NETSCRIPT: Add growThreads to formulas, improve docs for hacking functions (#330)

This commit is contained in:
David Walker
2023-02-14 14:38:51 -08:00
committed by GitHub
parent b9a2953fa6
commit ed59f4bfe7
5 changed files with 129 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -565,6 +565,7 @@ export const RamCosts: RamCostTree<NSFull> = {
hackExp: 0,
hackPercent: 0,
growPercent: 0,
growThreads: 0,
hackTime: 0,
growTime: 0,
weakenTime: 0,

View File

@ -297,22 +297,27 @@ export const ns: InternalAPI<NSFull> = {
(ctx) =>
(_hostname, _growth, _cores = 1) => {
const hostname = helpers.string(ctx, "hostname", _hostname);
const growth = helpers.number(ctx, "growth", _growth);
(_host, _multiplier, _cores = 1) => {
const host = helpers.string(ctx, "hostname", _host);
const mult = helpers.number(ctx, "multiplier", _multiplier);
const cores = helpers.number(ctx, "cores", _cores);
// Check argument validity
const server = helpers.getServer(ctx, hostname);
const server = helpers.getServer(ctx, host);
if (!(server instanceof Server)) {
helpers.log(ctx, () => "Cannot be executed on this server.");
// Todo 2.3: Make this throw instead of returning 0?
helpers.log(ctx, () => `${host} is not a hackable server. Returning 0.`);
return 0;
if (typeof growth !== "number" || isNaN(growth) || growth < 1 || !isFinite(growth)) {
throw helpers.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `Invalid argument: growth must be numeric and >= 1, is ${growth}.`);
if (mult < 1 || !isFinite(mult)) {
throw helpers.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `Invalid argument: multiplier must be finite and >= 1, is ${mult}.`);
// TODO 2.3: Add assertion function for positive integer, there are a lot of places everywhere that can use this
if (!Number.isInteger(cores) || cores < 1) {
throw helpers.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `Cores should be a positive integer. Cores provided: ${cores}`);
return numCycleForGrowth(server, Number(growth), cores);
return numCycleForGrowth(server, mult, cores);
(ctx) =>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { Player as player } from "../Player";
import { calculateServerGrowth } from "../Server/formulas/grow";
import { numCycleForGrowthCorrected } from "../Server/ServerHelpers";
import {
@ -164,6 +165,9 @@ export function NetscriptFormulas(): InternalAPI<IFormulas> {
return calculatePercentMoneyHacked(server, person);
/* TODO 2.3: Remove growPercent, add growMultiplier function?
Much better name given the output. Not sure if removedFunction error dialog/editing script will be too annoying.
Changing the function name also allows reordering params as server, player, etc. like other formulas functions */
(ctx) =>
(_server, _threads, _player, _cores = 1) => {
@ -174,6 +178,17 @@ export function NetscriptFormulas(): InternalAPI<IFormulas> {
return calculateServerGrowth(server, threads, person, cores);
(ctx) =>
(_server, _player, _targetMoney, _cores = 1) => {
const server = helpers.server(ctx, _server);
const player = helpers.person(ctx, _player);
const targetMoney = helpers.number(ctx, "targetMoney", _targetMoney);
const startMoney = helpers.number(ctx, "server.moneyAvailable", server.moneyAvailable);
const cores = helpers.number(ctx, "cores", _cores);
return numCycleForGrowthCorrected(server, targetMoney, startMoney, cores, player);
hackTime: (ctx) => (_server, _player) => {
const server = helpers.server(ctx, _server);
const person = helpers.person(ctx, _player);

View File

@ -3913,7 +3913,7 @@ interface ReputationFormulas {
* Calculate how much rep would be gained.
* @param amount - Amount of money donated
* @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param player - Player info, typically from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
repFromDonation(amount: number, player: Person): number;
@ -3926,8 +3926,8 @@ interface HackingFormulas {
* Calculate hack chance.
* (Ex: 0.25 would indicate a 25% chance of success.)
* @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param server - Server info, typically from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info, typically from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @returns The calculated hack chance.
hackChance(server: Server, player: Person): number;
@ -3935,8 +3935,8 @@ interface HackingFormulas {
* Calculate hack exp for one thread.
* @remarks
* Multiply by thread to get total exp
* @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param server - Server info, typically from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info, typically from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @returns The calculated hack exp.
hackExp(server: Server, player: Person): number;
@ -3945,8 +3945,8 @@ interface HackingFormulas {
* (Ex: 0.25 would steal 25% of the server's current value.)
