diff --git a/src/Constants.ts b/src/Constants.ts
index 0dce70c0e..b02e14809 100644
--- a/src/Constants.ts
+++ b/src/Constants.ts
@@ -47,14 +47,6 @@ export const CONSTANTS: {
   IntelligenceTerminalHackBaseExpGain: number;
   IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain: number;
   IntelligenceClassBaseExpGain: number;
-  IntelligenceHackingMissionBaseExpGain: number;
-  HackingMissionRepToDiffConversion: number;
-  HackingMissionRepToRewardConversion: number;
-  HackingMissionSpamTimeIncrease: number;
-  HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease: number;
-  HackingMissionMiscDefenseIncrease: number;
-  HackingMissionDifficultyToHacking: number;
-  HackingMissionHowToPlay: string;
   MillisecondsPer20Hours: number;
   GameCyclesPer20Hours: number;
   MillisecondsPer10Hours: number;
@@ -199,63 +191,6 @@ export const CONSTANTS: {
   IntelligenceTerminalHackBaseExpGain: 200, // Hacking exp divided by this to determine int exp gain
   IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain: 1.5,
   IntelligenceClassBaseExpGain: 0.01,
-  IntelligenceHackingMissionBaseExpGain: 3, // Hacking Mission difficulty multiplied by this to get exp gain
-  // Hacking Missions
-  // TODO Move this into Hacking Mission implementation
-  HackingMissionRepToDiffConversion: 10000, // Faction rep is divided by this to get mission difficulty
-  HackingMissionRepToRewardConversion: 7, // Faction rep divided byt his to get mission rep reward
-  HackingMissionSpamTimeIncrease: 25000, // How much time limit increase is gained when conquering a Spam Node (ms)
-  HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease: 1.05, // Multiplier by which the attack for all Core Nodes is increased when conquering a Transfer Node
-  HackingMissionMiscDefenseIncrease: 1.05, // The amount by which every misc node's defense is multiplied when one is conquered
-  HackingMissionDifficultyToHacking: 135, // Difficulty is multiplied by this to determine enemy's "hacking" level (to determine effects of scan/attack, etc)
-  HackingMissionHowToPlay:
-    "Hacking missions are a minigame that, if won, will reward you with faction reputation.<br><br>" +
-    "In this game you control a set of Nodes and use them to try and defeat an enemy. Your Nodes " +
-    "are colored blue, while the enemy's are red. There are also other nodes on the map colored gray " +
-    "that initially belong to neither you nor the enemy. The goal of the game is " +
-    "to capture all of the enemy's Database nodes within the time limit. " +
-    "If you fail to do this, you will lose.<br><br>" +
-    "Each Node has three stats: Attack, Defense, and HP. There are five different actions that " +
-    "a Node can take:<br><br> " +
-    "Attack - Targets an enemy Node and lowers its HP. The effectiveness is determined by the owner's Attack, the Player's " +
-    "hacking level, and the enemy's defense.<br><br>" +
-    "Scan - Targets an enemy Node and lowers its Defense. The effectiveness is determined by the owner's Attack, the Player's hacking level, and the " +
-    "enemy's defense.<br><br>" +
-    "Weaken - Targets an enemy Node and lowers its Attack. The effectiveness is determined by the owner's Attack, the Player's hacking level, and the enemy's " +
-    "defense.<br><br>" +
-    "Fortify - Raises the Node's Defense. The effectiveness is determined by your hacking level.<br><br>" +
-    "Overflow - Raises the Node's Attack but lowers its Defense. The effectiveness is determined by your hacking level.<br><br>" +
-    "Note that when determining the effectiveness of the above actions, the TOTAL Attack or Defense of the team is used, not just the " +
-    "Attack/Defense of the individual Node that is performing the action.<br><br>" +
-    "To capture a Node, you must lower its HP down to 0.<br><br>" +
-    "There are six different types of Nodes:<br><br>" +
-    "CPU Core - These are your main Nodes that are used to perform actions. Capable of performing every action<br><br>" +
-    "Firewall - Nodes with high defense. These Nodes can 'Fortify'<br><br>" +
-    "Database - A special type of Node. The player's objective is to conquer all of the enemy's Database Nodes within " +
-    "the time limit. These Nodes cannot perform any actions<br><br>" +
-    "Spam - Conquering one of these Nodes will slow the enemy's trace, giving the player additional time to complete " +
-    "the mission. These Nodes cannot perform any actions<br><br>" +
-    "Transfer - Conquering one of these nodes will increase the Attack of all of your CPU Cores by a small fixed percentage. " +
-    "These Nodes are capable of performing every action except the 'Attack' action<br><br>" +
-    "Shield - Nodes with high defense. These Nodes can 'Fortify'<br><br>" +
-    "To assign an action to a Node, you must first select one of your Nodes. This can be done by simply clicking on it. Double-clicking " +
-    "a node will select all of your Nodes of the same type (e.g. select all CPU Core Nodes or all Transfer Nodes). Note that only Nodes " +
-    "that can perform actions (CPU Core, Transfer, Shield, Firewall) can be selected. Selected Nodes will be denoted with a white highlight. After selecting a Node or multiple Nodes, " +
-    "select its action using the Action Buttons near the top of the screen. Every action also has a corresponding keyboard " +
-    "shortcut.<br><br>" +
-    "For certain actions such as attacking, scanning, and weakening, the Node performing the action must have a target. To target " +
-    "another node, simply click-and-drag from the 'source' Node to a target. A Node can only have one target, and you can target " +
-    "any Node that is adjacent to one of your Nodes (immediately above, below, or to the side. NOT diagonal). Furthermore, only CPU Cores and Transfer Nodes " +
-    "can target, since they are the only ones that can perform the related actions. To remove a target, you can simply click on the line that represents " +
-    "the connection between one of your Nodes and its target. Alternatively, you can select the 'source' Node and click the 'Drop Connection' button, " +
-    "or press 'd'.<br><br>" +
-    "Other Notes:<br><br>" +
-    "-Whenever a miscellenaous Node (not owned by the player or enemy) is conquered, the defense of all remaining miscellaneous Nodes that " +
-    "are not actively being targeted will increase by a fixed percentage.<br><br>" +
-    "-Whenever a Node is conquered, its stats are significantly reduced<br><br>" +
-    "-Miscellaneous Nodes slowly raise their defense over time<br><br>" +
-    "-Nodes slowly regenerate health over time.",
   // Time-related constants
   MillisecondsPer20Hours: 72000000,
diff --git a/src/Faction/FactionHelpers.tsx b/src/Faction/FactionHelpers.tsx
index 7d4440a7a..876d81e9d 100644
--- a/src/Faction/FactionHelpers.tsx
+++ b/src/Faction/FactionHelpers.tsx
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants";
 import { Faction } from "./Faction";
 import { Factions } from "./Factions";
-import { HackingMission, setInMission } from "../Missions";
 import { Player } from "../Player";
 import { Settings } from "../Settings/Settings";
 import {
@@ -49,12 +48,6 @@ export function joinFaction(faction: Faction): void {
-export function startHackingMission(faction: Faction): void {
-  const mission = new HackingMission(faction.playerReputation, faction);
-  setInMission(true, mission); //Sets inMission flag to true
-  mission.init();
 //Returns a boolean indicating whether the player has the prerequisites for the
 //specified Augmentation
 export function hasAugmentationPrereqs(aug: Augmentation): boolean {
diff --git a/src/Faction/ui/FactionRoot.tsx b/src/Faction/ui/FactionRoot.tsx
index cc6d656f2..1fb5d7287 100644
--- a/src/Faction/ui/FactionRoot.tsx
+++ b/src/Faction/ui/FactionRoot.tsx
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ type IProps = {
 // Info text for all options on the UI
 const gangInfo = "Create and manage a gang for this Faction. Gangs will earn you money and " + "faction reputation";
-const hackingMissionInfo =
-  "Attempt a hacking mission for your faction. " +
-  "A mission is a mini game that, if won, earns you " +
-  "significant reputation with this faction. (Recommended hacking level: 200+)";
 const hackingContractsInfo =
   "Complete hacking contracts for your faction. " +
   "Your effectiveness, which determines how much " +
@@ -96,11 +92,6 @@ function MainPage({ faction, rerender, onAugmentations }: IMainProps): React.Rea
     player.startFactionHackWork(router, faction);
-  function startHackingMission(faction: Faction): void {
-    player.singularityStopWork();
-    router.toHackingMission(faction);
-  }
   function startSecurityWork(faction: Faction): void {
     player.startFactionSecurityWork(router, faction);
@@ -138,13 +129,6 @@ function MainPage({ faction, rerender, onAugmentations }: IMainProps): React.Rea
           <CreateGangModal facName={faction.name} open={gangOpen} onClose={() => setGangOpen(false)} />
-      {!isPlayersGang && factionInfo.offerHackingMission && (
-        <Option
-          buttonText={"Hacking Mission"}
-          infoText={hackingMissionInfo}
-          onClick={() => startHackingMission(faction)}
-        />
-      )}
       {!isPlayersGang && factionInfo.offerHackingWork && (
           buttonText={"Hacking Contracts"}
diff --git a/src/HackingMission/ui/HackingMissionRoot.tsx b/src/HackingMission/ui/HackingMissionRoot.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 38548a351..000000000
