@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
var illuminatiFac = Factions["Illuminati"];
if (illuminatiFac.isBanned == false && illuminatiFac.isMember == false &&
if (!illuminatiFac.isBanned && !illuminatiFac.isMember && !illuminatiFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.numAugmentations >= 10 &&
this.money >= 10000000000 && this.total_money >= 20000000000 &&
this.hacking_skill >= 800 && this.total_hacking >= 7000 &&
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
var daedalusFac = Factions["Daedalus"];
if (daedalusFac.isBanned == false && daedalusFac.isMember == false &&
if (!daedalusFac.isBanned && !daedalusFac.isMember && !daedalusFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.numAugmentations >= 15 &&
this.money >= 1000000000 && this.total_money >= 10000000000 &&
this.hacking_skill >= 1000 && this.total_hacking >= 10000 &&
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
//The Covenant
var covenantFac = Factions["The Covenant"];
if (covenantFac.isBanned == false && covenantFac.isMember == false &&
if (!covenantFac.isBanned && !covenantFac.isMember && !covenantFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.numAugmentations >= 12 &&
this.money >= 5000000000 && this.total_money >= 10000000000 &&
this.hacking_skill >= 850 && this.total_hack >= 5000 &&
@ -228,63 +228,65 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
var ecorpFac = Factions["ECorp"];
if (ecorpFac.isBanned == false && ecorpFac.isMember == false &&
if (!ecorpFac.isBanned && !ecorpFac.isMember && !ecorpFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == Locations.AevumECorp && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
var megacorpFac = Factions["MegaCorp"];
if (megacorpFac.isBanned == false && megacorpFac.isMember == false &&
if (!megacorpFac.isBanned && !megacorpFac.isMember && !megacorpFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == Locations.Sector12MegaCorp && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//Bachman & Associates
var bachmanandassociatesFac = Factions["Bachman & Associates"];
if (bachmanandassociatesFac.isBanned == false && bachmanandassociatesFac.isMember == false &&
if (!bachmanandassociatesFac.isBanned && !bachmanandassociatesFac.isMember &&
!bachmanandassociatesFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == Locations.AevumBachmanAndAssociates && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//Blade Industries
var bladeindustriesFac = Factions["Blade Industries"];
if (bladeindustriesFac.isBanned == false && bladeindustriesFac.isMember == false &&
if (!bladeindustriesFac.isBanned && !bladeindustriesFac.isMember && !bladeindustriesFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == Locations.Sector12BladeIndustries && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
var nwoFac = Factions["NWO"];
if (nwoFac.isBanned == false && nwoFac.isMember == false &&
if (!nwoFac.isBanned && !nwoFac.isMember && !nwoFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == Locations.VolhavenNWO && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//Clarke Incorporated
var clarkeincorporatedFac = Factions["Clarke Incorporated"];
if (clarkeincorporatedFac.isBanned == false && clarkeincorporatedFac.isMember == false &&
if (!clarkeincorporatedFac.isBanned && !clarkeincorporatedFac.isMember && !clarkeincorporatedFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == Locations.AevumClarkeIncorporated && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//OmniTek Incorporated
var omnitekincorporatedFac = Factions["OmniTek Incorporated"];
if (omnitekincorporatedFac.isBanned == false && omnitekincorporatedFac.isMember == false &&
if (!omnitekincorporatedFac.isBanned && !omnitekincorporatedFac.isMember && !omnitekincorporatedFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == Locations.VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//Four Sigma
var foursigmaFac = Factions["Four Sigma"];
if (foursigmaFac.isBanned == false && foursigmaFac.isMember == false &&
if (!foursigmaFac.isBanned && !foursigmaFac.isMember && !foursigmaFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == Locations.Sector12FourSigma && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//KuaiGong International
var kuaigonginternationalFac = Factions["KuaiGong International"];
