[Home](./index.md) > [bitburner](./bitburner.md) > [LocationName](./bitburner.locationname.md)
## LocationName enum
Names of all locations
declare enum LocationName
## Enumeration Members
| Member | Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| AevumAeroCorp | "AeroCorp"
| |
| AevumBachmanAndAssociates | "Bachman & Associates"
| |
| AevumCasino | "Iker Molina Casino"
| |
| AevumClarkeIncorporated | "Clarke Incorporated"
| |
| AevumCrushFitnessGym | "Crush Fitness Gym"
| |
| AevumECorp | "ECorp"
| |
| AevumFulcrumTechnologies | "Fulcrum Technologies"
| |
| AevumGalacticCybersystems | "Galactic Cybersystems"
| |
| AevumNetLinkTechnologies | "NetLink Technologies"
| |
| AevumPolice | "Aevum Police Headquarters"
| |
| AevumRhoConstruction | "Rho Construction"
| |
| AevumSnapFitnessGym | "Snap Fitness Gym"
| |
| AevumSummitUniversity | "Summit University"
| |
| AevumWatchdogSecurity | "Watchdog Security"
| |
| ChongqingChurchOfTheMachineGod | "Church of the Machine God"
| |
| ChongqingKuaiGongInternational | "KuaiGong International"
| |
| ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems | "Solaris Space Systems"
| |
| Hospital | "Hospital"
| |
| IshimaGlitch | "0x6C1"
| |
| IshimaNovaMedical | "Nova Medical"
| |
| IshimaOmegaSoftware | "Omega Software"
| |
| IshimaStormTechnologies | "Storm Technologies"
| |
| NewTokyoArcade | "Arcade"
| |
| NewTokyoDefComm | "DefComm"
| |
| NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals | "Global Pharmaceuticals"
| |
| NewTokyoNoodleBar | "Noodle Bar"
| |
| NewTokyoVitaLife | "VitaLife"
| |
| Sector12AlphaEnterprises | "Alpha Enterprises"
| |
| Sector12BladeIndustries | "Blade Industries"
| |
| Sector12CarmichaelSecurity | "Carmichael Security"
| |
| Sector12CIA | "Central Intelligence Agency"
| |
| Sector12CityHall | "Sector-12 City Hall"
| |
| Sector12DeltaOne | "DeltaOne"
| |
| Sector12FoodNStuff | "FoodNStuff"
| |
| Sector12FourSigma | "Four Sigma"
| |
| Sector12IcarusMicrosystems | "Icarus Microsystems"
| |
| Sector12IronGym | "Iron Gym"
| |
| Sector12JoesGuns | "Joe's Guns"
| |
| Sector12MegaCorp | "MegaCorp"
| |
| Sector12NSA | "National Security Agency"
| |
| Sector12PowerhouseGym | "Powerhouse Gym"
| |
| Sector12RothmanUniversity | "Rothman University"
| |
| Sector12UniversalEnergy | "Universal Energy"
| |
| Slums | "The Slums"
| |
| TravelAgency | "Travel Agency"
| |
| Void | "The Void"
| |
| VolhavenCompuTek | "CompuTek"
| |
| VolhavenHeliosLabs | "Helios Labs"
| |
| VolhavenLexoCorp | "LexoCorp"
| |
| VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym | "Millenium Fitness Gym"
| |
| VolhavenNWO | "NWO"
| |
| VolhavenOmniaCybersystems | "Omnia Cybersystems"
| |
| VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated | "OmniTek Incorporated"
| |
| VolhavenSysCoreSecurities | "SysCore Securities"
| |
| VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology | "ZB Institute of Technology"
| |
| WorldStockExchange | "World Stock Exchange"
| |