* @remarks
* Multiply by thread to get total percent hacked.
* @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param server - Server info, typically from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info, typically from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @returns The calculated hack percent.
hackPercent(server: Server, player: Person): number;
@ -3954,31 +3954,40 @@ interface HackingFormulas {
* Calculate the percent a server would grow to.
* Not exact due to limitations of mathematics.
* (Ex: 3.0 would would grow the server to 300% of its current value.)
* @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param server - Server info, typically from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param threads - Amount of thread.
* @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param player - Player info, typically from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param cores - Number of cores on the computer that will execute grow.
* @returns The calculated grow percent.
growPercent(server: Server, threads: number, player: Person, cores?: number): number;
* Calculate how many threads it will take to grow server to targetMoney. Starting money is server.moneyAvailable.
* @param server - Server info, typically from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info, typically from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param targetMoney - Desired final money, capped to server's moneyMax
* @param cores - Number of cores on the computer that will execute grow.
* @returns The calculated grow threads as an integer, rounded up.
growThreads(server: Server, player: Person, targetMoney: number, cores?: number): number;
* Calculate hack time.
* @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param server - Server info, typically from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info, typically from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @returns The calculated hack time.
hackTime(server: Server, player: Person): number;
* Calculate grow time.
* @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param server - Server info, typically from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info, typically from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @returns The calculated grow time.
growTime(server: Server, player: Person): number;
* Calculate weaken time.
* @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @param server - Server info, typically from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}
* @param player - Player info, typically from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}
* @returns The calculated weaken time.
weakenTime(server: Server, player: Person): number;
@ -4617,32 +4626,39 @@ export interface NS {
* RAM cost: 0.15 GB
* Use your hacking skills to increase the amount of money available on a server.
* The runtime for this command depends on your hacking level and the target servers
* security level. When `grow` completes, the money available on a target server will be increased
* by amount equal to the number of threads used and a certain, fixed percentage of current money on
* the server. This percentage is determined by the target servers growth rate (which varies between servers)
* and security level. Generally, higher-level servers have higher growth rates.
* The {@link NS.getServerGrowth | getServerGrowth} function can be used to obtain a servers growth rate.
* Like {@link NS.hack | hack}, `grow` can be called on any server, regardless of where the script is running.
* Once the grow is complete, $1 is added to the server's available money for every script thread. This additive
* growth allows for rescuing a server even after it is emptied.
* After this addition, the thread count is also used to determine a multiplier, which the server's money is then
* multiplied by.
* The multiplier scales exponentially with thread count, and its base depends on the server's security
* level and in inherent "growth" statistic that varies between different servers.
* {@link NS.getServerGrowth | getServerGrowth} can be used to check the inherent growth statistic of a server.
* {@link NS.growthAnalyze | growthAnalyze} can be used to determine the number of threads needed for a specified
* multiplicative portion of server growth.
* To determine the effect of a single grow, obtain access to the Formulas API and use
* {@link HackingFormulas.growPercent | formulas.hacking.growPercent}, or invert {@link NS.growthAnalyze | growthAnalyze}.
* Like {@link NS.hack | hack}, `grow` can be called on any hackable server, regardless of where the script is
* running. Hackable servers are any servers not owned by the player.
* The grow() command requires root access to the target server, but there is no required hacking
* level to run the command. It also raises the security level of the target server by 0.004.
* level to run the command. It also raises the security level of the target server based on the number of threads.
* The security increase can be determined using {@link NS.growthAnalyzeSecurity | growthAnalyzeSecurity}.
* @example
* ```ts
* // NS1:
* var currentMoney = getServerMoneyAvailable("foodnstuff");
* currentMoney = currentMoney * grow("foodnstuff");
* ```
* @example
* ```ts
* // NS2:
* let currentMoney = ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("foodnstuff");
* ```js
* let currentMoney = ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("n00dles");
* currentMoney *= await ns.grow("foodnstuff");
* ```
* @param host - Hostname of the target server to grow.
* @param opts - Optional parameters for configuring function behavior.
* @returns The number by which the money on the server was multiplied for the growth.
* @returns The total effective multiplier that was applied to the server's money (after both additive and multiplicative growth).
grow(host: string, opts?: BasicHGWOptions): Promise<number>;
@ -4691,22 +4707,24 @@ export interface NS {
weakenAnalyze(threads: number, cores?: number): number;
* Predict the effect of hack.
