diff --git a/src/Terminal.js b/src/Terminal.js
index 9cfe051d5..a61d4d5dd 100644
--- a/src/Terminal.js
+++ b/src/Terminal.js
@@ -1831,142 +1831,164 @@ let Terminal = {
if (splitArgs.length > 1) {
programName = splitArgs[0];
- switch (programName) {
- case Programs.NukeProgram.name:
- if (s.hasAdminRights) {
- post("You already have root access to this computer. There is no reason to run NUKE.exe");
- } else {
- if (s.openPortCount >= Player.getCurrentServer().numOpenPortsRequired) {
- s.hasAdminRights = true;
- post("NUKE successful! Gained root access to " + Player.getCurrentServer().hostname);
- //TODO Make this take time rather than be instant
- } else {
- post("NUKE unsuccessful. Not enough ports have been opened");
- }
- }
- break;
- case Programs.BruteSSHProgram.name:
- if (s.sshPortOpen) {
- post("SSH Port (22) is already open!");
- } else {
- s.sshPortOpen = true;
- post("Opened SSH Port(22)!")
- ++s.openPortCount;
- }
- break;
- case Programs.FTPCrackProgram.name:
- if (s.ftpPortOpen) {
- post("FTP Port (21) is already open!");
- } else {
- s.ftpPortOpen = true;
- post("Opened FTP Port (21)!");
- ++s.openPortCount;
- }
- break;
- case Programs.RelaySMTPProgram.name:
- if (s.smtpPortOpen) {
- post("SMTP Port (25) is already open!");
- } else {
- s.smtpPortOpen = true;
- post("Opened SMTP Port (25)!");
- ++s.openPortCount;
- }
- break;
- case Programs.HTTPWormProgram.name:
- if (s.httpPortOpen) {
- post("HTTP Port (80) is already open!");
- } else {
- s.httpPortOpen = true;
- post("Opened HTTP Port (80)!");
- ++s.openPortCount;
- }
- break;
- case Programs.SQLInjectProgram.name:
- if (s.sqlPortOpen) {
- post("SQL Port (1433) is already open!");
- } else {
- s.sqlPortOpen = true;
- post("Opened SQL Port (1433)!");
- ++s.openPortCount;
- }
- break;
- case Programs.ServerProfiler.name:
- if (splitArgs.length != 2) {
- post("Must pass a server hostname or IP as an argument for ServerProfiler.exe");
- return;
- }
- var serv = getServer(splitArgs[1]);
- if (serv == null) {
- post("Invalid server IP/hostname");
- return;
- }
- post(serv.hostname + ":");
- post("Server base security level: " + serv.baseDifficulty);
- post("Server current security level: " + serv.hackDifficulty);
- post("Server growth rate: " + serv.serverGrowth);
- post("Netscript hack() execution time: " + formatNumber(scriptCalculateHackingTime(serv), 1) + "s");
- post("Netscript grow() execution time: " + formatNumber(scriptCalculateGrowTime(serv)/1000, 1) + "s");
- post("Netscript weaken() execution time: " + formatNumber(scriptCalculateWeakenTime(serv)/1000, 1) + "s");
- break;
- case Programs.AutoLink.name:
- post("This executable cannot be run.");
- post("AutoLink.exe lets you automatically connect to other servers when using 'scan-analyze'.");
- post("When using scan-analyze, click on a server's hostname to connect to it.");
- break;
- case Programs.DeepscanV1.name:
- post("This executable cannot be run.");
- post("DeepscanV1.exe lets you run 'scan-analyze' with a depth up to 5.");
- break;
- case Programs.DeepscanV2.name:
- post("This executable cannot be run.");
- post("DeepscanV2.exe lets you run 'scan-analyze' with a depth up to 10.");
- break;
- case Programs.Flight.name:
- const fulfilled = Player.augmentations.length >= 30 &&
- Player.money.gt(1e11) &&
- ((Player.hacking_skill >= 2500)||
- (Player.strength >= 1500 &&
- Player.defense >= 1500 &&
- Player.dexterity >= 1500 &&
- Player.agility >= 1500));
- if(!fulfilled) {
- post("Augmentations: " + Player.augmentations.length + " / 30");
- post("Money: " + numeral(Player.money.toNumber()).format('($0.000a)') + " / " + numeral(1e11).format('($0.000a)'));
- post("One path below must be fulfilled...");
- post("----------HACKING PATH----------");
- post("Hacking skill: " + Player.hacking_skill + " / 2500");
- post("----------COMBAT PATH----------");
- post("Strength: " + Player.strength + " / 1500");
- post("Defense: " + Player.defense + " / 1500");
- post("Dexterity: " + Player.dexterity + " / 1500");
- post("Agility: " + Player.agility + " / 1500");
- } else {
- post("We will contact you.");
- post("-- Daedalus --");
- }
- break;
- case Programs.BitFlume.name:
- var yesBtn = yesNoBoxGetYesButton(),
- noBtn = yesNoBoxGetNoButton();
- yesBtn.innerHTML = "Travel to BitNode Nexus";
- noBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel";
- yesBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
- hackWorldDaemon(Player.bitNodeN, true);
- return yesNoBoxClose();
- });
- noBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
- return yesNoBoxClose();
- });
" +
- "Do you want to travel to the BitNode Nexus? This allows you to reset the current BitNode " +
- "and select a new one.");
+ // TODO: refactor this/these out of Terminal. This logic could reside closer to the Programs themselves.
