/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useMemo } from "react"; import Editor, { Monaco } from "@monaco-editor/react"; import * as monaco from "monaco-editor"; type IStandaloneCodeEditor = monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor; type ITextModel = monaco.editor.ITextModel; import { OptionsModal } from "./OptionsModal"; import { Options } from "./Options"; import { isValidFilePath } from "../../Terminal/DirectoryHelpers"; import { IPlayer } from "../../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { IRouter } from "../../ui/Router"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../../ui/React/DialogBox"; import { isScriptFilename } from "../../Script/isScriptFilename"; import { Script } from "../../Script/Script"; import { TextFile } from "../../TextFile"; import { calculateRamUsage, checkInfiniteLoop } from "../../Script/RamCalculations"; import { RamCalculationErrorCode } from "../../Script/RamCalculationErrorCodes"; import { numeralWrapper } from "../../ui/numeralFormat"; import { DragDropContext, Droppable, Draggable } from "react-beautiful-dnd"; import { NetscriptFunctions } from "../../NetscriptFunctions"; import { WorkerScript } from "../../Netscript/WorkerScript"; import { Settings } from "../../Settings/Settings"; import { iTutorialNextStep, ITutorial, iTutorialSteps } from "../../InteractiveTutorial"; import { debounce } from "lodash"; import { saveObject } from "../../SaveObject"; import { loadThemes, makeTheme } from "./themes"; import { GetServer } from "../../Server/AllServers"; import Button from "@mui/material/Button"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; import Link from "@mui/material/Link"; import Box from "@mui/material/Box"; import SettingsIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Settings"; import SyncIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Sync'; import CloseIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Close'; import Table from "@mui/material/Table"; import TableCell from "@mui/material/TableCell"; import TableRow from "@mui/material/TableRow"; import TableBody from "@mui/material/TableBody"; import { PromptEvent } from "../../ui/React/PromptManager"; import { Modal } from "../../ui/React/Modal"; import libSource from "!!raw-loader!../NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts"; import { Tooltip } from "@mui/material"; interface IProps { // Map of filename -> code files: Record; hostname: string; player: IPlayer; router: IRouter; vim: boolean; } // TODO: try to removve global symbols let symbolsLoaded = false; let symbols: string[] = []; export function SetupTextEditor(): void { const ns = NetscriptFunctions({} as WorkerScript); // Populates symbols for text editor function populate(ns: any): string[] { let symbols: string[] = []; const keys = Object.keys(ns); for (const key of keys) { if (typeof ns[key] === "object") { symbols.push(key); symbols = symbols.concat(populate(ns[key])); } if (typeof ns[key] === "function") { symbols.push(key); } } return symbols; } symbols = populate(ns); const exclude = ["heart", "break", "exploit", "bypass", "corporation", "alterReality"]; symbols = symbols.filter((symbol: string) => !exclude.includes(symbol)).sort(); } // Holds all the data for a open script class OpenScript { fileName: string; code: string; hostname: string; lastPosition: monaco.Position; model: ITextModel; constructor(fileName: string, code: string, hostname: string, lastPosition: monaco.Position, model: ITextModel) { this.fileName = fileName; this.code = code; this.hostname = hostname; this.lastPosition = lastPosition; this.model = model; } } let openScripts: OpenScript[] = []; let currentScript: OpenScript | null = null; // Called every time script editor is opened export function Root(props: IProps): React.ReactElement { const setRerender = useState(false)[1]; function rerender(): void { setRerender((o) => !o); } const editorRef = useRef(null); const monacoRef = useRef(null); const vimStatusRef = useRef(null); const [vimEditor, setVimEditor] = useState(null); const [editor, setEditor] = useState(null); const [ram, setRAM] = useState("RAM: ???"); const [ramEntries, setRamEntries] = useState([["???", ""]]); const [updatingRam, setUpdatingRam] = useState(false); const [decorations, setDecorations] = useState([]); const [optionsOpen, setOptionsOpen] = useState(false); const [options, setOptions] = useState({ theme: Settings.MonacoTheme, insertSpaces: Settings.MonacoInsertSpaces, fontSize: Settings.MonacoFontSize, wordWrap: Settings.MonacoWordWrap, vim: props.vim || Settings.MonacoVim, }); const [ramInfoOpen, setRamInfoOpen] = useState(false); // Prevent Crash if script is open on deleted server openScripts = openScripts.filter((script) => { return GetServer(script.hostname) !== null; }) if (currentScript && (GetServer(currentScript.hostname) === null)) { currentScript = openScripts[0]; if (currentScript === undefined) currentScript = null; } const [dimensions, setDimensions] = useState({ height: window.innerHeight, width: window.innerWidth, }); useEffect(() => { const debouncedHandleResize = debounce(function handleResize() { setDimensions({ height: window.innerHeight, width: window.innerWidth, }); }, 250); window.addEventListener("resize", debouncedHandleResize); return () => { window.removeEventListener("resize", debouncedHandleResize); }; }, []); useEffect(() => { if (currentScript !== null) { updateRAM(currentScript.code); } }, []); useEffect(() => { function keydown(event: KeyboardEvent): void { if (Settings.DisableHotkeys) return; //Ctrl + b if (event.code == "KeyB" && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) { event.preventDefault(); props.router.toTerminal(); } // CTRL/CMD + S if (event.code == "KeyS" && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); save(); } } document.addEventListener("keydown", keydown); return () => document.removeEventListener("keydown", keydown); }); useEffect(() => { // setup monaco-vim if (options.vim && editor && !vimEditor) { try { // This library is not typed // @ts-expect-error window.require(["monaco-vim"], function (MonacoVim: any) { setVimEditor(MonacoVim.initVimMode(editor, vimStatusRef.current)); MonacoVim.VimMode.Vim.defineEx("write", "w", function () { // your own implementation on what you want to do when :w is pressed save(); }); MonacoVim.VimMode.Vim.defineEx("quit", "q", function () { props.router.toTerminal(); }); // "wqriteandquit" is not a typo, prefix must be found in full string MonacoVim.VimMode.Vim.defineEx("wqriteandquit", "wq", function () { save(); props.router.toTerminal(); }); editor.focus(); }); } catch { } } else if (!options.vim) { // Whem vim mode is disabled vimEditor?.dispose(); setVimEditor(null); } return () => { vimEditor?.dispose(); }; }, [options, editorRef, editor, vimEditor]); // Generates a new model for the script function regenerateModel(script: OpenScript): void { if (monacoRef.current !== null) { script.model = monacoRef.current.editor.createModel( script.code, script.fileName.endsWith(".txt") ? "plaintext" : "javascript", ); } } const debouncedSetRAM = useMemo( () => debounce((s, e) => { setRAM(s); setRamEntries(e); setUpdatingRam(false); }, 300), [], ); async function updateRAM(newCode: string): Promise { if (currentScript != null && currentScript.fileName.endsWith(".txt")) { debouncedSetRAM("N/A", [["N/A", ""]]); return; } setUpdatingRam(true); const codeCopy = newCode + ""; const ramUsage = await calculateRamUsage(props.player, codeCopy, props.player.getCurrentServer().scripts); if (ramUsage.cost > 0) { const entries = ramUsage.entries?.sort((a, b) => b.cost - a.cost) ?? []; const entriesDisp = []; for (const entry of entries) { entriesDisp.push([`${entry.name} (${entry.type})`, numeralWrapper.formatRAM(entry.cost)]); } debouncedSetRAM("RAM: " + numeralWrapper.formatRAM(ramUsage.cost), entriesDisp); return; } switch (ramUsage.cost) { case RamCalculationErrorCode.ImportError: { debouncedSetRAM("RAM: Import Error", [["Import Error", ""]]); break; } case RamCalculationErrorCode.URLImportError: { debouncedSetRAM("RAM: HTTP Import Error", [["HTTP Import Error", ""]]); break; } case RamCalculationErrorCode.SyntaxError: default: { debouncedSetRAM("RAM: Syntax Error", [["Syntax Error", ""]]); break; } } return new Promise(() => undefined); } // Formats