* Calculate the decimal number of threads needed to hack a specified amount of money from a target host.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: 1 GB
* This function returns the number of script threads you need when running the hack command
* This function returns the decimal number of script threads you need when running the hack command
* to steal the specified amount of money from the target server.
* If hackAmount is less than zero or greater than the amount of money available on the server,
* then this function returns -1.
* Warning: The value returned by this function isnt necessarily a whole number.
* @example
* ```ts
* //For example, lets say the foodnstuff server has $10m and you run:
* hackAnalyzeThreads("foodnstuff", 1e6);
* //If this function returns 50, this means that if your next hack call is run on a script with 50 threads, it will steal $1m from the foodnstuff server.
* // Calculate threadcount of a single hack that would take $100k from n00dles
* const hackThreads = hackAnalyzeThreads("n00dles", 1e5);
* // Launching a script requires an integer thread count. The below would take less than the targeted $100k.
*"noodleHack.js", Math.floor(hackThreads))
* ```
* @param host - Hostname of the target server to analyze.
* @param hackAmount - Amount of money you want to hack from the server.
@ -4721,16 +4739,11 @@ export interface NS {
* Returns the part of the specified servers money you will steal with a single thread hack.
* Like other basic hacking analysis functions, this calculation uses the current status of the player and server.
* To calculate using hypothetical server or player status, obtain access to the Formulas API and use {@link HackingFormulas.hackPercent | formulas.hacking.hackPercent}.
* @example
* ```ts
* // NS1:
* //For example, assume the following returns 0.01:
* var hackAmount = hackAnalyze("foodnstuff");
* //This means that if hack the foodnstuff server using a single thread, then you will steal 1%, or 0.01 of its total money. If you hack using N threads, then you will steal N*0.01 times its total money.
* ```
* @example
* ```ts
* // NS2:
* ```js
* //For example, assume the following returns 0.01:
* const hackAmount = ns.hackAnalyze("foodnstuff");
* //This means that if hack the foodnstuff server using a single thread, then you will steal 1%, or 0.01 of its total money. If you hack using N threads, then you will steal N*0.01 times its total money.
@ -4762,43 +4775,45 @@ export interface NS {
* This returned value is in decimal form, not percentage.
* Like other basic hacking analysis functions, this calculation uses the current status of the player and server.
* To calculate using hypothetical server or player status, obtain access to the Formulas API and use {@link HackingFormulas.hackChance | formulas.hacking.hackChance}.
* @param host - Hostname of the target server.
* @returns The chance you have of successfully hacking the target server.
hackAnalyzeChance(host: string): number;
* Calculate the number of grow threads needed to grow a server by a certain multiplier.
* Calculate the number of grow threads needed for a given multiplicative growth factor.
* @remarks
* RAM cost: 1 GB
* This function returns the number of growths needed in order to increase
* the amount of money available on the specified server by the specified amount.
* The specified amount is multiplicative and is in decimal form, not percentage.
* This function returns the total decimal number of {@link NS.grow | grow} threads needed in order to multiply the
* money available on the specified server by a given multiplier, if all threads are executed at the server's current
* security level, regardless of how many threads are assigned to each call.
* Due to limitations of mathematics, this function won't be the true value, but an approximation.
* Note that there is also an additive factor that is applied before the multiplier. Each {@link NS.grow | grow} call
* will add $1 to the host's money for each thread before applying the multiplier for its thread count. This means
* that at extremely low starting money, fewer threads would be needed to apply the same effective multiplier than
* what is calculated by growthAnalyze.
* Warning: The value returned by this function isnt necessarily a whole number.
* Like other basic hacking analysis functions, this calculation uses the current status of the player and server.
* To calculate using hypothetical server or player status, obtain access to the Formulas API and use {@link HackingFormulas.growThreads | formulas.hacking.growThreads}.
* @example
* ```ts
* // NS1:
* //For example, if you want to determine how many grow calls you need to double the amount of money on foodnstuff, you would use:
* var growTimes = growthAnalyze("foodnstuff", 2);
* //If this returns 100, then this means you need to call grow 100 times in order to double the money (or once with 100 threads).
* ```
* @example
* ```ts
* // NS2:
* //For example, if you want to determine how many grow calls you need to double the amount of money on foodnstuff, you would use:
* const growTimes = ns.growthAnalyze("foodnstuff", 2);
* //If this returns 100, then this means you need to call grow 100 times in order to double the money (or once with 100 threads).
