import React from "react"; interface IOperation { desc: JSX.Element; } export const Operations: { [key: string]: IOperation | undefined; } = { Investigation: { desc: ( <> As a field agent, investigate and identify Synthoid populations, movements, and operations.

Successful Investigation ops will increase the accuracy of your synthoid data.

You will NOT lose HP from failed Investigation ops. ), }, "Undercover Operation": { desc: ( <> Conduct undercover operations to identify hidden and underground Synthoid communities and organizations.

Successful Undercover ops will increase the accuracy of your synthoid data. ), }, "Sting Operation": { desc: <>Conduct a sting operation to bait and capture particularly notorious Synthoid criminals., }, Raid: { desc: ( <> Lead an assault on a known Synthoid community. Note that there must be an existing Synthoid community in your current city in order for this Operation to be successful. ), }, "Stealth Retirement Operation": { desc: ( <> Lead a covert operation to retire Synthoids. The objective is to complete the task without drawing any attention. Stealth and discretion are key. ), }, Assassination: { desc: ( <> Assassinate Synthoids that have been identified as important, high-profile social and political leaders in the Synthoid communities. ), }, };