--- a/src/HackingMission/ui/HackingMissionRoot.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useEffect } from "react";
-import { startHackingMission } from "../../Faction/FactionHelpers";
-import { Faction } from "../../Faction/Faction";
-interface IProps {
-  faction: Faction;
-export function HackingMissionRoot(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
-  useEffect(() => startHackingMission(props.faction));
-  return <div id="mission-container"></div>;
diff --git a/src/Message/MessageHelpers.ts b/src/Message/MessageHelpers.ts
index 32da4fb94..6b6fbaf0a 100644
--- a/src/Message/MessageHelpers.ts
+++ b/src/Message/MessageHelpers.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { Message } from "./Message";
 import { Augmentations } from "../Augmentation/Augmentations";
 import { AugmentationNames } from "../Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames";
 import { Programs } from "../Programs/Programs";
-import { inMission } from "../Missions";
 import { Player } from "../Player";
 import { redPillFlag } from "../RedPill";
 import { GetServerByHostname } from "../Server/ServerHelpers";
@@ -66,11 +65,11 @@ function checkForMessagesToSend(): void {
     redpillOwned = true;
-  if (redpill && redpillOwned && Player.sourceFiles.length === 0 && !redPillFlag && !inMission) {
+  if (redpill && redpillOwned && Player.sourceFiles.length === 0 && !redPillFlag) {
     sendMessage(redpill, true);
   } else if (redpill && redpillOwned) {
     //If player has already destroyed a BitNode, message is not forced
-    if (!redPillFlag && !inMission) {
+    if (!redPillFlag) {
   } else if (jumper0 && !jumper0.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 25) {
diff --git a/src/Missions.d.ts b/src/Missions.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a1e7d522..000000000
--- a/src/Missions.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-export declare let inMission: boolean;
-export declare class HackingMission {
-  constructor(reputation: number, faction: Faction);
-  init(): void;
-  process(numCycles: number): void;
-export declare function setInMission(inMission: boolean, mission: HackingMission): void;
-export declare let currMission: HackingMission;
diff --git a/src/Missions.jsx b/src/Missions.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 73dac72c1..000000000
--- a/src/Missions.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1600 +0,0 @@
-import { CONSTANTS } from "./Constants";
-import { Player } from "./Player";
-import { dialogBoxCreate } from "./ui/React/DialogBox";
-import { formatNumber } from "./utils/StringHelperFunctions";
-import { Reputation } from "./ui/React/Reputation";
-import { addOffset } from "./utils/helpers/addOffset";
-import { getRandomInt } from "./utils/helpers/getRandomInt";
-import { isString } from "./utils/helpers/isString";
-import { clearEventListeners } from "./ui/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners";
-import { Router } from "./ui/GameRoot";
-// For some reason `jsplumb` needs to be imported exactly like this,
-// lowercase p, and later in the code used as `jsPlumb` uppercase P. wtf.
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
-import jsplumb from "jsplumb";
-import React from "react";
-import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
-let inMission = false; // Flag to denote whether a mission is running
-let currMission = null;
-function setInMission(bool, mission) {
-  inMission = bool;
-  if (bool) {
-    currMission = mission;
-  } else {
-    currMission = null;
-  }
-// Keyboard shortcuts
-$(document).keydown(function (e) {
-  if (inMission && currMission && currMission.selectedNode.length != 0) {
-    switch (e.keyCode) {
-      case 65: // a for Attack
-        currMission.actionButtons[0].click();
-        break;
-      case 83: // s for Scan
-        currMission.actionButtons[1].click();
-        break;
-      case 87: // w for Weaken
-        currMission.actionButtons[2].click();
-        break;
-      case 70: // f for Fortify
-        currMission.actionButtons[3].click();
-        break;
-      case 82: // r for Overflow
-        currMission.actionButtons[4].click();
-        break;
-      case 68: // d for Detach connection
-        currMission.actionButtons[5].click();
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-let NodeTypes = {
-  Core: "CPU Core Node", // All actions available
-  Firewall: "Firewall Node", // No actions available
-  Database: "Database Node", // No actions available
-  Spam: "Spam Node", // No actions Available
-  Transfer: "Transfer Node", // Can Weaken, Scan, Fortify and Overflow
-  Shield: "Shield Node", // Can Fortify
-let NodeActions = {
-  Attack: "Attacking", // Damaged based on attack stat + hacking level + opp def
-  Scan: "Scanning", // -Def for target, affected by attack and hacking level
-  Weaken: "Weakening", // -Attack for target, affected by attack and hacking level
-  Fortify: "Fortifying", // +Defense for Node, affected by hacking level
-  Overflow: "Overflowing", // +Attack but -Defense for Node, affected by hacking level
-function Node(type, stats) {
-  this.type = type;
-  this.atk = stats.atk ? stats.atk : 0;
-  this.def = stats.def ? stats.def : 0;
-  this.hp = stats.hp ? stats.hp : 0;
-  this.maxhp = this.hp;
-  this.plyrCtrl = false;
-  this.enmyCtrl = false;
-  this.pos = [0, 0]; // x, y
-  this.el = null; // Holds the Node's DOM element
-  this.action = null;
-  this.targetedCount = 0; // Count of how many connections this node is the target of
-  /**
-   * Holds the JsPlumb Connection object for this Node, where this Node is the Source (since each Node
-   * can only have 1 outgoing Connection)
-   */
-  this.conn = null;
-Node.prototype.setPosition = function (x, y) {
-  this.pos = [x, y];
-Node.prototype.setControlledByPlayer = function () {
-  this.plyrCtrl = true;
-  this.enmyCtrl = false;
-  if (this.el) {
-    this.el.classList.remove("hack-mission-enemy-node");
-    this.el.classList.add("hack-mission-player-node");
-  }
-Node.prototype.setControlledByEnemy = function () {
-  this.plyrCtrl = false;
-  this.enmyCtrl = true;
-  if (this.el) {
-    this.el.classList.remove("hack-mission-player-node");
-    this.el.classList.add("hack-mission-enemy-node");
-  }
-// Sets this node to be the active node
-Node.prototype.select = function (actionButtons) {
-  if (this.enmyCtrl) {
-    return;
-  }
-  this.el.classList.add("hack-mission-player-node-active");
-  // Make all buttons inactive
-  for (var i = 0; i < actionButtons.length; ++i) {
-    actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-    actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-  }
-  switch (this.type) {
-    case NodeTypes.Core:
-      // All buttons active
-      for (var i = 0; i < actionButtons.length; ++i) {
-        actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
-        actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button");
-      }
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Transfer:
-      actionButtons[1].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
-      actionButtons[1].classList.add("a-link-button");
-      actionButtons[2].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
-      actionButtons[2].classList.add("a-link-button");
-      actionButtons[3].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
-      actionButtons[3].classList.add("a-link-button");
-      actionButtons[4].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
-      actionButtons[4].classList.add("a-link-button");
-      actionButtons[5].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
-      actionButtons[5].classList.add("a-link-button");
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Shield:
-    case NodeTypes.Firewall:
-      actionButtons[3].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
-      actionButtons[3].classList.add("a-link-button");
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-Node.prototype.deselect = function (actionButtons) {
-  this.el.classList.remove("hack-mission-player-node-active");
-  for (var i = 0; i < actionButtons.length; ++i) {
-    actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-    actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-  }
-Node.prototype.untarget = function () {
-  if (this.targetedCount === 0) {
-    console.warn(`Node ${this.el.id} is being 'untargeted' when it has no target count`);
-    return;
-  }
-  --this.targetedCount;
- * Hacking mission instance
- * @param rep {number} How much reputation the player has for the faction
- * @param fac {Faction} Faction for which this mission is being conducted
- */
-function HackingMission(rep, fac) {
-  this.faction = fac;
-  this.started = false;
-  this.time = 180000; // 5 minutes to start, milliseconds
-  this.playerCores = [];
-  this.playerNodes = []; // Non-core nodes
-  this.playerAtk = 0;
-  this.playerDef = 0;
-  this.enemyCores = [];
-  this.enemyDatabases = [];
-  this.enemyNodes = []; // Non-core nodes
-  this.enemyAtk = 0;
-  this.enemyDef = 0;
-  this.miscNodes = [];
-  this.selectedNode = []; // Which of the player's nodes are currently selected
-  this.actionButtons = []; // DOM buttons for actions
-  this.availablePositions = [];
-  for (var r = 0; r < 8; ++r) {
-    for (var c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {
-      this.availablePositions.push([r, c]);
-    }
-  }
-  this.map = [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-    this.map.push([null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]);
-  }
-  this.jsplumbinstance = null;
-  this.difficulty = rep / CONSTANTS.HackingMissionRepToDiffConversion + 1;
