node-", "");
- var res = id.split('-');
- if (res.length != 2) {
- console.log("ERROR Parsing Hacking Mission Node Id. Could not find coordinates");
- return null;
- }
- var x = res[0], y = res[1];
- if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || x >= 8 || y >= 8 || x < 0 || y < 0) {
- console.log("ERROR: Unexpected values for x and y: " + x + ", " + y);
- return null;
- }
- return this.map[x][y];
-function selectNode(hackMissionInst, el) {
- var nodeObj = hackMissionInst.getNodeFromElement(el);
- if (nodeObj == null) {console.log("Error getting Node object");}
- if (!nodeObj.plyrCtrl) {return;}
- clearAllSelectedNodes(hackMissionInst);
- nodeObj.select(hackMissionInst.actionButtons);
- hackMissionInst.selectedNode.push(nodeObj);
-function multiselectNode(hackMissionInst, el) {
- var nodeObj = hackMissionInst.getNodeFromElement(el);
- if (nodeObj == null) {console.log("ERROR: Getting Node Object in multiselectNode()");}
- if (!nodeObj.plyrCtrl) {return;}
- clearAllSelectedNodes(hackMissionInst);
- var type = nodeObj.type;
- if (type === NodeTypes.Core) {
- hackMissionInst.playerCores.forEach(function(node) {
- node.select(hackMissionInst.actionButtons);
- hackMissionInst.selectedNode.push(node);
- });
- } else {
- hackMissionInst.playerNodes.forEach(function(node) {
- if (node.type === type) {
- node.select(hackMissionInst.actionButtons);
- hackMissionInst.selectedNode.push(node);
- }
- });
- }
-function clearAllSelectedNodes(hackMissionInst) {
- if (hackMissionInst.selectedNode.length > 0) {
- hackMissionInst.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){
- node.deselect(hackMissionInst.actionButtons);
- });
- hackMissionInst.selectedNode.length = 0;
- }
-//Configures a DOM element representing a player-owned node to
-//be selectable and actionable
-//Note: Does NOT change its css class. This is handled by Node.setControlledBy...
-HackingMission.prototype.configurePlayerNodeElement = function(el) {
- var nodeObj = this.getNodeFromElement(el);
- if (nodeObj == null) {console.log("Error getting Node object");}
- //Add event listener
- var self = this;
- function selectNodeWrapper() {
- selectNode(self, el);
- }
- el.addEventListener("click", selectNodeWrapper);
- function multiselectNodeWrapper() {
- multiselectNode(self, el);
- }
- el.addEventListener("dblclick", multiselectNodeWrapper);
- if (el.firstChild) {
- el.firstChild.addEventListener("click", selectNodeWrapper);
- }
-//Configures a DOM element representing an enemy-node by removing
-//any event listeners
-HackingMission.prototype.configureEnemyNodeElement = function(el) {
- //Deselect node if it was the selected node
- var nodeObj = this.getNodeFromElement(el);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedNode.length; ++i) {
- if (this.selectedNode[i] == nodeObj) {
- nodeObj.deselect(this.actionButtons);
- this.selectedNode.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
-//Returns bool indicating whether a node is reachable by player
-//by checking if any of the adjacent nodes are owned by the player
-HackingMission.prototype.nodeReachable = function(node) {
- var x = node.pos[0], y = node.pos[1];
- if (x > 0 && this.map[x-1][y].plyrCtrl) {return true;}
- if (x < 7 && this.map[x+1][y].plyrCtrl) {return true;}
- if (y > 0 && this.map[x][y-1].plyrCtrl) {return true;}
- if (y < 7 && this.map[x][y+1].plyrCtrl) {return true;}
- return false;
-HackingMission.prototype.nodeReachableByEnemy = function(node) {
- if (node == null) {return false;}
- var x = node.pos[0], y = node.pos[1];
- if (x > 0 && this.map[x-1][y].enmyCtrl) {return true;}
- if (x < 7 && this.map[x+1][y].enmyCtrl) {return true;}
- if (y > 0 && this.map[x][y-1].enmyCtrl) {return true;}
- if (y < 7 && this.map[x][y+1].enmyCtrl) {return true;}
- return false;
-HackingMission.prototype.start = function() {
- this.started = true;
- this.initJsPlumb();
- var startBtn = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("hack-mission-start-btn");
- startBtn.classList.remove("a-link-button");
- startBtn.classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-HackingMission.prototype.initJsPlumb = function() {
- var instance = jsPlumb.getInstance({
- DragOptions:{cursor:"pointer", zIndex:2000},
- PaintStyle: {
- gradient: { stops: [
- [ 0, "#FFFFFF" ],
- [ 1, "#FFFFFF" ]
- ] },
- stroke: "#FFFFFF",
- strokeWidth: 8
- },
- });
- this.jsplumbinstance = instance;
- //All player cores are sources
- for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) {
- instance.makeSource(this.playerCores[i].el, {
- deleteEndpointsOnEmpty:true,
- maxConnections:1,
- anchor:"Continuous",
- connector:"Flowchart"
- });
- }
- //Everything else is a target
- for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyCores.length; ++i) {
- instance.makeTarget(this.enemyCores[i].el, {
- maxConnections:-1,
- anchor:"Continuous",
- connector:"Flowchart"
- });
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyDatabases.length; ++i) {
- instance.makeTarget(this.enemyDatabases[i].el, {
- maxConnections:-1,
- anchor:"Continuous",
- connector:["Flowchart"]
- });
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyNodes.length; ++i) {
- instance.makeTarget(this.enemyNodes[i].el, {
- maxConnections:-1,
- anchor:"Continuous",
- connector:"Flowchart"
- });
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.miscNodes.length; ++i) {
- instance.makeTarget(this.miscNodes[i].el, {
- maxConnections:-1,
- anchor:"Continuous",
- connector:"Flowchart"
- });
- }
- //Clicking a connection drops it
- instance.bind("click", function(conn, originalEvent) {
- var endpoints = conn.endpoints;
- endpoints[0].detachFrom(endpoints[1]);
- });
- //Connection events
- instance.bind("connection", (info)=>{
- var targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.target);
- //Do not detach for enemy nodes
- var thisNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.source);
- if (thisNode.enmyCtrl) {return;}
- //If the node is not reachable, drop the connection
- if (!this.nodeReachable(targetNode)) {
- info.sourceEndpoint.detachFrom(info.targetEndpoint);
- return;
- }
- var sourceNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.source);
- sourceNode.conn = info.connection;
- var targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.target);
- ++targetNode.targetedCount;
- });
- //Detach Connection events
- instance.bind("connectionDetached", (info, originalEvent)=>{
- var sourceNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.source);
- sourceNode.conn = null;
- var targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.target);
- targetNode.untarget();
- });
-//Drops all connections where the specified node is the source
-HackingMission.prototype.dropAllConnectionsFromNode = function(node) {
- var allConns = this.jsplumbinstance.getAllConnections();
- for (var i = allConns.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (allConns[i].source == node.el) {
- allConns[i].endpoints[0].detachFrom(allConns[i].endpoints[1]);
- }
- }
-//Drops all connections where the specified node is the target
-HackingMission.prototype.dropAllConnectionsToNode = function(node) {
- var allConns = this.jsplumbinstance.getAllConnections();
- for (var i = allConns.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (allConns[i].target == node.el) {
- allConns[i].endpoints[0].detachFrom(allConns[i].endpoints[1]);
- }
- }
- node.beingTargeted = false;
-var storedCycles = 0;
-HackingMission.prototype.process = function(numCycles=1) {
- if (!this.started) {return;}
- storedCycles += numCycles;
- if (storedCycles < 2) {return;} //Only process every 3 cycles minimum
- var res = false;
- //Process actions of all player nodes
- this.playerCores.forEach((node)=>{
- res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles);
- });
- this.playerNodes.forEach((node)=>{
- if (node.type === NodeTypes.Transfer ||
- node.type === NodeTypes.Shield ||
- node.type === NodeTypes.Firewall) {
- res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles);
- }
- });
- //Process actions of all enemy nodes
- this.enemyCores.forEach((node)=>{
- this.enemyAISelectAction(node);
- res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles);
- });
- this.enemyNodes.forEach((node)=>{
- if (node.type === NodeTypes.Transfer ||
- node.type === NodeTypes.Shield ||
- node.type === NodeTypes.Firewall) {
- this.enemyAISelectAction(node);
- res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles);
- }
- });
- //The hp of enemy databases increases slowly
- this.enemyDatabases.forEach((node)=>{
- node.maxhp += (0.1 * storedCycles);
- node.hp += (0.1 * storedCycles);
- });
- if (res) {
- this.calculateAttacks();
- this.calculateDefenses();
- }
- //Win if all enemy databases are conquered
- if (this.enemyDatabases.length === 0) {
- this.finishMission(true);
- return;
- }
- //Lose if all your cores are gone
- if (this.playerCores.length === 0) {
- this.finishMission(false);
- return;
- }
- //Defense/hp of misc nodes increases slowly over time
- this.miscNodes.forEach((node)=>{
- node.def += (0.1 * storedCycles);
- node.maxhp += (0.05 * storedCycles);
- node.hp += (0.1 * storedCycles);
- if (node.hp > node.maxhp) {node.hp = node.maxhp;}
- this.updateNodeDomElement(node);
- });
- //Update timer and check if player lost
- this.time -= (storedCycles * _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"]._idleSpeed);
- if (this.time <= 0) {
- this.finishMission(false);
- return;
- }
- this.updateTimer();
- storedCycles = 0;
-//Returns a bool representing whether defenses need to be re-calculated
-HackingMission.prototype.processNode = function(nodeObj, numCycles=1) {
- if (nodeObj.action == null) {
- return;
- }
- var targetNode = null, def, atk;
- if (nodeObj.conn) {
- if (nodeObj.conn.target != null) {
- targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.target);
- } else {
- targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.targetId);
- }
- if (targetNode == null) {
- //Player is in the middle of dragging the connection,
- //so the target node is null. Do nothing here
- } else if (targetNode.plyrCtrl) {
- def = this.playerDef;
- atk = this.enemyAtk;
- } else if (targetNode.enmyCtrl) {
- def = this.enemyDef;
- atk = this.playerAtk;
- } else { //Misc Node
- def = targetNode.def;
- nodeObj.plyrCtrl ? atk = this.playerAtk : atk = this.enemyAtk;
- }
- }
- //Calculations are per second, so divide everything by 5
- var calcStats = false, plyr = nodeObj.plyrCtrl;
- var enmyHacking = this.difficulty * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].HackingMissionDifficultyToHacking;
- switch(nodeObj.action) {
- case NodeActions.Attack:
- if (targetNode == null) {break;}
- if (nodeObj.conn == null) {break;}
- var dmg = this.calculateAttackDamage(atk, def, plyr ? _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill : enmyHacking);
- targetNode.hp -= (dmg/5 * numCycles);
- break;
- case NodeActions.Scan:
- if (targetNode == null) {break;}
- if (nodeObj.conn == null) {break;}
- var eff = this.calculateScanEffect(atk, def, plyr ? _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill : enmyHacking);
- targetNode.def -= (eff/5 * numCycles);
- calcStats = true;
- break;
- case NodeActions.Weaken:
- if (targetNode == null) {break;}
- if (nodeObj.conn == null) {break;}
- var eff = this.calculateWeakenEffect(atk, def, plyr ? _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill : enmyHacking);
- targetNode.atk -= (eff/5 * numCycles);
- calcStats = true;
- break;
- case NodeActions.Fortify:
- var eff = this.calculateFortifyEffect(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill);
- nodeObj.def += (eff/5 * numCycles);
- calcStats = true;
- break;
- case NodeActions.Overflow:
- var eff = this.calculateOverflowEffect(_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill);
- if (nodeObj.def < eff) {break;}
- nodeObj.def -= (eff/5 * numCycles);
- nodeObj.atk += (eff/5 * numCycles);
- calcStats = true;
- break;
- default:
- console.log("ERR: Invalid Node Action: " + nodeObj.action);
- break;
- }
- //Stats can't go below 0
- if (nodeObj.atk < 0) {nodeObj.atk = 0;}
- if (nodeObj.def < 0) {nodeObj.def = 0;}
- if (targetNode && targetNode.atk < 0) {targetNode.atk = 0;}
- if (targetNode && targetNode.def < 0) {targetNode.def = 0;}
- //Conquering a node
- if (targetNode && targetNode.hp <= 0) {
- var conqueredByPlayer = nodeObj.plyrCtrl;
- targetNode.hp = targetNode.maxhp;
- targetNode.action = null;
- targetNode.conn = null;
- if (this.selectedNode == targetNode) {
- targetNode.deselect(this.actionButtons);
- }
- //The conquered node has its stats reduced
- targetNode.atk /= 2;
- targetNode.def /= 3.5;
- //Flag for whether the target node was a misc node
- var isMiscNode = !targetNode.plyrCtrl && !targetNode.enmyCtrl;
- //Remove all connections from Node
- this.dropAllConnectionsToNode(targetNode);
- this.dropAllConnectionsFromNode(targetNode);
- //Changes the css class and turn the node into a JsPlumb Source/Target
- if (conqueredByPlayer) {
- targetNode.setControlledByPlayer();
- this.jsplumbinstance.unmakeTarget(targetNode.el);
- this.jsplumbinstance.makeSource(targetNode.el, {
- deleteEndpointsOnEmpty:true,
- maxConnections:1,
- anchor:"Continuous",
- connector:"Flowchart"
- });
- } else {
- targetNode.setControlledByEnemy();
- nodeObj.conn = null; //Clear connection
- this.jsplumbinstance.unmakeSource(targetNode.el);
- this.jsplumbinstance.makeTarget(targetNode.el, {
- maxConnections:-1,
- anchor:"Continuous",
- connector:["Flowchart"]
- });
- }
- calcStats = true;
- //Helper function to swap nodes between the respective enemyNodes/playerNodes arrays
- function swapNodes(orig, dest, targetNode) {
- for (var i = 0; i < orig.length; ++i) {
- if (orig[i] == targetNode) {
- var node = orig.splice(i, 1);
- node = node[0];
- dest.push(node);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- switch(targetNode.type) {
- case NodeTypes.Core:
- if (conqueredByPlayer) {
- swapNodes(this.enemyCores, this.playerCores, targetNode);
- this.configurePlayerNodeElement(targetNode.el);
- } else {
- swapNodes(this.playerCores, this.enemyCores, targetNode);
- this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el);
- }
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Firewall:
- if (conqueredByPlayer) {
- swapNodes(this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
- } else {
- swapNodes(this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode);
- this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el);
- }
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Database:
- if (conqueredByPlayer) {
- swapNodes(this.enemyDatabases, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
- } else {
- swapNodes(this.playerNodes, this.enemyDatabases, targetNode);
- }
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Spam:
- if (conqueredByPlayer) {
- swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
- //Conquering spam node increases time limit
- this.time += _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].HackingMissionSpamTimeIncrease;
- } else {
- swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode);
- }
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Transfer:
- //Conquering a Transfer node increases the attack of all cores by some percentages
- if (conqueredByPlayer) {
- swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
- this.playerCores.forEach(function(node) {
- node.atk *= _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease;
- });
- this.configurePlayerNodeElement(targetNode.el);
- } else {
- swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode);
- this.enemyCores.forEach(function(node) {
- node.atk *= _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease;
- });
- this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el);
- }
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Shield:
- if (conqueredByPlayer) {
- swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
- this.configurePlayerNodeElement(targetNode.el);
- } else {
- swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode);
- this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el);
- }
- break;
- }
- //If a misc node was conquered, the defense for all misc nodes increases by some fixed amount
- if (isMiscNode) { //&& conqueredByPlayer) {
- this.miscNodes.forEach((node)=>{
- if (node.targetedCount === 0) {
- node.def *= _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].HackingMissionMiscDefenseIncrease;
- }
- });
- }
- }
- //Update node DOMs
- this.updateNodeDomElement(nodeObj);
- if (targetNode) {this.updateNodeDomElement(targetNode);}
- return calcStats;
-//Enemy "AI" for CPU Core and Transfer Nodes
-HackingMission.prototype.enemyAISelectAction = function(nodeObj) {
- if (nodeObj == null) {return;}
- switch(nodeObj.type) {
- case NodeTypes.Core:
- //Select a single RANDOM target from miscNodes and player's Nodes
- //If it is reachable, it will target it. If not, no target will
- //be selected for now, and the next time process() gets called this will repeat
- if (nodeObj.conn == null) {
- if (this.miscNodes.length === 0) {
- //Randomly pick a player node and attack it if its reachable
- var rand = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(0, this.playerNodes.length-1);
- var node;
- if (this.playerNodes.length === 0) {
- node = null;
- } else {
- node = this.playerNodes[rand];
- }
- if (this.nodeReachableByEnemy(node)) {
- //Create connection
- nodeObj.conn = this.jsplumbinstance.connect({
- source:nodeObj.el,
- target:node.el
- });
- ++node.targetedCount;
- } else {
- //Randomly pick a player core and attack it if its reachable
- rand = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(0, this.playerCores.length-1);
- if (this.playerCores.length === 0) {
- return; //No Misc Nodes, no player Nodes, no Player cores. Player lost
- } else {
- node = this.playerCores[rand];
- }
- if (this.nodeReachableByEnemy(node)) {
- //Create connection
- nodeObj.conn = this.jsplumbinstance.connect({
- source:nodeObj.el,
- target:node.el
- });
- ++node.targetedCount;
- }
- }
- } else {
- //Randomly pick a misc node and attack it if its reachable
- var rand = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(0, this.miscNodes.length-1);
- var node = this.miscNodes[rand];
- if (this.nodeReachableByEnemy(node)) {
- nodeObj.conn = this.jsplumbinstance.connect({
- source:nodeObj.el,
- target:node.el,
- });
- ++node.targetedCount;
- }
- }
- //If no connection was made, set the Core to Fortify
- nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
- } else {
- //If this node has a selected target
- var targetNode;
- if (nodeObj.conn.target) {
- targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.target);
- } else {
- targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.targetId);
- }
- if (targetNode == null) {
- console.log("Error getting Target node Object in enemyAISelectAction()");
- }
- if (targetNode.def > this.enemyAtk + 15) {
- if (nodeObj.def < 50) {
- nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
- } else {
- nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Overflow;
- }
- } else if (Math.abs(targetNode.def - this.enemyAtk) <= 15) {
- nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Scan;
- } else {
- nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Attack;
- }
- }
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Transfer:
- //Switch between fortifying and overflowing as necessary
- if (nodeObj.def < 125) {
- nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
- } else {
- nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Overflow;
- }
- break;
- case NodeTypes.Firewall:
- case NodeTypes.Shield:
- nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-var hackEffWeightSelf = 130; //Weight for Node actions on self
-var hackEffWeightTarget = 25; //Weight for Node Actions against Target
-var hackEffWeightAttack = 80; //Weight for Attack action
-//Returns damage per cycle based on stats
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateAttackDamage = function(atk, def, hacking = 0) {
- return Math.max(0.55 * (atk + (hacking / hackEffWeightAttack) - def), 1);
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateScanEffect = function(atk, def, hacking=0) {
- return Math.max(0.6 * ((atk) + hacking / hackEffWeightTarget - (def * 0.95)), 2);
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateWeakenEffect = function(atk, def, hacking=0) {
- return Math.max((atk) + hacking / hackEffWeightTarget - (def * 0.95), 2);
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateFortifyEffect = function(hacking=0) {
- return 0.9 * hacking / hackEffWeightSelf;
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateOverflowEffect = function(hacking=0) {
- return 0.95 * hacking / hackEffWeightSelf;
-//Updates timer display
-HackingMission.prototype.updateTimer = function() {
- var timer = document.getElementById("hacking-mission-timer");
- //Convert time remaining to a string of the form mm:ss
- var seconds = Math.round(this.time / 1000);
- var minutes = Math.trunc(seconds / 60);
- seconds %= 60;
- var str = ("0" + minutes).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + seconds).slice(-2);
- timer.innerText = "Time left: " + str;
-//The 'win' argument is a bool for whether or not the player won
-HackingMission.prototype.finishMission = function(win) {
- inMission = false;
- currMission = null;
- if (win) {
- var favorMult = 1 + (this.faction.favor / 100);
- console.log("Hacking mission base reward: " + this.reward);
- console.log("favorMult: " + favorMult);
- console.log("rep mult: " + _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].faction_rep_mult);
- var gain = this.reward * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].faction_rep_mult * favorMult;
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Mission won! You earned " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(gain, 3) + " reputation with " + this.faction.name);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].gainIntelligenceExp(this.difficulty * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["CONSTANTS"].IntelligenceHackingMissionBaseExpGain);
- this.faction.playerReputation += gain;
- } else {
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Mission lost/forfeited! You did not gain any faction reputation.");
- }
- //Clear mission container
- var container = document.getElementById("mission-container");
- while(container.firstChild) {
- container.removeChild(container.firstChild);
- }
- //Return to Faction page
- document.getElementById("mainmenu-container").style.visibility = "visible";
- document.getElementById("character-overview-wrapper").style.visibility = "visible";
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadFactionContent();
- Object(_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["displayFactionContent"])(this.faction.name);
-/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ 38)))
-/***/ }),
-/* 33 */
- !*** ./src/DarkWeb.js ***!
- \************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "checkIfConnectedToDarkweb", function() { return checkIfConnectedToDarkweb; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "executeDarkwebTerminalCommand", function() { return executeDarkwebTerminalCommand; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "listAllDarkwebItems", function() { return listAllDarkwebItems; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "buyDarkwebItem", function() { return buyDarkwebItem; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "parseDarkwebItemPrice", function() { return parseDarkwebItemPrice; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "DarkWebItems", function() { return DarkWebItems; });
-/* harmony import */ var _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CreateProgram.js */ 14);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _SpecialServerIps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SpecialServerIps.js */ 17);
-/* harmony import */ var _Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Terminal.js */ 22);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_IPAddress_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/IPAddress.js */ 16);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js */ 2);
-/* DarkWeb.js */
-//Posts a "help" message if connected to DarkWeb
-function checkIfConnectedToDarkweb() {
- if (_SpecialServerIps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["SpecialServerIps"].hasOwnProperty("Darkweb Server")) {
- var darkwebIp = _SpecialServerIps_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["SpecialServerIps"]["Darkweb Server"];
- if (!Object(_utils_IPAddress_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["isValidIPAddress"])(darkwebIp)) {return;}
- if (darkwebIp == _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].getCurrentServer().ip) {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("You are now connected to the dark web. From the dark web you can purchase illegal items. " +
- "Use the 'buy -l' command to display a list of all the items you can buy. Use 'buy [item-name] " +
- "to purchase an item");
- }
- }
-//Handler for dark web commands. The terminal's executeCommand() function will pass
-//dark web-specific commands into this. It will pass in the raw split command array
-//rather than the command string
-function executeDarkwebTerminalCommand(commandArray) {
- if (commandArray.length == 0) {return;}
- switch (commandArray[0]) {
- case "buy":
- if (commandArray.length != 2) {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Incorrect number of arguments. Usage: ");
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("buy -l");
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("buy [item name]");
- return;
- }
- var arg = commandArray[1];
- if (arg == "-l") {
- listAllDarkwebItems();
- } else {
- buyDarkwebItem(arg);
- }
- break;
- default:
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Command not found");
- break;
- }
-function listAllDarkwebItems() {
- for (var item in DarkWebItems) {
- if (DarkWebItems.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
- var item = DarkWebItems[item];
- //Convert string using toLocaleString
- var split = item.split(" - ");
- if (split.length == 3 && split[1].charAt(0) == '$') {
- split[1] = split[1].slice(1);
- split[1] = split[1].replace(/,/g, '');
- var price = parseFloat(split[1]);
- if (isNaN(price)) {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])(item);
- return;
- }
- price = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["formatNumber"])(price, 0);
- split[1] = "$" + price.toString();
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])(split.join(" - "));
- } else {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])(item);
- }
- }
- }
- var priceString = split[1];
- //Check for errors
- if (priceString.length == 0 || priceString.charAt(0) != '$') {
- return -1;
- }
- //Remove dollar sign and commas
- priceString = priceString.slice(1);
- priceString = priceString.replace(/,/g, '');
- //Convert string to numeric
- var price = parseFloat(priceString);
- if (isNaN(price)) {return -1;}
- else {return price;}
-function buyDarkwebItem(itemName) {
- if (itemName.toLowerCase() == _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].BruteSSHProgram.toLowerCase()) {
- var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.BruteSSHProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].BruteSSHProgram);
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("You have purchased the BruteSSH.exe program. The new program " +
- "can be found on your home computer.");
- } else {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName);
- }
- } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].FTPCrackProgram.toLowerCase()) {
- var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.FTPCrackProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].FTPCrackProgram);
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("You have purchased the FTPCrack.exe program. The new program " +
- "can be found on your home computer.");
- } else {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName);
- }
- } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].RelaySMTPProgram.toLowerCase()) {
- var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.RelaySMTPProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].RelaySMTPProgram);
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("You have purchased the relaySMTP.exe program. The new program " +
- "can be found on your home computer.");
- } else {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName);
- }
- } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].HTTPWormProgram.toLowerCase()) {
- var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.HTTPWormProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].HTTPWormProgram);
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("You have purchased the HTTPWorm.exe program. The new program " +
- "can be found on your home computer.");
- } else {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName);
- }
- } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].SQLInjectProgram.toLowerCase()) {
- var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.SQLInjectProgram);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].SQLInjectProgram);
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("You have purchased the SQLInject.exe program. The new program " +
- "can be found on your home computer.");
- } else {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName);
- }
- } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].DeepscanV1.toLowerCase()) {
- var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.DeepScanV1Program);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].DeepscanV1);
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("You have purchased the DeepscanV1.exe program. The new program " +
- "can be found on your home computer.");
- } else {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName);
- }
- } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == _CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].DeepscanV2.toLowerCase()) {
- var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.DeepScanV2Program);
- if (price > 0 && _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].money.gt(price)) {
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].loseMoney(price);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Player"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Programs"].DeepscanV2);
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("You have purchased the DeepscanV2.exe program. The new program " +
- "can be found on your home computer.");
- } else {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName);
- }
- } else {
- Object(_Terminal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["post"])("Unrecognized item");
- }
-function parseDarkwebItemPrice(itemDesc) {
- var split = itemDesc.split(" - ");
- if (split.length == 3) {
- var priceString = split[1];
- //Check for errors
- if (priceString.length == 0 || priceString.charAt(0) != '$') {
- return -1;
- }
- //Remove dollar sign and commas
- priceString = priceString.slice(1);
- priceString = priceString.replace(/,/g, '');
- //Convert string to numeric
- var price = parseFloat(priceString);
- if (isNaN(price)) {return -1;}
- else {return price;}
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
-let DarkWebItems = {
- BruteSSHProgram: "BruteSSH.exe - $500,000 - Opens up SSH Ports",
- FTPCrackProgram: "FTPCrack.exe - $1,500,000 - Opens up FTP Ports",
- RelaySMTPProgram: "relaySMTP.exe - $5,000,000 - Opens up SMTP Ports",
- HTTPWormProgram: "HTTPWorm.exe - $30,000,000 - Opens up HTTP Ports",
- SQLInjectProgram: "SQLInject.exe - $250,000,000 - Opens up SQL Ports",
- DeepScanV1Program: "DeepscanV1.exe - $500,000 - Enables 'scan-analyze' with a depth up to 5",
- DeepScanV2Program: "DeepscanV2.exe - $25,000,000 - Enables 'scan-analyze' with a depth up to 10",
-/***/ }),
-/* 34 */
- !*** ./src/Fconf.js ***!
