+ +

Netscript Bladeburner API


Netscript provides the following API for interacting with the game's Bladeburner mechanic.


The Bladeburner API is not immediately available to the palyer and must be unlocked +later in the game


WARNING: This page contains spoilers for the game


The Bladeburner API is unlocked in BitNode-7. If you are in BitNode-7, you will +automatically gain access to this API. Otherwise, you must have Source-File 7 in +order to use this API in other BitNodes


Bladeburner API functions must be accessed through the bladeburner namespace


In Netscript 1.0:

+bladeburner.startAction("general", "Training");

In NetscriptJS (Netscript 2.0):

+ns.bladeburner.startAction("general", "Training");

Bladeburner Action Types


Several functions in the Bladeburner API require you to specify an action using +its type and name. The following are valid values when specifying the action's type:

  • contract
  • +
  • contracts
  • +
  • contr
  • +
  • operation
  • +
  • operations
  • +
  • op
  • +
  • ops
  • +
Black Ops
  • blackoperation
  • +
  • black operation
  • +
  • black operations
  • +
  • black op
  • +
  • black ops
  • +
  • blackop
  • +
  • blackops
  • +
General Actions (Training, Field Analysis, Recruitment)
  • general
  • +
  • general action
  • +
  • gen
  • +



Returns an array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner contracts

+ +



Returns an array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner operations

+ +



Returns an array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner Black Ops

+ +



Returns an array of strings containing the names of all general Bladeburner actions

+ +



Returns an array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner skills

+ +


+startAction(type, name)
+++ + + + +
  • type (string) -- Type of action. See Bladeburner Action Types
  • +
  • name (string) -- Name of action. Must be an exact match
  • +

Attempts to start the specified Bladeburner action. Returns true if the action +was started successfully, and false otherwise.

+ +



Stops the current Bladeburner action

+ +


+getActionTime(type, name)
+++ + + + +
  • type (string) -- Type of action. See Bladeburner Action Types
  • +
  • name (string) -- Name of action. Must be an exact match
  • +

Returns the number of seconds it takes to complete the specified action

+ +


+getActionEstimatedSuccessChance(type, name)
+++ + + + +
  • type (string) -- Type of action. See Bladeburner Action Types
  • +
  • name (string) -- Name of action. Must be an exact match
  • +

Returns the estimated success chance for the specified action

+ +


+getActionCountRemaining(type, name)
+++ + + + +
  • type (string) -- Type of action. See Bladeburner Action Types
  • +
  • name (string) -- Name of action. Must be an exact match
  • +

Returns the remaining count of the specified action.


Note that this is meant to be used for Contracts and Operations. +This function will return 'Infinity' for actions such as Training and Field Analysis.

+ +



Returns the player's Bladeburner Rank

+ +



Returns the number of Bladeburner skill points you have

+ +


+++ + + + +
  • skillName (string) -- Optional name of Skill. Empty string by default
  • +

If no argument or an empty string is passed in, this function returns +an object with your level for all Bladeburner Skills (only for skills that +have at least one level). In the object, the name of the Bladeburner Skills +are the keys and your skill levels are the values. For example:

+    "Blade's Intuition":    10,
+    "Cloak":                5,
+    "Evasive System":       6

If the name of a skill is passed in as an argument, then this function +returns your level in the specified skill.


The function returns -1 if an invalid skill name is passed in

+ +


+++ + + + +
  • skillName (string) -- Name of Skill to be upgraded. Must be an exact match
  • +

Attempts to upgrade the specified Bladeburner skill. Returns true if the +skill is successfully upgraded, and false otherwise

+ +


+getTeamSize(type, name)
+++ + + + +
  • type (string) -- Type of action. See Bladeburner Action Types
  • +
  • name (string) -- Name of action. Must be an exact match
  • +

Returns the number of Bladeburner team members you have assigned to the +specified action.


Setting a team is only applicable for Operations and BlackOps. This function +will return 0 for other action types.

+ +


+setTeamSize(type, name, size)
+++ + + + +
  • type (string) -- Type of action. See Bladeburner Action Types
  • +
  • name (string) -- Name of action. Must be an exact match
  • +
  • size (int) -- Number of team members to set. Will be converted using Math.round()
  • +

Set the team size for the specified Bladeburner action.


Returns the team size that was set, or -1 if the function failed.

+ +


+++ + + + +
  • cityName (string) -- Name of city. Case-sensitive
  • +

Returns the estimated number of Synthoids in the specified city, or -1 +if an invalid city was specified.

+ +


+++ + + + +
  • cityName (string) -- Name of city. Case-sensitive
  • +

Returns the estimated number of Synthoid communities in the specified city, +or -1 if an invalid city was specified.

+ +


+++ + + + +
  • cityName (string) -- Name of city. Case-sensitive
  • +

Returns the chaos in the specified city, or -1 if an invalid city was specified

+ +


+++ + + + +
  • cityName (string) -- Name of city
  • +

Attempts to switch to the specified city (for Bladeburner only).


Returns true if successful, and false otherwise

+ +



Returns an array with two elements:

[Current stamina, Max stamina]

Example usage:

function getStaminaPercentage() {
+    let res = bladeburner.getStamina();
+    return res[0] / res[1];
+ +



Attempts to join the Bladeburner faction.


Returns true if you successfully join the Bladeburner faction, or if +you are already a member.


Returns false otherwise.