-  this.reward = 250 + rep / CONSTANTS.HackingMissionRepToRewardConversion;
-HackingMission.prototype.init = function () {
-  // Create Header DOM
-  this.createPageDom();
-  // Create player starting nodes
-  var home = Player.getHomeComputer();
-  for (var i = 0; i < home.cpuCores; ++i) {
-    var stats = {
-      atk: Player.hacking_skill / 7.5 + 30,
-      def: Player.hacking_skill / 20,
-      hp: Player.hacking_skill / 4,
-    };
-    this.playerCores.push(new Node(NodeTypes.Core, stats));
-    this.playerCores[i].setControlledByPlayer();
-    this.setNodePosition(this.playerCores[i], i, 0);
-    this.removeAvailablePosition(i, 0);
-  }
-  // Randomly generate enemy nodes (CPU and Firewall) based on difficulty
-  var numNodes = Math.min(8, Math.max(1, Math.round(this.difficulty / 4)));
-  var numFirewalls = Math.min(20, getRandomInt(Math.round(this.difficulty / 3), Math.round(this.difficulty / 3) + 1));
-  var numDatabases = Math.min(10, getRandomInt(1, Math.round(this.difficulty / 3) + 1));
-  var totalNodes = numNodes + numFirewalls + numDatabases;
-  var xlimit = 7 - Math.floor(totalNodes / 8);
-  var randMult = addOffset(0.8 + this.difficulty / 5, 10);
-  for (var i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i) {
-    var stats = {
-      atk: randMult * getRandomInt(80, 86),
-      def: randMult * getRandomInt(5, 10),
-      hp: randMult * getRandomInt(210, 230),
-    };
-    this.enemyCores.push(new Node(NodeTypes.Core, stats));
-    this.enemyCores[i].setControlledByEnemy();
-    this.setNodeRandomPosition(this.enemyCores[i], xlimit);
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < numFirewalls; ++i) {
-    var stats = {
-      atk: 0,
-      def: randMult * getRandomInt(10, 20),
-      hp: randMult * getRandomInt(275, 300),
-    };
-    this.enemyNodes.push(new Node(NodeTypes.Firewall, stats));
-    this.enemyNodes[i].setControlledByEnemy();
-    this.setNodeRandomPosition(this.enemyNodes[i], xlimit);
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < numDatabases; ++i) {
-    var stats = {
-      atk: 0,
-      def: randMult * getRandomInt(30, 55),
-      hp: randMult * getRandomInt(210, 275),
-    };
-    var node = new Node(NodeTypes.Database, stats);
-    node.setControlledByEnemy();
-    this.setNodeRandomPosition(node, xlimit);
-    this.enemyDatabases.push(node);
-  }
-  this.calculateDefenses();
-  this.calculateAttacks();
-  this.createMap();
-HackingMission.prototype.createPageDom = function () {
-  var container = document.getElementById("mission-container");
-  var favorMult = 1 + this.faction.favor / 100;
-  var gain = this.reward * Player.faction_rep_mult * favorMult;
-  var headerText = document.createElement("p");
-  ReactDOM.render(
-    <>
-      You are about to start a hacking mission! You will gain {Reputation(gain)} faction reputation with{" "}
-      {this.faction.name} if you win. Click the 'Start' button to begin.
-    </>,
-    headerText,
-  );
-  headerText.style.display = "block";
-  headerText.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
-  headerText.style.width = "80%";
-  var inGameGuideBtn = document.createElement("a");
-  inGameGuideBtn.innerText = "How to Play";
-  inGameGuideBtn.classList.add("a-link-button");
-  inGameGuideBtn.style.display = "inline-block";
-  inGameGuideBtn.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
-  inGameGuideBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
-    dialogBoxCreate(CONSTANTS.HackingMissionHowToPlay);
-    return false;
-  });
-  // Start button will get replaced with forfeit when game is started
-  var startBtn = document.createElement("a");
-  startBtn.innerHTML = "Start";
-  startBtn.setAttribute("id", "hack-mission-start-btn");
-  startBtn.classList.add("a-link-button");
-  startBtn.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
-  startBtn.style.display = "inline-block";
-  startBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
-    this.start();
-    return false;
-  });
-  var forfeitMission = document.createElement("a");
-  forfeitMission.innerHTML = "Forfeit Mission (Exit)";
-  forfeitMission.classList.add("a-link-button");
-  forfeitMission.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
-  forfeitMission.style.display = "inline-block";
-  forfeitMission.addEventListener("click", () => {
-    this.finishMission(false);
-    return false;
-  });
-  var timer = document.createElement("p");
-  timer.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-timer");
-  timer.style.display = "inline-block";
-  timer.style.margin = "6px";
-  // Create Action Buttons (Attack/Scan/Weaken/ etc...)
-  var actionsContainer = document.createElement("span");
-  actionsContainer.style.display = "block";
-  actionsContainer.classList.add("hack-mission-action-buttons-container");
-  for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-    this.actionButtons.push(document.createElement("a"));
-    this.actionButtons[i].style.display = "inline-block";
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); // Disabled at start
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("tooltip"); // Disabled at start
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("hack-mission-header-element");
-    actionsContainer.appendChild(this.actionButtons[i]);
-  }
-  this.actionButtons[0].innerText = "Attack(a)";
-  var atkTooltip = document.createElement("span");
-  atkTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
-  atkTooltip.innerText =
-    "Lowers the targeted node's HP. The effectiveness of this depends on " +
-    "this node's Attack level, your hacking level, and the opponent's defense level.";
-  this.actionButtons[0].appendChild(atkTooltip);
-  this.actionButtons[1].innerText = "Scan(s)";
-  var scanTooltip = document.createElement("span");
-  scanTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
-  scanTooltip.innerText =
-    "Lowers the targeted node's defense. The effectiveness of this depends on " +
-    "this node's Attack level, your hacking level, and the opponent's defense level.";
-  this.actionButtons[1].appendChild(scanTooltip);
-  this.actionButtons[2].innerText = "Weaken(w)";
-  var WeakenTooltip = document.createElement("span");
-  WeakenTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
-  WeakenTooltip.innerText =
-    "Lowers the targeted node's attack. The effectiveness of this depends on " +
-    "this node's Attack level, your hacking level, and the opponent's defense level.";
-  this.actionButtons[2].appendChild(WeakenTooltip);
-  this.actionButtons[3].innerText = "Fortify(f)";
-  var fortifyTooltip = document.createElement("span");
-  fortifyTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
-  fortifyTooltip.innerText =
-    "Raises this node's Defense level. The effectiveness of this depends on " + "your hacking level";
-  this.actionButtons[3].appendChild(fortifyTooltip);
-  this.actionButtons[4].innerText = "Overflow(r)";
-  var overflowTooltip = document.createElement("span");
-  overflowTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
-  overflowTooltip.innerText =
-    "Raises this node's Attack level but lowers its Defense level. The effectiveness " +
-    "of this depends on your hacking level.";
-  this.actionButtons[4].appendChild(overflowTooltip);
-  this.actionButtons[5].innerText = "Drop Connection(d)";
-  var dropconnTooltip = document.createElement("span");
-  dropconnTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh");
-  dropconnTooltip.innerText =
-    "Removes this Node's current connection to some target Node, if it has one. This can " +
-    "also be done by simply clicking the white connection line.";
-  this.actionButtons[5].appendChild(dropconnTooltip);
-  // Player/enemy defense displays will be in action container
-  var playerStats = document.createElement("p");
-  var enemyStats = document.createElement("p");
-  playerStats.style.display = "inline-block";
-  enemyStats.style.display = "inline-block";
-  playerStats.style.color = "#00ccff";
-  enemyStats.style.color = "red";
-  playerStats.style.margin = "4px";
-  enemyStats.style.margin = "4px";
-  playerStats.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-player-stats");
-  enemyStats.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-enemy-stats");
-  actionsContainer.appendChild(playerStats);
-  actionsContainer.appendChild(enemyStats);
-  // Set Action Button event listeners
-  this.actionButtons[0].addEventListener("click", () => {
-    if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
-      console.error("Pressing Action button without selected node");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (this.selectedNode[0].type !== NodeTypes.Core) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this.setActionButtonsActive(this.selectedNode[0].type);
-    this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Attack, false); // Set attack button inactive
-    this.selectedNode.forEach(function (node) {
-      node.action = NodeActions.Attack;
-    });
-  });
-  this.actionButtons[1].addEventListener("click", () => {
-    if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
-      console.error("Pressing Action button without selected node");
-      return;
-    }
-    var nodeType = this.selectedNode[0].type; // In a multiselect, every Node will have the same type
-    if (nodeType !== NodeTypes.Core && nodeType !== NodeTypes.Transfer) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this.setActionButtonsActive(nodeType);
-    this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Scan, false); // Set scan button inactive
