import { INetscriptHelper } from "./INetscriptHelper"; import { WorkerScript } from "../Netscript/WorkerScript"; import { IPlayer } from "../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { purchaseAugmentation, joinFaction } from "../Faction/FactionHelpers"; import { startWorkerScript } from "../NetscriptWorker"; import { Augmentation } from "../Augmentation/Augmentation"; import { Augmentations } from "../Augmentation/Augmentations"; import { augmentationExists, installAugmentations } from "../Augmentation/AugmentationHelpers"; import { prestigeAugmentation } from "../Prestige"; import { AugmentationNames } from "../Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames"; import { killWorkerScript } from "../Netscript/killWorkerScript"; import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants"; import { isString } from "../utils/helpers/isString"; import { getRamCost } from "../Netscript/RamCostGenerator"; import { RunningScript } from "../Script/RunningScript"; import { Singularity as ISingularity } from "../ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions"; import { findCrime } from "../Crime/CrimeHelpers"; import { CompanyPosition } from "../Company/CompanyPosition"; import { CompanyPositions } from "../Company/CompanyPositions"; import { DarkWebItems } from "../DarkWeb/DarkWebItems"; import { AllGangs } from "../Gang/AllGangs"; import { CityName } from "../Locations/data/CityNames"; import { LocationName } from "../Locations/data/LocationNames"; import { Router } from "../ui/GameRoot"; import { SpecialServers } from "../Server/data/SpecialServers"; import { Page } from "../ui/Router"; import { Locations } from "../Locations/Locations"; import { GetServer, AddToAllServers, createUniqueRandomIp } from "../Server/AllServers"; import { Programs } from "../Programs/Programs"; import { numeralWrapper } from "../ui/numeralFormat"; import { BitNodeMultipliers } from "../BitNode/BitNodeMultipliers"; import { Company } from "../Company/Company"; import { Companies } from "../Company/Companies"; import { Factions, factionExists } from "../Faction/Factions"; import { Faction } from "../Faction/Faction"; import { netscriptDelay } from "../NetscriptEvaluator"; import { convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString } from "../utils/StringHelperFunctions"; import { getServerOnNetwork, safetlyCreateUniqueServer } from "../Server/ServerHelpers"; import { Terminal } from "../Terminal"; import { calculateHackingTime } from "../Hacking"; import { Server } from "../Server/Server"; import { netscriptCanHack } from "../Hacking/netscriptCanHack"; import { FactionNames } from "../Faction/data/FactionNames"; export function NetscriptSingularity( player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript, helper: INetscriptHelper, ): ISingularity { const getAugmentation = function (func: any, name: any): Augmentation { if (!augmentationExists(name)) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(func, `Invalid augmentation: '${name}'`); } return Augmentations[name]; }; const getFaction = function (func: any, name: any): Faction { if (!factionExists(name)) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(func, `Invalid faction name: '${name}`); } return Factions[name]; }; const getCompany = function (func: any, name: any): Company { const company = Companies[name]; if (company == null || !(company instanceof Company)) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(func, `Invalid company name: '${name}'`); } return company; }; const runAfterReset = function (cbScript = null): void { //Run a script after reset if (cbScript && isString(cbScript)) { const home = player.getHomeComputer(); for (const script of home.scripts) { if (script.filename === cbScript) { const ramUsage = script.ramUsage; const ramAvailable = home.maxRam - home.ramUsed; if (ramUsage > ramAvailable) { return; // Not enough RAM } const runningScriptObj = new RunningScript(script, []); // No args runningScriptObj.threads = 1; // Only 1 thread startWorkerScript(player, runningScriptObj, home); } } } }; return { getOwnedAugmentations: function (purchased: any = false): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getOwnedAugmentations", getRamCost(player, "getOwnedAugmentations")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getOwnedAugmentations"); const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < player.augmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(player.augmentations[i].name); } if (purchased) { for (let i = 0; i < player.queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(player.queuedAugmentations[i].name); } } return res; }, getAugmentationsFromFaction: function (facname: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationsFromFaction", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationsFromFaction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationsFromFaction"); const faction = getFaction("getAugmentationsFromFaction", facname); // If player has a gang with this faction, return all augmentations. if (player.hasGangWith(facname)) { const res = []; for (const augName of Object.keys(Augmentations)) { if (augName === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) continue; if (augName === AugmentationNames.TheRedPill && player.bitNodeN !