diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index b548e2270..3582addb8 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
diff --git a/src/Augmentations.js b/src/Augmentations.js
index 7f2ca824a..29423edad 100644
--- a/src/Augmentations.js
+++ b/src/Augmentations.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Augmentation.prototype.setInfo = function(inf) {
Augmentation.prototype.setRequirements = function(rep, cost) {
- this.baseRepRequirement = rep;
+ this.baseRepRequirement = rep * CONSTANTS.AugmentationRepMultiplier;
this.baseCost = cost * CONSTANTS.AugmentationCostMultiplier;
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
Targeting2.setRequirements(3500, 8500000);
Targeting2.setInfo("This is an upgrade of the Augmented Targeting I cranial implant, which is capable of augmenting reality " +
"and enhances the user's balance and hand-eye coordination.
This upgrade increases the player's dexterity " +
- "by an additional 30%.");
+ "by an additional 40%.");
Targeting2.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Ishima",
"OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Targeting2)) {
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
Targeting3.setRequirements(11000, 23000000);
Targeting3.setInfo("This is an upgrade of the Augmented Targeting II cranial implant, which is capable of augmenting reality " +
"and enhances the user's balance and hand-eye coordination.
This upgrade increases the player's dexterity " +
- "by an additional 50%.");
+ "by an additional 60%.");
Targeting3.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "OmniTek Incorporated",
"KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries", "The Covenant"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Targeting3)) {
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
SynfibrilMuscle.setInfo("The myofibrils in human muscles are injected with special chemicals that react with the proteins inside " +
"the myofibrils, altering their underlying structure. The end result is muscles that are stronger and more elastic. " +
"Scientists have named these artificially enhanced units 'synfibrils'.
This augmentation increases the player's " +
- "strength and defense by 75%.");
+ "strength and defense by 80%.");
SynfibrilMuscle.addToFactions(["KuaiGong International", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Speakers for the Dead",
"NWO", "The Covenant", "Daedalus", "Illuminati", "Blade Industries"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle)) {
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
var CombatRib3 = new Augmentation(AugmentationNames.CombatRib3);
CombatRib3.setRequirements(12000, 22000000);
CombatRib3.setInfo("This is an upgrade to the Combat Rib II augmentation, and is capable of releasing even more potent combat-enhancing " +
- "drugs into the bloodstream
. This upgrade increases the player's strength and defense by an additional 35%.");
+ "drugs into the bloodstream
. This upgrade increases the player's strength and defense by an additional 40%.");
CombatRib3.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "OmniTek Incorporated",
"KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries", "The Covenant"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CombatRib3)) {
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"Not only is the Bionic Spine physically stronger than a human spine, but it is also capable of digitally " +
"stimulating and regulating the neural signals that are sent and received by the spinal cord. This results in " +
"greatly improved senses and reaction speeds.
" +
- "This augmentation increases all of the player's combat stats by 20%.");
+ "This augmentation increases all of the player's combat stats by 25%.");
BionicSpine.addToFactions(["Speakers for the Dead", "The Syndicate", "KuaiGong International",
"OmniTek Incorporated", "Blade Industries"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BionicSpine)) {
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"language, and the voice's tone/inflection to determine the best course of action during social" +
"situations. The implant also uses deep learning software to continuously learn new behavior" +
"patterns and how to best respond.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's charisma and charisma experience gain rate by 50%.");
+ "This augmentation increases the player's charisma and charisma experience gain rate by 60%.");
EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant.addToFactions(["Bachman & Associates", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated",
"OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant)) {
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"allowing its user to solve much more complex problems at a much faster rate.
" +
"This augmentation:
" +
"Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player's gains from hacking by 10%
" +
+ "Increases the amount of money the player's gains from hacking by 15%
" +
"Inreases the player's hacking skill by 15%");
ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork)) {
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"This augmentation:
" +
"Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" +
"Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 15%");
+ "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 20%");
EnhancedMyelinSheathing.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "BitRunners", "The Black Hand"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing)) {
EnhancedMyelinSheathing.owned = Augmentations[AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing].owned;
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
DataJack.setInfo("A brain implant that provides an interface for direct, wireless communication between a computer's main " +
"memory and the mind. This implant allows the user to not only access a computer's memory, but also alter " +
"and delete it.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 25%");
+ "This augmentation increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 30%");
DataJack.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "The Black Hand", "NiteSec", "Chongqing", "New Tokyo"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.DataJack)) {
DataJack.owned = Augmentations[AugmentationNames.DataJack].owned;
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
ENMAnalyzeEngine.setRequirements(250000, 1200000000);
ENMAnalyzeEngine.setInfo("Installs the Analyze Engine for the Embedded Netburner Module, which is a CPU cluster " +
"that vastly outperforms the Netburner Module's native single-core processor.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's hacking speed by 10%.");
+ "This augmentation increases the player's hacking speed by 12%.");
ENMAnalyzeEngine.addToFactions(["ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO",
"Daedalus", "The Covenant", "Illuminati"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine)) {
@@ -625,8 +625,8 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"in order to improve cognitive functions
" +
"This augmentation:
" +
"Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" +
- "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 10%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 25%");
+ "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 15%
" +
+ "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 30%");
Neuralstimulator.addToFactions(["The Black Hand", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum",
"Ishima", "Volhaven", "Bachman & Associates", "Clarke Incorporated",
"Four Sigma"]);
@@ -652,14 +652,14 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
var CranialSignalProcessorsG1 = new Augmentation(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1);
- CranialSignalProcessorsG1.setRequirements(4000, 18000000);
+ CranialSignalProcessorsG1.setRequirements(4000, 16000000);
CranialSignalProcessorsG1.setInfo("The first generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " +
"are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " +
"neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " +
"so that the brain doesn't have to.
" +
"This augmentation:
" +
"Increases the player's hacking speed by 1%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%");
+ "Increases the player's hacking skill by 15%");
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1)) {
CranialSignalProcessorsG1.owned = Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1].owned;
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"This augmentation:
" +
"Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" +
"Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 5%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%");
+ "Increases the player's hacking skill by 15%");
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2)) {
CranialSignalProcessorsG2.owned = Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2].owned;
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"This augmentation:
" +
"Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" +
"Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 20%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%");
+ "Increases the player's hacking skill by 15%");
CranialSignalProcessorsG3.addToFactions(["NiteSec", "The Black Hand"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3)) {
CranialSignalProcessorsG3.owned = Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3].owned;
@@ -725,8 +725,9 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " +
"so that the brain doesn't have to.
" +
"This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 60%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player can inject into servers using grow() by 50%");
+ "Increases the player's hacking skill by 30%
" +
+ "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 25%
" +
+ "Increases the amount of money the player can inject into servers using grow() by 75%");
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5)) {
CranialSignalProcessorsG5.owned = Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5].owned;
@@ -740,8 +741,8 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"by decreasing the neuron gap junction. Then, the body is genetically modified " +
"to enhance the production and capabilities of its neural stem cells.