the code function beautify(): void { if (editorRef.current === null) return; editorRef.current.getAction("editor.action.formatDocument").run(); } // How to load function definition in monaco // https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/1415 // https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/api/modules/monaco.languages.html // https://www.npmjs.com/package/@monaco-editor/react#development-playground // https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/playground.html#extending-language-services-custom-languages // https://github.com/threehams/typescript-error-guide/blob/master/stories/components/Editor.tsx#L11-L39 // https://blog.checklyhq.com/customizing-monaco/ // Before the editor is mounted function beforeMount(monaco: any): void { if (symbolsLoaded) return; // Setup monaco auto completion symbolsLoaded = true; monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider("javascript", { provideCompletionItems: () => { const suggestions = []; for (const symbol of symbols) { suggestions.push({ label: symbol, kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Function, insertText: symbol, insertTextRules: monaco.languages.CompletionItemInsertTextRule.InsertAsSnippet, }); } return { suggestions: suggestions }; }, }); (async function () { // We have to improve the default js language otherwise theme sucks const l = await monaco.languages .getLanguages() .find((l: any) => l.id === "javascript") .loader(); // replaced the bare tokens with regexes surrounded by \b, e.g. \b{token}\b which matches a word-break on either side // this prevents the highlighter from highlighting pieces of variables that start with a reserved token name l.language.tokenizer.root.unshift([new RegExp('\\bns\\b'), { token: "ns" }]); for (const symbol of symbols) l.language.tokenizer.root.unshift([new RegExp(`\\b${symbol}\\b`), { token: "netscriptfunction" }]); const otherKeywords = ["let", "const", "var", "function"]; const otherKeyvars = ["true", "false", "null", "undefined"]; otherKeywords.forEach((k) => l.language.tokenizer.root.unshift([new RegExp(`\\b${k}\\b`), { token: "otherkeywords" }])); otherKeyvars.forEach((k) => l.language.tokenizer.root.unshift([new RegExp(`\\b${k}\\b`), { token: "otherkeyvars" }])); l.language.tokenizer.root.unshift([new RegExp('\\bthis\\b'), { token: "this" }]); })(); const source = (libSource + "").replace(/export /g, ""); monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.addExtraLib(source, "netscript.d.ts"); monaco.languages.typescript.typescriptDefaults.addExtraLib(source, "netscript.d.ts"); loadThemes(monaco); monaco.editor.defineTheme("customTheme", makeTheme(Settings.EditorTheme)); } // When the editor is mounted function onMount(editor: IStandaloneCodeEditor, monaco: Monaco): void { // Required when switching between site navigation (e.g. from Script Editor -> Terminal and back) // the `useEffect()` for vim mode is called before editor is mounted. setEditor(editor); editorRef.current = editor; monacoRef.current = monaco; if (editorRef.current === null || monacoRef.current === null) return; if (!props.files && currentScript !== null) { // Open currentscript regenerateModel(currentScript); editorRef.current.setModel(currentScript.model); editorRef.current.setPosition(currentScript.lastPosition); editorRef.current.revealLineInCenter(currentScript.lastPosition.lineNumber); updateRAM(currentScript.code); editorRef.current.focus(); return; } if (props.files) { const files = Object.entries(props.files); if (!files.length) { editorRef.current.focus(); return; } for (const [filename, code] of files) { // Check if file is already opened const openScript = openScripts.find( (script) => script.fileName === filename && script.hostname === props.hostname, ); if (openScript) { // Script is already opened if (openScript.model === undefined || openScript.model === null || openScript.model.isDisposed()) { regenerateModel(openScript); } currentScript = openScript; editorRef.current.setModel(openScript.model); editorRef.current.setPosition(openScript.lastPosition); editorRef.current.revealLineInCenter(openScript.lastPosition.lineNumber); updateRAM(openScript.code); } else { // Open script const newScript = new OpenScript( filename, code, props.hostname, new monacoRef.current.Position(0, 0), monacoRef.current.editor.createModel(code, filename.endsWith(".txt") ? "plaintext" : "javascript"), ); openScripts.push(newScript); currentScript = { ...newScript }; editorRef.current.setModel(newScript.model); updateRAM(newScript.code); } } } editorRef.current.focus(); } function infLoop(newCode: string): void { if (editorRef.current === null || currentScript === null) return; if (!currentScript.fileName.endsWith(".ns") && !currentScript.fileName.endsWith(".js")) return; const awaitWarning = checkInfiniteLoop(newCode); if (awaitWarning !== -1) { const newDecorations = editorRef.current.deltaDecorations(decorations, [ { range: { startLineNumber: awaitWarning, startColumn: 1, endLineNumber: awaitWarning, endColumn: 10, }, options: { isWholeLine: true, glyphMarginClassName: "myGlyphMarginClass", glyphMarginHoverMessage: { value: "Possible infinite loop, await something.", }, }, }, ]); setDecorations(newDecorations); } else { const newDecorations = editorRef.current.deltaDecorations(decorations, []); setDecorations(newDecorations); } } // When the code is updated within the editor function updateCode(newCode?: string): void { if (newCode === undefined) return; updateRAM(newCode); if (editorRef.current === null) return; const newPos = editorRef.current.getPosition(); if (newPos === null) return; if (currentScript !== null) { currentScript = { ...currentScript, code: newCode, lastPosition: newPos }; const curIndex = openScripts.findIndex( (script) => currentScript !== null && script.fileName === currentScript.fileName && script.hostname === currentScript.hostname, ); const newArr = [...openScripts]; const tempScript = currentScript; tempScript.code = newCode; newArr[curIndex] = tempScript; openScripts = [...newArr]; } try { infLoop(newCode); } catch (err) { } } function saveScript(scriptToSave: OpenScript): void { const server = GetServer(scriptToSave.hostname); if (server === null) throw new Error("Server should not be null but it is."); if (isScriptFilename(scriptToSave.fileName)) { //If the current script already exists on the server, overwrite it for (let i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; i++) { if (scriptToSave.fileName == server.scripts[i].filename) { server.scripts[i].saveScript( props.player, scriptToSave.fileName, scriptToSave.code, props.player.currentServer, server.scripts, ); if (Settings.SaveGameOnFileSave) saveObject.saveGame(); props.router.toTerminal(); return; } } //If the current script does NOT exist, create a new one const script = new Script(); script.saveScript( props.player, scriptToSave.fileName, scriptToSave.code, props.player.currentServer, server.scripts, ); server.scripts.push(script); } else if (scriptToSave.fileName.endsWith(".txt")) { for (let i = 0; i < server.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (server.textFiles[i].fn === scriptToSave.fileName) { server.textFiles[i].write(scriptToSave.code); if (Settings.SaveGameOnFileSave) saveObject.saveGame(); props.router.toTerminal(); return; } } const textFile = new TextFile(scriptToSave.fileName, scriptToSave.code); server.textFiles.push(textFile); } else { dialogBoxCreate("Invalid filename. Must be either a script (.script, .js, or .ns) or " + " or text file (.txt)"); return; } if (Settings.SaveGameOnFileSave) saveObject.saveGame(); props.router.toTerminal(); } function save(): void { if (currentScript === null) { console.error("currentScript is null when it shouldn't be. Unable to save script"); return; } // this is duplicate code with saving later. if (ITutorial.isRunning && ITutorial.currStep === iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript) { //Make sure filename + code properly follow tutorial if (currentScript.fileName !