-    this.selectedNode.forEach(function (node) {
-      node.action = NodeActions.Scan;
-    });
-  });
-  this.actionButtons[2].addEventListener("click", () => {
-    if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
-      console.error("Pressing Action button without selected node");
-      return;
-    }
-    var nodeType = this.selectedNode[0].type; // In a multiselect, every Node will have the same type
-    if (nodeType !== NodeTypes.Core && nodeType !== NodeTypes.Transfer) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this.setActionButtonsActive(nodeType);
-    this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Weaken, false); // Set Weaken button inactive
-    this.selectedNode.forEach(function (node) {
-      node.action = NodeActions.Weaken;
-    });
-  });
-  this.actionButtons[3].addEventListener("click", () => {
-    if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
-      console.error("Pressing Action button without selected node");
-      return;
-    }
-    this.setActionButtonsActive(this.selectedNode[0].type);
-    this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Fortify, false); // Set Fortify button inactive
-    this.selectedNode.forEach(function (node) {
-      node.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
-    });
-  });
-  this.actionButtons[4].addEventListener("click", () => {
-    if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
-      console.error("Pressing Action button without selected node");
-      return;
-    }
-    var nodeType = this.selectedNode[0].type;
-    if (nodeType !== NodeTypes.Core && nodeType !== NodeTypes.Transfer) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this.setActionButtonsActive(nodeType);
-    this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Overflow, false); // Set Overflow button inactive
-    this.selectedNode.forEach(function (node) {
-      node.action = NodeActions.Overflow;
-    });
-  });
-  this.actionButtons[5].addEventListener("click", () => {
-    if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) {
-      console.error("Pressing Action button without selected node");
-      return;
-    }
-    this.selectedNode.forEach(function (node) {
-      if (node.conn) {
-        var endpoints = node.conn.endpoints;
-        endpoints[0].detachFrom(endpoints[1]);
-      }
-      node.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
-    });
-  });
-  var timeDisplay = document.createElement("p");
-  container.appendChild(headerText);
-  container.appendChild(inGameGuideBtn);
-  container.appendChild(startBtn);
-  container.appendChild(forfeitMission);
-  container.appendChild(timer);
-  container.appendChild(actionsContainer);
-  container.appendChild(timeDisplay);
-HackingMission.prototype.setActionButtonsInactive = function () {
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.actionButtons.length; ++i) {
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-  }
-HackingMission.prototype.setActionButtonsActive = function (nodeType = null) {
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.actionButtons.length; ++i) {
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button");
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
-  }
-  /**
-   * For Transfer, FireWall and Shield Nodes, certain buttons should always be disabled
-   * 0 = Attack, 1 = Scan, 2 = Weaken, 3 = Fortify, 4 = overflow, 5 = Drop conn
-   */
-  if (nodeType) {
-    switch (nodeType) {
-      case NodeTypes.Firewall:
-      case NodeTypes.Shield:
-        this.actionButtons[0].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-        this.actionButtons[0].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-        this.actionButtons[1].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-        this.actionButtons[1].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-        this.actionButtons[2].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-        this.actionButtons[2].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-        this.actionButtons[4].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-        this.actionButtons[4].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-        this.actionButtons[5].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-        this.actionButtons[5].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-        break;
-      case NodeTypes.Transfer:
-        this.actionButtons[0].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-        this.actionButtons[0].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-// True for active, false for inactive
-HackingMission.prototype.setActionButton = function (i, active = true) {
-  if (isString(i)) {
-    switch (i) {
-      case NodeActions.Attack:
-        i = 0;
-        break;
-      case NodeActions.Scan:
-        i = 1;
-        break;
-      case NodeActions.Weaken:
-        i = 2;
-        break;
-      case NodeActions.Fortify:
-        i = 3;
-        break;
-      case NodeActions.Overflow:
-      default:
-        i = 4;
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (active) {
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive");
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button");
-  } else {
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button");
-    this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-  }
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateAttacks = function () {
-  var total = 0;
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.playerCores[i].atk;
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.playerNodes.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.playerNodes[i].atk;
-  }
-  this.playerAtk = total;
-  document.getElementById("hacking-mission-player-stats").innerHTML =
-    "Player Attack: " + formatNumber(this.playerAtk, 1) + "<br>" + "Player Defense: " + formatNumber(this.playerDef, 1);
-  total = 0;
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyCores.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.enemyCores[i].atk;
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyDatabases.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.enemyDatabases[i].atk;
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyNodes.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.enemyNodes[i].atk;
-  }
-  this.enemyAtk = total;
-  document.getElementById("hacking-mission-enemy-stats").innerHTML =
-    "Enemy Attack: " + formatNumber(this.enemyAtk, 1) + "<br>" + "Enemy Defense: " + formatNumber(this.enemyDef, 1);
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateDefenses = function () {
-  var total = 0;
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.playerCores[i].def;
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.playerNodes.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.playerNodes[i].def;
-  }
-  this.playerDef = total;
-  document.getElementById("hacking-mission-player-stats").innerHTML =
-    "Player Attack: " + formatNumber(this.playerAtk, 1) + "<br>" + "Player Defense: " + formatNumber(this.playerDef, 1);
-  total = 0;
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyCores.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.enemyCores[i].def;
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyDatabases.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.enemyDatabases[i].def;
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyNodes.length; ++i) {
-    total += this.enemyNodes[i].def;
-  }
-  this.enemyDef = total;
-  document.getElementById("hacking-mission-enemy-stats").innerHTML =
-    "Enemy Attack: " + formatNumber(this.enemyAtk, 1) + "<br>" + "Enemy Defense: " + formatNumber(this.enemyDef, 1);
-HackingMission.prototype.removeAvailablePosition = function (x, y) {
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.availablePositions.length; ++i) {
-    if (this.availablePositions[i][0] === x && this.availablePositions[i][1] === y) {
-      this.availablePositions.splice(i, 1);
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  console.warn(`removeAvailablePosition() did not remove ${x}, ${y}`);
-HackingMission.prototype.setNodePosition = function (nodeObj, x, y) {
-  if (!(nodeObj instanceof Node)) {
-    console.warn("Non-Node object passed into setNodePOsition");
-    return;
-  }
-  if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
-    console.error(`Invalid values (${x}, ${y}) passed as (x, y) for setNodePosition`);
-    return;
-  }
-  nodeObj.pos = [x, y];
-  this.map[x][y] = nodeObj;
-HackingMission.prototype.setNodeRandomPosition = function (nodeObj, xlimit = 0) {
-  var i = getRandomInt(0, this.availablePositions.length - 1);
-  if (this.availablePositions[i][1] < xlimit) {
-    // Recurse if not within limit
-    return this.setNodeRandomPosition(nodeObj, xlimit);
-  }
-  var pos = this.availablePositions.splice(i, 1);
-  pos = pos[0];
-  this.setNodePosition(nodeObj, pos[0], pos[1]);
-HackingMission.prototype.createMap = function () {
-  // Use a grid
-  var map = document.createElement("div");
-  map.classList.add("hack-mission-grid");
-  map.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-map");
-  document.getElementById("mission-container").appendChild(map);
-  // Create random Nodes for every space in the map that
-  // hasn't been filled yet. The stats of each Node will be based on
-  // the player/enemy attack
-  var averageAttack = (this.playerAtk + this.enemyAtk) / 2;
-  for (var x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
-    for (var y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