" +
"This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 30%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 30%
+ "Increases the player's hacking skill by 25%
" +
+ "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 40%
"Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%");
NeuronalDensification.addToFactions(["Clarke Incorporated"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification)) {
@@ -788,7 +789,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"in the brain.
" +
"This augmentation:
" +
"Increases all experience gains by 10%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from working by 10%
" +
+ "Increases the amount of money the player gains from working by 20%
" +
"Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 10%");
FocusWire.addToFactions(["Bachman & Associates", "Clarke Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.FocusWire)) {
@@ -803,7 +804,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"computers. Connecting to a computer through this jack allows you to interface with " +
"it using the brain's electrochemical signals.
" +
"This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 25%
" +
+ "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 30%
" +
"Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%");
PCDNI.addToFactions(["Four Sigma", "OmniTek Incorporated", "ECorp", "Blade Industries"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PCDNI)) {
@@ -818,8 +819,8 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"improves the performance of the interface and gives the user more control options " +
"to the connected computer.
" +
"This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 25%
" +
- "Increases the player's hacking skill by 25%");
+ "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 75%
" +
+ "Increases the player's hacking skill by 20%");
PCDNIOptimizer.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "ECorp", "Blade Industries"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer)) {
PCDNIOptimizer.owned = Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer].owned;
@@ -834,7 +835,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"The NeuroNet Injector upgrade allows the user to use his/her own brain's " +
"processing power to aid the computer in computational tasks.
" +
"This augmentation:
" +
- "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 50%
" +
+ "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 100%
" +
"Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%
" +
"Increases the player's hacking speed by 5%");
PCDNINeuralNetwork.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]);
@@ -1315,7 +1316,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"This augmentation:
" +
"Lets the player start with $1,000,000 after a reset
" +
"Lets the player start with the BruteSSH.exe program after a reset");
- CashRoot.setRequirements(4000, 25000000);
+ CashRoot.setRequirements(5000, 25000000);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CashRoot)) {
CashRoot.owned = Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CashRoot].owned;
@@ -1381,7 +1382,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"This augmentation:
" +
"Increases the player's strength and defense by 50%
" +
"Increases the player's crime success rate by 10%
" +
- "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 20%");
+ "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 25%");
GrapheneBrachiBlades.setRequirements(90000, 500000000);
GrapheneBrachiBlades.addToFactions(["Speakers for the Dead"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBrachiBlades)) {
@@ -1395,7 +1396,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
GrapheneBionicArms.setInfo("An upgrade to the Bionic Arms augmentation. It infuses the " +
"prosthetic arms with an advanced graphene material " +
"to make them much stronger and lighter.
" +
- "This augmentation increases the player's strength and dexterity by 100%");
+ "This augmentation increases the player's strength and dexterity by 125%");
GrapheneBionicArms.setRequirements(200000, 750000000);
GrapheneBionicArms.addToFactions(["The Dark Army"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms)) {
@@ -1439,7 +1440,7 @@ initAugmentations = function() {
"This augmentation:
" +
"Increases the amount of money the player earns at a company by 10%
" +
"Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a " +
- "company or faction by 20%");
+ "company or faction by 15%");
SNA.setRequirements(2500, 6000000);
SNA.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui"]);
if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SNA)) {
@@ -1461,18 +1462,18 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
Player.dexterity_mult *= 1.2;
case AugmentationNames.Targeting2:
- Player.dexterity_mult *= 1.3;
+ Player.dexterity_mult *= 1.4;
case AugmentationNames.Targeting3:
- Player.dexterity_mult *= 1.5;
+ Player.dexterity_mult *= 1.6;
case AugmentationNames.SyntheticHeart: //High level
Player.agility_mult *= 2.0;
Player.strength_mult *= 2.0;
case AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle: //Medium-high level
- Player.strength_mult *= 1.75;
- Player.defense_mult *= 1.75;
+ Player.strength_mult *= 1.8;
+ Player.defense_mult *= 1.8;
case AugmentationNames.CombatRib1:
//Str and Defense 5%
@@ -1484,8 +1485,8 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
Player.defense_mult *= 1.25;
case AugmentationNames.CombatRib3:
- Player.strength_mult *= 1.35;
- Player.defense_mult *= 1.35;
+ Player.strength_mult *= 1.40;
+ Player.defense_mult *= 1.40;
case AugmentationNames.NanofiberWeave: //Med level
Player.strength_mult *= 1.4;
@@ -1503,10 +1504,10 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
Player.defense_mult *= 2.25;
case AugmentationNames.BionicSpine: //Med level
- Player.strength_mult *= 1.2;
- Player.defense_mult *= 1.2;
- Player.agility_mult *= 1.2;
- Player.dexterity_mult *= 1.2;
+ Player.strength_mult *= 1.25;
+ Player.defense_mult *= 1.25;
+ Player.agility_mult *= 1.25;
+ Player.dexterity_mult *= 1.25;
case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicSpine: //High level
Player.strength_mult *= 2;
@@ -1523,8 +1524,8 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
//Labor stats augmentations
case AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant: //Med-high level
- Player.charisma_mult *= 1.5;
- Player.charisma_exp_mult *= 1.5;
+ Player.charisma_mult *= 1.6;
+ Player.charisma_exp_mult *= 1.6;
case AugmentationNames.TITN41Injection:
Player.charisma_mult *= 1.15;
@@ -1540,7 +1541,7 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
case AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork: //Med level
Player.hacking_speed_mult *= .97;
- Player.hacking_money_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.hacking_money_mult *= 1.15;
Player.hacking_mult *= 1.15;
case AugmentationNames.ArtificialSynapticPotentiation: //Med level
@@ -1550,7 +1551,7 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
case AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing: //Med level
Player.hacking_speed_mult *= .97;
- Player.hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15;
+ Player.hacking_exp_mult *= 1.2;
Player.hacking_mult *= 1.1;
case AugmentationNames.SynapticEnhancement: //Low Level
@@ -1560,7 +1561,7 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
Player.hacking_exp_mult *= 1.4;
case AugmentationNames.DataJack: //Med low level
- Player.hacking_money_mult *= 1.25;
+ Player.hacking_money_mult *= 1.3;
case AugmentationNames.ENM: //Medium level
Player.hacking_mult *= 1.1;
@@ -1587,7 +1588,7 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
Player.hacking_mult *= 1.2;
case AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine: //High level
- Player.hacking_speed_mult *= 0.9;
+ Player.hacking_speed_mult *= 0.88;
case AugmentationNames.ENMDMA: //High level
Player.hacking_money_mult *= 1.5;
@@ -1595,8 +1596,8 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
case AugmentationNames.Neuralstimulator: //Medium Level
Player.hacking_speed_mult *= .98;
- Player.hacking_chance_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.hacking_exp_mult *= 1.25;
+ Player.hacking_chance_mult *= 1.15;