- \**********************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "FconfSettings", function() { return FconfSettings; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "createFconf", function() { return createFconf; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "parseFconfSettings", function() { return parseFconfSettings; });
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "loadFconf", function() { return loadFconf; });
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/acorn.js */ 35);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
-var FconfSettings = {
-var FconfComments = {
- ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS: "Improved Bash emulation mode. Setting this to 1 enables several\n" +
- "new Terminal shortcuts and features that more closely resemble\n" +
- "a real Bash-style shell. Note that when this mode is enabled,\n" +
- "the default browser shortcuts are overriden by the new Bash\n" +
- "shortcuts.\n\n" +
- "To see a full list of the Terminal shortcuts that this enables, see:\n" +
- "http://bitburner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/shortcuts.html",
-//Parse Fconf settings from the config text
-//Throws an exception if parsing fails
-function parseFconfSettings(config) {
- var ast = Object(_utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["parse"])(config, {sourceType:"module"});
- var queue = [];
- queue.push(ast);
- while (queue.length != 0) {
- var exp = queue.shift();
- switch (exp.type) {
- case "BlockStatement":
- case "Program":
- for (var i = 0; i < exp.body.length; ++i) {
- if (exp.body[i] instanceof _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Node"]) {
- queue.push(exp.body[i]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "AssignmentExpression":
- var setting, value;
- if (exp.left != null && exp.left.name != null) {
- setting = exp.left.name;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- if (exp.right != null && exp.right.raw != null) {
- value = exp.right.raw;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- parseFconfSetting(setting, value);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- for (var prop in exp) {
- if (exp.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- if (exp[prop] instanceof _utils_acorn_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Node"]) {
- queue.push(exp[prop]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-function parseFconfSetting(setting, value) {
- setting = String(setting);
- value = String(value);
- if (setting == null || value == null || FconfSettings[setting] == null) {
- console.log("WARNING: Invalid .fconf setting: " + setting);
- return;
- }
- //Needed to convert entered value to boolean/strings accordingly
- switch(setting) {
- var value = value.toLowerCase();
- if (value === "1" || value === "true" || value === "y") {
- value = true;
- } else {
- value = false;
- }
- FconfSettings[setting] = value;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
-//Create the .fconf file text from the settings
-function createFconf() {
- var res = "";
- for (var setting in FconfSettings) {
- if (FconfSettings.hasOwnProperty(setting)) {
- //Setting comments (description)
- var comment = FconfComments[setting];
- if (comment == null) {continue;}
- var comment = comment.split("\n");
- for (var i = 0; i < comment.length; ++i) {
- res += ("//" + comment[i] + "\n");
- }
- var value = 0;
- if (FconfSettings[setting] === true) {
- value = "1";
- } else if (FconfSettings[setting] === false) {
- value = "0";
- } else {
- value = String(FconfSettings[setting]);
- }
- res += (setting + "=" + value + "\n");
- }
- }
- return res;
-function loadFconf(saveString) {
- FconfSettings = JSON.parse(saveString);
-/***/ }),
-/* 35 */
- !*** ./utils/acorn.js ***!
- \************************/
-/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 by various contributors (see AUTHORS)
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-(function (global, factory) {
- true ? factory(exports) :
- undefined;
-}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
-// Reserved word lists for various dialects of the language
-var reservedWords = {
- 3: "abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile",
- 5: "class enum extends super const export import",
- 6: "enum",
- strict: "implements interface let package private protected public static yield",
- strictBind: "eval arguments"
-// And the keywords
-var ecma5AndLessKeywords = "break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this"
-var keywords = {
- 5: ecma5AndLessKeywords,
- 6: ecma5AndLessKeywords + " const class extends export import super"
-// ## Character categories
-// Big ugly regular expressions that match characters in the
-// whitespace, identifier, and identifier-start categories. These
-// are only applied when a character is found to actually have a
-// code point above 128.
-// Generated by `bin/generate-identifier-regex.js`.
-var nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = "\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u02c1\u02c6-\u02d1\u02e0-\u02e4\u02ec\u02ee\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037a-\u037d\u037f\u0386\u0388-\u038a\u038c\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03f5\u03f7-\u0481\u048a-\u052f\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05d0-\u05ea\u05f0-\u05f2\u0620-\u064a\u066e\u066f\u0671-\u06d3\u06d5\u06e5\u06e6\u06ee\u06ef\u06fa-\u06fc\u06ff\u0710\u0712-\u072f\u074d-\u07a5\u07b1\u07ca-\u07ea\u07f4\u07f5\u07fa\u0800-\u0815\u081a\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08a0-\u08b4\u08b6-\u08bd\u0904-\u0939\u093d\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098c\u098f\u0990\u0993-\u09a8\u09aa-\u09b0\u09b2\u09b6-\u09b9\u09bd\u09ce\u09dc\u09dd\u09df-\u09e1\u09f0\u09f1\u0a05-\u0a0a\u0a0f\u0a10\u0a13-\u0a28\u0a2a-\u0a30\u0a32\u0a33\u0a35\u0a36\u0a38\u0a39\u0a59-\u0a5c\u0a5e\u0a72-\u0a74\u0a85-\u0a8d\u0a8f-\u0a91\u0a93-\u0aa8\u0aaa-\u0ab0\u0ab2\u0ab3\u0ab5-\u0ab9\u0abd\u0ad0\u0ae0\u0ae1\u0af9\u0b05-\u0b0c\u0b0f\u0b10\u0b13-\u0b28\u0b2a-\u0b30\u0b32\u0b33\u0b35-\u0b39\u0b3d\u0b5c\u0b5d\u0b5f-\u0b61\u0b71\u0b83\u0b85-\u0b8a\u0b8e-\u0b90\u0b92-\u0b95\u0b99\u0b9a\u0b9c\u0b9e\u0b9f\u0ba3\u0ba4\u0ba8-\u0baa\u0bae-\u0bb9\u0bd0\u0c05-\u0c0c\u0c0e-\u0c10\u0c12-\u0c28\u0c2a-\u0c39\u0c3d\u0c58-\u0c5a\u0c60\u0c61\u0c80\u0c85-\u0c8c\u0c8e-\u0c90\u0c92-\u0ca8\u0caa-\u0cb3\u0cb5-\u0cb9\u0cbd\u0cde\u0ce0\u0ce1\u0cf1\u0cf2\u0d05-\u0d0c\u0d0e-\u0d10\u0d12-\u0d3a\u0d3d\u0d4e\u0d54-\u0d56\u0d5f-\u0d61\u0d7a-\u0d7f\u0d85-\u0d96\u0d9a-\u0db1\u0db3-\u0dbb\u0dbd\u0dc0-\u0dc6\u0e01-\u0e30\u0e32\u0e33\u0e40-\u0e46\u0e81\u0e82\u0e84\u0e87\u0e88\u0e8a\u0e8d\u0e94-\u0e97\u0e99-\u0e9f\u0ea1-\u0ea3\u0ea5\u0ea7\u0eaa\u0eab\u0ead-\u0eb0\u0eb2\u0eb3\u0ebd\u0ec0-\u0ec4\u0ec6\u0edc-\u0edf\u0f00\u0f40-\u0f47\u0f49-\u0f6c\u0f88-\u0f8c\u1000-\u102a\u103f\u1050-\u1055\u105a-\u105d\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106e-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108e\u10a0-\u10c5\u10c7\u10cd\u10d0-\u10fa\u10fc-\u1248\u124a-\u124d\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125a-\u125d\u1260-\u1288\u128a-\u128d\u1290-\u12b0\u12b2-\u12b5\u12b8-\u12be\u12c0\u12c2-\u12c5\u12c8-\u12d6\u12d8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135a\u1380-\u138f\u13a0-\u13f5\u13f8-\u13fd\u1401-\u166c\u166f-\u167f\u1681-\u169a\u16a0-\u16ea\u16ee-\u16f8\u1700-\u170c\u170e-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176c\u176e-\u1770\u1780-\u17b3\u17d7\u17dc\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18a8\u18aa\u18b0-\u18f5\u1900-\u191e\u1950-\u196d\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19ab\u19b0-\u19c9\u1a00-\u1a16\u1a20-\u1a54\u1aa7\u1b05-\u1b33\u1b45-\u1b4b\u1b83-\u1ba0\u1bae\u1baf\u1bba-\u1be5\u1c00-\u1c23\u1c4d-\u1c4f\u1c5a-\u1c7d\u1c80-\u1c88\u1ce9-\u1cec\u1cee-\u1cf1\u1cf5\u1cf6\u1d00-\u1dbf\u1e00-\u1f15\u1f18-\u1f1d\u1f20-\u1f45\u1f48-\u1f4d\u1f50-\u1f57\u1f59\u1f5b\u1f5d\u1f5f-\u1f7d\u1f80-\u1fb4\u1fb6-\u1fbc\u1fbe\u1fc2-\u1fc4\u1fc6-\u1fcc\u1fd0-\u1fd3\u1fd6-\u1fdb\u1fe0-\u1fec\u1ff2-\u1ff4\u1ff6-\u1ffc\u2071\u207f\u2090-\u209c\u2102\u2107\u210a-\u2113\u2115\u2118-\u211d\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212a-\u2139\u213c-\u213f\u2145-\u2149\u214e\u2160-\u2188\u2c00-\u2c2e\u2c30-\u2c5e\u2c60-\u2ce4\u2ceb-\u2cee\u2cf2\u2cf3\u2d00-\u2d25\u2d27\u2d2d\u2d30-\u2d67\u2d6f\u2d80-\u2d96\u2da0-\u2da6\u2da8-\u2dae\u2db0-\u2db6\u2db8-\u2dbe\u2dc0-\u2dc6\u2dc8-\u2dce\u2dd0-\u2dd6\u2dd8-\u2dde\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303c\u3041-\u3096\u309b-\u309f\u30a1-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3105-\u312d\u3131-\u318e\u31a0-\u31ba\u31f0-\u31ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fd5\ua000-\ua48c\ua4d0-\ua4fd\ua500-\ua60c\ua610-\ua61f\ua62a\ua62b\ua640-\ua66e\ua67f-\ua69d\ua6a0-\ua6ef\ua717-\ua71f\ua722-\ua788\ua78b-\ua7ae\ua7b0-\ua7b7\ua7f7-\ua801\ua803-\ua805\ua807-\ua80a\ua80c-\ua822\ua840-\ua873\ua882-\ua8b3\ua8f2-\ua8f7\ua8fb\ua8fd\ua90a-\ua925\ua930-\ua946\ua960-\ua97c\ua984-\ua9b2\ua9cf\ua9e0-\ua9e4\ua9e6-\ua9ef\ua9fa-\ua9fe\uaa00-\uaa28\uaa40-\uaa42\uaa44-\uaa4b\uaa60-\uaa76\uaa7a\uaa7e-\uaaaf\uaab1\uaab5\uaab6\uaab9-\uaabd\uaac0\uaac2\uaadb-\uaadd\uaae0-\uaaea\uaaf2-\uaaf4\uab01-\uab06\uab09-\uab0e\uab11-\uab16\uab20-\uab26\uab28-\uab2e\uab30-\uab5a\uab5c-\uab65\uab70-\uabe2\uac00-\ud7a3\ud7b0-\ud7c6\ud7cb-\ud7fb\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb00-\ufb06\ufb13-\ufb17\ufb1d\ufb1f-\ufb28\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40\ufb41\ufb43\ufb44\ufb46-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufd3d\ufd50-\ufd8f\ufd92-\ufdc7\ufdf0-\ufdfb\ufe70-\ufe74\ufe76-\ufefc\uff21-\uff3a\uff41-\uff5a\uff66-\uffbe\uffc2-\uffc7\uffca-\uffcf\uffd2-\uffd7\uffda-\uffdc"
-var nonASCIIidentifierChars = "\u200c\u200d\xb7\u0300-\u036f\u0387\u0483-\u0487\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u064b-\u0669\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06df-\u06e4\u06e7\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u06f0-\u06f9\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0\u07c0-\u07c9\u07eb-\u07f3\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0859-\u085b\u08d4-\u08e1\u08e3-\u0903\u093a-\u093c\u093e-\u094f\u0951-\u0957\u0962\u0963\u0966-\u096f\u0981-\u0983\u09bc\u09be-\u09c4\u09c7\u09c8\u09cb-\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2\u09e3\u09e6-\u09ef\u0a01-\u0a03\u0a3c\u0a3e-\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a66-\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81-\u0a83\u0abc\u0abe-\u0ac5\u0ac7-\u0ac9\u0acb-\u0acd\u0ae2\u0ae3\u0ae6-\u0aef\u0b01-\u0b03\u0b3c\u0b3e-\u0b44\u0b47\u0b48\u0b4b-\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b62\u0b63\u0b66-\u0b6f\u0b82\u0bbe-\u0bc2\u0bc6-\u0bc8\u0bca-\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0be6-\u0bef\u0c00-\u0c03\u0c3e-\u0c44\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62\u0c63\u0c66-\u0c6f\u0c81-\u0c83\u0cbc\u0cbe-\u0cc4\u0cc6-\u0cc8\u0cca-\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2\u0ce3\u0ce6-\u0cef\u0d01-\u0d03\u0d3e-\u0d44\u0d46-\u0d48\u0d4a-\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62\u0d63\u0d66-\u0d6f\u0d82\u0d83\u0dca\u0dcf-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0dd8-\u0ddf\u0de6-\u0def\u0df2\u0df3\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0e50-\u0e59\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ebb\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0ed0-\u0ed9\u0f18\u0f19\u0f20-\u0f29\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f3e\u0f3f\u0f71-\u0f84\u0f86\u0f87\u0f8d-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102b-\u103e\u1040-\u1049\u1056-\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1062-\u1064\u1067-\u106d\u1071-\u1074\u1082-\u108d\u108f-\u109d\u135d-\u135f\u1369-\u1371\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17b4-\u17d3\u17dd\u17e0-\u17e9\u180b-\u180d\u1810-\u1819\u18a9\u1920-\u192b\u1930-\u193b\u1946-\u194f\u19d0-\u19da\u1a17-\u1a1b\u1a55-\u1a5e\u1a60-\u1a7c\u1a7f-\u1a89\u1a90-\u1a99\u1ab0-\u1abd\u1b00-\u1b04\u1b34-\u1b44\u1b50-\u1b59\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80-\u1b82\u1ba1-\u1bad\u1bb0-\u1bb9\u1be6-\u1bf3\u1c24-\u1c37\u1c40-\u1c49\u1c50-\u1c59\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1cf2-\u1cf4\u1cf8\u1cf9\u1dc0-\u1df5\u1dfb-\u1dff\u203f\u2040\u2054\u20d0-\u20dc\u20e1\u20e5-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1\u2d7f\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302f\u3099\u309a\ua620-\ua629\ua66f\ua674-\ua67d\ua69e\ua69f\ua6f0\ua6f1\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua823-\ua827\ua880\ua881\ua8b4-\ua8c5\ua8d0-\ua8d9\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua900-\ua909\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua953\ua980-\ua983\ua9b3-\ua9c0\ua9d0-\ua9d9\ua9e5\ua9f0-\ua9f9\uaa29-\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaa4d\uaa50-\uaa59\uaa7b-\uaa7d\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7\uaab8\uaabe\uaabf\uaac1\uaaeb-\uaaef\uaaf5\uaaf6\uabe3-\uabea\uabec\uabed\uabf0-\uabf9\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe2f\ufe33\ufe34\ufe4d-\ufe4f\uff10-\uff19\uff3f"
-var nonASCIIidentifierStart = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + "]")
-var nonASCIIidentifier = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + nonASCIIidentifierChars + "]")
-nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = nonASCIIidentifierChars = null
-// These are a run-length and offset encoded representation of the
-// >0xffff code points that are a valid part of identifiers. The
-// offset starts at 0x10000, and each pair of numbers represents an
-// offset to the next range, and then a size of the range. They were
-// generated by bin/generate-identifier-regex.js
-// eslint-disable-next-line comma-spacing
-var astralIdentifierStartCodes = [0,11,2,25,2,18,2,1,2,14,3,13,35,122,70,52,268,28,4,48,48,31,17,26,6,37,11,29,3,35,5,7,2,4,43,157,19,35,5,35,5,39,9,51,157,310,10,21,11,7,153,5,3,0,2,43,2,1,4,0,3,22,11,22,10,30,66,18,2,1,11,21,11,25,71,55,7,1,65,0,16,3,2,2,2,26,45,28,4,28,36,7,2,27,28,53,11,21,11,18,14,17,111,72,56,50,14,50,785,52,76,44,33,24,27,35,42,34,4,0,13,47,15,3,22,0,2,0,36,17,2,24,85,6,2,0,2,3,2,14,2,9,8,46,39,7,3,1,3,21,2,6,2,1,2,4,4,0,19,0,13,4,159,52,19,3,54,47,21,1,2,0,185,46,42,3,37,47,21,0,60,42,86,25,391,63,32,0,449,56,264,8,2,36,18,0,50,29,881,921,103,110,18,195,2749,1070,4050,582,8634,568,8,30,114,29,19,47,17,3,32,20,6,18,881,68,12,0,67,12,65,0,32,6124,20,754,9486,1,3071,106,6,12,4,8,8,9,5991,84,2,70,2,1,3,0,3,1,3,3,2,11,2,0,2,6,2,64,2,3,3,7,2,6,2,27,2,3,2,4,2,0,4,6,2,339,3,24,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,7,4149,196,60,67,1213,3,2,26,2,1,2,0,3,0,2,9,2,3,2,0,2,0,7,0,5,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,2,1,2,0,3,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,1,2,0,3,3,2,6,2,3,2,3,2,0,2,9,2,16,6,2,2,4,2,16,4421,42710,42,4148,12,221,3,5761,10591,541]
-// eslint-disable-next-line comma-spacing
-var astralIdentifierCodes = [509,0,227,0,150,4,294,9,1368,2,2,1,6,3,41,2,5,0,166,1,1306,2,54,14,32,9,16,3,46,10,54,9,7,2,37,13,2,9,52,0,13,2,49,13,10,2,4,9,83,11,7,0,161,11,6,9,7,3,57,0,2,6,3,1,3,2,10,0,11,1,3,6,4,4,193,17,10,9,87,19,13,9,214,6,3,8,28,1,83,16,16,9,82,12,9,9,84,14,5,9,423,9,838,7,2,7,17,9,57,21,2,13,19882,9,135,4,60,6,26,9,1016,45,17,3,19723,1,5319,4,4,5,9,7,3,6,31,3,149,2,1418,49,513,54,5,49,9,0,15,0,23,4,2,14,1361,6,2,16,3,6,2,1,2,4,2214,6,110,6,6,9,792487,239]
-// This has a complexity linear to the value of the code. The
-// assumption is that looking up astral identifier characters is
-// rare.
-function isInAstralSet(code, set) {
- var pos = 0x10000
- for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i += 2) {
- pos += set[i]
- if (pos > code) return false
- pos += set[i + 1]
- if (pos >= code) return true
- }
-// Test whether a given character code starts an identifier.
-function isIdentifierStart(code, astral) {
- if (code < 65) return code === 36
- if (code < 91) return true
- if (code < 97) return code === 95
- if (code < 123) return true
- if (code <= 0xffff) return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifierStart.test(String.fromCharCode(code))
- if (astral === false) return false
- return isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierStartCodes)
-// Test whether a given character is part of an identifier.
-function isIdentifierChar(code, astral) {
- if (code < 48) return code === 36
- if (code < 58) return true
- if (code < 65) return false
- if (code < 91) return true
- if (code < 97) return code === 95
- if (code < 123) return true
- if (code <= 0xffff) return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifier.test(String.fromCharCode(code))
- if (astral === false) return false
- return isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierStartCodes) || isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierCodes)
-// ## Token types
-// The assignment of fine-grained, information-carrying type objects
-// allows the tokenizer to store the information it has about a
-// token in a way that is very cheap for the parser to look up.
-// All token type variables start with an underscore, to make them
-// easy to recognize.
-// The `beforeExpr` property is used to disambiguate between regular
-// expressions and divisions. It is set on all token types that can
-// be followed by an expression (thus, a slash after them would be a
-// regular expression).
-// The `startsExpr` property is used to check if the token ends a
-// `yield` expression. It is set on all token types that either can
-// directly start an expression (like a quotation mark) or can
-// continue an expression (like the body of a string).
-// `isLoop` marks a keyword as starting a loop, which is important
-// to know when parsing a label, in order to allow or disallow
-// continue jumps to that label.
-var TokenType = function TokenType(label, conf) {
- if ( conf === void 0 ) conf = {};
- this.label = label
- this.keyword = conf.keyword
- this.beforeExpr = !!conf.beforeExpr
- this.startsExpr = !!conf.startsExpr
- this.isLoop = !!conf.isLoop
- this.isAssign = !!conf.isAssign
- this.prefix = !!conf.prefix
- this.postfix = !!conf.postfix
- this.binop = conf.binop || null
- this.updateContext = null
-function binop(name, prec) {
- return new TokenType(name, {beforeExpr: true, binop: prec})
-var beforeExpr = {beforeExpr: true};
-var startsExpr = {startsExpr: true};
-// Map keyword names to token types.
-var keywordTypes = {}
-// Succinct definitions of keyword token types
-function kw(name, options) {
- if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};
- options.keyword = name
- return keywordTypes[name] = new TokenType(name, options)
-var tt = {
- num: new TokenType("num", startsExpr),
- regexp: new TokenType("regexp", startsExpr),
- string: new TokenType("string", startsExpr),
- name: new TokenType("name", startsExpr),
- eof: new TokenType("eof"),
- // Punctuation token types.
- bracketL: new TokenType("[", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}),
- bracketR: new TokenType("]"),
- braceL: new TokenType("{", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}),
- braceR: new TokenType("}"),
- parenL: new TokenType("(", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}),
- parenR: new TokenType(")"),
- comma: new TokenType(",", beforeExpr),
- semi: new TokenType(";", beforeExpr),
- colon: new TokenType(":", beforeExpr),
- dot: new TokenType("."),
- question: new TokenType("?", beforeExpr),
- arrow: new TokenType("=>", beforeExpr),
- template: new TokenType("template"),
- ellipsis: new TokenType("...", beforeExpr),
- backQuote: new TokenType("`", startsExpr),
- dollarBraceL: new TokenType("${", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}),
- // Operators. These carry several kinds of properties to help the
- // parser use them properly (the presence of these properties is
- // what categorizes them as operators).
- //
- // `binop`, when present, specifies that this operator is a binary
- // operator, and will refer to its precedence.
- //
- // `prefix` and `postfix` mark the operator as a prefix or postfix
- // unary operator.
- //
- // `isAssign` marks all of `=`, `+=`, `-=` etcetera, which act as
- // binary operators with a very low precedence, that should result
- // in AssignmentExpression nodes.
- eq: new TokenType("=", {beforeExpr: true, isAssign: true}),
- assign: new TokenType("_=", {beforeExpr: true, isAssign: true}),
- incDec: new TokenType("++/--", {prefix: true, postfix: true, startsExpr: true}),
- prefix: new TokenType("prefix", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}),
- logicalOR: binop("||", 1),
- logicalAND: binop("&&", 2),
- bitwiseOR: binop("|", 3),
- bitwiseXOR: binop("^", 4),
- bitwiseAND: binop("&", 5),
- equality: binop("==/!=", 6),
- relational: binop(">", 7),
- bitShift: binop("<>>", 8),
- plusMin: new TokenType("+/-", {beforeExpr: true, binop: 9, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}),
- modulo: binop("%", 10),
- star: binop("*", 10),
- slash: binop("/", 10),
- starstar: new TokenType("**", {beforeExpr: true}),
- // Keyword token types.
- _break: kw("break"),
- _case: kw("case", beforeExpr),
- _catch: kw("catch"),
- _continue: kw("continue"),
- _debugger: kw("debugger"),
- _default: kw("default", beforeExpr),
- _do: kw("do", {isLoop: true, beforeExpr: true}),
- _else: kw("else", beforeExpr),
- _finally: kw("finally"),
- _for: kw("for", {isLoop: true}),
- _function: kw("function", startsExpr),
- _if: kw("if"),
- _return: kw("return", beforeExpr),
- _switch: kw("switch"),
- _throw: kw("throw", beforeExpr),
- _try: kw("try"),
- _var: kw("var"),
- _const: kw("const"),
- _while: kw("while", {isLoop: true}),
- _with: kw("with"),
- _new: kw("new", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}),
- _this: kw("this", startsExpr),
- _super: kw("super", startsExpr),
- _class: kw("class"),
- _extends: kw("extends", beforeExpr),
- _export: kw("export"),
- _import: kw("import"),
- _null: kw("null", startsExpr),
- _true: kw("true", startsExpr),
- _false: kw("false", startsExpr),
- _in: kw("in", {beforeExpr: true, binop: 7}),
- _instanceof: kw("instanceof", {beforeExpr: true, binop: 7}),
- _typeof: kw("typeof", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}),
- _void: kw("void", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}),
- _delete: kw("delete", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true})
-// Matches a whole line break (where CRLF is considered a single
-// line break). Used to count lines.