if (kuaigonginternationalFac.isBanned == false && kuaigonginternationalFac.isMember == false &&
if (!kuaigonginternationalFac.isBanned && !kuaigonginternationalFac.isMember &&
!kuaigonginternationalFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == Locations.ChongqingKuaiGongInternational && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
@ -295,7 +297,8 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
if (fulcrumSecretServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server");
} else {
if (fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isBanned == false && fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isMember == false &&
if (!fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isBanned && !fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isMember &&
!fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.alreadyInvited &&
fulcrumSecretServer.manuallyHacked &&
this.companyName == Locations.AevumFulcrumTechnologies && companyRep >= 250000) {
@ -308,8 +311,8 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
var bitrunnersServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.BitRunnersServer]];
if (bitrunnersServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find BitRunners Server");
} else if (bitrunnersFac.isBanned == false && bitrunnersFac.isMember == false && bitrunnersServer.manuallyHacked &&
this.hacking_skill >= 500 && homeComp.maxRam >= 128) {
} else if (!bitrunnersFac.isBanned && !bitrunnersFac.isMember && bitrunnersServer.manuallyHacked &&
!bitrunnersFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 500 && homeComp.maxRam >= 128) {
@ -319,7 +322,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
if (blackhandServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find The Black Hand Server");
} else if (!theblackhandFac.isBanned && !theblackhandFac.isMember && blackhandServer.manuallyHacked &&
this.hacking_skill >= 350 && homeComp.maxRam >= 64) {
!theblackhandFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 350 && homeComp.maxRam >= 64) {
@ -329,55 +332,55 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
if (nitesecServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find NiteSec Server");
} else if (!nitesecFac.isBanned && !nitesecFac.isMember && nitesecServer.manuallyHacked &&
this.hacking_skill >= 200 && homeComp.maxRam >= 32) {
!nitesecFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 200 && homeComp.maxRam >= 32) {
var chongqingFac = Factions["Chongqing"];
if (chongqingFac.isBanned == false && chongqingFac.isMember == false &&
if (!chongqingFac.isBanned && !chongqingFac.isMember && !chongqingFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money >= 20000000 && this.city == Locations.Chongqing) {
var sector12Fac = Factions["Sector-12"];
if (sector12Fac.isBanned == false && sector12Fac.isMember == false &&
if (!sector12Fac.isBanned && !sector12Fac.isMember && !sector12Fac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money >= 15000000 && this.city == Locations.Sector12) {
//New Tokyo
var newtokyoFac = Factions["New Tokyo"];
if (newtokyoFac.isBanned == false && newtokyoFac.isMember == false &&
if (!newtokyoFac.isBanned && !newtokyoFac.isMember && !newtokyoFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money >= 20000000 && this.city == Locations.NewTokyo) {
var aevumFac = Factions["Aevum"];
if (aevumFac.isBanned == false && aevumFac.isMember == false &&
if (!aevumFac.isBanned && !aevumFac.isMember && !aevumFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money >= 40000000 && this.city == Locations.Aevum) {
var ishimaFac = Factions["Ishima"];
if (ishimaFac.isBanned == false && ishimaFac.isMember == false &&
if (!ishimaFac.isBanned && !ishimaFac.isMember && !ishimaFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money >= 30000000 && this.city == Locations.Ishima) {
var volhavenFac = Factions["Volhaven"];
if (volhavenFac.isBanned == false && volhavenFac.isMember == false &&
if (!volhavenFac.isBanned && !volhavenFac.isMember && !volhavenFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money >= 50000000 && this.city == Locations.Volhaven) {
//Speakers for the Dead
var speakersforthedeadFac = Factions["Speakers for the Dead"];
if (speakersforthedeadFac.isBanned == false && speakersforthedeadFac.isMember == false &&