+ +



Basic example usage:

+tprint(bladeburner.getActionTime("contract", "Tracking"));
+tprint("Rank: " + bladeburner.getRank());
+tprint("Skill Points: " + bladeburner.getSkillPoints());
+tprint("Cloak Skill Level: " + bladeburner.getSkillLevel("Cloak"));
+tprint("Trying to upgradeSkill: " + bladeburner.upgradeSkill("Cloak"));
+tprint("Skill Points remaining: " + bladeburner.getSkillPoints());
+tprint("Trying to switch to a nonexistent city: " + bladeburner.switchCity("lskgns"));
+var chongqing = "Chongqing";
+tprint("Trying to switch to Chongqing: " + bladeburner.switchCity(chongqing));
+tprint("Chongqing chaos: " + bladeburner.getCityChaos(chongqing));
+tprint("Chongqing estimated pop: " + bladeburner.getCityEstimatedPopulation(chongqing));
+tprint("Chonqging estimated communities: " + bladeburner.getCityEstimatedCommunities(chongqing));

Bladeburner handler example. Note that this avoids the need of using the bladeburner namespace +identifier by attaching the Bladeburner API functions to an object:

const FIELD_ANALYSIS_INTERVAL = 10; //Number of minutes between field analysis states
+const FIELD_ANALYSIS_DURATION = 5;  //Duration in minutes
+function BladeburnerHandler(ns, params) {
+    //Netscript environment becomes part of the instance
+    this.ns = ns;
+    //Netscript bladeburner API becomes part of this instance
+    for (var bladeburnerFn in ns.bladeburner) {
+        this[bladeburnerFn] = ns.bladeburner[bladeburnerFn];
+    }
+    this.fieldAnalysis = {
+        inProgress:         params.startFieldAnalysis ? true : false,
+        cyclesRemaining:    FIELD_ANALYSIS_DURATION,
+        cyclesSince:         FIELD_ANALYSIS_INTERVAL
+    }
+BladeburnerHandler.prototype.getStaminaPercentage = function() {
+    var res = this.getStamina();
+    return 100 * (res[0] / res[1]);
+BladeburnerHandler.prototype.hasSimulacrum = function() {
+    var augs = this.ns.getOwnedAugmentations();
+    return augs.includes("The Blade's Simulacrum");
+BladeburnerHandler.prototype.handle = function() {
+    //If we're doing something else manually (without Simlacrum),
+    //it overrides Bladeburner stuff
+    if (!this.hasSimulacrum() && this.ns.isBusy()) {
+        this.ns.print("Idling bc player is busy with some other action");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (this.fieldAnalysis.inProgress) {
+        --(this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesRemaining);
+        if (this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesRemaining < 0) {
+            this.fieldAnalysis.inProgress = false;
+            this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesSince = 0;
+            return this.handle();
+        } else {
+            this.startAction("general", "Field Analysis");
+            this.ns.print("handler is doing field analyis for " +
+                          (this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesRemaining+1) + " more mins");
+            return;
+        }
+    } else {
+        ++(this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesSince);
+        if (this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesSince > FIELD_ANALYSIS_INTERVAL) {
+            this.fieldAnalysis.inProgress = true;
+            this.fieldAnalysis.cyclesRemaining = FIELD_ANALYSIS_DURATION;
+            return this.handle();
+        }
+    }
+    this.stopBladeburnerAction();
+    var staminaPerc = this.getStaminaPercentage();
+    if (staminaPerc < 55) {
+        this.ns.print("handler is starting training due to low stamina percentage");
+        this.startAction("general", "Training");
+    } else {
+        var action = this.chooseAction();
+        this.ns.print("handler chose " + action.name + " " + action.type + " through chooseAction()");
+        this.startAction(action.type, action.name);
+    }
+BladeburnerHandler.prototype.chooseAction = function() {
+    //Array of all Operations
+    var ops = this.getOperationNames();
+    //Sort Operations in order of increasing success chance
+    ops.sort((a, b)=>{
+        return this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("operation", a) -
+               this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("operation", b);
+    });
+    //Loop through until you find one with 99+% success chance
+    for (let i = 0; i < ops.length; ++i) {
+        let successChance   = this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("operation", ops[i]);
+        let count           = this.getActionCountRemaining("operation", ops[i]);
+        if (successChance >= 0.99 && count > 10) {
+            return {type: "operation", name: ops[i]};
+        }
+    }
+    //Repeat for Contracts
+    var contracts = this.getContractNames();
+    contracts.sort((a, b)=>{
+        return this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("contract", a) -
+               this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("contract", b);
+    });
+    for (let i = 0; i < contracts.length; ++i) {
+        let successChance   = this.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance("contract", contracts[i]);
+        let count           = this.getActionCountRemaining("contract", contracts[i]);
+        if (successChance >= 0.80 && count > 10) {
+            return {type: "contract", name: contracts[i]};
+        }
+    }
+    return {type:"general", name:"Training"};
+BladeburnerHandler.prototype.process = async function() {
+    this.handle();
+    await this.ns.sleep(60000);
+    }
+    export async function main(ns) {
+    ns.disableLog("sleep");
+    //Check if Bladeburner is available. This'll throw a runtime error if it's not
+    ns.bladeburner.getContractNames();
+    var startFieldAnalysis = true;
+    if (ns.args.length >= 1 && ns.args[0] == "false") {
+        startFieldAnalysis = false;
+    }
+    var handler = new BladeburnerHandler(ns, {
+        startFieldAnalysis: startFieldAnalysis
+    });
+    while(true) {
+        await handler.process();
+    }
+ + +