/* eslint-disable no-process-exit */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ const { app, dialog, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, protocol } = require("electron"); const log = require("electron-log"); log.catchErrors(); // This handler must be set ASAP to prevent ghost processes. process.on("uncaughtException", function () { // The exception will be logged by electron-log. app.quit(); process.exit(1); }); // This handler must be set ASAP to prevent ghost processes. app.on("window-all-closed", () => { log.info("Quitting the app..."); app.quit(); process.exit(0); }); const greenworks = require("./greenworks"); const api = require("./api-server"); const gameWindow = require("./gameWindow"); const achievements = require("./achievements"); const utils = require("./utils"); const storage = require("./storage"); const debounce = require("lodash/debounce"); const Store = require("electron-store"); const store = new Store(); const path = require("path"); const { realpathSync } = require("fs"); const { fileURLToPath } = require("url"); log.transports.file.level = store.get("file-log-level", "info"); log.transports.console.level = store.get("console-log-level", "debug"); log.info(`Started app: ${JSON.stringify(process.argv)}`); // We want to fail gracefully if we cannot connect to Steam try { if (greenworks && greenworks.init()) { log.info("Steam API has been initialized."); } else { const error = "Steam API has failed to initialize."; log.warn(error); global.greenworksError = error; } } catch (ex) { log.warn(ex.message); global.greenworksError = ex.message; } let isRestoreDisabled = false; function setStopProcessHandler(app, window) { const closingWindowHandler = async (e) => { // We need to prevent the default closing event to add custom logic e.preventDefault(); // First we clear the achievement timer achievements.disableAchievementsInterval(window); // Shutdown the http server api.disable(); // Trigger debounced saves right now before closing try { await saveToDisk.flush(); } catch (error) { log.error(error); } try { await saveToCloud.flush(); } catch (error) { log.error(error); } // We'll try to execute javascript on the page to see if we're stuck let canRunJS = false; window.webContents.executeJavaScript("window.stop(); document.close()", true).then(() => (canRunJS = true)); setTimeout(() => { // Wait a few milliseconds to prevent a race condition before loading the exit screen window.webContents.stop(); window.loadFile("exit.html"); }, 20); // Wait 200ms, if the promise has not yet resolved, let's crash the process since we're possibly in a stuck scenario setTimeout(() => { if (!canRunJS) { // We're stuck, let's crash the process log.warn("Forcefully crashing the renderer process"); window.webContents.forcefullyCrashRenderer(); } log.debug("Destroying the window"); window.destroy(); }, 200); }; const clearWindowHandler = () => { window = null; }; const receivedGameReadyHandler = async (event, arg) => { if (!window) return log.warn("Window was undefined in game info handler"); log.debug("Received game information", arg); window.gameInfo = { ...arg }; await storage.prepareSaveFolders(window); const restoreNewest = store.get("onload-restore-newest", true); if (restoreNewest && !isRestoreDisabled) { try { await storage.restoreIfNewerExists(window); } catch (error) { log.error("Could not restore newer file", error); } } }; const receivedDisableRestoreHandler = async (event, arg) => { if (!window) return log.warn("Window was undefined in disable import handler"); log.debug(`Disabling auto-restore for ${arg.duration}ms.`); isRestoreDisabled = true; setTimeout(() => { isRestoreDisabled = false; log.debug("Re-enabling auto-restore"); }, arg.duration); }; const receivedGameSavedHandler = async (event, arg) => { if (!window) return log.warn("Window was undefined in game saved handler"); const { save, ...other } = arg; log.silly("Received game saved info", { ...other, save: `${save.length} bytes` }); if (storage.isAutosaveEnabled()) { saveToDisk(save, arg.fileName); } if (storage.isCloudEnabled()) { const minimumPlaytime = 1000 * 60 * 15; const playtime = window.gameInfo.player.playtime; log.silly(window.gameInfo); if (playtime > minimumPlaytime) { saveToCloud(save); } else { log.debug(`Auto-save to cloud disabled for save game under ${minimumPlaytime}ms (${playtime}ms)`); } } }; const saveToCloud = debounce( async (save) => { log.debug("Saving to Steam Cloud ..."); try { const playerId = window.gameInfo.player.identifier; await storage.pushSaveDataToSteamCloud(save, playerId); log.silly("Saved Game to Steam Cloud"); } catch (error) { log.error(error); utils.writeToast(window, "Could not save to Steam Cloud.", "error", 5000); } }, store.get("cloud-save-min-time", 1000 * 60 * 15), { leading: true }, ); const saveToDisk = debounce( async (save, fileName) => { log.debug("Saving to Disk ..."); try { const file = await storage.saveGameToDisk(window, { save, fileName }); log.silly(`Saved Game to '${file.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\")}'`); } catch (error) { log.error(error); utils.writeToast(window, "Could not save to disk", "error", 5000); } }, store.get("disk-save-min-time", 1000 * 60 * 5), { leading: true }, ); log.debug("Adding closing handlers"); ipcMain.on("push-game-ready", receivedGameReadyHandler); ipcMain.on("push-game-saved", receivedGameSavedHandler); ipcMain.on("push-disable-restore", receivedDisableRestoreHandler); window.on("closed", clearWindowHandler); window.on("close", closingWindowHandler); } async function startWindow(noScript) { return gameWindow.createWindow(noScript); } global.app_handlers = { stopProcess: setStopProcessHandler, }; app.on("ready", async () => { // Intercept file protocol requests and only let valid requests through protocol.interceptFileProtocol("file", ({ url, method }, callback) => { let filePath; let realPath; let relativePath; /** * "realpathSync" will throw an error if "filePath" points to a non-existent file. If an error is thrown here, the * electron app will crash immediately. We can use fs.existsSync to check "filePath" before using it, but it's best * to try-catch the entire code block and avoid unexpected issues. */ try { filePath = fileURLToPath(url); realPath = realpathSync(filePath); relativePath = path.relative(__dirname, realPath); // Only allow access to files in "dist" folder or html files in the same directory if (method === "GET" && (relativePath.startsWith("dist") || relativePath.match(/^[a-zA-Z-_]*\.html/))) { callback(realPath); return; } } catch (error) { log.error(error); } log.error( `Tried to access a page outside the sandbox. Url: ${url}. FilePath: ${filePath}. RealPath: ${realPath}.` + ` __dirname: ${__dirname}. RelativePath: ${relativePath}. Method: ${method}.`, ); callback({ statusCode: 403 }); }); log.info("Application is ready!"); if (process.argv.includes("--export-save")) { const window = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); await window.loadFile("export.html"); window.show(); setStopProcessHandler(app, window); await utils.exportSave(window); } else { const window = await startWindow(process.argv.includes("--no-scripts")); if (global.greenworksError) { await dialog.showMessageBox(window, { title: "Bitburner", message: "Could not connect to Steam", detail: `${global.greenworksError}\n\nYou won't be able to receive achievements until this is resolved and you restart the game.`, type: "warning", buttons: ["OK"], }); } } });