== 2) continue; const aug = Augmentations[augName]; if (!aug.isSpecial) { res.push(augName); } } return res; } return faction.augmentations.slice(); }, getAugmentationCost: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationCost", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationCost")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationCost"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationCost", name); return [aug.baseRepRequirement, aug.baseCost]; }, getAugmentationPrereq: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationPrereq", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationPrereq")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationPrereq"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationPrereq", name); return aug.prereqs.slice(); }, getAugmentationPrice: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationPrice", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationPrice")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationPrice"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationPrice", name); return aug.baseCost; }, getAugmentationRepReq: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationRepReq", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationRepReq")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationRepReq"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationRepReq", name); return aug.baseRepRequirement; }, getAugmentationStats: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationStats", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationStats")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationStats"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationStats", name); return Object.assign({}, aug.mults); }, purchaseAugmentation: function (faction: any, name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("purchaseAugmentation", getRamCost(player, "purchaseAugmentation")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("purchaseAugmentation"); const fac = getFaction("purchaseAugmentation", faction); const aug = getAugmentation("purchaseAugmentation", name); let augs = []; if (player.hasGangWith(faction)) { for (const augName of Object.keys(Augmentations)) { if (augName === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) continue; if (augName === AugmentationNames.TheRedPill && player.bitNodeN !== 2) continue; const tempAug = Augmentations[augName]; if (!tempAug.isSpecial) { augs.push(augName); } } } else { augs = fac.augmentations; } if (!augs.includes(name)) { workerScript.log( "purchaseAugmentation", () => `Faction '${faction}' does not have the '${name}' augmentation.`, ); return false; } const isNeuroflux = === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor; if (!isNeuroflux) { for (let j = 0; j < player.queuedAugmentations.length; ++j) { if (player.queuedAugmentations[j].name === { workerScript.log("purchaseAugmentation", () => `You already have the '${name}' augmentation.`); return false; } } for (let j = 0; j < player.augmentations.length; ++j) { if (player.augmentations[j].name === { workerScript.log("purchaseAugmentation", () => `You already have the '${name}' augmentation.`); return false; } } } if (fac.playerReputation < aug.baseRepRequirement) { workerScript.log("purchaseAugmentation", () => `You do not have enough reputation with '${}'.`); return false; } const res = purchaseAugmentation(aug, fac, true); workerScript.log("purchaseAugmentation", () => res); if (isString(res) && res.startsWith("You purchased")) { player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 10); return true; } else { return false; } }, softReset: function (cbScript: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("softReset", getRamCost(player, "softReset")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("softReset"); workerScript.log("softReset", () => "Soft resetting. This will cause this script to be killed"); setTimeout(() => { prestigeAugmentation(); runAfterReset(cbScript); }, 0); // Prevent workerScript from "finishing execution naturally" workerScript.running = false; killWorkerScript(workerScript); }, installAugmentations: function (cbScript: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("installAugmentations", getRamCost(player, "installAugmentations")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("installAugmentations"); if (player.queuedAugmentations.length === 0) { workerScript.log("installAugmentations", () => "You do not have any Augmentations to be installed."); return false; } player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 10); workerScript.log( "installAugmentations", () => "Installing Augmentations. This will cause this script to be killed", ); setTimeout(() => { installAugmentations(); runAfterReset(cbScript); }, 0); workerScript.running = false; // Prevent workerScript from "finishing execution naturally" killWorkerScript(workerScript); }, goToLocation: function (locationName: any): boolean { helper.updateDynamicRam("goToLocation", getRamCost(player, "goToLocation")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("goToLocation"); const location = Object.values(Locations).find((l) => === locationName); if (!location) { workerScript.log("goToLocation", () => `No location named ${locationName}`); return false; } if ( !== { workerScript.log("goToLocation", () => `No location named ${locationName} in ${}`); return false; } Router.toLocation(location); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain / 50000); return true; }, universityCourse: function (universityName: any, className: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("universityCourse", getRamCost(player, "universityCourse")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("universityCourse"); const wasFocusing = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("universityCourse", () => txt); } let costMult, expMult; switch (universityName.toLowerCase()) { case LocationName.AevumSummitUniversity.