+ /**
+ * @typedef {function (server=, args=)} ProgramHandler
+ * @param {Server} server The current server the program is being executed against
+ * @param {string[]} args The command line arguments passed in to the program
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ /**
+ * @type {Object. {
+ if (server.hasAdminRights) {
+ post("You already have root access to this computer. There is no reason to run NUKE.exe");
+ return;
+ }
- break;
- default:
- post("Invalid executable. Cannot be run");
- return;
- }
+ if (server.openPortCount >= Player.getCurrentServer().numOpenPortsRequired) {
+ server.hasAdminRights = true;
+ post("NUKE successful! Gained root access to " + Player.getCurrentServer().hostname);
+ // TODO: Make this take time rather than be instant
+ return;
+ }
+ post("NUKE unsuccessful. Not enough ports have been opened");
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.BruteSSHProgram.name] = (server) => {
+ if (server.sshPortOpen) {
+ post("SSH Port (22) is already open!");
+ return;
+ }
+ server.sshPortOpen = true;
+ post("Opened SSH Port(22)!")
+ server.openPortCount++;
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.FTPCrackProgram.name] = (server) => {
+ if (server.ftpPortOpen) {
+ post("FTP Port (21) is already open!");
+ return;
+ }
+ server.ftpPortOpen = true;
+ post("Opened FTP Port (21)!");
+ server.openPortCount++;
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.RelaySMTPProgram.name] = (server) => {
+ if (server.smtpPortOpen) {
+ post("SMTP Port (25) is already open!");
+ return;
+ }
+ server.smtpPortOpen = true;
+ post("Opened SMTP Port (25)!");
+ server.openPortCount++;
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.HTTPWormProgram.name] = (server) => {
+ if (serv.httpPortOpen) {
+ post("HTTP Port (80) is already open!");
+ return;
+ }
+ server.httpPortOpen = true;
+ post("Opened HTTP Port (80)!");
+ server.openPortCount++;
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.SQLInjectProgram.name] = (server) => {
+ if (server.sqlPortOpen) {
+ post("SQL Port (1433) is already open!");
+ return;
+ }
+ server.sqlPortOpen = true;
+ post("Opened SQL Port (1433)!");
+ server.openPortCount++;
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.ServerProfiler.name] = (server, args) => {
+ if (args.length !== 2) {
+ post("Must pass a server hostname or IP as an argument for ServerProfiler.exe");
+ return;
+ }
+ const targetServer = getServer(args[1]);
+ if (targetServer == null) {
+ post("Invalid server IP/hostname");
+ return;
+ }
+ post(targetServer.hostname + ":");
+ post("Server base security level: " + targetServer.baseDifficulty);
+ post("Server current security level: " + targetServer.hackDifficulty);
+ post("Server growth rate: " + targetServer.serverGrowth);
+ post("Netscript hack() execution time: " + formatNumber(scriptCalculateHackingTime(targetServer), 1) + "s");
+ post("Netscript grow() execution time: " + formatNumber(scriptCalculateGrowTime(targetServer)/1000, 1) + "s");
+ post("Netscript weaken() execution time: " + formatNumber(scriptCalculateWeakenTime(targetServer)/1000, 1) + "s");
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.AutoLink.name] = () => {
+ post("This executable cannot be run.");
+ post("AutoLink.exe lets you automatically connect to other servers when using 'scan-analyze'.");
+ post("When using scan-analyze, click on a server's hostname to connect to it.");
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.DeepscanV1.name] = () => {
+ post("This executable cannot be run.");
+ post("DeepscanV1.exe lets you run 'scan-analyze' with a depth up to 5.");
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.DeepscanV2.name] = () => {
+ post("This executable cannot be run.");
+ post("DeepscanV2.exe lets you run 'scan-analyze' with a depth up to 10.");
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.Flight.name] = () => {
+ const fulfilled = Player.augmentations.length >= 30 &&
+ Player.money.gt(1e11) &&
+ ((Player.hacking_skill >= 2500)||
+ (Player.strength >= 1500 &&
+ Player.defense >= 1500 &&
+ Player.dexterity >= 1500 &&
+ Player.agility >= 1500));
+ if(!fulfilled) {
+ post("Augmentations: " + Player.augmentations.length + " / 30");
+ post("Money: " + numeral(Player.money.toNumber()).format('($0.000a)') + " / " + numeral(1e11).format('($0.000a)'));
+ post("One path below must be fulfilled...");
+ post("----------HACKING PATH----------");
+ post("Hacking skill: " + Player.hacking_skill + " / 2500");
+ post("----------COMBAT PATH----------");
+ post("Strength: " + Player.strength + " / 1500");
+ post("Defense: " + Player.defense + " / 1500");
+ post("Dexterity: " + Player.dexterity + " / 1500");
+ post("Agility: " + Player.agility + " / 1500");
+ return;
+ }
+ post("We will contact you.");
+ post("-- Daedalus --");
+ };
+ programHandlers[Programs.BitFlume.name] = () => {
+ const yesBtn = yesNoBoxGetYesButton();
+ const noBtn = yesNoBoxGetNoButton();
+ yesBtn.innerHTML = "Travel to BitNode Nexus";
+ noBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel";
+ yesBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ hackWorldDaemon(Player.bitNodeN, true);
+ return yesNoBoxClose();
+ });
+ noBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ return yesNoBoxClose();
+ });
" +
+ "Do you want to travel to the BitNode Nexus? This allows you to reset the current BitNode " +
+ "and select a new one.");
+ };
+ if (!programHandlers.hasOwnProperty(programName)){
+ post("Invalid executable. Cannot be run");
+ return;
+ }
+ programHandlers[programName](s, splitArgs);
runScript: function(scriptName) {