/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ const { app, Menu, clipboard, dialog, shell } = require("electron"); const log = require("electron-log"); const Store = require("electron-store"); const api = require("./api-server"); const utils = require("./utils"); const storage = require("./storage"); const store = new Store(); function getMenu(window) { const canZoomIn = utils.getZoomFactor() <= 2; const zoomIn = () => { const currentZoom = utils.getZoomFactor(); const newZoom = currentZoom + 0.1; if (newZoom <= 2.0) { utils.setZoomFactor(window, newZoom); refreshMenu(window); } else { log.log("Max zoom out"); utils.writeToast(window, "Cannot zoom in anymore", "warning"); } }; const canZoomOut = utils.getZoomFactor() >= 0.5; const zoomOut = () => { const currentZoom = utils.getZoomFactor(); const newZoom = currentZoom - 0.1; if (newZoom >= 0.5) { utils.setZoomFactor(window, newZoom); refreshMenu(window); } else { log.log("Max zoom in"); utils.writeToast(window, "Cannot zoom out anymore", "warning"); } }; const canResetZoom = utils.getZoomFactor() !== 1; const resetZoom = () => { utils.setZoomFactor(window, 1); refreshMenu(window); log.log("Reset zoom"); }; return Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: "File", submenu: [ { label: "Save Game", click: () => window.webContents.send("trigger-save"), }, { label: "Export Save", click: () => window.webContents.send("trigger-game-export"), }, { label: "Export Scripts", click: async () => window.webContents.send("trigger-scripts-export"), }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Load Last Save", click: async () => { try { const saveGame = await storage.loadLastFromDisk(window); window.webContents.send("push-save-request", { save: saveGame }); } catch (error) { log.error(error); utils.writeToast(window, "Could not load last save from disk", "error", 5000); } }, }, { label: "Load From File", click: async () => { const defaultPath = await storage.getSaveFolder(window); const result = await dialog.showOpenDialog(window, { title: "Load From File", defaultPath: defaultPath, buttonLabel: "Load", filters: [ { name: "Game Saves", extensions: ["json", "json.gz", "txt"] }, { name: "All", extensions: ["*"] }, ], properties: ["openFile", "dontAddToRecent"], }); if (result.canceled) return; const file = result.filePaths[0]; try { const saveGame = await storage.loadFileFromDisk(file); window.webContents.send("push-save-request", { save: saveGame }); } catch (error) { log.error(error); utils.writeToast(window, "Could not load save from disk", "error", 5000); } }, }, { label: "Load From Steam Cloud", enabled: storage.isCloudEnabled(), click: async () => { try { const saveData = await storage.getSteamCloudSaveData(); await storage.pushSaveGameForImport(window, saveData, false); } catch (error) { log.error(error); utils.writeToast(window, "Could not load from Steam Cloud", "error", 5000); } }, }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Auto-Save to Disk", type: "checkbox", checked: storage.isAutosaveEnabled(), click: (menuItem) => { storage.setAutosaveConfig(menuItem.checked); utils.writeToast(window, `${menuItem.checked ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"} Auto-Save to Disk`, "info", 5000); refreshMenu(window); }, }, { label: "Auto-Save to Steam Cloud", type: "checkbox", enabled: !global.greenworksError, checked: storage.isCloudEnabled(), click: (menuItem) => { storage.setCloudEnabledConfig(menuItem.checked); utils.writeToast( window, `${menuItem.checked ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"} Auto-Save to Steam Cloud`, "info", 5000, ); refreshMenu(window); }, }, { label: "Restore Newest on Load", type: "checkbox", checked: store.get("onload-restore-newest", true), click: (menuItem) => { store.set("onload-restore-newest", menuItem.checked); utils.writeToast( window, `${menuItem.checked ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"} Restore Newest on Load`, "info", 5000, ); refreshMenu(window); }, }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Open Directory", submenu: [ { label: "Open Game Directory", click: () => shell.openPath(app.getAppPath()), }, { label: "Open Saves Directory", click: async () => { const path = await storage.getSaveFolder(window); shell.openPath(path); }, }, { label: "Open Logs Directory", click: () => shell.openPath(app.getPath("logs")), }, { label: "Open