+ Player.hacking_exp_mult *= 1.3;
case AugmentationNames.NeuralAccelerator:
Player.hacking_mult *= 1.2;
@@ -1605,17 +1606,17 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1:
Player.hacking_speed_mult *= 0.99;
- Player.hacking_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.hacking_mult *= 1.15;
case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2:
Player.hacking_speed_mult *= 0.98;
Player.hacking_chance_mult *= 1.05;
- Player.hacking_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.hacking_mult *= 1.15;
case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3:
Player.hacking_speed_mult *= 0.98;
Player.hacking_money_mult *= 1.2;
- Player.hacking_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.hacking_mult *= 1.15;
case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG4:
Player.hacking_speed_mult *= 0.98;
@@ -1623,12 +1624,13 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
Player.hacking_grow_mult *= 1.25;
case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5:
- Player.hacking_mult *= 1.6;
- Player.hacking_grow_mult *= 1.5;
+ Player.hacking_mult *= 1.3;
+ Player.hacking_money_mult *= 1.25;
+ Player.hacking_grow_mult *= 1.75;
case AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification:
- Player.hacking_mult *= 1.3;
- Player.hacking_exp_mult *= 1.3;
+ Player.hacking_mult *= 1.25;
+ Player.hacking_exp_mult *= 1.40;
Player.hacking_speed_mult *= 0.97;
@@ -1641,25 +1643,25 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
Player.charisma_mult *= 1.1;
case AugmentationNames.FocusWire: //Med level
- Player.hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.strength_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.defense_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.agility_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.charisma_exp_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.company_rep_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.work_money_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.strength_exp_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.defense_exp_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.agility_exp_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.charisma_exp_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.company_rep_mult *= 1.1;
+ Player.work_money_mult *= 1.2;
case AugmentationNames.PCDNI: //Med level
- Player.company_rep_mult *= 1.25;
+ Player.company_rep_mult *= 1.3;
Player.hacking_mult *= 1.1;
case AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer: //High level
- Player.company_rep_mult *= 1.25;
- Player.hacking_mult *= 1.25;
+ Player.company_rep_mult *= 1.75;
+ Player.hacking_mult *= 1.20;
case AugmentationNames.PCDNINeuralNetwork: //High level
- Player.company_rep_mult *= 1.5;
+ Player.company_rep_mult *= 2;
Player.hacking_mult *= 1.1;
Player.hacking_speed_mult *= .95;
@@ -1897,11 +1899,11 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
Player.strength_mult *= 1.5;
Player.defense_mult *= 1.5;
Player.crime_success_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.crime_money_mult *= 1.2;
+ Player.crime_money_mult *= 1.25;
case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms:
- Player.strength_mult *= 2;
- Player.dexterity_mult *= 2;
+ Player.strength_mult *= 2.25;
+ Player.dexterity_mult *= 2.25;
case AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades:
Player.strength_mult *= 1.2;
@@ -1915,8 +1917,8 @@ applyAugmentation = function(aug, reapply=false) {
case AugmentationNames.SNA:
Player.work_money_mult *= 1.1;
- Player.company_rep_mult *= 1.2;
- Player.faction_rep_mult *= 1.2;
+ Player.company_rep_mult *= 1.15;
+ Player.faction_rep_mult *= 1.15;
throw new Error("ERROR: No such augmentation!");
diff --git a/src/Company.js b/src/Company.js
index 57f48d807..13d27ba96 100644
--- a/src/Company.js
+++ b/src/Company.js
@@ -223,58 +223,58 @@ CompanyPositions = {
//Constructor: CompanyPosition(name, reqHack, reqStr, reqDef, reqDex, reqAgi, reqCha, reqRep, salary)
- SoftwareIntern: new CompanyPosition("Software Engineering Intern", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12),
- JuniorDev: new CompanyPosition("Junior Software Engineer", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8000, 30),
- SeniorDev: new CompanyPosition("Senior Software Engineer", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 32000, 60),
- LeadDev: new CompanyPosition("Lead Software Developer", 401, 0, 0, 0, 0, 151, 144000, 200),
+ SoftwareIntern: new CompanyPosition("Software Engineering Intern", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13),
+ JuniorDev: new CompanyPosition("Junior Software Engineer", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8000, 32),
+ SeniorDev: new CompanyPosition("Senior Software Engineer", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 32000, 63),
+ LeadDev: new CompanyPosition("Lead Software Developer", 401, 0, 0, 0, 0, 151, 144000, 210),
//TODO Through darkweb, maybe?
FreelanceDeveloper: new CompanyPosition("Freelance Developer", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- SoftwareConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Software Consultant", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20),
- SeniorSoftwareConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Senior Software Consultant", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 42),
+ SoftwareConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Software Consultant", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22),
+ SeniorSoftwareConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Senior Software Consultant", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 45),
- ITIntern: new CompanyPosition("IT Intern", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10),
- ITAnalyst: new CompanyPosition("IT Analyst", 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6000, 25),
- ITManager: new CompanyPosition("IT Manager", 151, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 24000, 45),
- SysAdmin: new CompanyPosition("Systems Administrator", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 120000, 150),
- SecurityEngineer: new CompanyPosition("Security Engineer", 151, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 28000, 52),
- NetworkEngineer: new CompanyPosition("Network Engineer", 151, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 28000, 52),
- NetworkAdministrator: new CompanyPosition("Network Administrator", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 120000, 150),
+ ITIntern: new CompanyPosition("IT Intern", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11),
+ ITAnalyst: new CompanyPosition("IT Analyst", 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5000, 25),
+ ITManager: new CompanyPosition("IT Manager", 151, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 22000, 48),
+ SysAdmin: new CompanyPosition("Systems Administrator", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 120000, 165),
+ SecurityEngineer: new CompanyPosition("Security Engineer", 151, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 28000, 55),
+ NetworkEngineer: new CompanyPosition("Network Engineer", 151, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 28000, 55),
+ NetworkAdministrator: new CompanyPosition("Network Administrator", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 120000, 165),
//Technology management
- HeadOfSoftware: new CompanyPosition("Head of Software", 501, 0, 0, 0, 0, 251, 288000, 300),
- HeadOfEngineering: new CompanyPosition("Head of Engineering", 501, 0, 0, 0, 0, 251, 576000, 600),
- VicePresident: new CompanyPosition("Vice President of Technology", 601, 0, 0, 0, 0, 401, 1152000, 900),
- CTO: new CompanyPosition("Chief Technology Officer", 751, 0, 0, 0, 0, 501, 4608000, 1000),
+ HeadOfSoftware: new CompanyPosition("Head of Software", 501, 0, 0, 0, 0, 251, 288000, 330),
+ HeadOfEngineering: new CompanyPosition("Head of Engineering", 501, 0, 0, 0, 0, 251, 576000, 660),
+ VicePresident: new CompanyPosition("Vice President of Technology", 601, 0, 0, 0, 0, 401, 1152000, 990),
+ CTO: new CompanyPosition("Chief Technology Officer", 751, 0, 0, 0, 0, 501, 4608000, 1100),