-      if (!(this.map[x][y] instanceof Node)) {
-        var node,
-          type = getRandomInt(0, 2);
-        var randMult = addOffset(0.85 + this.difficulty / 2, 15);
-        switch (type) {
-          case 0: // Spam
-            var stats = {
-              atk: 0,
-              def: averageAttack * 1.1 + getRandomInt(15, 45),
-              hp: randMult * getRandomInt(200, 225),
-            };
-            node = new Node(NodeTypes.Spam, stats);
-            break;
-          case 1: // Transfer
-            var stats = {
-              atk: 0,
-              def: averageAttack * 1.1 + getRandomInt(15, 45),
-              hp: randMult * getRandomInt(250, 275),
-            };
-            node = new Node(NodeTypes.Transfer, stats);
-            break;
-          case 2: // Shield
-          default:
-            var stats = {
-              atk: 0,
-              def: averageAttack * 1.1 + getRandomInt(30, 70),
-              hp: randMult * getRandomInt(300, 320),
-            };
-            node = new Node(NodeTypes.Shield, stats);
-            break;
-        }
-        this.setNodePosition(node, x, y);
-        this.removeAvailablePosition(x, y);
-        this.miscNodes.push(node);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Create DOM elements in order
-  for (var r = 0; r < 8; ++r) {
-    for (var c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {
-      this.createNodeDomElement(this.map[r][c]);
-    }
-  }
-  // Configure all Player CPUS
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) {
-    this.configurePlayerNodeElement(this.playerCores[i].el);
-  }
-HackingMission.prototype.createNodeDomElement = function (nodeObj) {
-  var nodeDiv = document.createElement("a"),
-    txtEl = document.createElement("p");
-  nodeObj.el = nodeDiv;
-  // Set the node element's id based on its coordinates
-  var id = "hacking-mission-node-" + nodeObj.pos[0] + "-" + nodeObj.pos[1];
-  nodeDiv.setAttribute("id", id);
-  txtEl.setAttribute("id", id + "-txt");
-  // Set node classes for owner
-  nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-node");
-  if (nodeObj.plyrCtrl) {
-    nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-player-node");
-  } else if (nodeObj.enmyCtrl) {
-    nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-enemy-node");
-  }
-  // Set node classes based on type
-  var txt;
-  switch (nodeObj.type) {
-    case NodeTypes.Core:
-      txt = "CPU Core<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-cpu-node");
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Firewall:
-      txt = "Firewall<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-firewall-node");
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Database:
-      txt = "Database<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-database-node");
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Spam:
-      txt = "Spam<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-spam-node");
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Transfer:
-      txt = "Transfer<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-transfer-node");
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Shield:
-    default:
-      txt = "Shield<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-shield-node");
-      break;
-  }
-  txt += "<br>Atk: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.atk, 1) + "<br>Def: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.def, 1);
-  txtEl.innerHTML = txt;
-  nodeDiv.appendChild(txtEl);
-  document.getElementById("hacking-mission-map").appendChild(nodeDiv);
-HackingMission.prototype.updateNodeDomElement = function (nodeObj) {
-  if (nodeObj.el == null) {
-    console.error("Calling updateNodeDomElement on a Node without an element");
-    return;
-  }
-  let id = "hacking-mission-node-" + nodeObj.pos[0] + "-" + nodeObj.pos[1];
-  let txtEl = document.getElementById(id + "-txt");
-  // Set node classes based on type
-  let txt;
-  switch (nodeObj.type) {
-    case NodeTypes.Core:
-      txt = "CPU Core<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Firewall:
-      txt = "Firewall<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Database:
-      txt = "Database<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Spam:
-      txt = "Spam<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Transfer:
-      txt = "Transfer<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Shield:
-    default:
-      txt = "Shield<br>" + "HP: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.hp, 1);
-      break;
-  }
-  txt += "<br>Atk: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.atk, 1) + "<br>Def: " + formatNumber(nodeObj.def, 1);
-  if (nodeObj.action) {
-    txt += "<br>" + nodeObj.action;
-  }
-  txtEl.innerHTML = txt;
- * Gets a Node DOM elements corresponding Node object using its
- * element id. Function accepts either the DOM element object or the ID as
- * an argument
- */
-HackingMission.prototype.getNodeFromElement = function (el) {
-  var id;
-  if (isString(el)) {
-    id = el;
-  } else {
-    id = el.id;
-  }
-  id = id.replace("hacking-mission-node-", "");
-  var res = id.split("-");
-  if (res.length != 2) {
-    console.error("Parsing hacking mission node id. could not find coordinates");
-    return null;
-  }
-  var x = res[0],
-    y = res[1];
-  if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || x >= 8 || y >= 8 || x < 0 || y < 0) {
-    console.error(`Unexpected values (${x}, ${y}) for (x, y)`);
-    return null;
-  }
-  return this.map[x][y];
-function selectNode(hackMissionInst, el) {
-  var nodeObj = hackMissionInst.getNodeFromElement(el);
-  if (nodeObj == null) {
-    console.error("Failed getting Node object");
-  }
-  if (!nodeObj.plyrCtrl) {
-    return;
-  }
-  clearAllSelectedNodes(hackMissionInst);
-  nodeObj.select(hackMissionInst.actionButtons);
-  hackMissionInst.selectedNode.push(nodeObj);
-function multiselectNode(hackMissionInst, el) {
-  var nodeObj = hackMissionInst.getNodeFromElement(el);
-  if (nodeObj == null) {
-    console.error("Failed getting Node Object in multiselectNode()");
-  }
-  if (!nodeObj.plyrCtrl) {
-    return;
-  }
-  clearAllSelectedNodes(hackMissionInst);
-  var type = nodeObj.type;
-  if (type === NodeTypes.Core) {
-    hackMissionInst.playerCores.forEach(function (node) {
-      node.select(hackMissionInst.actionButtons);
-      hackMissionInst.selectedNode.push(node);
-    });
-  } else {
-    hackMissionInst.playerNodes.forEach(function (node) {
-      if (node.type === type) {
-        node.select(hackMissionInst.actionButtons);
-        hackMissionInst.selectedNode.push(node);
-      }
-    });
-  }
-function clearAllSelectedNodes(hackMissionInst) {
-  if (hackMissionInst.selectedNode.length > 0) {
-    hackMissionInst.selectedNode.forEach(function (node) {
-      node.deselect(hackMissionInst.actionButtons);
-    });
-    hackMissionInst.selectedNode.length = 0;
-  }
- * Configures a DOM element representing a player-owned node to
- * be selectable and actionable.
- * Note: Does NOT change its css class. This is handled by Node.setControlledBy...
- */
-HackingMission.prototype.configurePlayerNodeElement = function (el) {
-  var nodeObj = this.getNodeFromElement(el);
-  if (nodeObj == null) {
-    console.error("Failed getting Node object");
-  }
-  // Add event listener
-  const selectNodeWrapper = () => {
-    selectNode(this, el);
-  };
-  el.addEventListener("click", selectNodeWrapper);
-  const multiselectNodeWrapper = () => {
-    multiselectNode(this, el);
-  };
-  el.addEventListener("dblclick", multiselectNodeWrapper);
-  if (el.firstChild) {
-    el.firstChild.addEventListener("click", selectNodeWrapper);
-  }
- * Configures a DOM element representing an enemy-node by removing
- * any event listeners
- */
-HackingMission.prototype.configureEnemyNodeElement = function (el) {
-  // Deselect node if it was the selected node
-  var nodeObj = this.getNodeFromElement(el);
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedNode.length; ++i) {
-    if (this.selectedNode[i] == nodeObj) {
-      nodeObj.deselect(this.actionButtons);
-      this.selectedNode.splice(i, 1);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
- * Returns bool indicating whether a node is reachable by player
- * by checking if any of the adjacent nodes are owned by the player
- */
-HackingMission.prototype.nodeReachable = function (node) {
-  var x = node.pos[0],
-    y = node.pos[1];
-  if (x > 0 && this.map[x - 1][y].plyrCtrl) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (x < 7 && this.map[x + 1][y].plyrCtrl) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (y > 0 && this.map[x][y - 1].plyrCtrl) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (y < 7 && this.map[x][y + 1].plyrCtrl) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-HackingMission.prototype.nodeReachableByEnemy = function (node) {
-  if (node == null) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  var x = node.pos[0],
-    y = node.pos[1];
-  if (x > 0 && this.map[x - 1][y].enmyCtrl) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (x < 7 && this.map[x + 1][y].enmyCtrl) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (y > 0 && this.map[x][y - 1].enmyCtrl) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (y < 7 && this.map[x][y + 1].enmyCtrl) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-HackingMission.prototype.start = function () {
-  this.started = true;
-  this.initJsPlumb();
-  var startBtn = clearEventListeners("hack-mission-start-btn");
-  startBtn.classList.remove("a-link-button");
