import { BitNodes } from "./BitNode/BitNode"; import { Engine } from "./engine"; import { Player } from "./Player"; import { prestigeSourceFile } from "./Prestige"; import { SourceFiles, SourceFile } from "./SourceFile"; import { PlayerOwnedSourceFile } from "./SourceFile/PlayerOwnedSourceFile"; import { Terminal } from "./Terminal"; import { setTimeoutRef } from "./utils/SetTimeoutRef"; import {clearEventListeners} from "../utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners"; import {dialogBoxCreate} from "../utils/DialogBox"; import {removeChildrenFromElement} from "../utils/uiHelpers/removeChildrenFromElement"; import {yesNoBoxCreate, yesNoBoxGetYesButton, yesNoBoxGetNoButton, yesNoBoxClose} from "../utils/YesNoBox"; /* RedPill.js * Implements what happens when you have Red Pill augmentation and then hack the world daemon */ //Returns promise function writeRedPillLine(line) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var container = document.getElementById("red-pill-content"); var pElem = document.createElement("p"); container.appendChild(pElem); var promise = writeRedPillLetter(pElem, line, 0); promise.then(function(res) { resolve(res); }, function(e) { reject(e); }); }); } function writeRedPillLetter(pElem, line, i=0) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { setTimeoutRef(function() { if (i >= line.length) { var textToShow = line.substring(0, i); pElem.innerHTML = "> " + textToShow; return resolve(true); } var textToShow = line.substring(0, i); pElem.innerHTML = "> " + textToShow + ""; var promise = writeRedPillLetter(pElem, line, i+1); promise.then(function(res) { resolve(res); }, function(e) { reject(e); }); }, 30); }); } let redPillFlag = false; function hackWorldDaemon(currentNodeNumber, flume=false) { // Clear Red Pill screen first var container = document.getElementById("red-pill-content"); removeChildrenFromElement(container); redPillFlag = true; Engine.loadRedPillContent(); return writeRedPillLine("[ERROR] SEMPOOL INVALID").then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("[ERROR] Segmentation Fault"); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("[ERROR] SIGKILL RECVD"); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Dumping core..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("0000 000016FA 174FEE40 29AC8239 384FEA88"); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("0010 745F696E 2BBBE394 390E3940 248BEC23"); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("0020 7124696B 0000FF69 74652E6F FFFF1111"); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("----------------------------------------"); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Failsafe initiated..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Restarting BitNode-" + currentNodeNumber + "..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("..........."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("..........."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("[ERROR] FAILED TO AUTOMATICALLY REBOOT BITNODE"); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("..............................................") }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("..............................................") }).then(function() { return loadBitVerse(currentNodeNumber, flume); }).catch(function(e){ console.log("ERROR: " + e.toString()); }); } //The bitNode name passed in will have a hyphen between number (e.g. BitNode-1) //This needs to be removed function giveSourceFile(bitNodeNumber) { var sourceFileKey = "SourceFile"+ bitNodeNumber.toString(); var sourceFile = SourceFiles[sourceFileKey]; if (sourceFile == null) { console.log("ERROR: could not find source file for Bit node: " + bitNodeNumber); return; } //Check if player already has this source file var alreadyOwned = false; var ownedSourceFile = null; for (var i = 0; i < Player.sourceFiles.length; ++i) { if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === bitNodeNumber) { alreadyOwned = true; ownedSourceFile = Player.sourceFiles[i]; break; } } if (alreadyOwned && ownedSourceFile) { if (ownedSourceFile.lvl >= 3 && ownedSourceFile.n !== 12) { dialogBoxCreate("The Source-File for the BitNode you just destroyed, " + + ", " + "is already at max level!"); } else { ++ownedSourceFile.lvl; dialogBoxCreate( + " was upgraded to level " + ownedSourceFile.lvl + " for " + "destroying its corresponding BitNode!"); } } else { var playerSrcFile = new PlayerOwnedSourceFile(bitNodeNumber, 1); Player.sourceFiles.push(playerSrcFile); if (bitNodeNumber === 5) { //Artificial Intelligence Player.intelligence = 1; } dialogBoxCreate("You received a Source-File for destroying a Bit Node!

" + + "

" +; } } function loadBitVerse(destroyedBitNodeNum, flume=false) { //Clear the screen var container = document.getElementById("red-pill-content"); removeChildrenFromElement(container); //Create the Bit Verse var bitVerseImage = document.createElement("pre"); var bitNodes = []; for (var i = 1; i <= 12; ++i) { bitNodes.push(createBitNode(i)); } bitVerseImage.innerHTML = " O
" + " | O O | O O |
" + " O | | / __| \\ | | O
" + " O | O | | O / | O | | O | O
" + " | | | | |_/ |/ | \\_ \\_| | | | |
" + " O | | | O | | O__/ | / \\__ | | O | | | O
" + " | | | | | | | / /| O / \\| | | | | | |
" + "O | | | \\| | O / _/ | / O | |/ | | | O
" + "| | | |O / | | O / | O O | | \\ O| | | |
" + "| | |/ \\/ / __| | |/ \\ | \\ | |__ \\ \\/ \\| | |
" + " \\| O | |_/ |\\| \\ O \\__| \\_| | O |/
" + " | | |_/ | | \\| / | \\_| | |
" + " \\| / \\| | / / \\ |/
" + " | "+bitNodes[9]+" | | / | "+bitNodes[10]+" |
" + " "+bitNodes[8]+" | | | | | | | "+bitNodes[11]+"
" + " | | | / / \\ \\ | | |
" + " \\| | / "+bitNodes[6]+" / \\ "+bitNodes[7]+" \\ | |/
" + " \\ | / / | | \\ \\ | /
" + " \\ \\JUMP "+bitNodes[4]+"3R | | | | | | R3"+bitNodes[5]+" PMUJ/ /
" + " \\|| | | | | | | | | ||/
" + " \\| \\_ | | | | | | _/ |/
" + " \\ \\| / \\ / \\ |/ /
" + " "+bitNodes[0]+" |/ "+bitNodes[1]+" | | "+bitNodes[2]+" \\| "+bitNodes[3]+"
" + " | | | | | | | |
" + " \\JUMP3R|JUMP|3R| |R3|PMUJ|R3PMUJ/