- BusinessIntern: new CompanyPosition("Business Intern", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 15),
- BusinessAnalyst: new CompanyPosition("Business Analyst", 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 8000, 40),
- BusinessManager: new CompanyPosition("Business Manager", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 101, 32000, 80),
- OperationsManager: new CompanyPosition("Operations Manager", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 226, 144000, 250),
- CFO: new CompanyPosition("Chief Financial Officer", 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 501, 576000, 750),
- CEO: new CompanyPosition("Chief Executive Officer", 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 751, 4608000, 1400),
+ BusinessIntern: new CompanyPosition("Business Intern", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 18),
+ BusinessAnalyst: new CompanyPosition("Business Analyst", 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 8000, 42),
+ BusinessManager: new CompanyPosition("Business Manager", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 101, 32000, 84),
+ OperationsManager: new CompanyPosition("Operations Manager", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 226, 144000, 275),
+ CFO: new CompanyPosition("Chief Financial Officer", 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 501, 576000, 800),
+ CEO: new CompanyPosition("Chief Executive Officer", 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 751, 4608000, 1500),
- BusinessConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Business Consultant", 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 24),
- SeniorBusinessConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Senior Business Consultant", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 226, 0, 160),
+ BusinessConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Business Consultant", 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 28),
+ SeniorBusinessConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Senior Business Consultant", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 226, 0, 175),
//Non-tech/management jobs
- PartTimeWaiter: new CompanyPosition("Part-time Waiter", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8),
- PartTimeEmployee: new CompanyPosition("Part-time Employee", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8),
+ PartTimeWaiter: new CompanyPosition("Part-time Waiter", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9),
+ PartTimeEmployee: new CompanyPosition("Part-time Employee", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9),
- Waiter: new CompanyPosition("Waiter", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10),
- Employee: new CompanyPosition("Employee", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10),
- PoliceOfficer: new CompanyPosition("Police Officer", 11, 101, 101, 101, 101, 51, 8000, 32),
- PoliceChief: new CompanyPosition("Police Chief", 101, 301, 301, 301, 301, 151, 32000, 160),
- SecurityGuard: new CompanyPosition("Security Guard", 0, 51, 51, 51, 51, 1, 0, 18),
- SecurityOfficer: new CompanyPosition("Security Officer", 26, 151, 151, 151, 151, 51, 8000, 70),
- SecuritySupervisor: new CompanyPosition("Security Supervisor", 26, 251, 251, 251, 251, 101, 32000, 250),
- HeadOfSecurity: new CompanyPosition("Head of Security", 51, 501, 501, 501, 501, 151, 144000, 500),
- FieldAgent: new CompanyPosition("Field Agent", 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 8000, 50),
- SecretAgent: new CompanyPosition("Secret Agent", 201, 251, 251, 251, 251, 32000, 180),
- SpecialOperative: new CompanyPosition("Special Operative", 251, 501, 501, 501, 501, 144000, 400),
+ Waiter: new CompanyPosition("Waiter", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11),
+ Employee: new CompanyPosition("Employee", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11),
+ PoliceOfficer: new CompanyPosition("Police Officer", 11, 101, 101, 101, 101, 51, 8000, 36),
+ PoliceChief: new CompanyPosition("Police Chief", 101, 301, 301, 301, 301, 151, 32000, 175),
+ SecurityGuard: new CompanyPosition("Security Guard", 0, 51, 51, 51, 51, 1, 0, 20),
+ SecurityOfficer: new CompanyPosition("Security Officer", 26, 151, 151, 151, 151, 51, 8000, 75),
+ SecuritySupervisor: new CompanyPosition("Security Supervisor", 26, 251, 251, 251, 251, 101, 32000, 275),
+ HeadOfSecurity: new CompanyPosition("Head of Security", 51, 501, 501, 501, 501, 151, 144000, 550),
+ FieldAgent: new CompanyPosition("Field Agent", 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 8000, 55),
+ SecretAgent: new CompanyPosition("Secret Agent", 201, 251, 251, 251, 251, 32000, 190),
+ SpecialOperative: new CompanyPosition("Special Operative", 251, 501, 501, 501, 501, 144000, 425),
init: function() {
//Argument order: hack, str, def, dex, agi, cha
diff --git a/src/Constants.js b/src/Constants.js
index 1f21a026a..59323dee4 100644
--- a/src/Constants.js
+++ b/src/Constants.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- Version: "0.18.3",
+ Version: "0.19.0",
//Max level for any skill, assuming no multipliers. Determined by max numerical value in javascript for experience
//and the skill level formula in Player.js. Note that all this means it that when experience hits MAX_INT, then
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ CONSTANTS = {
/* Hacknet Node constants */
HacknetNodeMoneyGainPerLevel: 1.6,
- HacknetNodePurchaseNextMult: 1.39, //Multiplier when purchasing an additional hacknet node
- HacknetNodeUpgradeLevelMult: 1.04, //Multiplier for cost when upgrading level
- HacknetNodeUpgradeRamMult: 1.26, //Multiplier for cost when upgrading RAM
+ HacknetNodePurchaseNextMult: 1.42, //Multiplier when purchasing an additional hacknet node
+ HacknetNodeUpgradeLevelMult: 1.045, //Multiplier for cost when upgrading level
+ HacknetNodeUpgradeRamMult: 1.28, //Multiplier for cost when upgrading RAM
HacknetNodeUpgradeCoreMult: 1.49, //Multiplier for cost when buying another core
HacknetNodeMaxLevel: 200,
@@ -66,11 +66,12 @@ CONSTANTS = {
//Server constants
ServerGrowthRate: 1.002, //Growth rate
- ServerFortifyAmount: 0.001, //Amount by which server's security increases when its hacked
+ ServerFortifyAmount: 0.002, //Amount by which server's security increases when its hacked
ServerWeakenAmount: 0.1, //Amount by which server's security decreases when weakened
//Augmentation Constants
- AugmentationCostMultiplier: 3, //Used for balancing costs without having to readjust every Augmentation cost
+ AugmentationCostMultiplier: 4.5, //Used for balancing costs without having to readjust every Augmentation cost
+ AugmentationRepMultiplier: 1.2, //Used for balancing rep cost without having to readjust every value
//Maximum number of log entries for a script
MaxLogCapacity: 40,
@@ -127,12 +128,12 @@ CONSTANTS = {
ClassGymDexterity: "training your dexterity at a gym",
ClassGymAgility: "training your agility at a gym",
- ClassDataStructuresBaseCost: 2,
- ClassNetworksBaseCost: 10,
- ClassAlgorithmsBaseCost: 40,
- ClassManagementBaseCost: 20,
- ClassLeadershipBaseCost: 40,
- ClassGymBaseCost: 30,
+ ClassDataStructuresBaseCost: 6,
+ ClassNetworksBaseCost: 30,
+ ClassAlgorithmsBaseCost: 120,
+ ClassManagementBaseCost: 60,
+ ClassLeadershipBaseCost: 120,
+ ClassGymBaseCost: 100,
CrimeShoplift: "shoplift",
CrimeMug: "mug someone",
@@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ CONSTANTS = {
//Text that is displayed when the 'help' command is ran in Terminal
HelpText: 'alias [name="value"] Create aliases for Terminal commands, or list existing aliases
' +
"analyze Get statistics and information about current machine
" +
+ "cat [message] Display a .msg file
" +
"clear Clear all text on the terminal
" +
"cls See 'clear' command
" +
"connect [ip/hostname] Connects to the machine given by its IP or hostname
" +
diff --git a/src/CreateProgram.js b/src/CreateProgram.js
index e8026f0c6..e2ec91e3b 100644
--- a/src/CreateProgram.js
+++ b/src/CreateProgram.js
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Programs = {
SQLInjectProgram: "SQLInject.exe",
DeepscanV1: "DeepscanV1.exe",
DeepscanV2: "DeepscanV2.exe",
+ Flight: "fl1ght.exe",
//TODO Right now the times needed to complete work are hard-coded...