-  startBtn.classList.add("a-link-button-inactive");
-HackingMission.prototype.initJsPlumb = function () {
-  var instance = jsPlumb.getInstance({
-    DragOptions: { cursor: "pointer", zIndex: 2000 },
-    PaintStyle: {
-      gradient: {
-        stops: [
-          [0, "#FFFFFF"],
-          [1, "#FFFFFF"],
-        ],
-      },
-      stroke: "#FFFFFF",
-      strokeWidth: 8,
-    },
-  });
-  this.jsplumbinstance = instance;
-  // All player cores are sources
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) {
-    instance.makeSource(this.playerCores[i].el, {
-      deleteEndpointsOnEmpty: true,
-      maxConnections: 1,
-      anchor: "Continuous",
-      connector: "Flowchart",
-    });
-  }
-  // Everything else is a target
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyCores.length; ++i) {
-    instance.makeTarget(this.enemyCores[i].el, {
-      maxConnections: -1,
-      anchor: "Continuous",
-      connector: "Flowchart",
-    });
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyDatabases.length; ++i) {
-    instance.makeTarget(this.enemyDatabases[i].el, {
-      maxConnections: -1,
-      anchor: "Continuous",
-      connector: ["Flowchart"],
-    });
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyNodes.length; ++i) {
-    instance.makeTarget(this.enemyNodes[i].el, {
-      maxConnections: -1,
-      anchor: "Continuous",
-      connector: "Flowchart",
-    });
-  }
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.miscNodes.length; ++i) {
-    instance.makeTarget(this.miscNodes[i].el, {
-      maxConnections: -1,
-      anchor: "Continuous",
-      connector: "Flowchart",
-    });
-  }
-  // Clicking a connection drops it
-  instance.bind("click", (conn) => {
-    // Cannot drop enemy's connections
-    const sourceNode = this.getNodeFromElement(conn.source);
-    if (sourceNode.enmyCtrl) {
-      return;
-    }
-    var endpoints = conn.endpoints;
-    endpoints[0].detachFrom(endpoints[1]);
-  });
-  // Connection events
-  instance.bind("connection", (info) => {
-    var targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.target);
-    // Do not detach for enemy nodes
-    var thisNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.source);
-    if (thisNode.enmyCtrl) {
-      return;
-    }
-    // If the node is not reachable, drop the connection
-    if (!this.nodeReachable(targetNode)) {
-      info.sourceEndpoint.detachFrom(info.targetEndpoint);
-      return;
-    }
-    var sourceNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.source);
-    sourceNode.conn = info.connection;
-    var targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.target);
-    ++targetNode.targetedCount;
-  });
-  // Detach Connection events
-  instance.bind("connectionDetached", (info) => {
-    var sourceNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.source);
-    sourceNode.conn = null;
-    var targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.target);
-    targetNode.untarget();
-  });
-// Drops all connections where the specified node is the source
-HackingMission.prototype.dropAllConnectionsFromNode = function (node) {
-  var allConns = this.jsplumbinstance.getAllConnections();
-  for (var i = allConns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-    if (allConns[i].source == node.el) {
-      allConns[i].endpoints[0].detachFrom(allConns[i].endpoints[1]);
-    }
-  }
-// Drops all connections where the specified node is the target
-HackingMission.prototype.dropAllConnectionsToNode = function (node) {
-  var allConns = this.jsplumbinstance.getAllConnections();
-  for (var i = allConns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-    if (allConns[i].target == node.el) {
-      allConns[i].endpoints[0].detachFrom(allConns[i].endpoints[1]);
-    }
-  }
-  node.beingTargeted = false;
-var storedCycles = 0;
-HackingMission.prototype.process = function (numCycles = 1) {
-  if (!this.started) {
-    return;
-  }
-  storedCycles += numCycles;
-  if (storedCycles < 2) {
-    return;
-  } // Only process every 3 cycles minimum
-  var res = false;
-  // Process actions of all player nodes
-  this.playerCores.forEach((node) => {
-    res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles);
-  });
-  this.playerNodes.forEach((node) => {
-    if (node.type === NodeTypes.Transfer || node.type === NodeTypes.Shield || node.type === NodeTypes.Firewall) {
-      res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles);
-    }
-  });
-  // Process actions of all enemy nodes
-  this.enemyCores.forEach((node) => {
-    this.enemyAISelectAction(node);
-    res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles);
-  });
-  this.enemyNodes.forEach((node) => {
-    if (node.type === NodeTypes.Transfer || node.type === NodeTypes.Shield || node.type === NodeTypes.Firewall) {
-      this.enemyAISelectAction(node);
-      res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles);
-    }
-  });
-  // The hp of enemy databases increases slowly
-  this.enemyDatabases.forEach((node) => {
-    node.maxhp += 0.1 * storedCycles;
-    node.hp += 0.1 * storedCycles;
-  });
-  if (res) {
-    this.calculateAttacks();
-    this.calculateDefenses();
-  }
-  // Win if all enemy databases are conquered
-  if (this.enemyDatabases.length === 0) {
-    this.finishMission(true);
-    return;
-  }
-  // Lose if all your cores are gone
-  if (this.playerCores.length === 0) {
-    this.finishMission(false);
-    return;
-  }
-  // Defense/hp of misc nodes increases slowly over time
-  this.miscNodes.forEach((node) => {
-    node.def += 0.1 * storedCycles;
-    node.maxhp += 0.05 * storedCycles;
-    node.hp += 0.1 * storedCycles;
-    if (node.hp > node.maxhp) {
-      node.hp = node.maxhp;
-    }
-    this.updateNodeDomElement(node);
-  });
-  // Update timer and check if player lost
-  this.time -= storedCycles * CONSTANTS._idleSpeed;
-  if (this.time <= 0) {
-    this.finishMission(false);
-    return;
-  }
-  this.updateTimer();
-  storedCycles = 0;
-// Returns a bool representing whether defenses need to be re-calculated
-HackingMission.prototype.processNode = function (nodeObj, numCycles = 1) {
-  if (nodeObj.action == null) {
-    return;
-  }
-  var targetNode = null,
-    def,
-    atk;
-  if (nodeObj.conn) {
-    if (nodeObj.conn.target != null) {
-      targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.target);
-    } else {
-      targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.targetId);
-    }
-    if (targetNode == null) {
-      // Player is in the middle of  dragging the connection,
-      // so the target node is null. Do nothing here
-    } else if (targetNode.plyrCtrl) {
-      def = this.playerDef;
-      atk = this.enemyAtk;
-    } else if (targetNode.enmyCtrl) {
-      def = this.enemyDef;
-      atk = this.playerAtk;
-    } else {
-      // Misc Node
-      def = targetNode.def;
-      nodeObj.plyrCtrl ? (atk = this.playerAtk) : (atk = this.enemyAtk);
-    }
-  }
-  // Calculations are per second, so divide everything by 5
-  var calcStats = false,
-    plyr = nodeObj.plyrCtrl;
-  var enmyHacking = this.difficulty * CONSTANTS.HackingMissionDifficultyToHacking;
-  switch (nodeObj.action) {
-    case NodeActions.Attack:
-      if (targetNode == null) {
-        break;
-      }
-      if (nodeObj.conn == null) {
-        break;
-      }
-      var dmg = this.calculateAttackDamage(atk, def, plyr ? Player.hacking_skill : enmyHacking);
-      targetNode.hp -= (dmg / 5) * numCycles;
-      break;
-    case NodeActions.Scan:
-      if (targetNode == null) {
-        break;
-      }
-      if (nodeObj.conn == null) {
-        break;
-      }
-      var eff = this.calculateScanEffect(atk, def, plyr ? Player.hacking_skill : enmyHacking);
-      targetNode.def -= (eff / 5) * numCycles;
-      calcStats = true;
-      break;
-    case NodeActions.Weaken:
-      if (targetNode == null) {
-        break;
-      }
-      if (nodeObj.conn == null) {
-        break;
-      }
-      var eff = this.calculateWeakenEffect(atk, def, plyr ? Player.hacking_skill : enmyHacking);
-      targetNode.atk -= (eff / 5) * numCycles;
-      calcStats = true;
-      break;
-    case NodeActions.Fortify:
-      var eff = this.calculateFortifyEffect(Player.hacking_skill);
-      nodeObj.def += (eff / 5) * numCycles;
-      calcStats = true;
-      break;
-    case NodeActions.Overflow:
-      var eff = this.calculateOverflowEffect(Player.hacking_skill);
-      if (nodeObj.def < eff) {
-        break;
-      }
-      nodeObj.def -= (eff / 5) * numCycles;
-      nodeObj.atk += (eff / 5) * numCycles;
-      calcStats = true;
-      break;
-    default:
-      console.error(`Invalid Node Action: ${nodeObj.action}`);
-      break;
-  }
-  // Stats can't go below 0
-  if (nodeObj.atk < 0) {
-    nodeObj.atk = 0;
-  }
-  if (nodeObj.def < 0) {
-    nodeObj.def = 0;
-  }
-  if (targetNode && targetNode.atk < 0) {
-    targetNode.atk = 0;
-  }
-  if (targetNode && targetNode.def < 0) {
-    targetNode.def = 0;
-  }
-  // Conquering a node
-  if (targetNode && targetNode.hp <= 0) {
-    var conqueredByPlayer = nodeObj.plyrCtrl;
-    targetNode.hp = targetNode.maxhp;
-    targetNode.action = null;
-    targetNode.conn = null;
-    if (this.selectedNode == targetNode) {
-      targetNode.deselect(this.actionButtons);
-    }
-    // The conquered node has its stats reduced
-    targetNode.atk /= 2;
-    targetNode.def /= 3.5;
-    // Flag for whether the target node was a misc node
-    var isMiscNode = !targetNode.plyrCtrl && !targetNode.enmyCtrl;
-    // Remove all connections from Node
-    this.dropAllConnectionsToNode(targetNode);
