/* DarkWeb.js */ //Posts a "help" message if connected to DarkWeb checkIfConnectedToDarkweb = function() { if (SpecialServerIps.hasOwnProperty("Darkweb Server")) { var darkwebIp = SpecialServerIps["Darkweb Server"]; if (!isValidIPAddress(darkwebIp)) {return;} if (darkwebIp == Player.getCurrentServer().ip) { post("You are now connected to the dark web. From the dark web you can purchase illegal items. " + "Use the 'buy -l' command to display a list of all the items you can buy. Use 'buy [item-name] " + "to purchase an item"); } } } //Handler for dark web commands. The terminal's executeCommand() function will pass //dark web-specific commands into this. It will pass in the raw split command array //rather than the command string executeDarkwebTerminalCommand = function(commandArray) { if (commandArray.length == 0) {return;} switch (commandArray[0]) { case "buy": if (commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect number of arguments. Usage: "); post("buy -l"); post("buy [item name]"); } var arg = commandArray[1]; if (arg == "-l") { listAllDarkwebItems(); } else { buyDarkwebItem(arg); } break; default: post("Command not found"); break; } } listAllDarkwebItems = function() { for (var item in DarkWebItems) { if (DarkWebItems.hasOwnProperty(item)) { post(DarkWebItems[item]); } } } buyDarkwebItem = function(itemName) { if (itemName.toLowerCase() == "brutessh.exe") { var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.BruteSSHProgram); if (price > 0 && Player.money >= price) { Player.loseMoney(price); Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(Programs.BruteSSHProgram); post("You have purchased the BruteSSH.exe program. The new program " + "can be found on your home computer."); } else { post("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName); } } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == "ftpcrack.exe") { var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.FTPCrackProgram); if (price > 0 && Player.money >= price) { Player.loseMoney(price); Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(Programs.FTPCrackProgram); post("You have purchased the FTPCrack.exe program. The new program " + "can be found on your home computer."); } else { post("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName); } } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == "relaysmtp.exe") { var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.RelaySMTPProgram); if (price > 0 && Player.money >= price) { Player.loseMoney(price); Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(Programs.RelaySMTPProgram); post("You have purchased the relaySMTP.exe program. The new program " + "can be found on your home computer."); } else { post("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName); } } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == "httpworm.exe") { var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.HTTPWormProgram); if (price > 0 && Player.money >= price) { Player.loseMoney(price); Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(Programs.HTTPWormProgram); post("You have purchased the HTTPWorm.exe program. The new program " + "can be found on your home computer."); } else { post("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName); } } else if (itemName.toLowerCase() == "sqlinject.exe") { var price = parseDarkwebItemPrice(DarkWebItems.SQLInjectProgram); if (price > 0 && Player.money >= price) { Player.loseMoney(price); Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(Programs.SQLInjectProgram); post("You have purchased the SQLInject.exe program. The new program " + "can be found on your home computer."); } else { post("Not enough money to purchase " + itemName); } } else { post("Unrecognized item"); } } parseDarkwebItemPrice = function(itemDesc) { var split = itemDesc.split(" - "); if (split.length == 3) { var priceString = split[1]; //Check for errors if (priceString.length == 0 || priceString.charAt(0) != '$') { return -1; } //Remove dollar sign and commas priceString = priceString.slice(1); priceString = priceString.replace(/,/g, ''); //Convert string to numeric var price = parseFloat(priceString); if (isNaN(price)) {return -1;} else {return price;} } else { return -1; } } DarkWebItems = { BruteSSHProgram: Programs.BruteSSHProgram + " - $50,000 - Opens up SSH Ports", FTPCrackProgram: Programs.FTPCrackProgram + " - $150,000 - Opens up FTP Ports", RelaySMTPProgram: Programs.RelaySMTPProgram + " - $500,000 - Opens up SMTP Ports", HTTPWormProgram: Programs.HTTPWormProgram + " - $3,000,000 - Opens up HTTP Ports", SQLInjectProgram: Programs.SQLInjectProgram + " - $25,000,000 - Opens up SQL Ports", }