-var lineBreak = /\r\n?|\n|\u2028|\u2029/
-var lineBreakG = new RegExp(lineBreak.source, "g")
-function isNewLine(code) {
- return code === 10 || code === 13 || code === 0x2028 || code === 0x2029
-var nonASCIIwhitespace = /[\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]/
-var skipWhiteSpace = /(?:\s|\/\/.*|\/\*[^]*?\*\/)*/g
-var ref = Object.prototype;
-var hasOwnProperty = ref.hasOwnProperty;
-var toString = ref.toString;
-// Checks if an object has a property.
-function has(obj, propName) {
- return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, propName)
-var isArray = Array.isArray || (function (obj) { return (
- toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]"
-); })
-// These are used when `options.locations` is on, for the
-// `startLoc` and `endLoc` properties.
-var Position = function Position(line, col) {
- this.line = line
- this.column = col
-Position.prototype.offset = function offset (n) {
- return new Position(this.line, this.column + n)
-var SourceLocation = function SourceLocation(p, start, end) {
- this.start = start
- this.end = end
- if (p.sourceFile !== null) this.source = p.sourceFile
-// The `getLineInfo` function is mostly useful when the
-// `locations` option is off (for performance reasons) and you
-// want to find the line/column position for a given character
-// offset. `input` should be the code string that the offset refers
-// into.
-function getLineInfo(input, offset) {
- for (var line = 1, cur = 0;;) {
- lineBreakG.lastIndex = cur
- var match = lineBreakG.exec(input)
- if (match && match.index < offset) {
- ++line
- cur = match.index + match[0].length
- } else {
- return new Position(line, offset - cur)
- }
- }
-// A second optional argument can be given to further configure
-// the parser process. These options are recognized:
-var defaultOptions = {
- // `ecmaVersion` indicates the ECMAScript version to parse. Must
- // be either 3, 5, 6 (2015), 7 (2016), or 8 (2017). This influences support
- // for strict mode, the set of reserved words, and support for
- // new syntax features. The default is 7.
- ecmaVersion: 7,
- // `sourceType` indicates the mode the code should be parsed in.
- // Can be either `"script"` or `"module"`. This influences global
- // strict mode and parsing of `import` and `export` declarations.
- sourceType: "script",
- // `onInsertedSemicolon` can be a callback that will be called
- // when a semicolon is automatically inserted. It will be passed
- // th position of the comma as an offset, and if `locations` is
- // enabled, it is given the location as a `{line, column}` object
- // as second argument.
- onInsertedSemicolon: null,
- // `onTrailingComma` is similar to `onInsertedSemicolon`, but for
- // trailing commas.
- onTrailingComma: null,
- // By default, reserved words are only enforced if ecmaVersion >= 5.
- // Set `allowReserved` to a boolean value to explicitly turn this on
- // an off. When this option has the value "never", reserved words
- // and keywords can also not be used as property names.
- allowReserved: null,
- // When enabled, a return at the top level is not considered an
- // error.
- allowReturnOutsideFunction: false,
- // When enabled, import/export statements are not constrained to
- // appearing at the top of the program.
- allowImportExportEverywhere: false,
- // When enabled, hashbang directive in the beginning of file
- // is allowed and treated as a line comment.
- allowHashBang: false,
- // When `locations` is on, `loc` properties holding objects with
- // `start` and `end` properties in `{line, column}` form (with
- // line being 1-based and column 0-based) will be attached to the
- // nodes.
- locations: false,
- // A function can be passed as `onToken` option, which will
- // cause Acorn to call that function with object in the same
- // format as tokens returned from `tokenizer().getToken()`. Note
- // that you are not allowed to call the parser from the
- // callback—that will corrupt its internal state.
- onToken: null,
- // A function can be passed as `onComment` option, which will
- // cause Acorn to call that function with `(block, text, start,
- // end)` parameters whenever a comment is skipped. `block` is a
- // boolean indicating whether this is a block (`/* */`) comment,
- // `text` is the content of the comment, and `start` and `end` are
- // character offsets that denote the start and end of the comment.
- // When the `locations` option is on, two more parameters are
- // passed, the full `{line, column}` locations of the start and
- // end of the comments. Note that you are not allowed to call the
- // parser from the callback—that will corrupt its internal state.
- onComment: null,
- // Nodes have their start and end characters offsets recorded in
- // `start` and `end` properties (directly on the node, rather than
- // the `loc` object, which holds line/column data. To also add a
- // [semi-standardized][range] `range` property holding a `[start,
- // end]` array with the same numbers, set the `ranges` option to
- // `true`.
- //
- // [range]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=745678
- ranges: false,
- // It is possible to parse multiple files into a single AST by
- // passing the tree produced by parsing the first file as
- // `program` option in subsequent parses. This will add the
- // toplevel forms of the parsed file to the `Program` (top) node
- // of an existing parse tree.
- program: null,
- // When `locations` is on, you can pass this to record the source
- // file in every node's `loc` object.
- sourceFile: null,
- // This value, if given, is stored in every node, whether
- // `locations` is on or off.
- directSourceFile: null,
- // When enabled, parenthesized expressions are represented by
- // (non-standard) ParenthesizedExpression nodes
- preserveParens: false,
- plugins: {}
-// Interpret and default an options object
-function getOptions(opts) {
- var options = {}
- for (var opt in defaultOptions)
- options[opt] = opts && has(opts, opt) ? opts[opt] : defaultOptions[opt]
- if (options.ecmaVersion >= 2015)
- options.ecmaVersion -= 2009
- if (options.allowReserved == null)
- options.allowReserved = options.ecmaVersion < 5
- if (isArray(options.onToken)) {
- var tokens = options.onToken
- options.onToken = function (token) { return tokens.push(token); }
- }
- if (isArray(options.onComment))
- options.onComment = pushComment(options, options.onComment)
- return options
-function pushComment(options, array) {
- return function(block, text, start, end, startLoc, endLoc) {
- var comment = {
- type: block ? "Block" : "Line",
- value: text,
- start: start,
- end: end
- }
- if (options.locations)
- comment.loc = new SourceLocation(this, startLoc, endLoc)
- if (options.ranges)
- comment.range = [start, end]
- array.push(comment)
- }
-// Registered plugins
-var plugins = {}
-function keywordRegexp(words) {
- return new RegExp("^(" + words.replace(/ /g, "|") + ")$")
-var Parser = function Parser(options, input, startPos) {
- this.options = options = getOptions(options)
- this.sourceFile = options.sourceFile
- this.keywords = keywordRegexp(keywords[options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? 6 : 5])
- var reserved = ""
- if (!options.allowReserved) {
- for (var v = options.ecmaVersion;; v--)
- if (reserved = reservedWords[v]) break
- if (options.sourceType == "module") reserved += " await"
- }
- this.reservedWords = keywordRegexp(reserved)
- var reservedStrict = (reserved ? reserved + " " : "") + reservedWords.strict
- this.reservedWordsStrict = keywordRegexp(reservedStrict)
- this.reservedWordsStrictBind = keywordRegexp(reservedStrict + " " + reservedWords.strictBind)
- this.input = String(input)
- // Used to signal to callers of `readWord1` whether the word
- // contained any escape sequences. This is needed because words with
- // escape sequences must not be interpreted as keywords.
- this.containsEsc = false
- // Load plugins
- this.loadPlugins(options.plugins)
- // Set up token state
- // The current position of the tokenizer in the input.
- if (startPos) {
- this.pos = startPos
- this.lineStart = this.input.lastIndexOf("\n", startPos - 1) + 1
- this.curLine = this.input.slice(0, this.lineStart).split(lineBreak).length
- } else {
- this.pos = this.lineStart = 0
- this.curLine = 1
- }
- // Properties of the current token:
- // Its type
- this.type = tt.eof
- // For tokens that include more information than their type, the value
- this.value = null
- // Its start and end offset
- this.start = this.end = this.pos
- // And, if locations are used, the {line, column} object
- // corresponding to those offsets
- this.startLoc = this.endLoc = this.curPosition()
- // Position information for the previous token
- this.lastTokEndLoc = this.lastTokStartLoc = null
- this.lastTokStart = this.lastTokEnd = this.pos
- // The context stack is used to superficially track syntactic
- // context to predict whether a regular expression is allowed in a
- // given position.
- this.context = this.initialContext()
- this.exprAllowed = true
- // Figure out if it's a module code.
- this.inModule = options.sourceType === "module"
- this.strict = this.inModule || this.strictDirective(this.pos)
- // Used to signify the start of a potential arrow function
- this.potentialArrowAt = -1
- // Flags to track whether we are in a function, a generator, an async function.
- this.inFunction = this.inGenerator = this.inAsync = false
- // Positions to delayed-check that yield/await does not exist in default parameters.
- this.yieldPos = this.awaitPos = 0
- // Labels in scope.
- this.labels = []
- // If enabled, skip leading hashbang line.
- if (this.pos === 0 && options.allowHashBang && this.input.slice(0, 2) === "#!")
- this.skipLineComment(2)
- // Scope tracking for duplicate variable names (see scope.js)
- this.scopeStack = []
- this.enterFunctionScope()
-// DEPRECATED Kept for backwards compatibility until 3.0 in case a plugin uses them
-Parser.prototype.isKeyword = function isKeyword (word) { return this.keywords.test(word) };
-Parser.prototype.isReservedWord = function isReservedWord (word) { return this.reservedWords.test(word) };
-Parser.prototype.extend = function extend (name, f) {
- this[name] = f(this[name])
-Parser.prototype.loadPlugins = function loadPlugins (pluginConfigs) {
- var this$1 = this;
- for (var name in pluginConfigs) {
- var plugin = plugins[name]
- if (!plugin) throw new Error("Plugin '" + name + "' not found")
- plugin(this$1, pluginConfigs[name])
- }
-Parser.prototype.parse = function parse () {
- var node = this.options.program || this.startNode()
- this.nextToken()
- return this.parseTopLevel(node)
-var pp = Parser.prototype
-// ## Parser utilities
-var literal = /^(?:'((?:[^']|\.)*)'|"((?:[^"]|\.)*)"|;)/
-pp.strictDirective = function(start) {
- var this$1 = this;
- for (;;) {
- skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = start
- start += skipWhiteSpace.exec(this$1.input)[0].length
- var match = literal.exec(this$1.input.slice(start))
- if (!match) return false
- if ((match[1] || match[2]) == "use strict") return true
- start += match[0].length
- }
-// Predicate that tests whether the next token is of the given
-// type, and if yes, consumes it as a side effect.
-pp.eat = function(type) {
- if (this.type === type) {
- this.next()
- return true
- } else {
- return false
- }
-// Tests whether parsed token is a contextual keyword.
-pp.isContextual = function(name) {
- return this.type === tt.name && this.value === name
-// Consumes contextual keyword if possible.
-pp.eatContextual = function(name) {
- return this.value === name && this.eat(tt.name)
-// Asserts that following token is given contextual keyword.
-pp.expectContextual = function(name) {
- if (!this.eatContextual(name)) this.unexpected()
-// Test whether a semicolon can be inserted at the current position.
-pp.canInsertSemicolon = function() {
- return this.type === tt.eof ||
- this.type === tt.braceR ||
- lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start))
-pp.insertSemicolon = function() {
- if (this.canInsertSemicolon()) {
- if (this.options.onInsertedSemicolon)
- this.options.onInsertedSemicolon(this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc)
- return true
- }
-// Consume a semicolon, or, failing that, see if we are allowed to
-// pretend that there is a semicolon at this position.
-pp.semicolon = function() {
- if (!this.eat(tt.semi) && !this.insertSemicolon()) this.unexpected()
-pp.afterTrailingComma = function(tokType, notNext) {
- if (this.type == tokType) {
- if (this.options.onTrailingComma)
- this.options.onTrailingComma(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokStartLoc)
- if (!notNext)
- this.next()
- return true
- }
-// Expect a token of a given type. If found, consume it, otherwise,
-// raise an unexpected token error.
-pp.expect = function(type) {
- this.eat(type) || this.unexpected()
-// Raise an unexpected token error.
-pp.unexpected = function(pos) {
- this.raise(pos != null ? pos : this.start, "Unexpected token")
-var DestructuringErrors = function DestructuringErrors() {
- this.shorthandAssign = this.trailingComma = this.parenthesizedAssign = this.parenthesizedBind = -1
-pp.checkPatternErrors = function(refDestructuringErrors, isAssign) {
- if (!refDestructuringErrors) return
- if (refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma > -1)
- this.raiseRecoverable(refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element")
- var parens = isAssign ? refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign : refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind
- if (parens > -1) this.raiseRecoverable(parens, "Parenthesized pattern")
-pp.checkExpressionErrors = function(refDestructuringErrors, andThrow) {
- var pos = refDestructuringErrors ? refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign : -1
- if (!andThrow) return pos >= 0
- if (pos > -1) this.raise(pos, "Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns")
-pp.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams = function() {
- if (this.yieldPos && (!this.awaitPos || this.yieldPos < this.awaitPos))
- this.raise(this.yieldPos, "Yield expression cannot be a default value")
- if (this.awaitPos)
- this.raise(this.awaitPos, "Await expression cannot be a default value")
-pp.isSimpleAssignTarget = function(expr) {
- if (expr.type === "ParenthesizedExpression")
- return this.isSimpleAssignTarget(expr.expression)
- return expr.type === "Identifier" || expr.type === "MemberExpression"
-var pp$1 = Parser.prototype
-// ### Statement parsing
-// Parse a program. Initializes the parser, reads any number of
-// statements, and wraps them in a Program node. Optionally takes a
-// `program` argument. If present, the statements will be appended
-// to its body instead of creating a new node.
-pp$1.parseTopLevel = function(node) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var exports = {}
- if (!node.body) node.body = []
- while (this.type !== tt.eof) {
- var stmt = this$1.parseStatement(true, true, exports)
- node.body.push(stmt)
- }
- this.next()
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- node.sourceType = this.options.sourceType
- }
- return this.finishNode(node, "Program")
-var loopLabel = {kind: "loop"};
-var switchLabel = {kind: "switch"};
-pp$1.isLet = function() {
- if (this.type !== tt.name || this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || this.value != "let") return false
- skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = this.pos
- var skip = skipWhiteSpace.exec(this.input)
- var next = this.pos + skip[0].length, nextCh = this.input.charCodeAt(next)
- if (nextCh === 91 || nextCh == 123) return true // '{' and '['
- if (isIdentifierStart(nextCh, true)) {
- var pos = next + 1
- while (isIdentifierChar(this.input.charCodeAt(pos), true)) ++pos
- var ident = this.input.slice(next, pos)
- if (!this.isKeyword(ident)) return true
- }
- return false
-// check 'async [no LineTerminator here] function'
-// - 'async /*foo*/ function' is OK.
-// - 'async /*\n*/ function' is invalid.
-pp$1.isAsyncFunction = function() {
- if (this.type !== tt.name || this.options.ecmaVersion < 8 || this.value != "async")
- return false
- skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = this.pos
- var skip = skipWhiteSpace.exec(this.input)
- var next = this.pos + skip[0].length
- return !lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.pos, next)) &&
- this.input.slice(next, next + 8) === "function" &&
- (next + 8 == this.input.length || !isIdentifierChar(this.input.charAt(next + 8)))
-// Parse a single statement.
-// If expecting a statement and finding a slash operator, parse a
-// regular expression literal. This is to handle cases like
-// `if (foo) /blah/.exec(foo)`, where looking at the previous token
-// does not help.
-pp$1.parseStatement = function(declaration, topLevel, exports) {
- var starttype = this.type, node = this.startNode(), kind
- if (this.isLet()) {
- starttype = tt._var
- kind = "let"
- }
- // Most types of statements are recognized by the keyword they
- // start with. Many are trivial to parse, some require a bit of
- // complexity.
- switch (starttype) {
- case tt._break: case tt._continue: return this.parseBreakContinueStatement(node, starttype.keyword)
- case tt._debugger: return this.parseDebuggerStatement(node)
- case tt._do: return this.parseDoStatement(node)
- case tt._for: return this.parseForStatement(node)
- case tt._function:
- if (!declaration && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) this.unexpected()
- return this.parseFunctionStatement(node, false)
- case tt._class:
- if (!declaration) this.unexpected()
- return this.parseClass(node, true)
- case tt._if: return this.parseIfStatement(node)
- case tt._return: return this.parseReturnStatement(node)
- case tt._switch: return this.parseSwitchStatement(node)
- case tt._throw: return this.parseThrowStatement(node)
- case tt._try: return this.parseTryStatement(node)
- case tt._const: case tt._var:
- kind = kind || this.value
- if (!declaration && kind != "var") this.unexpected()
- return this.parseVarStatement(node, kind)
- case tt._while: return this.parseWhileStatement(node)
- case tt._with: return this.parseWithStatement(node)
- case tt.braceL: return this.parseBlock()
- case tt.semi: return this.parseEmptyStatement(node)
- case tt._export:
- case tt._import:
- if (!this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere) {
- if (!topLevel)
- this.raise(this.start, "'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level")
- if (!this.inModule)
- this.raise(this.start, "'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'")
- }
- return starttype === tt._import ? this.parseImport(node) : this.parseExport(node, exports)
- // If the statement does not start with a statement keyword or a
- // brace, it's an ExpressionStatement or LabeledStatement. We
- // simply start parsing an expression, and afterwards, if the
- // next token is a colon and the expression was a simple
- // Identifier node, we switch to interpreting it as a label.
- default:
- if (this.isAsyncFunction() && declaration) {
- this.next()
- return this.parseFunctionStatement(node, true)
- }
- var maybeName = this.value, expr = this.parseExpression()
- if (starttype === tt.name && expr.type === "Identifier" && this.eat(tt.colon))
- return this.parseLabeledStatement(node, maybeName, expr)
- else return this.parseExpressionStatement(node, expr)
- }
-pp$1.parseBreakContinueStatement = function(node, keyword) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var isBreak = keyword == "break"
- this.next()
- if (this.eat(tt.semi) || this.insertSemicolon()) node.label = null
- else if (this.type !== tt.name) this.unexpected()
- else {
- node.label = this.parseIdent()
- this.semicolon()
- }
- // Verify that there is an actual destination to break or
- // continue to.
- var i = 0
- for (; i < this.labels.length; ++i) {
- var lab = this$1.labels[i]
- if (node.label == null || lab.name === node.label.name) {
- if (lab.kind != null && (isBreak || lab.kind === "loop")) break
- if (node.label && isBreak) break
- }
- }
- if (i === this.labels.length) this.raise(node.start, "Unsyntactic " + keyword)
- return this.finishNode(node, isBreak ? "BreakStatement" : "ContinueStatement")
-pp$1.parseDebuggerStatement = function(node) {
- this.next()
- this.semicolon()
- return this.finishNode(node, "DebuggerStatement")
-pp$1.parseDoStatement = function(node) {
- this.next()
- this.labels.push(loopLabel)
- node.body = this.parseStatement(false)
- this.labels.pop()
- this.expect(tt._while)
- node.test = this.parseParenExpression()
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6)
- this.eat(tt.semi)
- else
- this.semicolon()
- return this.finishNode(node, "DoWhileStatement")
-// Disambiguating between a `for` and a `for`/`in` or `for`/`of`
-// loop is non-trivial. Basically, we have to parse the init `var`
-// statement or expression, disallowing the `in` operator (see
-// the second parameter to `parseExpression`), and then check
-// whether the next token is `in` or `of`. When there is no init
-// part (semicolon immediately after the opening parenthesis), it
-// is a regular `for` loop.
-pp$1.parseForStatement = function(node) {
- this.next()
- this.labels.push(loopLabel)
- this.enterLexicalScope()
- this.expect(tt.parenL)
- if (this.type === tt.semi) return this.parseFor(node, null)
- var isLet = this.isLet()
- if (this.type === tt._var || this.type === tt._const || isLet) {
- var init$1 = this.startNode(), kind = isLet ? "let" : this.value
- this.next()
- this.parseVar(init$1, true, kind)
- this.finishNode(init$1, "VariableDeclaration")
- if ((this.type === tt._in || (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual("of"))) && init$1.declarations.length === 1 &&
- !(kind !== "var" && init$1.declarations[0].init))
- return this.parseForIn(node, init$1)
- return this.parseFor(node, init$1)
- }
- var refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors
- var init = this.parseExpression(true, refDestructuringErrors)
- if (this.type === tt._in || (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual("of"))) {
- this.toAssignable(init)
- this.checkLVal(init)
- this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true)
- return this.parseForIn(node, init)
- } else {
- this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true)
- }
- return this.parseFor(node, init)
-pp$1.parseFunctionStatement = function(node, isAsync) {
- this.next()
- return this.parseFunction(node, true, false, isAsync)
-pp$1.isFunction = function() {
- return this.type === tt._function || this.isAsyncFunction()
-pp$1.parseIfStatement = function(node) {
- this.next()
- node.test = this.parseParenExpression()
- // allow function declarations in branches, but only in non-strict mode
- node.consequent = this.parseStatement(!this.strict && this.isFunction())
- node.alternate = this.eat(tt._else) ? this.parseStatement(!this.strict && this.isFunction()) : null
- return this.finishNode(node, "IfStatement")
-pp$1.parseReturnStatement = function(node) {
- if (!this.inFunction && !this.options.allowReturnOutsideFunction)
- this.raise(this.start, "'return' outside of function")
- this.next()
- // In `return` (and `break`/`continue`), the keywords with
- // optional arguments, we eagerly look for a semicolon or the
- // possibility to insert one.
- if (this.eat(tt.semi) || this.insertSemicolon()) node.argument = null
- else { node.argument = this.parseExpression(); this.semicolon() }
- return this.finishNode(node, "ReturnStatement")
-pp$1.parseSwitchStatement = function(node) {
- var this$1 = this;
- this.next()
- node.discriminant = this.parseParenExpression()
- node.cases = []
- this.expect(tt.braceL)
- this.labels.push(switchLabel)
- this.enterLexicalScope()
- // Statements under must be grouped (by label) in SwitchCase
- // nodes. `cur` is used to keep the node that we are currently
- // adding statements to.
- var cur
- for (var sawDefault = false; this.type != tt.braceR;) {
- if (this$1.type === tt._case || this$1.type === tt._default) {
- var isCase = this$1.type === tt._case
- if (cur) this$1.finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase")
- node.cases.push(cur = this$1.startNode())
- cur.consequent = []
- this$1.next()
- if (isCase) {
- cur.test = this$1.parseExpression()
- } else {
- if (sawDefault) this$1.raiseRecoverable(this$1.lastTokStart, "Multiple default clauses")
- sawDefault = true
- cur.test = null
- }
- this$1.expect(tt.colon)
- } else {
- if (!cur) this$1.unexpected()
- cur.consequent.push(this$1.parseStatement(true))
- }
- }
- this.exitLexicalScope()
- if (cur) this.finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase")
- this.next() // Closing brace
- this.labels.pop()
- return this.finishNode(node, "SwitchStatement")
-pp$1.parseThrowStatement = function(node) {
- this.next()
- if (lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)))
- this.raise(this.lastTokEnd, "Illegal newline after throw")
- node.argument = this.parseExpression()
- this.semicolon()
- return this.finishNode(node, "ThrowStatement")
-// Reused empty array added for node fields that are always empty.
-var empty = []
-pp$1.parseTryStatement = function(node) {
- this.next()
- node.block = this.parseBlock()
- node.handler = null
- if (this.type === tt._catch) {
- var clause = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- this.expect(tt.parenL)
- clause.param = this.parseBindingAtom()
- this.enterLexicalScope()
- this.checkLVal(clause.param, "let")
- this.expect(tt.parenR)
- clause.body = this.parseBlock(false)
- this.exitLexicalScope()
- node.handler = this.finishNode(clause, "CatchClause")
- }
- node.finalizer = this.eat(tt._finally) ? this.parseBlock() : null
- if (!node.handler && !node.finalizer)
- this.raise(node.start, "Missing catch or finally clause")
- return this.finishNode(node, "TryStatement")
-pp$1.parseVarStatement = function(node, kind) {
- this.next()
- this.parseVar(node, false, kind)
- this.semicolon()
- return this.finishNode(node, "VariableDeclaration")
-pp$1.parseWhileStatement = function(node) {
- this.next()
- node.test = this.parseParenExpression()
- this.labels.push(loopLabel)
- node.body = this.parseStatement(false)
- this.labels.pop()
- return this.finishNode(node, "WhileStatement")
-pp$1.parseWithStatement = function(node) {
- if (this.strict) this.raise(this.start, "'with' in strict mode")
- this.next()
- node.object = this.parseParenExpression()
- node.body = this.parseStatement(false)
- return this.finishNode(node, "WithStatement")
-pp$1.parseEmptyStatement = function(node) {
- this.next()
- return this.finishNode(node, "EmptyStatement")
-pp$1.parseLabeledStatement = function(node, maybeName, expr) {
- var this$1 = this;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.labels.length; ++i)
- if (this$1.labels[i].name === maybeName) this$1.raise(expr.start, "Label '" + maybeName + "' is already declared")
- var kind = this.type.isLoop ? "loop" : this.type === tt._switch ? "switch" : null
- for (var i$1 = this.labels.length - 1; i$1 >= 0; i$1--) {
- var label = this$1.labels[i$1]
- if (label.statementStart == node.start) {
- label.statementStart = this$1.start
- label.kind = kind
- } else break
- }
- this.labels.push({name: maybeName, kind: kind, statementStart: this.start})
- node.body = this.parseStatement(true)
- if (node.body.type == "ClassDeclaration" ||
- node.body.type == "VariableDeclaration" && node.body.kind != "var" ||
- node.body.type == "FunctionDeclaration" && (this.strict || node.body.generator))
- this.raiseRecoverable(node.body.start, "Invalid labeled declaration")
- this.labels.pop()
- node.label = expr
- return this.finishNode(node, "LabeledStatement")
-pp$1.parseExpressionStatement = function(node, expr) {
- node.expression = expr
- this.semicolon()
- return this.finishNode(node, "ExpressionStatement")
-// Parse a semicolon-enclosed block of statements, handling `"use
-// strict"` declarations when `allowStrict` is true (used for
-// function bodies).