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Aevum) { workerScript.log( "universityCourse", () => `You cannot study at 'Summit University' because you are not in '${CityName.Aevum}'.`, ); return false; } player.gotoLocation(LocationName.AevumSummitUniversity); costMult = 4; expMult = 3; break; case LocationName.Sector12RothmanUniversity.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Sector12) { workerScript.log( "universityCourse", () => `You cannot study at 'Rothman University' because you are not in '${CityName.Sector12}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.Sector12RothmanUniversity; costMult = 3; expMult = 2; break; case LocationName.VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Volhaven) { workerScript.log( "universityCourse", () => `You cannot study at 'ZB Institute of Technology' because you are not in '${CityName.Volhaven}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology; costMult = 5; expMult = 4; break; default: workerScript.log("universityCourse", () => `Invalid university name: '${universityName}'.`); return false; } let task = ""; switch (className.toLowerCase()) { case "Study Computer Science".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassStudyComputerScience; break; case "Data Structures".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassDataStructures; break; case "Networks".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassNetworks; break; case "Algorithms".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassAlgorithms; break; case "Management".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassManagement; break; case "Leadership".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassLeadership; break; default: workerScript.log("universityCourse", () => `Invalid class name: ${className}.`); return false; } player.startClass(costMult, expMult, task); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("universityCourse", () => `Started ${task} at ${universityName}`); return true; }, gymWorkout: function (gymName: any, stat: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("gymWorkout", getRamCost(player, "gymWorkout")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("gymWorkout"); const wasFocusing = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("gymWorkout", () => txt); } let costMult, expMult; switch (gymName.toLowerCase()) { case LocationName.AevumCrushFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Aevum) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.AevumCrushFitnessGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Aevum}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.AevumCrushFitnessGym; costMult = 3; expMult = 2; break; case LocationName.AevumSnapFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Aevum) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.AevumSnapFitnessGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Aevum}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.AevumSnapFitnessGym; costMult = 10; expMult = 5; break; case LocationName.Sector12IronGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Sector12) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.Sector12IronGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Sector12}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.Sector12IronGym; costMult = 1; expMult = 1; break; case LocationName.Sector12PowerhouseGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Sector12) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.Sector12PowerhouseGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Sector12}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.Sector12PowerhouseGym; costMult = 20; expMult = 10; break; case LocationName.VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Volhaven) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Volhaven}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym; costMult = 7; expMult = 4; break; default: workerScript.log("gymWorkout", () => `Invalid gym name: ${gymName}. gymWorkout() failed`); return false; } switch (stat.toLowerCase()) { case "strength".toLowerCase(): case "str".toLowerCase(): player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymStrength); break; case "defense".toLowerCase(): case "def".toLowerCase(): player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymDefense); break; case "dexterity".toLowerCase(): case "dex".toLowerCase(): player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymDexterity); break; case "agility".toLowerCase(): case "agi".toLowerCase(): player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymAgility); break; default: workerScript.log("gymWorkout", () => `Invalid stat: ${stat}.`); return false; } if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("gymWorkout", () => `Started training ${stat} at ${gymName}`); return true; }, travelToCity: function (cityname: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("travelToCity", getRamCost(player, "travelToCity")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("travelToCity"); switch (cityname) { case CityName.Aevum: case CityName.Chongqing: case CityName.Sector12: case CityName.NewTokyo: case CityName.Ishima: case CityName.Volhaven: if ( < CONSTANTS.TravelCost) { workerScript.log("travelToCity", () => "Not enough money to travel."); return false } player.loseMoney(CONSTANTS.TravelCost, "other"); = cityname; workerScript.log("travelToCity", () => `Traveled to ${cityname}`); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain / 50000); return true; default: throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("travelToCity", `Invalid city name: '${cityname}'.