diff --git a/src/Faction.js b/src/Faction.js
index c46e13401..eb8f775b0 100644
--- a/src/Faction.js
+++ b/src/Faction.js
@@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
//Fulcrum Secret Technologies - If u've unlocked fulcrum secret technolgoies server and have a high rep with the company
var fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac = Factions["Fulcrum Secret Technologies"];
- var fulcrumSecretServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps["Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server"]];
+ var fulcrumSecretServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.FulcrumSecretTechnologies]];
if (fulcrumSecretServer == null) {
- console.log("Error: Could not find Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server");
+ console.log("ERROR: Could not find Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server");
} else {
if (fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isBanned == false && fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isMember == false &&
- fulcrumSecretServer.hasAdminRights &&
+ fulcrumSecretServer.manuallyHacked &&
this.companyName == Locations.AevumFulcrumTechnologies && companyRep >= 250000) {
@@ -303,23 +303,31 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
var bitrunnersFac = Factions["BitRunners"];
- var homeComp = Player.getHomeComputer();
- if (bitrunnersFac.isBanned == false && bitrunnersFac.isMember == false &&
- this.hacking_skill >= 500 && homeComp.maxRam >= 128) {
+ var homeComp = this.getHomeComputer();
+ var bitrunnersServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.BitRunnersServer]];
+ if (bitrunnersServer == null) {
+ console.log("ERROR: Could not find BitRunners Server");
+ } else if (bitrunnersFac.isBanned == false && bitrunnersFac.isMember == false && bitrunnersServer.manuallyHacked &&
+ this.hacking_skill >= 500 && homeComp.maxRam >= 128) {
//The Black Hand
var theblackhandFac = Factions["The Black Hand"];
- if (theblackhandFac.isBanned == false && theblackhandFac.isMember == false &&
- this.hacking_skill >= 300 && this.strength >= 100 && this.defense >= 100 &&
- this.agility >= 100 && this.dexterity >= 100 && homeComp.maxRam >= 64) {
+ var blackhandServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.TheBlackHandServer]];
+ if (blackhandServer == null) {
+ console.log("ERROR: Could not find The Black Hand Server");
+ } else if (!theblackhandFac.isBanned && !theblackhandFac.isMember && blackhandServer.manuallyHacked &&
+ this.hacking_skill >= 350 && homeComp.maxRam >= 64) {
var nitesecFac = Factions["NiteSec"];
- if (nitesecFac.isBanned == false && nitesecFac.isMember == false &&
+ var nitesecServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.NiteSecServer]];
+ if (nitesecServer == null) {
+ console.log("ERROR: Could not find NiteSec Server");
+ } else if (!nitesecFac.isBanned && !nitesecFac.isMember && nitesecServer.manuallyHacked &&
this.hacking_skill >= 200 && homeComp.maxRam >= 32) {
@@ -451,7 +459,10 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
var cybersecFac = Factions["CyberSec"];
- if (cybersecFac.isBanned == false && cybersecFac.isMember == false &&
+ var cybersecServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.CyberSecServer]];
+ if (cybersecServer == null) {
+ console.log("ERROR: Could not find CyberSec Server");
+ } else if (!cybersecFac.isBanned && !cybersecFac.isMember && cybersecServer.manuallyHacked &&
this.hacking_skill >= 50) {
diff --git a/src/InteractiveTutorial.js b/src/InteractiveTutorial.js
index c67a19aef..7209becd5 100644
--- a/src/InteractiveTutorial.js
+++ b/src/InteractiveTutorial.js
@@ -367,8 +367,8 @@ function iTutorialEvaluateStep() {
case iTutorialSteps.TutorialPageInfo:
iTutorialSetText("This page contains a lot of different documentation about the game's " +
- "content and mechanics. If you have any questions about how something works " +
- "make sure you check this out first. That's the end of the tutorial. " +
+ "content and mechanics. I know it's a lot, but I highly suggest you read " +
+ "(or at least skim) through this before you start playing . That's the end of the tutorial. " +
"Hope you enjoy the game!");
var next = clearEventListeners("interactive-tutorial-next");
next.style.display = "inline-block";
diff --git a/src/Message.js b/src/Message.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d2451e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Message.js
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+/* Message.js */
+function Message(filename, msg) {
+ this.filename = filename;
+ this.msg = msg;
+ this.recvd = false;
+Message.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return Generic_toJSON("Message", this);
+Message.fromJSON = function(value) {
+ return Generic_fromJSON(Message, value.data);
+Reviver.constructors.Message = Message;
+//Sends message to player, including a pop up
+function sendMessage(msg) {
+ console.log("sending message: " + msg.filename);
+ msg.recvd = true;
+ showMessage(msg);
+ addMessageToServer(msg, "home");
+function showMessage(msg) {
+ var txt = "Message received from unknown sender:
" +
+ "" + msg.msg + "
" +
+ "This message was saved as " + msg.filename + " onto your home computer.";
+ dialogBoxCreate(txt);
+//Adds a message to a server
+function addMessageToServer(msg, serverHostname) {
+ var server = GetServerByHostname(serverHostname);
+ if (server == null) {
+ console.log("WARNING: Did not locate " + serverHostname);
+ return;
+ }
+ server.messages.push(msg);
+//Checks if any of the 'timed' messages should be sent
+function checkForMessagesToSend() {
+ console.log("checkForMessagesToSend() called");
+ var jumper0 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper0];
+ var jumper1 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper1];
+ var jumper2 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper2];
+ var jumper3 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper3];
+ var jumper4 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper4];
+ var jumper5 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper5];
+ var cybersecTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.CyberSecTest];
+ var nitesecTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.NiteSecTest];
+ var bitrunnersTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.BitRunnersTest];
+ if (jumper0 && !jumper0.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 25) {
+ sendMessage(jumper0);
+ } else if (jumper1 && !jumper1.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 40) {
+ sendMessage(jumper1);
+ } else if (cybersecTest && !cybersecTest.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 50) {
+ sendMessage(cybersecTest);
+ } else if (jumper2 && !jumper2.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 175) {
+ sendMessage(jumper2);
+ } else if (nitesecTest && !nitesecTest.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 200) {
+ sendMessage(nitesecTest);
+ } else if (jumper3 && !jumper3.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 350) {
+ sendMessage(jumper3);
+ } else if (jumper4 && !jumper4.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 490) {
+ sendMessage(jumper4);
+ } else if (bitrunnersTest && !bitrunnersTest.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 500) {
+ sendMessage(bitrunnersTest);
+ } if (!jumper5 && !jumper5.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 900) {
+ sendMessage(jumper5);
+ Player.getHomeComputer.programs.push(Programs.Flight);
+ }
+function AddToAllMessages(msg) {
+ Messages[msg.filename] = msg;
+Messages = {}
+MessageFilenames = {
+ Jumper0: "j0.msg",
+ Jumper1: "j1.msg",
+ Jumper2: "j2.msg",
+ Jumper3: "j3.msg",
+ Jumper4: "j4.msg",
+ Jumper5: "j5.msg",
+ CyberSecTest: "csec-test.msg",
+ NiteSecTest: "nitesec-test.msg",
+ BitRunnersTest: "19dfj3l1nd.msg",
+function initMessages() {
+ //Reset
+ Messages = {};
+ //jump3R Messages
+ AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper0,
+ "I know you can sense it. I know you're searching for it. " +
+ "It's why you spend night after " +
+ "night at your computer.
