import * as monaco from "monaco-editor"; import type { Monaco } from "./Editor"; export interface IScriptEditorTheme { base: "vs" | "vs-dark" | "hc-black"; inherit: boolean; common: { accent: string; bg: string; fg: string; }; syntax: { tag: string; entity: string; string: string; regexp: string; markup: string; keyword: string; comment: string; constant: string; error: string; }; ui: { line: string; panel: { bg: string; selected: string; border: string; }; selection: { bg: string; }; }; } export const defaultMonacoTheme: IScriptEditorTheme = { base: "vs-dark", inherit: true, common: { accent: "B5CEA8", bg: "1E1E1E", fg: "D4D4D4", }, syntax: { tag: "569CD6", entity: "569CD6", string: "CE9178", regexp: "646695", markup: "569CD6", keyword: "569CD6", comment: "6A9955", constant: "569CD6", error: "F44747", }, ui: { line: "1E1E1E", panel: { bg: "252526", selected: "252526", border: "1E1E1E", }, selection: { bg: "ADD6FF26", }, }, }; // Regex used for token color validation // const colorRegExp = /^#?([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})?$/; // Recursively sanitize the theme data to prevent errors // Invalid data will be replaced with FF0000 (bright red) export const sanitizeTheme = (theme: IScriptEditorTheme): void => { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(theme)) { switch (k) { case "base": if (!["vs-dark", "vs"].includes(theme.base)) theme.base = "vs-dark"; continue; case "inherit": if (typeof theme.inherit !== "boolean") theme.inherit = true; continue; } const repairBlock = (block: Record): void => { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(block)) { if (typeof v === "object") { repairBlock(v as Record); } else if (!v.match(colorRegExp)) block[k] = "FF0000"; } }; repairBlock(v); } }; export function makeTheme(theme: IScriptEditorTheme): monaco.editor.IStandaloneThemeData { const themeRules = [ { token: "", background: theme.ui.line, foreground: theme.common.fg, }, { token: "identifier", foreground: theme.common.accent, }, { token: "keyword", foreground: theme.syntax.keyword, }, { token: "string", foreground: theme.syntax.string, }, { token: "string.escape", foreground: theme.syntax.regexp, }, { token: "comment", foreground: theme.syntax.comment, }, { token: "constant", foreground: theme.syntax.constant, }, { token: "entity", foreground: theme.syntax.entity, }, { token: "type", foreground: theme.syntax.tag, }, { token: "tag", foreground: theme.syntax.tag, }, { token: "regexp", foreground: theme.syntax.regexp, }, { token: "attribute", foreground: theme.syntax.tag, }, { token: "constructor", foreground: theme.syntax.markup, }, { token: "invalid", foreground: theme.syntax.error, }, { token: "number", foreground: theme.common.accent, }, { token: "delimiter", foreground: theme.common.fg, }, // Custom tokens { token: "ns", foreground: theme.syntax.tag, }, { token: "netscriptfunction", foreground: theme.syntax.markup, }, { token: "otherkeywords", foreground: theme.syntax.keyword, }, { token: "otherkeyvars", foreground: theme.common.accent, }, { token: "this", foreground: theme.syntax.tag, }, ]; const themeColors = Object.fromEntries( [ ["editor.background",], ["editor.foreground", theme.common.fg], ["editor.lineHighlightBackground", theme.ui.line], ["editor.selectionBackground",], ["editorSuggestWidget.background",], ["editorSuggestWidget.border", theme.ui.panel.border], ["editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground", theme.ui.panel.selected], ["editorHoverWidget.background",], ["editorHoverWidget.border", theme.ui.panel.border], ["editorWidget.background",], ["editorWidget.border", theme.ui.panel.border], ["input.background",], ["input.border", theme.ui.panel.border], ].map(([k, v]) => [k, "#" + v]), ); return { base: theme.base, inherit: theme.inherit, rules: themeRules, colors: themeColors }; } export async function loadThemes(monaco: Monaco): Promise { monaco.editor.defineTheme("monokai", { base: "vs-dark", inherit: true, rules: [ { background: "272822", token: "", }, { foreground: "75715e", token: "comment", }, { foreground: "e6db74", token: "string", }, { token: "number", foreground: "ae81ff", }, { token: "otherkeyvars", foreground: "ae81ff", }, { foreground: "ae81ff", token: "function", }, { foreground: "f92672", token: "keyword", }, { token: "storage.type.function.js", foreground: "ae81ff", }, { token: "ns", foreground: "97d92b", }, { token: "netscriptfunction", foreground: "53d3e4", }, { token: "otherkeywords", foreground: "53d3e4", }, { token: "this", foreground: "fd971f", }, ], colors: { "editor.foreground": "#F8F8F2", "editor.background": "#272822", "editor.selectionBackground": "#49483E", "editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#3E3D32", "editorCursor.foreground": "#F8F8F0", "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#3B3A32", "editorIndentGuide.activeBackground": "#9D550FB0", "editor.selectionHighlightBorder": "#222218", }, }); monaco.editor.defineTheme("solarized-dark", { base: "vs-dark", inherit: true, rules: [ { background: "002b36", token: "", }, { foreground: "586e75", token: "comment", }, { foreground: "00afaf", token: "string", }, { token: "number", foreground: "00afaf", }, { token: "otherkeyvars", foreground: "268bd2", }, { foreground: "268bd2", token: "function", }, { foreground: "859900", token: "keyword", }, { token: "storage.type.function.js", foreground: "cb4b16", }, { token: "ns", foreground: "cb4b16", }, { token: "netscriptfunction", foreground: "268bd2", }, { token: "otherkeywords", foreground: "268bd2", }, { token: "type.identifier.js", foreground: "b58900", }, { token: "delimiter.square.js", foreground: "0087ff", }, { token: "delimiter.bracket.js", foreground: "0087ff", }, { token: "this", foreground: "cb4b16", }, ], colors: { "editor.foreground": "#839496", "editor.background": "#002b36", "editor.selectionBackground": "#073642", "editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#073642", "editorCursor.foreground": "#819090", "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#073642", "editorIndentGuide.activeBackground": "#9D550FB0", "editor.selectionHighlightBorder": "#222218", }, }); monaco.editor.defineTheme("solarized-light", { base: "vs", inherit: true, rules: [ { foreground: "657b83", background: "fdf6e3", token: "", }, { foreground: "586e75", token: "comment", }, { foreground: "2aa198", token: "string", }, { token: "number", foreground: "2aa198", }, { token: "otherkeyvars", foreground: "268bd2", }, { foreground: "268bd2", token: "function", }, { foreground: "859900", token: "keyword", }, { token: "storage.type.function.js", foreground: "bc4b16", }, { token: "ns", foreground: "cb4b16", }, { token: "netscriptfunction", foreground: "268bd2", }, { token: "otherkeywords", foreground: "268bd2", }, { token: "type.identifier.js", foreground: "b58900", }, { token: "delimiter.square.js", foreground: "0087ff", }, { token: "delimiter.bracket.js", foreground: "0087ff", }, { token: "this", foreground: "cb4b16", }, ], colors: { "editor.foreground": "#657b83", "editor.background": "#fdf6e3", "editor.selectionBackground": "#eee8d5", "editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#eee8d5", "editorCursor.foreground": "#657b83", "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#eee8d5", "editorIndentGuide.activeBackground": "#eee8d5", "editor.selectionHighlightBorder": "#073642", }, }); monaco.editor.defineTheme("dracula", { base: "vs-dark", inherit: true, rules: [ { background: "282A36", foreground: "F8F8F2", token: "", }, { foreground: "6272A4", token: "comment", }, { foreground: "F1FA8C", token: "string", }, { token: "number", foreground: "BD93F9", }, { token: "otherkeyvars", foreground: "BD93F9", }, { foreground: "FF79C6", token: "function", }, { foreground: "FF79C6", token: "keyword", }, { token: "storage.type.function.js", foreground: "FF79C6", }, { token: "ns", foreground: "FFB86C", fontStyle: "italic", }, { token: "netscriptfunction", foreground: "FF79C6", }, { token: "otherkeywords", foreground: "FF68A7", }, { token: "type.identifier.js", foreground: "7EE9FD", fontStyle: "italic", }, { token: "delimiter.square.js", foreground: "FFD709", }, { token: "delimiter.parenthesis.js", foreground: "FFD709", }, { token: "delimiter.bracket.js", foreground: "FFD709", }, { token: "this", foreground: "BD93F9", fontStyle: "italic", }, ], colors: { "editor.foreground": "#F8F8F2", "editor.background": "#282A36", "editorLineNumber.foreground": "#6272A4", "editor.selectionBackground": "#44475A", "editor.selectionHighlightBackground": "#424450", "editor.foldBackground": "#21222C", "editor.wordHighlightBackground": "#8BE9FD50", "editor.wordHighlightStrongBackground": "#50FA7B50", "editor.findMatchBackground": "#FFB86C80", "editor.findMatchHighlightBackground": "#FFFFFF40", "editor.findRangeHighlightBackground": "#44475A75", "editor.hoverHighlightBackground": "#8BE9FD50", "editor.lineHighlightBorder": "#44475A", "editor.rangeHighlightBackground": "#BD93F915", "editor.snippetTabstopHighlightBackground": "#282A36", "editor.snippetTabstopHighlightBorder": "#6272A4", "editor.snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBackground": "#282A36", "editor.snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBorder": "#50FA7B", }, }); monaco.editor.defineTheme("one-dark", { base: "vs-dark", inherit: true, rules: [ { token: "", background: "333842", foreground: "ABB2BF", }, { token: "comment", foreground: "5C6370", }, { token: "string", foreground: "98C379", }, { token: "number", foreground: "D19A66", }, { token: "function", foreground: "C678DD", }, { token: "keyword", foreground: "C678DD", }, { token: "otherkeyvars", foreground: "D19A66", }, { token: "otherkeywords", foreground: "C678DD", }, { token: "ns", foreground: "E06C75", }, { token: "netscriptfunction", foreground: "61AFEF", }, { token: "type.identifier", foreground: "E5C07B", }, { token: "delimiter", foreground: "ABB2BF", }, { token: "this", foreground: "E06C75", }, ], colors: { "editor.background": "#282C34", "editor.foreground": "#ABB2BF", "editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#99BBFF0A", "editor.selectionBackground": "#3E4451", "editor.findMatchHighlightBackground": "#528BFF3D", "editorCursor.foreground": "#528BFF", "editorHoverWidget.background": "#21252B", "editorHoverWidget.border": "#181A1F", "editorIndentGuide.background": "#ABB2BF26", "editorIndentGuide.activeBackground": "#626772", "editorLineNumber.foreground": "#636D83", "editorLineNumber.activeForeground": "#ABB2BF", "editorSuggestWidget.background": "#21252B", "editorSuggestWidget.border": "#181A1F", "editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground": "#2C313A", "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#ABB2BF26", "editorWidget.background": "#21252B", "editorWidget.border": "#3A3F4B", "input.background": "#1B1D23", "input.border": "#181A1F", "peekView.border": "#528BFF", "peekViewResult.background": "#21252B", "peekViewResult.selectionBackground": "#2C313A", "peekViewTitle.background": "#1B1D23", "peekViewEditor.background": "#1B1D23", "scrollbarSlider.background": "#4E566680", "scrollbarSlider.activeBackground": "#747D9180", "scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground": "#5A637580", }, }); }