`); } }, purchaseTor: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("purchaseTor", getRamCost(player, "purchaseTor")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("purchaseTor"); if (player.hasTorRouter()) { workerScript.log("purchaseTor", () => "You already have a TOR router!"); return false; } if ( < CONSTANTS.TorRouterCost) { workerScript.log("purchaseTor", () => "You cannot afford to purchase a Tor router."); return false; } player.loseMoney(CONSTANTS.TorRouterCost, "other"); const darkweb = safetlyCreateUniqueServer({ ip: createUniqueRandomIp(), hostname: "darkweb", organizationName: "", isConnectedTo: false, adminRights: false, purchasedByPlayer: false, maxRam: 1, }); AddToAllServers(darkweb); player.getHomeComputer().serversOnNetwork.push(darkweb.hostname); darkweb.serversOnNetwork.push(player.getHomeComputer().hostname); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain / 500); workerScript.log("purchaseTor", () => "You have purchased a Tor router!"); return true; }, purchaseProgram: function (programName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("purchaseProgram", getRamCost(player, "purchaseProgram")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("purchaseProgram"); if (!player.hasTorRouter()) { workerScript.log("purchaseProgram", () => "You do not have the TOR router."); return false; } programName = programName.toLowerCase(); const item = Object.values(DarkWebItems).find((i) => i.program.toLowerCase() === programName); if (item == null) { workerScript.log("purchaseProgram", () => `Invalid program name: '${programName}.`); return false; } if ( < item.price) { workerScript.log( "purchaseProgram", () => `Not enough money to purchase '${item.program}'. Need ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(item.price)}`, ); return false; } if (player.hasProgram(item.program)) { workerScript.log("purchaseProgram", () => `You already have the '${item.program}' program`); return true; } player.loseMoney(item.price, "other"); player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(item.program); workerScript.log( "purchaseProgram", () => `You have purchased the '${item.program}' program. The new program can be found on your home computer.`, ); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain / 5000); return true; }, getCurrentServer: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCurrentServer", getRamCost(player, "getCurrentServer")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCurrentServer"); return player.getCurrentServer().hostname; }, connect: function (hostname: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("connect", getRamCost(player, "connect")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("connect"); if (!hostname) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("connect", `Invalid hostname: '${hostname}'`); } const target = GetServer(hostname); if (target == null) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("connect", `Invalid hostname: '${hostname}'`); } if (hostname === "home") { player.getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = false; player.currentServer = player.getHomeComputer().hostname; player.getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = true; Terminal.setcwd("/"); return true; } const server = player.getCurrentServer(); for (let i = 0; i < server.serversOnNetwork.length; i++) { const other = getServerOnNetwork(server, i); if (other === null) continue; if (other.hostname == hostname) { player.getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = false; player.currentServer = target.hostname; player.getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = true; Terminal.setcwd("/"); return true; } } return false; }, manualHack: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("manualHack", getRamCost(player, "manualHack")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("manualHack"); const server = player.getCurrentServer(); return helper.hack(server.hostname, true); }, installBackdoor: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("installBackdoor", getRamCost(player, "installBackdoor")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("installBackdoor"); const baseserver = player.getCurrentServer(); if (!(baseserver instanceof Server)) { workerScript.log("installBackdoor", () => "cannot backdoor this kind of server"); return Promise.resolve(); } const server = baseserver as Server; const installTime = (calculateHackingTime(server, player) / 4) * 1000; // No root access or skill level too low const canHack = netscriptCanHack(server, player); if (!canHack.res) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("installBackdoor", canHack.msg || ""); } workerScript.log( "installBackdoor", () => `Installing backdoor on '${server.hostname}' in ${convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(installTime, true)}`, ); return netscriptDelay(installTime, workerScript).then(function () { workerScript.log("installBackdoor", () => `Successfully installed backdoor on '${server.hostname}'`); server.backdoorInstalled = true; if (SpecialServers.WorldDaemon === server.hostname) { Router.toBitVerse(false, false); } return Promise.resolve(); }); }, isFocused: function (): boolean { helper.updateDynamicRam("isFocused", getRamCost(player, "isFocused")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("isFocused"); return player.focus; }, setFocus: function (afocus: any): boolean { const focus = helper.boolean(afocus); helper.updateDynamicRam("setFocus", getRamCost(player, "setFocus")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("setFocus"); if (!player.isWorking) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("setFocus", "Not currently working"); } if ( !