import * as React from "react"; import { IPlayer } from "../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { Money } from "../ui/React/Money"; import { Game, reachedLimit } from "./Game"; import { Deck } from "./CardDeck/Deck"; import { Hand } from "./CardDeck/Hand"; import { InputAdornment } from "@mui/material"; import { ReactCard } from "./CardDeck/ReactCard"; import Button from "@mui/material/Button"; import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper"; import Box from "@mui/material/Box"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; import TextField from "@mui/material/TextField"; const MAX_BET = 100e6; enum Result { Pending = "", PlayerWon = "You won!", PlayerWonByBlackjack = "You Won! Blackjack!", DealerWon = "You lost!", Tie = "Push! (Tie)", } type Props = { p: IPlayer; }; type State = { playerHand: Hand; dealerHand: Hand; bet: number; betInput: string; gameInProgress: boolean; result: Result; gains: number; // Track gains only for this session wagerInvalid: boolean; wagerInvalidHelperText: string; }; export class Blackjack extends Game { deck: Deck; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.deck = new Deck(5); // 5-deck multideck const initialBet = 1e6; this.state = { playerHand: new Hand([]), dealerHand: new Hand([]), bet: initialBet, betInput: String(initialBet), gameInProgress: false, result: Result.Pending, gains: 0, wagerInvalid: false, wagerInvalidHelperText: "", }; } canStartGame = (): boolean => { const { p } = this.props; const { bet } = this.state; return p.canAfford(bet); }; startGame = (): void => { if (!this.canStartGame() || reachedLimit(this.props.p)) { return; } // Take money from player right away so that player's dont just "leave" to avoid the loss (I mean they could // always reload without saving but w.e) TODO: Save/Restore the RNG state to limit the value of save-scumming. this.props.p.loseMoney(, "casino"); const playerHand = new Hand([this.deck.safeDrawCard(), this.deck.safeDrawCard()]); const dealerHand = new Hand([this.deck.safeDrawCard(), this.deck.safeDrawCard()]); this.setState({ playerHand, dealerHand, gameInProgress: true, result: Result.Pending, }); // If the player is dealt a blackjack and the dealer is not, then the player // immediately wins if (this.getTrueHandValue(playerHand) === 21) { if (this.getTrueHandValue(dealerHand) === 21) { this.finishGame(Result.Tie); } else { this.finishGame(Result.PlayerWonByBlackjack); } } else if (this.getTrueHandValue(dealerHand) === 21) { // Check if dealer won by blackjack. We know at this point that the player does not also have blackjack. this.finishGame(Result.DealerWon); } }; // Returns an array of numbers representing all possible values of the given Hand. The reason it needs to be // an array is because an Ace can count as both 1 and 11. getHandValue = (hand: Hand): number[] => { let result: number[] = [0]; for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) { const value =[i].value; if (value >= 10) { result = => x + 10); } else if (value === 1) { result = result.flatMap((x) => [x + 1, x + 11]); } else { result = => x + value); } } return result; }; // Returns the single hand value used for determine things like victory and whether or not // the dealer has to hit. Essentially this uses the biggest value that's 21 or under. If no such value exists, // then it means the hand is busted and we can just return whatever getTrueHandValue = (hand: Hand): number => { const handValues = this.getHandValue(hand); const valuesUnder21 = handValues.filter((x) => x <= 21); if (valuesUnder21.length > 0) { valuesUnder21.sort((a, b) => a - b); return valuesUnder21[valuesUnder21.length - 1]; } else { // Just return the first value. It doesnt really matter anyways since hand is buted return handValues[0]; } }; // Returns all hand values that are 21 or under. If no values are 21 or under, then the first value is returned. getHandDisplayValues = (hand: Hand): number[] => { const handValues = this.getHandValue(hand); if (this.isHandBusted(hand)) { // Hand is busted so just return the 1st value, doesn't really matter return [ Set([handValues[0]])]; } else { return [ Set(handValues.filter((x) => x <= 21))]; } }; isHandBusted = (hand: Hand): boolean => { return this.getTrueHandValue(hand) > 21; }; playerHit = (event: React.MouseEvent): void => { if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } const newHand = this.state.playerHand.addCards(this.deck.safeDrawCard()); this.setState({ playerHand: newHand, }); // Check if player busted, and