New coding contract type: 'Shortest Path in a Grid'

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Heikki Aitakangas
2022-04-02 03:17:34 +03:00
parent d69e94002e
commit fb0cc15794

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { getRandomInt } from "../utils/helpers/getRandomInt"; import { getRandomInt } from "../utils/helpers/getRandomInt";
import { MinHeap } from "../utils/Heap";
/* tslint:disable:completed-docs no-magic-numbers arrow-return-shorthand */ /* tslint:disable:completed-docs no-magic-numbers arrow-return-shorthand */
@ -794,6 +795,134 @@ export const codingContractTypesMetadata: ICodingContractTypeMetadata[] = [
return obstacleGrid[obstacleGrid.length - 1][obstacleGrid[0].length - 1] === parseInt(ans); return obstacleGrid[obstacleGrid.length - 1][obstacleGrid[0].length - 1] === parseInt(ans);
}, },
}, },
name: "Shortest Path in a Grid",
desc: (data: number[][]): string => {
return [
"You are located in the top-left corner of the following grid:\n\n",
`  [${ => "[" + line + "]").join(",\n   ")}]\n\n`,
"You are trying to find the shortest path to the bottom-right corner of the grid,",
"but there are obstacles on the grid that you cannot move onto.",
"These obstacles are denoted by '1', while empty spaces are denoted by 0.\n\n",
"Determine the shortest path from start to finish, if one exists.",
"The answer should be given as a string of UDLR characters, indicating the moves along the path\n\n",
"NOTE: If there are multiple equally short paths, any of them is accepted as answer.",
"If there is no path, the answer should be an empty string.\n",
"NOTE: The data returned for this contract is an 2D array of numbers representing the grid.\n\n",
"    [[0,1,0,0,0],\n",
"     [0,0,0,1,0]]\n",
"Answer: 'DRRURRD'\n\n",
"    [[0,1],\n",
"     [1,0]]\n",
"Answer: ''\n\n",
].join(" ");
difficulty: 5, // TODO: higher, but probably not much more?
numTries: 10, // TODO: probably OK?
gen: (): number[][] => {
const height = getRandomInt(6, 12);
const width = getRandomInt(6, 12);
const dstY = height - 1;
const dstX = width - 1;
const minPathLength = dstY + dstX; // Math.abs(dstY - srcY) + Math.abs(dstX - srcX)
const grid: number[][] = new Array(height);
for(let y = 0; y < height; y++)
grid[y] = new Array(width).fill(0);
for(let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for(let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if(y == 0 && x == 0) continue; // Don't block start
if(y == dstY && x == dstX) continue; // Don't block destination
// Generate more obstacles the farther a position is from start and destination,
// with minimum obstacle chance of 15%
const distanceFactor = Math.min(y + x, dstY - y + dstX - x) / minPathLength;
if (Math.random() < Math.max(0.15, distanceFactor))
grid[y][x] = 1;
return grid;
solver: (data: number[][], ans: string): boolean => {
const width = data[0].length;
const height = data.length;
const dstY = height - 1;
const dstX = width - 1;
const distance: [number][] = new Array(height);
//const prev: [[number, number] | undefined][] = new Array(height);
const queue = new MinHeap<[number, number]>();
for(let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
distance[y] = new Array(width).fill(Infinity) as [number];
//prev[y] = new Array(width).fill(undefined) as [undefined];
function validPosition(y: number, x: number) {
return y >= 0 && y < height && x >= 0 && x < width && data[y][x] == 0;
// List in-bounds and passable neighbors
function* neighbors(y: number, x: number) {
if(validPosition(y - 1, x)) yield [y - 1, x]; // Up
if(validPosition(y + 1, x)) yield [y + 1, x]; // Down
if(validPosition(y, x - 1)) yield [y, x - 1]; // Left
if(validPosition(y, x + 1)) yield [y, x + 1]; // Right
// Prepare starting point
distance[0][0] = 0;
queue.push([0, 0], 0);
// Take next-nearest position and expand potential paths from there
while(queue.size > 0) {
const [y, x] = queue.pop() as [number, number];
for(const [yN, xN] of neighbors(y, x)) {
const d = distance[y][x] + 1;
if(d < distance[yN][xN]) {
if(distance[yN][xN] == Infinity) // Not reached previously
queue.push([yN, xN], d);
else // Found a shorter path
queue.changeWeight(([yQ, xQ]) => yQ == yN && xQ == xN, d);
//prev[yN][xN] = [y, x];
distance[yN][xN] = d;
// No path at all?
if(distance[dstY][dstX] == Infinity)
return ans == "";
// There is a solution, require that the answer path is as short as the shortest
// path we found
if(ans.length > distance[dstY][dstX])
return false;
// Further verify that the answer path is a valid path
let ansX = 0;
let ansY = 0;
for(const direction of ans) {
switch(direction) {
case "U": ansY -= 1; break;
case "D": ansY += 1; break;
case "L": ansX -= 1; break;
case "R": ansX += 1; break;
default: return false; // Invalid character
if(!validPosition(ansY, ansX))
return false;
// Path was valid, finally verify that the answer path brought us to the end coordinates
return ansY == dstY && ansX == dstX;
{ {
desc: (data: string): string => { desc: (data: string): string => {
return [ return [