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[Home](./index.md) &gt; [bitburner](./bitburner.md) &gt; [SleeveInformation](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.md)

## SleeveInformation interface

Object representing sleeve information.


export interface SleeveInformation 

## Properties

|  Property | Type | Description |
|  --- | --- | --- |
|  [city](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.city.md) | string | location of the sleeve |
|  [earningsForPlayer](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.earningsforplayer.md) | [SleeveWorkGains](./bitburner.sleeveworkgains.md) | earnings synchronized to the player |
|  [earningsForSleeves](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.earningsforsleeves.md) | [SleeveWorkGains](./bitburner.sleeveworkgains.md) | earnings synchronized to other sleeves |
|  [earningsForTask](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.earningsfortask.md) | [SleeveWorkGains](./bitburner.sleeveworkgains.md) | earnings for this sleeve |
|  [hp](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.hp.md) | number | current hp of the sleeve |
|  [jobs](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.jobs.md) | string\[\] | jobs available to the sleeve |
|  [jobTitle](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.jobtitle.md) | string\[\] | job titles available to the sleeve |
|  [maxHp](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.maxhp.md) | number | max hp of the sleeve |
|  [mult](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.mult.md) | [CharacterMult](./bitburner.charactermult.md) | sleeve multipliers |
|  [timeWorked](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.timeworked.md) | number | time spent on the current task in milliseconds |
|  [tor](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.tor.md) | boolean | does this sleeve have access to the tor router |
|  [workRepGain](./bitburner.sleeveinformation.workrepgain.md) | number | faction or company reputation gained for the current task |