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[Home](./index.md) &gt; [bitburner](./bitburner.md) &gt; [Singularity](./bitburner.singularity.md) &gt; [getCompanyFavor](./bitburner.singularity.getcompanyfavor.md)

## Singularity.getCompanyFavor() method

SF4.2 - Get company favor.


getCompanyFavor(companyName: string): number;

## Parameters

|  Parameter | Type | Description |
|  --- | --- | --- |
|  companyName | string | Name of the company. |



Amount of favor you have at the specified company.

## Remarks

RAM cost: 1 GB

This function will return the amount of favor you have at the specified company. If the company passed in as an argument is invalid, -1 will be returned.