Data Directory", click: () => shell.openPath(app.getPath("userData")), }, ], }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Quit", click: () => app.quit(), }, ], }, { label: "Edit", submenu: [ { label: "Undo", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+Z", selector: "undo:" }, { label: "Redo", accelerator: "Shift+CmdOrCtrl+Z", selector: "redo:" }, { type: "separator" }, { label: "Cut", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+X", selector: "cut:" }, { label: "Copy", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+C", selector: "copy:" }, { label: "Paste", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+V", selector: "paste:" }, { label: "Select All", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+A", selector: "selectAll:" }, ], }, { label: "Reloads", submenu: [ { label: "Reload", accelerator: "f5", click: () => window.loadFile("index.html"), }, { label: "Reload && Kill All Scripts", click: () => utils.reloadAndKill(window, true), }, ], }, { label: "Fullscreen", submenu: [ { label: "Toggle", accelerator: "f9", click: (() => { let full = false; return () => { full = !full; window.setFullScreen(full); }; })(), }, ], }, { label: "API Server", submenu: [ { label: api.isListening() ? "Disable Server" : "Enable Server", click: async () => { let success = false; try { await api.toggleServer(); success = true; } catch (error) { log.error(error); utils.showErrorBox("Error Toggling Server", error); } if (success && api.isListening()) { utils.writeToast(window, "Started API Server", "success"); } else if (success && !api.isListening()) { utils.writeToast(window, "Stopped API Server", "success"); } else { utils.writeToast(window, "Error Toggling Server", "error"); } refreshMenu(window); }, }, { label: api.isAutostart() ? "Disable Autostart" : "Enable Autostart", click: async () => { api.toggleAutostart(); if (api.isAutostart()) { utils.writeToast(window, "Enabled API Server Autostart", "success"); } else { utils.writeToast(window, "Disabled API Server Autostart", "success"); } refreshMenu(window); }, }, { label: "Copy Auth Token", click: async () => { const token = api.getAuthenticationToken(); log.log("Wrote authentication token to clipboard"); clipboard.writeText(token); utils.writeToast(window, "Copied Authentication Token to Clipboard", "info"); }, }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Information", click: () => { dialog .showMessageBox({ type: "info", title: "Bitburner > API Server Information", message: "The API Server is used to write script files to your in-game home.", detail: "There is an official Visual Studio Code extension that makes use of that feature.\n\n" + "It allows you to write your script file in an external IDE and have them pushed over to the game automatically.\n" + "If you want more information, head over to: https://github.com/bitburner-official/bitburner-vscode.", buttons: ["Dismiss", "Open Extension Link (GitHub)"], defaultId: 0, cancelId: 0, noLink: true, }) .then(({ response }) => { if (response === 1) { shell.openExternal("https://github.com/bitburner-official/bitburner-vscode"); } }); }, }, ], }, { label: "Zoom", submenu: [ { label: "Zoom In", enabled: canZoomIn, accelerator: "CommandOrControl+numadd", click: zoomIn, }, { label: "Zoom In (non numpad)", enabled: canZoomIn, visible: false, accelerator: "CommandOrControl+Plus", acceleratorWorksWhenHidden: true, click: zoomIn, }, { label: "Zoom Out", enabled: canZoomOut, accelerator: "CommandOrControl+numsub", click: zoomOut, }, { label: "Zoom Out (non numpad)", enabled: canZoomOut, accelerator: "CommandOrControl+-", visible: false, acceleratorWorksWhenHidden: true, click: zoomOut, }, { label: "Reset Zoom", enabled: canResetZoom, accelerator: "CommandOrControl+num0", click: resetZoom, }, { label: "Reset Zoom (non numpad)", enabled: canResetZoom, accelerator: "CommandOrControl+0", visible: false, acceleratorWorksWhenHidden: true, click: resetZoom, }, ], }, { label: "Debug", submenu: [ { label: "Activate", accelerator: "f12", click: () => window.webContents.openDevTools(), }, { label: "Delete Steam Cloud Data", enabled: !global.greenworksError, click: async () => { try { await storage.deleteCloudFile(); } catch (error) { log.error(error); } }, }, ], }, ]); } function refreshMenu(window) { Menu.setApplicationMenu(getMenu(window)); } module.exports = { getMenu, refreshMenu, };