It's real, I've seen it. And I can " +
+ "help you find it. But not right now. You're not ready yet.
+ AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper1,
+ "Soon you will be contacted by a hacking group known as CyberSec. " +
+ "They can help you with your search.
" +
+ "You should join them, garner their favor, and " +
+ "exploit them for their Augmentations. But do not trust them. " +
+ "They are not what they seem. No one is.
" +
+ "-jump3R"));
+ AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper2,
+ "Do not try to save the world. There is no world to save. If " +
+ "you want to find the truth, worry only about yourself. Ethics and " +
+ "morals will get you killed.
Watch out for a hacking group known as NiteSec." +
+ "
+ AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper3,
+ "You must learn to walk before you can run. And you must " +
+ "run before you can fly. Look for the black hand.
" +
+ "I.I.I.I
+ AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper4,
+ "To find what you are searching for, you must understand the bits. " +
+ "The bits are all around us. The runners will help you.
" +
+ "-jump3R"));
+ AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper5,
+ "Build your wings and fly
" +
+ "The fl1ght.exe program was added to your home computer"));
+ //Messages from hacking factions
+ AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.CyberSecTest,
+ "We've been watching you. Your skills are very impressive. But you're wasting " +
+ "your talents. If you join us, you can put your skills to good use and change " +
+ "the world for the better. If you join us, we can unlock your full potential.
" +
+ "But first, you must pass our test. Find and hack our server using the Terminal.
" +
+ "-CyberSec"));
+ AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.NiteSecTest,
+ "People say that the corrupted governments and corporations rule the world. " +
+ "Yes, maybe they do. But do you know who everyone really fears? People " +
+ "like us. Because they can't hide from us. Because they can't fight shadows " +
+ "and ideas with bullets.
" +
+ "Join us, and people will fear you, too.
" +
+ "Find and hack our hidden server using the Terminal. Then, we will contact you again." +
+ "
+ AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.BitRunnersTest,
+ "We know what you are doing. We know what drives you. We know " +
+ "what you are looking for.
" +
+ "We can help you find the answers.
" +
+ "run4theh111z"));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/NetscriptEvaluator.js b/src/NetscriptEvaluator.js
index 39715be5b..2bb27c7a3 100644
--- a/src/NetscriptEvaluator.js
+++ b/src/NetscriptEvaluator.js
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ function evaluate(exp, workerScript) {
var numConds = exp.cond.length;
var numThens = exp.then.length;
if (numConds == 0 || numThens == 0 || numConds != numThens) {
- console.log("Number of ifs and conds dont match. Rejecting");
reject("|" + workerScript.serverIp + "|" + workerScript.name + "|Number of conds and thens in if structure don't match (or there are none)");
@@ -128,20 +127,17 @@ function evaluate(exp, workerScript) {
evalIfPromise.then(function(res) {
if (res) {
//One of the if/elif statements evaluated to true
- console.log("done with if");
resolve("if statement done");
} else {
//None of the if/elif statements were true. Evaluate else if there is one
if (exp.else) {
var elseEval = evaluate(exp.else, workerScript);
elseEval.then(function(res) {
- console.log("if statement done with else");
resolve("if statement done with else");
}, function(e) {
} else {
- console.log("no else statement, resolving");
resolve("if statement done");
@@ -960,12 +956,9 @@ function evaluateIf(exp, workerScript, i) {
} else {
var cond = evaluate(exp.cond[i], workerScript);
cond.then(function(condRes) {
- console.log("cond evaluated to: " + condRes);
if (condRes) {
- console.log("Evaluating then: " + exp.then[i]);
var evalThen = evaluate(exp.then[i], workerScript);
evalThen.then(function(res) {
- console.log("If statement done");
}, function(e) {
diff --git a/src/Prestige.js b/src/Prestige.js
index 3108a630c..da7218a03 100644
--- a/src/Prestige.js
+++ b/src/Prestige.js
@@ -201,5 +201,8 @@ function prestigeAugmentation() {
$("#terminal tr:not(:last)").remove();
+ //Messages
+ initMessages();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/SaveObject.js b/src/SaveObject.js
index b22dfecb5..998c4d809 100644
--- a/src/SaveObject.js
+++ b/src/SaveObject.js
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ function BitburnerSaveObject() {
this.SpecialServerIpsSave = "";
this.AugmentationsSave = "";
this.AliasesSave = "";
+ this.MessagesSave = "";
BitburnerSaveObject.prototype.saveGame = function() {
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ BitburnerSaveObject.prototype.saveGame = function() {
this.SpecialServerIpsSave = JSON.stringify(SpecialServerIps);
this.AugmentationsSave = JSON.stringify(Augmentations);
this.AliasesSave = JSON.stringify(Aliases);
+ this.MessagesSave = JSON.stringify(Messages);
var saveString = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(this))));
window.localStorage.setItem("bitburnerSave", saveString);
@@ -52,7 +54,15 @@ loadGame = function(saveObj) {
} else {
Aliases = {};
+ if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("MessagesSave")) {
+ try {
+ Messages = JSON.parse(saveObj.MessagesSave, Reviver);
+ } catch(e) {
+ initMessages();
+ }
+ } else {
+ initMessages();
+ }
return true;
diff --git a/src/Server.js b/src/Server.js
index 780212254..8be912d96 100644
--- a/src/Server.js
+++ b/src/Server.js
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ function Server() {
//Access information
this.hasAdminRights = false; //Whether player has admin rights
this.purchasedByPlayer = false;
+ this.manuallyHacked = false; //Flag that tracks whether or not the server has been hacked at least once
//RAM, CPU speed and Scripts
this.maxRam = 1; //GB
@@ -131,8 +132,6 @@ Server.fromJSON = function(value) {
Reviver.constructors.Server = Server;
-//world_daemon: new Server(), //Final server for 2nd tier prestige. Discover that the world is a simulation
initForeignServers = function() {
var ECorpServer = new Server();
@@ -201,8 +200,7 @@ initForeignServers = function() {
FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer.setHackingParameters(999, 1000000, 99, 1);
- SpecialServerIps.addIp("Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server", FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer.ip);
+ SpecialServerIps.addIp(SpecialServerNames.FulcrumSecretTechnologies, FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer.ip);
var StormTechnologiesServer = new Server();
StormTechnologiesServer.init(createRandomIp(), "stormtech", "Storm Technologies", true, false, false, false, 0);