-pp$1.parseBlock = function(createNewLexicalScope) {
- var this$1 = this;
- if ( createNewLexicalScope === void 0 ) createNewLexicalScope = true;
- var node = this.startNode()
- node.body = []
- this.expect(tt.braceL)
- if (createNewLexicalScope) {
- this.enterLexicalScope()
- }
- while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) {
- var stmt = this$1.parseStatement(true)
- node.body.push(stmt)
- }
- if (createNewLexicalScope) {
- this.exitLexicalScope()
- }
- return this.finishNode(node, "BlockStatement")
-// Parse a regular `for` loop. The disambiguation code in
-// `parseStatement` will already have parsed the init statement or
-// expression.
-pp$1.parseFor = function(node, init) {
- node.init = init
- this.expect(tt.semi)
- node.test = this.type === tt.semi ? null : this.parseExpression()
- this.expect(tt.semi)
- node.update = this.type === tt.parenR ? null : this.parseExpression()
- this.expect(tt.parenR)
- this.exitLexicalScope()
- node.body = this.parseStatement(false)
- this.labels.pop()
- return this.finishNode(node, "ForStatement")
-// Parse a `for`/`in` and `for`/`of` loop, which are almost
-// same from parser's perspective.
-pp$1.parseForIn = function(node, init) {
- var type = this.type === tt._in ? "ForInStatement" : "ForOfStatement"
- this.next()
- node.left = init
- node.right = this.parseExpression()
- this.expect(tt.parenR)
- this.exitLexicalScope()
- node.body = this.parseStatement(false)
- this.labels.pop()
- return this.finishNode(node, type)
-// Parse a list of variable declarations.
-pp$1.parseVar = function(node, isFor, kind) {
- var this$1 = this;
- node.declarations = []
- node.kind = kind
- for (;;) {
- var decl = this$1.startNode()
- this$1.parseVarId(decl, kind)
- if (this$1.eat(tt.eq)) {
- decl.init = this$1.parseMaybeAssign(isFor)
- } else if (kind === "const" && !(this$1.type === tt._in || (this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this$1.isContextual("of")))) {
- this$1.unexpected()
- } else if (decl.id.type != "Identifier" && !(isFor && (this$1.type === tt._in || this$1.isContextual("of")))) {
- this$1.raise(this$1.lastTokEnd, "Complex binding patterns require an initialization value")
- } else {
- decl.init = null
- }
- node.declarations.push(this$1.finishNode(decl, "VariableDeclarator"))
- if (!this$1.eat(tt.comma)) break
- }
- return node
-pp$1.parseVarId = function(decl, kind) {
- decl.id = this.parseBindingAtom(kind)
- this.checkLVal(decl.id, kind, false)
-// Parse a function declaration or literal (depending on the
-// `isStatement` parameter).
-pp$1.parseFunction = function(node, isStatement, allowExpressionBody, isAsync) {
- this.initFunction(node)
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !isAsync)
- node.generator = this.eat(tt.star)
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8)
- node.async = !!isAsync
- if (isStatement) {
- node.id = isStatement === "nullableID" && this.type != tt.name ? null : this.parseIdent()
- if (node.id) {
- this.checkLVal(node.id, "var")
- }
- }
- var oldInGen = this.inGenerator, oldInAsync = this.inAsync,
- oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, oldInFunc = this.inFunction
- this.inGenerator = node.generator
- this.inAsync = node.async
- this.yieldPos = 0
- this.awaitPos = 0
- this.inFunction = true
- this.enterFunctionScope()
- if (!isStatement)
- node.id = this.type == tt.name ? this.parseIdent() : null
- this.parseFunctionParams(node)
- this.parseFunctionBody(node, allowExpressionBody)
- this.inGenerator = oldInGen
- this.inAsync = oldInAsync
- this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos
- this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos
- this.inFunction = oldInFunc
- return this.finishNode(node, isStatement ? "FunctionDeclaration" : "FunctionExpression")
-pp$1.parseFunctionParams = function(node) {
- this.expect(tt.parenL)
- node.params = this.parseBindingList(tt.parenR, false, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, true)
- this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams()
-// Parse a class declaration or literal (depending on the
-// `isStatement` parameter).
-pp$1.parseClass = function(node, isStatement) {
- var this$1 = this;
- this.next()
- this.parseClassId(node, isStatement)
- this.parseClassSuper(node)
- var classBody = this.startNode()
- var hadConstructor = false
- classBody.body = []
- this.expect(tt.braceL)
- while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) {
- if (this$1.eat(tt.semi)) continue
- var method = this$1.startNode()
- var isGenerator = this$1.eat(tt.star)
- var isAsync = false
- var isMaybeStatic = this$1.type === tt.name && this$1.value === "static"
- this$1.parsePropertyName(method)
- method.static = isMaybeStatic && this$1.type !== tt.parenL
- if (method.static) {
- if (isGenerator) this$1.unexpected()
- isGenerator = this$1.eat(tt.star)
- this$1.parsePropertyName(method)
- }
- if (this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && !isGenerator && !method.computed &&
- method.key.type === "Identifier" && method.key.name === "async" && this$1.type !== tt.parenL &&
- !this$1.canInsertSemicolon()) {
- isAsync = true
- this$1.parsePropertyName(method)
- }
- method.kind = "method"
- var isGetSet = false
- if (!method.computed) {
- var key = method.key;
- if (!isGenerator && !isAsync && key.type === "Identifier" && this$1.type !== tt.parenL && (key.name === "get" || key.name === "set")) {
- isGetSet = true
- method.kind = key.name
- key = this$1.parsePropertyName(method)
- }
- if (!method.static && (key.type === "Identifier" && key.name === "constructor" ||
- key.type === "Literal" && key.value === "constructor")) {
- if (hadConstructor) this$1.raise(key.start, "Duplicate constructor in the same class")
- if (isGetSet) this$1.raise(key.start, "Constructor can't have get/set modifier")
- if (isGenerator) this$1.raise(key.start, "Constructor can't be a generator")
- if (isAsync) this$1.raise(key.start, "Constructor can't be an async method")
- method.kind = "constructor"
- hadConstructor = true
- }
- }
- this$1.parseClassMethod(classBody, method, isGenerator, isAsync)
- if (isGetSet) {
- var paramCount = method.kind === "get" ? 0 : 1
- if (method.value.params.length !== paramCount) {
- var start = method.value.start
- if (method.kind === "get")
- this$1.raiseRecoverable(start, "getter should have no params")
- else
- this$1.raiseRecoverable(start, "setter should have exactly one param")
- } else {
- if (method.kind === "set" && method.value.params[0].type === "RestElement")
- this$1.raiseRecoverable(method.value.params[0].start, "Setter cannot use rest params")
- }
- }
- }
- node.body = this.finishNode(classBody, "ClassBody")
- return this.finishNode(node, isStatement ? "ClassDeclaration" : "ClassExpression")
-pp$1.parseClassMethod = function(classBody, method, isGenerator, isAsync) {
- method.value = this.parseMethod(isGenerator, isAsync)
- classBody.body.push(this.finishNode(method, "MethodDefinition"))
-pp$1.parseClassId = function(node, isStatement) {
- node.id = this.type === tt.name ? this.parseIdent() : isStatement === true ? this.unexpected() : null
-pp$1.parseClassSuper = function(node) {
- node.superClass = this.eat(tt._extends) ? this.parseExprSubscripts() : null
-// Parses module export declaration.
-pp$1.parseExport = function(node, exports) {
- var this$1 = this;
- this.next()
- // export * from '...'
- if (this.eat(tt.star)) {
- this.expectContextual("from")
- node.source = this.type === tt.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected()
- this.semicolon()
- return this.finishNode(node, "ExportAllDeclaration")
- }
- if (this.eat(tt._default)) { // export default ...
- this.checkExport(exports, "default", this.lastTokStart)
- var isAsync
- if (this.type === tt._function || (isAsync = this.isAsyncFunction())) {
- var fNode = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- if (isAsync) this.next()
- node.declaration = this.parseFunction(fNode, "nullableID", false, isAsync)
- } else if (this.type === tt._class) {
- var cNode = this.startNode()
- node.declaration = this.parseClass(cNode, "nullableID")
- } else {
- node.declaration = this.parseMaybeAssign()
- this.semicolon()
- }
- return this.finishNode(node, "ExportDefaultDeclaration")
- }
- // export var|const|let|function|class ...
- if (this.shouldParseExportStatement()) {
- node.declaration = this.parseStatement(true)
- if (node.declaration.type === "VariableDeclaration")
- this.checkVariableExport(exports, node.declaration.declarations)
- else
- this.checkExport(exports, node.declaration.id.name, node.declaration.id.start)
- node.specifiers = []
- node.source = null
- } else { // export { x, y as z } [from '...']
- node.declaration = null
- node.specifiers = this.parseExportSpecifiers(exports)
- if (this.eatContextual("from")) {
- node.source = this.type === tt.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected()
- } else {
- // check for keywords used as local names
- for (var i = 0; i < node.specifiers.length; i++) {
- if (this$1.keywords.test(node.specifiers[i].local.name) || this$1.reservedWords.test(node.specifiers[i].local.name)) {
- this$1.unexpected(node.specifiers[i].local.start)
- }
- }
- node.source = null
- }
- this.semicolon()
- }
- return this.finishNode(node, "ExportNamedDeclaration")
-pp$1.checkExport = function(exports, name, pos) {
- if (!exports) return
- if (has(exports, name))
- this.raiseRecoverable(pos, "Duplicate export '" + name + "'")
- exports[name] = true
-pp$1.checkPatternExport = function(exports, pat) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var type = pat.type
- if (type == "Identifier")
- this.checkExport(exports, pat.name, pat.start)
- else if (type == "ObjectPattern")
- for (var i = 0; i < pat.properties.length; ++i)
- this$1.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.properties[i].value)
- else if (type == "ArrayPattern")
- for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < pat.elements.length; ++i$1) {
- var elt = pat.elements[i$1]
- if (elt) this$1.checkPatternExport(exports, elt)
- }
- else if (type == "AssignmentPattern")
- this.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.left)
- else if (type == "ParenthesizedExpression")
- this.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.expression)
-pp$1.checkVariableExport = function(exports, decls) {
- var this$1 = this;
- if (!exports) return
- for (var i = 0; i < decls.length; i++)
- this$1.checkPatternExport(exports, decls[i].id)
-pp$1.shouldParseExportStatement = function() {
- return this.type.keyword === "var" ||
- this.type.keyword === "const" ||
- this.type.keyword === "class" ||
- this.type.keyword === "function" ||
- this.isLet() ||
- this.isAsyncFunction()
-// Parses a comma-separated list of module exports.
-pp$1.parseExportSpecifiers = function(exports) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var nodes = [], first = true
- // export { x, y as z } [from '...']
- this.expect(tt.braceL)
- while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) {
- if (!first) {
- this$1.expect(tt.comma)
- if (this$1.afterTrailingComma(tt.braceR)) break
- } else first = false
- var node = this$1.startNode()
- node.local = this$1.parseIdent(true)
- node.exported = this$1.eatContextual("as") ? this$1.parseIdent(true) : node.local
- this$1.checkExport(exports, node.exported.name, node.exported.start)
- nodes.push(this$1.finishNode(node, "ExportSpecifier"))
- }
- return nodes
-// Parses import declaration.
-pp$1.parseImport = function(node) {
- this.next()
- // import '...'
- if (this.type === tt.string) {
- node.specifiers = empty
- node.source = this.parseExprAtom()
- } else {
- node.specifiers = this.parseImportSpecifiers()
- this.expectContextual("from")
- node.source = this.type === tt.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected()
- }
- this.semicolon()
- return this.finishNode(node, "ImportDeclaration")
-// Parses a comma-separated list of module imports.
-pp$1.parseImportSpecifiers = function() {
- var this$1 = this;
- var nodes = [], first = true
- if (this.type === tt.name) {
- // import defaultObj, { x, y as z } from '...'
- var node = this.startNode()
- node.local = this.parseIdent()
- this.checkLVal(node.local, "let")
- nodes.push(this.finishNode(node, "ImportDefaultSpecifier"))
- if (!this.eat(tt.comma)) return nodes
- }
- if (this.type === tt.star) {
- var node$1 = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- this.expectContextual("as")
- node$1.local = this.parseIdent()
- this.checkLVal(node$1.local, "let")
- nodes.push(this.finishNode(node$1, "ImportNamespaceSpecifier"))
- return nodes
- }
- this.expect(tt.braceL)
- while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) {
- if (!first) {
- this$1.expect(tt.comma)
- if (this$1.afterTrailingComma(tt.braceR)) break
- } else first = false
- var node$2 = this$1.startNode()
- node$2.imported = this$1.parseIdent(true)
- if (this$1.eatContextual("as")) {
- node$2.local = this$1.parseIdent()
- } else {
- node$2.local = node$2.imported
- if (this$1.isKeyword(node$2.local.name)) this$1.unexpected(node$2.local.start)
- if (this$1.reservedWordsStrict.test(node$2.local.name)) this$1.raiseRecoverable(node$2.local.start, "The keyword '" + node$2.local.name + "' is reserved")
- }
- this$1.checkLVal(node$2.local, "let")
- nodes.push(this$1.finishNode(node$2, "ImportSpecifier"))
- }
- return nodes
-var pp$2 = Parser.prototype
-// Convert existing expression atom to assignable pattern
-// if possible.
-pp$2.toAssignable = function(node, isBinding) {
- var this$1 = this;
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && node) {
- switch (node.type) {
- case "Identifier":
- if (this.inAsync && node.name === "await")
- this.raise(node.start, "Can not use 'await' as identifier inside an async function")
- break
- case "ObjectPattern":
- case "ArrayPattern":
- break
- case "ObjectExpression":
- node.type = "ObjectPattern"
- for (var i = 0; i < node.properties.length; i++) {
- var prop = node.properties[i]
- if (prop.kind !== "init") this$1.raise(prop.key.start, "Object pattern can't contain getter or setter")
- this$1.toAssignable(prop.value, isBinding)
- }
- break
- case "ArrayExpression":
- node.type = "ArrayPattern"
- this.toAssignableList(node.elements, isBinding)
- break
- case "AssignmentExpression":
- if (node.operator === "=") {
- node.type = "AssignmentPattern"
- delete node.operator
- this.toAssignable(node.left, isBinding)
- // falls through to AssignmentPattern
- } else {
- this.raise(node.left.end, "Only '=' operator can be used for specifying default value.")
- break
- }
- case "AssignmentPattern":
- break
- case "ParenthesizedExpression":
- node.expression = this.toAssignable(node.expression, isBinding)
- break
- case "MemberExpression":
- if (!isBinding) break
- default:
- this.raise(node.start, "Assigning to rvalue")
- }
- }
- return node
-// Convert list of expression atoms to binding list.
-pp$2.toAssignableList = function(exprList, isBinding) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var end = exprList.length
- if (end) {
- var last = exprList[end - 1]
- if (last && last.type == "RestElement") {
- --end
- } else if (last && last.type == "SpreadElement") {
- last.type = "RestElement"
- var arg = last.argument
- this.toAssignable(arg, isBinding)
- if (arg.type !== "Identifier" && arg.type !== "MemberExpression" && arg.type !== "ArrayPattern")
- this.unexpected(arg.start)
- --end
- }
- if (isBinding && last && last.type === "RestElement" && last.argument.type !== "Identifier")
- this.unexpected(last.argument.start)
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
- var elt = exprList[i]
- if (elt) this$1.toAssignable(elt, isBinding)
- }
- return exprList
-// Parses spread element.
-pp$2.parseSpread = function(refDestructuringErrors) {
- var node = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- node.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors)
- return this.finishNode(node, "SpreadElement")
-pp$2.parseRest = function(allowNonIdent) {
- var node = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- // RestElement inside of a function parameter must be an identifier
- if (allowNonIdent) node.argument = this.type === tt.name ? this.parseIdent() : this.unexpected()
- else node.argument = this.type === tt.name || this.type === tt.bracketL ? this.parseBindingAtom() : this.unexpected()
- return this.finishNode(node, "RestElement")
-// Parses lvalue (assignable) atom.
-pp$2.parseBindingAtom = function() {
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6) return this.parseIdent()
- switch (this.type) {
- case tt.name:
- return this.parseIdent()
- case tt.bracketL:
- var node = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- node.elements = this.parseBindingList(tt.bracketR, true, true)
- return this.finishNode(node, "ArrayPattern")
- case tt.braceL:
- return this.parseObj(true)
- default:
- this.unexpected()
- }
-pp$2.parseBindingList = function(close, allowEmpty, allowTrailingComma, allowNonIdent) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var elts = [], first = true
- while (!this.eat(close)) {
- if (first) first = false
- else this$1.expect(tt.comma)
- if (allowEmpty && this$1.type === tt.comma) {
- elts.push(null)
- } else if (allowTrailingComma && this$1.afterTrailingComma(close)) {
- break
- } else if (this$1.type === tt.ellipsis) {
- var rest = this$1.parseRest(allowNonIdent)
- this$1.parseBindingListItem(rest)
- elts.push(rest)
- if (this$1.type === tt.comma) this$1.raise(this$1.start, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element")
- this$1.expect(close)
- break
- } else {
- var elem = this$1.parseMaybeDefault(this$1.start, this$1.startLoc)
- this$1.parseBindingListItem(elem)
- elts.push(elem)
- }
- }
- return elts
-pp$2.parseBindingListItem = function(param) {
- return param
-// Parses assignment pattern around given atom if possible.
-pp$2.parseMaybeDefault = function(startPos, startLoc, left) {
- left = left || this.parseBindingAtom()
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || !this.eat(tt.eq)) return left
- var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- node.left = left
- node.right = this.parseMaybeAssign()
- return this.finishNode(node, "AssignmentPattern")
-// Verify that a node is an lval — something that can be assigned
-// to.
-// bindingType can be either:
-// 'var' indicating that the lval creates a 'var' binding
-// 'let' indicating that the lval creates a lexical ('let' or 'const') binding
-// 'none' indicating that the binding should be checked for illegal identifiers, but not for duplicate references
-pp$2.checkLVal = function(expr, bindingType, checkClashes) {
- var this$1 = this;
- switch (expr.type) {
- case "Identifier":
- if (this.strict && this.reservedWordsStrictBind.test(expr.name))
- this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, (bindingType ? "Binding " : "Assigning to ") + expr.name + " in strict mode")
- if (checkClashes) {
- if (has(checkClashes, expr.name))
- this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, "Argument name clash")
- checkClashes[expr.name] = true
- }
- if (bindingType && bindingType !== "none") {
- if (
- bindingType === "var" && !this.canDeclareVarName(expr.name) ||
- bindingType !== "var" && !this.canDeclareLexicalName(expr.name)
- ) {
- this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, ("Identifier '" + (expr.name) + "' has already been declared"))
- }
- if (bindingType === "var") {
- this.declareVarName(expr.name)
- } else {
- this.declareLexicalName(expr.name)
- }
- }
- break
- case "MemberExpression":
- if (bindingType) this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, (bindingType ? "Binding" : "Assigning to") + " member expression")
- break
- case "ObjectPattern":
- for (var i = 0; i < expr.properties.length; i++)
- this$1.checkLVal(expr.properties[i].value, bindingType, checkClashes)
- break
- case "ArrayPattern":
- for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < expr.elements.length; i$1++) {
- var elem = expr.elements[i$1]
- if (elem) this$1.checkLVal(elem, bindingType, checkClashes)
- }
- break
- case "AssignmentPattern":
- this.checkLVal(expr.left, bindingType, checkClashes)
- break
- case "RestElement":
- this.checkLVal(expr.argument, bindingType, checkClashes)
- break
- case "ParenthesizedExpression":
- this.checkLVal(expr.expression, bindingType, checkClashes)
- break
- default:
- this.raise(expr.start, (bindingType ? "Binding" : "Assigning to") + " rvalue")
- }
-// A recursive descent parser operates by defining functions for all
-// syntactic elements, and recursively calling those, each function
-// advancing the input stream and returning an AST node. Precedence
-// of constructs (for example, the fact that `!x[1]` means `!(x[1])`
-// instead of `(!x)[1]` is handled by the fact that the parser
-// function that parses unary prefix operators is called first, and
-// in turn calls the function that parses `[]` subscripts — that
-// way, it'll receive the node for `x[1]` already parsed, and wraps
-// *that* in the unary operator node.
-// Acorn uses an [operator precedence parser][opp] to handle binary
-// operator precedence, because it is much more compact than using
-// the technique outlined above, which uses different, nesting
-// functions to specify precedence, for all of the ten binary
-// precedence levels that JavaScript defines.
-// [opp]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operator-precedence_parser
-var pp$3 = Parser.prototype
-// Check if property name clashes with already added.
-// Object/class getters and setters are not allowed to clash —
-// either with each other or with an init property — and in
-// strict mode, init properties are also not allowed to be repeated.
-pp$3.checkPropClash = function(prop, propHash) {
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (prop.computed || prop.method || prop.shorthand))
- return
- var key = prop.key;
- var name
- switch (key.type) {
- case "Identifier": name = key.name; break
- case "Literal": name = String(key.value); break
- default: return
- }
- var kind = prop.kind;
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- if (name === "__proto__" && kind === "init") {
- if (propHash.proto) this.raiseRecoverable(key.start, "Redefinition of __proto__ property")
- propHash.proto = true
- }
- return
- }
- name = "$" + name
- var other = propHash[name]
- if (other) {
- var redefinition
- if (kind === "init") {
- redefinition = this.strict && other.init || other.get || other.set
- } else {
- redefinition = other.init || other[kind]
- }
- if (redefinition)
- this.raiseRecoverable(key.start, "Redefinition of property")
- } else {
- other = propHash[name] = {
- init: false,
- get: false,
- set: false
- }
- }
- other[kind] = true
-// ### Expression parsing
-// These nest, from the most general expression type at the top to
-// 'atomic', nondivisible expression types at the bottom. Most of
-// the functions will simply let the function(s) below them parse,
-// and, *if* the syntactic construct they handle is present, wrap
-// the AST node that the inner parser gave them in another node.
-// Parse a full expression. The optional arguments are used to
-// forbid the `in` operator (in for loops initalization expressions)
-// and provide reference for storing '=' operator inside shorthand
-// property assignment in contexts where both object expression
-// and object pattern might appear (so it's possible to raise
-// delayed syntax error at correct position).
-pp$3.parseExpression = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc
- var expr = this.parseMaybeAssign(noIn, refDestructuringErrors)
- if (this.type === tt.comma) {
- var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- node.expressions = [expr]
- while (this.eat(tt.comma)) node.expressions.push(this$1.parseMaybeAssign(noIn, refDestructuringErrors))
- return this.finishNode(node, "SequenceExpression")
- }
- return expr
-// Parse an assignment expression. This includes applications of
-// operators like `+=`.
-pp$3.parseMaybeAssign = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors, afterLeftParse) {
- if (this.inGenerator && this.isContextual("yield")) return this.parseYield()
- var ownDestructuringErrors = false, oldParenAssign = -1, oldTrailingComma = -1
- if (refDestructuringErrors) {
- oldParenAssign = refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign
- oldTrailingComma = refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma
- refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = -1
- } else {
- refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors
- ownDestructuringErrors = true
- }
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc
- if (this.type == tt.parenL || this.type == tt.name)
- this.potentialArrowAt = this.start
- var left = this.parseMaybeConditional(noIn, refDestructuringErrors)
- if (afterLeftParse) left = afterLeftParse.call(this, left, startPos, startLoc)
- if (this.type.isAssign) {
- this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true)
- if (!ownDestructuringErrors) DestructuringErrors.call(refDestructuringErrors)
- var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- node.operator = this.value
- node.left = this.type === tt.eq ? this.toAssignable(left) : left
- refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign = -1 // reset because shorthand default was used correctly
- this.checkLVal(left)
- this.next()
- node.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(noIn)
- return this.finishNode(node, "AssignmentExpression")
- } else {
- if (ownDestructuringErrors) this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true)
- }
- if (oldParenAssign > -1) refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = oldParenAssign
- if (oldTrailingComma > -1) refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = oldTrailingComma
- return left
-// Parse a ternary conditional (`?:`) operator.
-pp$3.parseMaybeConditional = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) {
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc
- var expr = this.parseExprOps(noIn, refDestructuringErrors)
- if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors)) return expr
- if (this.eat(tt.question)) {
- var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- node.test = expr
- node.consequent = this.parseMaybeAssign()
- this.expect(tt.colon)
- node.alternate = this.parseMaybeAssign(noIn)
- return this.finishNode(node, "ConditionalExpression")
- }
- return expr
-// Start the precedence parser.
-pp$3.parseExprOps = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) {
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc
- var expr = this.parseMaybeUnary(refDestructuringErrors, false)
- if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors)) return expr
- return expr.start == startPos && expr.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" ? expr : this.parseExprOp(expr, startPos, startLoc, -1, noIn)
-// Parse binary operators with the operator precedence parsing
-// algorithm. `left` is the left-hand side of the operator.
-// `minPrec` provides context that allows the function to stop and
-// defer further parser to one of its callers when it encounters an
-// operator that has a lower precedence than the set it is parsing.
-pp$3.parseExprOp = function(left, leftStartPos, leftStartLoc, minPrec, noIn) {
- var prec = this.type.binop
- if (prec != null && (!noIn || this.type !== tt._in)) {
- if (prec > minPrec) {
- var logical = this.type === tt.logicalOR || this.type === tt.logicalAND
- var op = this.value
- this.next()
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc
- var right = this.parseExprOp(this.parseMaybeUnary(null, false), startPos, startLoc, prec, noIn)
- var node = this.buildBinary(leftStartPos, leftStartLoc, left, right, op, logical)
- return this.parseExprOp(node, leftStartPos, leftStartLoc, minPrec, noIn)
- }
- }
- return left
-pp$3.buildBinary = function(startPos, startLoc, left, right, op, logical) {
- var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- node.left = left
- node.operator = op
- node.right = right
- return this.finishNode(node, logical ? "LogicalExpression" : "BinaryExpression")
-// Parse unary operators, both prefix and postfix.
