Updated some of the Faction Info entries

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Xie 2017-02-24 14:48:15 -06:00
parent db476ee902
commit 9153c48b23
3 changed files with 11 additions and 27 deletions

@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ TESTING TODO:
Applying/working for companies
Change Company pages to display "apply for promotion" and other stuff when you are already employed there
Tasks TODO:
Script logging functionality? Logs to internal "log file" (property of script itself)
Tutorial and help
@ -60,9 +63,7 @@ Tasks TODO:
Create new menu page for purchased servers
Change Company pages to display "apply for promotion" and other stuff when you are already employed there
Update CONSTANTS.HelpText
Account for Max possible int when gaining exp
Text in script editor that says ("ctrl + x" to save and quit)

@ -21,37 +21,21 @@ FactionInfo = {
"scan See 'netstat' command\n" +
"telnet [ip/hostname] See 'connect' command\n" +
"top Display all running scripts and their RAM usage\n",
As long as technology has a global reach, someone will have the world in the palm of his hand
"If there were no god, it would be necessary to invent him."
Absolute freedom is no better than chaos. Society needs laws and regulations to protect it.
The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement same functionality with data-mining algorithms.
"Arrogance, daring to go beyond the limits imposed upon us, that is exactly what makes us human beings."
IlluminatiInfo: "We are the Invisible Hand. We are the Illuminati. We come before and after. We are forever.\n" +
"And eventually... eventually we will lead them into the day.",
IlluminatiInfo: "Humanity never changes. No matter how civilized society becomes, it will eventually fall back\n" +
"into chaos. And out of this chaos, we will lead them to order.\n" +
"We are the Invisible Hand. We are forever.",
DaedalusInfo: "It is a commonly held precept that two are stronger than one, and that four are stronger than two,\n" +
"and that sixteen are by far stronger than four; with this, there can be no argument. If all of human \n" +
DaedalusInfo: "If all of human \n" +
"history is but a single lesson, it is that the individual may be remembered, but the organization \n" +
"persists and thrives. A single artist, a single general, a single hero or a single villain may all die,\n" +
"but it is impossible to kill a people, a nation, an idea -- except when that idea has grown weak and is \n" +
"overpowered by one that is stronger.\n\n" +
"This then is the true calling of those who would be mighty and join They Who Rule the World in Majesty, to \n" +
"shun all that is empty fame and glory; to eliminate weak thoughts, weak hands, and weak ideas; to give up vain\n" +
"individuality and instead become part of something that is glorious and strong. This is the First Secret, that by\n" +
"surrendering that part of you that is the least, you are elevated to the Most. The First Secret shall set you free,\n" +
"and those who know their duty will find in it the keys to immortality.\n\n" +
"The Second Secret can be explained to all, but truly understood only by those who have submitted to the first Body and Soul...",
"overpowered by one that is stronger. -- The Doctrine of the Mighty\n\n" +
"Surrender yourself. Give up your empty individuality to become part of something great, something eternal.\n" +
"Become a slave. Submit your mind, body, and soul. Only then can you set yourself free.\n\n" +
"Only then can you discover immortality.",
CovenantInfo: "Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks to emperors. Today we kneel only to truth.",

@ -222,7 +222,6 @@ displayLocationContent = function() {
jobReputation.style.display = "none";
switch (loc) {
case Locations.AevumTravelAgency:
travelToChongqing.style.display = "block";