( player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeFaction || player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCompany || player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCompanyPartTime || player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCreateProgram || player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeStudyClass ) ) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("setFocus", "Cannot change focus for current job"); } if (!player.focus && focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); return true; } else if (player.focus && !focus) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); return true; } return false; }, getStats: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getStats", getRamCost(player, "getStats")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getStats"); workerScript.log("getStats", () => `getStats is deprecated, please use getplayer`); return { hacking: player.hacking, strength: player.strength, defense: player.defense, dexterity: player.dexterity, agility: player.agility, charisma: player.charisma, intelligence: player.intelligence, }; }, getCharacterInformation: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCharacterInformation", getRamCost(player, "getCharacterInformation")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCharacterInformation"); workerScript.log("getCharacterInformation", () => `getCharacterInformation is deprecated, please use getplayer`); return { bitnode: player.bitNodeN, city:, factions: player.factions.slice(), hp: player.hp, jobs: Object.keys(, jobTitles: Object.values(, maxHp: player.max_hp, mult: { agility: player.agility_mult, agilityExp: player.agility_exp_mult, companyRep: player.company_rep_mult, crimeMoney: player.crime_money_mult, crimeSuccess: player.crime_success_mult, defense: player.defense_mult, defenseExp: player.defense_exp_mult, dexterity: player.dexterity_mult, dexterityExp: player.dexterity_exp_mult, factionRep: player.faction_rep_mult, hacking: player.hacking_mult, hackingExp: player.hacking_exp_mult, strength: player.strength_mult, strengthExp: player.strength_exp_mult, workMoney: player.work_money_mult, }, timeWorked: player.timeWorked, tor: player.hasTorRouter(), workHackExpGain: player.workHackExpGained, workStrExpGain: player.workStrExpGained, workDefExpGain: player.workDefExpGained, workDexExpGain: player.workDexExpGained, workAgiExpGain: player.workAgiExpGained, workChaExpGain: player.workChaExpGained, workRepGain: player.workRepGained, workMoneyGain: player.workMoneyGained, hackingExp: player.hacking_exp, strengthExp: player.strength_exp, defenseExp: player.defense_exp, dexterityExp: player.dexterity_exp, agilityExp: player.agility_exp, charismaExp: player.charisma_exp, }; }, hospitalize: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("hospitalize", getRamCost(player, "hospitalize")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("hospitalize"); if (player.isWorking || === Page.Infiltration || === Page.BitVerse) { workerScript.log("hospitalize", () => "Cannot go to the hospital because the player is busy."); return; } return player.hospitalize(); }, isBusy: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("isBusy", getRamCost(player, "isBusy")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("isBusy"); return player.isWorking || === Page.Infiltration || === Page.BitVerse; }, stopAction: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("stopAction", getRamCost(player, "stopAction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("stopAction"); if (player.isWorking) { if (player.focus) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("stopAction", () => txt); return true; } return false; }, upgradeHomeCores: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("upgradeHomeCores", getRamCost(player, "upgradeHomeCores")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("upgradeHomeCores"); // Check if we're at max cores const homeComputer = player.getHomeComputer(); if (homeComputer.cpuCores >= 8) { workerScript.log("upgradeHomeCores", () => `Your home computer is at max cores.`); return false; } const cost = player.getUpgradeHomeCoresCost(); if ( < cost) { workerScript.log( "upgradeHomeCores", () => `You don't have enough money. Need ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(cost)}`, ); return false; } homeComputer.cpuCores += 1; player.loseMoney(cost, "servers"); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 2); workerScript.log( "upgradeHomeCores", () => `Purchased an additional core for home computer! It now has ${homeComputer.cpuCores} cores.`, ); return true; }, getUpgradeHomeCoresCost: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getUpgradeHomeCoresCost", getRamCost(player, "getUpgradeHomeCoresCost")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getUpgradeHomeCoresCost"); return player.getUpgradeHomeCoresCost(); }, upgradeHomeRam: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("upgradeHomeRam", getRamCost(player, "upgradeHomeRam")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("upgradeHomeRam"); // Check if we're at max RAM const homeComputer = player.getHomeComputer(); if (homeComputer.maxRam >= CONSTANTS.HomeComputerMaxRam) { workerScript.log("upgradeHomeRam", () => `Your home computer is at max RAM.`); return false; } const cost = player.getUpgradeHomeRamCost(); if ( < cost) { workerScript.log( "upgradeHomeRam", () => `You don't have enough money. Need ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(cost)}`, ); return false; } homeComputer.maxRam *= 2; player.loseMoney(cost, "servers"); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 2); workerScript.log( "upgradeHomeRam", () => `Purchased additional RAM for home computer! It now has ${numeralWrapper.formatRAM( homeComputer.maxRam, )} of RAM.`, ); return true; }, getUpgradeHomeRamCost: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getUpgradeHomeRamCost", getRamCost(player, "getUpgradeHomeRamCost")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getUpgradeHomeRamCost"); return player.getUpgradeHomeRamCost(); }, workForCompany: function (companyName: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("workForCompany", getRamCost(player, "workForCompany")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("workForCompany"); // Sanitize input if (companyName == null) { companyName = player.companyName; } // Make sure its a valid company if (companyName == null || companyName === "" || !(Companies[companyName] instanceof Company)) { workerScript.log("workForCompany", () => `Invalid company: '${companyName}'`); return false; } // Make sure player is actually employed at the comapny if (!Object.keys( { workerScript.log("workForCompany", () => `You do not have a job at '${companyName}'`); return false; } // Check to make sure company position data is valid const companyPositionName =[companyName]; const companyPosition = CompanyPositions[companyPositionName]; if (companyPositionName === "" || !(companyPosition instanceof CompanyPosition)) { workerScript.log("workForCompany", () => "You do not have a job"); return false; } const wasFocused = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("workForCompany", () => txt); } if (companyPosition.isPartTimeJob()) { player.startWorkPartTime(companyName); } else { player.startWork(companyName); } if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocused) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log( "workForCompany", () => `Began working at '${player.companyName}' as a '${companyPositionName}'`, ); return true; }, applyToCompany: function (companyName: any, field: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("applyToCompany", getRamCost(player, "applyToCompany")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("applyToCompany"); getCompany("applyToCompany", companyName); player.location = companyName; let res; switch (field.toLowerCase()) { case "software": res = player.applyForSoftwareJob(true); break; case "software consultant": res = player.applyForSoftwareConsultantJob(true); break; case "it": res = player.applyForItJob(true); break; case "security engineer": res = player.applyForSecurityEngineerJob(true); break; case "network engineer": res = player.applyForNetworkEngineerJob(true); break; case "business": res = player.applyForBusinessJob(true); break; case "business consultant": res = player.applyForBusinessConsultantJob(true); break; case "security": res = player.applyForSecurityJob(true); break; case "agent": res = player.applyForAgentJob(true); break; case "employee": res = player.applyForEmployeeJob(true); break; case "part-time employee": res = player.applyForPartTimeEmployeeJob(true); break; case "waiter": res = player.applyForWaiterJob(true); break; case "part-time waiter": res = player.applyForPartTimeWaiterJob(true); break; default: workerScript.log("applyToCompany", () => `Invalid job: '${field}'.`); return false; } // TODO // The player object's applyForJob function can return string with special error messages // if (isString(res)) { // workerScript.log("applyToCompany",()=> res); // return false; // } if (res) { workerScript.log( "applyToCompany", () => `You were offered a new job at '${companyName}' as a '${[companyName]}'`, ); } else { workerScript.log( "applyToCompany", () => `You failed to get a new job/promotion at '${companyName}' in the '${field}' field.`, ); } return res; }, getCompanyRep: function (companyName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCompanyRep", getRamCost(player, "getCompanyRep")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCompanyRep"); const company = getCompany("getCompanyRep", companyName); return company.playerReputation; }, getCompanyFavor: function (companyName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCompanyFavor", getRamCost(player, "getCompanyFavor")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCompanyFavor"); const company = getCompany("getCompanyFavor", companyName); return company.favor; }, getCompanyFavorGain: function (companyName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCompanyFavorGain", getRamCost(player, "getCompanyFavorGain")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCompanyFavorGain"); const company = getCompany("getCompanyFavorGain", companyName); return company.getFavorGain(); }, checkFactionInvitations: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("checkFactionInvitations", getRamCost(player, "checkFactionInvitations")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("checkFactionInvitations"); // Make a copy of player.factionInvitations return player.factionInvitations.slice(); }, joinFaction: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("joinFaction", getRamCost(player, "joinFaction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("joinFaction"); getFaction("joinFaction", name); if (!player.factionInvitations.includes(name)) { workerScript.log("joinFaction", () => `You have not been invited by faction '${name}'`); return false; } const fac = Factions[name]; joinFaction(fac); // Update Faction Invitation list to account for joined + banned factions for (let i = 0; i < player.factionInvitations.length; ++i) { if (player.factionInvitations[i] == name || Factions[player.factionInvitations[i]].isBanned) { player.factionInvitations.splice(i, 1); i--; } } player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 5); workerScript.log("joinFaction", () => `Joined the '${name}' faction.`); return true; }, workForFaction: function (name: any, type: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("workForFaction", getRamCost(player, "workForFaction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("workForFaction"); getFaction("workForFaction", name); // if the player is in a gang and the target faction is any of the gang faction, fail if (player.inGang() && AllGangs[name] !== undefined) { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Faction '${name}' does not offer work at the moment.`); return false; } if (!player.factions.includes(name)) { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `You are not a member of '${name}'`); return false; } const wasFocusing = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => txt); } const fac = Factions[name]; // Arrays listing factions that allow each time of work const hackAvailable = [ FactionNames.Illuminati as string, FactionNames.Daedalus as string, FactionNames.TheCovenant as string, FactionNames.ECorp as string, FactionNames.MegaCorp as string, FactionNames.BachmanAssociates as string, FactionNames.Bladeburners as string, FactionNames.NWO as string, FactionNames.ClarkeIncorporated as string, FactionNames.OmniTekIncorporated as string, FactionNames.FourSigma as string, FactionNames.KuaiGongInternational as string, FactionNames.FulcrumSecretTechnologies as string, FactionNames.BitRunners as string, FactionNames.TheBlackHand as string, FactionNames.NiteSec as string, FactionNames.Chongqing as string, FactionNames.Sector12 as string, FactionNames.NewTokyo as string, FactionNames.Aevum as string, FactionNames.Ishima as string, FactionNames.Volhaven as string, FactionNames.SpeakersForTheDead as string, FactionNames.TheDarkArmy as string, FactionNames.TheSyndicate as string, FactionNames.Silhouette as string, FactionNames.Netburners as string, FactionNames.TianDiHui as string, FactionNames.CyberSec as string, ]; const fdWkAvailable = [ FactionNames.Illuminati as string, FactionNames.Daedalus as string, FactionNames.TheCovenant as string, FactionNames.ECorp as string, FactionNames.MegaCorp as string, FactionNames.BachmanAssociates as string, FactionNames.Bladeburners as string, FactionNames.NWO as string, FactionNames.ClarkeIncorporated as string, FactionNames.OmniTekIncorporated as string, FactionNames.FourSigma as string, FactionNames.KuaiGongInternational as string, FactionNames.TheBlackHand as string, FactionNames.Chongqing as string, FactionNames.Sector12 as string, FactionNames.NewTokyo as string, FactionNames.Aevum as string, FactionNames.Ishima as string, FactionNames.Volhaven as string, FactionNames.SpeakersForTheDead as string, FactionNames.TheDarkArmy as string, FactionNames.TheSyndicate as string, FactionNames.Silhouette as string, FactionNames.Tetrads as string, FactionNames.SlumSnakes as string, ]; const scWkAvailable = [ FactionNames.ECorp as string, FactionNames.MegaCorp as string, FactionNames.BachmanAssociates as string, FactionNames.Bladeburners as string, FactionNames.NWO as string, FactionNames.ClarkeIncorporated as string, FactionNames.OmniTekIncorporated as string, FactionNames.FourSigma as string, FactionNames.KuaiGongInternational as string, FactionNames.FulcrumSecretTechnologies as string, FactionNames.Chongqing as string, FactionNames.Sector12 as string, FactionNames.NewTokyo as string, FactionNames.Aevum as string, FactionNames.Ishima as string, FactionNames.Volhaven as string, FactionNames.SpeakersForTheDead as string, FactionNames.TheSyndicate as string, FactionNames.Tetrads as string, FactionNames.SlumSnakes as string, FactionNames.TianDiHui as string, ]; switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "hacking": case "hacking contracts": case "hackingcontracts": if (!hackAvailable.includes( { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Faction '${}' do not need help with hacking contracts.`); return false; } player.startFactionHackWork(fac); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Started carrying out hacking contracts for '${}'`); return true; case "field": case "fieldwork": case "field work": if (!fdWkAvailable.includes( { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Faction '${}' do not need help with field missions.`); return false; } player.startFactionFieldWork(fac); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Started carrying out field missions for '${}'`); return true; case "security": case "securitywork": case "security work": if (!scWkAvailable.includes( { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Faction '${}' do not need help with security work.`); return false; } player.startFactionSecurityWork(fac); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Started carrying out security work for '${}'`); return true; default: workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Invalid work type: '${type}`); } return true; }, getFactionRep: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getFactionRep", getRamCost(player, "getFactionRep")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getFactionRep"); const faction = getFaction("getFactionRep", name); return faction.playerReputation; }, getFactionFavor: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getFactionFavor", getRamCost(player, "getFactionFavor")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getFactionFavor"); const faction = getFaction("getFactionFavor", name); return faction.favor; }, getFactionFavorGain: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getFactionFavorGain", getRamCost(player, "getFactionFavorGain")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getFactionFavorGain"); const faction = getFaction("getFactionFavorGain", name); return faction.getFavorGain(); }, donateToFaction: function (name: any, amt: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("donateToFaction", getRamCost(player, "donateToFaction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("donateToFaction"); const faction = getFaction("donateToFaction", name); if (!player.factions.includes( { workerScript.log("donateToFaction", () => `You can't donate to '${name}' because you aren't a member`); return false; } if (player.inGang() && === player.getGangFaction().name) { workerScript.log("donateToFaction", () => `You can't donate to '${name}' because youre managing a gang for it`); return false; } if (typeof amt !== "number" || amt <= 0 || isNaN(amt)) { workerScript.log("donateToFaction", () => `Invalid donation amount: '${amt}'.`); return false; } if ( < amt) { workerScript.log( "donateToFaction", () => `You do not have enough money to donate ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(amt)} to '${name}'`, ); return false; } const repNeededToDonate = Math.floor(CONSTANTS.BaseFavorToDonate * BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction); if (faction.favor < repNeededToDonate) { workerScript.log( "donateToFaction", () => `You do not have enough favor to donate to this faction. Have ${faction.favor}, need ${repNeededToDonate}`, ); return false; } const repGain = (amt / CONSTANTS.DonateMoneyToRepDivisor) * player.faction_rep_mult; faction.playerReputation += repGain; player.loseMoney(amt, "other"); workerScript.log( "donateToFaction", () => `${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(amt)} donated to '${name}' for ${numeralWrapper.formatReputation( repGain, )} reputation`, ); return true; }, createProgram: function (name: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("createProgram", getRamCost(player, "createProgram")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("createProgram"); const wasFocusing = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("createProgram", () => txt); } name = name.toLowerCase(); const p = Object.values(Programs).find((p) => === name); if (p == null) { workerScript.log("createProgram", () => `The specified program does not exist: '${name}`); return false; } if (player.hasProgram( { workerScript.log("createProgram", () => `You already have the '${}' program`); return false; } const create = p.create; if (create === null) { workerScript.log("createProgram", () => `You cannot create the '${}' program`); return false; } if (!create.req(player)) { workerScript.log( "createProgram", () => `Hacking level is too low to create '${}' (level ${create.level} req)`, ); return false; } player.startCreateProgramWork(, create.time, create.level); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("createProgram", () => `Began creating program: '${name}'`); return true; }, commitCrime: function (crimeRoughName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("commitCrime", getRamCost(player, "commitCrime")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("commitCrime"); if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("commitCrime", () => txt); } // Set Location to slums player.gotoLocation(LocationName.Slums); const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if (crime == null) { // couldn't find crime throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("commitCrime", `Invalid crime: '${crimeRoughName}'`); } workerScript.log("commitCrime", () => `Attempting to commit ${}...`); return crime.commit(Router, player, 1, workerScript); }, getCrimeChance: function (crimeRoughName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCrimeChance", getRamCost(player, "getCrimeChance")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCrimeChance"); const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if (crime == null) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("getCrimeChance", `Invalid crime: ${crimeRoughName}`); } return crime.successRate(player); }, getCrimeStats: function (crimeRoughName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCrimeStats", getRamCost(player, "getCrimeStats")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCrimeStats"); const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if (crime == null) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("getCrimeStats", `Invalid crime: ${crimeRoughName}`); } return Object.assign({}, crime); }, }; }