-pp$3.parseMaybeUnary = function(refDestructuringErrors, sawUnary) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc, expr
- if (this.inAsync && this.isContextual("await")) {
- expr = this.parseAwait(refDestructuringErrors)
- sawUnary = true
- } else if (this.type.prefix) {
- var node = this.startNode(), update = this.type === tt.incDec
- node.operator = this.value
- node.prefix = true
- this.next()
- node.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(null, true)
- this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true)
- if (update) this.checkLVal(node.argument)
- else if (this.strict && node.operator === "delete" &&
- node.argument.type === "Identifier")
- this.raiseRecoverable(node.start, "Deleting local variable in strict mode")
- else sawUnary = true
- expr = this.finishNode(node, update ? "UpdateExpression" : "UnaryExpression")
- } else {
- expr = this.parseExprSubscripts(refDestructuringErrors)
- if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors)) return expr
- while (this.type.postfix && !this.canInsertSemicolon()) {
- var node$1 = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- node$1.operator = this$1.value
- node$1.prefix = false
- node$1.argument = expr
- this$1.checkLVal(expr)
- this$1.next()
- expr = this$1.finishNode(node$1, "UpdateExpression")
- }
- }
- if (!sawUnary && this.eat(tt.starstar))
- return this.buildBinary(startPos, startLoc, expr, this.parseMaybeUnary(null, false), "**", false)
- else
- return expr
-// Parse call, dot, and `[]`-subscript expressions.
-pp$3.parseExprSubscripts = function(refDestructuringErrors) {
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc
- var expr = this.parseExprAtom(refDestructuringErrors)
- var skipArrowSubscripts = expr.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && this.input.slice(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokEnd) !== ")"
- if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors) || skipArrowSubscripts) return expr
- var result = this.parseSubscripts(expr, startPos, startLoc)
- if (refDestructuringErrors && result.type === "MemberExpression") {
- if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign >= result.start) refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = -1
- if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind >= result.start) refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind = -1
- }
- return result
-pp$3.parseSubscripts = function(base, startPos, startLoc, noCalls) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var maybeAsyncArrow = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && base.type === "Identifier" && base.name === "async" &&
- this.lastTokEnd == base.end && !this.canInsertSemicolon()
- for (var computed;;) {
- if ((computed = this$1.eat(tt.bracketL)) || this$1.eat(tt.dot)) {
- var node = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- node.object = base
- node.property = computed ? this$1.parseExpression() : this$1.parseIdent(true)
- node.computed = !!computed
- if (computed) this$1.expect(tt.bracketR)
- base = this$1.finishNode(node, "MemberExpression")
- } else if (!noCalls && this$1.eat(tt.parenL)) {
- var refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors, oldYieldPos = this$1.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this$1.awaitPos
- this$1.yieldPos = 0
- this$1.awaitPos = 0
- var exprList = this$1.parseExprList(tt.parenR, this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, false, refDestructuringErrors)
- if (maybeAsyncArrow && !this$1.canInsertSemicolon() && this$1.eat(tt.arrow)) {
- this$1.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, false)
- this$1.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams()
- this$1.yieldPos = oldYieldPos
- this$1.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos
- return this$1.parseArrowExpression(this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), exprList, true)
- }
- this$1.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true)
- this$1.yieldPos = oldYieldPos || this$1.yieldPos
- this$1.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos || this$1.awaitPos
- var node$1 = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- node$1.callee = base
- node$1.arguments = exprList
- base = this$1.finishNode(node$1, "CallExpression")
- } else if (this$1.type === tt.backQuote) {
- var node$2 = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- node$2.tag = base
- node$2.quasi = this$1.parseTemplate()
- base = this$1.finishNode(node$2, "TaggedTemplateExpression")
- } else {
- return base
- }
- }
-// Parse an atomic expression — either a single token that is an
-// expression, an expression started by a keyword like `function` or
-// `new`, or an expression wrapped in punctuation like `()`, `[]`,
-// or `{}`.
-pp$3.parseExprAtom = function(refDestructuringErrors) {
- var node, canBeArrow = this.potentialArrowAt == this.start
- switch (this.type) {
- case tt._super:
- if (!this.inFunction)
- this.raise(this.start, "'super' outside of function or class")
- case tt._this:
- var type = this.type === tt._this ? "ThisExpression" : "Super"
- node = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- return this.finishNode(node, type)
- case tt.name:
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc
- var id = this.parseIdent(this.type !== tt.name)
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && id.name === "async" && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && this.eat(tt._function))
- return this.parseFunction(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), false, false, true)
- if (canBeArrow && !this.canInsertSemicolon()) {
- if (this.eat(tt.arrow))
- return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), [id], false)
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && id.name === "async" && this.type === tt.name) {
- id = this.parseIdent()
- if (this.canInsertSemicolon() || !this.eat(tt.arrow))
- this.unexpected()
- return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), [id], true)
- }
- }
- return id
- case tt.regexp:
- var value = this.value
- node = this.parseLiteral(value.value)
- node.regex = {pattern: value.pattern, flags: value.flags}
- return node
- case tt.num: case tt.string:
- return this.parseLiteral(this.value)
- case tt._null: case tt._true: case tt._false:
- node = this.startNode()
- node.value = this.type === tt._null ? null : this.type === tt._true
- node.raw = this.type.keyword
- this.next()
- return this.finishNode(node, "Literal")
- case tt.parenL:
- var start = this.start, expr = this.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(canBeArrow)
- if (refDestructuringErrors) {
- if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign < 0 && !this.isSimpleAssignTarget(expr))
- refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = start
- if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind < 0)
- refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind = start
- }
- return expr
- case tt.bracketL:
- node = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- node.elements = this.parseExprList(tt.bracketR, true, true, refDestructuringErrors)
- return this.finishNode(node, "ArrayExpression")
- case tt.braceL:
- return this.parseObj(false, refDestructuringErrors)
- case tt._function:
- node = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- return this.parseFunction(node, false)
- case tt._class:
- return this.parseClass(this.startNode(), false)
- case tt._new:
- return this.parseNew()
- case tt.backQuote:
- return this.parseTemplate()
- default:
- this.unexpected()
- }
-pp$3.parseLiteral = function(value) {
- var node = this.startNode()
- node.value = value
- node.raw = this.input.slice(this.start, this.end)
- this.next()
- return this.finishNode(node, "Literal")
-pp$3.parseParenExpression = function() {
- this.expect(tt.parenL)
- var val = this.parseExpression()
- this.expect(tt.parenR)
- return val
-pp$3.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression = function(canBeArrow) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc, val, allowTrailingComma = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- this.next()
- var innerStartPos = this.start, innerStartLoc = this.startLoc
- var exprList = [], first = true, lastIsComma = false
- var refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors, oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, spreadStart, innerParenStart
- this.yieldPos = 0
- this.awaitPos = 0
- while (this.type !== tt.parenR) {
- first ? first = false : this$1.expect(tt.comma)
- if (allowTrailingComma && this$1.afterTrailingComma(tt.parenR, true)) {
- lastIsComma = true
- break
- } else if (this$1.type === tt.ellipsis) {
- spreadStart = this$1.start
- exprList.push(this$1.parseParenItem(this$1.parseRest()))
- if (this$1.type === tt.comma) this$1.raise(this$1.start, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element")
- break
- } else {
- if (this$1.type === tt.parenL && !innerParenStart) {
- innerParenStart = this$1.start
- }
- exprList.push(this$1.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors, this$1.parseParenItem))
- }
- }
- var innerEndPos = this.start, innerEndLoc = this.startLoc
- this.expect(tt.parenR)
- if (canBeArrow && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && this.eat(tt.arrow)) {
- this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, false)
- this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams()
- if (innerParenStart) this.unexpected(innerParenStart)
- this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos
- this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos
- return this.parseParenArrowList(startPos, startLoc, exprList)
- }
- if (!exprList.length || lastIsComma) this.unexpected(this.lastTokStart)
- if (spreadStart) this.unexpected(spreadStart)
- this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true)
- this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos || this.yieldPos
- this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos || this.awaitPos
- if (exprList.length > 1) {
- val = this.startNodeAt(innerStartPos, innerStartLoc)
- val.expressions = exprList
- this.finishNodeAt(val, "SequenceExpression", innerEndPos, innerEndLoc)
- } else {
- val = exprList[0]
- }
- } else {
- val = this.parseParenExpression()
- }
- if (this.options.preserveParens) {
- var par = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc)
- par.expression = val
- return this.finishNode(par, "ParenthesizedExpression")
- } else {
- return val
- }
-pp$3.parseParenItem = function(item) {
- return item
-pp$3.parseParenArrowList = function(startPos, startLoc, exprList) {
- return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), exprList)
-// New's precedence is slightly tricky. It must allow its argument to
-// be a `[]` or dot subscript expression, but not a call — at least,
-// not without wrapping it in parentheses. Thus, it uses the noCalls
-// argument to parseSubscripts to prevent it from consuming the
-// argument list.
-var empty$1 = []
-pp$3.parseNew = function() {
- var node = this.startNode()
- var meta = this.parseIdent(true)
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.eat(tt.dot)) {
- node.meta = meta
- node.property = this.parseIdent(true)
- if (node.property.name !== "target")
- this.raiseRecoverable(node.property.start, "The only valid meta property for new is new.target")
- if (!this.inFunction)
- this.raiseRecoverable(node.start, "new.target can only be used in functions")
- return this.finishNode(node, "MetaProperty")
- }
- var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc
- node.callee = this.parseSubscripts(this.parseExprAtom(), startPos, startLoc, true)
- if (this.eat(tt.parenL)) node.arguments = this.parseExprList(tt.parenR, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, false)
- else node.arguments = empty$1
- return this.finishNode(node, "NewExpression")
-// Parse template expression.
-pp$3.parseTemplateElement = function() {
- var elem = this.startNode()
- elem.value = {
- raw: this.input.slice(this.start, this.end).replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"),
- cooked: this.value
- }
- this.next()
- elem.tail = this.type === tt.backQuote
- return this.finishNode(elem, "TemplateElement")
-pp$3.parseTemplate = function() {
- var this$1 = this;
- var node = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- node.expressions = []
- var curElt = this.parseTemplateElement()
- node.quasis = [curElt]
- while (!curElt.tail) {
- this$1.expect(tt.dollarBraceL)
- node.expressions.push(this$1.parseExpression())
- this$1.expect(tt.braceR)
- node.quasis.push(curElt = this$1.parseTemplateElement())
- }
- this.next()
- return this.finishNode(node, "TemplateLiteral")
-// Parse an object literal or binding pattern.
-pp$3.parseObj = function(isPattern, refDestructuringErrors) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var node = this.startNode(), first = true, propHash = {}
- node.properties = []
- this.next()
- while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) {
- if (!first) {
- this$1.expect(tt.comma)
- if (this$1.afterTrailingComma(tt.braceR)) break
- } else first = false
- var prop = this$1.startNode(), isGenerator, isAsync, startPos, startLoc
- if (this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- prop.method = false
- prop.shorthand = false
- if (isPattern || refDestructuringErrors) {
- startPos = this$1.start
- startLoc = this$1.startLoc
- }
- if (!isPattern)
- isGenerator = this$1.eat(tt.star)
- }
- this$1.parsePropertyName(prop)
- if (!isPattern && this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && !isGenerator && !prop.computed &&
- prop.key.type === "Identifier" && prop.key.name === "async" && this$1.type !== tt.parenL &&
- this$1.type !== tt.colon && !this$1.canInsertSemicolon()) {
- isAsync = true
- this$1.parsePropertyName(prop, refDestructuringErrors)
- } else {
- isAsync = false
- }
- this$1.parsePropertyValue(prop, isPattern, isGenerator, isAsync, startPos, startLoc, refDestructuringErrors)
- this$1.checkPropClash(prop, propHash)
- node.properties.push(this$1.finishNode(prop, "Property"))
- }
- return this.finishNode(node, isPattern ? "ObjectPattern" : "ObjectExpression")
-pp$3.parsePropertyValue = function(prop, isPattern, isGenerator, isAsync, startPos, startLoc, refDestructuringErrors) {
- if ((isGenerator || isAsync) && this.type === tt.colon)
- this.unexpected()
- if (this.eat(tt.colon)) {
- prop.value = isPattern ? this.parseMaybeDefault(this.start, this.startLoc) : this.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors)
- prop.kind = "init"
- } else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.type === tt.parenL) {
- if (isPattern) this.unexpected()
- prop.kind = "init"
- prop.method = true
- prop.value = this.parseMethod(isGenerator, isAsync)
- } else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier" &&
- (prop.key.name === "get" || prop.key.name === "set") &&
- (this.type != tt.comma && this.type != tt.braceR)) {
- if (isGenerator || isAsync || isPattern) this.unexpected()
- prop.kind = prop.key.name
- this.parsePropertyName(prop)
- prop.value = this.parseMethod(false)
- var paramCount = prop.kind === "get" ? 0 : 1
- if (prop.value.params.length !== paramCount) {
- var start = prop.value.start
- if (prop.kind === "get")
- this.raiseRecoverable(start, "getter should have no params")
- else
- this.raiseRecoverable(start, "setter should have exactly one param")
- } else {
- if (prop.kind === "set" && prop.value.params[0].type === "RestElement")
- this.raiseRecoverable(prop.value.params[0].start, "Setter cannot use rest params")
- }
- } else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier") {
- if (this.keywords.test(prop.key.name) ||
- (this.strict ? this.reservedWordsStrict : this.reservedWords).test(prop.key.name) ||
- (this.inGenerator && prop.key.name == "yield") ||
- (this.inAsync && prop.key.name == "await"))
- this.raiseRecoverable(prop.key.start, "'" + prop.key.name + "' can not be used as shorthand property")
- prop.kind = "init"
- if (isPattern) {
- prop.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(startPos, startLoc, prop.key)
- } else if (this.type === tt.eq && refDestructuringErrors) {
- if (refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign < 0)
- refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign = this.start
- prop.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(startPos, startLoc, prop.key)
- } else {
- prop.value = prop.key
- }
- prop.shorthand = true
- } else this.unexpected()
-pp$3.parsePropertyName = function(prop) {
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- if (this.eat(tt.bracketL)) {
- prop.computed = true
- prop.key = this.parseMaybeAssign()
- this.expect(tt.bracketR)
- return prop.key
- } else {
- prop.computed = false
- }
- }
- return prop.key = this.type === tt.num || this.type === tt.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.parseIdent(true)
-// Initialize empty function node.
-pp$3.initFunction = function(node) {
- node.id = null
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- node.generator = false
- node.expression = false
- }
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8)
- node.async = false
-// Parse object or class method.
-pp$3.parseMethod = function(isGenerator, isAsync) {
- var node = this.startNode(), oldInGen = this.inGenerator, oldInAsync = this.inAsync,
- oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, oldInFunc = this.inFunction
- this.initFunction(node)
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6)
- node.generator = isGenerator
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8)
- node.async = !!isAsync
- this.inGenerator = node.generator
- this.inAsync = node.async
- this.yieldPos = 0
- this.awaitPos = 0
- this.inFunction = true
- this.enterFunctionScope()
- this.expect(tt.parenL)
- node.params = this.parseBindingList(tt.parenR, false, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8)
- this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams()
- this.parseFunctionBody(node, false)
- this.inGenerator = oldInGen
- this.inAsync = oldInAsync
- this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos
- this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos
- this.inFunction = oldInFunc
- return this.finishNode(node, "FunctionExpression")
-// Parse arrow function expression with given parameters.
-pp$3.parseArrowExpression = function(node, params, isAsync) {
- var oldInGen = this.inGenerator, oldInAsync = this.inAsync,
- oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, oldInFunc = this.inFunction
- this.enterFunctionScope()
- this.initFunction(node)
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8)
- node.async = !!isAsync
- this.inGenerator = false
- this.inAsync = node.async
- this.yieldPos = 0
- this.awaitPos = 0
- this.inFunction = true
- node.params = this.toAssignableList(params, true)
- this.parseFunctionBody(node, true)
- this.inGenerator = oldInGen
- this.inAsync = oldInAsync
- this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos
- this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos
- this.inFunction = oldInFunc
- return this.finishNode(node, "ArrowFunctionExpression")
-// Parse function body and check parameters.
-pp$3.parseFunctionBody = function(node, isArrowFunction) {
- var isExpression = isArrowFunction && this.type !== tt.braceL
- var oldStrict = this.strict, useStrict = false
- if (isExpression) {
- node.body = this.parseMaybeAssign()
- node.expression = true
- this.checkParams(node, false)
- } else {
- var nonSimple = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && !this.isSimpleParamList(node.params)
- if (!oldStrict || nonSimple) {
- useStrict = this.strictDirective(this.end)
- // If this is a strict mode function, verify that argument names
- // are not repeated, and it does not try to bind the words `eval`
- // or `arguments`.
- if (useStrict && nonSimple)
- this.raiseRecoverable(node.start, "Illegal 'use strict' directive in function with non-simple parameter list")
- }
- // Start a new scope with regard to labels and the `inFunction`
- // flag (restore them to their old value afterwards).
- var oldLabels = this.labels
- this.labels = []
- if (useStrict) this.strict = true
- // Add the params to varDeclaredNames to ensure that an error is thrown
- // if a let/const declaration in the function clashes with one of the params.
- this.checkParams(node, !oldStrict && !useStrict && !isArrowFunction && this.isSimpleParamList(node.params))
- node.body = this.parseBlock(false)
- node.expression = false
- this.labels = oldLabels
- }
- this.exitFunctionScope()
- if (this.strict && node.id) {
- // Ensure the function name isn't a forbidden identifier in strict mode, e.g. 'eval'
- this.checkLVal(node.id, "none")
- }
- this.strict = oldStrict
-pp$3.isSimpleParamList = function(params) {
- for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
- if (params[i].type !== "Identifier") return false
- return true
-// Checks function params for various disallowed patterns such as using "eval"
-// or "arguments" and duplicate parameters.
-pp$3.checkParams = function(node, allowDuplicates) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var nameHash = {}
- for (var i = 0; i < node.params.length; i++) this$1.checkLVal(node.params[i], "var", allowDuplicates ? null : nameHash)
-// Parses a comma-separated list of expressions, and returns them as
-// an array. `close` is the token type that ends the list, and
-// `allowEmpty` can be turned on to allow subsequent commas with
-// nothing in between them to be parsed as `null` (which is needed
-// for array literals).
-pp$3.parseExprList = function(close, allowTrailingComma, allowEmpty, refDestructuringErrors) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var elts = [], first = true
- while (!this.eat(close)) {
- if (!first) {
- this$1.expect(tt.comma)
- if (allowTrailingComma && this$1.afterTrailingComma(close)) break
- } else first = false
- var elt
- if (allowEmpty && this$1.type === tt.comma)
- elt = null
- else if (this$1.type === tt.ellipsis) {
- elt = this$1.parseSpread(refDestructuringErrors)
- if (refDestructuringErrors && this$1.type === tt.comma && refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma < 0)
- refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = this$1.start
- } else {
- elt = this$1.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors)
- }
- elts.push(elt)
- }
- return elts
-// Parse the next token as an identifier. If `liberal` is true (used
-// when parsing properties), it will also convert keywords into
-// identifiers.
-pp$3.parseIdent = function(liberal) {
- var node = this.startNode()
- if (liberal && this.options.allowReserved == "never") liberal = false
- if (this.type === tt.name) {
- if (!liberal && (this.strict ? this.reservedWordsStrict : this.reservedWords).test(this.value) &&
- (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ||
- this.input.slice(this.start, this.end).indexOf("\\") == -1))
- this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, "The keyword '" + this.value + "' is reserved")
- if (this.inGenerator && this.value === "yield")
- this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, "Can not use 'yield' as identifier inside a generator")
- if (this.inAsync && this.value === "await")
- this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, "Can not use 'await' as identifier inside an async function")
- node.name = this.value
- } else if (liberal && this.type.keyword) {
- node.name = this.type.keyword
- } else {
- this.unexpected()
- }
- this.next()
- return this.finishNode(node, "Identifier")
-// Parses yield expression inside generator.
-pp$3.parseYield = function() {
- if (!this.yieldPos) this.yieldPos = this.start
- var node = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- if (this.type == tt.semi || this.canInsertSemicolon() || (this.type != tt.star && !this.type.startsExpr)) {
- node.delegate = false
- node.argument = null
- } else {
- node.delegate = this.eat(tt.star)
- node.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign()
- }
- return this.finishNode(node, "YieldExpression")
-pp$3.parseAwait = function() {
- if (!this.awaitPos) this.awaitPos = this.start
- var node = this.startNode()
- this.next()
- node.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(null, true)
- return this.finishNode(node, "AwaitExpression")
-var pp$4 = Parser.prototype
-// This function is used to raise exceptions on parse errors. It
-// takes an offset integer (into the current `input`) to indicate
-// the location of the error, attaches the position to the end
-// of the error message, and then raises a `SyntaxError` with that
-// message.
-pp$4.raise = function(pos, message) {
- var loc = getLineInfo(this.input, pos)
- message += " (" + loc.line + ":" + loc.column + ")"
- var err = new SyntaxError(message)
- err.pos = pos; err.loc = loc; err.raisedAt = this.pos
- throw err
-pp$4.raiseRecoverable = pp$4.raise
-pp$4.curPosition = function() {
- if (this.options.locations) {
- return new Position(this.curLine, this.pos - this.lineStart)
- }
-var pp$5 = Parser.prototype
-// Object.assign polyfill
-var assign = Object.assign || function(target) {
- var sources = [], len = arguments.length - 1;
- while ( len-- > 0 ) sources[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];
- for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
- var source = sources[i]
- for (var key in source) {
- if (has(source, key)) {
- target[key] = source[key]
- }
- }
- }
- return target
-// The functions in this module keep track of declared variables in the current scope in order to detect duplicate variable names.
-pp$5.enterFunctionScope = function() {
- // var: a hash of var-declared names in the current lexical scope
- // lexical: a hash of lexically-declared names in the current lexical scope
- // childVar: a hash of var-declared names in all child lexical scopes of the current lexical scope (within the current function scope)
- // parentLexical: a hash of lexically-declared names in all parent lexical scopes of the current lexical scope (within the current function scope)
- this.scopeStack.push({var: {}, lexical: {}, childVar: {}, parentLexical: {}})
-pp$5.exitFunctionScope = function() {
- this.scopeStack.pop()
-pp$5.enterLexicalScope = function() {
- var parentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1]
- var childScope = {var: {}, lexical: {}, childVar: {}, parentLexical: {}}
- this.scopeStack.push(childScope)
- assign(childScope.parentLexical, parentScope.lexical, parentScope.parentLexical)
-pp$5.exitLexicalScope = function() {
- var childScope = this.scopeStack.pop()
- var parentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1]
- assign(parentScope.childVar, childScope.var, childScope.childVar)
- * A name can be declared with `var` if there are no variables with the same name declared with `let`/`const`
- * in the current lexical scope or any of the parent lexical scopes in this function.
- */
-pp$5.canDeclareVarName = function(name) {
- var currentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1]
- return !has(currentScope.lexical, name) && !has(currentScope.parentLexical, name)
- * A name can be declared with `let`/`const` if there are no variables with the same name declared with `let`/`const`
- * in the current scope, and there are no variables with the same name declared with `var` in the current scope or in
- * any child lexical scopes in this function.
- */
-pp$5.canDeclareLexicalName = function(name) {
- var currentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1]
- return !has(currentScope.lexical, name) && !has(currentScope.var, name) && !has(currentScope.childVar, name)
-pp$5.declareVarName = function(name) {
- this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1].var[name] = true
-pp$5.declareLexicalName = function(name) {
- this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1].lexical[name] = true
-var Node = function Node(parser, pos, loc) {
- this.type = ""
- this.start = pos
- this.end = 0
- if (parser.options.locations)
- this.loc = new SourceLocation(parser, loc)
- if (parser.options.directSourceFile)
- this.sourceFile = parser.options.directSourceFile
- if (parser.options.ranges)
- this.range = [pos, 0]
-// Start an AST node, attaching a start offset.
-var pp$6 = Parser.prototype
-pp$6.startNode = function() {
- return new Node(this, this.start, this.startLoc)
-pp$6.startNodeAt = function(pos, loc) {
- return new Node(this, pos, loc)
-// Finish an AST node, adding `type` and `end` properties.
-function finishNodeAt(node, type, pos, loc) {
- node.type = type
- node.end = pos
- if (this.options.locations)
- node.loc.end = loc
- if (this.options.ranges)
- node.range[1] = pos
- return node
-pp$6.finishNode = function(node, type) {
- return finishNodeAt.call(this, node, type, this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc)
-// Finish node at given position
-pp$6.finishNodeAt = function(node, type, pos, loc) {
- return finishNodeAt.call(this, node, type, pos, loc)
-// The algorithm used to determine whether a regexp can appear at a
-// given point in the program is loosely based on sweet.js' approach.