== "n00dles.script") { dialogBoxCreate("Leave the script name as 'n00dles.script'!"); return; } if (currentScript.code.replace(/\s/g, "").indexOf("while(true){hack('n00dles');}") == -1) { dialogBoxCreate("Please copy and paste the code from the tutorial!"); return; } //Save the script saveScript(currentScript); iTutorialNextStep(); return; } if (currentScript.fileName == "") { dialogBoxCreate("You must specify a filename!"); return; } if (!isValidFilePath(currentScript.fileName)) { dialogBoxCreate( "Script filename can contain only alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores, and must end with an extension.", ); return; } const server = GetServer(currentScript.hostname); if (server === null) throw new Error("Server should not be null but it is."); if (isScriptFilename(currentScript.fileName)) { //If the current script already exists on the server, overwrite it for (let i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; i++) { if (currentScript.fileName == server.scripts[i].filename) { server.scripts[i].saveScript( props.player, currentScript.fileName, currentScript.code, props.player.currentServer, server.scripts, ); if (Settings.SaveGameOnFileSave) saveObject.saveGame(); return; } } //If the current script does NOT exist, create a new one const script = new Script(); script.saveScript( props.player, currentScript.fileName, currentScript.code, props.player.currentServer, server.scripts, ); server.scripts.push(script); } else if (currentScript.fileName.endsWith(".txt")) { for (let i = 0; i < server.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (server.textFiles[i].fn === currentScript.fileName) { server.textFiles[i].write(currentScript.code); if (Settings.SaveGameOnFileSave) saveObject.saveGame(); return; } } const textFile = new TextFile(currentScript.fileName, currentScript.code); server.textFiles.push(textFile); } else { dialogBoxCreate("Invalid filename. Must be either a script (.script, .js, or .ns) or " + " or text file (.txt)"); return; } if (Settings.SaveGameOnFileSave) saveObject.saveGame(); } function reorder(list: Array, startIndex: number, endIndex: number): OpenScript[] { const result = Array.from(list); const [removed] = result.splice(startIndex, 1); result.splice(endIndex, 0, removed); return result; } function onDragEnd(result: any): void { // Dropped outside of the list if (!result.destination) { result; return; } const items = reorder(openScripts, result.source.index, result.destination.index); openScripts = items; } function onTabClick(index: number): void { if (currentScript !== null) { // Save currentScript to openScripts const curIndex = openScripts.findIndex( (script) => currentScript !== null && script.fileName === currentScript.fileName && script.hostname === currentScript.hostname, ); openScripts[curIndex] = currentScript; } currentScript = { ...openScripts[index] }; if (editorRef.current !== null && openScripts[index] !== null) { if (openScripts[index].model === undefined || openScripts[index].model.isDisposed()) { regenerateModel(openScripts[index]); } editorRef.current.setModel(openScripts[index].model); editorRef.current.setPosition(openScripts[index].lastPosition); editorRef.current.revealLineInCenter(openScripts[index].lastPosition.lineNumber); updateRAM(openScripts[index].code); editorRef.current.focus(); } } function onTabClose(index: number): void { // See if the script on the server is up to date const closingScript = openScripts[index]; const savedScriptIndex = openScripts.findIndex( (script) => script.fileName === closingScript.fileName && script.hostname === closingScript.hostname, ); let savedScriptCode = ""; if (savedScriptIndex !== -1) { savedScriptCode = openScripts[savedScriptIndex].code; } const server = GetServer(closingScript.hostname); if (server === null) throw new Error(`Server '${closingScript.hostname}' should not be null, but it is.`); const serverScriptIndex = server.scripts.findIndex((script) => script.filename === closingScript.fileName); if (serverScriptIndex === -1 || savedScriptCode !== server.scripts[serverScriptIndex as number].code) { PromptEvent.emit({ txt: "Do you want to save changes to " + closingScript.fileName + "?", resolve: (result: boolean) => { if (result) { // Save changes closingScript.code = savedScriptCode; saveScript(closingScript); } }, }); } if (openScripts.length > 1) { openScripts = openScripts.filter((value, i) => i !