@@ -519,47 +517,72 @@ initForeignServers = function() {
//Faction servers, cannot hack money from these
var BitRunnersServer = new Server();
BitRunnersServer.init(createRandomIp(), "run4theh111z", "The Runners", true, false, false, false, 0);
+ BitRunnersServer.setHackingParameters(getRandomInt(505, 550), 0, 0, 0);
+ SpecialServerIps.addIp(SpecialServerNames.BitRunnersServer, BitRunnersServer.ip);
var TheBlackHandServer = new Server();
TheBlackHandServer.init(createRandomIp(), "I.I.I.I", "I.I.I.I", true, false, false, false, false, 0);
+ TheBlackHandServer.setHackingParameters(getRandomInt(303, 325), 0, 0, 0);
+ SpecialServerIps.addIp(SpecialServerNames.TheBlackHandServer, TheBlackHandServer.ip);
var NiteSecServer = new Server();
NiteSecServer.init(createRandomIp(), "avmnite-02h", "NiteSec", true, false, false, false, 0);
+ NiteSecServer.setHackingParameters(getRandomInt(202, 220), 0, 0, 0);
+ SpecialServerIps.addIp(SpecialServerNames.NiteSecServer, NiteSecServer.ip);
var DarkArmyServer = new Server();
DarkArmyServer.init(createRandomIp(), ".", ".", true, false, false, false, 0);
- DarkArmyServer.setPortProperties(5);
+ DarkArmyServer.setHackingParameters(getRandomInt(505, 550), 0, 0, 0);
+ DarkArmyServer.setPortProperties(4);
+ SpecialServerIps.addIp(SpecialServerNames.TheDarkArmyServer, DarkArmyServer.ip);
var CyberSecServer = new Server();
CyberSecServer.init(createRandomIp(), "CSEC", "CyberSec", true, false, false, false, 0);
- CyberSecServer.setPortProperties(2);
+ CyberSecServer.setHackingParameters(getRandomInt(51, 60), 0, 0, 0);
+ CyberSecServer.setPortProperties(1);
+ SpecialServerIps.addIp(SpecialServerNames.CyberSecServer, CyberSecServer.ip);
+ var DaedalusServer = new Server();
+ DaedalusServer.init(createRandomIp(), "Icarus", "Icarus", true, false, false, false, 0);
+ DaedalusServer.setHackingParameters(925, 0, 0, 0);
+ DaedalusServer.setPortProperties(5);
+ AddToAllServers(DaedalusServer);
+ SpecialServerIps.addIp(SpecialServerNames.DaedalusServer, DaedalusServer.ip);
+ //Super special Servers
+ var WorldDaemon = new Server();
+ WorldDaemon.init(createRandomIp(), SpecialServerNames.WorldDaemon, SpecialServerNames.WorldDaemon, true, false, false, false, 0);
+ WorldDaemon.setHackingParameters(950, 0, 0, 0);
+ WorldDaemon.setPortProperties(5);
+ AddToAllServers(WorldDaemon);
+ SpecialServerIps.addIp(SpecialServerNames.WorldDaemon, WorldDaemon.ip);
/* Create a randomized network for all the foreign servers */
//Groupings for creating a randomized network
var NetworkGroup1 = [IronGymServer, FoodNStuffServer, SigmaCosmeticsServer, JoesGunsServer, HongFangTeaHouseServer, HaraKiriSushiBarServer];
- var NetworkGroup2 = [MaxHardwareServer, NectarNightclubServer, Zer0NightclubServer];
+ var NetworkGroup2 = [MaxHardwareServer, NectarNightclubServer, Zer0NightclubServer, CyberSecServer];
var NetworkGroup3 = [OmegaSoftwareServer, PhantasyServer, SilverHelixServer, NeoNightclubServer];
- var NetworkGroup4 = [CrushFitnessGymServer, NetLinkTechnologiesServer, CompuTekServer, TheHubServer, JohnsonOrthopedicsServer];
- var NetworkGroup5 = [CatalystVenturesServer, SysCoreSecuritiesServer, SummitUniversityServer, ZBInstituteOfTechnologyServer, RothmanUniversityServer];
+ var NetworkGroup4 = [CrushFitnessGymServer, NetLinkTechnologiesServer, CompuTekServer, TheHubServer, JohnsonOrthopedicsServer, NiteSecServer];
+ var NetworkGroup5 = [CatalystVenturesServer, SysCoreSecuritiesServer, SummitUniversityServer, ZBInstituteOfTechnologyServer, RothmanUniversityServer, TheBlackHandServer];
var NetworkGroup6 = [LexoCorpServer, RhoConstructionServer, AlphaEnterprisesServer, AevumPoliceServer, MilleniumFitnessGymServer, CyberSecServer, NiteSecServer];
var NetworkGroup7 = [GlobalPharmaceuticalsServer, AeroCorpServer, GalacticCyberSystemsServer, SnapFitnessGymServer];
- var NetworkGroup8 = [DeltaOneServer, UnitaLifeGroupServer, OmniaCybersystemsServer];
+ var NetworkGroup8 = [DeltaOneServer, UnitaLifeGroupServer, OmniaCybersystemsServer, BitRunnersServer];
var NetworkGroup9 = [ZeusMedicalServer, SolarisSpaceSystemsServer, UniversalEnergyServer, IcarusMicrosystemsServer, DefCommServer];
var NetworkGroup10 = [NovaMedicalServer, ZBDefenseServer, TaiYangDigitalServer, InfoCommServer];
var NetworkGroup11 = [AppliedEnergeticsServer, MicrodyneTechnologiesServer, TitanLabsServer, BitRunnersServer];
var NetworkGroup12 = [VitaLifeServer, HeliosLabsServer, StormTechnologiesServer, FulcrumTechnologiesServer];
var NetworkGroup13 = [KuaiGongInternationalServer, FourSigmaServer, OmniTekIncorporatedServer, DarkArmyServer];
var NetworkGroup14 = [PowerhouseGymServer, ClarkeIncorporatedServer, NWOServer, BladeIndustriesServer, BachmanAndAssociatesServer];
- var NetworkGroup15 = [FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer, MegaCorpServer, ECorpServer];
+ var NetworkGroup15 = [FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer, MegaCorpServer, ECorpServer, DaedalusServer];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup2.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup1[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup1.length)];
diff --git a/src/SpecialServerIps.js b/src/SpecialServerIps.js
index 01f5f02e2..c5d760d04 100644
--- a/src/SpecialServerIps.js
+++ b/src/SpecialServerIps.js
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
/* Holds IP of Special Servers */
-function SpecialServerIpsMap() {
+SpecialServerNames = {
+ FulcrumSecretTechnologies: "Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server",
+ CyberSecServer: "CyberSec Server",
+ NiteSecServer: "NiteSec Server",
+ TheBlackHandServer: "The Black Hand Server",
+ BitRunnersServer: "BitRunners Server",
+ TheDarkArmyServer: "The Dark Army Server",
+ DaedalusServer: "Daedalus Server",
+ WorldDaemon: "w0r1d_d43m0n",
+function SpecialServerIpsMap() {}
SpecialServerIpsMap.prototype.addIp = function(name, ip) {
this[name] = ip;
diff --git a/src/Terminal.js b/src/Terminal.js
index ef9cb7d84..a0ac0cdde 100644
--- a/src/Terminal.js
+++ b/src/Terminal.js
@@ -250,6 +250,13 @@ function determineAllPossibilitiesForTabCompletion(input, index=0) {
return allPos;
+ if (input.startsWith("cat ")) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) {
+ allPos.push(currServ.messages[i].filename);
+ }
+ return allPos;
+ }
return allPos;
@@ -272,7 +279,8 @@ var Terminal = {
//Complete the hack/analyze command
finishHack: function(cancelled = false) {
if (cancelled == false) {
- console.log("Hack done. Determining success/failure of hack. Re-enabling terminal and changing the id of the hack progress bar");
+ var server = Player.getCurrentServer();
+ server.manuallyHacked = true;
//Calculate whether hack was successful
var hackChance = Player.calculateHackingChance();
@@ -282,23 +290,23 @@ var Terminal = {
var expGainedOnFailure = (expGainedOnSuccess / 4);
if (rand < hackChance) { //Success!
var moneyGained = Player.calculatePercentMoneyHacked();
- moneyGained = Math.floor(Player.getCurrentServer().moneyAvailable * moneyGained);
+ moneyGained = Math.floor(server.moneyAvailable * moneyGained);
//Safety check
if (moneyGained <= 0) {moneyGained = 0;}
- Player.getCurrentServer().moneyAvailable -= moneyGained;
+ server.moneyAvailable -= moneyGained;
- Player.getCurrentServer().fortify(CONSTANTS.ServerFortifyAmount);
+ server.fortify(CONSTANTS.ServerFortifyAmount);
post("Hack successful! Gained $" + formatNumber(moneyGained, 2) + " and " + formatNumber(expGainedOnSuccess, 4) + " hacking EXP");
} else { //Failure
//Player only gains 25% exp for failure? TODO Can change this later to balance
- post("Failed to hack " + Player.getCurrentServer().hostname + ". Gained " + formatNumber(expGainedOnFailure, 4) + " hacking EXP");
+ post("Failed to hack " + server.hostname + ". Gained " + formatNumber(expGainedOnFailure, 4) + " hacking EXP");
@@ -550,6 +558,24 @@ var Terminal = {
case "buy":
+ break;
+ case "cat":
+ if (commandArray.length != 2) {
+ post("Incorrect usage of cat command. Usage: cat [message]"); return;
+ }
+ var filename = commandArray[1];
+ //Can only edit script files
+ if (filename.endsWith(".msg") == false) {
+ post("Error: Only .msg files are viewable with cat (filename must end with .msg)"); return;
+ }
+ var s = Player.getCurrentServer();
+ for (var i = 0; i < s.messages.length; ++i) {
+ if (s.messages[i].filename == filename) {
+ showMessage(s.messages[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ post("Error: No such file " + filename);
case "clear":
case "cls":
@@ -877,11 +903,15 @@ var Terminal = {
var allFiles = [];
//Get all of the programs and scripts on the machine into one temporary array
- for (var i = 0; i < Player.getCurrentServer().programs.length; i++) {
- allFiles.push(Player.getCurrentServer().programs[i]);
+ var s = Player.getCurrentServer();
+ for (var i = 0; i < s.programs.length; i++) {
+ allFiles.push(s.programs[i]);
- for (var i = 0; i < Player.getCurrentServer().scripts.length; i++) {
- allFiles.push(Player.getCurrentServer().scripts[i].filename);
+ for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; i++) {
+ allFiles.push(s.scripts[i].filename);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < s.messages.length; i++) {
+ allFiles.push(s.messages[i].filename);
//Sort the files alphabetically then print each
diff --git a/src/engine.js b/src/engine.js
index 2b09572e9..e011efdaa 100644
--- a/src/engine.js
+++ b/src/engine.js
@@ -602,8 +602,9 @@ var Engine = {
updateDisplays: 3, //Update displays such as Active Scripts display and character display
createProgramNotifications: 10, //Checks whether any programs can be created and notifies
serverGrowth: 450, //Process server growth every minute and a half
- checkFactionInvitations: 1000, //Check whether you qualify for any faction invitations every 5 minutes
+ checkFactionInvitations: 250, //Check whether you qualify for any faction invitations every 5 minutes
passiveFactionGrowth: 600,
+ messages: 300,
decrementAllCounters: function(numCycles = 1) {
@@ -667,7 +668,7 @@ var Engine = {
var randFaction = invitedFactions[Math.floor(Math.random() * invitedFactions.length)];
- Engine.Counters.checkFactionInvitations = 1000;
+ Engine.Counters.checkFactionInvitations = 250;
if (Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth <= 0) {
@@ -675,6 +676,11 @@ var Engine = {
Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth = 600;
+ if (Engine.Counters.messages <= 0) {
+ checkForMessagesToSend();
+ Engine.Counters.messages = 300;
+ }
/* Calculates the hack progress for a manual (non-scripted) hack and updates the progress bar/time accordingly */
diff --git a/utils/DialogBox.js b/utils/DialogBox.js
index 19d01c059..9fa89cadc 100644
--- a/utils/DialogBox.js
+++ b/utils/DialogBox.js
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ var dialogBoxOpened = false;
var dialogBoxCount = 0;
dialogBoxCreate = function(txt) {
- console.log("created");
var container = document.createElement("div");
container.setAttribute("class", "dialog-box-container");
diff --git a/utils/HelperFunctions.js b/utils/HelperFunctions.js
index 8470dfc9d..09fdee6b3 100644
--- a/utils/HelperFunctions.js
+++ b/utils/HelperFunctions.js
@@ -28,4 +28,8 @@ function clearEventListeners(elemId) {
var newElem = elem.cloneNode(true);
elem.parentNode.replaceChild(newElem, elem);
return newElem;
+function getRandomInt(min, max) {
+ return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/PurchaseRamForHomeBox.js b/utils/PurchaseRamForHomeBox.js
index 0a93201e3..caed6e703 100644
--- a/utils/PurchaseRamForHomeBox.js
+++ b/utils/PurchaseRamForHomeBox.js
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ purchaseRamForHomeBoxCreate = function() {
//Calculate cost
//Have cost increase by some percentage each time RAM has been upgraded
var cost = currentRam * CONSTANTS.BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHome;
- var mult = Math.pow(1.35, numUpgrades);
+ var mult = Math.pow(1.36, numUpgrades);
cost = cost * mult;
purchaseRamForHomeBoxSetText("Would you like to purchase additional RAM for your home computer?
" +