-// See https://github.com/mozilla/sweet.js/wiki/design
-var TokContext = function TokContext(token, isExpr, preserveSpace, override, generator) {
- this.token = token
- this.isExpr = !!isExpr
- this.preserveSpace = !!preserveSpace
- this.override = override
- this.generator = !!generator
-var types = {
- b_stat: new TokContext("{", false),
- b_expr: new TokContext("{", true),
- b_tmpl: new TokContext("${", true),
- p_stat: new TokContext("(", false),
- p_expr: new TokContext("(", true),
- q_tmpl: new TokContext("`", true, true, function (p) { return p.readTmplToken(); }),
- f_expr: new TokContext("function", true),
- f_expr_gen: new TokContext("function", true, false, null, true),
- f_gen: new TokContext("function", false, false, null, true)
-var pp$7 = Parser.prototype
-pp$7.initialContext = function() {
- return [types.b_stat]
-pp$7.braceIsBlock = function(prevType) {
- if (prevType === tt.colon) {
- var parent = this.curContext()
- if (parent === types.b_stat || parent === types.b_expr)
- return !parent.isExpr
- }
- if (prevType === tt._return)
- return lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start))
- if (prevType === tt._else || prevType === tt.semi || prevType === tt.eof || prevType === tt.parenR || prevType == tt.arrow)
- return true
- if (prevType == tt.braceL)
- return this.curContext() === types.b_stat
- return !this.exprAllowed
-pp$7.inGeneratorContext = function() {
- var this$1 = this;
- for (var i = this.context.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- if (this$1.context[i].generator) return true
- return false
-pp$7.updateContext = function(prevType) {
- var update, type = this.type
- if (type.keyword && prevType == tt.dot)
- this.exprAllowed = false
- else if (update = type.updateContext)
- update.call(this, prevType)
- else
- this.exprAllowed = type.beforeExpr
-// Token-specific context update code
-tt.parenR.updateContext = tt.braceR.updateContext = function() {
- if (this.context.length == 1) {
- this.exprAllowed = true
- return
- }
- var out = this.context.pop(), cur
- if (out === types.b_stat && (cur = this.curContext()) && cur.token === "function") {
- this.context.pop()
- this.exprAllowed = false
- } else if (out === types.b_tmpl) {
- this.exprAllowed = true
- } else {
- this.exprAllowed = !out.isExpr
- }
-tt.braceL.updateContext = function(prevType) {
- this.context.push(this.braceIsBlock(prevType) ? types.b_stat : types.b_expr)
- this.exprAllowed = true
-tt.dollarBraceL.updateContext = function() {
- this.context.push(types.b_tmpl)
- this.exprAllowed = true
-tt.parenL.updateContext = function(prevType) {
- var statementParens = prevType === tt._if || prevType === tt._for || prevType === tt._with || prevType === tt._while
- this.context.push(statementParens ? types.p_stat : types.p_expr)
- this.exprAllowed = true
-tt.incDec.updateContext = function() {
- // tokExprAllowed stays unchanged
-tt._function.updateContext = function(prevType) {
- if (prevType.beforeExpr && prevType !== tt.semi && prevType !== tt._else &&
- !((prevType === tt.colon || prevType === tt.braceL) && this.curContext() === types.b_stat))
- this.context.push(types.f_expr)
- this.exprAllowed = false
-tt.backQuote.updateContext = function() {
- if (this.curContext() === types.q_tmpl)
- this.context.pop()
- else
- this.context.push(types.q_tmpl)
- this.exprAllowed = false
-tt.star.updateContext = function(prevType) {
- if (prevType == tt._function) {
- if (this.curContext() === types.f_expr)
- this.context[this.context.length - 1] = types.f_expr_gen
- else
- this.context.push(types.f_gen)
- }
- this.exprAllowed = true
-tt.name.updateContext = function(prevType) {
- var allowed = false
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- if (this.value == "of" && !this.exprAllowed ||
- this.value == "yield" && this.inGeneratorContext())
- allowed = true
- }
- this.exprAllowed = allowed
-// Object type used to represent tokens. Note that normally, tokens
-// simply exist as properties on the parser object. This is only
-// used for the onToken callback and the external tokenizer.
-var Token = function Token(p) {
- this.type = p.type
- this.value = p.value
- this.start = p.start
- this.end = p.end
- if (p.options.locations)
- this.loc = new SourceLocation(p, p.startLoc, p.endLoc)
- if (p.options.ranges)
- this.range = [p.start, p.end]
-// ## Tokenizer
-var pp$8 = Parser.prototype
-// Are we running under Rhino?
-var isRhino = typeof Packages == "object" && Object.prototype.toString.call(Packages) == "[object JavaPackage]"
-// Move to the next token
-pp$8.next = function() {
- if (this.options.onToken)
- this.options.onToken(new Token(this))
- this.lastTokEnd = this.end
- this.lastTokStart = this.start
- this.lastTokEndLoc = this.endLoc
- this.lastTokStartLoc = this.startLoc
- this.nextToken()
-pp$8.getToken = function() {
- this.next()
- return new Token(this)
-// If we're in an ES6 environment, make parsers iterable
-if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined")
- pp$8[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
- var this$1 = this;
- return {
- next: function () {
- var token = this$1.getToken()
- return {
- done: token.type === tt.eof,
- value: token
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// Toggle strict mode. Re-reads the next number or string to please
-// pedantic tests (`"use strict"; 010;` should fail).
-pp$8.curContext = function() {
- return this.context[this.context.length - 1]
-// Read a single token, updating the parser object's token-related
-// properties.
-pp$8.nextToken = function() {
- var curContext = this.curContext()
- if (!curContext || !curContext.preserveSpace) this.skipSpace()
- this.start = this.pos
- if (this.options.locations) this.startLoc = this.curPosition()
- if (this.pos >= this.input.length) return this.finishToken(tt.eof)
- if (curContext.override) return curContext.override(this)
- else this.readToken(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())
-pp$8.readToken = function(code) {
- // Identifier or keyword. '\uXXXX' sequences are allowed in
- // identifiers, so '\' also dispatches to that.
- if (isIdentifierStart(code, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) || code === 92 /* '\' */)
- return this.readWord()
- return this.getTokenFromCode(code)
-pp$8.fullCharCodeAtPos = function() {
- var code = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)
- if (code <= 0xd7ff || code >= 0xe000) return code
- var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)
- return (code << 10) + next - 0x35fdc00
-pp$8.skipBlockComment = function() {
- var this$1 = this;
- var startLoc = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition()
- var start = this.pos, end = this.input.indexOf("*/", this.pos += 2)
- if (end === -1) this.raise(this.pos - 2, "Unterminated comment")
- this.pos = end + 2
- if (this.options.locations) {
- lineBreakG.lastIndex = start
- var match
- while ((match = lineBreakG.exec(this.input)) && match.index < this.pos) {
- ++this$1.curLine
- this$1.lineStart = match.index + match[0].length
- }
- }
- if (this.options.onComment)
- this.options.onComment(true, this.input.slice(start + 2, end), start, this.pos,
- startLoc, this.curPosition())
-pp$8.skipLineComment = function(startSkip) {
- var this$1 = this;
- var start = this.pos
- var startLoc = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition()
- var ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos += startSkip)
- while (this.pos < this.input.length && ch !== 10 && ch !== 13 && ch !== 8232 && ch !== 8233) {
- ++this$1.pos
- ch = this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos)
- }
- if (this.options.onComment)
- this.options.onComment(false, this.input.slice(start + startSkip, this.pos), start, this.pos,
- startLoc, this.curPosition())
-// Called at the start of the parse and after every token. Skips
-// whitespace and comments, and.
-pp$8.skipSpace = function() {
- var this$1 = this;
- loop: while (this.pos < this.input.length) {
- var ch = this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos)
- switch (ch) {
- case 32: case 160: // ' '
- ++this$1.pos
- break
- case 13:
- if (this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos + 1) === 10) {
- ++this$1.pos
- }
- case 10: case 8232: case 8233:
- ++this$1.pos
- if (this$1.options.locations) {
- ++this$1.curLine
- this$1.lineStart = this$1.pos
- }
- break
- case 47: // '/'
- switch (this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos + 1)) {
- case 42: // '*'
- this$1.skipBlockComment()
- break
- case 47:
- this$1.skipLineComment(2)
- break
- default:
- break loop
- }
- break
- default:
- if (ch > 8 && ch < 14 || ch >= 5760 && nonASCIIwhitespace.test(String.fromCharCode(ch))) {
- ++this$1.pos
- } else {
- break loop
- }
- }
- }
-// Called at the end of every token. Sets `end`, `val`, and
-// maintains `context` and `exprAllowed`, and skips the space after
-// the token, so that the next one's `start` will point at the
-// right position.
-pp$8.finishToken = function(type, val) {
- this.end = this.pos
- if (this.options.locations) this.endLoc = this.curPosition()
- var prevType = this.type
- this.type = type
- this.value = val
- this.updateContext(prevType)
-// ### Token reading
-// This is the function that is called to fetch the next token. It
-// is somewhat obscure, because it works in character codes rather
-// than characters, and because operator parsing has been inlined
-// into it.
-// All in the name of speed.
-pp$8.readToken_dot = function() {
- var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)
- if (next >= 48 && next <= 57) return this.readNumber(true)
- var next2 = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2)
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && next === 46 && next2 === 46) { // 46 = dot '.'
- this.pos += 3
- return this.finishToken(tt.ellipsis)
- } else {
- ++this.pos
- return this.finishToken(tt.dot)
- }
-pp$8.readToken_slash = function() { // '/'
- var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)
- if (this.exprAllowed) { ++this.pos; return this.readRegexp() }
- if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, 2)
- return this.finishOp(tt.slash, 1)
-pp$8.readToken_mult_modulo_exp = function(code) { // '%*'
- var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)
- var size = 1
- var tokentype = code === 42 ? tt.star : tt.modulo
- // exponentiation operator ** and **=
- if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && next === 42) {
- ++size
- tokentype = tt.starstar
- next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2)
- }
- if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, size + 1)
- return this.finishOp(tokentype, size)
-pp$8.readToken_pipe_amp = function(code) { // '|&'
- var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)
- if (next === code) return this.finishOp(code === 124 ? tt.logicalOR : tt.logicalAND, 2)
- if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, 2)
- return this.finishOp(code === 124 ? tt.bitwiseOR : tt.bitwiseAND, 1)
-pp$8.readToken_caret = function() { // '^'
- var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)
- if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, 2)
- return this.finishOp(tt.bitwiseXOR, 1)
-pp$8.readToken_plus_min = function(code) { // '+-'
- var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)
- if (next === code) {
- if (next == 45 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) == 62 &&
- lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.pos))) {
- // A `-->` line comment
- this.skipLineComment(3)
- this.skipSpace()
- return this.nextToken()
- }
- return this.finishOp(tt.incDec, 2)
- }
- if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, 2)
- return this.finishOp(tt.plusMin, 1)
-pp$8.readToken_lt_gt = function(code) { // '<>'
- var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)
- var size = 1
- if (next === code) {
- size = code === 62 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) === 62 ? 3 : 2
- if (this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + size) === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, size + 1)
- return this.finishOp(tt.bitShift, size)
- }
- if (next == 33 && code == 60 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) == 45 &&
- this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 3) == 45) {
- if (this.inModule) this.unexpected()
- // `0;)if(list[i]===listener||list[i].listener&&list[i].listener===listener){position=i;break}if(0>position)return this;1===list.length?(list.length=0,delete this._events[type]):list.splice(position,1),this._events.removeListener&&this.emit(\"removeListener\",type,listener)}return this},EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners=function(type){var key,listeners;if(!this._events)return this;if(!this._events.removeListener)return 0===arguments.length?this._events={}:this._events[type]&&delete this._events[type],this;if(0===arguments.length){for(key in this._events)\"removeListener\"!==key&&this.removeAllListeners(key);return this.removeAllListeners(\"removeListener\"),this._events={},this\n}if(listeners=this._events[type],isFunction(listeners))this.removeListener(type,listeners);else for(;listeners.length;)this.removeListener(type,listeners[listeners.length-1]);return delete this._events[type],this},EventEmitter.prototype.listeners=function(type){var ret;return ret=this._events&&this._events[type]?isFunction(this._events[type])?[this._events[type]]:this._events[type].slice():[]},EventEmitter.listenerCount=function(emitter,type){var ret;return ret=emitter._events&&emitter._events[type]?isFunction(emitter._events[type])?1:emitter._events[type].length:0}},{}],\"/node_modules/jshint/data/ascii-identifier-data.js\":[function(_dereq_,module){for(var identifierStartTable=[],i=0;128>i;i++)identifierStartTable[i]=36===i||i>=65&&90>=i||95===i||i>=97&&122>=i;for(var identifierPartTable=[],i=0;128>i;i++)identifierPartTable[i]=identifierStartTable[i]||i>=48&&57>=i;module.exports={asciiIdentifierStartTable:identifierStartTable,asciiIdentifierPartTable:identifierPartTable}},{}],\"/node_modules/jshint/lodash.js\":[function(_dereq_,module,exports){(function(global){(function(){function baseFindIndex(array,predicate,fromRight){for(var length=array.length,index=fromRight?length:-1;fromRight?index--:length>++index;)if(predicate(array[index],index,array))return index;return-1}function baseIndexOf(array,value,fromIndex){if(value!==value)return indexOfNaN(array,fromIndex);for(var index=fromIndex-1,length=array.length;length>++index;)if(array[index]===value)return index;return-1}function baseIsFunction(value){return\"function\"==typeof value||!1}function baseToString(value){return\"string\"==typeof value?value:null==value?\"\":value+\"\"}function indexOfNaN(array,fromIndex,fromRight){for(var length=array.length,index=fromIndex+(fromRight?0:-1);fromRight?index--:length>++index;){var other=array[index];if(other!==other)return index}return-1}function isObjectLike(value){return!!value&&\"object\"==typeof value}function lodash(){}function arrayCopy(source,array){var index=-1,length=source.length;for(array||(array=Array(length));length>++index;)array[index]=source[index];return array}function arrayEach(array,iteratee){for(var index=-1,length=array.length;length>++index&&iteratee(array[index],index,array)!==!1;);return array}function arrayFilter(array,predicate){for(var index=-1,length=array.length,resIndex=-1,result=[];length>++index;){var value=array[index];predicate(value,index,array)&&(result[++resIndex]=value)}return result}function arrayMap(array,iteratee){for(var index=-1,length=array.length,result=Array(length);length>++index;)result[index]=iteratee(array[index],index,array);return result}function arrayMax(array){for(var index=-1,length=array.length,result=NEGATIVE_INFINITY;length>++index;){var value=array[index];value>result&&(result=value)}return result}function arraySome(array,predicate){for(var index=-1,length=array.length;length>++index;)if(predicate(array[index],index,array))return!0;return!1}function assignWith(object,source,customizer){var props=keys(source);push.apply(props,getSymbols(source));for(var index=-1,length=props.length;length>++index;){var key=props[index],value=object[key],result=customizer(value,source[key],key,object,source);(result===result?result===value:value!==value)&&(value!==undefined||key in object)||(object[key]=result)}return object}function baseCopy(source,props,object){object||(object={});for(var index=-1,length=props.length;length>++index;){var key=props[index];object[key]=source[key]}return object}function baseCallback(func,thisArg,argCount){var type=typeof func;return\"function\"==type?thisArg===undefined?func:bindCallback(func,thisArg,argCount):null==func?identity:\"object\"==type?baseMatches(func):thisArg===undefined?property(func):baseMatchesProperty(func,thisArg)}function baseClone(value,isDeep,customizer,key,object,stackA,stackB){var result;if(customizer&&(result=object?customizer(value,key,object):customizer(value)),result!==undefined)return result;if(!isObject(value))return value;var isArr=isArray(value);if(isArr){if(result=initCloneArray(value),!isDeep)return arrayCopy(value,result)}else{var tag=objToString.call(value),isFunc=tag==funcTag;if(tag!=objectTag&&tag!=argsTag&&(!isFunc||object))return cloneableTags[tag]?initCloneByTag(value,tag,isDeep):object?value:{};if(result=initCloneObject(isFunc?{}:value),!isDeep)return baseAssign(result,value)}stackA||(stackA=[]),stackB||(stackB=[]);for(var length=stackA.length;length--;)if(stackA[length]==value)return stackB[length];return stackA.push(value),stackB.push(result),(isArr?arrayEach:baseForOwn)(value,function(subValue,key){result[key]=baseClone(subValue,isDeep,customizer,key,value,stackA,stackB)}),result}function baseFilter(collection,predicate){var result=[];return baseEach(collection,function(value,index,collection){predicate(value,index,collection)&&result.push(value)}),result}function baseForIn(object,iteratee){return baseFor(object,iteratee,keysIn)}function baseForOwn(object,iteratee){return baseFor(object,iteratee,keys)}function baseGet(object,path,pathKey){if(null!=object){pathKey!==undefined&&pathKey in toObject(object)&&(path=[pathKey]);for(var index=-1,length=path.length;null!=object&&length>++index;)var result=object=object[path[index]];return result}}function baseIsEqual(value,other,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB){if(value===other)return 0!==value||1/value==1/other;var valType=typeof value,othType=typeof other;return\"function\"!=valType&&\"object\"!=valType&&\"function\"!=othType&&\"object\"!=othType||null==value||null==other?value!==value&&other!==other:baseIsEqualDeep(value,other,baseIsEqual,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB)}function baseIsEqualDeep(object,other,equalFunc,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB){var objIsArr=isArray(object),othIsArr=isArray(other),objTag=arrayTag,othTag=arrayTag;objIsArr||(objTag=objToString.call(object),objTag==argsTag?objTag=objectTag:objTag!=objectTag&&(objIsArr=isTypedArray(object))),othIsArr||(othTag=objToString.call(other),othTag==argsTag?othTag=objectTag:othTag!=objectTag&&(othIsArr=isTypedArray(other)));var objIsObj=objTag==objectTag,othIsObj=othTag==objectTag,isSameTag=objTag==othTag;if(isSameTag&&!objIsArr&&!objIsObj)return equalByTag(object,other,objTag);if(!isLoose){var valWrapped=objIsObj&&hasOwnProperty.call(object,\"__wrapped__\"),othWrapped=othIsObj&&hasOwnProperty.call(other,\"__wrapped__\");if(valWrapped||othWrapped)return equalFunc(valWrapped?object.value():object,othWrapped?other.value():other,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB)}if(!isSameTag)return!1;stackA||(stackA=[]),stackB||(stackB=[]);for(var length=stackA.length;length--;)if(stackA[length]==object)return stackB[length]==other;stackA.push(object),stackB.push(other);var result=(objIsArr?equalArrays:equalObjects)(object,other,equalFunc,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB);return stackA.pop(),stackB.pop(),result}function baseIsMatch(object,props,values,strictCompareFlags,customizer){for(var index=-1,length=props.length,noCustomizer=!customizer;length>++index;)if(noCustomizer&&strictCompareFlags[index]?values[index]!==object[props[index]]:!(props[index]in object))return!1;for(index=-1;length>++index;){var key=props[index],objValue=object[key],srcValue=values[index];if(noCustomizer&&strictCompareFlags[index])var result=objValue!==undefined||key in object;else result=customizer?customizer(objValue,srcValue,key):undefined,result===undefined&&(result=baseIsEqual(srcValue,objValue,customizer,!0));if(!result)return!1}return!0}function baseMatches(source){var props=keys(source),length=props.length;if(!length)return constant(!0);if(1==length){var key=props[0],value=source[key];if(isStrictComparable(value))return function(object){return null==object?!1:object[key]===value&&(value!==undefined||key in toObject(object))}}for(var values=Array(length),strictCompareFlags=Array(length);length--;)value=source[props[length]],values[length]=value,strictCompareFlags[length]=isStrictComparable(value);return function(object){return null!=object&&baseIsMatch(toObject(object),props,values,strictCompareFlags)}}function baseMatchesProperty(path,value){var isArr=isArray(path),isCommon=isKey(path)&&isStrictComparable(value),pathKey=path+\"\";return path=toPath(path),function(object){if(null==object)return!1;var key=pathKey;if(object=toObject(object),!(!isArr&&isCommon||key in object)){if(object=1==path.length?object:baseGet(object,baseSlice(path,0,-1)),null==object)return!1;key=last(path),object=toObject(object)}return object[key]===value?value!==undefined||key in object:baseIsEqual(value,object[key],null,!0)}}function baseMerge(object,source,customizer,stackA,stackB){if(!isObject(object))return object;var isSrcArr=isLength(source.length)&&(isArray(source)||isTypedArray(source));if(!isSrcArr){var props=keys(source);push.apply(props,getSymbols(source))}return arrayEach(props||source,function(srcValue,key){if(props&&(key=srcValue,srcValue=source[key]),isObjectLike(srcValue))stackA||(stackA=[]),stackB||(stackB=[]),baseMergeDeep(object,source,key,baseMerge,customizer,stackA,stackB);else{var value=object[key],result=customizer?customizer(value,srcValue,key,object,source):undefined,isCommon=result===undefined;isCommon&&(result=srcValue),!isSrcArr&&result===undefined||!isCommon&&(result===result?result===value:value!==value)||(object[key]=result)}}),object}function baseMergeDeep(object,source,key,mergeFunc,customizer,stackA,stackB){for(var length=stackA.length,srcValue=source[key];length--;)if(stackA[length]==srcValue)return object[key]=stackB[length],undefined;var value=object[key],result=customizer?customizer(value,srcValue,key,object,source):undefined,isCommon=result===undefined;isCommon&&(result=srcValue,isLength(srcValue.length)&&(isArray(srcValue)||isTypedArray(srcValue))?result=isArray(value)?value:getLength(value)?arrayCopy(value):[]:isPlainObject(srcValue)||isArguments(srcValue)?result=isArguments(value)?toPlainObject(value):isPlainObject(value)?value:{}:isCommon=!1),stackA.push(srcValue),stackB.push(result),isCommon?object[key]=mergeFunc(result,srcValue,customizer,stackA,stackB):(result===result?result!==value:value===value)&&(object[key]=result)}function baseProperty(key){return function(object){return null==object?undefined:object[key]}}function basePropertyDeep(path){var pathKey=path+\"\";return path=toPath(path),function(object){return baseGet(object,path,pathKey)}}function baseSlice(array,start,end){var index=-1,length=array.length;start=null==start?0:+start||0,0>start&&(start=-start>length?0:length+start),end=end===undefined||end>length?length:+end||0,0>end&&(end+=length),length=start>end?0:end-start>>>0,start>>>=0;for(var result=Array(length);length>++index;)result[index]=array[index+start];return result}function baseSome(collection,predicate){var result;return baseEach(collection,function(value,index,collection){return result=predicate(value,index,collection),!result}),!!result}function baseValues(object,props){for(var index=-1,length=props.length,result=Array(length);length>++index;)result[index]=object[props[index]];return result}function binaryIndex(array,value,retHighest){var low=0,high=array?array.length:low;if(\"number\"==typeof value&&value===value&&HALF_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH>=high){for(;high>low;){var mid=low+high>>>1,computed=array[mid];(retHighest?value>=computed:value>computed)?low=mid+1:high=mid}return high}return binaryIndexBy(array,value,identity,retHighest)}function binaryIndexBy(array,value,iteratee,retHighest){value=iteratee(value);for(var low=0,high=array?array.length:0,valIsNaN=value!==value,valIsUndef=value===undefined;high>low;){var mid=floor((low+high)/2),computed=iteratee(array[mid]),isReflexive=computed===computed;if(valIsNaN)var setLow=isReflexive||retHighest;else setLow=valIsUndef?isReflexive&&(retHighest||computed!==undefined):retHighest?value>=computed:value>computed;setLow?low=mid+1:high=mid}return nativeMin(high,MAX_ARRAY_INDEX)}function bindCallback(func,thisArg,argCount){if(\"function\"!=typeof func)return identity;if(thisArg===undefined)return func;switch(argCount){case 1:return function(value){return func.call(thisArg,value)};case 3:return function(value,index,collection){return func.call(thisArg,value,index,collection)};case 4:return function(accumulator,value,index,collection){return func.call(thisArg,accumulator,value,index,collection)};case 5:return function(value,other,key,object,source){return func.call(thisArg,value,other,key,object,source)}}return function(){return func.apply(thisArg,arguments)}}function bufferClone(buffer){return bufferSlice.call(buffer,0)}function createAssigner(assigner){return restParam(function(object,sources){var index=-1,length=null==object?0:sources.length,customizer=length>2&&sources[length-2],guard=length>2&&sources[2],thisArg=length>1&&sources[length-1];for(\"function\"==typeof customizer?(customizer=bindCallback(customizer,thisArg,5),length-=2):(customizer=\"function\"==typeof thisArg?thisArg:null,length-=customizer?1:0),guard&&isIterateeCall(sources[0],sources[1],guard)&&(customizer=3>length?null:customizer,length=1);length>++index;){var source=sources[index];source&&assigner(object,source,customizer)}return object})}function createBaseEach(eachFunc,fromRight){return function(collection,iteratee){var length=collection?getLength(collection):0;if(!isLength(length))return eachFunc(collection,iteratee);for(var index=fromRight?length:-1,iterable=toObject(collection);(fromRight?index--:length>++index)&&iteratee(iterable[index],index,iterable)!