[Home](./index.md) > [bitburner](./bitburner.md) > [Grafting](./bitburner.grafting.md) > [graftAugmentation](./bitburner.grafting.graftaugmentation.md) ## Grafting.graftAugmentation() method Begins grafting the named aug. You must be in New Tokyo to use this. When you call this API, the current work (grafting or other actions) will be canceled. **Signature:** ```typescript graftAugmentation(augName: string, focus?: boolean): boolean; ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | augName | string | The name of the aug to begin grafting. Must be an exact match. | | focus | boolean | _(Optional)_ Acquire player focus on this Augmentation grafting. Optional. Defaults to true. | **Returns:** boolean True if the aug successfully began grafting, false otherwise (e.g. not enough money, or invalid Augmentation name provided). ## Exceptions Will error if called while you are not in New Tokyo. ## Remarks RAM cost: 7.5 GB