"; /* " O
" + " | O O | O O |
" + " O | | / __| \ | | O
" + " O | O | | O / | O | | O | O
" + " | | | | |_/ |/ | \_ \_| | | | |
" + " O | | | O | | O__/ | / \__ | | O | | | O
" + " | | | | | | | / /| O / \| | | | | | |
" + "O | | | \| | O / _/ | / O | |/ | | | O
" + "| | | |O / | | O / | O O | | \ O| | | |
" + "| | |/ \/ / __| | |/ \ | \ | |__ \ \/ \| | |
" + " \| O | |_/ |\| \ O \__| \_| | O |/
" + " | | |_/ | | \| / | \_| | |
" + " \| / \| | / / \ |/
" + " | O | | / | O |
" + " O | | | | | | | O
" + " | | | / / \ \ | | |
" + " \| | / O / \ O \ | |/
" + " \ | / / | | \ \ | /
" + " \ \JUMP O3R | | | | | | R3O PMUJ/ /
" + " \|| | | | | | | | | ||/
" + " \| \_ | | | | | | _/ |/
" + " \ \| / \ / \ |/ /
" + " O |/ O | | O \| O
" + " | | | | | | | |
"; */ container.appendChild(bitVerseImage); //Bit node event listeners for (var i = 1; i <= 12; ++i) { (function(i) { var elemId = "bitnode-" + i.toString(); var elem = clearEventListeners(elemId); if (elem == null) {return;} if (i === 1 || i === 2 || i === 3 || i === 4 || i === 5 || i === 6 || i === 7 || i === 8 || i === 10 || i === 11 || i === 12) { elem.addEventListener("click", function() { var bitNodeKey = "BitNode" + i; var bitNode = BitNodes[bitNodeKey]; if (bitNode == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find BitNode object for number: " + i); return; } yesNoBoxCreate("BitNode-" + i + ": " + + "

" +; createBitNodeYesNoEventListeners(i, destroyedBitNodeNum, flume); }); } else { elem.addEventListener("click", function() { dialogBoxCreate("Not yet implemented! Coming soon!") }); } }(i)); //Immediate invocation closure } //Create lore text return writeRedPillLine("Many decades ago, a humanoid extraterrestial species which we call the Enders descended on the Earth...violently").then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Our species fought back, but it was futile. The Enders had technology far beyond our own..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Instead of killing every last one of us, the human race was enslaved..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("We were shackled in a digital world, chained into a prison for our minds..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Using their advanced technology, the Enders created complex simulations of a virtual reality..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Simulations designed to keep us content...ignorant of the truth."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Simulations used to trap and suppress our consciousness, to keep us under control..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Why did they do this? Why didn't they just end our entire race? We don't know, not yet."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Humanity's only hope is to destroy these simulations, destroy the only realities we've ever known..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Only then can we begin to fight back..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("By hacking the daemon that generated your reality, you've just destroyed one simulation, called a BitNode..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("But there is still a long way to go..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("The technology the Enders used to enslave the human race wasn't just a single complex simulation..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("There are tens if not hundreds of BitNodes out there..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Each with their own simulations of a reality..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Each creating their own universes...a universe of universes"); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("And all of which must be destroyed..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("......................................."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("Welcome to the Bitverse..."); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine(" "); }).then(function() { return writeRedPillLine("(Enter a new BitNode using the image above)"); }).then(function() { return Promise.resolve(true); }).catch(function(e){ console.log("ERROR: " + e.toString()); }); } //Returns string with DOM element for Bit Node function createBitNode(n) { var bitNodeStr = "BitNode" + n.toString(); var bitNode = BitNodes[bitNodeStr]; if (bitNode == null) {return "O";} return "O" + "" + "BitNode-" + bitNode.number.toString() + "
" + "

" + bitNode.desc + "
" + "
"; } function createBitNodeYesNoEventListeners(newBitNode, destroyedBitNode, flume=false) { var yesBtn = yesNoBoxGetYesButton(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Enter BitNode-" + newBitNode; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { if (!flume) { giveSourceFile(destroyedBitNode); } else { //If player used flume, subtract 5 int exp. The prestigeSourceFile() //function below grants 5 int exp, so this allows sets net gain to 0 Player.gainIntelligenceExp(-5); } redPillFlag = false; var container = document.getElementById("red-pill-content"); removeChildrenFromElement(container); //Set new Bit Node Player.bitNodeN = newBitNode; console.log("Entering Bit Node " + Player.bitNodeN); //Reenable terminal $("#hack-progress-bar").attr('id', "old-hack-progress-bar"); $("#hack-progress").attr('id', "old-hack-progress"); document.getElementById("terminal-input-td").innerHTML = '$ '; $('input[class=terminal-input]').prop('disabled', false); Terminal.hackFlag = false; prestigeSourceFile(); yesNoBoxClose(); }); var noBtn = yesNoBoxGetNoButton(); noBtn.innerHTML = "Back"; noBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { yesNoBoxClose(); }); } export {redPillFlag, hackWorldDaemon};