if (!speakersforthedeadFac.isBanned && !speakersforthedeadFac.isMember && !speakersforthedeadFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.hacking_skill >= 100 && this.strength >= 300 && this.defense >= 300 &&
this.dexterity >= 300 && this.agility >= 300 && this.numPeopleKilled >= 10 &&
this.numPeopleKilledTotal >= 100 && this.karma <= -45 && this.companyName != Locations.Sector12CIA &&
@ -387,7 +390,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
//The Dark Army
var thedarkarmyFac = Factions["The Dark Army"];
if (thedarkarmyFac.isBanned == false && thedarkarmyFac.isMember == false &&
if (!thedarkarmyFac.isBanned && !thedarkarmyFac.isMember && !thedarkarmyFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.hacking_skill >= 300 && this.strength >= 300 && this.defense >= 300 &&
this.dexterity >= 300 && this.agility >= 300 && this.city == Locations.Chongqing &&
this.numPeopleKilled >= 5 && this.karma <= -45 && this.companyName != Locations.Sector12CIA &&
@ -397,7 +400,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
//The Syndicate
var thesyndicateFac = Factions["The Syndicate"];
if (thesyndicateFac.isBanned == false && thesyndicateFac.isMember == false &&
if (!thesyndicateFac.isBanned && !thesyndicateFac.isMember && !thesyndicateFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.hacking_skill >= 200 && this.strength >= 200 && this.defense >= 200 &&
this.dexterity >= 200 && this.agility >= 200 &&
(this.city == Locations.Aevum || this.city == Locations.Sector12) &&
@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
var silhouetteFac = Factions["Silhouette"];
if (silhouetteFac.isBanned == false && silhouetteFac.isMember == false &&
if (!silhouetteFac.isBanned && !silhouetteFac.isMember && !silhouetteFac.alreadyInvited &&
(this.companyPosition.positionName == CompanyPositions.CTO.positionName ||
this.companyPosition.positionName == CompanyPositions.CFO.positionName ||
this.companyPosition.positionName == CompanyPositions.CEO.positionName) &&
@ -418,7 +421,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
var tetradsFac = Factions["Tetrads"];
if (tetradsFac.isBanned == false && tetradsFac.isMember == false &&
if (!tetradsFac.isBanned && !tetradsFac.isMember && !tetradsFac.alreadyInvited &&
(this.city == Locations.Chongqing || this.city == Locations.NewTokyo ||
this.city == Locations.Ishima) && this.strength >= 75 && this.defense >= 75 &&
this.dexterity >= 75 && this.agility >= 75 && this.karma <= -18) {
@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
var slumsnakesFac = Factions["Slum Snakes"];
if (slumsnakesFac.isBanned == false && slumsnakesFac.isMember == false &&
if (!slumsnakesFac.isBanned && !slumsnakesFac.isMember && !slumsnakesFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.strength >= 30 && this.defense >= 30 && this.dexterity >= 30 &&
this.agility >= 30 && this.karma <= -9 && this.money >= 1000000) {
@ -443,7 +446,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
totalHacknetRam += Player.hacknetNodes[i].ram;
totalHacknetCores += Player.hacknetNodes[i].numCores;
if (netburnersFac.isBanned == false && netburnersFac.isMember == false &&
if (!netburnersFac.isBanned && !netburnersFac.isMember && !netburnersFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.hacking_skill >= 80 && totalHacknetRam >= 8 &&
totalHacknetCores >= 4 && totalHacknetLevels >= 100) {
@ -451,7 +454,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
//Tian Di Hui
var tiandihuiFac = Factions["Tian Di Hui"];
if (tiandihuiFac.isBanned == false && tiandihuiFac.isMember == false &&
if (!tiandihuiFac.isBanned && !tiandihuiFac.isMember && !tiandihuiFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money >= 1000000 && this.hacking_skill >= 50 &&
(this.city == Locations.Chongqing || this.city == Locations.NewTokyo ||
this.city == Locations.Ishima)) {
@ -464,18 +467,14 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
if (cybersecServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find CyberSec Server");
} else if (!cybersecFac.isBanned && !cybersecFac.isMember && cybersecServer.manuallyHacked &&
this.hacking_skill >= 50) {
!cybersecFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 50) {
console.log("invited factions: " + invitedFactions);
return invitedFactions;
inviteToFaction = function(faction) {
if (Engine.Debug) {
console.log("inviteToFaction() called with faction: " + faction.name);