[Home](./index.md) > [bitburner](./bitburner.md) > [GoCheat](./bitburner.gocheat.md) > [getCheatSuccessChance](./bitburner.gocheat.getcheatsuccesschance.md) ## GoCheat.getCheatSuccessChance() method Returns your chance of successfully playing one of the special moves in the ns.go.cheat API. Scales with your crime success rate stat. Warning: if you fail to play a cheat move, your turn will be skipped. After your first cheat attempt, if you fail, there is a small (\~10%) chance you will instantly be ejected from the subnet. **Signature:** ```typescript getCheatSuccessChance(): number; ``` **Returns:** number ## Remarks RAM cost: 1 GB Requires BitNode 14.2 to use