* ```js
* // calculate number of grow threads to apply 2x growth multiplier on n00dles (does not include the additive growth).
* const growThreads = ns.growthAnalyze("n00dles", 2);
* // When using the thread count to launch a script, it needs to be converted to an integer.
*"noodleGrow.js", Math.ceil(growThreads));
* ```
* @param host - Hostname of the target server.
* @param growthAmount - Multiplicative factor by which the server is grown. Decimal form.
* @returns The amount of grow calls needed to grow the specified server by the specified amount.
* @param multiplier - Multiplier that will be applied to a server's money after applying additive growth. Decimal form.
* @param cores - Number of cores on the host running the grow function. Optional, defaults to 1.
* @returns Decimal number of grow threads needed for the specified multiplicative growth factor (does not include additive growth).
growthAnalyze(host: string, growthAmount: number, cores?: number): number;
growthAnalyze(host: string, multiplier: number, cores?: number): number;
* Calculate the security increase for a number of threads.

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants";
import { Player } from "@player";
import { Programs } from "../Programs/Programs";
import { LiteratureNames } from "../Literature/data/LiteratureNames";
import { Person as IPerson } from "@nsdefs";
import { isValidNumber } from "../utils/helpers/isValidNumber";
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ export function safelyCreateUniqueServer(params: IConstructorParams): Server {
* Returns the number of "growth cycles" needed to grow the specified server by the
* specified amount.
* Returns the number of "growth cycles" needed to grow the specified server by the specified amount, taking into
* account only the multiplicative factor. Does not account for the additive $1/thread. Only used for growthAnalyze.
* @param server - Server being grown
* @param growth - How much the server is being grown by, in DECIMAL form (e.g. 1.5 rather than 50)
* @param p - Reference to Player object
@ -70,26 +70,24 @@ export function numCycleForGrowth(server: Server, growth: number, cores = 1): nu
* This function calculates the number of threads needed to grow a server from one $amount to a higher $amount
* (ie, how many threads to grow this server from $200 to $600 for example). Used primarily for a formulas (or possibly growthAnalyze)
* type of application. It lets you "theorycraft" and easily ask what-if type questions. It's also the one that implements the
* main thread calculation algorithm, and so is the function all helper functions should call.
* (ie, how many threads to grow this server from $200 to $600 for example).
* It protects the inputs (so putting in INFINITY for targetMoney will use moneyMax, putting in a negative for start will use 0, etc.)
* @param server - Server being grown
* @param targetMoney - How much you want the server grown TO (not by), for instance, to grow from 200 to 600, input 600
* @param startMoney - How much you are growing the server from, for instance, to grow from 200 to 600, input 200
* @param cores - Number of cores on the host performing grow
* @returns Number of "growth cycles" needed
* @returns Integer threads needed by a single ns.grow call to reach targetMoney from startMoney.
export function numCycleForGrowthCorrected(server: Server, targetMoney: number, startMoney: number, cores = 1): number {
if (startMoney < 0) {
startMoney = 0;
} // servers "can't" have less than 0 dollars on them
if (targetMoney > server.moneyMax) {
targetMoney = server.moneyMax;
} // can't grow a server to more than its moneyMax
if (targetMoney <= startMoney) {
return 0;
} // no growth --> no threads
export function numCycleForGrowthCorrected(
server: Server,
targetMoney: number,
startMoney: number,
cores = 1,
person: IPerson = Player,
): number {
if (startMoney < 0) startMoney = 0; // servers "can't" have less than 0 dollars on them
if (targetMoney > server.moneyMax) targetMoney = server.moneyMax; // can't grow a server to more than its moneyMax
if (targetMoney <= startMoney) return 0; // no growth --> no threads
// exponential base adjusted by security
const adjGrowthRate = 1 + (CONSTANTS.ServerBaseGrowthRate - 1) / server.hackDifficulty;
@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ export function numCycleForGrowthCorrected(server: Server, targetMoney: number,
const serverGrowthPercentage = server.serverGrowth / 100.0;
const coreMultiplier = 1 + (cores - 1) / 16;
const threadMultiplier =
serverGrowthPercentage * Player.mults.hacking_grow * coreMultiplier * BitNodeMultipliers.ServerGrowthRate;
serverGrowthPercentage * person.mults.hacking_grow * coreMultiplier * BitNodeMultipliers.ServerGrowthRate;
/* To understand what is done below we need to do some math. I hope the explanation is clear enough.
* First of, the names will be shortened for ease of manipulation: