isRunning() Netscript Function ============================== .. js:function:: isRunning(filename[, hostname=current hostname[, args...]]) :RAM cost: 0.1 GB :param string filename: Filename of script to check. case-sensitive. :param string hostname: Hostname of target server. Defaults to current server :param args...: Arguments to specify/identify which scripts to search for :returns: ``true`` if that script with those args is running on that server. .. note:: Remember that a script is uniquely identified by both its name and its arguments. **Examples:** In this first example below, the function call will return true if there is a script named ``foo.script`` with no arguments running on the ``foodnstuff`` server, and false otherwise: .. code-block:: javascript isRunning("foo.script", "foodnstuff"); In this second example below, the function call will return true if there is a script named ``foo.script`` with no arguments running on the current server, and false otherwise: .. code-block:: javascript isRunning("foo.script", getHostname()); In this next example below, the function call will return true if there is a script named ``foo.script`` running with the arguments 1, 5, and "test" (in that order) on the ``joesguns`` server, and false otherwise: .. code-block:: javascript isRunning("foo.script", "joesguns", 1, 5, "test"); .. js:function:: isRunning(scriptPid) :RAM cost: 0.1 GB :param number scriptPid: PID of the script to check. Same as the above version but with pid. Example: .. code-block:: javascript isRunning(39);