==!1;);return collection}}function createBaseFor(fromRight){return function(object,iteratee,keysFunc){for(var iterable=toObject(object),props=keysFunc(object),length=props.length,index=fromRight?length:-1;fromRight?index--:length>++index;){var key=props[index];if(iteratee(iterable[key],key,iterable)===!1)break}return object}}function createFindIndex(fromRight){return function(array,predicate,thisArg){return array&&array.length?(predicate=getCallback(predicate,thisArg,3),baseFindIndex(array,predicate,fromRight)):-1}}function createForEach(arrayFunc,eachFunc){return function(collection,iteratee,thisArg){return\"function\"==typeof iteratee&&thisArg===undefined&&isArray(collection)?arrayFunc(collection,iteratee):eachFunc(collection,bindCallback(iteratee,thisArg,3))}}function equalArrays(array,other,equalFunc,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB){var index=-1,arrLength=array.length,othLength=other.length,result=!0;if(arrLength!=othLength&&!(isLoose&&othLength>arrLength))return!1;for(;result&&arrLength>++index;){var arrValue=array[index],othValue=other[index];if(result=undefined,customizer&&(result=isLoose?customizer(othValue,arrValue,index):customizer(arrValue,othValue,index)),result===undefined)if(isLoose)for(var othIndex=othLength;othIndex--&&(othValue=other[othIndex],!(result=arrValue&&arrValue===othValue||equalFunc(arrValue,othValue,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB))););else result=arrValue&&arrValue===othValue||equalFunc(arrValue,othValue,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB)}return!!result}function equalByTag(object,other,tag){switch(tag){case boolTag:case dateTag:return+object==+other;case errorTag:return object.name==other.name&&object.message==other.message;case numberTag:return object!=+object?other!=+other:0==object?1/object==1/other:object==+other;case regexpTag:case stringTag:return object==other+\"\"}return!1}function equalObjects(object,other,equalFunc,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB){var objProps=keys(object),objLength=objProps.length,othProps=keys(other),othLength=othProps.length;if(objLength!=othLength&&!isLoose)return!1;for(var skipCtor=isLoose,index=-1;objLength>++index;){var key=objProps[index],result=isLoose?key in other:hasOwnProperty.call(other,key);if(result){var objValue=object[key],othValue=other[key];result=undefined,customizer&&(result=isLoose?customizer(othValue,objValue,key):customizer(objValue,othValue,key)),result===undefined&&(result=objValue&&objValue===othValue||equalFunc(objValue,othValue,customizer,isLoose,stackA,stackB))}if(!result)return!1;skipCtor||(skipCtor=\"constructor\"==key)}if(!skipCtor){var objCtor=object.constructor,othCtor=other.constructor;if(objCtor!=othCtor&&\"constructor\"in object&&\"constructor\"in other&&!(\"function\"==typeof objCtor&&objCtor instanceof objCtor&&\"function\"==typeof othCtor&&othCtor instanceof othCtor))return!1}return!0}function getCallback(func,thisArg,argCount){var result=lodash.callback||callback;return result=result===callback?baseCallback:result,argCount?result(func,thisArg,argCount):result}function getIndexOf(collection,target,fromIndex){var result=lodash.indexOf||indexOf;return result=result===indexOf?baseIndexOf:result,collection?result(collection,target,fromIndex):result}function initCloneArray(array){var length=array.length,result=new array.constructor(length);return length&&\"string\"==typeof array[0]&&hasOwnProperty.call(array,\"index\")&&(result.index=array.index,result.input=array.input),result}function initCloneObject(object){var Ctor=object.constructor;return\"function\"==typeof Ctor&&Ctor instanceof Ctor||(Ctor=Object),new Ctor}function initCloneByTag(object,tag,isDeep){var Ctor=object.constructor;switch(tag){case arrayBufferTag:return bufferClone(object);case boolTag:case dateTag:return new Ctor(+object);case float32Tag:case float64Tag:case int8Tag:case int16Tag:case int32Tag:case uint8Tag:case uint8ClampedTag:case uint16Tag:case uint32Tag:var buffer=object.buffer;return new Ctor(isDeep?bufferClone(buffer):buffer,object.byteOffset,object.length);case numberTag:case stringTag:return new Ctor(object);case regexpTag:var result=new Ctor(object.source,reFlags.exec(object));result.lastIndex=object.lastIndex}return result}function isIndex(value,length){return value=+value,length=null==length?MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:length,value>-1&&0==value%1&&length>value}function isIterateeCall(value,index,object){if(!isObject(object))return!1;var type=typeof index;if(\"number\"==type)var length=getLength(object),prereq=isLength(length)&&isIndex(index,length);else prereq=\"string\"==type&&index in object;if(prereq){var other=object[index];return value===value?value===other:other!==other}return!1}function isKey(value,object){var type=typeof value;if(\"string\"==type&&reIsPlainProp.test(value)||\"number\"==type)return!0;if(isArray(value))return!1;var result=!reIsDeepProp.test(value);return result||null!=object&&value in toObject(object)}function isLength(value){return\"number\"==typeof value&&value>-1&&0==value%1&&MAX_SAFE_INTEGER>=value}function isStrictComparable(value){return value===value&&(0===value?1/value>0:!isObject(value))}function shimIsPlainObject(value){var Ctor;if(lodash.support,!isObjectLike(value)||objToString.call(value)!=objectTag||!hasOwnProperty.call(value,\"constructor\")&&(Ctor=value.constructor,\"function\"==typeof Ctor&&!(Ctor instanceof Ctor)))return!1;var result;return baseForIn(value,function(subValue,key){result=key}),result===undefined||hasOwnProperty.call(value,result)}function shimKeys(object){for(var props=keysIn(object),propsLength=props.length,length=propsLength&&object.length,support=lodash.support,allowIndexes=length&&isLength(length)&&(isArray(object)||support.nonEnumArgs&&isArguments(object)),index=-1,result=[];propsLength>++index;){var key=props[index];(allowIndexes&&isIndex(key,length)||hasOwnProperty.call(object,key))&&result.push(key)}return result}function toObject(value){return isObject(value)?value:Object(value)}function toPath(value){if(isArray(value))return value;var result=[];return baseToString(value).replace(rePropName,function(match,number,quote,string){result.push(quote?string.replace(reEscapeChar,\"$1\"):number||match)}),result}function indexOf(array,value,fromIndex){var length=array?array.length:0;if(!length)return-1;if(\"number\"==typeof fromIndex)fromIndex=0>fromIndex?nativeMax(length+fromIndex,0):fromIndex;else if(fromIndex){var index=binaryIndex(array,value),other=array[index];return(value===value?value===other:other!==other)?index:-1}return baseIndexOf(array,value,fromIndex||0)}function last(array){var length=array?array.length:0;return length?array[length-1]:undefined}function slice(array,start,end){var length=array?array.length:0;return length?(end&&\"number\"!=typeof end&&isIterateeCall(array,start,end)&&(start=0,end=length),baseSlice(array,start,end)):[]}function unzip(array){for(var index=-1,length=(array&&array.length&&arrayMax(arrayMap(array,getLength)))>>>0,result=Array(length);length>++index;)result[index]=arrayMap(array,baseProperty(index));return result}function includes(collection,target,fromIndex,guard){var length=collection?getLength(collection):0;return isLength(length)||(collection=values(collection),length=collection.length),length?(fromIndex=\"number\"!=typeof fromIndex||guard&&isIterateeCall(target,fromIndex,guard)?0:0>fromIndex?nativeMax(length+fromIndex,0):fromIndex||0,\"string\"==typeof collection||!isArray(collection)&&isString(collection)?length>fromIndex&&collection.indexOf(target,fromIndex)>-1:getIndexOf(collection,target,fromIndex)>-1):!1}function reject(collection,predicate,thisArg){var func=isArray(collection)?arrayFilter:baseFilter;return 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x=type(name,meta&&meta.nud||function(){return this});return meta=meta||{},meta.isFutureReservedWord=!0,x.value=name,x.identifier=!0,x.reserved=!0,x.meta=meta,x}function reservevar(s,v){return reserve(s,function(){return\"function\"==typeof v&&v(this),this})}function infix(s,f,p,w){var x=symbol(s,p);return reserveName(x),x.infix=!0,x.led=function(left){return w||nobreaknonadjacent(state.tokens.prev,state.tokens.curr),\"in\"!==s&&\"instanceof\"!==s||\"!\"!==left.id||warning(\"W018\",left,\"!\"),\"function\"==typeof f?f(left,this):(this.left=left,this.right=expression(p),this)},x}function application(s){var x=symbol(s,42);return x.led=function(left){return nobreaknonadjacent(state.tokens.prev,state.tokens.curr),this.left=left,this.right=doFunction({type:\"arrow\",loneArg:left}),this},x}function relation(s,f){var x=symbol(s,100);return x.led=function(left){nobreaknonadjacent(state.tokens.prev,state.tokens.curr),this.left=left;var right=this.right=expression(100);return 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isGlobal=!1;return\"this\"===left.type&&null===state.funct[\"(context)\"]?isGlobal=!0:\"(identifier)\"===left.type&&(state.option.node&&\"global\"===left.value?isGlobal=!0:!state.option.browser||\"window\"!==left.value&&\"document\"!==left.value||(isGlobal=!0)),isGlobal}function findNativePrototype(left){function walkPrototype(obj){return\"object\"==typeof obj?\"prototype\"===obj.right?obj:walkPrototype(obj.left):void 0}function walkNative(obj){for(;!obj.identifier&&\"object\"==typeof obj.left;)obj=obj.left;return obj.identifier&&natives.indexOf(obj.value)>=0?obj.value:void 0}var natives=[\"Array\",\"ArrayBuffer\",\"Boolean\",\"Collator\",\"DataView\",\"Date\",\"DateTimeFormat\",\"Error\",\"EvalError\",\"Float32Array\",\"Float64Array\",\"Function\",\"Infinity\",\"Intl\",\"Int16Array\",\"Int32Array\",\"Int8Array\",\"Iterator\",\"Number\",\"NumberFormat\",\"Object\",\"RangeError\",\"ReferenceError\",\"RegExp\",\"StopIteration\",\"String\",\"SyntaxError\",\"TypeError\",\"Uint16Array\",\"Uint32Array\",\"Uint8Array\",\"Uint8ClampedArray\",\"URIError\"],prototype=walkPrototype(left);return prototype?walkNative(prototype):void 0}function checkLeftSideAssign(left,assignToken,options){var allowDestructuring=options&&options.allowDestructuring;if(assignToken=assignToken||left,state.option.freeze){var nativeObject=findNativePrototype(left);nativeObject&&warning(\"W121\",left,nativeObject)}return left.identifier&&!left.isMetaProperty&&state.funct[\"(scope)\"].block.reassign(left.value,left),\".\"===left.id?((!left.left||\"arguments\"===left.left.value&&!state.isStrict())&&warning(\"E031\",assignToken),state.nameStack.set(state.tokens.prev),!0):\"{\"===left.id||\"[\"===left.id?(allowDestructuring&&state.tokens.curr.left.destructAssign?state.tokens.curr.left.destructAssign.forEach(function(t){t.id&&state.funct[\"(scope)\"].block.modify(t.id,t.token)}):\"{\"!==left.id&&left.left?\"arguments\"!==left.left.value||state.isStrict()||warning(\"E031\",assignToken):warning(\"E031\",assignToken),\"[\"===left.id&&state.nameStack.set(left.right),!0):left.isMetaProperty?(error(\"E031\",assignToken),!0):left.identifier&&!isReserved(left)?(\"exception\"===state.funct[\"(scope)\"].labeltype(left.value)&&warning(\"W022\",left),state.nameStack.set(left),!0):(left===state.syntax[\"function\"]&&warning(\"W023\",state.tokens.curr),!1)}function assignop(s,f,p){var x=infix(s,\"function\"==typeof f?f:function(left,that){return that.left=left,left&&checkLeftSideAssign(left,that,{allowDestructuring:!0})?(that.right=expression(10),that):(error(\"E031\",that),void 0)},p);return x.exps=!0,x.assign=!0,x}function bitwise(s,f,p){var x=symbol(s,p);return reserveName(x),x.led=\"function\"==typeof f?f:function(left){return state.option.bitwise&&warning(\"W016\",this,this.id),this.left=left,this.right=expression(p),this},x}function bitwiseassignop(s){return assignop(s,function(left,that){return state.option.bitwise&&warning(\"W016\",that,that.id),left&&checkLeftSideAssign(left,that)?(that.right=expression(10),that):(error(\"E031\",that),void 0)},20)}function suffix(s){var x=symbol(s,150);return x.led=function(left){return state.option.plusplus?warning(\"W016\",this,this.id):left.identifier&&!isReserved(left)||\".\"===left.id||\"[\"===left.id||warning(\"W017\",this),left.isMetaProperty?error(\"E031\",this):left&&left.identifier&&state.funct[\"(scope)\"].block.modify(left.value,left),this.left=left,this},x}function optionalidentifier(fnparam,prop,preserve){if(state.tokens.next.identifier){preserve||advance();var curr=state.tokens.curr,val=state.tokens.curr.value;return isReserved(curr)?prop&&state.inES5()?val:fnparam&&\"undefined\"===val?val:(warning(\"W024\",state.tokens.curr,state.tokens.curr.id),val):val}}function identifier(fnparam,prop){var i=optionalidentifier(fnparam,prop,!1);if(i)return i;if(\"...\"===state.tokens.next.value){if(state.inES6(!0)||warning(\"W119\",state.tokens.next,\"spread/rest operator\",\"6\"),advance(),checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next,\"...\"))for(warning(\"E024\",state.tokens.next,\"...\");checkPunctuator(state.tokens.next,\"...\");)advance();return state.tokens.next.identifier?identifier(fnparam,prop):(warning(\"E024\",state.tokens.curr,\"...\"),void 0)}error(\"E030\",state.tokens.next,state.tokens.next.value),\";\"!==state.tokens.next.id&&advance()}function reachable(controlToken){var t,i=0;if(\";\"===state.tokens.next.id&&!controlToken.inBracelessBlock)for(;;){do t=peek(i),i+=1;while(\"(end)\"!==t.id&&\"(comment)\"===t.id);if(t.reach)return;if(\"(endline)\"!==t.id){if(\"function\"===t.id){state.option.latedef===!0&&warning(\"W026\",t);break}warning(\"W027\",t,t.value,controlToken.value);break}}}function parseFinalSemicolon(){if(\";\"!==state.tokens.next.id){if(state.tokens.next.isUnclosed)return advance();var 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res=isReserved(t);if(res&&t.meta&&t.meta.isFutureReservedWord&&\":\"===peek().id&&(warning(\"W024\",t,t.id),res=!1),t.identifier&&!res&&\":\"===peek().id&&(advance(),advance(\":\"),hasOwnScope=!0,state.funct[\"(scope)\"].stack(),state.funct[\"(scope)\"].block.addBreakLabel(t.value,{token:state.tokens.curr}),state.tokens.next.labelled||\"{\"===state.tokens.next.value||warning(\"W028\",state.tokens.next,t.value,state.tokens.next.value),state.tokens.next.label=t.value,t=state.tokens.next),\"{\"===t.id){var iscase=\"case\"===state.funct[\"(verb)\"]&&\":\"===state.tokens.curr.value;return block(!0,!0,!1,!1,iscase),void 0}return 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pn=peek(i++);while(\"(endline)\"===pn.id);if(\";\"===pn.id)p=pn;else{if(\"[\"===pn.value||\".\"===pn.value)break;state.option.asi&&\"(\"!==pn.value||warning(\"W033\",state.tokens.next)}}else{if(\".\"===p.id||\"[\"===p.id)break;\";\"!==p.id&&warning(\"W033\",p)}advance();var directive=state.tokens.curr.value;(state.directive[directive]||\"use strict\"===directive&&\"implied\"===state.option.strict)&&warning(\"W034\",state.tokens.curr,directive),state.directive[directive]=!0,\";\"===p.id&&advance(\";\")}state.isStrict()&&(state.option[\"(explicitNewcap)\"]||(state.option.newcap=!0),state.option.undef=!0)}function block(ordinary,stmt,isfunc,isfatarrow,iscase){var a,m,t,line,d,b=inblock,old_indent=indent;inblock=ordinary,t=state.tokens.next;var metrics=state.funct[\"(metrics)\"];if(metrics.nestedBlockDepth+=1,metrics.verifyMaxNestedBlockDepthPerFunction(),\"{\"===state.tokens.next.id){if(advance(\"{\"),state.funct[\"(scope)\"].stack(),line=state.tokens.curr.line,\"}\"!==state.tokens.next.id){for(indent+=state.option.indent;!ordinary&&state.tokens.next.from>indent;)indent+=state.option.indent;if(isfunc){m={};for(d in state.directive)_.has(state.directive,d)&&(m[d]=state.directive[d]);directives(),state.option.strict&&state.funct[\"(context)\"][\"(global)\"]&&(m[\"use strict\"]||state.isStrict()||warning(\"E007\"))}a=statements(),metrics.statementCount+=a.length,indent-=state.option.indent}advance(\"}\",t),isfunc&&(state.funct[\"(scope)\"].validateParams(),m&&(state.directive=m)),state.funct[\"(scope)\"].unstack(),indent=old_indent}else 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warning(\"W007\"),this.left=left,this.right=expression(130),this},130),infix(\"-\",\"sub\",130),prefix(\"-\",\"neg\"),prefix(\"---\",function(){return warning(\"W006\"),this.arity=\"unary\",this.right=expression(150),this}),infix(\"---\",function(left){return warning(\"W006\"),this.left=left,this.right=expression(130),this},130),infix(\"*\",\"mult\",140),infix(\"/\",\"div\",140),infix(\"%\",\"mod\",140),suffix(\"++\"),prefix(\"++\",\"preinc\"),state.syntax[\"++\"].exps=!0,suffix(\"--\"),prefix(\"--\",\"predec\"),state.syntax[\"--\"].exps=!0,prefix(\"delete\",function(){var p=expression(10);return p?(\".\"!==p.id&&\"[\"!==p.id&&warning(\"W051\"),this.first=p,p.identifier&&!state.isStrict()&&(p.forgiveUndef=!0),this):this}).exps=!0,prefix(\"~\",function(){return state.option.bitwise&&warning(\"W016\",this,\"~\"),this.arity=\"unary\",this.right=expression(150),this}),prefix(\"...\",function(){return state.inES6(!0)||warning(\"W119\",this,\"spread/rest operator\",\"6\"),state.tokens.next.identifier||\"(string)\"===state.tokens.next.type||checkPunctuators(state.tokens.next,[\"[\",\"(\"])||error(\"E030\",state.tokens.next,state.tokens.next.value),expression(150),this}),prefix(\"!\",function(){return this.arity=\"unary\",this.right=expression(150),this.right||quit(\"E041\",this.line||0),bang[this.right.id]===!0&&warning(\"W018\",this,\"!\"),this}),prefix(\"typeof\",function(){var p=expression(150);return this.first=this.right=p,p||quit(\"E041\",this.line||0,this.character||0),p.identifier&&(p.forgiveUndef=!0),this}),prefix(\"new\",function(){var mp=metaProperty(\"target\",function(){state.inES6(!0)||warning(\"W119\",state.tokens.prev,\"new.target\",\"6\");for(var inFunction,c=state.funct;c&&(inFunction=!c[\"(global)\"],c[\"(arrow)\"]);)c=c[\"(context)\"];inFunction||warning(\"W136\",state.tokens.prev,\"new.target\")});if(mp)return mp;var i,c=expression(155);if(c&&\"function\"!==c.id)if(c.identifier)switch(c[\"new\"]=!0,c.value){case\"Number\":case\"String\":case\"Boolean\":case\"Math\":case\"JSON\":warning(\"W053\",state.tokens.prev,c.value);break;case\"Symbol\":state.inES6()&&warning(\"W053\",state.tokens.prev,c.value);break;case\"Function\":state.option.evil||warning(\"W054\");break;case\"Date\":case\"RegExp\":case\"this\":break;default:\"function\"!==c.id&&(i=c.value.substr(0,1),state.option.newcap&&(\"A\">i||i>\"Z\")&&!state.funct[\"(scope)\"].isPredefined(c.value)&&warning(\"W055\",state.tokens.curr))}else\".\"!==c.id&&\"[\"!==c.id&&\"(\"!==c.id&&warning(\"W056\",state.tokens.curr);else state.option.supernew||warning(\"W057\",this);return\"(\"===state.tokens.next.id||state.option.supernew||warning(\"W058\",state.tokens.curr,state.tokens.curr.value),this.first=this.right=c,this}),state.syntax[\"new\"].exps=!0,prefix(\"void\").exps=!0,infix(\".\",function(left,that){var m=identifier(!1,!0);return\"string\"==typeof m&&countMember(m),that.left=left,that.right=m,m&&\"hasOwnProperty\"===m&&\"=\"===state.tokens.next.value&&warning(\"W001\"),!left||\"arguments\"!==left.value||\"callee\"!==m&&\"caller\"!==m?state.option.evil||!left||\"document\"!==left.value||\"write\"!==m&&\"writeln\"!==m||warning(\"W060\",left):state.option.noarg?warning(\"W059\",left,m):state.isStrict()&&error(\"E008\"),state.option.evil||\"eval\"!==m&&\"execScript\"!==m||isGlobalEval(left,state)&&warning(\"W061\"),that},160,!0),infix(\"(\",function(left,that){state.option.immed&&left&&!left.immed&&\"function\"===left.id&&warning(\"W062\");var n=0,p=[];if(left&&\"(identifier)\"===left.type&&left.value.match(/^[A-Z]([A-Z0-9_$]*[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)?$/)&&-1===\"Array Number String Boolean Date Object Error Symbol\".indexOf(left.value)&&(\"Math\"===left.value?warning(\"W063\",left):state.option.newcap&&warning(\"W064\",left)),\")\"!==state.tokens.next.id)for(;p[p.length]=expression(10),n+=1,\",\"===state.tokens.next.id;)comma();return advance(\")\"),\"object\"==typeof left&&(state.inES5()||\"parseInt\"!==left.value||1!==n||warning(\"W065\",state.tokens.curr),state.option.evil||(\"eval\"===left.value||\"Function\"===left.value||\"execScript\"===left.value?(warning(\"W061\",left),p[0]&&\"(string)\"===[0].id&&addInternalSrc(left,p[0].value)):!p[0]||\"(string)\"!==p[0].id||\"setTimeout\"!==left.value&&\"setInterval\"!==left.value?!p[0]||\"(string)\"!==p[0].id||\".\"!==left.value||\"window\"!==left.left.value||\"setTimeout\"!==left.right&&\"setInterval\"!==left.right||(warning(\"W066\",left),addInternalSrc(left,p[0].value)):(warning(\"W066\",left),addInternalSrc(left,p[0].value))),left.identifier||\".\"===left.id||\"[\"===left.id||\"=>\"===left.id||\"(\"===left.id||\"&&\"===left.id||\"||\"===left.id||\"?\"===left.id||state.inES6()&&left[\"(name)\"]||warning(\"W067\",that)),that.left=left,that},155,!0).exps=!0,prefix(\"(\",function(){var pn1,ret,triggerFnExpr,first,last,pn=state.tokens.next,i=-1,parens=1,opening=state.tokens.curr,preceeding=state.tokens.prev,isNecessary=!state.option.singleGroups;do\"(\"===pn.value?parens+=1:\")\"===pn.value&&(parens-=1),i+=1,pn1=pn,pn=peek(i);while((0!==parens||\")\"!==pn1.value)&&\";\"!==pn.value&&\"(end)\"!==pn.type);if(\"function\"===state.tokens.next.id&&(triggerFnExpr=state.tokens.next.immed=!0),\"=>\"===pn.value)return doFunction({type:\"arrow\",parsedOpening:!0});var exprs=[];if(\")\"!==state.tokens.next.id)for(;exprs.push(expression(10)),\",\"===state.tokens.next.id;)state.option.nocomma&&warning(\"W127\"),comma();return advance(\")\",this),state.option.immed&&exprs[0]&&\"function\"===exprs[0].id&&\"(\"!==state.tokens.next.id&&\".\"!==state.tokens.next.id&&\"[\"!==state.tokens.next.id&&warning(\"W068\",this),exprs.length?(exprs.length>1?(ret=Object.create(state.syntax[\",\"]),ret.exprs=exprs,first=exprs[0],last=exprs[exprs.length-1],isNecessary||(isNecessary=preceeding.assign||preceeding.delim)):(ret=first=last=exprs[0],isNecessary||(isNecessary=opening.beginsStmt&&(\"{\"===ret.id||triggerFnExpr||isFunctor(ret))||triggerFnExpr&&(!isEndOfExpr()||\"}\"!==state.tokens.prev.id)||isFunctor(ret)&&!isEndOfExpr()||\"{\"===ret.id&&\"=>\"===preceeding.id||\"(number)\"===ret.type&&checkPunctuator(pn,\".\")&&/^\\d+$/.test(ret.value))),ret&&(!isNecessary&&(first.left||first.right||ret.exprs)&&(isNecessary=!isBeginOfExpr(preceeding)&&first.lbp<=preceeding.lbp||!isEndOfExpr()&&last.lbp
" +
- "You gained:
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.hackingExpGained, 3) + " hacking exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.strExpGained, 3) + " str exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.defExpGained, 3) + " def exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.dexExpGained, 3) + " dex exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.agiExpGained, 3) + " agi exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.chaExpGained, 3) + " cha exp
- return;
- }
- var facValue = totalValue * _src_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].faction_rep_mult *
- _src_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].InfiltrationRepValue * _src_BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].InfiltrationRep;
- var moneyValue = totalValue * _src_Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].InfiltrationMoneyValue * _src_BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].InfiltrationMoney;
- infiltrationSetText("You can sell the classified documents and secrets " +
- "you stole from " + inst.companyName + " for $" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(moneyValue, 2) + " on the black market or you can give it " +
- "to a faction to gain " + Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(facValue, 3) + " reputation with " +
- "that faction.");
- var selector = document.getElementById("infiltration-faction-select");
- selector.innerHTML = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < _src_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].factions.length; ++i) {
- selector.innerHTML += "";
- }
- var sellButton = Object(_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-box-sell");
- setTimeout(function() {
- sellButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- _src_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].gainMoney(moneyValue);
- Object(_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You sold the classified information you stole from " + inst.companyName +
- " for $" + moneyValue + " on the black market!
" +
- "You gained:
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.hackingExpGained, 3) + " hacking exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.strExpGained, 3) + " str exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.defExpGained, 3) + " def exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.dexExpGained, 3) + " dex exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.agiExpGained, 3) + " agi exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.chaExpGained, 3) + " cha exp
- infiltrationBoxClose();
- return false;
- });
- }, 750);
- var factionButton = Object(_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-box-faction");
- setTimeout(function() {
- factionButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var facName = selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value;
- var faction = _src_Faction_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Factions"][facName];
- if (faction == null) {
- Object(_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Error finding faction. This is a bug please report to developer");
- return false;
- }
- faction.playerReputation += facValue;
- Object(_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You gave the classified information you stole from " + inst.companyName +
- " to " + facName + " and gained " + Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(facValue, 3) + " reputation with the faction.
" +
- "You gained:
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.hackingExpGained, 3) + " hacking exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.strExpGained, 3) + " str exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.defExpGained, 3) + " def exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.dexExpGained, 3) + " dex exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.agiExpGained, 3) + " agi exp
" +
- Object(_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["formatNumber"])(inst.chaExpGained, 3) + " cha exp
- infiltrationBoxClose();
- return false;
- });
- }, 750);
- infiltrationBoxOpen();
-/***/ }),
-/* 112 */
- !*** ./src/Infiltration.js ***!