-    this.dropAllConnectionsFromNode(targetNode);
-    // Changes the css class and turn the node into a JsPlumb Source/Target
-    if (conqueredByPlayer) {
-      targetNode.setControlledByPlayer();
-      this.jsplumbinstance.unmakeTarget(targetNode.el);
-      this.jsplumbinstance.makeSource(targetNode.el, {
-        deleteEndpointsOnEmpty: true,
-        maxConnections: 1,
-        anchor: "Continuous",
-        connector: "Flowchart",
-      });
-    } else {
-      targetNode.setControlledByEnemy();
-      nodeObj.conn = null; // Clear connection
-      this.jsplumbinstance.unmakeSource(targetNode.el);
-      this.jsplumbinstance.makeTarget(targetNode.el, {
-        maxConnections: -1,
-        anchor: "Continuous",
-        connector: ["Flowchart"],
-      });
-    }
-    calcStats = true;
-    // Helper function to swap nodes between the respective enemyNodes/playerNodes arrays
-    function swapNodes(orig, dest, targetNode) {
-      for (var i = 0; i < orig.length; ++i) {
-        if (orig[i] == targetNode) {
-          var node = orig.splice(i, 1);
-          node = node[0];
-          dest.push(node);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    switch (targetNode.type) {
-      case NodeTypes.Core:
-        if (conqueredByPlayer) {
-          swapNodes(this.enemyCores, this.playerCores, targetNode);
-          this.configurePlayerNodeElement(targetNode.el);
-        } else {
-          swapNodes(this.playerCores, this.enemyCores, targetNode);
-          this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el);
-        }
-        break;
-      case NodeTypes.Firewall:
-        if (conqueredByPlayer) {
-          swapNodes(this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
-        } else {
-          swapNodes(this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode);
-          this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el);
-        }
-        break;
-      case NodeTypes.Database:
-        if (conqueredByPlayer) {
-          swapNodes(this.enemyDatabases, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
-        } else {
-          swapNodes(this.playerNodes, this.enemyDatabases, targetNode);
-        }
-        break;
-      case NodeTypes.Spam:
-        if (conqueredByPlayer) {
-          swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
-          // Conquering spam node increases time limit
-          this.time += CONSTANTS.HackingMissionSpamTimeIncrease;
-        } else {
-          swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode);
-        }
-        break;
-      case NodeTypes.Transfer:
-        // Conquering a Transfer node increases the attack of all cores by some percentages
-        if (conqueredByPlayer) {
-          swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
-          this.playerCores.forEach(function (node) {
-            node.atk *= CONSTANTS.HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease;
-          });
-          this.configurePlayerNodeElement(targetNode.el);
-        } else {
-          swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode);
-          this.enemyCores.forEach(function (node) {
-            node.atk *= CONSTANTS.HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease;
-          });
-          this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el);
-        }
-        break;
-      case NodeTypes.Shield:
-        if (conqueredByPlayer) {
-          swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode);
-          this.configurePlayerNodeElement(targetNode.el);
-        } else {
-          swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode);
-          this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el);
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    // If a misc node was conquered, the defense for all misc nodes increases by some fixed amount
-    if (isMiscNode) {
-      //&& conqueredByPlayer) {
-      this.miscNodes.forEach((node) => {
-        if (node.targetedCount === 0) {
-          node.def *= CONSTANTS.HackingMissionMiscDefenseIncrease;
-        }
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  // Update node DOMs
-  this.updateNodeDomElement(nodeObj);
-  if (targetNode) {
-    this.updateNodeDomElement(targetNode);
-  }
-  return calcStats;
-// Enemy "AI" for CPU Core and Transfer Nodes
-HackingMission.prototype.enemyAISelectAction = function (nodeObj) {
-  if (nodeObj == null) {
-    return;
-  }
-  switch (nodeObj.type) {
-    case NodeTypes.Core:
-      /**
-       * Select a single RANDOM target from miscNodes and player's Nodes
-       * If it is reachable, it will target it. If not, no target will
-       * be selected for now, and the next time process() gets called this will repeat
-       */
-      if (nodeObj.conn == null) {
-        if (this.miscNodes.length === 0) {
-          // Randomly pick a player node and attack it if its reachable
-          var rand = getRandomInt(0, this.playerNodes.length - 1);
-          var node;
-          if (this.playerNodes.length === 0) {
-            node = null;
-          } else {
-            node = this.playerNodes[rand];
-          }
-          if (this.nodeReachableByEnemy(node)) {
-            // Create connection
-            nodeObj.conn = this.jsplumbinstance.connect({
-              source: nodeObj.el,
-              target: node.el,
-            });
-            ++node.targetedCount;
-          } else {
-            // Randomly pick a player core and attack it if its reachable
-            rand = getRandomInt(0, this.playerCores.length - 1);
-            if (this.playerCores.length === 0) {
-              return; // No Misc Nodes, no player Nodes, no Player cores. Player lost
-            } else {
-              node = this.playerCores[rand];
-            }
-            if (this.nodeReachableByEnemy(node)) {
-              // Create connection
-              nodeObj.conn = this.jsplumbinstance.connect({
-                source: nodeObj.el,
-                target: node.el,
-              });
-              ++node.targetedCount;
-            }
-          }
-        } else {
-          // Randomly pick a misc node and attack it if its reachable
-          var rand = getRandomInt(0, this.miscNodes.length - 1);
-          var node = this.miscNodes[rand];
-          if (this.nodeReachableByEnemy(node)) {
-            nodeObj.conn = this.jsplumbinstance.connect({
-              source: nodeObj.el,
-              target: node.el,
-            });
-            ++node.targetedCount;
-          }
-        }
-        // If no connection was made, set the Core to Fortify
-        nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
-      } else {
-        // If this node has a selected target
-        var targetNode;
-        if (nodeObj.conn.target) {
-          targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.target);
-        } else {
-          targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.targetId);
-        }
-        if (targetNode == null) {
-          console.error("Error getting Target node Object in enemyAISelectAction()");
-        }
-        if (targetNode.def > this.enemyAtk + 15) {
-          if (nodeObj.def < 50) {
-            nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
-          } else {
-            nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Overflow;
-          }
-        } else if (Math.abs(targetNode.def - this.enemyAtk) <= 15) {
-          nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Scan;
-        } else {
-          nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Attack;
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Transfer:
-      // Switch between fortifying and overflowing as necessary
-      if (nodeObj.def < 125) {
-        nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
-      } else {
-        nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Overflow;
-      }
-      break;
-    case NodeTypes.Firewall:
-    case NodeTypes.Shield:
-      nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify;
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-var hackEffWeightSelf = 130; // Weight for Node actions on self
-var hackEffWeightTarget = 25; // Weight for Node Actions against Target
-var hackEffWeightAttack = 80; // Weight for Attack action
-// Returns damage per cycle based on stats
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateAttackDamage = function (atk, def, hacking = 0) {
-  return Math.max(0.55 * (atk + hacking / hackEffWeightAttack - def), 1);
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateScanEffect = function (atk, def, hacking = 0) {
-  return Math.max(0.6 * (atk + hacking / hackEffWeightTarget - def * 0.95), 2);
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateWeakenEffect = function (atk, def, hacking = 0) {
-  return Math.max(atk + hacking / hackEffWeightTarget - def * 0.95, 2);
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateFortifyEffect = function (hacking = 0) {
-  return (0.9 * hacking) / hackEffWeightSelf;
-HackingMission.prototype.calculateOverflowEffect = function (hacking = 0) {
-  return (0.95 * hacking) / hackEffWeightSelf;
-// Updates timer display
-HackingMission.prototype.updateTimer = function () {
-  var timer = document.getElementById("hacking-mission-timer");
-  // Convert time remaining to a string of the form mm:ss
-  var seconds = Math.round(this.time / 1000);
-  var minutes = Math.trunc(seconds / 60);
-  seconds %= 60;
-  var str = ("0" + minutes).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + seconds).slice(-2);