finish the game if so if (this.isHandBusted(newHand)) { this.finishGame(Result.DealerWon); } }; playerStay = (event: React.MouseEvent): void => { if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } // Determine if Dealer needs to hit. A dealer must hit if they have 16 or lower. // If the dealer has a Soft 17 (Ace + 6), then they stay. let newDealerHand = this.state.dealerHand; while (true) { // The dealer's "true" hand value is the 2nd one if its 21 or less (the 2nd value is always guaranteed // to be equal or larger). Otherwise its the 1st. const dealerHandValue = this.getTrueHandValue(newDealerHand); if (dealerHandValue <= 16) { newDealerHand = newDealerHand.addCards(this.deck.safeDrawCard()); } else { break; } } this.setState({ dealerHand: newDealerHand, }); // If dealer has busted, then player wins if (this.isHandBusted(newDealerHand)) { this.finishGame(Result.PlayerWon); } else { const dealerHandValue = this.getTrueHandValue(newDealerHand); const playerHandValue = this.getTrueHandValue(this.state.playerHand); // We expect nobody to have busted. If someone busted, there is an error // in our game logic if (dealerHandValue > 21 || playerHandValue > 21) { throw new Error("Someone busted when not expected to"); } if (playerHandValue > dealerHandValue) { this.finishGame(Result.PlayerWon); } else if (playerHandValue < dealerHandValue) { this.finishGame(Result.DealerWon); } else { this.finishGame(Result.Tie); } } }; finishGame = (result: Result): void => { const gains = result === Result.DealerWon ? 0 // We took away the bet at the start, don't need to take more : result === Result.Tie ? // We took away the bet at the start, give it back : result === Result.PlayerWon ? 2 * // Give back their bet plus their winnings : result === Result.PlayerWonByBlackjack ? 2.5 * // Blackjack pays out 1.5x bet! : (() => { throw new Error(`Unexpected result: ${result}`); })(); // This can't happen, right?, gains); this.setState({ gameInProgress: false, result, gains: this.state.gains + gains -, // Not updated upfront - only tracks the final outcome }); }; wagerOnChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent): void => { const { p } = this.props; const betInput =; const wager = Math.round(parseFloat(betInput)); if (isNaN(wager)) { this.setState({ bet: 0, betInput, wagerInvalid: true, wagerInvalidHelperText: "Not a valid number", }); } else if (wager <= 0) { this.setState({ bet: 0, betInput, wagerInvalid: true, wagerInvalidHelperText: "Must bet a postive amount", }); } else if (wager > MAX_BET) { this.setState({ bet: 0, betInput, wagerInvalid: true, wagerInvalidHelperText: "Exceeds max bet", }); } else if (!p.canAfford(wager)) { this.setState({ bet: 0, betInput, wagerInvalid: true, wagerInvalidHelperText: "Not enough money", }); } else { // Valid wager this.setState({ bet: wager, betInput, wagerInvalid: false, wagerInvalidHelperText: "", result: Result.Pending, // Reset previous game status to clear the win/lose text UI }); } }; // Start game button startOnClick = (event: React.MouseEvent): void => { // Protect against scripting...although maybe this would be fun to automate if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } if (!this.state.wagerInvalid) { this.startGame(); } }; render(): React.ReactNode { const { betInput, playerHand, dealerHand, gameInProgress, result, wagerInvalid, wagerInvalidHelperText, gains } = this.state; // Get the player totals to display. const playerHandValues = this.getHandDisplayValues(playerHand); const dealerHandValues = this.getHandDisplayValues(dealerHand); return ( <> {/* Wager input */} {"Wager (Max: "} {")"} } disabled={gameInProgress} onChange={this.wagerOnChange} error={wagerInvalid} helperText={wagerInvalid ? wagerInvalidHelperText : ""} type="number" style={{ width: "200px", }} InputProps={{ startAdornment: ( $ ), }} /> {"Total earnings this session: "} {/* Buttons */} {!gameInProgress ? ( ) : ( <> )} {/* Main game part. Displays both if the game is in progress OR if there's a result so you can see * the cards that led to that result. */} {(gameInProgress || result !== Result.Pending) && ( <> Player {, i) => ( ))} Count:{" "} {playerHandValues .map((value, i) => {value}) .reduce((prev, curr) => [prev, " or ", curr])}
Dealer {, i) => ( // Hide every card except the first while game is in progress )} {/* Results from previous round */} {result !== Result.Pending && ( {result}  {result === Result.PlayerWon && } {result === Result.PlayerWonByBlackjack && } {result === Result.DealerWon && } )} ); } }