- \*****************************/
-/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "beginInfiltration", function() { return beginInfiltration; });
-/* harmony import */ var _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode.js */ 15);
-/* harmony import */ var _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants.js */ 3);
-/* harmony import */ var _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine.js */ 5);
-/* harmony import */ var _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player.js */ 0);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox.js */ 6);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/HelperFunctions.js */ 1);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_InfiltrationBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/InfiltrationBox.js */ 111);
-/* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js */ 2);
-/* Infiltration.js
- *
- * Kill
- * Knockout (nonlethal)
- * Stealth Knockout (nonlethal)
- * Assassinate
- *
- * Hack Security
- * Destroy Security
- * Sneak past Security
- *
- * Pick the locked door
- *
- * Bribe security
- *
- * Escape
- */
-let InfiltrationScenarios = {
- Guards: "You see an armed security guard patrolling the area.",
- TechOnly: "The area is equipped with a state-of-the-art security system: cameras, laser tripwires, and sentry turrets.",
- TechOrLockedDoor: "The area is equipped with a state-of-the-art security system. There is a locked door on the side of the " +
- "room that can be used to bypass security.",
- Bots: "You see a few security bots patrolling the area.",
-function InfiltrationInstance(companyName, startLevel, val, maxClearance, diff) {
- this.companyName = companyName;
- this.clearanceLevel = 0;
- this.maxClearanceLevel = maxClearance;
- this.securityLevel = startLevel;
- this.difficulty = diff; //Affects how much security level increases. Represents a percentage
- this.baseValue = val; //Base value of company secrets
- this.secretsStolen = []; //Numbers representing value of stolen secrets
- this.hackingExpGained = 0;
- this.strExpGained = 0;
- this.defExpGained = 0;
- this.dexExpGained = 0;
- this.agiExpGained = 0;
- this.chaExpGained = 0;
- this.intExpGained = 0;
-InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainHackingExp = function(amt) {
- if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
- this.hackingExpGained += amt;
-InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainStrengthExp = function(amt) {
- if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
- this.strExpGained += amt;
-InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainDefenseExp = function(amt) {
- if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
- this.defExpGained += amt;
-InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainDexterityExp = function(amt) {
- if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
- this.dexExpGained += amt;
-InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainAgilityExp = function(amt) {
- if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
- this.agiExpGained += amt;
-InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainCharismaExp = function(amt) {
- if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
- this.chaExpGained += amt;
-InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainIntelligenceExp = function(amt) {
- if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
- this.intExpGained += amt;
-function beginInfiltration(companyName, startLevel, val, maxClearance, diff) {
- var inst = new InfiltrationInstance(companyName, startLevel, val, maxClearance, diff);
- clearInfiltrationStatusText();
- nextInfiltrationLevel(inst);
-function endInfiltration(inst, success) {
- if (success) {Object(_utils_InfiltrationBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["infiltrationBoxCreate"])(inst);}
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-kill");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-knockout");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-stealthknockout");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-assassinate");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-hacksecurity");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-destroysecurity");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-sneak");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-pickdoor");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-bribe");
- Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-escape");
- _engine_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].loadWorldContent();
-function nextInfiltrationLevel(inst) {
- ++inst.clearanceLevel;
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- //Buttons
- var killButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-kill");
- var knockoutButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-knockout");
- var stealthKnockoutButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-stealthknockout");
- var assassinateButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-assassinate");
- var hackSecurityButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-hacksecurity");
- var destroySecurityButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-destroysecurity");
- var sneakButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-sneak");
- var pickdoorButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-pickdoor");
- var bribeButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-bribe");
- var escapeButton = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("infiltration-escape");
- killButton.style.display = "none";
- knockoutButton.style.display = "none";
- stealthKnockoutButton.style.display = "none";
- assassinateButton.style.display = "none";
- hackSecurityButton.style.display = "none";
- destroySecurityButton.style.display = "none";
- sneakButton.style.display = "none";
- pickdoorButton.style.display = "none";
- bribeButton.style.display = "none";
- escapeButton.style.display = "none";
- var rand = Object(_utils_HelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["getRandomInt"])(0, 5); //This needs to change if more scenarios are added
- var scenario = null;
- switch (rand) {
- case 1:
- scenario = InfiltrationScenarios.TechOnly;
- hackSecurityButton.style.display = "block";
- destroySecurityButton.style.display = "block";
- sneakButton.style.display = "block";
- escapeButton.style.display = "block";
- break;
- case 2:
- scenario = InfiltrationScenarios.TechOrLockedDoor;
- hackSecurityButton.style.display = "block";
- destroySecurityButton.style.display = "block";
- sneakButton.style.display = "block";
- pickdoorButton.style.display = "block";
- escapeButton.style.display = "block";
- break;
- case 3:
- scenario = InfiltrationScenarios.Bots;
- killButton.style.display = "block";
- killButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationKill(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY killed the security bots! Unfortunately you alerted the " +
- "rest of the facility's security. The facility's security " +
- "level increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].karma -= 1;
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- var dmgTaken = Math.max(1, Math.round(1.5 * inst.securityLevel / _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].defense));
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to kill the security bots. The bots fight back " +
- "and raise the alarm! You take " + dmgTaken + " damage and " +
- "the facility's security level increases by " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].takeDamage(dmgTaken)) {
- endInfiltration(inst, false);
- }
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- });
- assassinateButton.style.display = "block";
- assassinateButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationAssassinate(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY assassinated the security bots without being detected!");
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].karma -= 1;
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to assassinate the security bots. The bots have not detected " +
- "you but are now more alert for an intruder. The facility's security level " +
- "has increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- });
- hackSecurityButton.style.display = "block";
- sneakButton.style.display = "block";
- escapeButton.style.display = "block";
- break;
- default: //0, 4-5
- scenario = InfiltrationScenarios.Guards;
- killButton.style.display = "block";
- killButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationKill(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY killed the security guard! Unfortunately you alerted the " +
- "rest of the facility's security. The facility's security " +
- "level has increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].karma -= 3;
- ++_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].numPeopleKilled;
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- var dmgTaken = Math.max(1, Math.round(inst.securityLevel / _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].defense));
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to kill the security guard. The guard fights back " +
- "and raises the alarm! You take " + dmgTaken + " damage and " +
- "the facility's security level has increased by " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].takeDamage(dmgTaken)) {
- endInfiltration(inst, false);
- }
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- });
- knockoutButton.style.display = "block";
- stealthKnockoutButton.style.display = "block";
- assassinateButton.style.display = "block";
- assassinateButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationAssassinate(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY assassinated the security guard without being detected!");
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].karma -= 3;
- ++_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].numPeopleKilled;
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to assassinate the security guard. The guard has not detected " +
- "you but is now more alert for an intruder. The facility's security level " +
- "has increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- });
- sneakButton.style.display = "block";
- bribeButton.style.display = "block";
- escapeButton.style.display = "block";
- break;
- }
- knockoutButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationKnockout(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY knocked out the security guard! " +
- "Unfortunately you made a lot of noise and alerted other security.");
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("The facility's security level increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- var dmgTaken = Math.max(1, Math.round(inst.securityLevel / _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].defense));
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to knockout the security guard. The guard " +
- "raises the alarm and fights back! You take " + dmgTaken + " damage and " +
- "the facility's security level increases by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].takeDamage(dmgTaken)) {
- endInfiltration(inst, false);
- }
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- return false;
- });
- stealthKnockoutButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationStealthKnockout(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY knocked out the security guard without making " +
- "any noise!");
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- var dmgTaken = Math.max(1, Math.round(inst.securityLevel / _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].defense));
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to stealthily knockout the security guard. The guard " +
- "raises the alarm and fights back! You take " + dmgTaken + " damage and " +
- "the facility's security level increases by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].takeDamage(dmgTaken)) {
- endInfiltration(inst, false);
- }
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- return false;
- });
- hackSecurityButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationHack(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY hacked and disabled the security system!");
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("The facility's security level increased by " + ((res[1]*100) - 100).toString() + "%");
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to hack the security system. The facility's " +
- "security level increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- return false;
- });
- destroySecurityButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationDestroySecurity(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY and violently destroy the security system!");
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("The facility's security level increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to destroy the security system. The facility's " +
- "security level increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- return false;
- });
- sneakButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationSneak(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY sneak past the security undetected!");
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED and were detected while trying to sneak past security! The facility's " +
- "security level increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- return false;
- });
- pickdoorButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationPickLockedDoor(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY pick the locked door!");
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("The facility's security level increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to pick the locked door. The facility's security level " +
- "increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- return false;
- });
- bribeButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var bribeAmt = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].InfiltrationBribeBaseAmount * inst.clearanceLevel;
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].money.lt(bribeAmt)) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You do not have enough money to bribe the guard. " +
- "You need $" + bribeAmt);
- return false;
- }
- var res = attemptInfiltrationBribe(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY bribed a guard to let you through " +
- "to the next clearance level for $" + bribeAmt);
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].loseMoney(bribeAmt);
- endInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- return false;
- } else {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to bribe a guard! The guard is alerting " +
- "other security guards about your presence! The facility's " +
- "security level increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- return false;
- });
- escapeButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
- var res = attemptInfiltrationEscape(inst);
- if (res[0]) {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY escape from the facility with the stolen classified " +
- "documents and company secrets!");
- endInfiltration(inst, true);
- return false;
- } else {
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to escape from the facility. You took 1 damage. The facility's " +
- "security level increased by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
- if (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].takeDamage(1)) {
- endInfiltration(inst, false);
- }
- }
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst);
- return false;
- });
- updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("");
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You are now on clearance level " + inst.clearanceLevel + ".
" +
- scenario);
-function endInfiltrationLevel(inst) {
- //Check if you gained any secrets
- if (inst.clearanceLevel % 5 == 0) {
- var baseSecretValue = inst.baseValue * inst.clearanceLevel / 2;
- var secretValue = baseSecretValue * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].faction_rep_mult *
- _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].InfiltrationRepValue * _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].InfiltrationRep;
- var secretMoneyValue = baseSecretValue * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].InfiltrationMoneyValue *
- _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].InfiltrationMoney;
- inst.secretsStolen.push(baseSecretValue);
- Object(_utils_DialogBox_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You found and stole a set of classified documents from the company. " +
- "These classified secrets could probably be sold for money ($" +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(secretMoneyValue, 2) + "), or they " +
- "could be given to factions for reputation (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(secretValue, 3) + " rep)");
- }
- //Increase security level based on difficulty
- inst.securityLevel *= (1 + (inst.difficulty / 100));
- writeInfiltrationStatusText("You move on to the facility's next clearance level. This " +
- "clearance level has " + inst.difficulty + "% higher security");
- //If this is max level, force endInfiltration
- if (inst.clearanceLevel >= inst.maxClearanceLevel) {
- endInfiltration(inst, true);
- } else {
- nextInfiltrationLevel(inst);
- }
-function writeInfiltrationStatusText(txt) {
- var statusTxt = document.getElementById("infiltration-status-text");
- statusTxt.innerHTML += (txt + "
- statusTxt.parentElement.scrollTop = statusTxt.scrollHeight;
-function clearInfiltrationStatusText() {
- document.getElementById("infiltration-status-text").innerHTML = "";
-function updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst) {
- var totalValue = 0;
- var totalMoneyValue = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < inst.secretsStolen.length; ++i) {
- totalValue += (inst.secretsStolen[i] * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].faction_rep_mult *
- _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].InfiltrationRepValue * _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].InfiltrationRep);
- totalMoneyValue += inst.secretsStolen[i] * _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].InfiltrationMoneyValue *
- _BitNode_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["BitNodeMultipliers"].InfiltrationMoney;
- }
- var expMultiplier = 2 * inst.clearanceLevel / inst.maxClearanceLevel;
- document.getElementById("infiltration-level-text").innerHTML =
- "Facility name: " + inst.companyName + "
" +
- "Clearance Level: " + inst.clearanceLevel + "
" +
- "Security Level: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(inst.securityLevel, 3) + "
" +
- "Total reputation value of secrets stolen: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(totalValue, 3) + "
" +
- "Total monetary value of secrets stolen: $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(totalMoneyValue, 2) + "
" +
- "Hack exp gained: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(inst.hackingExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "
" +
- "Str exp gained: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(inst.strExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "
" +
- "Def exp gained: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(inst.defExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "
" +
- "Dex exp gained: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(inst.dexExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "
" +
- "Agi exp gained: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(inst.agiExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "
" +
- "Cha exp gained: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(inst.chaExpGained * expMultiplier, 3);
-function updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario) {
- var killChance = getInfiltrationKillChance(inst);
- var knockoutChance = getInfiltrationKnockoutChance(inst);
- var stealthKnockoutChance = getInfiltrationStealthKnockoutChance(inst);
- var assassinateChance = getInfiltrationAssassinateChance(inst);
- var destroySecurityChance = getInfiltrationDestroySecurityChance(inst);
- var hackChance = getInfiltrationHackChance(inst);
- var sneakChance = getInfiltrationSneakChance(inst);
- var lockpickChance = getInfiltrationPickLockedDoorChance(inst);
- var bribeChance = getInfiltrationBribeChance(inst);
- var escapeChance = getInfiltrationEscapeChance(inst);
- document.getElementById("infiltration-escape").innerHTML = "Escape" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to escape the facility with the classified secrets and " +
- "documents you have stolen. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(escapeChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. If you fail, " +
- "the security level will increase by 5%.";
- switch(scenario) {
- case InfiltrationScenarios.TechOrLockedDoor:
- document.getElementById("infiltration-pickdoor").innerHTML = "Lockpick" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to pick the locked door. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(lockpickChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you succeed, the security level will increased by 1%. If you fail, the " +
- "security level will increase by 3%.";
- case InfiltrationScenarios.TechOnly:
- document.getElementById("infiltration-hacksecurity").innerHTML = "Hack" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to hack and disable the security system. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(hackChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you succeed, the security level will increase by 3%. If you fail, " +
- "the security level will increase by 5%.";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-destroysecurity").innerHTML = "Destroy security" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to violently destroy the security system. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(destroySecurityChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you succeed, the security level will increase by 5%. If you fail, the " +
- "security level will increase by 10%. ";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-sneak").innerHTML = "Sneak" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to sneak past the security system. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(sneakChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you fail, the security level will increase by 8%. ";
- break;
- case InfiltrationScenarios.Bots:
- document.getElementById("infiltration-kill").innerHTML = "Destroy bots" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to destroy the security bots through combat. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(killChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you succeed, the security level will increase by 5%. If you fail, " +
- "the security level will increase by 10%. ";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-assassinate").innerHTML = "Assassinate bots" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to stealthily destroy the security bots through assassination. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(assassinateChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you fail, the security level will increase by 10%. ";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-hacksecurity").innerHTML = "Hack bots" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to disable the security bots by hacking them. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(hackChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you succeed, the security level will increase by 3%. If you fail, " +
- "the security level will increase by 5%. ";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-sneak").innerHTML = "Sneak" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to sneak past the security bots. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(sneakChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you fail, the security level will increase by 8%. ";
- break;
- case InfiltrationScenarios.Guards:
- default:
- document.getElementById("infiltration-kill").innerHTML = "Kill" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to kill the security guard. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(killChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you succeed, the security level will increase by 5%. If you fail, " +
- "the security level will decrease by 10%. ";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-knockout").innerHTML = "Knockout" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to knockout the security guard. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(knockoutChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you succeed, the security level will increase by 3%. If you fail, the " +
- "security level will increase by 10%. ";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-stealthknockout").innerHTML = "Stealth Knockout" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to stealthily knockout the security guard. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(stealthKnockoutChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you fail, the security level will increase by 10%. ";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-assassinate").innerHTML = "Assassinate" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to assassinate the security guard. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(assassinateChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you fail, the security level will increase by 5%. ";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-sneak").innerHTML = "Sneak" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to sneak past the security guard. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(sneakChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you fail, the security level will increase by 8%. ";
- document.getElementById("infiltration-bribe").innerHTML = "Bribe" +
- "" +
- "Attempt to bribe the security guard. You have a " +
- Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(bribeChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
- "If you fail, the security level will increase by 15%. ";
- break;
- }
-let intWgt = _Constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CONSTANTS"].IntelligenceInfiltrationWeight;
-//Success: 5%, Failure 10%, -Karma
-function attemptInfiltrationKill(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationKillChance(inst);
- inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].strength_exp_mult;
- inst.gainDefenseExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].defense_exp_mult;
- inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult;
- inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility_exp_mult;
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
- return [true, 1.05];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.1;
- return [false, 1.1];
- }
-function getInfiltrationKillChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].strength +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility) / (1.45 * lvl));
-//Success: 3%, Failure: 10%
-function attemptInfiltrationKnockout(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationKnockoutChance(inst);
- inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 80) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].strength_exp_mult;
- inst.gainDefenseExp(inst.securityLevel / 80) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].defense_exp_mult;
- inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 80) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult;
- inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 80) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility_exp_mult;
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.03;
- return [true, 1.03];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.1;
- return [false, 1.1];
- }
-function getInfiltrationKnockoutChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].strength +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility) / (1.7 * lvl));
-//Stealth knockout
-//Success: 0%, Failure: 10%
-function attemptInfiltrationStealthKnockout(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationStealthKnockoutChance(inst);
- inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].strength_exp_mult;
- inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 65) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult;
- inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 65) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility_exp_mult;
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- return [true, 1];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.1;
- return [false, 1.1];
- }
-function getInfiltrationStealthKnockoutChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (0.55 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].strength +
- 2 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity +
- 2 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].intelligence) / (3 * lvl));
-//Success: 0%, Failure: 5%, -Karma
-function attemptInfiltrationAssassinate(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationAssassinateChance(inst);
- inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].strength_exp_mult;
- inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 65) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult;
- inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 65) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility_exp_mult;
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- return [true, 1];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
- return [false, 1.05];
- }
-function getInfiltrationAssassinateChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity +
- 0.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].intelligence) / (2 * lvl));
-//Destroy security
-//Success: 5%, Failure: 10%
-function attemptInfiltrationDestroySecurity(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationDestroySecurityChance(inst);
- inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].strength_exp_mult;
- inst.gainDefenseExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].defense_exp_mult;
- inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult;
- inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility_exp_mult;
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
- return [true, 1.05];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.1;
- return [false, 1.1];
- }
-function getInfiltrationDestroySecurityChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].strength +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility) / (2 * lvl));
-//Hack security
-//Success: 3%, Failure: 5%
-function attemptInfiltrationHack(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationHackChance(inst);
- inst.gainHackingExp(inst.securityLevel / 40) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_exp_mult;
- inst.gainIntelligenceExp(inst.securityLevel / 690);
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.03;
- return [true, 1.03];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
- return [false, 1.05];
- }
-function getInfiltrationHackChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].hacking_skill +
- (intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].intelligence)) / lvl);
-//Sneak past security
-//Success: 0%, Failure: 8%
-function attemptInfiltrationSneak(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationSneakChance(inst);
- inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 40) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility_exp_mult;
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- return [true, 1];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.08;
- return [false, 1.08];
- }
-function getInfiltrationSneakChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility +
- 0.5 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].intelligence) / (2 * lvl));
-//Pick locked door
-//Success: 1%, Failure: 3%
-function attemptInfiltrationPickLockedDoor(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationPickLockedDoorChance(inst);
- inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 30) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult;
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.01;
- return [true, 1.01];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.03;
- return [false, 1.03];
- }
-function getInfiltrationPickLockedDoorChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].intelligence) / lvl);
-//Success: 0%, Failure: 15%,
-function attemptInfiltrationBribe(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationBribeChance(inst);
- inst.gainCharismaExp(inst.securityLevel / 10) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].charisma_exp_mult;
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- return [true, 1];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.15;
- return [false, 1.15];
- }
-function getInfiltrationBribeChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (_Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].charisma) / lvl);
-//Failure: 5%
-function attemptInfiltrationEscape(inst) {
- var chance = getInfiltrationEscapeChance(inst);
- inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 35) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility_exp_mult;
- inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 35) * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity_exp_mult;
- if (Math.random() <= chance) {
- return [true, 1];
- } else {
- inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
- return [false, 1.05];
- }
-function getInfiltrationEscapeChance(inst) {
- var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
- return Math.min(0.95,
- (2 * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].agility +
- _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].dexterity +
- intWgt * _Player_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Player"].intelligence) / lvl);
-/***/ }),
-/* 113 */
- !*** ./node_modules/file-saver/FileSaver.js ***!
- \**********************************************/
-/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
-var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/* FileSaver.js
- * A saveAs() FileSaver implementation.
- * 1.3.2
- * 2016-06-16 18:25:19
- *
- * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com
- * License: MIT
- * See https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/blob/master/LICENSE.md
- */
-/*global self */
-/*jslint bitwise: true, indent: 4, laxbreak: true, laxcomma: true, smarttabs: true, plusplus: true */
-/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/FileSaver.js */
-var saveAs = saveAs || (function(view) {
- "use strict";
- // IE <10 is explicitly unsupported
- if (typeof view === "undefined" || typeof navigator !== "undefined" && /MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
- return;
- }
- var
- doc = view.document
- // only get URL when necessary in case Blob.js hasn't overridden it yet
- , get_URL = function() {
- return view.URL || view.webkitURL || view;
- }
- , save_link = doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "a")
- , can_use_save_link = "download" in save_link
- , click = function(node) {
- var event = new MouseEvent("click");
- node.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- , is_safari = /constructor/i.test(view.HTMLElement) || view.safari
- , is_chrome_ios =/CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent)
- , throw_outside = function(ex) {
- (view.setImmediate || view.setTimeout)(function() {
- throw ex;
- }, 0);
- }
- , force_saveable_type = "application/octet-stream"
- // the Blob API is fundamentally broken as there is no "downloadfinished" event to subscribe to
- , arbitrary_revoke_timeout = 1000 * 40 // in ms
- , revoke = function(file) {
- var revoker = function() {
- if (typeof file === "string") { // file is an object URL
- get_URL().revokeObjectURL(file);
- } else { // file is a File
- file.remove();
- }
- };
- setTimeout(revoker, arbitrary_revoke_timeout);
- }
- , dispatch = function(filesaver, event_types, event) {
- event_types = [].concat(event_types);
- var i = event_types.length;
- while (i--) {
- var listener = filesaver["on" + event_types[i]];
- if (typeof listener === "function") {
- try {
- listener.call(filesaver, event || filesaver);
- } catch (ex) {
- throw_outside(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- , auto_bom = function(blob) {
- // prepend BOM for UTF-8 XML and text/* types (including HTML)
- // note: your browser will automatically convert UTF-16 U+FEFF to EF BB BF
- if (/^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(blob.type)) {
- return new Blob([String.fromCharCode(0xFEFF), blob], {type: blob.type});
- }
- return blob;
- }
- , FileSaver = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
- if (!no_auto_bom) {
- blob = auto_bom(blob);
- }
- // First try a.download, then web filesystem, then object URLs
- var
- filesaver = this
- , type = blob.type
- , force = type === force_saveable_type
- , object_url
- , dispatch_all = function() {
- dispatch(filesaver, "writestart progress write writeend".split(" "));
- }
- // on any filesys errors revert to saving with object URLs
- , fs_error = function() {
- if ((is_chrome_ios || (force && is_safari)) && view.FileReader) {
- // Safari doesn't allow downloading of blob urls
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onloadend = function() {
- var url = is_chrome_ios ? reader.result : reader.result.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/, 'data:attachment/file;');
- var popup = view.open(url, '_blank');
- if(!popup) view.location.href = url;
- url=undefined; // release reference before dispatching
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
- dispatch_all();
- };
- reader.readAsDataURL(blob);
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT;
- return;
- }
- // don't create more object URLs than needed
- if (!object_url) {
- object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob);
- }
- if (force) {
- view.location.href = object_url;
- } else {
- var opened = view.open(object_url, "_blank");
- if (!opened) {
- // Apple does not allow window.open, see https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/Tools/Conceptual/SafariExtensionGuide/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs.html
- view.location.href = object_url;
- }
- }
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
- dispatch_all();
- revoke(object_url);
- }
- ;
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT;
- if (can_use_save_link) {
- object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob);
- setTimeout(function() {
- save_link.href = object_url;
- save_link.download = name;
- click(save_link);
- dispatch_all();
- revoke(object_url);
- filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
- });
- return;
- }
- fs_error();
- }
- , FS_proto = FileSaver.prototype
- , saveAs = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
- return new FileSaver(blob, name || blob.name || "download", no_auto_bom);
- }
- ;
- // IE 10+ (native saveAs)
- if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
- return function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
- name = name || blob.name || "download";
- if (!no_auto_bom) {
- blob = auto_bom(blob);
- }
- return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, name);
- };
- }
- FS_proto.abort = function(){};
- FS_proto.readyState = FS_proto.INIT = 0;
- FS_proto.WRITING = 1;
- FS_proto.DONE = 2;
- FS_proto.error =
- FS_proto.onwritestart =
- FS_proto.onprogress =
- FS_proto.onwrite =
- FS_proto.onabort =
- FS_proto.onerror =
- FS_proto.onwriteend =
- null;
- return saveAs;
- typeof self !== "undefined" && self
- || typeof window !== "undefined" && window
- || this.content
-// `self` is undefined in Firefox for Android content script context
-// while `this` is nsIContentFrameMessageManager
-// with an attribute `content` that corresponds to the window
-if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
- module.exports.saveAs = saveAs;
-} else if (("function" !== "undefined" && __webpack_require__(/*! !webpack amd define */ 77) !== null) && (__webpack_require__(/*! !webpack amd options */ 116) !== null)) {
- !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function() {
- return saveAs;
- }).call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module),
- __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));
-/***/ }),
-/* 114 */
- !*** ./node_modules/jszip/lib/index.js ***!
- \*****************************************/
-/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
-"use strict";
- * Representation a of zip file in js
- * @constructor
- */
-function JSZip() {
- // if this constructor is used without `new`, it adds `new` before itself:
- if(!(this instanceof JSZip)) {
- return new JSZip();
- }
- if(arguments.length) {
- throw new Error("The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
- }
- // object containing the files :
- // {
- // "folder/" : {...},
- // "folder/data.txt" : {...}
- // }
- this.files = {};
- this.comment = null;
- // Where we are in the hierarchy
- this.root = "";
- this.clone = function() {
- var newObj = new JSZip();
- for (var i in this) {
- if (typeof this[i] !== "function") {
- newObj[i] = this[i];
- }
- }
- return newObj;
- };
-JSZip.prototype = __webpack_require__(/*! ./object */ 167);
-JSZip.prototype.loadAsync = __webpack_require__(/*! ./load */ 121);
-JSZip.support = __webpack_require__(/*! ./support */ 50);
-JSZip.defaults = __webpack_require__(/*! ./defaults */ 93);
-// TODO find a better way to handle this version,
-// a require('package.json').version doesn't work with webpack, see #327
-JSZip.version = "3.1.5";
-JSZip.loadAsync = function (content, options) {
- return new JSZip().loadAsync(content, options);
-JSZip.external = __webpack_require__(/*! ./external */ 58);
-module.exports = JSZip;
-/***/ }),
-/* 115 */
- !*** ./node_modules/bluebird/js/browser/bluebird.js ***!
- \******************************************************/
-/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
-/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process, global, setImmediate) {/* @preserve
- * The MIT License (MIT)
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Petka Antonov
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- */
- * bluebird build version 3.5.1
- * Features enabled: core, race, call_get, generators, map, nodeify, promisify, props, reduce, settle, some, using, timers, filter, any, each
-!function(e){if(true)module.exports=e();else { var f; }}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof _dereq_=="function"&&_dereq_;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof _dereq_=="function"&&_dereq_;for(var o=0;o