-  timer.innerText = "Time left: " + str;
-// The 'win' argument is a bool for whether or not the player won
-HackingMission.prototype.finishMission = function (win) {
-  inMission = false;
-  currMission = null;
-  if (win) {
-    var favorMult = 1 + this.faction.favor / 100;
-    var gain = this.reward * Player.faction_rep_mult * favorMult;
-    dialogBoxCreate(
-      <>
-        Mission won! You earned {Reputation(gain)} reputation with {this.faction.name}
-      </>,
-    );
-    Player.gainIntelligenceExp(Math.pow(this.difficulty * CONSTANTS.IntelligenceHackingMissionBaseExpGain, 0.5));
-    this.faction.playerReputation += gain;
-  } else {
-    dialogBoxCreate("Mission lost/forfeited! You did not gain any faction reputation.");
-  }
-  Router.toFaction();
-export { HackingMission, inMission, setInMission, currMission };
diff --git a/src/NetscriptFunctions.ts b/src/NetscriptFunctions.ts
index f9755b191..675a1d076 100644
--- a/src/NetscriptFunctions.ts
+++ b/src/NetscriptFunctions.ts
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ import { Terminal } from "./Terminal";
 import { calculateSkill, calculateExp } from "./PersonObjects/formulas/skill";
 import { Message } from "./Message/Message";
-import { inMission } from "./Missions";
 import { Player } from "./Player";
 import { Programs } from "./Programs/Programs";
 import { Script } from "./Script/Script";
@@ -2965,10 +2964,6 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript: WorkerScript): NS {
     universityCourse: function (universityName: any, className: any): any {
       updateDynamicRam("universityCourse", getRamCost("universityCourse"));
       checkSingularityAccess("universityCourse", 1);
-      if (inMission) {
-        workerScript.log("universityCourse", "You are in the middle of a mission.");
-        return;
-      }
       if (Player.isWorking) {
         const txt = Player.singularityStopWork();
         workerScript.log("universityCourse", txt);
@@ -3049,10 +3044,6 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript: WorkerScript): NS {
     gymWorkout: function (gymName: any, stat: any): any {
       updateDynamicRam("gymWorkout", getRamCost("gymWorkout"));
       checkSingularityAccess("gymWorkout", 1);
-      if (inMission) {
-        workerScript.log("gymWorkout", "You are in the middle of a mission.");
-        return;
-      }
       if (Player.isWorking) {
         const txt = Player.singularityStopWork();
         workerScript.log("gymWorkout", txt);
@@ -3486,7 +3477,7 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript: WorkerScript): NS {
     isBusy: function (): any {
       updateDynamicRam("isBusy", getRamCost("isBusy"));
       checkSingularityAccess("isBusy", 1);
-      return Player.isWorking || inMission;
+      return Player.isWorking;
     stopAction: function (): any {
       updateDynamicRam("stopAction", getRamCost("stopAction"));
@@ -3553,12 +3544,6 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript: WorkerScript): NS {
         return false;
-      // Cant work while in a mission
-      if (inMission) {
-        workerScript.log("workForCompany", "You are in the middle of a mission.");
-        return false;
-      }
       // Check to make sure company position data is valid
       const companyPositionName = Player.jobs[companyName];
       const companyPosition = CompanyPositions[companyPositionName];
@@ -3708,11 +3693,6 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript: WorkerScript): NS {
-      if (inMission) {
-        workerScript.log("workForFaction", "You are in the middle of a mission.");
-        return;
-      }
       if (!Player.factions.includes(name)) {
         workerScript.log("workForFaction", `You are not a member of '${name}'`);
         return false;
@@ -3900,10 +3880,6 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript: WorkerScript): NS {
       updateDynamicRam("createProgram", getRamCost("createProgram"));
       checkSingularityAccess("createProgram", 3);
-      if (inMission) {
-        workerScript.log("createProgram", "You are in the middle of a mission.");
-        return;
-      }
       if (Player.isWorking) {
         const txt = Player.singularityStopWork();
         workerScript.log("createProgram", txt);
@@ -3946,10 +3922,7 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript: WorkerScript): NS {
     commitCrime: function (crimeRoughName: any): any {
       updateDynamicRam("commitCrime", getRamCost("commitCrime"));
       checkSingularityAccess("commitCrime", 3);
-      if (inMission) {
-        workerScript.log("commitCrime", "You are in the middle of a mission.");
-        return;
-      }
       if (Player.isWorking) {
         const txt = Player.singularityStopWork();
         workerScript.log("commitCrime", txt);
diff --git a/src/Sidebar/ui/SidebarRoot.tsx b/src/Sidebar/ui/SidebarRoot.tsx
index e314e6393..4aed01d3e 100644
--- a/src/Sidebar/ui/SidebarRoot.tsx
+++ b/src/Sidebar/ui/SidebarRoot.tsx
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ import { getAvailableCreatePrograms } from "../../Programs/ProgramHelpers";
 import { Settings } from "../../Settings/Settings";
 import { redPillFlag } from "../../RedPill";
-import { inMission } from "../../Missions";
 import { KEY } from "../../utils/helpers/keyCodes";
 const openedMixin = (theme: Theme): CSSObject => ({
@@ -266,7 +265,7 @@ export function SidebarRoot(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
     //  Alt-o - Options
     function handleShortcuts(this: Document, event: KeyboardEvent): any {
       if (Settings.DisableHotkeys) return;
-      if (props.player.isWorking || redPillFlag || inMission) return;
+      if (props.player.isWorking || redPillFlag) return;
       if (event.keyCode == KEY.T && event.altKey) {
diff --git a/src/engine.tsx b/src/engine.tsx
index 361c71685..a691952a6 100644
--- a/src/engine.tsx
+++ b/src/engine.tsx
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import {
 import { hasHacknetServers, processHacknetEarnings } from "./Hacknet/HacknetHelpers";
 import { iTutorialStart } from "./InteractiveTutorial";
 import { checkForMessagesToSend, initMessages } from "./Message/MessageHelpers";
-import { inMission, currMission } from "./Missions";
 import { loadAllRunningScripts, updateOnlineScriptTimes } from "./NetscriptWorker";
 import { Player } from "./Player";
 import { saveObject, loadGame } from "./SaveObject";
@@ -131,11 +130,6 @@ const Engine: {
       Player.gang.process(numCycles, Player);
-    // Mission
-    if (inMission && currMission) {
-      currMission.process(numCycles);
-    }
     // Corporation
     if (Player.corporation instanceof Corporation) {
       // Stores cycles in a "buffer". Processed separately using Engine Counters
diff --git a/src/ui/GameRoot.tsx b/src/ui/GameRoot.tsx
index 1816067d6..beeaffef4 100644
--- a/src/ui/GameRoot.tsx
+++ b/src/ui/GameRoot.tsx
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ import { TerminalRoot } from "../Terminal/ui/TerminalRoot";
 import { TutorialRoot } from "../Tutorial/ui/TutorialRoot";
 import { ActiveScriptsRoot } from "../ui/ActiveScripts/ActiveScriptsRoot";
 import { FactionsRoot } from "../Faction/ui/FactionsRoot";
-import { HackingMissionRoot } from "../HackingMission/ui/HackingMissionRoot";
 import { FactionRoot } from "../Faction/ui/FactionRoot";
 import { CharacterStats } from "./CharacterStats";
 import { TravelAgencyRoot } from "../Locations/ui/TravelAgencyRoot";
@@ -178,9 +177,6 @@ export let Router: IRouter = {
   toLocation: () => {
     throw new Error("Router called before initialization");
-  toHackingMission: () => {
-    throw new Error("Router called before initialization");
-  },
 function determineStartPage(player: IPlayer): Page {
@@ -270,10 +266,6 @@ export function GameRoot({ player, engine, terminal }: IProps): React.ReactEleme
-    toHackingMission: (faction: Faction) => {
-      setPage(Page.HackingMission);
-      setFaction(faction);
-    },
   useEffect(() => {
@@ -296,8 +288,6 @@ export function GameRoot({ player, engine, terminal }: IProps): React.ReactEleme
           <BitverseRoot flume={flume} enter={enterBitNode} quick={quick} />
         ) : page === Page.Infiltration ? (
           <InfiltrationRoot location={location} />
-        ) : page === Page.HackingMission ? (
-          <HackingMissionRoot faction={faction} />
         ) : page === Page.BladeburnerCinematic ? (
           <BladeburnerCinematic />
         ) : page === Page.Work ? (
diff --git a/src/ui/React/Overview.tsx b/src/ui/React/Overview.tsx
index ca3d08024..3b0dc71bb 100644
--- a/src/ui/React/Overview.tsx
+++ b/src/ui/React/Overview.tsx
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ export function Overview({ children }: IProps): React.ReactElement {
   const [open, setOpen] = useState(true);
   const classes = useStyles();
   const router = use.Router();
-  if (router.page() === Page.BitVerse || router.page() === Page.HackingMission || router.page() === Page.Loading)
-    return <></>;
+  if (router.page() === Page.BitVerse || router.page() === Page.Loading) return <></>;
   let icon;
   if (open) {
     icon = <VisibilityOffIcon color="primary" />;
diff --git a/src/ui/Router.ts b/src/ui/Router.ts
index 206377b42..267d137a7 100644
--- a/src/ui/Router.ts
+++ b/src/ui/Router.ts
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ export enum Page {
-  HackingMission,
@@ -74,5 +73,4 @@ export interface IRouter {
   toWork(): void;
   toBladeburnerCinematic(): void;
   toLocation(location: Location): void;
-  toHackingMission(faction: Faction): void;