== index); let indexOffset = -1; if (openScripts[index + indexOffset] === undefined) { indexOffset = 1; if (openScripts[index + indexOffset] === undefined) { indexOffset = 0; } } // Change current script if we closed it currentScript = openScripts[index + indexOffset]; if (editorRef.current !== null) { if ( openScripts[index + indexOffset].model === undefined || openScripts[index + indexOffset].model === null || openScripts[index + indexOffset].model.isDisposed() ) { regenerateModel(openScripts[index + indexOffset]); } editorRef.current.setModel(openScripts[index + indexOffset].model); editorRef.current.setPosition(openScripts[index + indexOffset].lastPosition); editorRef.current.revealLineInCenter(openScripts[index + indexOffset].lastPosition.lineNumber); editorRef.current.focus(); } rerender(); } else { // No more scripts are open openScripts = []; currentScript = null; props.router.toTerminal(); } } function onTabUpdate(index: number): void { const openScript = openScripts[index]; const serverScriptCode = getServerCode(index); if (serverScriptCode === null) return; if (openScript.code !== serverScriptCode) { PromptEvent.emit({ txt: "Do you want to overwrite the current editor content with the contents of " + openScript.fileName + " on the server? This cannot be undone.", resolve: (result: boolean) => { if (result) { // Save changes openScript.code = serverScriptCode; // Switch to target tab onTabClick(index) if (editorRef.current !== null && openScript !== null) { if (openScript.model === undefined || openScript.model.isDisposed()) { regenerateModel(openScript); } editorRef.current.setModel(openScript.model); editorRef.current.setValue(openScript.code); updateRAM(openScript.code); editorRef.current.focus(); } } }, }); } } function dirty(index: number): string { const openScript = openScripts[index]; const serverScriptCode = getServerCode(index); if (serverScriptCode === null) return " *"; // The server code is stored with its starting & trailing whitespace removed const openScriptFormatted = Script.formatCode(openScript.code); return serverScriptCode !== openScriptFormatted ? " *" : ""; } function getServerCode(index: number): string | null { const openScript = openScripts[index]; const server = GetServer(openScript.hostname); if (server === null) throw new Error(`Server '${openScript.hostname}' should not be null, but it is.`); const serverScript = server.scripts.find((s) => s.filename === openScript.fileName); return serverScript?.code ?? null; } // Toolbars are roughly 112px: // 8px body margin top // 38.5px filename tabs // 5px padding for top of editor // 44px bottom tool bar + 16px margin // + vim bar 34px const editorHeight = dimensions.height - (130 + (options.vim ? 34 : 0)); return ( <>
{(provided, snapshot) => ( {openScripts.map(({ fileName, hostname }, index) => { const iconButtonStyle = { maxWidth: "25px", minWidth: "25px", minHeight: '38.5px', maxHeight: '38.5px', ...(currentScript?.fileName === openScripts[index].fileName ? { background: Settings.theme.button, borderColor: Settings.theme.button, color: Settings.theme.primary } : { background: Settings.theme.backgroundsecondary, borderColor: Settings.theme.backgroundsecondary, color: Settings.theme.secondary }) }; return ( {(provided) => (
) })} {provided.placeholder}
Loading script editor!} height={`${editorHeight}px`} defaultLanguage="javascript" defaultValue={""} onChange={updateCode} theme={options.theme} options={{ ...options, glyphMargin: true }} /> {" "} Documentation:{" "} Basic {" "} | Full setOptionsOpen(false)} options={{ theme: Settings.MonacoTheme, insertSpaces: Settings.MonacoInsertSpaces, fontSize: Settings.MonacoFontSize, wordWrap: Settings.MonacoWordWrap, vim: Settings.MonacoVim, }} save={(options: Options) => { monacoRef.current?.editor.defineTheme("customTheme", makeTheme(Settings.EditorTheme)); setOptions(options); Settings.MonacoTheme = options.theme; Settings.MonacoInsertSpaces = options.insertSpaces; Settings.MonacoFontSize = options.fontSize; Settings.MonacoWordWrap = options.wordWrap; Settings.MonacoVim = options.vim; }} /> setRamInfoOpen(false)}> {ramEntries.map(([n, r]) => ( {n} {r} ))}
No open files Use nano FILENAME in
the terminal to open files
); }